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Hart Of Dixie - General Discussion

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This was very much a moving the pieces around episode, basically getting all of the characters ready for the season finale. There were certainly a number of things about the episode I enjoyed - primarily, the return of Shelby, who I wish lived in Bluebell full-time, the way the Truitts say Joelle instead of Joel, and that extra who was walking soooooo slooooooowly into Fancy's as Brick and Shelby were exiting - but mostly it was extremely short on plot and that was kind of hard to overlook.


Additionally, as much as I like Barry Watson, his character has no personality; I can't even remember what his name is supposed to be. AB deserves someone a little more spunky than that guy.

More pieces moving around this episode.  I like seeing the chemistry again between Wade and Zoe.  Looks like he may be becoming a professional match for her.  Also, nice to see Zoe do some real doctoring.  I thought the lines about Wade being stronger than Zoe were kind of sexy in a trauma/drama kind of way.  I love how much Wade truly cares for his father.  I have always thought that the original plan was to have George and Zoe pair up but Wilson Bethel brought so much depth to his character that the powers couldn't miss the opportunity to feature him more.

I was very much distracted by Lemon's horrible lipstick.  And then I was distracted (and jealous) by Jaime King's skinny frame and non-existent hips even after giving birth.


I have more thoughts, but I watched this ep and the finale back to back and don't want to comment on something beyond this ep.


So I'll leave it with: I still love this stupid little silly show to death and am glad it was picked up for another season.


Zoe tries to be a supportive friend to Wade, but when she makes a grand gesture, Wade is forced to make a tough decision about his future with the Rammer Jammer and Bluebell.

This was a nice episode for Zoe, and it was lovely to see Wade on the receiving end of adoration and declarations of love and faith for once. Wilson Bethel did a nice job showing how amazing that must have felt for Wade who doesn't have a lot of experience in that area. I have high hopes for them for S4.


On the other hand, I was so bummed to see Lavon at the port. I loved Lemon/Lavon in Season 1, but once he started dating AB, I was all the way over it. AB is really the best woman in Bluebell and she deserves happiness, and now I'm sad that she's going to have to at least bear witness to this. Booo.


Hilarious that Cricket came out at the recommitment ceremony--I called it as soon as AB and Zoe had that little talk with her, but it was still a cute twist. Especially in the non-bigoted Utopia of Bluebell.

You nailed it.  I also felt for Joel.  I really like that actor but the writing of him being such a good sport while witness Zoe declare her love for Wade just didn't ring true.  Of course, Zoe should have expected that he would show up because his grandmother was getting married.  Would should have witness some hiccup conversations about that.  AB deserves someone who chooses her first.  The only thing left right now is for AB and Joel to get together.  They are certainly compatible on the niceness scale.  I can't imagine we would ever fell comfortable about Lavon going back to AB (after he is rejected once again by Lemon), we would know she was his second choice even if AB didn't. 


Yeah, I loved Wade's expression of happiness at the end.  Someone's going to finally chase me.  Honestly, I wouldn't wish Zoe on anyone but the chemistry between Wade and Zoe is too good to pass up.  Also, Wade is pretty accepting and forgiving so he probably won't bob up and down as others might when Zoe gets into her antics.


George and Lemon.  Zoe and Wade.  AB and Joel.  Lavon and Bluebell.  Rose and a great college education.

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The big mystery on this show is why everyone looks orange or some other strange shade of red/brown.  At times I thought they were standing under a sunlamp.


I didn't like Lavon showing up at the port either.  I wanted him to realize it was AB he wants.  But now it is too late.  I don't want AB to be the consolation prize since Lavon couldn't have Lemon (who he thinks is his tru luv).  AB needs to meet someone new. 


I do like the idea of Zoe having to chase Wade.  They have both grown up and this could be fun to watch.


Lemon and George belong together.

You nailed it.  I also felt for Joel.  I really like that actor but the writing of him being such a good sport while witness Zoe declare her love for Wade just didn't ring true.  Of course, Zoe should have expected that he would show up because his grandmother was getting married.  Would should have witness some hiccup conversations about that.  AB deserves someone who chooses her first.  The only thing left right now is for AB and Joel to get together.  They are certainly compatible on the niceness scale.  I can't imagine we would ever fell comfortable about Lavon going back to AB (after he is rejected once again by Lemon), we would know she was his second choice even if AB didn't. 


