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She's Superman's Cousin!: And Other Supergirl Spoilers

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17 minutes ago, doram said:

TVD declined before Delena, yes, but after S3, it fell off the cliff and the show went from being critically rated to a punchline. As for Arrow, if by 'steady' you mean a slower-than-average decline, then yes.  

I think quality wise it started dropping after s2 and the ratings reflected that. Delena was probably one of the reasons it lasted as long as it did, otherwise it would be canceled around s4 or s5. Social buzz matters A LOT in this age, especially for The CW. Ditto for Olicity. I personally don't give a damn about either couple, but it's pretty obvious the network cares about such stuff. They even tried inserting a sorta-Felicity on The Flash (which didn't work for many reasons). And if the spoilers are correct, they probably will back down on James/Kara, like it or not (or at least try to fix it before backing down). There will be at least one other attempt at creating a buzz-y romance for the lead female character.

Edited by FurryFury

Delena was probably one of the reasons it lasted as long as it did, otherwise it would be canceled around s4 or s5. Social buzz matters A LOT in this age, especially for The CW. Ditto for Olicity. 

 TVD was one of the powerhouses of CW it was never going to be cancelled that early. The strong mythology and good casting is what has carried it for so long, despite the Delena mess. The show is actually getting  cut short due to its pandering and mismanagement IMO, TVD had the same strong ratings as Supernatural and Smallville to reach 10 years!. Gonna agree to disagree on this.

I understand that online buzz matter now more than ever,  but it has it dark side and negative effects. And its not the only thing they care about, they care about Awards, Ratings, DVD Sales, International sales, Syndication etc. So no, the fate of Supergirl does NOT rest on James/Kara being an online Juggernaut. Likewise the fate of James/Kara is not entirely decided nor dictacted by their online presence. 


They even tried inserting a sorta-Felicity on The Flash (which didn't work for many reasons).And if the spoilers are correct, they probably will back down on James/Kara, like it or not (or at least try to fix it before backing down). There will be at least one other attempt at creating a buzz-y romance for the lead female character.

Well like it or not, James/Kara is the chosen OTP of this show so far and going into this season. There is no evidence that CW has a problem with this couple or whatever expectations you assume they have,  no the two are shown being in a supportive relationship and are happy, in the latest promo. Only time will tell what CW thinks of the  couple and how they will deal with them going foward. 

Maybe The Flash wanted a Felicity like with the Patty character, but it doesnt mean they were trying to replace Iris with her. Or that they had a problem with Barry/Iris. Some shows put their narrative first before the need of online buzz, not every show is Arrow. Love interests will come obviously but the initial intend is usually to stall the main couple. 

Edited by DCLeague
  • Love 1

No ship is without its haters, some more than other especially when they are Interracial Relationships.

Im not implying anything about you Furyfury and I respect you dont ship them but you cannot turn a blind eye on how this will look if the network (CW) gives up Kara/James without as so much give them a shot. James is a good man, he is respectful and supportive of Kara, . They are starting the season healthy and happy, there is no reason why the CW should be looking for a replacement right now, again optics.

Edited by DCLeague

Well, by racist standards, the 'optics' of James/Kara as a romantic pair is the problem so sadly, that thinking is usually the reason why interracial couples are rarely long-lasting on these shows.

I wouldnt assume everyone hates an IR ship due to racist reasons, but generally yes they get a lot a lot of opposition due to racism. I think networks nowadays are getting tougher and allowing IR relationship to prosper, despite the opposition they get. So Im not that worried about James/Kara. IR are more the norm than ever on TV and some are allowed to prosper in the shows.

Here is some of them: http://screenrant.com/best-interracial-couples-broke-stereotypes-2015/?view=all



And TheCW isn't a particularly inspiring network for inter-racial romances or even decent portrayals of PoCs in general. So I actually don't have a lot of hope for James/Kara on this show.

Well CW has hold on to Iris/Barry and have been very supportive of the ship so far, so I kind of trust them right now with Kara/James. I think they have more of a chance on the CW than they did on CBS. Not only as an IR ship but as a ship, CBS tend to be ruthless with romances. 

Edited by DCLeague
  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, doram said:

Yes, unfortunately a lot of people seem to go out of their way to anti-ship interracial couples. It's nothing new or particularly ground-breaking. 

And here we go again... FYI, I hated Laurel/Oliver just as much. And many, many other "forced" couples which weren't interesting by themselves. I just hate it when shows do that. 

