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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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Me too ABay.

Bilgistic, I'm the same exact way. I hate sports except for a few Olympic games, I didn't even know the Super Bowl was even being played here until about a week ago. That's why I'm so sick of this game being rammed down my throat.

I can't wait for it to be over.

The only thing I'm looking forward to that day is dinner. My husband is home for a few days and I'm making a full on turkey dinner on Sunday.

I'll be upstairs reading and watching Puppy Bowl during the game.

Edited by Maharincess
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I live for football season, so while some Super Bowls are definitely better than others depending on which teams are playing (none of my favorites are in it this year) and how competitive it is, I generally enjoy "the big game" and am bummed when the season is over.


But the hoopla leading up to it drives me nuts and even when the Giants are playing I ignore sports media for the two weeks between the championship games and the Super Bowl. 


I also sympathize with those who don't want it in their backyard.  A lot of people want the Olympics to return to Los Angeles, and I just ask (to those old enough), "Do you not remember 1984?"  It's a mess.  But, hypocritically, it's fun to be elsewhere when the games are being played there; I happened to be in Greece right before the '04 games, and extended my stay to attend a couple of events. 

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Add me to those who don't like all the super bowl hype. I don't care. I hate the brutality of football, especially with all the stuff coming out about traumatic brain injury. When I'm asked at work about my "super bowl plans", I say I don't care, don't even know the teams. Then people tell me the teams, and try to EXPLAIN to me about the quarterbacks and how this game is important. After I said I don't care for football!!

And then, all the Tv shows, commercials, magazines, telling me that I have to have barbecue, burgers, wings, whatever, because it's SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! I'm just so sick of it.

  • Love 4

My workplace has had "pep rallies" the last two or three weeks on Friday afternoons. Picture me at my desk working while half the office is whooping it up in the breakroom at 3pm with beer and pizza--company-purchased beer and pizza. People have lost their minds. Of course, even though I don't participate, I don't get to leave early.

Edited by bilgistic
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Add me to those who don't like all the super bowl hype. I don't care. I hate the brutality of football, especially with all the stuff coming out about traumatic brain injury. When I'm asked at work about my "super bowl plans", I say I don't care, don't even know the teams. Then people tell me the teams, and try to EXPLAIN to me about the quarterbacks and how this game is important. After I said I don't care for football!!

And then, all the Tv shows, commercials, magazines, telling me that I have to have barbecue, burgers, wings, whatever, because it's SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! I'm just so sick of it.



Thank you!  I  cosign you!  Oh, and I have to WORK during this time. No, I don't mind that in itself since I couldn't care less about all this and it'll be my usual scheduled time to do so. What I DO mind (and this is another pet peeve) is I know there will be OTHERS  who will openly whine about having to work during that time AND will feel the need to share every single literal and figurative blow, commercial and song involved. No, really I'm perfectly fine just glancing at the final score  when it'll be ALL over and won't care how it happens.

Also, if you wait until the next day, you'll know what commercials are good and can see them online. (Actually, I think you can see them all online now, which seems to defeat the purpose of the Super Bowl people, but I guess helps the companies advertising. I don't know. I don't understand marketing sometimes, despite being in PR.)

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My workplace has had "pep rallies" the last two or three weeks on Friday afternoons. Picture me at my desk working while half the office is whooping it up in the breakroom at 3pm with beer and pizza--company-purchased beer and pizza. People have lost their minds. Of course, even though I don't participate, I don't get to leave early.


Company-sponsored "fun" is a huge peeve for me! Dear HR: stop trying to make me believe these people are my friends! Stop with the email guessing games for new hires, the annual online yearbook that, just like the high school ones, focuses primarily on a handful of popular people, the fun runs (take a picture and send it to us!), the birthday cards that arrive 2 weeks late with stamped signatures, the fantasy football leagues, etc. etc. I even dislike the "free lunch!" thank-yous wherein I have to go buy myself something and then turn in the receipt for reimbursement (max of $12.00).


Also, if you wait until the next day, you'll know what commercials are good and can see them online. (Actually, I think you can see them all online now, which seems to defeat the purpose of the Super Bowl people, but I guess helps the companies advertising.


There was a link here to a video of all the ads and I actually did click over a watch 10 or so before I got bored. Most do strive for humor and got at least a weak smile out of me.

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My workplace has had "pep rallies" the last two or three weeks on Friday afternoons. Picture me at my desk working while half the office is whooping it up in the breakroom at 3pm with beer and pizza--company-purchased beer and pizza. People have lost their minds. Of course, even though I don't participate, I don't get to leave early.