I LOVE the idea of AB and Joel, mostly because I love Joel and want him to stick around Bluebell, but also because I like AB and want her to be happy. Although I wonder if both of them being appropriately level-headed would make their relationship a bit of a bore?

I so wanted them to explore Lemon and Levon in the first season.   But it has been so long since either of them has expressed any interest in that direction and Levon and AB were so cute together.  I was gutted when Levon was at the boat, mostly because I don't know how I can root for AB/Levon again.  She deserves better.

I too loved Lemon and Lavon back in season one, but totally fell in love with AB and Lavon in seasons 2 and 3. That twist was definitely my least favorite part of the finale, because the thought of seeing AB hurt makes me so sad! Zoe and Wade were great, and I'm glad she is willing to put in the time to show him how she feels and really earn him.

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The big mystery on this show is why everyone looks orange or some other strange shade of red/brown.


The makeup and lighting on this show have been terrible for a while now. Rachel Bilson sometimes looks as if she has a mustache, and in this episode, it looked like they used butterscotch pudding as foundation for Jaime King. 

Edited by dubbel zout

The makeup has been horrific. Everyone does look super orange.


I'm disappointed in Lavon and I feel very bad for AB. I thought there was a chance L/L would get featured, but I didn't want it to after AB. Ugh.


Whatever happened to that one night stand news producer Lemon was with? She had a ton of chemistry with him. I'm a bit tired of the recycled Lemon ships. I believe that it would be better for her to be with someone brand new.


This season has been quite bad. I avoided a lot of episodes, and I've only been tuning it to some vague loyalty to the characters. The show can be fun and the last couple of eps have been alright. One of the reasons I still tuned in was for Wade. For me, Wilson Bethel has been the breakout star of this show. Sadly, I don't think he'll be able to make it big as is often the case with supporting TV love interests from the CW. I really hope he gets some work afterwards because he's won some good will for me to follow his career. He has a lot of screen chemistry. I believe that the intended OTP for the show was George/Zoe, but that ship has never had a good outing. I think in large part to their lack of chemistry and Wade. I've liked Rachel Bilson since The O.C., but even I know she's not a great dramatic actress. I do feel she is better in their scenes together.


I found it interesting how a lot of the characters have had chances to move away for professional reasons, but most came back to Bluebell because in the end, it wasn't them and they prefer that life. I think this happens a lot more often than people think in real life. It felt true that Wade would not go to Atlanta, but I also could see how he would do well. He's grown a lot as a character from S1.


All in all, I'm really looking forward to S4.

I think this season was a lot of wheel-spinning, and most of it feels like it's because they don't really know how to write the romantic storylines that are the primary focus of the show. I mean, I thought there was some emotion to be mined from Zoe reconnecting with the Wilkes side of her family, but the emotion of that was dealt with in like two episodes. I actually think Rachel Bilson can handle the dramatic side of things--she's one of those people who cries really believably, and I almost can't watch it. If Summer/Zoe cries, I cry. So I believed her wanting that connection, and feeling awful when she'd blown it.


But after she reconciled with Vivian, it seemed like the Wilkes stuff had only been brought up so that Vivian could meet Wade. And that was clearly just a stall to keep Wade and Zoe apart, as was Joel. The Fug Girls pointed it out early in the season, and it's true--as much as we might like Joel, and I did, we all know it's going to end, so you're just sort of waiting for it to happen. That waiting leads to impatience and boredom, because it's hard to see characters just jogging in place. But I did feel like they pulled things back together in the last third of the season, after Joel left and Lemon was back full-time. And I really like where Zoe and Wade ended, because it's refreshing to see Zoe have to fight for something, and for Wade to feel like he's worth fighting for. As irritating as some of the stalling was, at least you can see how those characters changed between the finales of S2 and S3, and how that could affect their relationship in the future.


