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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Another traffic peeve: 


I'm driving along when a car in front of me comes to a dead stop.  Then they turn the corner or into a driveway/parking lot. 


Last I checked, you slow down for a right turn buut keep moving, not come to a dead stop and then proceed.  If I were paid a dollar for the many times have I had to slam my brakes for these people, I'd be independently wealthy!

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What if they're waiting for a pedestrian on the sidewalk?  Are they allowed to stop then?   As long as they have signalled their intention to turn, they can stop if necessary to make the turn safely.

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Two peeves that hit again today.


1. Why the hell is everything a "journey"??? "I'm so grateful for this journey." "I can't wait to see what happens on this journey."  Where in the hell is everyone going?  To quote George Costanza "Why can't I just live? Why can't I be?:"


2. The constant bolstering of children's egos, er, self-esteem. "Good job. Yay", followed by clapping and high fives.  For everything.  Today I heard a parent say to a toddler leaving a toy store.  "You did a good job playing."  Not "You did a good job sharing," or "You did a good putting the toys away."   He did a good job playing.  I'll bet he is regularly told he does a good job pooping.  Is it any wonder kids expect a trophy for everything?



I agree.


#1  Every contestant on a reality show who gets cut/loses  talks about their "journey".

#2  I saw that a lot in the 90s when my daughter was young and still see it today. I had a neighbors who constantly said "Alright" or "Good job" to their kids. Barf! IMO that's why these kids have grown up or will grow up and expect praise for everything they do.


RE: shopping cart thieves: When I was a kid I remember walking home from a grocery store with my Mom. She didn't drive so we used a coaster wagon to haul the groceries home. We saw carts left in an empty field about 3 blocks away from the store. I  also see it at a mall near my house. Two stores (Sears & Kohls)  have carts for customers to use. People take those carts right out of the stores and push them around the mall. You'll see carts ditched at the entrances, some outside by the bus stop and even in the parking lot.


My driving pet peeve;

 When you're driving on a busy street and you have the right of way. People coming out of a side street or a parking lot and feel they don't have to stop. You have almost have to slam on your brakes because it looks like they're not going  to stop.

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Another traffic peeve: 


I'm driving along when a car in front of me comes to a dead stop.  Then they turn the corner or into a driveway/parking lot. 


Last I checked, you slow down for a right turn buut keep moving, not come to a dead stop and then proceed.  If I were paid a dollar for the many times have I had to slam my brakes for these people, I'd be independently wealthy!



What if they're waiting for a pedestrian on the sidewalk?  Are they allowed to stop then?   As long as they have signalled their intention to turn, they can stop if necessary to make the turn safely.


They can correct me if I'm wrong, but I really don't think that's what the original poster meant.  I don't think anyone here would say you should run over people (even if they sometimes think it).   It's the unnecessary stopping that's annoying.  

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Cannot stand drivers who intend to turn left but DO NOT signal. Then the light turns green, they don't move and you're stuck behind  them. Not every street has a left turn lane so it's nice to know in advance so I can go around or get alongside the car. I usually get pissed and lay on the horn or yell out the window (if it's summer) "Use your signal!"


Also when I'm getting ready to turn and have my signal on in advance but the car behind me looks like they have no intention of stopping or going around me.

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Coming home today reminded me of another driving peeve: Those who have no idea what to do when a traffic light is out.  All they have to do is treat it like a four-way stop; there is just no cause for the level of befuddlement that takes place.

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Ditto to all the traffic/driving pet peeves above. I consider it a minor miracle everytime I pull into my garage in one piece and incident-free. Hope I didn't just jinx myself.

