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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

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32 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Have you looked around to see how other people are dressed as they trot around in public?  I honestly can't imagine what would be off limits--a negligee?  (And even then...)

I have a whole collection of robes that I wear. We just went through a terrible heatwave and I was reduced to baby doll PJs, lol.

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3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Have you looked around to see how other people are dressed as they trot around in public?  I honestly can't imagine what would be off limits--a negligee?  (And even then...)

Haha, yes, you're right. What I consider inappropriate would fit right in, and I find that sad and also confusing. I agree with a TV fashion maven who decried "the slobbification of America." 

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28 minutes ago, HissyFit said:

Haha, yes, you're right. What I consider inappropriate would fit right in, and I find that sad and also confusing. I agree with a TV fashion maven who decried "the slobbification of America." 

Yeah…people these days are slobs.  I recently saw a young woman whose bra (nude coloured) was more than showing from her dress (so we’re not talking bra straps here).  I’m not sure if she did that on purpose or was just unaware.  If I wanted my bra to show on purpose, I most certainly wouldn’t be wearing nude.

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On 8/17/2023 at 8:56 PM, HissyFit said:

A huge peeve (actually, I'm not peeved, I'm furious): Jerks or criminals whose behavior makes life difficult for the rest us. In recent months, the outdoor mail drop boxes have been removed from the two post offices nearest to me. Why? Because they were irreparably damaged by thieves breaking them open to steal the mail! Yes, I can park and walk into the P.O. and deposit my mail, but that is a major inconvenience for someone whose fashion sense is best described as "I didn't plan to get out of the car."

Same here and it’s very annoying.  My Condo Association took away all the mail boxes near our homes.  Going to the Post Office is a pain in the ass.  I could pay everything on line, but I’m too lazy to set up accounts.  It’s just too much trouble.

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15 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I have a whole collection of robes that I wear. We just went through a terrible heatwave and I was reduced to baby doll PJs, lol.

I have been known to wear vintage slips as dresses. They're not white or pale colors, so I am not sure if other people know...but I do!

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15 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Have you looked around to see how other people are dressed as they trot around in public?  I honestly can't imagine what would be off limits--a negligee?  (And even then...)

I have seen people wear pajama pants in a grocery store lol.

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1 hour ago, oliviabenson said:

I have seen people wear pajama pants in a grocery store lol.

And slippers. Don't forget the slippers. You know, the sort that don't appear to have been laundered since, well never actually. And after traipsing through a supermarket, still won't be laundered. 



Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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While I was at the post office recently, I saw a girl who was wearing pajama bottoms, a tank top with no bra, and fuzzy slippers. I did a double take but then thought "at least all of her bits and bobs are covered." To each his own, we all have our own personal styles and standards and what works for someone doesn't work for another. But at least we're free to choose.

Yet another reason I try to stay out of prison, I don't want to wear the same outfit as everyone else. 😉

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This conversation reminds me of the time I was on a hiring committee and one of the candidates showed up in a track suit (complete with running shoes) - we were not hiring a coach for the girl's basketball team.   

I know standards have changed for how people dress when they go out in public  but we were all still a little surprised that a college graduate interviewing for a professional level position thought that a track suit was appropriate attire for an interview!

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I doin't always look neat and perfect (actually, I rarely do; I have hair that doesn't cooperate and I like old, beat-up jeans!), but in non-coat/jacket weather, I tend to wear a bra -- or at least one of those tank tops with a built-in shelf bra -- when I go somewhere. Also, I would never wear indoor slippers, or anything I intended to go home and lounge in, to a Target or 7-11 unless some kind of unusual craziness was going on. But, I think that, over the years (especially the last few), I have learned to say "who cares?" about these kind of things; they're not likely getting in my way of living my life. (Yes, I may make an occasional snarky remark -- not ever to their faces! -- but I know that says more about me than it does them, haha!)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

And slippers. Don't forget the slippers. You know, the sort that don't appear to have been laundered since, well never actually. And after traipsing through a supermarket, still won't be laundered. 



Oh the slippers lol. 

Definitely see plenty of those.

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3 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

I have seen people wear pajama pants in a grocery store lol.

Several years ago, when I was flying to MI for a couple of Xmases, I saw several young men wearing plaid flannel PJ bottoms (with sweatshirts on top).

