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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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The hook they'll hang this on (if they do it the way I describe above) is that she DIDN'T admit it, she just got flustered and ran away.  Which is kind of what we saw happen--it's just that Cat isn't supposed to be an idiot, so it's going to take Hank impersonating SG to pull this off (and then it becomes a lame comic book cliche in action).


That's just it.  Cat ISN'T an idiot.  The fact that Kara didn't continue to deny it and actually took her glasses off at Cat's request would be taken by Cat (and anyone else) as a tacit admission that she was right about Kara being Supergirl.  Cat even clearly recognized that the call Kara had to take involved some sort of emergency that only Supergirl could handle.  It's going to be pretty hard to deal with that reality.  And as I said, trying to negate Kara's implicit admission makes that entire scene pointless.  Why go to the trouble of having Cat figure it all out (and having Kara implicitly admit to the truth) if it's all going to be handwaved away by something as lame as trying to convince Cat that she IS an idiot for even suspecting that Kara is Supergirl, despite direct evidence from Kara herself that she is?

Ugh I really really just want them to accept that Cat knows Kara is Supergirl.  I don't want any of this ridiculous nonsense about Kara trying to deny it, and I want even less to have Hank impersonate Supergirl or Kara so that Cat can see the two of them together.


I really hope this is entirely settled by the end of the next episode.

That's just it.  Cat ISN'T an idiot.  The fact that Kara didn't continue to deny it and actually took her glasses off at Cat's request would be taken by Cat (and anyone else) as a tacit admission that she was right about Kara being Supergirl.  Cat even clearly recognized that the call Kara had to take involved some sort of emergency that only Supergirl could handle.  It's going to be pretty hard to deal with that reality.  And as I said, trying to negate Kara's implicit admission makes that entire scene pointless.  Why go to the trouble of having Cat figure it all out (and having Kara implicitly admit to the truth) if it's all going to be handwaved away by something as lame as trying to convince Cat that she IS an idiot for even suspecting that Kara is Supergirl, despite direct evidence from Kara herself that she is?

Yes, but you are prejudging what will happen before we know exactly what will. IF it goes the route we feel then yes, it makes that scene pointless. But as much as I now think Hank is going to be used as Kara's magic fix (because it's just a BIT too convenient having a shapechanger as an ally, and a situation where she has to "save" him--giving an obviously opening for her to discover his secret), I have to admit it's only likely, not undeniably what's going to happen.  So I think that "scene is pointless" stuff is something you'll have full weight to complain about once we know it actually pans out how we think it will. Or just add "probably" for now.  Because yes... that's probably how it will go down. So it will probably make the other scene pointless.




Actually the one way I could see flipping this cliche on it's ear would be for Kara to think she's fooled Cat and then for Cat to telegraph to us in some scene Kara isn't in (writing or dictating something maybe) that she wasn't actually fooled. But that only works if we get that reveal immediately after (as opposed to episodes later).

Edited by Kromm

Episode 10 (Jan. 18) synopsis has been released:




“Childish Things” – Kara does her best to support Winn when his father, the supervillain Toyman, breaks out of prison and seeks out his son for unknown reasons.  Also, Cat offers Lucy a job at CatCo and Alex asks Hank to use his powers to help uncover Maxwell Lord’s plans, on SUPERGIRL, Monday, Jan. 18 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Henry Czerny guest stars as Winslow Schott, Sr., aka Toyman.
Edited by MarkHB
Because I shouldn't propagate CBS's spelling mistakes

It's spelled Henry Czerny (making him of Polish descent rather than Hungarian).  He played Conrad Grayson on Revenge but I think he does his best work with conflicted, damaged characters.  I hope he'll be fun with watch as Toyman.  (I was disappointed that Colm Feore (Dr. Francis Dulmacher) was wasted on Gotham.)


Emma Caulfield is also on that episode as Saffron Bell.

Edited by statsgirl
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It's spelled Henry Czerny (making him of Polish descent rather than Hungarian).  He played Conrad Grayson on Revenge but I think he does his best work with conflicted, damaged characters.  I hope he'll be fun with watch as Toyman.  (I was disappointed that Colm Feore (Dr. Francis Dulmacher) was wasted on Gotham.)