After running errands this morning, I pulled into the ATM lane at my BofA on the way home, although my 57 year old bladder indicated I might want to head straight home. I was glad to see that I was the second car in line. However, when Ms. Precious Cupcake in front of me finished her transaction, she dug her lipstick out of her purse and started applying. I am a lipstick addict and thought, ok, a quick swipe amd she'll be on her way. (I am really trying to work on the "patience is a virtue" thing.) Then she pulled out the mascara and started working on the lashes! Yes! Thinking that she must not have seen me, and now other customers, behind her, I gave a little horn toot. She turned around and glared, sat there for a another few seconds and then drove off. Yes, honey, the world does revolve around you. We've all seen ladies at the red light putting on make-up but holding up the ATM line was a new one for me.

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Another driving peeve:  people who dart right in front of a big rig, motorhome, or similar.  I've never driven an 18-wheeler, but I've driven a motorhome many times, and I cannot believe how stupid people are.  It's usually someone in a tiny car, too.  That extra space I'm leaving?  It's not an invitation to you, it's a cushion because I see potential slowing up ahead and it takes me longer to stop.  If you sneak in there, we have to brake immediately, and all eleven tons of me runs into 1-1/2 tons of you, guess which one of us is going to wind up with higher insurance rates and which one is going to wind up in a full-body cast.


The motorhome my parents had when I was a kid had a CB radio that converted to a PA system with the flick of a switch.  When the life of some idiot realizing he was about to miss his exit was spared by a couple of feet, my dad flipped that switch and bellowed, "This thing doesn't stop on a dime, asshole."  Two nearby truckers blew their horns in support. 

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Me again, but this was my morning.


Aware that customer service reps – and even much-loathed telemarketers – are just people trying to earn a living, I always start off polite, no matter how frustrated I am (because I also know they personally have nothing to do with the problem I’m having, have no control over their company's policies or product quality, etc.).  And I know they have a script to work off of, and their job requires them to try and sell additional services while they have me on the phone.  So I just politely decline.  I'm not even annoyed; it is what it is and maybe once in a blue moon they have a promotion that actually makes financial sense.


But when I’ve already done that twice (and with more than one person), I’m resolving the little problem that I have no dial tone on my phones (and am thus making this call from a cell phone that is going to die if this takes too long), and the rep still keeps trying to sell me “bundles,” I’m through being polite; I’ve told you what I want done, so either do that and only that or transfer me to someone who can.  I have U-Verse for my internet.  That’s all I want.  I do not want it for my phone.  I do not want it for my TV.  I do not like green eggs and ham!


Thank you, I feel better now.

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Social media is becoming a pet peeve of mine. Not posting messages or connecting with friends, or even telling funny jokes, but the endless photos of one's self. As a society, many of us have decided that we have to take a picture of ourselves every day or with every semi-important event, or both: no matter how tragic or unnecessary or inappropriate that photo may be.


I went to the movies last night and saw several families taking pictures of themselves outside the theater that showed their movie. When did this become a thing?


And today's example: my teenaged niece fainted last night at home. Of course, everyone was concerned, and her mother kept out-of-town relatives like me informed of her progress. It turns out that she was dehydrated and was discharged from the ER after a few liters of IV fluids. Great. Tragedy averted. Today, however, my niece posts a picture (that her mother took) of her wearing a cervical collar (neck brace), about to be taken away in the ambulance. I get the need for the cervical collar--she'd fallen, and paramedics almost always put a cervical collar on patients who fall, trying to avoid neck injury.


But why did her mother take that picture in the first place? And why did my niece post that picture the day after the incident, when she knew nothing was wrong with her neck? Was she trying to gain sympathy--or comments? Or did she simply think it was a cute picture? I deliberately did not hit 'Like' or comment on her post because it confused me so much--and angered me, I must admit.

Edited by topanga
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I suspect "selfies" would be on my last nerve if I used social media; since I don't, I am rarely subjected to them.  I confess I find all of it rather silly -- that people seem to spend more time documenting the moments of their life than actually experiencing them.  Watching life through a viewfinder is not my idea of fulfilling.