  • Love 1

Usually, like in this instance, it's not so much people not shipping James/Kara because they imagine Kara with someone else they prefer - anti-shipping James/Kara because they would prefer the white person in the pairing with someone else (whiter)... anyone else but the PoC in the ship.

I don't ship Kara/James nor do I ship her with anyone else and I certainly don't feel I have issues with interracial ships. Sometimes a ship just isn't that amazing - Oliver/Laurel are an example of that as quoted. I think it's incredibly offensive to imply that posters could have an issue with a POC just because they don't agree with a shipping preference.

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, doram said:

I think when fandom/networks have shown consistent vitriol towards interracial ship over the years, then it's moved past the point of wondering whether race has anything to do with it or not. Usually, like in this instance, it's not so much people not shipping James/Kara because they imagine Kara with someone else they prefer - anti-shipping James/Kara because they would prefer the white person in the pairing with someone else (whiter)... anyone else but the PoC in the ship. (With a side dish, of wanting the PoC character off the show, too). I'd give Kara/Winn shippers the benefit of the doubt - Winn's been around since the start of season 1, and the fans apparently see something in this ship. But anti-shipping Kara/James because you're already shipping Kara/UnknownCharacterPlayedByWhiteActor before season 2 has even started...? 

I don't get what you're saying. I "anti-ship" Kara and James, the same way I "anti-ship" Kara and Winn. I just don't like her with either of those characters. There doesn't necessarily have to be another character that I do want to see her with. She doesn't have to be in a relationship at all. Maybe I would just rather her be single, in the absence of any other character that I feel she has chemistry with. Why is it not valid to "anti-ship" an interracial couple unless it's because you'd prefer one of them to be with another POC?

I've made no secret that I wouldn't care if Winn was off the show, in addition to strongly not wanting him and Kara together - so that's only an issue if he wasn't white? His race has nothing to do with it; the way he (IMO) didn't fit into the show at all is much more important.

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Trini said:

Stephen Amell (Arrow) posted this:

Supergirl meets Green Arrow in the crossover -- which show this is is unclear, though.

The presence of daylight argues against it being on Arrow. Is Arrow even allowed to film during daylight hours?

Side-bar: I hadn't been following Arrow spoilers all that closely, but its nice to see he finally found his sleeves after they went missing all last season.

  • Love 1

Synopsis for the second episode:


IAN GOMEZ STARS AS SNAPPER CARR — CADMUS attacks National City with a kryptonite powered villain who ends up seriously hurting Supergirl (Melissa Benoist). Superman (guest star Tyler Hoechlin) blames Hank (David Harewood) because the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. Meanwhile, Kara’s first day at her new job doesn’t go as planned after she meets her new boss, Snapper Carr (guest star Ian Gomez). Glen Winter directed the episode written by Robert Rovner & Caitlin Parrish (SG202).  Original airdate 10/17/2016.

Another review of the premiere. This one is from TvLine. They didn't seem to LOVE it as much as some others and gave it a solid B rating. 


A few negative opinions from their article:  

"Katie McGrath seems fine as Lena Luthor, though she is introduced via a snoozy bombing plot."

"Serving up an ongoing villainous threat, though, seems to remain the show's storytelling Kryptonite."

"Alas, a development on the romantic front for Kara seemed made of whole cloth, doing no characters any favors."

2 hours ago, Kendra said:

"Alas, a development on the romantic front for Kara seemed made of whole cloth, doing no characters any favors."

Heh, that’s certainly an opaque comment from TVline. But between that and that other spoiler that said that there was “a pretty surprising exchange between Kara and James”, I can think of two scenarios that would be outlandish and surprising enough (IMO) to merit such commentary by different reviewers.

1. The writers decide to immediately put the kibosh on Kara and James’ not-quite-yet-a-relationship (perhaps after they have the world’s most uninspiring and awkward first date, and one that we never actually have to witness on screen) where they realize, “hmmm…we’re better as just friends. Friends are good. Yay! Friends!”


2. The writers double down on Kara and James’ not-quite-yet-a-relationship and decide to skip the adorable, honeymoon phase of dating and instead Kara and James elope in Vegas. “The Hangover” styled flashbacks ensue over the course of the episode with a bonus scene of Ken Jeong reprising his character of Mr. Chow and asking everyone, “But did you die??”

Both scenarios would surprise me (one also has a lot of ROFL potential, IMHO), but I think one is more likely than the other.


Am I the only one who thinks the "surprising exchange" between Kara and James might be a break-up/cooling off of things between them? Given the way last season ended, any escalation of the relationship WOULDN'T be surprising.

