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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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I think the likeliest scenario is Michael time-travelling; the show could explain his need to do so in order to get what he needs in any number of ways. This could even be our world's Michael/Dean traveling to the alt-world's past, for all we know, trying to do something to alter the timeline and stop alt!Michael way before it gets to the apocalypse. If that were the case, maybe the next stop is 1970 to make sure that Dean and Sam are born in the alt verse. 

What does excite me about this picture is that if this is Dean as Michael, it suggests that the switch won't just happen in a teaser for next year, and that we'll actually get some screentime devoted to the plotline in this season. 

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22 minutes ago, companionenvy said:

What does excite me about this picture is that if this is Dean as Michael, it suggests that the switch won't just happen in a teaser for next year, and that we'll actually get some screentime devoted to the plotline in this season. 

Unless that is the closing shot of 13.23 :)

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Dean wasn't Death. Dean wore his ring.but he was not the character Death. He was still Dean. So I can see them amongst themselves thinking Dean playing Death is loong awaited. Especially if they thought he should have become Death when Dean killed him.

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The problem with making Dean, Death is how do you maintain that storyline longer than an episode or two. 

The character Jensen is playing is supposed to be a new character.  He's not supposed to be a version of Dean, which means he won't have Dean's memories or act like him or have his connections.  Which means he won't care about Sam or Cas. 

The show's afraid to take risks and separate the brothers for more than an episode so what direction does the story line go?

That probably is the last shot.  Jason Fischer posts what scenes they film on his twitter, and one of them was 43 which I'm guessing is either the last or just before the last.

Edited by ILoveReading
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I don't think Dean would become Death, because that would fundamentally change the character permanently, not just as a vessel or someone to do a particular job and then get back to being Dean.  Somehow I don't think they're going to make one of the brothers into a big superhuman entity (especially if they leave the other one human) because that would be a whole different show.  Besides, what would they do with Billie?

Whatever he is/becomes, I'm pretty sure it'll just be a temporary thing and then they'll be back to "saving people, hunting things."  Which, when you think of it, is the exact opposite of what Death does.  :)   

ETA: Or what @ILoveReading wrote when I wasn't looking. :)

Edited by ahrtee
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Quibble: Did Jensen (or anyone) specifically say a new* character? I don't recall that, but my memory these days. Oy.

I don't truly think he's Death, but I also don't think it's impossible, or even improbable, given all the other things these writers and showrunners have pulled out of their butts. I can easily come up with a scenario that works at least as well as resurrecting Ketch or Gabriel does. And what if it did affect Dean forever, even if he was relieved of the burden within a few episodes? Doesn't have to be a negative thing, IMO.

*as in new to the show. Because I maintain that although he wore his ring and assumed Death's duties for a day, he never became Death, the Horseman.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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5 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Quibble: Did Jensen (or anyone) specifically say a new* character? I don't recall that, but my memory these days. Oy.

I don't truly think he's Death, but I also don't think it's impossible, or even improbable, given all the other things these writers and showrunners have pulled out of their butts. I can easily come up with a scenario that works at least as well as resurrecting Ketch or Gabriel does. And what if it did affect Dean forever, even if he was relieved of the burden within a few episodes? Doesn't have to be a negative thing, IMO.

*as in new to the show. Because I maintain that although he wore his ring and assumed Death's duties for a day, he never became Death, the Horseman.


I don't think he said a new character, I think it was a character who wasn't Dean. 

So death is plausible, becasue it wouldn't be Dean.  Just someone who looks like Jensen.

Watching the Gold panel for Nashcon, Jensen said it was long time coming, and he really emphazied the world long, which is why I do lean more toward Michael, because Death's death didn't come that long ago.

Edited by ILoveReading
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3 hours ago, Jakes said:

Well we'll have to disagree on whether that's a possibility--I doubt it very much but you never know. 

And this is why it's called speculation. Unless you have some inside knowledge dsimissimg others spec as impossible seems presumptuous.

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1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

Why couldn't Dean become Death. Why would it change him forever? It could be a possession by Death.ot Death from the AU. only changed temporarily.