Uff da! Last week, while at a supermarket check-out, a young woman in front of me was wearing beige soft material leggings. At first I thought she had a wedgie issue, but then realized there was stitching to *create* the wedgie look 😲. What are women thinking, to be purposely showing off the nooks and (oy!) crannies of their derrieres? 

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57 minutes ago, oliviabenson said:

Oh the slippers lol. 

Definitely see plenty of those.

I have never worn shoes in the house and that basically means, ever since the pandemic, I haven't really worn shoes at all. Last fall I was taking hubby to an eye doctor appt. and I found I can't wear shoes at all! Thank Gaia for my old L.L. Bean moccasins.

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31 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

Several years ago, when I was flying to MI for a couple of Xmases, I saw several young men wearing plaid flannel PJ bottoms (with sweatshirts on top).

Uff da! Last week, while at a supermarket check-out, a young woman in front of me was wearing beige soft material leggings. At first I thought she had a wedgie issue, but then realized there was stitching to *create* the wedgie look 😲. What are women thinking, to be purposely showing off the nooks and (oy!) crannies of their derrieres? 

When I was young, we wore “boat neck” dresses.  Never showed cleavage.  Now, forget it.  I was watching one of the housewives shows for a bit.  Nothing to the imagination.

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49 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I have never worn shoes in the house and that basically means, ever since the pandemic, I haven't really worn shoes at all. Last fall I was taking hubby to an eye doctor appt. and I found I can't wear shoes at all! Thank Gaia for my old L.L. Bean moccasins.

I love Mocs.  I have two pairs of Minitonkas.  I’ve been buying slip ons from QVC lately.  Red.  Slipper socks in the house and caftans from QVC.  That’s my uniform in the house.

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

I have never worn shoes in the house and that basically means, ever since the pandemic, I haven't really worn shoes at all.

One of the worst parts of having to go back on campus was having to wear shoes. It still annoys me.

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

One of the worst parts of having to go back on campus was having to wear shoes. It still annoys me.

Just to be contrarian, I always wear shoes - slippers inside the house and either one of my insanely comprehensive collection of Converse sneakers or super high heels of some kind out in the world. (I have a serious shoe problem...and tend to dress "from the ground up") I guess my personal peeve would be that I don't like to have dirty feet so going barefoot even inside (with two cats, the floors are never pristine) kinda bugs me to the point of never doing it. Another peeve: people wearing flipflops to church. Its only one day a week, folk: put on proper shoes because I don't want to see your feet or hear the sound those things make when you are walking back to your pew from communion. Yes, I can be quite weirdly intolerant! 😸

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

One of the worst parts of having to go back on campus was having to wear shoes. It still annoys me.

I have a sizable collection of shoes, but because I am always barefoot in the house and just wear flip flops when I run errands, I hardly ever wear any of them anymore -- I work from home, and I don't do much socializing these days.

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2 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Thy should be told that natural selection is always on the hunt for recruits.

Even on a small scale! People that volunteer to work at the food pantry I'm at and don't wear closed toe shoes are "asking" for a heavy can to drop on their poor toes, I swear! (not really...but they are told in advance, and its a health regulation besides.)

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1 hour ago, isalicat said:

Just to be contrarian, I always wear shoes - slippers inside the house and either one of my insanely comprehensive collection of Converse sneakers or super high heels of some kind out in the world. (I have a serious shoe problem...and tend to dress "from the ground up") I guess my personal peeve would be that I don't like to have dirty feet so going barefoot even inside (with two cats, the floors are never pristine) kinda bugs me to the point of never doing it. Another peeve: people wearing flipflops to church. Its only one day a week, folk: put on proper shoes because I don't want to see your feet or hear the sound those things make when you are walking back to your pew from communion. Yes, I can be quite weirdly intolerant! 😸

The church can always instate a "no pool/beachwear" policy.  But I'm sure it already does, but people just don't consider flipflops something one only wears at the beach or pool.  

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8 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

I have never worn shoes in the house and that basically means, ever since the pandemic, I haven't really worn shoes at all. Last fall I was taking hubby to an eye doctor appt. and I found I can't wear shoes at all! Thank Gaia for my old L.L. Bean moccasins.

I’ve bought expensive slippers with soles for the house.  I could barely walk in them as they were heavy.  I bought a pair in Walmart and love them.  $10 bucks and the best ones I’ve ever had.  They are light weight and I haven’t fallen yet.  This year anyhow.

