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Season 5 Discussion


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Of course, it wouldn't work that way since Law & Order was on NBC and Blue Bloods is on CBS.


I'm waiting for the day that their paths do cross given they both use the steps in front of the NYC Supreme Court to film.  


Interesting episode: while I didn't think much about Jamie's part, I liked that Erin is figuring out that her boss isn't all that great.  (Also glad that James Lesure is sticking around.)  Didn't really pay attention to Frank and Henry.




The resolution was a bit too pat;  boys like him are usually difficult if not impossible to place due to the abuse and neglect they'd received up to this point.  They usually hate the world and wouldn't want to be part of a family considering what his mother and aunt did to him.


This is so true; they really fictionalized this part.  It was kind of sad in reverse but insulting to the viewer.


This is the most sympathetic to "Pops" I've ever felt. And I did think Frank had snark in his voice when he asked him to take a seat. 


Gah, if that's the best they can do for Jaimie, this show's never going anywhere.  Oh, yeah, it hasn't in years.  Sigh.

I was confused by Danny's story. First, he was being a jerk and Linda is way too good for him so his whining made me want to smack him one. The end resolution, though? We have seen them go off on their own. I seem to recall an episode when he solves a case while they are spending a romantic night (weekend?) at a hotel. We have seen the kids hanging with grandpa so they can have a date night. Suddenly it's been 5 or 6 years? Seemed out of the blue.

Someone in the writing room needs to give Erin a break!

  • Love 2

I was confused by Danny's story. First, he was being a jerk and Linda is way too good for him so his whining made me want to smack him one.


She obviously thought that not only Danny should to work 24/7 to make money for the tutors (he explained it to his boss) but he somehow should be involved in family life at the same time and help his son doing homework. I kind of get why he wouldn't want to spend any of his free time at home, where the entire life is spent on forcing his son's educational progress and nothing else.


I was on Danny's side in this one, I'm sorry to say.


And they were talking about the long weekend, not the evening date while the pops looks after the kids.

  • Love 1

I was with Linda because Danny pissed me off so badly.  Linda works long hours, too, but she clearly is in charge of all the family stuff.  He made it clear he had no interest in helping with homework and just whined about her coddling Jack without even knowing how much Jack is struggling since he can't be bothered to help.  She didn't want him staying in the city because he doesn't see the family.  I thought she only brought up the homework because he didn't seem to believe Jack needed help.  She wouldn't be "all about the kids" if he would be even partly about them.  Which all seemed to come out of the blue because I don't remember any build up to this that would have made their sudden "almost ready to divorce" fight make sense.

They were both jerks to each other, as married couples exhausted by jobs and their dumbass children failing at school often are. Linda was unreasonable about his job. They're married for like, twenty years, it's hardly a surprise for her he's invested in his job, and now it became an issue because he wants to bring more money to help their "D" student" and his tutors, and that's bad why, exactly? Yeah...


And Danny was being passive-aggressive to her because the situation at home is depressing and he feels trapped by it.


Marriage, sometimes it sucks.

  • Love 2

They've had money issues going back to season 3 (Linda decides to go back to work, he resisted at first; the time he had considered taking that private security for that jet setting moron) but they seem to be ramping it up a bit more.  Last week it was to refinance their home, now this.  I guess one of them may ask Gramps or Frank for a loan sooner or later.


But the episode was obviously shown out of order: Gormely was promoted to Lieutenant in the last episode, and in this one he's still a Sergeant and they had a tension in the office over his position. Weird.

SMH.  Considering that this was their milestone episode, this is the kind of mistake that should have been caught.  It's not the first time the show swapped episodes out of order, but wow.

When Linda was unhappy about going back to work, I recall thinking Then send the damn kids to public school, already.



I don't know about the public schools in your area Quof, but in the NYC area, (even neighborhoods as nice as the Reagans') public schools are generally not good places to learn and it's normal for most families to send them to private (usually Catholic) schools.  I know this is a TV show, but it reflects reality for many NY families.  Most of them would sell their car or skimp on something else rather than send them to a public school.