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I find the endless posting of selfies to lead me to think more poorly of a person than I would otherwise.  Selfies while doing something new or atypical?  Go right ahead.  The daily selfies of the person doing everyday stuff?  Not interesting and they seem to be a prompt for a friend to give some compliment and to get a little ego-stroke.

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I'll take selfies if I'm on a trip. Or, I'll find a random person to take it. I mostly travel alone, and I like the memories. I've taken other selfies years back but now mostly to send to my dad if I get a new haircut or something. Oh..and my baby bump pictures, but I don't post those online.

Btw, if you call Disney's customer service, they really seem to be so much nicer than other places. Why can't cable companies take a few hints from Disney? That's not a small little company, yet they find and employ, usually, pretty nice people.

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And then treat them like interchangeable pieces of rubbish.

They do? I've not heard that. That's disappointing. I've heard wild stuff about the summer college character program they used to have, but that's all.

Then, it further is a wonder to me how much nicer overall the people are than at other companies. I guess all have a script of some sort, but I've noticed more leeway at Disney. I'd really like to know more about it.

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I'll take selfies if I'm on a trip. Or, I'll find a random person to take it. I mostly travel alone, and I like the memories. I've taken other selfies years back but now mostly to send to my dad if I get a new haircut or something. Oh..and my baby bump pictures, but I don't post those online.

Btw, if you call Disney's customer service, they really seem to be so much nicer than other places. Why can't cable companies take a few hints from Disney? That's not a small little company, yet they find and employ, usually, pretty nice people.

Selfies on a trip is something I am totally ok with since that would fall under my self-defined "new or atypical" category.  And selfies that are not posted on social media I am ok with too.  But my peeve is also age-specific:  I am less annoyed when younger people post selfies and more annoyed when people in my age group do.  I don't claim there is a rhyme or reason to my peeve(s)...and now I need to go yell at those kids to get off my damn lawn.


I've heard various stories about working for Disney.  Some are true believers who are living a lifelong dream of working at the House of Mouse, others find it a very restrictive environment where promoting the image is the most essential thing.

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I don't understand why people need themselves in the picture in the first place.  Why can't you just take a picture of the thing?  Why does it have to be you standing in front of it?


That's not to say I don't take selfies.  I've been taking selfies since before people were pasting them all over social media. But I take them when I want a picture of me and my friends.  If I want a picture of the sights, there's no reason for me to be in it.

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I don't understand why people need themselves in the picture in the first place.  Why can't you just take a picture of the thing?  Why does it have to be you standing in front of it?

I tend to be a take-a-picture-of-the-thing sort of person, but I can say that when I was young and traveling with my family my mom would frequently insist on having at least one person in a picture and her reasoning was that if she just wanted a nice picture of the thing she could get a postcard or (at this point) find one online that was probably better than one she could take on her own. She wanted a picture that showed that we were there to make it more personal. Plus, having looked through many many photos of other people's trips I will say that I find it much more enjoyable if there's a mix of pictures with people and without than if they're all without. And in particular, if I'm looking back at photos from past trips--like looking at photo albums from family trips when I was a kid--it's definitely the photos with me and my sisters and parents and the sights in them that are most fun to see and bring back the most vivid memories.

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Disney employees are prone to calling the place "Mousewitz."  I don't know anyone who has worked for the parks (which is where I believe the term originated), but it was adopted by those I know who work/worked for the studio and various affiliate companies.  Corporations generally treat employees like cogs in a wheel, yes, but Disney is just on its own level.

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I would imagine that Disney employees act nicer because they'll get fired quicker for being attitudinal.