Edited by kristen111
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I despise having anything on my feet inside the house. I truly hate it. But after the broken foot and the not-ideal healing of it, I am advised to not be barefoot anymore. I tried all of the expensive, doctor-suggested slippers but, although they were nice and lush and soft (yet supportive), they all felt too roomy and they slid off my feet too easily and were wrong in other ways (and a few were not vegan, so I couldn't get those) and I returned them all. I eventually settled on a pair of slip-on Vans (in-house only) and they seem to be a reasonable solution. And I won't lie; I do feel like my foot is more stable and protected (and they are not callousy! I look like i have had a pedicure!). Now that I am mobile though, I may check out some of these actual slippers again in person instead of ordering online.

I am sure the doctor knows that, regardless of his "no barefoot" advice, people are going to, for example, walk to the bathroom at 3 am without slippers...or on the beach or, obviously, in the shower. But I am going to try to follow his advice. Outside of the loss of pets, I have never, ever felt so sad and hopeless as I did when I couldn't walk around freely and I do not want a repeat of it. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I eventually settled on a pair of slip-on Vans (in-house only) and they seem to be a reasonable solution.

If you get tired of your Vans, Allbirds makes a style called "Lounger" which are technically outside shoes but make great house shoes. I prefer the wool loungers as they feel slipper-like. They release new colors frequently.


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Good gods, between the storm and an earthquake, my cell phone has been screeching emergency alerts at me all day.  Too bad it's not one of the many days it's sitting somewhere uncharged; I've turned it off.  (Neither is serious in my area.)

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That reminds me of a night here a week or so ago - we were getting storms in the area and there were warnings for counties south and east of us, and I swear, the EMS alert kept going off every five minutes with either a new warning or an update to a warning that was already in progress. At least we know it's working just fine, so hey...

Glad things aren't serious in your area, @Bastet, but dang, yeah, hope everyone being affected by all the stuff going on in California stays safe and it all calms down as soon as possible. 

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10 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

At least we know it's working just fine, so hey...

I was impressed with how quickly the earthquake alert went out; I was just heading to see if anything was swaying when that gods-awful noise erupted from my phone.  But it was a magnitude 5 quake centered 80 miles away from me -- there is no need to blast me with a sound better suited to warning me of an incoming nuke.

And the storm alerts have contained nothing new, and are not specific to my area.  To send a text with that info, fine, but it didn't warrant an emergency alert.

These aren't anything I signed up for, just something that apparently goes out to all cell phones, and the first time one went off I was so startled I nearly swerved the car.

Edited by Bastet
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I agree Bastet! I got a text last night, but the tropical storm warning this morning startled the beejeesus out of me - and the worst of the storm is still hours away. (Though the freeway nearest me is flooded out already.)

I signed up for City & County alerts but might need to re-think it.  What good is it if I'm alerted to natural disasters but die of heart failure caused by that major-decibel warning?

Never got the earthquake warning - but sure felt it. Went immediately to the USGS site & saw that it measured 5.1 - usually nothing falls off shelves or drawers shake open unless it's at least 5.5 or more (or the fault a bit closer.) Not feeling any aftershocks. 

Just another price we pay to live in California!

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17 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I was impressed with how quickly the earthquake alert went out; I was just heading to see if anything was swaying when that gods-awful noise erupted from my phone.  But it was a magnitude 5 quake centered 80 miles away from me -- there is no need to blast me with a sound better suited to warning me of an incoming nuke.

And the storm alerts have contained nothing new, and are not specific to my area.  To send a text with that info, fine, but it didn't warrant an emergency alert.

These aren't anything I signed up for, just something that apparently goes out to all cell phones, and the first time one went off I was so startled I nearly swerved the car.

You can shut them off. In my Android, it's Settings>Safety and emergency

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Wow! I just saw video of the Los Angeles River. When I was visiting several years ago, my husband pointed it out to me. It was an empty, cement culvert. Now? Churning water is wildly gushing along this culvert. Stay safe, western US folks!

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22 hours ago, PRgal said:

The church can always instate a "no pool/beachwear" policy.  But I'm sure it already does, but people just don't consider flipflops something one only wears at the beach or pool.  

Well, I've never been to any kind of church with a "dress code"...it is assumed you will dress appropriately, and if you don't you are welcome anyway at my parish. Yeah, people wear flipflops everywhere, including to the White House (there was some woman's sports team where a gal or two from the team showed up in flipflops to meet the POTUS! Really...) Associated peeve: people who don't take off their giant hats in a situation (like church or the movies) where other people might like to see something that is now obstructed by their bloody giant hat.