Emma Caulfield is also on that episode as Saffron Bell.


Thanks for the correction; it was a direct copy-and-paste from the CBS press release (which has since been corrected).

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So new promo;

Glad that Kara finds out sooner rather than later about MM.

Is that JimmyJames getting beat up by Max Lord?? No!


I hope they don't chicken out of Cat knowing Kara's secret identity. Why even introduce that and then take it away? Especially when I'm fairly certain that they will eventually let her in on the secret permanently anyway. (Second season?)


I would have preferred Cat being kept out of the loop a little longer (until the end of this season, maybe), but if they have her figure out the secret, they should just go with it.

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This article has spoilers for episodes 13 - 15.  For 1x13

 it's a time "where Kara is feeling very lost and feeling very alone and very detaching from the people in her life."

Is the relationship with Adam not working out then? That was fast.  I wonder what happens to make her feel detached from Alex though.

Edited by statsgirl

More on Bizarro:

“Cat coins her Bizarro, which is very appropriate,” Supergirl EP Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “As she says, I can name Supergirl, I can name her enemies. The biggest thing about it that was a surprise for us as we constructed the character and the arc was how sad Bizzaro is. In a way, we sort of think about her like Frankenstein[’s monster]. She’s a monster, but she has a pure child’s heart. Ironically, in the episode, while everyone else is saying, ‘We have to figure out a way to destroy her,’ Kara is the only one saying, ‘No, no, no, we have to save her.’ That makes the episode so emblematic of what’s so special about Kara. She’s looking to save everybody, even if they’re the bad guy.”


Cat, who works in the media, naming the villains/etc. makes way more sense than Cisco always naming the villains on The Flash (though I don't mind it most of the time).

Supergirl Casts Two New Characters: Indigo, Master Jailer


In an effort to complete their "set" of ex-Supergirls, Laura Vandervoort has been cast as a previously underutilized DC character named Indigo. 


Also soon appearing will be Master Jailer, played by Jeff Branson.


Of course we already know Silver Banshee is coming.  


Italia Ricci Cast As The Silver Banshee On Supergirl

Wow, "For The Man Who Has Everything"  by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons is one of THE great Superman stories and the Justice League animated series already did a good job adapting it. I wonder how same and how different the Supergirl version is going to be? Is Mongul going to show up? Is J'onn going to be the Batman stand-in and Alex, Wonder Woman?

One way they can adapt it consistent with what is on deck is to have the Master Jailer use the Black Mercy (or its equivalent) on Supergirl. Supergirl hasn't been around long enough to develop the sort of hatred that Mongul has for Superman. But it make sense as part of the "perfect prison," since it would be a rare person who gives up their heart's desire to leave it.


If Mongul or another super-powered person is behind the Black Mercy, it would make sense that J'onn has the Wonder Woman role and Alex the Batman one, since J'onn is capable of holding his own against Mongul, while Alex is better equipped to make the heartfelt plea that what Kara is experiencing is not real.


I'm guessing that the Supergirl version will try to shoehorn at least some of the regular actors into Kryptonian roles.

One way they can adapt it consistent with what is on deck is to have the Master Jailer use the Black Mercy (or its equivalent) on Supergirl. 

If Mongul or another super-powered person is behind the Black Mercy, it would make sense that J'onn has the Wonder Woman role and Alex the Batman one, since J'onn is capable of holding his own against Mongul, while Alex is better equipped to make the heartfelt plea that what Kara is experiencing is not real.


Very true.  If I remember correctly, it was Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin who confronted Mongul, who rather condescendingly observed that there were certain gender and age protocols that were undoubtedly observed by humans, and then asked them which of them it would therefore be the most polite of him to kill first.  As the most powerful of the three heroes, Wonder Woman said nothing, but simply hauled off and belted him, whereupon he grabbed her, dragged her off to another room, and proceeded to wipe up the floor with her.


Alex would never leave the DEO alive if she were given the Wonder Woman role.

