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Alyssa and John: Lunch with Lurch

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2 hours ago, ranchgirl said:

I remember Aylssa doing this with Macy too.  But she'll really overdo it with Rhett since she has claimed this is her last baby.  No more babies will turn 1 month old with her as a mom.  That's why she is a crying emoji.  🤣

She keeps claiming that and then having another baby!  She doesn’t seem to get how it all works!

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I watched their recent YouTube. John was holding Rhett with such love, pride and devotion. I don't remember him ever doing that with any of the girls. I felt sorry for them. Boy, they really do favor boys in that house. I hope the girls rebel a bit and do well in life.

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21 hours ago, SMama said:

The Golden Penis (henceforth TGP) is one month old, and Alyssa is being ridiculously over the top, emotional, with a crying emoji to add drama. Could someone please explain to me what is bittersweet about a baby being on this earth for a freaking month? These women are so ridiculous. 🙄


Why do all these fundies insist on dressing tiny babies in jeans?  Why in heaven's name would you force a kid to wear thick denim with a zipper when it isn't necessary?  Don't even get me started on the suspenders.  All these fundy babies look so uncomfortable in tailored clothing.

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22 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Rhett is a cute baby, but every photo they've taken of him thus far has been horribly staged. 

I do not understand the lack of shirt and suspenders.  That seems more appropriate for a career in exotic dancing.  He DOES have the initials for it.

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On 4/17/2023 at 2:52 PM, SMama said:

The Golden Penis (henceforth TGP) is one month old, and Alyssa is being ridiculously over the top, emotional, with a crying emoji to add drama. Could someone please explain to me what is bittersweet about a baby being on this earth for a freaking month? These women are so ridiculous. 🙄


He is a very cute baby, but wouldn’t you know it, Rhett is the only offspring in that family without protruding ears.  

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21 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

He is a very cute baby, but wouldn’t you know it, Rhett is the only offspring in that family without protruding ears.  

I never noticed, is that a Bates or Webster trait? 

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1 hour ago, SMama said:

All kidding aside, this barely literate woman will homeschool five children K-12. Will TGP be sent to private school instead?

I’m pretty sure John and his siblings were all homeschooled. Rhett will be joining the family business so no need for school. Unless he’s a future baseball star, he’ll be plopped in front of a tablet just like the girls. But Allie will be old enough by then to supervise him.

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8 hours ago, ozziemom said:

I’m pretty sure John and his siblings were all homeschooled. Rhett will be joining the family business so no need for school. Unless he’s a future baseball star, he’ll be plopped in front of a tablet just like the girls. But Allie will be old enough by then to supervise him.

And would the girls be allowed to join the family business as anything other than a secretary (while waiting for a husband)? Nope. Not in a million. 

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So Allie and Zoey have a joint birthday party, but get to pick their own theme. Allie picks ballet and Zoey picks unicorns. That to me explains why Allie will never have a dance lesson. To Alyssa and John it’s just a “theme” or a fantasy like a unicorn is. Ballet is nothing more than a dream for Allie. Maybe she can watch it on her tablet but the Webster’s don’t seem too keen on actually taking any of the girls to any kind of activity, sport or lesson. Very sad.

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These parents waste so much money on themselves. If they would be wiser in their own spending; I"m sure there would be enough $$ for ballet lessons. It's a shame that they don't care what their daughter would like to do. It would get her out of the house with other little girls her age. Selfish parents, IMO.

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1 hour ago, floridamom said:

These parents waste so much money on themselves. If they would be wiser in their own spending; I"m sure there would be enough $$ for ballet lessons. It's a shame that they don't care what their daughter would like to do. It would get her out of the house with other little girls her age. Selfish parents, IMO.

I wonder if it is about the actual money or the inconvenience, or that they would have to associate with people outside their fundy comfort zone.

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26 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

I wonder if it is about the actual money or the inconvenience, or that they would have to associate with people outside their fundy comfort zone.

Bingo! There might actually be a boy in tights too! Also, they don’t see the point of the girls doing anything outside the home except church. They are going to be wives and mothers, no need for dancing or sports. 

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15 hours ago, ozziemom said:

So Allie and Zoey have a joint birthday party, but get to pick their own theme. Allie picks ballet and Zoey picks unicorns. That to me explains why Allie will never have a dance lesson. To Alyssa and John it’s just a “theme” or a fantasy like a unicorn is. Ballet is nothing more than a dream for Allie. 