No, you're not the only one. For whatever happens between Kara and James to qualify as a "surprising exchange" and "a development [...] made of whole cloth" IMO needs to be fairly outlandish and really unexpected. Kara and James moving forward with a fledgling relationship doesn't sound outlandish or surprising because that's exactly what the show was setting up at the end of the first season. The show taking a hard 180 from that course would be surprising (as would going whole hog, e.g., they skipped dating and just got married.)

Granted, this is all conjecture based on thin spoilers, so who knows what happens. It could also be that the "surprising exchange" is nothing but a silly plot point in the s2 premiere that caught the reviewers' attention but that in the end means nothing and Kara and James' romantic relationship does indeed move forward. Whatever it is, we'll all find out soon enough.

Edited by regularlyleaded
  • Love 1

Yeah, after that "whole cloth" comment, I'm thinking even more that the show somehow cools down Kara/James and sets up Kara/Mon-El. And then we get to suffer through ANOTHER love triangle for the whole season. Words on the Internet cannot adequately express my lack of enthusiasm if that is the case.

  • Love 2

Initially I thought they would start the season off with Kara and James going strong and happily dating. But after reading the last few reviews of the premiere episode, I'm beginning to change my mind and believe that the relationship is going to be dismissed rather quickly. 

IF that is what they are doing, now would seem like a good time. I strongly believe we are getting a completely new show in season 2. I'm going into the season 2 premiere as if I will be watching another pilot episode for the series. It seems like a "do-over" on a new network with lots of new characters, new settings, new occupations, and new relationships to focus on. 

Edited by Kendra
  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, Kendra said:

Initially I thought they would start the season off with Kara and James going strong and happily dating. But after reading the last few reviews of the premiere episode, I'm beginning to change my mind and believe that the relationship is going to be dismissed rather quickly. 

IF that is what they are doing, now would seem like a good time. I strongly believe we are getting a completely new show in season 2. I'm going into the season 2 premiere as if I will be watching another pilot episode for the series. It seems like a "do-over" on a new network with lots of new characters, new settings, new occupations, and new relationships to focus on. 

Actually I get the impression from reviews that Season 2, Episode 1 happens right on the heels of the last scene of Season 1. It basically continues the scene of her opening that pod and goes from there. So that said to me at least that they can't really do either--move the relationship right to the middle OR dismiss it too quickly. To me, that timeframe commits them to, at worst, using some kind of "lets talk about it later" status. 

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

Yeah, after that "whole cloth" comment, I'm thinking even more that the show somehow cools down Kara/James and sets up Kara/Mon-El. And then we get to suffer through ANOTHER love triangle for the whole season. Words on the Internet cannot adequately express my lack of enthusiasm if that is the case.

Well, you never know. Assuming they put a quick end to Kara/James, they may not do a love triangle at all. The writers may just go for a quick, clean break between Kara/James so they can try selling the audience on a different love interest for Kara, and hope that it garners a more enthusiastic response from the overall audience than Kara/James did. 

While it's hard to imagine show writers not indulging in a love triangle, I'm cautiously optimistic (or being a total fool believing it) that that's not what will happen here because they already did that in season 1 to a certain degree -- first Kara being jealous of Lucy and then James being jealous of Barry -- and the response was, IMO, tepid at best. I'm not sure what the writers think they would achieve by trying it again. Wouldn't it be the definition of insanity, doing the same thing again (and again) but expecting a different result? Of course, that's never stopped writers before, so....

32 minutes ago, Kromm said:

Actually I get the impression from reviews that Season 2, Episode 1 happens right on the heels of the last scene of Season 1. It basically continues the scene of her opening that pod and goes from there. So that said to me at least that they can't really do either--move the relationship right to the middle OR dismiss it too quickly.

Perhaps that's what the reviewers considered "a surprising exchange" and "made of whole cloth"? Instead of Kara and James leaving the question of their relationship as a point of discussion for later (and with everything going would be reasonable), the writers chose to address it quickly and definitively right in the first episode of the season. The result is that it seemed to come out of nowhere and felt like BS to one of the reviewers.

Review from SpoilerTV


Another mention of something "extremely sudden and unexpected" happening. 


On that note, this episode actually backtracks a bit and fills in a tiny blank from the final moments of the season finale, so there is no time jump between seasons. This short span of time will make one particular scene seem extremely sudden and unexpected, you’ll know the one I’m referencing when you see it. Some people will love it and some won’t, but I’m certain I won’t be the only one surprised by it. I feel like this is something that the change in networks dictated which is why the show had to rapidly come up with a way to undo something they did while they were on CBS. It should be interesting to see how this affects things moving forward.