Wow, "For The Man Who Has Everything" by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons is one of THE great Superman stories and the Justice League animated series already did a good job adapting it. I wonder how same and how different the Supergirl version is going to be? Is Mongul going to show up? Is J'onn going to be the Batman stand-in and Alex, Wonder Woman?

I'd rather see Alex in the role of Batman just so we can see her mind and desires. Compared to Kara, I feel like Alex isn't as developed as she should be as the main character's sister and the third most prominent female on the show. Tha said, I think you're right that Alex will have the Wonder Woman role. It's too bad because I've always been curious what Wonder Woman's desire would be. Is it seeing man's world at peace and seeing the Amazons join them? Or is it her returning back to Themyscira or is it settling down with Steve Trevor?

We just may get a chance to see just how fast Supergirl is after all -- the Flash is coming!  http://tvline.com/2016/02/03/flash-supergirl-crossover-episode-date-spoilers/


Comic book fans are living in a fucking golden age right now.  MCU, DCEU, Flarrowverse.  We're going to see Infinity Wars and the Justice League on screen!  I'm so fucking excited.


And the Flash is way faster than Supergirl, or Superman.

Comic book fans are living in a fucking golden age right now.  MCU, DCEU, Flarrowverse.  We're going to see Infinity Wars and the Justice League on screen!  I'm so fucking excited.


And the Flash is way faster than Supergirl, or Superman.


It just occurred to me: this is going to be on March 28... the Monday after Batman v Superman's premiere weekend (and also just after the Sweet 16/ Elite 8 weekend of March Madness).

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Comic book fans are living in a fucking golden age right now.  MCU, DCEU, Flarrowverse.  We're going to see Infinity Wars and the Justice League on screen!  I'm so fucking excited.


And the Flash is way faster than Supergirl, or Superman.

TV's current Flash has been trying to get faster, but the fastest I think he's been documented to go is Mach 2 in the S1 finale.


Supergirl was shown to fly up to Mach 2. So it's not necessarily the case that she is that much slower than Flash, at least at the present juncture.


Which also raises a question: Will the Barry we see in Supergirl be the Barry from S2 of the Flash, or will it be a future Barry to allow for a) the existence of Superman and b) the 12 years that Kara was on Earth?


TV's current Flash has been trying to get faster, but the fastest I think he's been documented to go is Mach 2 in the S1 finale.


Supergirl was shown to fly up to Mach 2. So it's not necessarily the case that she is that much slower than Flash, at least at the present juncture.


Which also raises a question: Will the Barry we see in Supergirl be the Barry from S2 of the Flash, or will it be a future Barry to allow for a) the existence of Superman and b) the 12 years that Kara was on Earth?

Barry still runs around Mach 2 (1500 mph) but whenever he's really pushing and tries to go faster he time travels instead (speed force!).


Barry might not be much faster than Supergirl but he can still do things she can't like phase through materials, toss lightning, etc. 


It's probably easiest if the CW universe and CBS universe are multiverses and ignore the whole continuity headache that would result from trying to merge them into the same universe, even if they are taking place int different periods.

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In Flash, S2 they've been alluding to him getting faster in order to confront Zoom, but I don't think they've quantified it. 


My main point was that he does not yet possess the Ludicrous Speed of the comic-book Flash.


Trini, it may be that CW Flash travels to CBS Supergirl's world and so we have Worlds Finest. Or it could be a pure typo. 

I figured; so it probably confirms that the two shows are in two different worlds, which is the best way to go, anyway.


But too bad Batman/Gotham mentions are still off-limits (apparently...) for either show; then they could have used that title more appropriately.


They aren't as off limits as they used to be - Rip Hunter got to use the line "I've seen Men of Steel fall and Dark Knights die..." on Legends of Tomorrow last week. And Oliver just dubbed Felicity "Overwatch" or Arrow after saying "Oracle was taken."  So they are definitely loosening the grips a bit.


For what it's worth - New 52 World's Finest is a comic series of Powergirl (Kara) and Huntress (Helena Wayne) from Earth 2 while they are on Earth 1. http://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Finest-Vol-Daughters-Earth/dp/1401238343

Edited by nksarmi

Indigo (who I don't recall from my comics-buying days) apparently has ties to Brainiac, so there's a lot of potential there.  Plus, Laura said that she's actually on a recurring contract rather than an one-off.