I tend to be a take-a-picture-of-the-thing sort of person, but I can say that when I was young and traveling with my family my mom would frequently insist on having at least one person in a picture and her reasoning was that if she just wanted a nice picture of the thing she could get a postcard or (at this point) find one online that was probably better than one she could take on her own. She wanted a picture that showed that we were there to make it more personal. Plus, having looked through many many photos of other people's trips I will say that I find it much more enjoyable if there's a mix of pictures with people and without than if they're all without. And in particular, if I'm looking back at photos from past trips--like looking at photo albums from family trips when I was a kid--it's definitely the photos with me and my sisters and parents and the sights in them that are most fun to see and bring back the most vivid memories.
That makes sense, but for some people, it's every damn picture that they're in.  Way to ruin a nice sunset.
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I've taken one selfie in my life, by accident. I was in the ER for an apparent allergic reaction, covered with hives from head to toe.  I wanted to see how bad I looked, but they don't have mirrors in the ER pods, so I figured I could use my iPhone facetime just to see myself. Not knowing what I was doing, I actually took a photo. Fortunately, I don't post photos on social media or I'm sure I would have accidentally done that, too.  Now that I have the photo, it is pretty funny to look at.

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Mine is personal products that contain fragrance.  I use soap, shampoo and sometimes conditioner.  Then deodorant, mousse and lotion.  All usually have a smell.  I don't always mind the smell of shampoo because it is fruity. Sometime moisturizers have a fragrance, too. 


Same with laundry, there is the detergent, fabric softener(I don't use) and fabric sheet I only use with items that have cat hair, also there are stain removers.  So many products so many different smells. 


As I get older flowery smells are the worst. Even cat litter is scented and I don't think cats really like it.  Then there are cleaning products and I am switching to more natural ones. 

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Mine is personal products that contain fragrance.  I use soap, shampoo and sometimes conditioner.  Then deodorant, mousse and lotion.  All usually have a smell.  I don't always mind the smell of shampoo because it is fruity. Sometime moisturizers have a fragrance, too. 


Same with laundry, there is the detergent, fabric softener(I don't use) and fabric sheet I only use with items that have cat hair, also there are stain removers.  So many products so many different smells. 


As I get older flowery smells are the worst. Even cat litter is scented and I don't think cats really like it.  Then there are cleaning products and I am switching to more natural ones. 

I agree, because all those scents sometimes clash.   The worst though, is when women use heavy scents like musk.  perfumes with a strong musk component make me feel like I'm choking.  


I got a small spray bottle of kitchen cleaner made with parsley at a store that was promoting it.  I want more, and they don't have any.  It cleaned pretty well, and the scent was a natural herbal smell, very subtle.  Great for the kitchen.  

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I tend to be a take-a-picture-of-the-thing sort of person, but I can say that when I was young and traveling with my family my mom would frequently insist on having at least one person in a picture and her reasoning was that if she just wanted a nice picture of the thing she could get a postcard or (at this point) find one online that was probably better than one she could take on her own. She wanted a picture that showed that we were there to make it more personal. Plus, having looked through many many photos of other people's trips I will say that I find it much more enjoyable if there's a mix of pictures with people and without than if they're all without. And in particular, if I'm looking back at photos from past trips--like looking at photo albums from family trips when I was a kid--it's definitely the photos with me and my sisters and parents and the sights in them that are most fun to see and bring back the most vivid memories.


We had the same Mom.

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That makes sense, but for some people, it's every damn picture that they're in. Way to ruin a nice sunset.

For me, it just depends. A sunset could be a beautiful picture by itself...and unique. Generally, I like a mix.

For instance, I'm going to Disney World soon. I'm going and alone and pregnant. I've been many times. I'll probably still take a picture of the castle and animals and just neat things I see...but, gosh darn it, I want at least a couple of Magic photos taken of me in the parks! I want that memory. It won't be a selfie because that wouldn't really work to show my stomach. I'll probably put it on Facebook, but hopefully it will be one a cast member took with added in graphics that I buy.

Last year, I went with a friend. It was nice to have pictures of the two of us to distinguish between pictures I've taken when I've gone with different people. So, I guess I mean, especially when you return again and again to the same place, it's nice to see the people- even myself- abd how I've changed and the expressions. But, a beautiful picture of landscapes or architecture is still worth it with no people. I'm glad I'm not limited anymore by a single roll of film!