@MarkHB linked to this review in the media thread--I'm mentioning it here because I find the lack of a single mention of James (or James and Kara) significant given the rest of our conversation in here. When asked about it (and specifically in the context of Kara/James), in the comments they said "That is a fair point, we were concerned about spoilers and there are a few with him in this episode right off the bat. In a non-spoiler way, we will say we liked his time with Clark but think there is a lot more in episode two." No mention of his relationship with Kara even in a comment. Put together with a lot of the other spoilers about unexpected developments in Kara's love life, I think it really IS either going to be that Kara and James break up or elope and we meet them as the new Mr. and Mrs.!

Edited by stealinghome
  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

@MarkHB linked to this review in the media thread--I'm mentioning it here because I find the lack of a single mention of James (or James and Kara) significant given the rest of our conversation in here. When asked about it (and specifically in the context of Kara/James), in the comments they said "That is a fair point, we were concerned about spoilers and there are a few with him in this episode right off the bat. In a non-spoiler way, we will say we liked his time with Clark but think there is a lot more in episode two." No mention of his relationship with Kara even in a comment. Put together with a lot of the other spoilers about unexpected developments in Kara's love life, I think it really IS either going to be that Kara and James break up or elope and we meet them as the new Mr. and Mrs.!

Oh please no.

  • Love 1
52 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

Put together with a lot of the other spoilers about unexpected developments in Kara's love life, I think it really IS either going to be that Kara and James break up or elope and we meet them as the new Mr. and Mrs.!

40 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Oh please no.

Hehe, I seriously doubt that they'll be eloping. But we have to be fair and acknowledge that them eloping would be considered surprising by many and therefore fits some of the spoilers. ;-)

But with that said, if I were in Vegas placing a bet, I’d put my money on a quick Kara/James break up (though they never really got started). This particular spoiler that @Kendra previously posted some ways upstream is what makes it a safe bet in my mind:

“Some of the other romantic threads are sort of dismissed away and I can’t say I’m going to miss them terribly. I would have celebrated the coupling, but if it was just going to be an extended “will they or won’t they” anyway, we don’t need that distraction. I want Kara to be happy and find love but I trust the writers to decide when that’s the most dramatically viable.”

Ya, I think they break-up. I agree with @Kendra that if that's what's going to happen, now is the best time just to get it over with quickly and move along. Rip the band-aid off, as it were.

  • Love 3

These are some comments on the SpoilerTV article from the person who wrote the review:

"As I said in the preview there really is no time jump at all. It actually picks up a few moments before the season finale ended."

"Nope, no time jump at all. Like I said they actually fill in a few things that happened in the moments leading up to the final shot of Season 1. They do jump ahead about 12 hours to the next morning after the opening scene, but that's the biggest time jump that happens."

Then there is this comment from SupergirlTV:

"That is a fair point, we were concerned about spoilers and there are a few with him in this episode right off the bat. In a non-spoiler way, we will say we liked his time with Clark but think there is a lot more in episode two."


Sounds to me like there might be a rewind to the scene where they are all in Kara's apartment, before they see the pod crashing. I'm wondering if we see Kara and James briefly address their kiss and feelings BEFORE she leaves to go get the pod?? Just a theory after reading her comments about when the episode starts. 

Edited by Kendra
1 minute ago, Kendra said:

These are some comments on the SpoilerTV article from the person who wrote the review:

"As I said in the preview there really is no time jump at all. It actually picks up a few moments before the season finale ended."

"Nope, no time jump at all. Like I said they actually fill in a few things that happened in the moments leading up to the final shot of Season 1. They do jump ahead about 12 hours to the next morning after the opening scene, but that's the biggest time jump that happens."


Sounds like there might be a rewind to the scene where they are all in Kara's apartment, before they see the pod crashing. I'm wondering if we see Kara and James briefly address their kiss and feelings BEFORE she leaves to go get the pod?? Just a theory after reading her comments about when the episode starts. 

People are likely making entirely too much of this and instead of a breakup it's going to be more of a "I'm not ready yet" kind of deal.  A stall.  

Entirely CW and entirely uncomplicated.

  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, Trini said:

Even if they dial back James/Kara, I doubt they will completely drop it. I don't necessarily need to see Kara in a relationship with anybody, I don't mind if they slowly work their way back to them being a couple.

