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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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You and your husband are great!  I'm sorry you had such an ungrateful wretch before you.   Call me cynical, but I can't help but wonder if she didn't do that on purpose.  Lots of people have been known to pick up the difference on a grocery balance out of kindness and maybe she thought you'd oblige.  

If someone in front of me is short a few bucks (probably $5 tops) and I have the cash, I usually offer it to them and just tell them to help out someone else in the future.  But covering that much would be unfathomable.  And I'd think scam too.


Today's pet peeve is a 2fer - I stopped by the store to grab a few things and parked in the handicapped parking (legit use although if I am feeling better, I just use regular parking).  It is 1 PM on a 100* day in Houston and they are running the sprinklers which is a bad choice since the water is going to evaporate so quickly.  The overspray gets the sidewalks and handicap access ramp wet and puddly plus manages to pool a bit in the handicap parking spot.  If you are already using the handicap parking, you don't need extra challenges like traversing a wet ramp or a puddle.  Plus, if you had to use the ramp, the overspray was going to hit your body.  I emailed the shopping center in hopes that they'll adjust things.

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I have both ants and fruit flies. Ugh.  I can deal with the fruit flies, my bowl of balsamic vinegar catches about 50 a day so hopefully they will be gone soon.  I have no idea what to do with the ants.  I vacuumed up what I could see and emptied the vacuum cleaner outside.   I put my garbage can outside and hosed it clean.   But they are still here.   I sense that I should buy some type of pesticide spray, but my city has banned the sale of practically everything. So I used Scoth Guard.  Will report back on its efficacy.

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If someone in front of me is short a few bucks (probably $5 tops) and I have the cash, I usually offer it to them and just tell them to help out someone else in the future. But covering that much would be unfathomable. And I'd think scam too.

Today's pet peeve is a 2fer - I stopped by the store to grab a few things and parked in the handicapped parking (legit use although if I am feeling better, I just use regular parking). It is 1 PM on a 100* day in Houston and they are running the sprinklers which is a bad choice since the water is going to evaporate so quickly. The overspray gets the sidewalks and handicap access ramp wet and puddly plus manages to pool a bit in the handicap parking spot. If you are already using the handicap parking, you don't need extra challenges like traversing a wet ramp or a puddle. Plus, if you had to use the ramp, the overspray was going to hit your body. I emailed the shopping center in hopes that they'll adjust things.

That's back when I was able to work full time, we had just sold our house for a profit and had no kids at home. We were in a position to be able to do it then. If it wasn't for the kids with her, we probably wouldn't have paid that much. Seeing them get so upset and cry "no, I love that" every time she put something back just got to us.

We're suckers for animals and little kids. The oldest kid who was about 9 thanked us. Hopefully she remembered and passed it on.

Quof, I have about 25 houseplants, I have a wall with a huge window that my kids call my living wall because its covered with plants. The past couple of weeks 2 of my plants have become infested with little black flies. They're driving me crazy. I've tried all of the natural remedies I read about and they'll disappear for a few days then come back.

A thin line of cinnamon has always worked for me with the ants. I guess they don't like to cross it.

Edited by Maharincess
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Quof, can use use ant bait?  It's not a spray, just a little metal or plastic disk that has a scent that attracts the ants along with a poison which they then take back to their nest.   We use this at the beginning of every ant season, and it works after a week or so.  

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Just out of curiosity, do any of you have pet peeves related to malls?


I must be one of the few people who still enjoys visiting a mall (most of the time), but everyone else I know rants about everything from parking to shopping choices to food to crowds, etc., etc., etc.

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This reminds me of one of my major pet-peeve zones: fancy artisan ice-cream places. The ones that let you taste multiple flavors before you order.

I remember one such place in the SF bay area. I was just two or three spots from the front of the line, and then the couple in front of us takes 10 minutes to order. How that's even possible still perplexes me, but the place allows three samples per customer, so of course these two request their full allotment of six samples. And mull over each one very carefully. And then the guy quizzes the counter girl about the origins of the ingredients. Who's your hazelnut supplier? I'm really into Vietnamese cinnamon these days - where do you source your cinnamon? And then mull some more, while the girl keeps changing her mind - oh honey, I'm not sure I'm in a sorbet mood today. All while everyone behind them in line stands around watching.

And finally, it's over and the next person in line gets their audience with their own personal ice-cream concierge.

I realize some of these places have really good ice cream, but man, when did ice cream become the new "wine tasting"?