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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Today I saw a pregnant woman getting out her car, which had a sticker "Baby en Route - drive carefully."   SMH.  The original point of the Baby on Board sign was to alert emergency personnel, in the event of an accident, to look for a kid in the car. You were supposed to remove it when the kid wasn't in the car. Then parents took it as an announcement - "Look at Me - I Reproduced! Also, please don't run into me and my precious cargo."   Thanks for the heads up, I was planning to run into your car, but now I won't because WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?   Apparently, I'm now not supposed to run into pregnant women either.   Guess I'll just aim for those worthless, selfish, non-breeders.

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Today I saw a pregnant woman getting out her car, which had a sticker "Baby en Route - drive carefully."   SMH.  The original point of the Baby on Board sign was to alert emergency personnel, in the event of an accident, to look for a kid in the car. You were supposed to remove it when the kid wasn't in the car. Then parents took it as an announcement - "Look at Me - I Reproduced! Also, please don't run into me and my precious cargo."   Thanks for the heads up, I was planning to run into your car, but now I won't because WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?   Apparently, I'm now not supposed to run into pregnant women either.   Guess I'll just aim for those worthless, selfish, non-breeders.

I always thought the Baby on-board signs were cutesy ways of saying "drive carefully, you wouldn't want to endanger an infant!" I remember a young couple when I first had kids who had the sign on their car. I was enraged, because the dad drove and the mom would hold her kid in her lap instead of using a car seat. What's the point of the sign in that case? I should be careful, but you don't have to?

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I take the signs as a way of explaining why they might be driving more slowly? I don't have one, but they don't bother me. I've never had any sort of bumper sticker. The ones that aggravate me are the ones that are vulgar or express an extreme opinion. It's not that I don't think they have a right to their opinion, but I generally stereotype them as someone who might have road rage. Is that fair? No. But, I try to avoid conflicts with other drivers, so I give them a wide berth. I do think this because I personally think there's a time and place for strong opinions. A bumper sticker is so visible to everyone...why have vulgar or shocking language? While people are driving I don't think is the time to try to upset them. I only have anecdotal evidence that there's a link, but if I feel it makes things safer, I'll go with it.

I also found this link about Disney employees. The first post has a link to an outside blog and then the other posts discuss it. I don't know if anyone is interested, but I've been reading it this morning.


I'll admit the blog didn't really change my thoughts about anything.

I also see the phrase "won't be tolerated" pop up on that link. That phrase, in general, is a pet peeve of mine. Unless I know the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the situation...the phrase means little. Often, a person can chose to not engage, walk away, or speak up on behalf of others. However, that's not always possible and it doesn't always serve the intended purpose. The phrase is a buzz phrase. It sounds good. But not every situation allows one person to have the responsibility of tolerating or not tolerating something. its an easy thing to say but unless you either have some sort of power in a business or school or corporation ..or it's a just a person you randomly come across- how is someone going to stop another person's offensive behavior or language? You can leave or try to complain. That's really it.

It's like on reality TV shows when a person says, "I won't tolerate being told to be quiet!" Ok. Then, he or she will probably need to leave. It begs the question...what are you going to do about it?

I think saying, "I don't like to be told to shut up. Please don't say that to me" makes more sense. Then just leave if the person is still rude.

Basically, I think the phrase is either very unclear or is simply posturing- said when trying to sound like a badass when the person actually has no say-so about what the other person does or says.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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If having a child in your car prevents you from going the speed limit, you shouldn't have a child in your car.  Then maybe you can return your grocery cart!

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If having a child in your car prevents you from going the speed limit, you shouldn't have a child in your car. Then maybe you can return your grocery cart!

I didn't necessarily mean slower than the limit. I just meant slower than someone else may like. But, again, I don't have this sticker and don't habitually drive under the limit, especially if there are people around. I did yesterday as I rode by a home for sale, but there was no one else on the street ;) I like your last sentence. That's funny! I'm hoping when I have my baby I figure things out quickly so I'm safe but don't annoy everyone around me.