Had the same sad thought. Sure we'll indulge your "fantasy" to the extent you can wear the ballet costume Aunt Carlin bought you, have a few ballet posters at your party, and a pink cake and that's that. If you're lucky maybe we let you watch the Nutcracker around Christmas but that's it.

I mean John has decided that girl children don't need anything besides homemaking, child rearing, and God skills so what good does ballet do (or soccer/softball/sports for Lexi)? I mean making them happy, allowing them to have hobbies and interests - pshhh that's for heathens, WE Godly folks don't need that. And Alyssa while she theoretically may want Allie to do ballet, she ain't gonna fight with John for it. After all, this is the woman who acts like getting 3 kids to co op 1 day/wk for 3 months a year is an absolute AMAZING FEAT, no way she's wanting to add the inconvenience of now having to deal with 4 other kids to take Ally to ballet for an hour one afternoon a week. Plus let's be real Alyssa will realize the $50-100 or whatever fee for the class will come out of HER nails/hair/coffee budget - so uh no. And while I do think Alyssa and John fight, she is saving her fighting for what benefits her - i.e. not cooking dinner etc., not for her girl children.

Note though that the child with the penis needs to grow up be to be a big tough man, so he was presented a baseball bat and gloves in his effing newborn pics. You know - when he was trying to master keeping both eyes open at the same time.

Clearly Allie is the boy's sister mom - or she will be in 12 months when Alyssa gets bored of him. Best justice would be if this boy turns 4 and instead of asking to take up baseball, soccer, football, he asks for DANCE. Not that they'd allow it, but their heads would explode. I mean let's be real by then Allie will be 12, ain't no way John is letting a pubescent girl dance if he won't let an 8 yr old; yet because this is a thing for Allie, I feel like she's going to hold onto this costume, that ballet poster from her party, and any little ballet thing she gets to have as prized possessions. Maybe little bro notices that and makes mom and dad's heads explode. 

They're just repeating the cycle. Trace only went to Crown for 1-2 yrs and tried out for the basketball team multiple times. Don't think he ever made it though the coach liked his hustle and allowed him to work out with them some. But he had college friends over at the house running drills with him that he struggled with and it was so sad when he said - other guys have been doing these drills since they were in 5th grade, I don't even know what to do!? 

But of course Gil wasn't gonna spend $50 for one quarter of community league basketball yearly for Trace when he had 37 other sons also yet just horsing around it the driveway clearly doesn't give you the skills to make an organized sports team. They then loosened the reigns a bit with Jackson/Warden/Isiah (and let's be real BUB $ was flowing and many kids were married and off the payroll then - unlike when Trace was 10 or 13) and allowed them to go to a few basketball camps. Though even that was limited - like not playing for a whole semester but a 1 week church based summer camp for 1-2 summers.

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Future Webster daughters: Either following their parents' (shitty) example because otherwise they'd have to admit that their parents are awful people who didn't give much of a damn about their kids' happiness, education, and well-being. 

Or, angry and embittered (and barely literate) because they realize that their parents are awful people who didn't give much of a damn about their kids' happiness, education, and well-being. And favored their brothers over the girls because of something the girls couldn't control or change. 

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Alyssa posted new reels. She says she's had a tough time adjusting to five kids, and it's been good days and bad days. Today apparently was a not so great one. Rhett was crying in the car as she was getting the girls to co-op, and she just seemed so over it. Part of me doesn't want to feel bad for Alyssa because nobody is forcing her to pop out all these babies and I hate the way she treats Allie, but the woman's eyes are so dead. It feels like whatever high she was on after birthing the Golden Penis disappeared pretty quickly. Of course, she writes all the flowery platitudes about knowing it's just a season and making the most of every day, but I don't think she really believes it. She also showed a pic of her FaceTiming with Ellie, so I'm sure the latter will by flying down shortly to report for nanny duty. 

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I don't feel sorry for Alyssa. She and John did it to themselves. She once said that she thinks she "could do 8 children"? I highly doubt this. Once again, they need to be real adults and look at their lives and schedules....be diligent in using a reliable source of birth control. Perhaps they also should trim back their own personal spending and enroll their school aged children in a nice local day school. Alyssa needs the time for the girls to be gone so she could tend to her housewife duties without much distraction. One or two children at home are not hard to manage while the others are in school. I did it myself; you have to get up early and get on with things.