Which is why the Lavon side of the Lemon/George/Lavon triangle has me so cranky. Characters need to change in order for a second-go-round at their relationship to be interesting. Lemon and George have changed so much since their relationship, I think it would be interesting to see it again. But Lavon and Lemon's problem was that she was, y'know, in another relationship at the time. The hook of their relationship was that she was only able to be honest and herself with Lavon. So now that she's 100% Real Lemon all the time, their relationship wouldn't look much different than it did last time, only now it would be out in the open. OK, but not interesting, from a television stance.

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Definitely hot. But he seems pretty over Zoe (at least in the few episodes I've seen) in season 3.   That last episode in season one, though, is amazing.  It was nice to see him lay it all out for Zoe.  I kind of miss him doing a little pining for her, as he did during seasons 1 and 2.


But looking forward to Zoe winning him back, however that happens.  Bring on Season Four!

Edited by KittenPokerCheater

I've just started watching this show, so I'm not quite through Season 1, but I've read up on it, and I'm wondering why it's Zoe who needs to win back Wade? Didn't he cheat on her? Just wondering what I'm missing--I would think it should be the other way around?


Wade did try to win Zoe back at the end of S2, but she ran away to NYC and started dating someone else. He ultimately moved onto focussing on the Rammer Jammer and then dated someone else who ultimately cheated on him. Zoe then starts realizing that she has always loved Wade. 


For those of us who enjoy watching Wade and who have seen the decline of Zoe, this is a reversal of their courtship from S1 and S2 where he chased her more. I think the whole give and take about them is why many find them entertaining. I wish that he never cheated on her and I'm pretty sure Bethel expressed it as well. Wade has changed a lot since that time too. He's had more character growth than Zoe in many ways. 

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Have we heard anything officially that this is the last season? Did i miss it? I'm very concerned with Scott Porter's instagram:




As I posted yesterday, ten episodes is a way for them to wrap up the series so while the announcement hasn't been made, the show has been cancelled. At least they gave them ten episodes and not a cancellation after S3. 

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I think it's just a general assumption, because of low ratings and the shortened season order this year. I think this is it. FWIW, a friend of mine is an editor for the show, and he's making it sound pretty final. But on a happier note, he mentioned that the cast and crew genuinely enjoy each other and that he felt really lucky to have had that experience with those people. (He's worked on other shows that weren't so pleasant.)

  • Love 3

I want Zoe and Wade in a committed, happy relationship.  Now that they've each tried to move on with a serious relationship, I want them to realize they belong together.


I want George and Lemon to circle back to each other.  I never thought I would feel this way, but I love the way the two characters have grown and grown up and lived lives apart.  I really think there is still love there.  (of course I'm a hopeless romantic and usually wrong...)


I'm sad about Lavon because I would have wanted to see him and Annabeth together, but it's obvious she would be his second choice, so no.  I think I would be happy if the series ended with Lavon still single, but having been elected the new, first mayor of the combined Bluebell/ Filmore township - thus finally defeating his nemesis.


I'd like Brick to end up happy with someone, but I don't know who... 

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This is hard.  I kind of binge-watched the show by accident and was able to hop on during the back end of season 3.  


I want Lavon to have a happy ending.  In a perfect world, AB would be his first choice.  She's the only one that he ever fit with organically, without feeling storyline dictated.  AB also deserves to be happy and I'd hate to see her as his second choice.  She was such a minor character at first but I want her to be happy above anyone else.


George/Lemon should be together.  I didn't like them together at first but I like who they have become apart.  I think that if they were to get back together they could work.  They suit each other.


Wade/Lemon would work as well.  I know that it sounds annoying but I like their friendship and their chemistry.


Zoe should worry about being a doctor.  There's something we haven't seen in awhile. 

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Strange as it may seem, I find that, out of all the characters, I want most for Annabeth to have her happy ending.  And even odder still, I can picture a storyline where she and Joel could work.  I grew to like Joel; perhaps he could come back for AB's HEA.


And if being in Hart of Dixie Land means everyone must absolutely end in a pairing, then:
George and Lemon

Zoe and Wade 

Emily (Mary Page Keller) comes back for Brick

Lavon and the Town of Bluebell (it does seem to be his one true love)



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