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44 minutes ago, isalicat said:

Well, I've never been to any kind of church with a "dress code"...it is assumed you will dress appropriately, and if you don't you are welcome anyway at my parish. Yeah, people wear flipflops everywhere, including to the White House (there was some woman's sports team where a gal or two from the team showed up in flipflops to meet the POTUS! Really...) Associated peeve: people who don't take off their giant hats in a situation (like church or the movies) where other people might like to see something that is now obstructed by their bloody giant hat.

Many Catholic Churches, especially in Europe, require shoulders to be covered. That’s the only “official” dress code I’ve ever heard of.  

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5 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh, thank you! I don’t do wool, but may prowl the site for other options. I like the aesthetic of the ones you posted.

I don't usually do wool because I find it itchy but these are not itchy or feel like wool at all. Of course, that is only useful if you don't like the texture and completely unuseful if you don't do wool because it is animal based. They have a non-wool version of most of their shoes. This one would be the 'tree lounger".

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

These aren't anything I signed up for, just something that apparently goes out to all cell phones, and the first time one went off I was so startled I nearly swerved the car.


1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

You can shut them off. In my Android, it's Settings>Safety and emergency

Oh, wow! I haven't looked at my alerts in a long time! I disabled several of them years ago but my phone has been going bonkers with flash flood and wind alerts.

So many new (to me) options! There is an earthquake alert and an unknown tracker alert. I have an airtag scanner installed and the Android one says "compatible devices" so I have to assume (until I do research later) that it is devices for Android.

@Bastet - my flavor of Android also has a "silence while driving" toggle.

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3 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

You can shut them off. In my Android, it's Settings>Safety and emergency

Thank you.  I found a section for alerts in Settings (new peeve: why is Settings one of the last options, requiring so much scrolling; that should be first!) and disabled the sound, since that's the thing that bothers me.

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I shut Amber alerts off on my cell after they woke all of nyc up at 4 am a few years back, I figure there’s no way I can help find a missing child while I’m sleeping anyway, but I like having other emergency notifications.   

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I dont like to feel this way but if I could give USPS a rating from 1 to 10 it would be -10.


I got assigned to change the PO Box for a group I belong to.  I tried to do it in online at first but couldn't because of how antiquated their website is.  Then I went to the PO Box in person and I was told I can submit a mail in request.  So I get the request back saying more or less I have to do it online.


I tried again I got some bullshit thing of the credit cards on file dont match they do.  There is a $1.10 fee for all this.  I tried to save the credit card information again but the site just kicks it out after one try and conks out.


I am so fucking frustrated with USPS.  Their website sucks and is stuck in 1996.  

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8 minutes ago, BlueSkies said:

I got assigned to change the PO Box for a group I belong to.  I tried to do it in online at first but couldn't because of how antiquated their website is.  Then I went to the PO Box in person and I was told I can submit a mail in request.  So I get the request back saying more or less I have to do it online.

Trying to do a change of address, or change to a different physical P.O. Box, or…?  

I haven’t dealt with P.O. Boxes, but I have a peeve with how they handle mail forwarding. It was easy to do online when I forwarded my late mother’s mail to my address, but there was no way to specify that I was forwarding because she’d died, so I kept getting “welcome to the neighborhood” letters from every business imaginable addressed  to her. 

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13 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Trying to do a change of address, or change to a different physical P.O. Box, or…?  

I haven’t dealt with P.O. Boxes, but I have a peeve with how they handle mail forwarding. It was easy to do online when I forwarded my late mother’s mail to my address, but there was no way to specify that I was forwarding because she’d died, so I kept getting “welcome to the neighborhood” letters from every business imaginable addressed  to her. 

A change from a PO Box to a physical address.


The thing as a kid I always had fond memories of the post office.  I remember touring one as a kid in grade school.  The mailman in our old neighborhood was a well liked by everyone and always would say hello and how you doing until he retired.  


Thats why I hate to say this but their service sucks 

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Yeah, that USPS web site is terrible. At one point I tried to buy stamps by mail, but I was stymied by the same thing about matching cards and addresses and I gave up.

I often use FedEx, because I have an account and I can create my shipping labels and drop off the package with no waiting.

If I want to use a priority mail, which would be cheaper, I have to go to the PO and wait on line.  I think I could also do it at a kiosk, but it would be much easier to do it at my desk.  If anyone knows an alternative, I'd be interested.

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