Everything I've been reading here has been saying Dean "becomes" Death.  That sounds pretty permanent to me.  It's not like he can keep on hunting, but just slip on the ring every time he needs to kill someone. 

But they already have an "official" Death, so there's no reason for Dean to take over temporarily.  Having said that, the only thing I could possibly see them pulling out of their butts for that would be if they needed a super-duper Death (such as one anointed by Chuck) to kill Lucifer and they're saying Billie isn't strong enough for it.  But then what?  She takes back her old job and Dean gets returned to his own body and back to business as usual?  *shrugs* Maybe.  

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11 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

forever, even if he was relieved of the burden within a few episodes? Doesn't have to be a negative thing, IMO.

Dean has been affected  by Hell forever. Same still has effects from Lucifer True face. I don't know what couldn't be reversed. Maybe it's a curse like the mark of Cain and can be reversed.

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4 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

She takes back her old job and Dean gets returned to his own body and back to business as usual?  *shrugs* Maybe.  

. They never keep either brother supernaturally altered for too long anyway. Maybe the price for Dean crossing universes is this

Maybe the only way to kill the AU Michal is by this universes Michael  OTV  but he's not strong enough so Death is the better option.kind of like the only way an archangel can be killed is another archangel wielding than archngel blade.

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Is our only hint that this might be Death based on Jensen's walk in that 30 second clip, or was there something else?  I can't say that I'm all that excited about the prospect of him being Death, because he did already do it once, and we already have a new Death.  As for repercussions from killing original Death, for me, that ship has sailed.  They've never mentioned it still looming over their heads, and Billie has never mentioned it at all in all of her threats about the Empty, etc.  I would think that if this were a delayed reaction to killing Death, there'd have been some indication before this.  

I like the idea of it being someone from the past, but have no clue who that might be.  It seems weird that it would be Michael, but I'm sure they'd come up with some reason for  the time period.  The only thing Jensen has said is that he has big shoes to fill and he hopes he's up to the task, so that makes me think he's playing a character that someone else has played before.  But for me, that doesn't work with Michael, because while I like Matt, I don't think his portrayal of Michael was in any way iconic.  So basically, I have no frickin' clue.

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2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

And this is why it's called speculation. Unless you have some inside knowledge dsimissimg others spec as impossible seems presumptuous.

I explained why I definitely think the spec is wrong--we'll see.

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I fail to see how a twist involving Dean (or Sam) can have any sort of impact outside of basic shock value because there hasn't been any buildup towards anything.


Of course people aren't going to be excited. The emotional stakes just aren't there. Dean talked to Billie 14 episodes ago (!) and we've seen Michael a couple of times. Those are the two leads. The "work" Dabb and co have done so far. That'd be laughable if it wasn't so sad.


I guess the lack of foundation for a twist that is a logical conclusion for Dean's or Sam's arcs gives the writers complete freedom to do anything and drives speculation for the people who still give a shit. That's nice for them.


I really wish they'd give me a reason to care, though. I'm not asking for a groundbreaking season of TV. Just a cohesive story with interesting characters, that's revolving around Sam and Dean and how they're evolving as characters. I want my Supernatural back.

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4 hours ago, MysteryGuest said:

 The only thing Jensen has said is that he has big shoes to fill and he hopes he's up to the task, so that makes me think he's playing a character that someone else has played before.

My only other thought if it's not Death then maybe Cain.  Or John. But I can't figure out how it would be John.

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16 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I still say if Jared is talking about it, I think it will involve Sam's SL more than Dean's. I'm not bashing Jared. Just sticking with his established patterns.  It could be Michael!Dean vs Samifer.. If Dean goes to Michael for grace then maybe Sam does  the same with Lucifer if Dean is off on his own which I think will happen.

Or Sam has his psychic powers back.

The other possibiility is Dean getting to have his words with John over their childhood.  Because if they say it's a LONG time then it goes back to before s2 but if I look at Jared's pattern of commenting on spoilers it's typically involving Sam (like the MoC thing was in s11).