UGH!  I would hate that.   Yeah, if everyone is drinking beer, I'd want to leave - I have stuff to do.


And like lordonia, I can choose who at work I want to be friends with.   I don't need friendships forced on me.   Oh, and when employees are saying they don't have the supplies and equipment to do their jobs, please don't think that you can "fix"  that by treating us to a couple of  pizzas!

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My Super Bowl pet peeve is Super Bowl parties.  I will never, ever attend one.  (I go to my parents' house to watch the game with them -- and munch on all the good food.)  It's always a bunch of people who are there for the food and the beer, with the game being secondary; half of them know nothing about football, so there's a bunch of talking during the game ... hell no.

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My Super Bowl pet peeve is Super Bowl parties.  I will never, ever attend one.  (I go to my parents' house to watch the game with them -- and munch on all the good food.)  It's always a bunch of people who are there for the food and the beer, with the game being secondary; half of them know nothing about football, so there's a bunch of talking during the game ... hell no.

I feel ya. I like Super Bowl parties if there are at least a few other people there, like me, who will STFU and watch the game. Or make comments here and there about the game. Talking is only for commercials and half-time.


As a female football fan, I hate that most women at SB parties (those who are not football fans) assume that I'm not there for the game and proceed to talk to me about their jobs, kids, husbands, celebrities, etc. 'STFU, please!!!!! Don't you find it weird that I'm staring at the TV while you're talking and only make occasional contact with you, just so I won't be 100% rude?'

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I don't mind super bowl hype. I think it is a nice outlet for sports fans. I am not a sports person at all and it is mostly because, and it is not a well thought out thing, I keep thinking well, they won today but what if there were another game? I can't wrap my brain around the start of a season, win lose games, ending point, Yay winner!. I always think, well what if there was one more game?  Or if they went by last game?


Stewed, although I cannot agree, it's really nice that you're able to remain open-minded, inclusive and kind about it. I remain irritable and put-upon for no good reason. :)


As much as people, things, or incidents peeve me, I am fully aware that some of my own actions, words and deeds will annoy others just as much. I'm okay with that.

I don't normally mind the hype and excitement about the Super Bowl, like I said I know it means a lot to a lot of people and I respect that. What I HATE is that it's practically in my backyard this year. The news coverage of it is driving me crazy, every show has been preempted for more super bowl news, every story in every channel is about it and I'm sick of it.

I can't wait until Monday when its over.

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I don't normally mind the hype and excitement about the Super Bowl, like I said I know it means a lot to a lot of people and I respect that. What I HATE is that it's practically in my backyard this year. The news coverage of it is driving me crazy, every show has been preempted for more super bowl news, every story in every channel is about it and I'm sick of it.

I can't wait until Monday when its over.

Believe it or not, I feel the same way about the election. I wish it would just get overwith already! I'm tired of the incessant attack ads!

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I feel ya. I like Super Bowl parties if there are at least a few other people there, like me, who will STFU and watch the game. Or make comments here and there about the game. Talking is only for commercials and half-time.


As a female football fan, I hate that most women at SB parties (those who are not football fans) assume that I'm not there for the game and proceed to talk to me about their jobs, kids, husbands, celebrities, etc. 'STFU, please!!!!! Don't you find it weird that I'm staring at the TV while you're talking and only make occasional contact with you, just so I won't be 100% rude?'


We used to go to a New Year's Day party at a friends' house that was mostly food and football. Football was in the living room. Food was in the kitchen. And in another room, for people who didn't want to watch the games, a group would play board games. People who didn't like either usually stood around in the kitchen and talked. Since the house was not open concept and had actual walls, it worked pretty good and was generally fun for everyone. As a non-football, board-game player, I had fun anyway.

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Believe it or not, I feel the same way about the election. I wish it would just get overwith already! I'm tired of the incessant attack ads!

OMG...just last night I told Mr. P914 that I'm sick & tired of the campaigns and wish the election were Tuesday and over with.  It goes on way too long in this country. And it seems the day after a candidate wins it all, the talking heads start to jabber about who the next president will be.  It's media driven (they love this stuff just like meteorologists love big storms) and I'm sick of it.

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OMG...just last night I told Mr. P914 that I'm sick & tired of the campaigns and wish the election were Tuesday and over with.  It goes on way too long in this country. And it seems the day after a candidate wins it all, the talking heads start to jabber about who the next president will be.  It's media driven (they love this stuff just like meteorologists love big storms) and I'm sick of it.

