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S01.E13: Diamonds are Forever

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Henry and Jo's murder investigation of an ex-con, who is being framed for a jewelry story heist, reveals a special connection between the victim and Jo's late husband, Sean, who was an assistant district attorney. Jo's evocative memories reflect her warm and wonderful relationship with Sean, which become almost too painful for her to bear. Flashbacks trace Henry's life to 1816 London where he ends up in jail. Incredibly, a priest, who is his cell mate, gives Henry a second chance at life. Meanwhile, Abe attempts to snare a thief who he believes walked off with a "priceless" antique from his store, and Henry is there to comfort Jo in her time of distress.



I liked this one. I liked the way Jo's partner looked out for her, even standing up to Henry and telling him to leave it alone. I liked the way Henry was there for her, all the way to the end scene. I loved that Henry reached out and took Jo's hand (after she crashed the vehicle) - is that the first time he's initiated contact like that? Usually she's the one squeezing his hand or shoulder. So I felt like that was a big deal, him reaching out and touching her first, showing her his great relief and care that she was alright.


And I thought the episode was pretty funny, too. I liked Hanson razzing Jo about her neighborhood. I liked Lucas going on about honing his powers of deduction, talking about the berry bush, all while Henry's standing at Jo's red door, LOL. I laughed out loud when Henry tried to be silent in the bar for all of about five seconds and then said something like, "I don't really do 'silent' so let me just say this..." Heee.

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I liked this one. I liked the way Jo's partner looked out for her, even standing up to Henry and telling him to leave it alone....

Yes, and I was so relieved the partner wasn't a bad cop trying to distract her from finding the bad guys, plus he wasn't trying to hook up with her, instead inviting her home to have dinner with his wife and kids.

I wonder what became of the priest after Henry poofed. At least he got to see a miracle and believe he had served his purpose.

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Other things that made me laugh in a good way:


Henry teasing Jo about the other detective being interested in her. Fun.


Hanson's "this hurts like a bitch!" after getting shot. Heee. Poor guy.


Abe's "Eh" about the quality of the diamonds, and Henry echoing it in annoyance at the lack of descriptive explanation. Double heeee. 

One thought about the final scene: couldn't you invite him in, Jo? You're both bundled up, wearing scarves and winter gear, yet you drink coffee out on your front stoop instead of inside the warm house? (LOL.)

Ooh, almost forgot one! Jo waking up at Henry's and the first thing she sees is Abe standing there with a hangover cure and an overly exuberant (and therefore really annoying first thing in the morning) Henry. Heeeeee. Loved that.

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 6

It's been a while since I watch a show where I like the main character and all the secondary characters. Henry, Jo, Abe, Hanson, Lucas. All fantastic. The only one I'm iffy about is Henry's late wife Abigail and that's because I don't think she's a good actress. The case of the weeks are almost always predictable but that's not why I watch these shows anyway. I watch for character interactions and this show does it very well.

  • Love 9

Detective Hanson and Jo: Detective Hanson was so sweet to Jo. In the beginning he didn't know what to say or do, but eventually he got better. :) I loved what he said to Henry in the hospital about Jo! Awwww!


Detective Hanson: Awww poor Hanson got shot! I like him. :) The balloon was funny. Get well soon! ROFL! Does he have a cold? Hahahaha!


Lucas and Henry:  They are so great together! I love when Lucas and Henry were outside Jo's apartment. Lucas was so excited to figure out about the red berries! And then oh a red door! ROFL!


Henry and Jo: Love them at the bar. He is all like he will be quiet, but then he can't do it! Hahaha. He does give good advice.


The flashback: Love the priest! At first I thought he was faking being a priest because he used to be in a psychiatric ward too. I was glad I was wrong.  Love that he wanted to help Henry! And we actually saw Henry disappear! YES! :)


Car accident: What a scene!!! That was great! Not sure what Henry was trying to do. Get the guy to die, or get him incapacitated so he doesn't kill Jo.


Henry and the picture: He was looking for a guy with diabetes, and wow he got that picture so quickly! Hahaha!


Feb 3rd: WHAT?! We won't be seeing another episode until then?! Geez do they not have a lot of episodes left to air so they have to air it then?


The view: Did anybody watch the view yesterday? Ioan Gruffudd was on and they talked about when we are going to find out what happened that made him immortal. He says we will find out in the 7th season maybe. 7th season?! Wishful thinking on his part I think.


Judd Hirsch: Did anybody watch him on New York News? He talked about forever.