I've started to think (and posted in the Speculation thread) about how committed Brainiac may or may not be to the Movie Universe. Because it's clear they intend on being done with the Kryptonians by the end of season 1, and Brainiac would be a logical progression for a Season 2 Big Bad.

CBS has released photos from Episode 14, and also this synopsis of Episode 15, titled "Solitude":


Kara travels to Superman’s Fortress of Solitude in hopes of learning how to defeat Indigo (Laura Vandervoort), a dangerous being who can transport via the Internet and who has a connection to Kara’s past. Also, James’s relationship with Lucy reaches a crossroads, on SUPERGIRL, Monday, Feb. 29 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.


Bonus: a couple of Episode 15 pics here!

Yeah, I gonna need a lot more info on this character, because I don't what to think.

That it looks a lot like the comics version?...


...but perhaps shouldn't (since not everything should be translated over directly)?

The outfit looks a bit cheap though, regardless of how we come down on the makeup.



The Smallville version wasn't great either.




And here's one of the many drawings (they vary) from the comics (a more modern one vs. an older drawing):





If I were doing this, I'd have gone for a more realistic look (more like a real person in real clothes I mean). I don't know what I would have done about the face though. How do you convey Banshee without it looking fake haunted house?

Edited by Kromm

That one from Smallville reminds me of Siouxie Sioux, from Siouxie and the Banshees.

Trini, we obviously don't know the details from this story, but in the comics it's a spirit-possession thing, maybe similar in some ways to Enchantress. I do know from the Lexi Alexander interview that we won't see the Banshee come out in this week's episode.

I'm surprised they went with that color scheme for Indigo. Even though they're very different characters, they knew she'd be compared to Marvel's Mystique, right?


To be fair, it's a set photo. With different lighting, some filtering, and a bit of CGI, it'll probably look different on TV. (I don't think it looks all that bad, really. Definitely could be worse. *cough*Smallville*cough*)

BTW, I didn't mean that she looks 'bad', necessarily. Is it supposed to look like halloween face paint? I'm just not familiar with the character.

I've been hearing Mystique since the first image came out (in the background of a Mehcad Brooks Instagram).  There's a pic of the comics character here; most of the other comics pics online appear to make her green, but I don't know if she was initially just "Brainiac 8" and then evolved into Indigo (who was apparently that color Lantern) or what.


At any rate, the only similarities to Mystique in my mind are "hot blue chick."  But I'm also seeing protests that "the R-rated Director's Cut BluRay of Batman v Superman would never have existed if it weren't for the awesomeness of Deadpool," so in the end the Internet will think what it wants.

I guess all evil Kryptonians like to dress the same?  A "Kara unleashed" episode was inevitable, especially since she's carrying around a lot of anger underneath her usual pleasant demeanor.  She can actually construct a legitimate beef with everyone in her life (Alex is the jealous older sister who held her back, Jimmy is a wimp who's stringing her and Lucy along, Hank "killed" Astra, Winn tried to make her the bad one for rejecting his feelings, Cat treats her like dirt most of the time) if she wants to.  Oh, and she has a cousin who cannot be bothered to help train her.

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Looking at this picture, I'm amazed how much different MB looks in different clothes and make-up. In a way, she's really suited to playing a character with a few identities - she definitely has the looks (and the chops) for that.


Jimmy is a wimp who's stringing her and Lucy along,


Well, this one seems to be pretty much text, at least to me...

90s Superman returns the same week that Batman v Superman opens.
Episode 1.17:



- J'onn J'onzz reveals the details of meeting Kara and Alex's father, Dr. Jeremiah Danvers (Dean Cain), and assuming Hank Henshaw's identity. Also, Kara debates trusting someone new with her secret identity and Siobhan (Italia Ricci) plots against Kara.


Yay, Dean Cain!

I recognized the name 'Mackenzie Brooke Smith' in the guest cast; I know her from The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

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