What irritates me about the attack ads is that they pull me in two different directions, much like two dates each wanting someone to go out with them. One says, "Vote for me-- he's blah, blah, blah!," and then the other says, "Vote for me-- he's blah, blah, blah!," and on and on incessantly. It's ridiculous!

The local branch of the gene pool generally don't care about sports, so all the hoopla about the Big Game* is usually given the same attention one gives to Macy's Sale of the Season!!! which happens every other week.


My niece's husband is the odd man out on this front.  My brother, his FIL, made a few feeble efforts to sit down and watch a game with him when family get-togethers and game time overlapped, but quickly gave up.


We have a birthday dinner today, but my SIL sent out an email late yesterday shifting the time up an hour so the son-in-law could attend, but still go to his Super Bowl viewing party. 


My niece has some sport enthusiasm too ( acquired after meeting her husband).  I suspect most of that would dissipate quickly if he was not present.

I purposely do NOT watch any hyped up show, like the Super Bowl, the Oscars, the Emmys, etc.  I hate it when I come into work the next day and then everyone has to repeat blow by blow oh did you see so and so...............and inevitably the people discussing it have no clue who the person was, what the joke was about, what was going on - they just tune in to be to be part of the "in crowd".  I tune out just because I cannot stand the bandwagon folks.  I will later read about the highlights online.  


Another pet peeve - the way the weather is reported whenever there is a storm, a severe cold snap, a heatwave, etc.  Right now, we've gotten a little snow, a couple of inches recently.  Everyone has lost their damned minds.  Most of the snow fell on Monday; some counties south of here who got almost 4 to 5 inches of snow, still have snow emergencies and schools are closed.  Seriously?  Who is running the show down there?  But every damned tv channel has folks out on the side of the road,outside saying oh it's slick out here.  Well, the temperature hasn't gotten above freeze your ass off in days, so nothing is melting.  My scooby sense tells me it will be frozen ground unless treated (which no, the southern counties apparently are not treating or plowing anything hardly).  I don't need you to tell me how to dress, that I can freeze off body parts.  Anyone with any sense would or should know that by now.  This morning they had one reporter out by the school bus lot, where no buses had been even started yet, saying oh younger kids are more susceptible to the severe cold, but the buses will be heated up.  Ok, and the purpose was - don't leave your kids at the bus stop for long or they'll be kidsicles?  I also don't need to see someone trying to fry an egg on the sidewalk in the summer, seeing how fast a wet shirt will freeze in the winter.  Just tell me the temperature, the forecast, the wind chill, the basics.  Half the time the forecast is wrong anyhow.


I loathe winter.  I am bad about walking on icy surfaces.  I have a bad back and am afraid of falling; done that and it's been bad.  So for all businesses, clear or salt your damned parking lots when it snows and refreezes.  You would think in this sue- crazy world, every business would get that memo - make sure the lot is not a skating rink.  

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When I rode the bus to and from school back in the Dark Ages of the 1980s, there was no such thing as heat on the bus. You sat close to your friends to be warmer. Where are these buses that come with heat?

And there sure as hell weren't any air-conditioned buses. My SCHOOL wasn't air conditioned in sixth grade. It was an old building with giant windows that the teacher would open. We were on the third or fourth floor. Somehow, no one plummeted to their death, probably because we were too weak to move in the stifling late August North Carolina heat.

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I love winter. I will clarify that I live in California so winter isn't really WINTER around here, I just hate the heat.

My house is older and we don't have air conditioning here. Quick backstory, this house was just supposed to be a home base that we stayed in and kept our stuff in while we were driving truck around the country, that didn't work out. So anyway, we just bought an old cottage on a few acres and didn't care much about the house itself. Ironically the house we weren't going to spend much time in is the place I now spend 24 hours a day. It's weird how life works out sometimes. But now I really love my funky little cottage.

It has no air conditioning and no insulation so I bake in the summer. Downstairs isn't too horrible but the bedroom upstairs is unbearable in the summer.

Unless I have company, I wear no clothes in the summer.

Lol, I have no clue where I was going with this story, but I agree about how the news goes crazy about weather.

Where I live, its never just rain, its "STORM WATCH 2016!!!" We have the same reporters at the same water park saying the same thing every week in the summer.