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No sympathy from me.  She and John chose to have 5 kids in 8 years.  She isn’t even 30 yet.  She could have taken a break for a few years and then had another when the girls were older but no. And I do not believe that any of her babies were “surprises”.  
She has her precious son.  The question is, are they going to stop now?

Edited by 3 is enough
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I'm guessing the youngest girl is still very dependent and clingy. Also wrangling 5 kids into a car is no fun.

We reap what we sow. Alyssa grow her garden too big, too quickly. Sucks for her.

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2 hours ago, floridamom said:

I don't feel sorry for Alyssa. She and John did it to themselves. She once said that she thinks she "could do 8 children"? I highly doubt this. Once again, they need to be real adults and look at their lives and schedules....be diligent in using a reliable source of birth control. Perhaps they also should trim back their own personal spending and enroll their school aged children in a nice local day school. Alyssa needs the time for the girls to be gone so she could tend to her housewife duties without much distraction. One or two children at home are not hard to manage while the others are in school. I did it myself; you have to get up early and get on with things.

Me neither.  It is 2023.  Regardless of how they were raised, they aren't sheltered any longer.  They can see there are options.  To me it is a sign of laziness.  Why take the effort to see what *THEY* want?  Not just what their misguided and selfish parents wanted.  

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2 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

No sympathy from me.  She and John chose to have 5 kids in 8 years.  She isn’t even 30 yet.  She could have taken a break for a few years and then had another when the girls were older but no. And I do not believe that any of her babies were “surprises”.  
She has her precious son.  The question is, are they going to stop now?

Nope. The Golden Penis deserves a brother, don't you know? 

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Just now, Heathen said:

Nope. The Golden Penis deserves a brother, don't you know? 

 No guarantees that she wouldn’t have another string of girls.  Not that that would stop them though. 🙄

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1 minute ago, 3 is enough said:

 No guarantees that she wouldn’t have another string of girls.  Not that that would stop them though. 🙄

They'll end up with eight girls and one boy, or ten girls and two Golden Penii. I repeat my wish that the boys are bats out of hell, but their idiot parents will probably blame it on the (bored, undereducated, overworked, ignored) girls. 

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3 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

 The question is, are they going to stop now?

I doubt it. Alyssa isn't even 30. She's got plenty of fertile years left and she'll definitely have the urge to give Rhett a brother. She's got a string of girls who will be able to take over the housework, babysitting and cooking once they're old enough, so there's no incentive to stop. 

Speaking of which, did you guys see the girls' birthday video? It was a hot topic on the subReddit. Mainly because of the blatant disdain for Allie, which even the leghumpers are starting to notice. 

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4 minutes ago, floridamom said:

..."blatant disdain for Allie"?.....please give an example or two from this video if you can. Thanks! Like I suspected, Alyssa isn't a "nice girl".

Several things. First, Zoe's decorations, balloons and cake were fancier and way nicer than Allie's. Also, there was a scene when Allie was showing her dress to John and then Alyssa stomps out from the front entryway and asks her to carry laundry upstairs, and not in a very nice tone. However when Zoe asked to give Rhett his bottle, Alyssa was super gushy and praising her for being such a good sister. The kicker though was when the girls were opening presents. Allie was by herself and sitting slightly behind Zoe, and Alyssa was glued to Zoe's side. Allie would try to get her mom's attention by saying "Look, what I got!" and Alyssa would just give a one-word response like "cool" or "wow" before turning all her attention back to Zoe. I know it seems like petty stuff and one can argue a younger child needs more help and attention, but I don't think I'm off-base here. It's become a pattern. Alyssa defenders were saying that people were just projecting their own childhood issues on the Websters, but I think it's the opposite. When you grow up as the unfavored kid, you recognize the signs immediately. 

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Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. Someone on Reddit posted info from John and Alyssa's latest Q&A. They want to eventually add a bedroom over the school room with another bathroom. Before you think to yourselves, "That's a smart idea, what's the issue?," here's the kicker. They're going to knock down the wall in Zoey's and Maci's room, and have all four girls sharing one bedroom. Meanwhile, Rhett gets Allie and Lexi's bigger room with his own bathroom. Hell, why not just buy Rhett his own house to live in?