Edited by sonyab
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I continue to love this show. The relationships are lovely, warm. It's really too bad it's up against POI. It hit a new low in ratings last night. I just don't understand the Nielson families.

This episode was particularly good in solidifying the team. Really fleshed out Detective Hanson.

Yes, I wondered too why they sat in the snow drinking their coffee.

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I liked that Hanson invited her over for dinner. I thought that was really sweet. And I liked how painfully awkward it was for him to try to communicate with her at the beginning of the episode, that he would be there for her if she needed to talk. It was both funny and endearing.


Also, I think it showed the contrast between him and Henry, and how she seems to find Henry easier to talk to. At the same time, I like that she was still able to shut down Henry when he nudged a little too hard and she wasn't ready to talk with him about certain things. She has shown herself to be both strong and vulnerable, and aware of herself and where she's not ready yet. She doesn't let any of them talk her into anything she doesn't want to do. I like that about her character.

  • Love 5


2) no half-naked IG.


LOL. It's winter time in NYC. Poor Henry would be freezing!

I must admit: I thought Henry was going to help Abe retrace his steps only for Abe to realize he'd moved the art piece himself and forgot about it. I'm glad they didn't make it about him being "old" compared to Henry and therefore not as sharp-minded. And I do like the twist that the kid moved something because it was placed in the wrong time period section of the shop and moved the horse because it was ugly, LOL. Then again, you know what they say: one person's garbage may be another person's treasure.

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So Jo said that her husband left for Washington and she did not get to see him again.  Have they told us how he died?


Loved this episode!  Henry and Lucas are a hoot together.  And we got a little more info on Hanson, as well as Jo/Sean.


The part with Abe and the young man who knew his art was good.  I hope that we get to see him again.

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I'll quibble with a couple of things: 1) there's a big difference in paint used on cars and paint used on doors.

Tell me if you want to quibble my reaction to your quibble, but I didn't think any of the lab-analysis type people thought the red paint was car paint? I thought it was either Lucas or Henry who found paint on him and jumped to "car"? And once it had been sent to the lab it was determined not car paint? Or did I dream that up? Or do the MEs count as lab people?

So Jo said that her husband left for Washington and she did not get to see him again. Have they told us how he died?

I want to say he died while jogging? But I can't remember if it were heart-attack while jogging or hit by car while jogging. For some reason I have saved mental images of the husband actor in both scenarios.

This was a great episode for advancing the characterization.   The plot line was secondary to the characters and their relationships, as it often is in this show.  


Jo's partner is a good guy.  I liked that we learned more about him and his family life, his boisterous sons and his wife who he knew would welcome Jo at dinner.  It was nice to see his sincere friendship and concern for Jo and to see this character develop in such a likable direction.


Henry is starting to reach out to Jo in the same ways she's tried to comfort him.   His situation has made his life lonely in ways normal people will never know.   He eventually sees everyone he loves pass away while he lives on.  Jo's heart is still breaking from the loss of her husband, and Henry's been through that many times through his many lifetimes.  He has a deeper understanding of Jo's loss than she can possibly know at this point.


I liked the kid who came into Abe's shop and rearranged his treasures.   I agree that he might be an interesting recurring character.


The flashback scene with Henry and the priest  was a nice touch, bringing up the theory that perhaps Henry was given immortality on earth for a special reason, giving Henry the chance for a more positive outlook.   The priest certainly felt he had served a divine purpose by helping Henry to release himself from prison and escape to find his own purpose.


Loved that Henry couldn't keep silent for more than a few seconds.     He is so cute sometimes.


Even cuter -- Lucas.   He had it all figured out about the red berries, only not.   Ha!   His banter with Henry is good comedy.


I love Henry's interactions with every secondary character.   Each relationship is unique and endearing or interesting in its own way.  This is what make this show a cut above the usual television whodunnit fare.

Edited by crocosmia
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The characters really make this show for me, even the one-shot characters like the priest and the art history kid. I love Henry and Lucas working together, the understanding between Jo and Henry, Hanson looking out for Jo, and, as always, Henry and Abe being an unconventional father-son pair.


Like others, I'm down with bringing back the kid as a recurring character.


I really liked the flashbacks with the priest in prison, and that he was the one to encourage Henry to start over somewhere new. And I had a laugh that the priest was in prison for sleeping with the magistrate's wife.


I also had a laugh when Abe razzed Henry's detective work at the beginning of the episode: "Eh, some Sherlock."


So Jo said that her husband left for Washington and she did not get to see him again. Have they told us how he died?



Jo said he died from a heart attack while running on a treadmill in the hotel gym.