I'm sure at least a FEW of the people here on this board watched Seinfeld back in the day, and remember the "Soup Nazi."  Having gone to the actual soup place that inspired this episode, I have to say my sympathies then and now were entirely with the chef, for all the reasons you have given above.  The Soup Kitchen International was a TINY (even by NYC standards) little place over on West 55th Street (close by a lot of the television production studios, no coincidence).  Yes the soup was excellent, and they gave you a nice little piece of crusty bread and some fresh fruit to go with it.  The business this place did was basically from 11 AM to 3 PM every day, and they had a menu of around five soups available for each day.  This menu was posted above the counter inside the place, on a sandwich board outside the place, and on printed menus available in little baskets by the door. The menus always included every ingredient in the soup - because even back in the 90's no restaurant wanted a customer to go to the hospital, let alone die, from a food allergy.   If you went during the peak hours there was always a long line outside the door and way down the street, giving you ample time to grab a menu and see what was available, INCLUDING ALL THE INGREDIENTS, and make your decision. And of course all the prices including tax were clearly marked, allowing you to get your money together ahead of time. Yet, every fucking time I went to this place some asshole would get up to the counter, hunker down and ask, WHAT'S IN THE SEAFOOD BISQUE? IS THERE CREAM IN IT? IS THERE CRAB? IS THERE CELERY IN THE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP? BECAUSE I'M NOT SURE.... or would start fumbling around inside their bag or briefcase trying to figure our if they had remembered to bring their wallet -  and Al would yell at them and throw them out of the fucking place, exactly the way they deserved, and every time I was there and saw this, people actually cheered.  I mean, for christ's sake, everyone's trying to get  lunch back to the office while lunch hour is still happening and this asshole isn't sure they brought enough money or wants to DISCUSS SHIT???!!! Nazi, my ass, the guy was a humanitarian.  Viva Al Yegeneh!

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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Sometimes I lose faith in human beings and then they go and do something nice. I was at a coffee shop and had forgotten my wallet. I think I was going to come back. Anyway a young man was waiting and ordered and not missing a beat said and her coffee. What a nice gesture.

The area I live in now has a lot of ranch and farm families, as well as a lot of retirees, so stuff like that happens all the time around here. Old-fashioned values and all that. The very first time I had a flat on the freeway here, an old farmer pulled in behind me and offered to help before I had even made it to the trunk to get the spare tire. There's hardly a month that goes by where some local drive-thru coffee or fast food place doesn't have a spontaneous outbreak of "paying it forward", where people start paying for the food of whoever is behind them, and it goes on for hours, or even all day.
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I have both ants and fruit flies. Ugh.  I can deal with the fruit flies, my bowl of balsamic vinegar catches about 50 a day so hopefully they will be gone soon.  I have no idea what to do with the ants.  I vacuumed up what I could see and emptied the vacuum cleaner outside.   I put my garbage can outside and hosed it clean.   But they are still here.   I sense that I should buy some type of pesticide spray, but my city has banned the sale of practically everything. So I used Scoth Guard.  Will report back on its efficacy.

Look into using Diatomaceous Earth (powder).  This link gives a good overview of what you would need to do.


We had a millipede invasion in the houses in my area earlier this spring because of all the rain.  I started looking for what to do on the internet and kept coming up with recommendations for Diatomaceous Earth.  I found it at the local ACE, it is a natural pesticide and not harmful for pets nor children.  I gave it a try and it worked pretty well - not 100% at first, but there was a huge reduction after the first application.


I did not buy a fancy kit, just a bottle of the stuff (probably $7) and spread it as best as I could.  I might spring for a fancier poofer in the future.

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I'm sure at least a FEW of the people here on this board watched Seinfeld back in the day, and remember the "Soup Nazi."  Having gone to the actual soup place that inspired this episode, I have to say my sympathies then and now were entirely with the chef, for all the reasons you have given above.  The Soup Kitchen International was a TINY (even by NYC standards) little place over on West 55th Street (close by a lot of the television production studios, no coincidence).  Yes the soup was excellent, and they gave you a nice little piece of crusty bread and some fresh fruit to go with it.  The business this place did was basically from 11 AM to 3 PM every day, and they had a menu of around five soups available for each day.  This menu was posted above the counter inside the place, on a sandwich board outside the place, and on printed menus available in little baskets by the door. The menus always included every ingredient in the soup - because even back in the 90's no restaurant wanted a customer to go to the hospital, let alone die, from a food allergy.   If you went during the peak hours there was always a long line outside the door and way down the street, giving you ample time to grab a menu and see what was available, INCLUDING ALL THE INGREDIENTS, and make your decision. And of course all the prices including tax were clearly marked, allowing you to get your money together ahead of time. Yet, every fucking time I went to this place some asshole would get up to the counter, hunker down and ask, WHAT'S IN THE SEAFOOD BISQUE? IS THERE CREAM IN IT? IS THERE CRAB? IS THERE CELERY IN THE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP? BECAUSE I'M NOT SURE.... or would start fumbling around inside their bag or briefcase trying to figure our if they had remembered to bring their wallet -  and Al would yell at them and throw them out of the fucking place, exactly the way they deserved, and every time I was there and saw this, people actually cheered.  I mean, for christ's sake, everyone's trying to get  lunch back to the office while lunch hour is still happening and this asshole isn't sure they brought enough money or wants to DISCUSS SHIT???!!! Nazi, my ass, the guy was a humanitarian.  Viva Al Yegeneh!