I don't think I would be so judgy if the plan wasn't to make a communal dorm. After all, wasn't Alyssa the one who needed her own space because she couldn't handle the chaos of sharing with multiple sisters? 

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. Someone on Reddit posted info from John and Alyssa's latest Q&A. They want to eventually add a bedroom over the school room with another bathroom. Before you think to yourselves, "That's a smart idea, what's the issue?," here's the kicker. They're going to knock down the wall in Zoey's and Maci's room, and have all four girls sharing one bedroom. Meanwhile, Rhett gets Allie and Lexi's bigger room with his own bathroom. Hell, why not just buy Rhett his own house to live in?

I don't think I would be so judgy if the plan wasn't to make a communal dorm. After all, wasn't Alyssa the one who needed her own space because she couldn't handle the chaos of sharing with multiple sisters? 

I read that Reddit sub. I'm seriously pissed and upset for the Webster lost girls. Why don't they put a crown on the little Golden Penis and make the girls pay homage to him? 

Alyssa and John are trash. 

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The schoolroom is pretty big. If they combined the add-on with the little existing bedroom that would make a a huge room. Right now they're sharing rooms anyway. And they would still have the playroom/TV room to also hangout in. Its not like they would be cramming the girls and all their toys into one tiny room, a la the Paine family.

From a little kid's perspective I think the sisters would think Rhett is getting the raw deal.

Of course A&J could always move downstairs and give the three youngest sisters their room and Allie and Rhett their own rooms.

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7 hours ago, floridamom said:

Simple solution; they need a larger house that has more bedrooms. 

That's not happening.  I'm  not convinced that if they did get a bigger place that they still would force the girls into a single dormitory-style bedroom and save any extra bedrooms for guests or a boys' playroom or to have it ready when another boy comes along.

Edited by Notabug
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I really thought they would close, in part, of that wasted space play-loft area upstairs and make that Rhett's bedroom. A more simple and less expensive solution if you ask me. 

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 What happens if they decide they want to try for a brother for Rhett, and have another girl or two?  Will those girls be shoved into the room with their sisters?

I understand wanting to build an extra bedroom.  I do not understand putting all the girls in the same room.  
And the bathroom? Meh.  There is another full bath downstairs that can be used when there are no guests.  I had 4 brothers and we had one bathroom for the whole family until I was 15 and my father put in a second one in the basement.  We all survived.

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I don't see the problem with the girls all sharing one bedroom for the 4 of them over two bedrooms for 2 pairs. They'll only be sleeping in there. They have plenty of space to spread out during the day. They have the TV/Playroom, the school room, the living room, the pool, etc.

Typical families separate bedrooms by gender, so the only boy will get his one room. If it was the opposite, the only girl would get her own room. Rhett may be the Golden Penis, but I don't see it with the bedrooms.

I do wonder if Allie changes her brother's diaper though. Do A&J hide his boy parts from the girls?

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I don't see the problem with the girls all sharing one bedroom for the 4 of them over two bedrooms for 2 pairs. They'll only be sleeping in there. They have plenty of space to spread out during the day. They have the TV/Playroom, the school room, the living room, the pool, etc.

Typical families separate bedrooms by gender, so the only boy will get his one room. If it was the opposite, the only girl would get her own room. Rhett may be the Golden Penis, but I don't see it with the bedrooms.

I do wonder if Allie changes her brother's diaper though. Do A&J hide his boy parts from the girls?

I read somewhere that part of the latest Webster YouTube video Alyssa said she got a children’s book to explain the difference between a boy baby and a girl baby. Apparently John was not in favor of this, but maybe Alyssa reminded him that she needs the girls to help her with diapers?

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12 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

I read somewhere that part of the latest Webster YouTube video Alyssa said she got a children’s book to explain the difference between a boy baby and a girl baby. Apparently John was not in favor of this, but maybe Alyssa reminded him that she needs the girls to help her with diapers?

I saw that part of the Q&A. Alyssa said she brought up the topic to John, thinking they should explain the differences between boys and girls before Rhett arrived. John, being the stand-up guy that he is (eyeroll), said fine, but YOU should talk to the girls and he'd eventually talk to the boy. Alyssa admitted she felt awkward, not knowing how to introduce the subject and not knowing what to say, so she researched and found a book series. Bible based of course, but uses medical terminology and the books are geared towards different age ranges. John said he wasn't initially supportive, but read them and got on board. I have to say, it's a huge pet peeve of mine when someone doesn't want to handle an uncomfortable task but then takes issue with how the other person does it. Props to Alyssa for taking the bull by the horns. 