  • Love 5

Jo said he died from a heart attack while running on a treadmill in the hotel gym.


Thanks for that, I completely forgot how her husband died. 


It's too bad this show won't make it past 1 season, this is the first time in awhile where I'm enjoying all the characters. 


I still really like that Jo and Henry have really nice moments and they are not hitting us over the head with romantic undertones. Whatever happens between is developing naturally. They care for each other and worry about each other right now and that could continue into something more or just remain good friends. I'm just thankful I don't have sit through longing looks and obvious music. 


Abe is great. Jo waking up to Abe was really great. 


I'm glad we learned more about Hanson, he was the only character I was iffy on. I didn't hate him or anything he was just kind of there. I liked that he was looking out for Jo and was attempting to be comforting without knowing how to go about it. I'm glad he's a good guy too. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I didn't think any of the lab-analysis type people thought the red paint was car paint? I thought it was either Lucas or Henry who found paint on him and jumped to "car"? And once it had been sent to the lab it was determined not car paint? Or did I dream that up?


According to my memory (which: heh) Lucas assumed the paint was car paint and did some research about various red shades of auto-paint. I don't think it got confirmed by other (off-screen) labbies on way or t'other when they twigged to the red door paint. I think the MEs do the whole matching-wound-paint-to-source work, but maybe I only think that because of L& O's Rodgers. :) 


Eh, it's only a quibble, something to toy with. Not nearly so important to my continued viewing as more half-naked IG.

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I love that both Henry and Mike were trying so hard to do the right thing for Jo but were bad at it and knew it. Mike telling her that he was there if she wanted to talk but that he was terrible at offering was awkwardly cute. It was nice to see him later invite her to dinner. Similarly, loved that Henry said he was just going to sit silently and then couldn't keep himself from talking anyway.  But I thought the same thing at the end of the episode - Henry came over and then Jo said, "Hey, let's just freeze our asses off on the stoop"?


Loved that the art kid's only crime was being offended by the way Abe had his antiques mixed together. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a recurring character who becomes friends with Abe and Henry.

  • Love 5

This was another good episode, although I admit I can't help but feel a little frustrated when Henry sees Jo struggling with her loss and he KNOWS how it feels but doesn't open up a little to her. I realize that he doesn't want to get too close and he's learned to keep things private out of necessity, but it would be nice to see him slip (or maybe have Abe slip when he doesn't realize Jo is there) and mention Abigail. I wonder what Jo would say if she knew that Henry had been married and his wife died. I find it interesting that Abe indicated that Henry never fully moved on from her death, yet there he was trying to help Jo move on.


I like how we get little bits of information about Henry's past with each episode. Just pieces of the puzzle to help put things together. I, too, wondered why he was sent to the prison from the asylum. Did he perhaps attack someone there in an attempt to escape? Did they finally grow tired of torturing him? Maybe they were afraid that if they released him, he would tell people about the torture? It seems odd. Hopefully they will explain it later on. And now we at least know how he got out of the asylum. I wonder how he managed to make it out of the country after that. Granted, it was much harder to find people because you couldn't post their photo all over back then. I would really love to see more of Henry's past life-- particularly his early life and maybe a little before he died for the first time. I could actually watch an entire episode set in his past because I find the more historical settings interesting. I'd also like to know how he was really able to get his pocketwatch back.


I have a hard time remembering some of the names. So, Jo's partner is Mike Hanson? I really like him. He has a good sense of humor and you get the sense that he can be a tough guy, but that he's a caring guy when it comes to his partner. I loved the comment about how it was better to be at work than at home with his kids. I loved when he invited Jo over and said he would scare his kids into behaving. LOL.


I wonder if the art kid will latch on to Abe and by extension Henry? Could the kid be getting set up to replace Abe when he eventually dies (not that I think they will ever kill him in the course of the series).


I still think it would be funny to see Nigel and/or Jo overhearing Henry talking to Abe like a child and one of them commenting that Henry acts like he's Abe's father and Henry has to stop himself from saying he raised him. LOL.


Saw the preview for the next episode and it looks good. Hopefully Henry can go another episode without dying though. He's died a bit too frequently, so its nice that he didn't die in the last episode. If he turns up naked in water again and they ask why he didn't wear pajamas he could say he must have taken them off while sleepwalking. :P

  • Love 3

The Sherrif of Rottingham as a priest. It worked surprisingly well.


Robin Colcord from Cheers! I was delighted to see him in this episode.


I'm glad that Henry had, at least, one person way back then who believed him. And even helped him to "escape."