Wow - thanks so much for this background on Al Yegeneh.  I always wondered why he was so strict (based on that episode).  Now I understand. But that is one of my favorite Seinfeld episodes.  I made his mulligatawny soup a few times and it is fabulous (I think I found the recipe at the old copycat site).

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Yet, every fucking time I went to this place some asshole would get up to the counter, hunker down and ask, WHAT'S IN THE SEAFOOD BISQUE? IS THERE CREAM IN IT? IS THERE CRAB? IS THERE CELERY IN THE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP? BECAUSE I'M NOT SURE.... or would start fumbling around inside their bag or briefcase trying to figure our if they had remembered to bring their wallet -  and Al would yell at them and throw them out of the fucking place, exactly the way they deserved, and every time I was there and saw this, people actually cheered.  I mean, for christ's sake, everyone's trying to get  lunch back to the office while lunch hour is still happening and this asshole isn't sure they brought enough money or wants to DISCUSS SHIT???!!! Nazi, my ass, the guy was a humanitarian.  Viva Al Yegeneh!


I've been to that place maybe a dozen times back in the day (when I worked near there), and it really did make amazing soup.


I have a few theories about why customers do what you describe.

1) A lot of people think if they're paying more than $0.01 for anything, that entitles them to the same kind of "service" they get in fancy restaurants. Which means none of this self-service "reading the menu while in line" business, the guy at the counter better take his sweet time answering all your questions on your timetable.

2) These customers ignore the people in line behind them. It's a power play between the customer and the person at the counter.

3) These customers, unfortunately, have a slogan: "the customer is always right". Whoever coined that phrase should be given a wedgie.


I don't get it. If we all adopted more of a "keep the line moving and trust the chef" attitude, our quick-service dining establishments would be able to provide us a better product at a better price and, ironically, with better service (b/c less wear and tear on the service staff). Instead, a huge % of American customers adopt this "the guy at the counter is my concierge" mentality and a sense of entitlement about ordering off the menu. So. Stupid.

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Just out of curiosity, do any of you have pet peeves related to malls?

I must be one of the few people who still enjoys visiting a mall (most of the time), but everyone else I know rants about everything from parking to shopping choices to food to crowds, etc., etc., etc.

The last time I went to our mall was to shop for my daughter's 21st birthday. I only went then because she wanted something from a particular store there.

It was so full of rude people, obnoxious teenagers and screaming brats I haven't been to one since. My daughter turned 31 in March.

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The last time I went to our mall was to shop for my daughter's 21st birthday. I only went then because she wanted something from a particular store there.

It was so full of rude people, obnoxious teenagers and screaming brats I haven't been to one since. My daughter turned 31 in March.

I only go to the mall when I absolutely have to these days, but when I was a teenager and in my 20s I loved shopping and went often.  I usually can't get too worked up over obnoxious teens knowing I probably was equally obnoxious at the same age.  Granted, at my current age, I try to minimize my contact with teens but truthfully I often find adults en masse equally unpleasant (and more than a bit entitled).


What cured me of my love of shopping was the ex.  He also loved to go shopping, but every trip was dominated by his interests - being forced to look at every possible sneaker in the mall, electronics, sunglasses, etc...that he suddenly "needed".  Plus, he would always decide that the perfect item he needed was one iota* off from every version out there and it had to be somewhere.  So that search suddenly dominated the entire outing.  He sucked the fun out of shopping for me.


*Hmmmm...since iota means a very small amount, does it need to be quantified?

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This morning a lady with a huge cart full of groceries let me go ahead of her with my seven items.  Yay.


Then, when I was inching along at a bumper-to-bumper highway exit, some jackwagon pulled ahead of everybody waiting in line and cut us all off to exit.  Boo.

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This morning a lady with a huge cart full of groceries let me go ahead of her with my seven items.  Yay.


Then, when I was inching along at a bumper-to-bumper highway exit, some jackwagon pulled ahead of everybody waiting in line and cut us all off to exit.  Boo.


One word:  Balance.  The scales have to even out  somehow.

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stewedsquash, I was just ranting in a way that made me feel better. My issue on that topic was more about the way that story was put out there by politicians, when it really didn't amount to any real tax dollars. (If you look at that link, you can look at the stuff I left out. The NFL should have dumped it's tax exempt status years ago, simply to avoid the PR problems it caused them.)


I've attempted to use that same sort of numbers based arguments (obviously only presenting the facts that aid my side of the argument) with my brother when we talk about sports. Sometimes he counters with his own facts. Sometime he just counters with, "You're wrong. He sucks."  Heh. 


A peeve of mine is, posts that start going in circles, yet I am also fascinated by posts that can just fall into an in depth debate, I could read them all day long.