I guess one of them may ask Gramps or Frank for a loan sooner or later.



Unfortunately I think you're right.  Why else would we have both parents working, storylines involving OT, the car, and the refinancing of the mortgage.   I hope the writers won't try to claim that Frank & Linda are spendthrifts or otherwise irresponsible with money.  That's too easy, and nothing I've seen of the characters' lifestyle seems to indicate that. 


Most of them would sell their car or skimp on something else rather than send them to a public school.

It's more nuanced than that: many parents figure out which districts have the best scores/best schools and maneuver to get their kids into THOSE public schools. (And a word from the PC would probably get Danny's kids into any public school in the city).


And, some of the public schools are so competitive they require interviews. (My niece has been an NYC public school student her whole academic career, and there was a slew of applications to fill out for middle school! She got into her first choice, and some of her friends didn't...trauma!)


As for high school, the top public schools in NYC compare favorably with a lot of private schools. I figure the boys are going to Catholic schools, which do have a tuition bill that can be pretty hefty if it's a private, rather than a parochial school.


Also just pulled this up: Average Yearly Homicide Detective Salary in New York

$70,853 - $106,279

Starting Yearly Homicide Detective Salary in New York

$58,349 - $87,524

Top Yearly Homicide Detective Salary in New York

$83,356 - $125,034


So Danny's making a decent, but not great, living, and he has 2 kids in private school and a mortgage. 


Another site says that an ER nurse salary is Total Pay (?)

$44,870 - $88,431.


So together, they can be comfortable, but are probably not putting a ton of money away for the kids' college, or maybe they ARE putting money away and that's what's killing them.

Edited by kwnyc
  • Love 1

It's more nuanced than that: many parents figure out which districts have the best scores/best schools and maneuver to get their kids into THOSE public schools. (And a word from the PC would probably get Danny's kids into any public school in the city).


And, some of the public schools are so competitive they require interviews. (My niece has been an NYC public school student her whole academic career, and there was a slew of applications to fill out for middle school! She got into her first choice, and some of her friends didn't...trauma!)


As for high school, the top public schools in NYC compare favorably with a lot of private schools. I figure the boys are going to Catholic schools, which do have a tuition bill that can be pretty hefty if it's a private, rather than a parochial school.


Also just pulled this up: Average Yearly Homicide Detective Salary in New York

$70,853 - $106,279

Starting Yearly Homicide Detective Salary in New York

$58,349 - $87,524

Top Yearly Homicide Detective Salary in New York

$83,356 - $125,034


So Danny's making a decent, but not great, living, and he has 2 kids in private school and a mortgage. 


Another site says that an ER nurse salary is Total Pay (?)

$44,870 - $88,431.


So together, they can be comfortable, but are probably not putting a ton of money away for the kids' college, or maybe they ARE putting money away and that's what's killing them.



That is pretty much what detectives make in my podunk town of 100K and where the job is a lot safer and the cost of living much lower.

Kind of a snoozer.


Best parts were the personal parts: Jack wanting to go out with a girl and talking about it with his dad while his mom already knew that he'd had the "hots" for the girl since forever, the entire ice rink scene, and the dinner time medal ceremony. Jamie was barely written into the plot, which I'm not saying is a good thing. After the supper table scenes, I prefer his work scenes the most.

Getting a bit of deja vu again - didn't Erin have to deal with a Mother trying to get her innocent kid out of jail way back in season 1 or 2?  I know cases like this do pop up IRL for the DA's office but this isn't the first time I've seen repetitive storylines for the show.   I do give credit for having the mother be guilty of her part in the crime as opposed to being an innocent who was "in the wrong place at the wrong time".  If her son is as good as Erin thinks he is, I'd love to see him become a killer defense attorney one day!


I also liked the personal issues in this ep.  How Frank is worried about being accused of favoritism (again) when one of his kids is involved in something that could get them punished or rewarded.  I wasn't expecting him to give the medal to Danny due to Danny understanding why Frank was hesitant - and understanding why Frank was denied a medal back in 1988 for the same reason.