I don't get why Jared would've been in any way excited about getting the Mark of Cain for approximately 30 seconds, just long enough to make sure Sam would never be able to have it again... which in my opinion is the only reason they did it plotwise: to take away that particular option. So to me this doesn't make much sense as to why Jared would've been excited about such a "spoiler" if it was supposedly only about Sam. Sam getting the MoC was basically assuring that Sam would have no part in solving the Amara situation - which is exactly what happened - so it wouldn't seem to me something Jared would be super excited about in reference to Sam. My opinion on that.

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5 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

I don't get why Jared would've been in any way excited about getting the Mark of Cain for approximately 30 seconds, just long enough to make sure Sam would never be able to have it again... which in my opinion is the only reason they did it plotwise: to take away that particular option. So to me this doesn't make much sense as to why Jared would've been excited about such a "spoiler" if it was supposedly only about Sam.

My point wasn't that he was overly excited about it per se. It was more that he just speaks often of things that affect Sam when he speaks. That's all I'm saying.

Edited by catrox14
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9 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

The clothing is an odd detail. It looks 20s style. As of now, this has no further significance to either Michael or Death. At least that we know of. Old Death still wore modern-day suits so despite the image of the walk looking similar to Death`s first introduction, the old-fashioned clothing is not a trademark of his.

I gotta admit, I don`t know right now. And there is no other character right now who I would immediately connect to the 20s either. 

Somehow I think Rowena will in some way set things up so maybe the next episode will provide some context. 

The only character I can think of that came from around that time is Elliot Ness. But that wouldn't really make much sense. Dean would be super-psyched to be able to be an Untouchable, but why it would be the case that he would... I can't come up with a scenario where that would even make sense.

Edited to add:


My point wasn't that he was overly excited about it per se. It was more that he just speaks often of things that affect Sam when he speaks. That's all I'm saying.

Ah, okay... that just seemed like such a nothing plot point that I'm surprised it would even be considered a spoiler or something anyone would even bother teasing as a spoiler. "So here's a teaser about something that happens for about 30 seconds and has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the plot at all!" If I were a fan, and this was the spoiler I got, I'd feel very gypped and think Jared was awful at giving spoilers - heh.

Also wouldn't that basically be the thing they both do? Is Jensen known for often talking about Sam plot points or spoilers? (I really don't now since I don't pay much attention to that kind of stuff.)

Edited by AwesomO4000
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28 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Ah, okay... that just seemed like such a nothing plot point that I'm surprised it would even be considered a spoiler or something anyone would even bother teasing as a spoiler. "So here's a teaser about something that happens for about 30 seconds and has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the plot at all!"

Maybe it was going to be a bigger thing than it turned out to be in the end. I dunno. I'll I know is that he dropped the spoiler at a con and I knew that Sam would end up with the Mark.

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7 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

I don't get why Jared would've been in any way excited about getting the Mark of Cain for approximately 30 seconds,

It wasn't so much that Jared got excited.  A person asked Jensen about the Mark of Cain and he passed the question on to Sam.  It raised a red flag for many.

We should get the episode description for episode 22 today.  Hopefully it will give us a better picture of the direction of the finale two episodes

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How Dean becomes Death.

 I can see it happening this way.

The only thing Billie said was that the next reaper that dies after Death dies becomes Death but not necessarily "The OG Death". Maybe he's the one that made up the reaper replacement so he could have a vacation. Dean doesn't have to be an angel to become Death since  he did kill Death with Death's own scythe.

There was a whole lot of Chekhov's Scythe in Advance Thanatology which the title itself sounds like a course in college for the study of death. Dean IMO has a peculiar relationship with death and dying going back to s1. Dean has died hundreds of times, was ghostlike Dean, and been a reaper for a day. He killed dozens of humans with the Mark. IMO Dean has been set up for being Death for a long time.

So then how does Dean become an existing character like Julian Richings Death? Maybe Dean kills Billie with her own scythe and that causes OG Death to come back and possess Dean.. But now that the worlds are broken and AW Michael is threatening to come over, then OG Death comes back and offers to possess Dean, who is any version of Michael in any universe One True Vessel, and the only one capable of killing AW Michael. Once that task is complete, OG Death will vacate Dean.