I saw a wonderful professor from Columbia speak at a company event recently. He told a story about a class he set up a few years ago that was for both the MBA students and the Law students. It is still offered and popular today, but when it first started there were some issues with the way it went.  Apparently the law students loved the conversations, identifying all of the issues, and talking about both sides of the problems. When it was over, they were very satisfied with all of the debates and went away happy.  The MBA students, while actively participating in the debates, felt very disappointed when it was over because there was no takeaway or business lesson at the end.  It was just a big discussion with an unsatisfying conclusion. (Kind of like the end of The Sopranos.)


When I see one of the in-depth debates that can break out from time to time, I am SO the the MBA student who craves a resolution and will chime in just make me feel better that something will come of it.

Edited by JTMacc99
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I agree but there isn't an outrage thread. I didn't think it would be allowed here, I just mainly wanted to talk about the power of the internet in cases like this. Not the actual act of violence.

Never mind.

Edited by Maharincess
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I have a few theories about why customers do what you describe.

1) A lot of people think if they're paying more than $0.01 for anything, that entitles them to the same kind of "service" they get in fancy restaurants. Which means none of this self-service "reading the menu while in line" business, the guy at the counter better take his sweet time answering all your questions on your timetable.

2) These customers ignore the people in line behind them. It's a power play between the customer and the person at the counter.

3) These customers, unfortunately, have a slogan: "the customer is always right". Whoever coined that phrase should be given a wedgie.


God, do I hate "the customer is always right"! No, sometimes you are stupid. Once working in food service I had a customer come in and rudely say "I left my coupon at home, but you're going to give it to me anyway!" Oh, I am, am I?


I have a pretty bad allergy to food coloring, but it's on me to make sure it's dye free. I never go to an ice cream place without looking them up online or calling beforehand to find out if their ice cream has artificial dye or not, or which ones to avoid. On the offchance that I do stop in someplace, if it's slow I may ask politely if they have a book of ingredient lists. If they look at me completely blank, I say nevermind (usually the younger employees that either have no idea it exists or where it is) If there's a line, I'll just go for something vanilla (and hope it doesn't have blue in it)


I guess that's a huge pet peeve of mine, food coloring!! Good glob, the stuff is everywhere it doesn't need to be!! First off, you don't need it anywhere. There are all kinds of natural things, like vegetable juices, that provide plenty of color. Secondly, why is there blue food coloring in marshmallows? Why is there red food coloring in vanilla cheesecake? Why did the chocolate brownies with chocolate frosting have red, blue, and yellow food coloring?!?! Why are you adding yellow to mac&cheese? Cheese isn't yellow enough for you? Sometimes it's downright ridiculous!


I try to eat healthy - all natural and organic - as much as possible, but it's always a bit of a bummer when I'm at a restaurant or someone else's house and I have to pass on dessert. Most dessert has some kind of coloring in it and often people don't keep the packaging. I'm not taking my chances, so I'd rather go without. 

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God, do I hate "the customer is always right"! No, sometimes you are stupid. Once working in food service I had a customer come in and rudely say "I left my coupon at home, but you're going to give it to me anyway!" Oh, I am, am I?


I may never understand why people do this.  If I were working a counter, I'd be much more inclined to give a break to the person who was polite about forgetting their coupon and maybe "find" an extra under the counter or something.  


On the other side of "the customer is always right," I live sort of near Stew Leonard's, a huge store (started as a dairy, now has produce, meats and other selected groceries, but it's not a grocery store per se) that gets a lot of publicity for various things.  One of those things is this:



But I have to say, the one time I had a complaint, the store personnel bent over backwards to make it right.  They didn't go crazy giving me tons of stuff to compensate for the mistake, but they made sure we were square and I was satisfied.  So at least it's not all marketing.   Still, I wonder how responsible Stew L. and his imitators are for instilling this sense of entitlement in some shoppers.  I like to think that there are certain people who would act in an entitled manner anyway, without encouragement; but the last thing they need is additional encouragement. 

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New pet peeve.  My city is changing garbage collection rules this month.   Let me start by saying, we have facilities to recycle practically everything - paper, boxboard, cardboard, glass, tin, waxed board (milk cartons, etc) and it is picked up weekly. All you have to do is sort it.  Compostables - food waste, organics, yard waste - are picked up bi-weekly, weekly in the summer.  We have depots to drop off anything toxic or electronic. Garbage is picked up bi-weekly, and they will take large items like furniture if the garbage pickers don't pick it up first.


Now households will still be allowed to put out 6 garbage bags every two weeks, but 5 of them must be clear, to encourage recycling.  People are having fits.   What are they doing that they create so much garbage?    I generate 1 Kitchen Catcher of true garbage per week, and it isn't full.  Everything else is recycled. Kids can understand the recycling rules.  But adults simply refuse. Can't wait to see what happens this week. 

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P2 -  I share your concern about food dyes.  I'm not allergic to ALL of them, but I have had some really bad reactions from time to time.   Mostly to cosmetics.  I didn't wear lipstick for decades, because some will  leave my lips feeling burned and sore.  If I want to buy some, I try it in a department store, and tell them I'll come back in  an hour to buy it if it feels ok.  Bare minerals brand usually works for me.  More expensive, but I only need 1 or 2 colors.