Yeah, I don't think anyone is thinking that they're putting a permanent kibosh on Kara and James for all eternity. Just enough of a cooling down to where she and Mon-El can have a flirtation and Kara doesn't look bad.

About Supergirl's intro into the crossover from this interview with Greg Berlanti:


“It is kind of over four nights,” Berlanti said of the three-show crossover. “[Supergirl is] in a whole other universe so they have to go retrieve her.”

He added, “It’s also ‘Supergirl’s’ winter finale because the show is premiering a week later. So a bulk of the story in that episode is still paying off things that’s happening in the fall, and then she kisses into the larger story and she’s very much an active part of the crossovers across the three shows.”

So I'm assuming that Supergirl's 'crossover' episode will be a regular episode, and then in the last 2 minutes, Barry pops over and brings her back to his world.

I don't know if they'll change their minds in the second half of the season, but they seem to be committed to keeping the universes separate for now.

  • Love 1
On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 7:11 PM, Kromm said:

People are likely making entirely too much of this and instead of a breakup it's going to be more of a "I'm not ready yet" kind of deal.  A stall.  

Entirely CW and entirely uncomplicated.

Bingo, I think we have a winner!

On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 10:13 PM, Trini said:

Even if they dial back James/Kara, I doubt they will completely drop it. I don't necessarily need to see Kara in a relationship with anybody, I don't mind if they slowly work their way back to them being a couple.

I think they need the time apart for them as a couple to work. 

I was all for James first and in the first couple episodes they have this flirty energy but once Lucy showed up and he went back to her, I found any longing looks from him to Kara icky.  In general the love triangle did not do positive things for his character.  I found him wishy washy and weak for not only not breaking up with Lucy when he knew he had feelings for Kara but for trying to fix his relationship with Lucy by insisting Kara tell Lucy her secret.  They need time off from trying to date so that I can find James admirable again or lol, at least make Kara look as bad in whatever triangle they set up with her, Mon-El (doesn't the "El" make him a relative?) and her longing looks back at James. 

Triangles almost always suck, IMO>

On ‎10‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 1:01 AM, stealinghome said:

I totally get why they don't want to merge the different universes, but it's going to get really contrived/stale if every year, like clockwork, Kara "somehow" finds herself in Barry's world.

Eh, now that Barry knows how to get to her world, it doesn't seem all that hard for him to just go get her when he could use a hand.  And it's not just Barry.  He can run to other universes, but Cisco can open portals to them, and I bet the Waverider on LoT, which already deals with Space and Time, could easily add trips across the multi verse to it's playlist.  Plus, I bet Supergirl will find a way soon enough as well.  Once it becomes easy to connect, all they need is a reason why they would connect. 

8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

They need time off from trying to date so that I can find James admirable again or lol, at least make Kara look as bad in whatever triangle they set up with her, Mon-El (doesn't the "El" make him a relative?)

No, he's not related to Kara.  He's from Daxam, an entirely different planet.  In the comics, his real name is Lar Gand, but when he first arrived on Earth, he was suffering from amnesia, but because he arrived in a Kryptonian rocket that had been built by Jor-El (Superman's father) and had what appeared to be Kryptonian superpowers, it was mistakenly assumed that he was Kryptonian and related to the House of El.  "Mon-El" was the name Superboy gave him as a result of this false assumption:  "Mon" because they met on a Monday, and "El" because Superboy thought they were related.

Edited by legaleagle53
59 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

So maybe he won't go be that name in this version or maybe they still will, but with the knowledge that the surname is only honorary since now that I think about it, Kara would know if he was a close relative.  

Not necessarily.  As I said, Superboy (in the original comics) thought they were related at first based upon circumstantial evidence and only found out the truth after Mon-El had accidentally been exposed to lead, which is as fatal to Daxamites as green Kryptonite is to Kryptonians.  The lead poisoning restored Mon-El's memory, which is how Superboy learned Mon-El's true identity and origin.  So Kara wouldn't necessarily know right off the bat whether Mon-El was really related to her; she could assume based upon circumstantial evidence that he was one of her more distant cousins whom she had simply never met on Krypton.

Another review. Although, be warned when you read that they think VERY highly of Superman and including in this show. But this one had a few more spoilers. 


"The episode even includes a subplot in which Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart, shifting from a main to recurring character due to production changes) presents Kara with a life-changing professional opportunity that hinges on Kara’s self-identity and the future she seeks for herself."

 "Meanwhile, Kara and James (Mehcad Brooks) prepare for their first date, the culmination of an entire season of pining for one another"

Hmm, jumping right in full bore on a first date?  Sounds familiar. 