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14 hours ago, BoxManLocke said:

I fail to see how a twist involving Dean (or Sam) can have any sort of impact outside of basic shock value because there hasn't been any buildup towards anything.


Of course people aren't going to be excited. The emotional stakes just aren't there. Dean talked to Billie 14 episodes ago (!) and we've seen Michael a couple of times. Those are the two leads. The "work" Dabb and co have done so far. That'd be laughable if it wasn't so sad.


I guess the lack of foundation for a twist that is a logical conclusion for Dean's or Sam's arcs gives the writers complete freedom to do anything and drives speculation for the people who still give a shit. That's nice for them.


I really wish they'd give me a reason to care, though. I'm not asking for a groundbreaking season of TV. Just a cohesive story with interesting characters, that's revolving around Sam and Dean and how they're evolving as characters. I want my Supernatural back.

Taking response to TBTB thread

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Sure, Dean, the guy who was shown to be a neatnik  throughout the show, the stupid Lucille thing aside,  is going to keep a gross burger around for emergencies?  Who wrote this? And what is up with Sam? He looks like he did back in s8 when he was falling apart? Or is Jared just sick?

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4 hours ago, catrox14 said:

So then how does Dean become an existing character like Julian Richings Death? Maybe Dean kills Billie with her own scythe and that causes OG Death to come back and possess Dean.. But now that the worlds are broken and AW Michael is threatening to come over, then OG Death comes back and offers to possess Dean, who is any version of Michael in any universe One True Vessel, and the only one capable of killing AW Michael. Once that task is complete, OG Death will vacate Dean

That's an awful lot of maybes and twisting things to make something illogical happen just for shock value.   Why would he need to possess Dean?  Being the OTV means you can be possessed without exploding, not that you can kill him.  Sam couldn't kill Lucifer.  Besides, Dean isn't the only one capable of killing Michael--apparently any archangel with a blade should be able to do it (though it may take more than one--and at the moment, we have three archangels in our world.)      

Death said he would eventually reap God/Chuck himself.  He shouldn't need any help with a "mere" archangel.  

Maybe we'll get another "band of brothers" ending with Luci, our Michael and Gabriel getting a mass redemption arc by teaming up against AW Michael.  (Of course, that would make Dean and Sam the cheerleaders again. *sigh*)  

The 1920s vibe of Dean's outfit IMO doesn't seem to have anything to do with either Death or Michael.  I'll just wait and see what (if anything) it means.  

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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:


"That's a classic!" - Dean

So if the reaper  monitoring them is tied to the events of Advanced Thanatology, is this the episode where Dean gets killed by a red-headed witch?

I thought the same thing...

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29 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Sure, Dean, the guy who was shown to be a neatnik  throughout the show, the stupid Lucille thing aside,  is going to keep a gross burger around for emergencies?  Who wrote this? And what is up with Sam? He looks like he did back in s8 when he was falling apart? Or is Jared just sick?

Eh, I'm getting immune to the stupid Dean 'humor'. And of course the 'worst' thing good ol' St. Sammy has is too many hair products. Lordy, the paint-by-numbers of it all. I laughed at the porn part though.

Sam does look haggard though - not sure what's up with that. Or what lead to Dean needing to warn him not to get his hopes up for a cute/flirty (!!) Rowena.

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21 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

I don't think he said a new character, I think it was a character who wasn't Dean. 

So death is plausible, becasue it wouldn't be Dean.  Just someone who looks like Jensen.

Watching the Gold panel for Nashcon, Jensen said it was long time coming, and he really emphazied the world long, which is why I do lean more toward Michael, because Death's death didn't come that long ago.


My first choice is still MichaelDean, but DeathDean would easily be my second choice.

I'm just so glad that they've finally given us something meaty to speculate about concerning Dean again.

Edited by Myrelle
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17 hours ago, BoxManLocke said:

I fail to see how a twist involving Dean (or Sam) can have any sort of impact outside of basic shock value because there hasn't been any buildup towards anything.