One of my sons used to have bad reactions to food coloring - screaming fits, when he got older we figured out it was headaches.   It's awful how much food dye kids consume on a daily basis - not the small amounts in bread and crackers, but the overly-dyed cereal, cookies, candy, fruit drinks, etc. 


Weird fact -  some red food dye is made of crushed beetles.  I'm pretty sure that is part of my issue.    

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Yes, cochineal.  Are you allergic to shellfish?  

no, I'm not.   the only symptom I have is intense burning with some  lipstick.   I remember a couple of years ago, Starbucks got in trouble because it turned out their strawberry frappucinos were made with cochineal.   The issue was that Starbucks said it was vegetarian.  and stuff made from bugs is not vegetarian.


I crack up over co-workers who LOVE "red velvet"  cake.  I told one woman I could make the same cake, with no food coloring and call it chocolate velvet cake.  She insisted that red velvet is superior. 

Though I believe that people who love red velvet actually love the cream cheese frosting it's usually topped with.  Because he RED is dye. 

Edited by backformore
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What are they doing that they create so much garbage?


I wonder this about some of my neighbors.  We have weekly rubbish collection, all on the same day, but three separate trucks for the three types of bins we're issued - one for yard waste, one for recyclables (not everything recyclable is accepted, but as the city has expanded its list over the years, it has become quite extensive), and one for trash.  We're only supposed to put out the bins that are full each week.  If I waited until my trash bin was full, it would only be put out every couple of months!  And, since it's mostly filled with litter box waste, that would get quite stinky.  So I put it out about once a month, not full.


But some of my neighbors have their trash bin out weekly, and full (I can tell because it's not fully closed).  I just know - and can sometimes see for certain - some of what's in there is recyclable and belongs in the blue bin.  How hard is it to put stuff in the right bin?  Recycling is almost literally the least we can do (reducing and re-using are more important), and the city makes it so easy by allowing all recyclables in one bin ... no excuse.

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I have a pretty bad allergy to food coloring, but it's on me to make sure it's dye free. I never go to an ice cream place without looking them up online or calling beforehand to find out if their ice cream has artificial dye or not, or which ones to avoid. On the offchance that I do stop in someplace, if it's slow I may ask politely if they have a book of ingredient lists. If they look at me completely blank, I say nevermind (usually the younger employees that either have no idea it exists or where it is) If there's a line, I'll just go for something vanilla (and hope it doesn't have blue in it)


I guess that's a huge pet peeve of mine, food coloring!! Good glob, the stuff is everywhere it doesn't need to be!! First off, you don't need it anywhere. There are all kinds of natural things, like vegetable juices, that provide plenty of color. Secondly, why is there blue food coloring in marshmallows? Why is there red food coloring in vanilla cheesecake? Why did the chocolate brownies with chocolate frosting have red, blue, and yellow food coloring?!?! Why are you adding yellow to mac&cheese? Cheese isn't yellow enough for you? Sometimes it's downright ridiculous!


On allergies and food coloring - a friend of mine runs a Mexican restaurant in DC's Virginia suburbs. He doesn't have a no substitutions rule, but he says quite a few customers will very obviously fake food allergies just to put a little extra teeth into their requests for various substitutions. He even says he had one customer claim she was allergic to tomatoes ("so please leave them off my torta") and then asked for extra sides of their salsa, which contains tomatoes. When asked about this, she said her allergy was only to sliced tomatoes, not chopped. I think some customers are allergic to treating restaurant staff fairly!


As for food coloring, I have an ice cream place near me that serves the best mint chocolate chip ice cream around. The girl behind the counter told me people often complain about it being white instead of green like it's "supposed" to be. How sad is that?

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I wonder this about some of my neighbors. We have weekly rubbish collection, all on the same day, but three separate trucks for the three types of bins we're issued - one for yard waste, one for recyclables (not everything recyclable is accepted, but as the city has expanded its list over the years, it has become quite extensive), and one for trash. We're only supposed to put out the bins that are full each week. If I waited until my trash bin was full, it would only be put out every couple of months! And, since it's mostly filled with litter box waste, that would get quite stinky. So I put it out about once a month, not full.

But some of my neighbors have their trash bin out weekly, and full (I can tell because it's not fully closed). I just know - and can sometimes see for certain - some of what's in there is recyclable and belongs in the blue bin. How hard is it to put stuff in the right bin? Recycling is almost literally the least we can do (reducing and re-using are more important), and the city makes it so easy by allowing all recyclables in one bin ... no excuse.

Before I moved into the boonies, I used to walk my dog around my neighborhood a lot. I'd see people with their garbage cans over flowing and empty recycle cans.

It was so hard to not knock on these people's doors and teach them how to recycle.

We have to take our garbage about half a mile down the hill to the main road, we only have to take the garbage can down once a month because we recycle everything else.