I was glad Jamie wasn't involved in this ep much, it's not necessary to involve every family member in every scene or storyline.  I also adored the scenes with Jack and his crush on Charlotte.  Of course seeing Danny with Linda reminiscing over their early dates (and the orange chocolates) only shows how much these two are such a great example of a solid marriage.

Plus, NY has crushing taxes!  Take home pay apart from the cost of living is rather low. 


I wish at times that Danny should have taken that job in security for that celebrity, or joined a similar firm.  It would have made a great storyline that he deviated away from "the family business" because the pay and bennies were a lot better and he had a safer work environment.  

Edited by magicdog

1.   When Frank was mulling over giving Danny the medal, it should have been mentioned that, if he didn't get one, Baez probably wouldn't get the commendation she deserved either.   When Henry didn't give Frank the commendation, it only affected Frank.


2.   "Objection, leading the witness!"  FFS, Erin, it's called cross-examination.

  • Love 2

1.   When Frank was mulling over giving Danny the medal, it should have been mentioned that, if he didn't get one, Baez probably wouldn't get the commendation she deserved either.   When Henry didn't give Frank the commendation, it only affected Frank.

Yes. Thank you. That's what I was coming here to say. They could have at least raised it that Baez would be left out. Then no one will want to partner with Danny if it means always being looked over.


Nikki didn't even bug this episode. Probably because she didn't have any lines.


I thought Jack and Charlotte were adorable. How old is he supposed to be? 12? I liked that Danny and Linda brought them but then stood on the sidelines so Jack could have his date in private.


Could someone help me with timeline - Danny and Linda married before he went to Iraq, but didn't have kids till he came back?

Of course seeing Danny with Linda reminiscing over their early dates (and the orange chocolates) only shows how much these two are such a great example of a solid marriage.

Wasn't it just the last episode they were fighting and Linda and Danny both seemed pretty unhappy? But that is pretty accurate in most marriages one day you are like newlyweds the next you are trying not to run your spouse over with the car

I thought Jack and Charlotte were adorable. How old is he supposed to be? 12?



Could someone help me with timeline - Danny and Linda married before he went to Iraq, but didn't have kids till he came back?




Jack is supposed to be 14 - just barely old enough for girls and too young to drive.  I'm guessing he's either in 8th grade (JHS) or a HS freshman.


It's possible Danny and Linda married while Linda was in nursing school (or perhaps shortly after graduating) since she was working before the boys came along.  Danny was in the military and became a cop later.   IIRC from the production notes, he went into Iraq to fight after 9/11/01 for two tours after having received a leave of absence.  In the Season 3 episode, "The Bitter End", He was shown interviewing the two sisters whose parents were killed in a shooting - and that was in 2000.  He was already a detective - according to Frank, he became a detective after 3-3 1/2 years in uniform. 


I'm guessing Jack would have been born after he made detective and possibly before going to Iraq (early 2001).  The younger son was likely born after the two tours or perhaps between tours.



If there was a resolution, I missed it too. They were both cheating, he hired the hit man and then decided against it an killed the hit man, but after that, I had no idea.



The husband hired a hitman but had a change of heart but couldn't get back in touch with the hitman to call it off.  He decided the best thing to do was to wait up for him and when he entered the house, he shot him dead.  He was arrested by Danny for the crime of hiring a hitman, and possibly murder of the hitman since he was lying in wait.

Edited by magicdog
  • Love 1


Two episodes ago, they were trying to refinance their home, last week they Danny was taking extra shifts to pay for special classes for his son, but this week they are meeting to pick out tile?


This is what drives me up the wall about the show: the continuity of the little things that when you think it over, doesn't make one lick of sense.  



Could someone help me with timeline - Danny and Linda married before he went to Iraq, but didn't have kids till he came back?