I continue to enjoy watching the history and evolution of Henry and Abe's relationship. Abe has some great lines on this show. Especially when he thought he had been robbed and pointed out that it was wrong for a criminal to steal from an old man (and he meant Henry!).


Loved that the art kid's only crime was being offended by the way Abe had his antiques mixed together. I wouldn't mind seeing him as a recurring character who becomes friends with Abe and Henry.


My immediate thought was "Abe needs to hire him!" I think he'd make for a fun recurring character.


I felt bad for Jo, but I also liked how Detective Hanson was looking out for her, while telling Henry to back off a bit.


I see Adam returns next week and I'm curious to see where this is going. It was only a matter of time before he confronted Henry about Abe.

Edited by Surrealist
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If I'm not crazy, the prison is around a hundred years after the asylum.

I'll have to watch again, but I'm fairly certain that there was some exposition in there that Henry was sent to the prison directly from the Asylum.


And its an interesting point shapeshifter had about Abe not having kids. I wonder if he chose not to, or if it just never happened, or if maybe he does have kids somewhere. It seems like he doesn't though.

Edited by zannej
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For such a wonderfully serious storyline for Jo, there was still a lot of funny throughout the episode. I just remembered another part I laughed out loud at: when Henry's trying to figure out the angle of bullet entry that hit Hanson and why the shot doesn't make sense coming from the assumed "bad guy." He's walking all around Hanson and looking at his body and Hanson's like, "Why are you looking at me? Stop touching me, what is going on here?" And then Henry and Lucas make him take his shirt off and show them the wound so they can figure it out. LOL. 

  • Love 3

If he turns up naked in water again and they ask why he didn't wear pajamas he could say he must have taken them off while sleepwalking. :P


I have no problem with Ioan Gruffudd being naked in any of the episodes.


I'm kind of curious to know how Abigail died, unless it was brought up and I'm not remembering the discussion. With Adam being in the mix, I wonder if he had anything to do with it. In the preview, he mentions Abe to Henry, so . . .

  • Love 2

No, I agree with you. It was ambiguous as to whether she's currently dead. The way he previously referred to her "leaving" could've meant she died a lot sooner than they'd expected, or could've meant she actually left. Likewise he said something about still "hoping she'll come back" which is just as likely a sentiment about someone who died unfortunately young as it might be about someone who's still living but elsewhere. That said, given what her age would need to be at this point, since she's not similarly "afflicted", it's also possible she left, but has since died because she'd be fairly up there by now. I thought it was intentionally unclear at the time.

Edited by theatremouse
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No, I agree with you. It was ambiguous as to whether she's currently dead. The way he previously referred to her "leaving" could've meant she died a lot sooner than they'd expected, or could've meant she actually left. Likewise he said something about still "hoping she'll come back" which is just as likely a sentiment about someone who died unfortunately young as it might be about someone who's still living but elsewhere. That said, given what her age would need to be at this point, since she's not similarly "afflicted", it's also possible she left, but has since died because she'd be fairly up there by now. I thought it was intentionally unclear at the time.


Thanks. I was trying to remember if Henry addressed the issue, but it seemed vague. I just assumed she was dead and he hadn't gotten over it.


Maybe I wasn't paying close attention.



In the unlikely event this show got renewed, I bet we'd find out at some that he was actually murdered and it was all a coverup.


While watching this episode, I was wondering the same . . . whether Jo's husband really died of a heart attack while on a treadmill. That seems unlikely.

Edited by Surrealist

While watching this episode, I was wondering the same . . . whether Jo's husband really died of a heart attack while on a treadmill. That seems unlikely.

And because it seems on every show I watch that nothing can be as it seems, I wondered if that video she kept rewatching of her husband was actually him talking to her or someone else.  I hope not, but TV has taught me to be suspicious of everything and if the writers can make a story out of something they will.  So I imagine we shall learn more about his death eventually when the writers figure something out...

  • Love 1

While watching this episode, I was wondering the same . . . whether Jo's husband really died of a heart attack while on a treadmill. That seems unlikely.

I mean it is something that happens, but it is a very unlikely choice for a TV show to make. If they really wanted a "true" backstory, I think they'd have more likely gone with an angry criminal getting revenge -- your standard TV lawyer death --  or a car accident -- your standard TV "we needed this person dead" death.

I think I'd prefer it if they kept it as a unique and unfortunate unexpected death, rather than a conspiracy or revenge scenario. It would be less of a cliché and it would keep the focus on Jo's grief rather than on needing her to go on some sort of Castle's Beckett-like rampage for justice. Plus, it has a kind of poetic (and even romantic) nature that her husband would die at a young age, and now she's met someone who will never leave her, even in death, whether Henry remains "just a friend" or not. Unless he finds some sort of "cure" for his curse, he will always be there for her. She will be able to count on that. And that's really lovely, I think.