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Yes, I should have made it clear. I'm talking about red velvet cake that people buy around here, at grocery stores and bakeries. It's very bright red, made with dye. I had read that the cocoa we have today doesn't turn the cake red, so that's why the dye is added. I stay away from it, because of my reaction. If made without dye, it's the same taste - chocolate.

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My boss, who has never eaten "true" red velvet cake, says she doesn't understand what the big deal is.  I've told her if she gets the chance to eat the real thing, she will understand.  


Today's peeve - drunken idiots combined with a full moon. I was awoken at 1:26 am by two drunken idiots who decided to stop their vehicle at the end of my driveway to have a loud, drunken fight. As much as I was annoyed by the fight, I was more concerned they would try to drive away, so I called 911.   By the time the boys were taken "downtown" and I finished giving my statement to the police, it was after 3:00 and I was wide awake. So thanks for that.


BTW, not one of my neighbours woke up.   The 911 operator said he could hear the yelling through the phone, while I was on the second floor, but no one else had called. 

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Wow - hadn't thought of the difficulties in life being allergic to food dye would cause! 


Glad you called the cops of those drunken fools.  Losing sleep is not ideal, but for the greater good.  Take a nice nap today if you can!

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My next door neighbour is out working in the yard, he confirmed he did not hear a thing.   He is up on a ladder, painting the second storey.  I told him if he fell, I was not calling 911 because I had already called them once today and didn't get even one cute cop, out of the 6 who attended.   BTW, one of the 6 officers was female, and one drunken idiot thought he would help his situation by flirting with her.  Bwah ha ha. 

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What are symptoms of food dye allergies? I went to one site and it was just a bunch of gibberish about her kid. Serious question.

I don't think I developed my allergy until my 20s, but my first indication was it causing extreme cramps and diarrhea. (Sorry, everyone) Now that I've cut it out completely, even a little exposure gives me excema type bumps on my face and occasionally hives as well. Anytime I see something delicious looking that's full of coloring, I just remember the time I will spend in the bathroom and it's an easy decision. It is not worth it at all!!


Unfortunately, allergies to food dye is not something that's talked about or necessarily acknowledged in the medical profession. A lot of kids have reactions to food coloring that cause behavioral problems. I've found studies back in the 80s that talked about this occurence, but mostly now it's all blogs. I'm sure there's a lot of gibberish, but there are also a lot of parents that have noticed definable improvements by putting their kids on a dye-free diet. She's hasn't updated in awhile but there's a good blog here. The problem is that food dye is so ubiquitous that kids especially eat tons of it during the day. I know there is no one thing that contributes to ADD/ADHD but I do believe that if we cut food dye out of our foods we would see a marked difference in kids. 


Another problem for those with dye sensitivities or allergies is medication. Most medication is colored, especially liquid meds for kids. It took me three stores this past winter to find a store brand expectorant that wasn't colored. Usually the amount of coloring in pills doesn't bother me too much, but I can't take any liquid cough medication because it's a much heavier dose of color. Vicks makes a NatureFusion that I've bought in the past, but couldn't find this last year. Sometimes you have to trade one evil for another. I'll deal with the itchy face in order to have migraine relief.  



As for food coloring, I have an ice cream place near me that serves the best mint chocolate chip ice cream around. The girl behind the counter told me people often complain about it being white instead of green like it's "supposed" to be. How sad is that?

I love finding white mint chocolate ice cream, because it's one of my favorites and I don't get it very often!

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I have a renewed appreciation for those of you who deal with chronic pain and/or are dealing with a mobility issue.

I wrenched my foot Friday stepping on a trolley and have been in pain since. I went to urgent care today because I still can barely walk and swelling hasn't subsided. No breaks, but bad contusion/sprain.

This comes off the heels (pun) of a severe rash reaction to my time in the sun on vacation two weeks ago. I went to urgent care for THAT last Monday and was put on a short course of steroids. I'm about past that, then I do this to my foot.

I'm in screaming pain. I got hydrocodone and had to get a few groceries because of course I have none. My foot is huge now (obviously, I shouldn't be on it). I went to work to get my laptop because I have to work tomorrow, somehow.

Waiting for the meds to kick in. Bag of peas on my elephant foot. I'm so sorry for anyone who deals with chronic pain because I've been in various states of it for a week and I'm losing what little mind I have left.

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A true red velvet cake gets its red color from vinegar, baking soda and cocoa. And now days, it has to be a certain cocoa because of the changes in how cocoa is produced. It is the science of the ingredients that originally turned it red. Now, unless you use a  recipe with those ingredients, it does just have red food coloring. I think that red velvet cakes do not taste just like a simple chocolate cake. If you use the original ingredients, it would taste different than just a chocolate cake. The velvet part comes from the ingredients also, it makes the cake have a velvety, smooth texture. If you check out some old recipe books, or even online, you can find a true red velvet cake.{bolding mine}

You just have to make sure you're using natural unsweetened cocoa, not dutched unsweetened cocoa.  It's not that hard to find (Hershey's is natural , for example) but you have to know what you're looking for.