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I take the signs as a way of explaining why they might be driving more slowly? I don't have one, but they don't bother me. I've never had any sort of bumper sticker. The ones that aggravate me are the ones that are vulgar or express an extreme opinion. It's not that I don't think they have a right to their opinion, but I generally stereotype them as someone who might have road rage. Is that fair? No. But, I try to avoid conflicts with other drivers, so I give them a wide berth. I do think this because I personally think there's a time and place for strong opinions. A bumper sticker is so visible to everyone...why have vulgar or shocking language?

Studies have shown that people who put stickers and signs on the back s of their cars are much more likely to have a road rage episode, so you're not being unfair at all. The psychologists think that it has to do with being territorial about the vehicle.

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The original point of the Baby on Board sign was to alert emergency personnel, in the event of an accident, to look for a kid in the car.

I've seen this claim before but can find no evidence that it's true and Snopes says it isn't. Do you have a source for it? 

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Yeah, I've always assumed the point of those signs was, from jump, simply to be an obnoxious twit, saying, "I'm carrying precious cargo, so don't run into me, cut me off, or otherwise do anything that might endanger The Baby."  (Or, possibly, "Excuse my obnoxious driving, but I'm a helicopter parent who must keep my eyes on my baby in the rearview mirror at all times rather than watch the road, so, sorry for making you swerve or slam on your brakes, but, I reproduced and thus have special privileges.")   Um, how about I drive safely because you're another human being using this road and that's my responsibility?  Even though I like cats approximately 8,793 times more than I like babies, a "Cat on Board" sign would annoy me just as much. 

Edited by Bastet
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and fabric sheet I only use with items that have cat hair, also there are stain removers.


What is it? Does it get the cat hair off? (Not that I can use it if it has a scent because it would probably irritate my son's incredibly sensitive skin. We don't use stuff with a scent anymore.)

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I like babies more than most adults. They might be loud, but they have so much potential at that point, and they aren't mean inside. They scare me way less. I'd always be excited if a friend or relative had a new baby. Though, no, I wouldn't want to suddenly take care of someone else's child for days on in. But, yeah, I like baby humans and baby animals. Baby humans are much needier than lots of baby animals, but that's how the world works. There's nothing to be done unless everyone just had an abortion and ended the world. I'm not, personally, going to do that.

I hold adults being mean, selfish, dangerous, rude, etc to them way more than a baby screaming his head off and pooping.

Sure, drivers should be safe around everyone- but the reality is they don't. I don't begrudge someone having a baby on board sticker. I understand an eye roll maybe but nothing more, personally. But, I do believe it would be nice and great if people are a little more aware around a baby or child.

It's like people in public who notice a child but still curse and talk about adult things. Yes, I'd think it would be great if they didn't anywhere in public. Yes, I know they have the right to say what they want, generally. But, I still think it's rude.

I think the same thing about treating elderly people in a kind manner and giving up a seat on a bus if someone looks like they need it more than I do. It's just polite. No one has to, usually. But, it's just decent behavior, in my opinion. I know a lot of people disagree. There's tons of articles about a person who thinks they have just as much right to sit down as anyone else or say anything. I just don't like it.

To me, hating the baby on board sign would be like hating the signs on buses that say to please give up a seat to those with an obvious physical disability. I might agree to do it or not disagree to do it, but I don't hate the signs.

Not trying to attack anyones point of view. I get annoyed by all kinds of things! I'm just saying that I don't understand it IF it goes beyong an eye roll to an actual anger or hatred.

I think the signs could also be there in the hope that a reckless driver would care. Even if it's a long shot. I don't like ascribing intentions to people. Now, the sign might tell you that that you think they might swerve or slow down suddenly. If that's what the sign means to you, if be glad to see the sign! Give them that wide berth, like I do the offensive stickers. Hey, it's a quicker, immediate way of letting you know- don't be close by me! I don't drive well or politely!