Edited by Maharincess
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 Like you I never rode a schoolbus that had heat unless you count having to sit in the back where the fumes often collected. Even though I have no current connection to this situation, my pet peeve re schoolbuses is that( apart from a tiny number of 'short buses' for special students) I've heard of few if any schoolbuses that actually have SAFETY BELTS -despite numerous accidents resulting in injuries and ,yes, fatalities down the years.  Yes, I know that a good number of safety belts could get vandalized but shouldn't that be something for schools and districts to be willing to 'eat' if it means the injuries and fatalities get minimized?

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There are many reasons school buses don't have seatbelts, one being the risk of children being trapped and unable to free themselves.  For example, a bus full of elementary students gets stuck on a railway track.   Many 5 year-olds can't undo their own seatbelt, and the driver would have to go through the bus to unhook them all to get them out.  

I've been under a lot of stress lately so am getting frazzled a lot quicker and easier than norm.  Yesterday in the midst of one of these mini-anxiety episodes, I was in a hurry to find something and managed to get a paper cut on one of my fingers, just below the nail.  It isn't big, but it hurts like the proverbial mother and it is positioned so I constantly agitate the spot.

  • Love 3

I've been under a lot of stress lately so am getting frazzled a lot quicker and easier than norm.  Yesterday in the midst of one of these mini-anxiety episodes, I was in a hurry to find something and managed to get a paper cut on one of my fingers, just below the nail.  It isn't big, but it hurts like the proverbial mother and it is positioned so I constantly agitate the spot.

I bet that pain's murderous!

I'm going to post this here, because for some reason, I'm just more comfortable posting it in here, as opposed to the Commercials thread:


I find that I want to reach into my television and punch every single celebrity/model that touts Volume boosting mascaras. Be it for Cover Girl, Maybelline, or the latest, Revlon.


When said models/actresses can show me by applying it to their REAL lashes and not flick it over what it OBVIOUSLY FAKE eyelashes, that are all long, thick and luxuriously lashed, and prove the brank they're hawking, works, then maybeee I'll think of getting the one I like best. Until then, STFU.  And while, I end up paying a lot more for my Lancôme

DÉFINICILS, at least what it says about that mascara, actually is true! Which is why I am willing to pay the extra bucks.


And Disclaimer: My lashes haven't really grown back to their former selves since I finished chemo, and now I'm wondering if I need to get those fandangled eye lash curlers. I've never used them because of the fear I'll get my eyelids within its clamps and horribly injure my eyes.

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I haven't worn make-up in nearly 20 years, but when I did I used an eyelash curler -- my lashes are fairly long and thick, so they really looked good curled.  I still use it occasionally, just without mascara.


Same here--I used to have long and curly lashes. BUT, over the years, I developed dark circles under my eyes, so wearing mascara brought out my eyes, if that makes sense.  And since being a female, one must always look good (especially during interviews), this is something I do. Once I got the job, not so much.  But I end up putting on more than I used to, just to achieve the old look, and I hate when I have to wash it all off, because I can never get it all off, no matter how much eye make-up remover I use, and wash my face!


Sometimes I wish I didn't have to wear make-up. Sorry, I need make-up!

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Small peeve, but still inexplicable to me: Double exterior glass doors to commercial establishments that always leave one side locked. Is it a safety concern of some type? They're forcing a failure of, on average, 50% of all entrances and exits, not to mention creating a bottleneck that prevents people from going in and out at the same time. (I point the finger especially at you, Lange Eye Clinic.)


I similarly hold a grudge against glass doors that only swing one way, because same deal. My default is to push, not pull.


My local Walgreen's used to block the entry door so that exiting customers couldn't use it, but they removed that. Now it's anarchy!

Edited by lordonia
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Small peeve, but still inexplicable to me: Double exterior glass doors to commercial establishments that always leave one side locked. Is it a safety concern of some type? They're forcing a failure of, on average, 50% of all entrances and exits, not to mention creating a bottleneck that prevents people from going in and out at the same time. (I point the finger especially at you, Lange Eye Clinic.)


I similarly hold a grudge against glass doors that only swing one way, because same deal. My default is to push, not pull.


My local Walgreen's used to block the entry door so that exiting customers couldn't use it, but they removed that. Now it's anarchy!


Unless other people are coming through (in which case, try the other side or wait until they are gone), always pick the door with the lock. If only one is open, it will be that one.

In my opinion, you should actually watch a fucking show before popping off about what happens on it.


Not only does this irritate me, but trying to be open minded, if you can't bother to make sure you have spelled correctly and not type your, when you clearly mean you're or too, when you clearly mean to...(you get the idea), I'm even more inclined not to give a shit what you think and why you think it.