I now fully expect the date to bomb (perhaps literally) and for Kara to decide that she can't be in a relationship right now.  Maybe because it puts James at risk hence making a relationship with Mon-El the indestructible not out of the question?  Now I'm just hoping nobody is murdered right before the end credits.

These guys have a "funny" habit of copying their own shows. 

I'm hoping I'm wrong and that they'd even maybe instead try to do exactly the opposite of what happened at the start of season three of Arrow.  It would still be them borrowing from their earlier work but a bit more creatively. 

Instead of a literal bomb, I'd like it to just be a metaphorical one.

Honestly, I think the most plausible hang-up would be that all Kara and James really have in common is Supergirl and/or work (ex. James likes sporting events, Kara likes to binge-watch genre television). Kara is looking at a relationship specifically in terms of having a life outside of Supergirl and/or work so not having anything to talk about in common that isn't Supergirl or work-related would be a fairly realistic damper on things.

13 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Instead of a literal bomb, I'd like it to just be a metaphorical one.

Honestly, I think the most plausible hang-up would be that all Kara and James really have in common is Supergirl and/or work (ex. James likes sporting events, Kara likes to binge-watch genre television). Kara is looking at a relationship specifically in terms of having a life outside of Supergirl and/or work so not having anything to talk about in common that isn't Supergirl or work-related would be a fairly realistic damper on things.

Yeah, but that kind of bomb would take dating in the future off the table and I'd be surprised if they did that.  Some kind of ship stall, sure, but imploding any reason to back the ship?  Seems too final a move for the show runners to make (where the actors have all been hired back for the season)

Episode 3 description:


"Welcome to Earth"


An attack is made on the President (guest star Lynda Carter) as hot-button, alien vs. human rights issues heat up in National City. Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and the DEO are assigned to protect the President and bring in the responsible party. Alex (Chyler Leigh) teams up with Detective Maggie Sawyer (Floriana Lima) to investigate the case while Kara searches for a recently escaped Mon-El (Chris Wood), who she fears may be the alien behind the assault.

Rachel Talalay directed the episode written by Jessica Queller and Derek Simon (#203). Original airdate 10/24/2016.

  • Love 1

No, he's not related to Kara.  He's from Daxam, an entirely different planet.  In the comics, his real name is Lar Gand, but when he first arrived on Earth, he was suffering from amnesia, but because he arrived in a Kryptonian rocket that had been built by Jor-El (Superman's father) and had what appeared to be Kryptonian superpowers, it was mistakenly assumed that he was Kryptonian and related to the House of El.  "Mon-El" was the name Superboy gave him as a result of this false assumption:  "Mon" because they met on a Monday, and "El" because Superboy thought they were related.

Doesnt matter really, its still gonna sound incestuous if they go for a romance with this guy and Kara. He has the same name as her cousin, he is pretty much an unofficial adopted member of the House of El. No thanks, I  only want to see a sibling relationship between the two. I hope CW has the sense to play a family dynamic. 

Edited by DCLeague

I definitely don't see the network putting a stop to a Kara/Mon-El romance.  This is a network of ship-stalls, love triangles, and lead characters sexing up siblings.  


he is pretty much an unofficial adopted member of the House of El

Change "House of El" to "West Family" in the above quote, and you've just described the lead character in the CW's top rated show.  The network seems to have no issues with a Barry/Iris romance, so I don't see them interfering here, either.  Tbh, part of the reason this character was even brought in was probably specifically for ship-stall or replacement love interest purposes.  It's how the CW rolls.         

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
  • Love 7

Barry and Iris aren't siblings.

Never said they were.  Called him an "unofficial adopted member of the West Family."  Joe raised him as he would his own son, loves him as he does his own children (more actually, IMO, sadly), and I think he even calls him "son."  Doesn't seem a stretch to say Barry is part of the West Family.  

Spoilers seem to indicate that they might be abruptly dropping the Kara/James relationship right as they cast a hot, age appropriate dude who is not a blood relative of Kara's, so yeah, I'm going with "love interest." 

  • Love 3

I totally think Mon-El will be a love interest. We're on a one-way ride to Trianglesville, I think!

I AM a little concerned about the Kara/Mon-El leg of the triangle if she is set up as his mentor. Part of what didn't work for me in Kara/James last season was the mixing of mentor and love interest, as I don't think the writers pulled that off well. Hopefully, IF Kara/Mon-El have some sort of flirtation, the writers handle the mentor aspect better than they did last season.

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