And, I don't doubt there are people who really and truly dislike babies. It's just hard for me to understand having a best friend or sister having a baby, going to visit...and actually sitting there, looking at the baby and thinking- I don't like you. I don't like you at all. I get thinking, "you make me uncomfortable and your yelling is annoying!"

My two cents..or 500.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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What is it? Does it get the cat hair off? (Not that I can use it if it has a scent because it would probably irritate my son's incredibly sensitive skin. We don't use stuff with a scent anymore.)

Yes, it does help to get the cat hair out of my throws. I saw it in a Good Housekeeping article and I asked my vet. I have heard it is often the fragrance of the products that people are allergic to.  It works pretty good. I sympathize with your son, because it seems like everything is scented.

Edited by applecrisp
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Sure, drivers should be safe around everyone- but the reality is they don't. I don't begrudge someone having a baby on board sticker. I understand an eye roll maybe but nothing more, personally. But, I do believe it would be nice and great if people are a little more aware around a baby or child.

Even discounting the possible arrogance of it, the reason I think the notion of putting a sign on your car in order to get people to be extra careful around you is because nobody is intentionally going to hit another car. Even the drivers who are reckless aren't going around thinking, "Gee, I hope I hit a car today!" Those drivers are behaving that way because they think they can do so and have no consequences. So putting a sign on that basically amounts to, "Don't hit my car. It is extra important because there's a baby inside," even if a person is willing to accept that it's extra important for that reason is just silly. Drivers typically make a point not to hit any car on the road. If they hit your car it will have been an accident. 


I do think reminders to drive carefully/alertly are in general a good idea. But I think those reminders should be...well, general. It's important to drive safely because controlling a massive, fast-moving piece of a machinery is a big responsibility and not taking it seriously puts you and people around you in danger. 


It's just hard for me to understand having a best friend or sister having a baby, going to visit...and actually sitting there, looking at the baby and thinking- I don't like you. I don't like you at all. I get thinking, "you make me uncomfortable and your yelling is annoying!"

I think that discomfort/annoyance is exactly what people typically mean when they say they dislike babies. Not dislike in the sense that they think they're bad people. I love babies but I understand that when my friends who don't love them say they dislike babies they don't mean they think babies are evil or out to get them and it certainly doesn't mean they think people should stop having babies. It means they don't enjoy spending time with babies. 

Edited by smrou
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I just don't think everyone with a baby on board sign doesn't care about anyone else or actually thinks other drivers are out to hit people on purpose. I really see that it could be about getting cut off or honked at. I understand how no one wants rude behavior. I just don't see the signs and think the driver thinks that he or she is oh so special and I should kick rocks.

Maybe the signs are completely pointless. But, I don't agree they mean the driver is arrogant, narcissistic, hoping the rest of drivers get into accidents, and that other drivers are out to hit people. I truly see that's it's there just in case it matters to anyone.

About babies- I just find the word "dislike" to be strong, in that case. I like the clarity of- I dislike the annoyance, but I don't dislike the person.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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Incidentally, those Baby on Board signs (which I almost never see, actually) aren't a particular peeve of mine. I just think they're stupid. But lots of things are stupid and don't really bother me because I just ignore them, and those signs fall into that category.


I sympathize with your son, because it seems like everything is scented.

I don't have any allergy or other reaction to scented products but I tend to really dislike the types of scents that are put in soaps and other household products. I use unscented dryer sheets and unscented detergent, for example. What's annoying is when something that I would never expect to be scented is. For example, recently I bought two big boxes of Swiffer duster refills. Got them home, opened a box, and was assaulted with a very strong and horrible smell. Turns out the dusters were scented. If I'd known such a thing existed I would have carefully looked for boxes of unscented ones, but it never occurred to me for a second that anyone would ever want a scented duster. Ugh. 