Of course people aren't going to be excited. The emotional stakes just aren't there. Dean talked to Billie 14 episodes ago (!) and we've seen Michael a couple of times. Those are the two leads. The "work" Dabb and co have done so far. That'd be laughable if it wasn't so sad.


I guess the lack of foundation for a twist that is a logical conclusion for Dean's or Sam's arcs gives the writers complete freedom to do anything and drives speculation for the people who still give a shit. That's nice for them.


I really wish they'd give me a reason to care, though. I'm not asking for a groundbreaking season of TV. Just a cohesive story with interesting characters, that's revolving around Sam and Dean and how they're evolving as characters. I want my Supernatural back.

Well that's your take--I see your comments over at spoilerTV a lot...I find it hard to find someone that I disagree with more consistently.  Such is life.

About Dean, still seems it's probably Michael...haven't seen anything else very probable.

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Eh, I'm getting immune to the stupid Dean 'humor'. And of course the 'worst' thing good ol' St. Sammy has is too many hair products. Lordy, the paint-by-numbers of it all. I laughed at the porn part though.

Yeah, it`s like every writer needs to put in at least one scene of carricature "humor" for the characters. And it boils down to "Dean is a gross eater and loves porn" and "Sam has no real character, so lets talk about hair products".  

Oh well, I still have some hopes because it is Yockey and he usually doesn`t do too badly. 

I liked Dean calmly referencing back to the buisness with handing Rowena the page from the book and they have to be prepared for her to be an enemy now. He didn`t say it as an accusation, he didn`t yell, he just pointed out facts.   

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44 minutes ago, Jakes said:

Well that's your take--I see your comments over at spoilerTV a lot...I find it hard to find someone that I disagree with more consistently.  Such is life.


Okay ? I mean yeah that's my take, that's why I'm saying it's my supernatural. In the meantime you're not offering counter-arguments or anything else to move the discussion forward, unless you already did back on STV.

Edited by BoxManLocke
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27 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yeah, it`s like every writer needs to put in at least one scene of carricature "humor" for the characters. And it boils down to "Dean is a gross eater and loves porn" and "Sam has no real character, so lets talk about hair products".  


Well, to be fair, she did at first imply that Sam had an impressive.......   


I swear these writers are getting their inspirations from the tags at fanfic.net

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1 hour ago, Aeryn13 said:

Yeah, it`s like every writer needs to put in at least one scene of carricature "humor" for the characters. And it boils down to "Dean is a gross eater and loves porn" and "Sam has no real character, so lets talk about hair products".

This is a prime example of why I feel like the writers are lazy.  They seem to go for caricature instead of giving us some insight into the brothers.  


3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

So if the reaper  monitoring them is tied to the events of Advanced Thanatology, is this the episode where Dean gets killed by a red-headed witch?

I'm hoping this referenced somehow.

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On 4/17/2018 at 6:34 AM, gonzosgirrl said:


And from a fan (?) watching the filming. 


I see multiple angels and their awkward body language in that shot. It is nice to be excited for a finale but then I have been anticipating the appearance of Dean!Michael since November 2016.  It has been a long time a coming.

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It's the 20's garb that's throwing me.  It seems like it should  mean something, but I don't see a connection to either Michael or Death.  And if they went to the trouble of bringing Billie back from wherever she went when Cas stabbed her, and had her give her whole speech about how she became the new Death, I just don't see why they would then make Dean, Death?  As much as I wasn't interested in a Dean/Michael hookup, at least that possibility makes some sense to me, based on where we are in the story.  Honestly, I'd prefer a totally new character to a repeat of someone else.  Misha was okay as Lucifer, but it was too much like doing an impression for me to really buy into it.  I don't really want that again with Jensen and Death.  I'm not saying he wouldn't do a good job, but if we can't have Julien back, and we already have Billie as death, then just move on to something else.

Edited by MysteryGuest
Sam didn't kill Billie, Cas did...duh.
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On 4/17/2018 at 10:44 AM, SueB said:

It’s also reminiscent of Amara walking the streets.  An individual out of step with the world, expericing the world. It could be the last shot of the season and the cliffhanger is Dean/whomever has taken off (with Dean’s body).  No dialog, just a picture of him out and about.