Just because.

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Do I think folks should proclaim a dislike for anything without even the slightest knowledge of it? No, but one can decide re hype and others' descriptions whether one has any interest or liking in something to believe it would be worth giving it a try. If one has gleaned enough info via not personally seeing, reading, interacting,etc.  whatever to decide one has no interest or liking for it, that's perfectly okay, IMO.  Does this mean one MUST visit North Korea or drink Flint, Michigan water to have the 'right' to decide whether they're any good? I don't think so.

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What is with this trend of promoting "clean" food and how can it be stopped?


I mean, yay, I'm happy you're not serving food that's been dumped on the floor and gone past the five-second rule, but "clean" is another meaningless, pretentious definition that makes me want to inhale a bunch of filthy, dirty cookies. If I want to eat "clean," I'm perfectly happy to bake a plain chicken breast and steam spinach at home.


Delurker, do you have a cat that may have run away with your flash drive as its new toy? It's not just you - I've had something in my hand and then, not two minutes later, it's not there. I have moved maybe five feet. I have found it helpful to chalk it up to curious kitty.

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One of my longest standing pet peeves and one which is irritating me right now is textbooks that cost $100s and are so poorly constructed they can barely last a semester. I just purchased a economics text book that is used for both micro and macro economics and it I'd so flimsy I'll be amazed if the covers are still in tact at the end of semester 1. I'm going to cover it on contact to try and give it some protection but I don't have a great amount of hope. This happens all the time with law textbooks too. At least my science textbooks are designed to last.

  • Love 1

One of my longest standing pet peeves and one which is irritating me right now is textbooks that cost $100s and are so poorly constructed they can barely last a semester. I just purchased a economics text book that is used for both micro and macro economics and it I'd so flimsy I'll be amazed if the covers are still in tact at the end of semester 1. I'm going to cover it on contact to try and give it some protection but I don't have a great amount of hope. This happens all the time with law textbooks too. At least my science textbooks are designed to last.

I remember way back (seems like 100 years ago) when I started college.  I was on a scholarship, so my dad didn't have to pay anything.   He said he would buy my books - gave me $50.  my first day, I came home, dad asked to see my books. I brought the stack of  books in, held up the biology book, and said  "here's the one you bought".  he saw the label, $49.95, asked me why I didn't buy a used one.  I said, that IS a used book.  I swear, he thought I could get a semester's worth of books for $50. I had to use  my summer job savings for the rest of the books.

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Delurker, do you have a cat that may have run away with your flash drive as its new toy? It's not just you - I've had something in my hand and then, not two minutes later, it's not there. I have moved maybe five feet. I have found it helpful to chalk it up to curious kitty.



It's a ghost.

No cat (yet) and I usually blame a ghost.  Whenever something goes missing or there is a bump in the night, my family always blames Grandma.  She was notoriously mischievous in life so we figure in death she'd make her presence known.

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No cat (yet) and I usually blame a ghost.  Whenever something goes missing or there is a bump in the night, my family always blames Grandma.  She was notoriously mischievous in life so we figure in death she'd make her presence known.

I manage to lose stuff in my 800-square-foot apartment. I'm the only person who lives there. My cat doesn't hide things. I call on St. Anthony to help me find them, and it usually works! Yesterday I found a tiny pinky-finger band ring that I'd forgotten to put back on after lotioning my hands in bed the night before. My grandmother and late grandfather got it on one of their RV travels across the U.S., and I would've been devastated had I lost it.


I learned about calling upon St. Anthony on a morning drive-time radio show. I'm not Catholic or religious, but I respect non-fundie beliefs.

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I know I should ignore this, and let it roll (see what I did there?) off my back, like water does off a duck's back, but I can't. And I don't feel comfortable pointing out to the person that they are wrong, so WRONG using the verb roll when they are talking about the noun ROLE--as it pertains to an actor! It's ROLE, not ROLL!!!!!




My apologies for yelling, but I had to vent.

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I supervise a 24-year-old who always uses "of" in place of "have".


- He should of sent the spreadsheet instead.

- I would of done it myself if asked.


Initially, I pointed it out to her and she replied laughingly that her mom always tells her that, too. Well, your mom tells you because it's wrong! But she kept doing it and I guess wore me down so that I stopped saying anything, even though I still cringe when she sends emails that include my boss.


But honestly? More than one person points out a significant grammar error and you don't do anything about it? Is it supposed to be a cute personal quirk or something?

Edited by lordonia
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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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