Season 1 episode said they were married for 15 years at the time (2010) so if we were to go by that they were married at the time he went to Iraq.  The kid who plays Jack is 14 now maybe she got pregnant before he left for overseas?

  • Love 1

Our mutual comment when we saw Jack & the gf: "That kid got TALL." 


And the medal was for bringing in the guys who stole the truck full of dope and killed 2 DEA staffers, right? 


Also, they cared s little about the case of the week that they got the hitman to be a freelancer who confided everything to his girlfriend, and then the perp flat out admitted it without Danny having to be all Bad Cop. Fine with me.


Plus, NY has crushing taxes!  Take home pay apart from the cost of living is rather low.

Somewhat related: Donnie lived in Brooklyn close to the studios during the first season but moved to New Jersey during the second: apparently since he's considered an out of state resident, he was being heavily taxed on his outside bank accounts.  (Don't ask me how i know this.)

Wow the suicide was brilliant karma wise but sad.  Actress was beautiful. 


I couldn't tell if Frank wanted the cop fired or not?  But was surprised at the PR's guy's assessment - I liked it.  I'd of fired him.


Promos were totally misleading making me think Jaimie would be in the hot seat. I hate that.  No Erin righteousness was nice.

  • Love 1

Wow, so Rada is extremely random name to pick for a Russian girl. They should've chosen more traditional Russian name, like Maria, Elena, Marina, Arina or Irina.


Despite the name weirdness I liked the episode. I think the Jamie and the dying perp stuff was the most compelling. The last scene with his mother just heartbreaking. The cinematography and the lightning said more about the situation that any words, well done!


The Romeo and Juliette-esque plot was too dark but fitting, I thought. The writers touched upon the class difference and the ethnic/race relations/casual racism, and it even had some nice nuance. Liked Baez taking more active role.


Frank and Garrett were great, as per usual, but Lt. Gormley and his buddy were seriously annoying, and they made Frank annoying by proxy.

The "poor" door is, sadly, a very real thing in some of the new buildings here where developers got financing, approval, etc with the proviso they include a certain number of "affordable" housing units but then, after conclusion of the developments, they surprised everyone with the "poor" door thing - to keep those who live in the affordable housing units from entering certain parts of the buildings to enjoy the perks of the buildings.  It's disgusting.  But, they've been allowed to continue with the policy.  


I was pleased this show, with which I usually have some issues, chose to include this nasty bit of class distinction insult in a storyline, one that was very moving.  

  • Love 2

Seriously! He's solving cases, kicking ass and taking names. You'd think his boss would be pressing for a promo. And presumably he's served that extra penance that all Reagan men must do because of their names and connections.


An interesting twist might be if another department offered him a hefty promotion: in real life, the cities, towns & counties around NYC have a lot of guys who've trained & worked on the NYPD.

When my husband pointed out to me that Nikki showed up at the dinner table, then didn't even have one line, my response was, "I know, it's my favorite episode ever!"


Seriously, though, the continuity drives me nuts. They are having financial troubles, then they're not. Timelines of when she was a nurse, when he was in the military, when they got married, how old their kids are - they change with the whims of whoever is writing each episode.

I liked that Frank's dilemma was solved for him, the show should really be titled "Frank's Dilemma."


Loved the crochety old mob guy and him not dying.


I wonder how bad I'd feel if I shot someone who was obviously going to hurt other people in the future?  I know there's all this stuff about how traumatic it is but it doesn't really seem that traumatic to me.  Of course, I'll never have to do it more than likely.  But if they were clearly going to shoot me and I shot them first, I think I'd just be glad.


The neighborhood patrol guy was out of line, but they could have put a stop to it before she squashed him like a bug - especially since she was the one encouraging him. 


Jaimie's looking really gaunt in the face lately...and sigh, his story still seems to go nowhere.  The girl did seem kind of pathetic alone in that apartment. 


Was glad to see Danny and Baez show up - it was my first hope the guy might get out alive.  Erin was kind of low to pull the granddaughter in, but maybe it was the right thing to do.  That's a bigger moral dilemma to me than shoot first, but since Grandpa lived it's all good in BB land.