This is not a bad history article/recipe, although he does make cream cheese frosting:


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I have a renewed appreciation for those of you who deal with chronic pain and/or are dealing with a mobility issue.

I wrenched my foot Friday stepping on a trolley and have been in pain since. I went to urgent care today because I still can barely walk and swelling hasn't subsided. No breaks, but bad contusion/sprain.

This comes off the heels (pun) of a severe rash reaction to my time in the sun on vacation two weeks ago. I went to urgent care for THAT last Monday and was put on a short course of steroids. I'm about past that, then I do this to my foot.

I'm in screaming pain. I got hydrocodone and had to get a few groceries because of course I have none. My foot is huge now (obviously, I shouldn't be on it). I went to work to get my laptop because I have to work tomorrow, somehow.

Waiting for the meds to kick in. Bag of peas on my elephant foot. I'm so sorry for anyone who deals with chronic pain because I've been in various states of it for a week and I'm losing what little mind I have left.


I'm so sorry, bilgistic.   I hope you feel better soon.  

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I was only rashy where I had exposure to the sun. Areas that were covered (chest to butt) were fine. I'm still a little itchy on my left arm and upper back. I've never done particularly well in the sun, being very fair.

My two cats would be happy if I was laid up inside all the time. My boy kitty lays all over me, and gets mad when I have to move.

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I have a renewed appreciation for those of you who deal with chronic pain and/or are dealing with a mobility issue.

I wrenched my foot Friday stepping on a trolley and have been in pain since. I went to urgent care today because I still can barely walk and swelling hasn't subsided. No breaks, but bad contusion/sprain.

This comes off the heels (pun) of a severe rash reaction to my time in the sun on vacation two weeks ago. I went to urgent care for THAT last Monday and was put on a short course of steroids. I'm about past that, then I do this to my foot.

I'm in screaming pain. I got hydrocodone and had to get a few groceries because of course I have none. My foot is huge now (obviously, I shouldn't be on it). I went to work to get my laptop because I have to work tomorrow, somehow.

Waiting for the meds to kick in. Bag of peas on my elephant foot. I'm so sorry for anyone who deals with chronic pain because I've been in various states of it for a week and I'm losing what little mind I have left.

I'm so sorry. I feel for you. Keep it elevated with lots of ice, hopefully that will give you some relief.

I'm actually surprised you got pain medicine. A friend fell down the stairs and her foot looked like yours sounds, swollen to her shin. They told her since nothing was broken they couldn't give her narcotics and gave her Ibuprofen.

The abusers make it so hard for people who need it. My pharmacy knows my injuries, surgeries and recovery but if there's a person who doesn't know me, I still get treated like an addict when I roll up in my wheelchair wearing my back brace.

I hope you feel better soon!

Edited by Maharincess
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Biglistic, are you sure it was a rash from the sun or some kind of virus that has the rash as a symptom? My son started turning red all over his body and the doctor had to call in another doctor for a second opinion. It was some kind of viral or bacterial thing. It didn't come from the sun but he was treated with a dose of steroids and some other medication. 


I think links to ADHD are tenuous at best. I am not a big believer in ADHD in kids. I had a wise doctor who said Kids would rather be praised than punished but they'd rather be punished than ignored. He said kids take a lot of effort and not to label them. If a kid can find an interest and focus on it for any amount of time, he isn't ADHD.

Well, I disagree.  I have a son who could escape from high chair, carseat, stroller,  crib, all before his first birthday.   He walked at 9 months, and ran a week later.  He was about as hyperactive as kids get, and it wasn't because of how he was raised, or what we fed him.    It's not about being praised or punished, some kids are more active than others, and it starts EARLY.   I breastfed this kid for a long time, because it was the only thing that quieted him. 

 And your doctor is wrong, sorry - ADHD kids CAN focus, when they want to.  In fact, they go into a hyper-focus state, where they are oblivious to the rest of the world, they are so focused on one thing -  usually a video game, but it can also be something outdoors.  ADHD is real.   Yes, it IS at times diagnosed in kids who just need more direction, praise, and nurturing.  But it's real.  

My son is an adult now, he's brilliant.  And he can talk about what ADHD felt like, it's amazing to hear it from his perspective.  

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I think it is real, although I have no experience with it, but suspect it is way overdiagnosed, which leads to people not believing it when it is real. The way people (not you guys) say they have food allergies or gluten sensitivity when they don't. Sometimes I think people get an upset stomach and start to blame it on allergies or gluten or whatever is popular at the time, instead of thinking, "Hey, I ate too much," or realizing sometimes it happens for no particular reason. It makes it harder on people who really do have that problem. Or they think if I cut out whatever food group is popular to cut out, then I will lose weight instead of just eating less altogether and getting off their butts and doing something.