  • Love 9

I had to rewatch this ep to really appreciate it. The (few) things that bothered me seemed to smooth over. As for the few things that bothered others, there needs to be an ear equivalent of the phrase 'blink and you'll miss it' - both the prison (zannej caught it, a transfer from the asylum) and the paint (Henry mentions the lab declaring it's not car paint) were explained. 


I think I'd prefer it if they kept it as a unique and unfortunate unexpected death, rather than a conspiracy or revenge scenario. It would be less of a cliché and it would keep the focus on Jo's grief rather than on needing her to go on some sort of Castle's Beckett-like rampage for justice. Plus, it has a kind of poetic (and even romantic) nature that her husband would die at a young age, and now she's met someone who will never leave her, even in death, whether Henry remains "just a friend" or not. Unless he finds some sort of "cure" for his curse, he will always be there for her. She will be able to count on that. And that's really lovely, I think.

I hadn't thought of it that way but now, I can't unthink it. That is truly a lovely sentiment, count me as enthusiastically agreed.

  • Love 4

If I'm not crazy, the prison is around a hundred years after the asylum.

I don't remember seeing a year when they first showed Henry in prison and am surprised to read here that it was prison. I thought it was a different part of the asylum. Since the asylum scenes were in the early-ish 1800's, the prison has to be about the same time. Henry's shirt in prison was the same period as when he was carted off.

  • Love 2

I think I'd prefer it if they kept it as a unique and unfortunate unexpected death, rather than a conspiracy or revenge scenario. 

Oh I agree, I would just be surprised if that actually happened. But given this show will almost certainly not be renewed, of course, it's a moot point. The heart attack will remain canon ... forever (ahem). 

  • Love 2


But given this show will almost certainly not be renewed, of course, it's a moot point. The heart attack will remain canon ... forever (ahem).


I hope it gets renewed for another season, but if it doesn't, I hope the showrunners post some sort of message online that talks about what they had planned for the show overall.


After I started watching White Collar, I looked at some of Tim DeKay and Matt Bomer's previous work, because I liked both of them as actors. One show Matt had starred on was called Traveler and it only lasted about 8 episodes, but what I saw of it, I really liked. (It had some great intrigue, and of course Matt was so charming and interesting to watch in the lead role.) On the one hand, if the show hadn't been cancelled, Matt never would have moved on to Chuck or White Collar. But on the other hand, the premise of Traveler was interesting enough that I wanted to know where the show would have gone and who would have survived all the conspiracy stuff going on. I was really pleased to see that the showrunner wrote a blog post about the show and what he had planned to do with it, what characters would have been killed off, and how it would have ended. Of course, there's no telling if his execution of that plan would have been good, but I was so glad to know how it would have likely ended. I really appreciated that (and it sounded like it could have been great, so I can always have that in my imagination).


So I hope if Forever doesn't last beyond this season, Matt Miller will tell us what they had planned, how Henry came to have this "curse," who Adam is, what they planned for Jo and Henry and Abe and everyone else on the show, and if they planned to have Henry die (and not be revived) at the end of the series.

Edited by sinkwriter
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The Sherrif of Rottingham as a priest. It worked surprisingly well.


Robin Colcord from Cheers! I was delighted to see him in this episode.


I'm glad that Henry had, at least, one person way back then who believed him. And even helped him to "escape


When I saw (and heard) him, I said, "Lord John Marbury"! (The West Wing)  Always good to see Roger Rees pop up. 

Edited by ProudMary
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Hmm.. I never even considered the possibility that Abigail was still alive. I seem to remember a line in the pilot where Henry explained that the watch had belonged to a doctor who was lost at sea and a woman had bought it and given it to him as a gift and that "she had the good sense to leave me" or something like that. I had not assumed that was Abbigail.


Does anyone have exact quotes on what Henry said specifically in regard to Abigail? I had just assumed he said she died young. If she actually didn't and left, I'd like to find out why. Did she realize it was going to be increasingly difficult to keep up the charade as she got older and Henry didn't look older? Was she tired of having to move around? I know it sounds cruel to say that I hope she died, but I would rather think of her having died instead of having just left.


If she is alive, she's probably in her 90s. It would actually be interesting to see Henry run in to her if she's alive...


I really hope that the speculation is wrong about this show not lasting another season though.

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