The mayor's such a delightful ASS, and really doesn't get Frank at all for coming off as sharp.

You know, just once, when a Reagan goes off the reservation, I'd love to see it blow up in their face; in this case, Erin. Frankly, I was hoping that the guy would have been killed due to her reckless behavior, and she would have had to deal with the consequences. But, no, not the Reagan's.

Did she even once consider the ramifications of pissing off the feds? Did she have that conversation with her boss? Was he on board; were the travel expenses approved (including the granddaughter)?

I loathe the extent to which anyone whose point of view differs from the Reagan's is portrayed as a complete dick -- the mayor, the federal agent. But these people do have their own authority -- the mayor has it right: the police commissioner does work for him -- yet all the Reagan's display such utter contempt for any authority other than their own -- and they do so with such impunity it's laughable.

  • Love 2


Wow, I think we had a half hour without Danny -- woo hoo!


Donnie was off a few days promoting his reality shows during this episode.  


At least they're using Will and Vanessa so I'm not complaining but Erin's storyline was too much of a wash.  No witness in their right mind would volunteer to go back especially through back channels.  It's too much of risk.  What if he had been killed?  Erin would have blood on her hands...again. 

I liked this episode, but a couple of things were just a bit too trite. The Fed becoming a decoy. Eddie breaking down in Jamie's arms. I saw it coming.


Liked that the witness got away safely and that we got more Eddie and Jamie. It was nice to see Danny and Baez show up at the end. Yes, it's just a show, but I felt a sense of relief seeing them on the case. (Until that point, though I'd seen him at the dinner table, I'd forgotten about Danny.) Also liked the family knocking on wood.


Frank's dilemma was solved way too perfectly. Couldn't the writers come up with something else? I would at least have like to have known that the cop had had to a change of heart from the very beginning and had to jump through hoops to reduce the charges, not to seemingly have a last-minute change of heart.

  • Love 1


the mayor has it right: the police commissioner does work for him --



I see your point but the mayor said:  YOU answer to ME.  Like a bullying jack ass.


A lot was left to inference from wording and tone there.  I also find Erin insufferable, but Frank is usually right in his decisions - or they make them play out right in the end.  :) 

I liked the idea that explores ramifications of police justified killing. But I really don't like Eddie and no idea why Jamie likes her either (apart from obvious reasons her being hot blonde, of course). She's insufferable when she's not suffering from PTSD or whatever. And when she's suffering she's annoying beyond belief. They should've make this storyline about Baez. At least Baez is awesome.


The way the story with Frank and the Mayor was resolved was brilliant, I thought. The Mayor came off as an ass, Frank was strong-headed (and right) but their decisions didn't matter in the great scheme of things.


Erin and her investigator have a great chemistry. Her story was predictable but kind of light-hearted fun, despite the fact it was about the mob and the mob assassins.

  • Love 3

The big unanswered question for me was: if the Reagans' NYPD is so great, how come a giant SUV can race up to the courthouse and unleash multiple high-powered weapons at not just cops & the witness but civilians and there's NOTHING the cops can do to stop it...and when ANOTHER car starts tailing the decoy, why doesn't NYPD stop that one, either? Supposing the guys in THAT car just start blazing away?


It implies that NYC really is a completely lawless town and the cops aren't up to keeping it safe, at least from the Mob.

The big unanswered question for me was: if the Reagans' NYPD is so great, how come a giant SUV can race up to the courthouse and unleash multiple high-powered weapons at not just cops & the witness but civilians and there's NOTHING the cops can do to stop it...


Probably because the witness was no under any protection whatsoever officially, and Danny and Baez were there only because Erin asked them to. So they had three cops at their disposal, and they managed just fine.


and when ANOTHER car starts tailing the decoy, why doesn't NYPD stop that one, either? Supposing the guys in THAT car just start blazing away?

Could be because they wanted to arrest the mob thugs when they'd made an effort to kill them,

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