My coworker who whines about being fat decided to go carb-free and has been telling everyone how awful and faint she feels. Except I think she's been eating some carbs. She thinks she is eating healthy, but has ranch dip with her vegetables and thinks that sauteing is basically the same as grilling. Depends on how much oil you use. She told me she could still have barbecue and seemed surprised when I told her there was sugar in barbecue and that's a carb. I overheard her tell someone that she's had sugar, but that's simple carbs so it's OK. I don't do carb-free (I love carbs too much), but that doesn't make sense to me, especially if you want to lose weight.

Of course, I can't cut out a whole food group because then that is all I can think about. I can restrain myself and have just a little of something.

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I'm so sorry. I feel for you. Keep it elevated with lots of ice, hopefully that will give you some relief.

I'm actually surprised you got pain medicine. A friend fell down the stairs and her foot looked like yours sounds, swollen to her shin. They told her since nothing was broken they couldn't give her narcotics and gave her Ibuprofen.

The abusers make it so hard for people who need it. My pharmacy knows my injuries, surgeries and recovery but if there's a person who doesn't know me, I still get treated like an addict when I roll up in my wheelchair wearing my back brace.

I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks. The doc gave me only about three days' worth of pain meds. I know they have to C their A's because of addicts, and it sucks for those of us who actually need meds. I have an acquaintance who abuses opiates, and I thought of her today as I'm in pain. I don't belittle addiction at all; we all have our demons. I've never done an illegal drug or abused RX meds. I've been medicated for depression half my life, so if one ever had the leaning toward that route (substance abuse), it would be me. I just never have. My self-hatred was abuse enough, I guess!
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The hardest drug I've done is weed. I still smoke it. I get it medically now because I'll be on pain meds for the foreseeable future and they ruin my appetite. I'm already underweight so the weed helps my appetite a lot. It really helps my depression since my accident.

I have nothing at all against those who responsibly drink but for me personally marijuana is less harmful. I had a bad drinking problem and have been sober since December of '89.

The phrase "Instant Asshole: Just add alcohol was meant for me.

I couldn't handle my liquor. But I must say I enjoy sitting on my porch at night and smoking a joint.

Speaking of people who abuse opiates, you would be amazed at the people who suddenly get horrible pains every time they are around me now. They know I have the meds and a few people have begged and one offered me insane amounts of money for my stronger meds.

That's why they stay locked up and hidden.

Edited by Maharincess
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My two cats would be happy if I was laid up inside all the time. My boy kitty lays all over me, and gets mad when I have to move.


Bilgistic, my late kitty Baxter pretty much did the Dance of Joy when I was home sick or injured.  Maddie enjoys the extra cuddle time, too, but Bax was over the moon -- so long as I could still get up to feed him.  But he was also a remarkably empathetic cat; when I was in bed because of a migraine, he'd curtail his usual (and quite loud) purring and tuck a paw under the cool cloth on my forehead.  It will be two years December, and I still miss that little character so much.


I hope your unlucky streak is over and you're pain-free soon!

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My pets were thrilled that I'm laid up and home all the time. My cat Trixie is the cuddliest cat I've ever had, if I'm sitting or lying down she has to be on me. I've had a lot of cats in my life but I've never had one love me like my Trixie Chick loves me.

Edited by Maharincess
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Speaking of people who abuse opiates, you would be amazed at the people who suddenly get horrible pains every time they are around me now. They know I have the meds and a few people have begged and one offered me insane amounts of money for my stronger meds.

That's why they stay locked up and hidden.

It's terrible that people would ask you this, as it's a federal offense to share, and especially sell narcotics to others. 


Giving drugs to kids -  I work in the mental health field, and I believe that medications should be a last resort for behavioral issues.   Some doctors give way too many meds to kids with behavioral problems.  that said, sometimes kids NEED meds.   Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are two severe mental illnesses that can begin in childhood, and medication can alter the progression of the disease if given early enough.   I've also seen kids with autism become much more manageable when their outbursts are controlled by meds.  Anti-depressant meds have stopped some teens from taking their own lives.   ADHD meds can keep kids from having to attend therapeutic schools, and can be crucial for some kids to learn to read and do math. 

When ADHD meds WORK, kids feel better.  they say they can control themselves, and they like being less hyper and impulsive.  They like being successful. When meds make a kid feel bad,  that's a sure sign that the kid is misdiagnosed, on the wrong medication, or on the wrong dosage. 

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Backformore, I wouldn't give away or sell one of mine no matter what. I would feel horrible if I ever did and anything bad happened to the person I gave them to. I couldn't live with myself.

People have gotten the clue that they aren't getting anything from me. I have a lock box and a good hiding place so nobody will be able to steal them from me either. Only me, my husband and my kids know where they are.

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No apology needed!   I work with kids, and I've seen all sides of this issue - kids who are suicidal/miserable/out of control because they don't get meds, and kids who are on one medication for one thing, another for a side effect of the first, and a third to settle down at night.    It's an issue I deal with every day at work, and there are no clear answers that work for everyone. 

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