The cap and coat say the 1920’s to me.  Perhaps part of the tentacle monster episode was a foreshadowing of the era. Which would be their great-grandfather’s time for the boys.  

But I don’t think it’s family, it’s clearly (as we know), Jensen as someone else.

His body language is more humble.  Which could fit a chastised Michael.  And the clothing could be back before Michael hatched his “throw an Apocalypse” tantrum.  

This also says that Dean is physically back in the Supernatural universe and not the AU.

This definitely jazzes me up. And by the looks of the little exchange with the fan, Jensen seems happy about it as well.    

Michael has been reciting the iconic works of Arthur Conan Doyle to pass the time in the cage and decided to go full on Sherlock to confuse his opponent.

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I honestly don't really care at this point who Jensen ends up portraying instead of Dean as long as it's for at the very least half of S14 and whoever it is doesn't really care about Mary or Sam, is badass and will get things done. At this point, I don't even care too much if whoever it is is "bad" or "good". I just don't want Jensen's character to be schooled so much, made to apologize so much and can have a good time. 

My preference would be for him to play a chaotic neutral character because I think he would kill it and I would love watching that. But at this point I would take just something different than what they have made of Dean the past few years. I also have little hope they will have him different for even a whole episode, although I would love for it to be a while. Of course they won't do that because they "say this show is about 'family'" but their definition for the dysfunctional, double-standards they have for the supposed "family" stuff has gone beyond pathetic, IMHO. And if they aren't going to care to keep it even halfway equal, I'm not going to care about the family at all, especially with the supposed "parental units" of the family. 

At this point, I just want some great JA acting because that's really all that's left for me.

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5 hours ago, ahrtee said:

That's an awful lot of maybes and twisting things to make something illogical happen just for shock value.   Why would he need to possess Dean?  Being the OTV means you can be possessed without exploding, not that you can kill him.  Sam couldn't kill Lucifer.  Besides, Dean isn't the only one capable of killing Michael--apparently any archangel with a blade should be able to do it (though it may take more than one--and at the moment, we have three archangels in our world.)      

Death said he would eventually reap God/Chuck himself.  He shouldn't need any help with a "mere" archangel.  

Maybe we'll get another "band of brothers" ending with Luci, our Michael and Gabriel getting a mass redemption arc by teaming up against AW Michael.  (Of course, that would make Dean and Sam the cheerleaders again. *sigh*)  

The 1920s vibe of Dean's outfit IMO doesn't seem to have anything to do with either Death or Michael.  I'll just wait and see what (if anything) it means.  

Those are the rules in this universe. no telling if it would be the same for AW Michael.

is it really anymore outlandish speculation than any other spec nor the actual LOLcanon writing these days? I argue it is not.ymmv

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9 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Those are the rules in this universe. no telling if it would be the same for AW Michael.

is it really anymore outlandish speculation than any other spec nor the actual LOLcanon writing these days? I argue it is not.ymmv

All spec is legitimate.  So is disagreeing with it :)  No offense intended in either case.  

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Although Jensen is dressed like someone from the '20s, the lady walking in front of him carrying the bag is wearing jeans.  Assuming she is in the scene, then I'm guessing the time period isn't that far back.

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12 minutes ago, Wynne88 said:

Although Jensen is dressed like someone from the '20s, the lady walking in front of him carrying the bag is wearing jeans.  Assuming she is in the scene, then I'm guessing the time period isn't that far back.

But that still doesn't explain his attire.  If Billie is the new Death, she doesn't dress in retro clothes, so why would Dean have to?  Unless they're literally going to make him "young" original Death, but that really makes no sense either.  I say this knowing full well that whatever they have up their sleeve won't necessarily make sense, so I should really throw that argument out.  But I don't see how another Death is needed in this particular storyline, when we're already overloaded with characters.

Whatever it ends up being, I hope Jensen has some fun with it.  He seemed really pumped about it, so I hope it works out to be as great as he hoped it would be...for his sake and for ours.

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