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I don't "dislike" babies.  I am completely ambivalent to them, the way I am about dogs.  I don't find them inherently interesting, endearing or cute, just because they are babies.  Or dogs.  I'm not drawn to them.  I pay them no attention until they do something that affects me, like create noise, mess, or odour.  Then I am absolutely within my rights not to like.  I don't like adults who do those things either.  And I will not alter my behaviour, including my driving, because some one else has reproduced.  

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BYAM is on board with no one having to alter their behavior within the legal confines or being ambivalent toward anything. :) heck, I'm "fine" with most things. Doesn't mean I always agree. My only real point of bringing up what I have is to say I think there are many reasons someone might put a sign up and regardless of why, it doesn't make me angry. I do understand it might end up completely pointless or may be annoying. I've never even googled to find studies about the stickers. I've never had one. I'm no sticker expert.

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Haha. This to me would be a perfect example!

If someone said, "I will not tolerate baby on board stickers."

What would that even mean? A person only has control over their own car/s. Unless the person is announcing a new law banning them or runs a store that could sell them, there's nothing legal they can do about it...I don't think.

Eh, I see babies as more important than just something that was reproduced. Babies require care from someone. They are easily injured. Sure, it's mainly the guardians' responsibility. But, if a person is engaging in a dangerous activity, sometimes that needs to be altered to not harm a baby if one pops around. But, for most people who are acting in legal, safe ways, there's not much to really change anyway. And, to be clear, I never said anyone isn't within their rights to dislike anything. You can dislike babies, dogs, women, lizards, yellow things, and the third hair on top of your right ear. Just saying the word "dislike" isn't always accurately used. And, sometimes it is. I don't care unless someone randomly comes up to me and starts screaming that my baby is ugly and worthless, which I don't believe the very vast majority of people would never do- whether they love, like, hate, or don't care about babies.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
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I don't like babies.  Or toddlers.  Or kids.  This doesn't mean I think they're bad or want bad things to happen to them.  Quite the opposite; I wish they were all safe, healthy, well fed, and nurtured into fine adults by people who love them.  But I don't like them.  (And I think that's different than saying I dislike them, which is why I didn't phrase it that way.)  I'm not interested in them, I don't find them cute, I don't like being around them.  Kind of like snakes, only much more difficult to avoid.

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I'm recovering from spinal surgery and have been loving this thread! Its kept me busy

On the lighter side of those "baby" signs, my mom's said "Ex husband in trunk"

I loved the selfie discussion. I understand taking one if you want to get the sights in the background, take a picture of a pregnant belly or if you're with friends

What I do not understand is somebody aiming a camera at themselves, making a face and taking a picture of themselves.

My daughter's friend takes and posts at least 4 or 5 pictures of herself every single day.

She'll take one of herself with a smile and coffee, or with a frown and say she's having a bad day.

I often wonder what goes through a person's mind when they do that. Do they look at themselves and think "damn....I look so good that I must take my picture" or is it raging insecurity?

When my kids were little they loved it when I made up songs for them. They would pick a category and I'd make up a song about it (they are in their 30s now and still sing the song I made up about Kool Aid to the tune of Pretty Woman) I've been composing a song called Selfie Queen, to the tune of Dancing Queen. Its about what goes through people's heads as they take yet another picture of themselves.

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I hope you feel better and recover soon Maharincess!

That's funny about the sticker. :)

Hmm...I usually think it's because the person thinks they look good. And, with social media I guess they think they'll get more likes than just a post saying they're drinking coffee. I'm trying to think back in my earlier twenties what I thought, and yes, I totally thought I looked hot in a few. I have one that I can't believe I took...with my body showing tan in a bikini at my pool. I'd never do that now! I mean- I still think I looked good (ha- better than now!) but the public sharing part? No!!! Though, really, it's the seductive nature that now embarrasses me more than the selfie aspect. Hope that's not too much information but want to answer the question honestly. It's not a truth I like, but it's what happened.

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