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32 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

I read somewhere that part of the latest Webster YouTube video Alyssa said she got a children’s book to explain the difference between a boy baby and a girl baby. Apparently John was not in favor of this, but maybe Alyssa reminded him that she needs the girls to help her with diapers?

With all the cousins they have I would think they have seen boy babies being changed before, but maybe they wouldn't have paid attention until they got one of their own?

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6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I don't see the problem with the girls all sharing one bedroom for the 4 of them over two bedrooms for 2 pairs. They'll only be sleeping in there. They have plenty of space to spread out during the day. They have the TV/Playroom, the school room, the living room, the pool, etc.

Typical families separate bedrooms by gender, so the only boy will get his one room. If it was the opposite, the only girl would get her own room. Rhett may be the Golden Penis, but I don't see it with the bedrooms.

I do wonder if Allie changes her brother's diaper though. Do A&J hide his boy parts from the girls?

What if one girl is a light sleeper and another is a snorer or wakes up frequently? Why not put two girls in each of two bedrooms? Isn't Alyssa the one Bates who ended up sharing a room with only one sister because, as she said herself, she couldn't handle the chaos? 

The other issue is that this is a continuance of the boys-are-better-girls-don't-count pattern that Alyssa and John started even before the Golden Penis was born. And that's not fair. 

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1 hour ago, Heathen said:

What if one girl is a light sleeper and another is a snorer or wakes up frequently? Why not put two girls in each of two bedrooms? Isn't Alyssa the one Bates who ended up sharing a room with only one sister because, as she said herself, she couldn't handle the chaos? 

The other issue is that this is a continuance of the boys-are-better-girls-don't-count pattern that Alyssa and John started even before the Golden Penis was born. And that's not fair. 

As far as all the girls in 1 bedroom, I was one of 5 kids; 4 girls and a boy (girl #5 came along after we moved to a bigger place).  We girls shared a large bedroom in our 3 bedroom house.  My grandfather, who lived with us had another bedroom and my parents the third.  My brother slept in a room on the first floor which was not a bedroom, didn't have a door, no closet.

I guess since the kids are so close in age and homeschooled, they won't have differing scheduled; it isn't as bad for Alyssa's girls; but sharing a bedroom with a sister who was 7 years younger, still took naps when I was in middle school and went to bed hours earlier than I did made it hard to have any quiet time or privacy in our bedroom.  My older sister and I had a stereo in the bedroom (no where else to keep it, my mom and dad and grandfather didn't like 'our' music).  So, if the youngest was napping or already in bed and we wanted to listen to music (or read or talk); the bedroom was off limits.  

There also wasn't enough room to keep our clothes separate, just one closet and 2 chests of drawers and we were constantly hunting for our stuff amongst our sisters' things; not to mention having our younger sisters grab our good stuff and wear it.  It was an economic necessity that 4 of is shared in my case

It's tough enough being a kid in a big family and getting lost in the herd; sharing a bedroom among more than a couple kids is not fun.

Edited by Notabug
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18 minutes ago, Notabug said:

As far as all the girls in 1 bedroom, I was one of 5 kids; 4 girls and a boy (girl #5 came along after we moved to a bigger place).  We girls shared a large bedroom in our 3 bedroom house.  My grandfather, who lived with us had another bedroom and my parents the third.  My brother slept in a room on the first floor which was not a bedroom, didn't have a door, no closet.

I guess since the kids are so close in age and homeschooled, they won't have differing scheduled; it isn't as bad for Alyssa's girls; but sharing a bedroom with a sister who was 7 years younger, still took naps when I was in middle school and went to bed hours earlier than I did made it hard to have any quiet time or privacy in our bedroom.  My older sister and I had a stereo in the bedroom (no where else to keep it, my mom and dad and grandfather didn't like 'our' music).  So, if the youngest was napping or already in bed and we wanted to listen to music (or read or talk); the bedroom was off limits.  

There also wasn't enough room to keep our clothes separate, just one closet and 2 chests of drawers and we were constantly hunting for our stuff amongst our sisters' things; not to mention having our younger sisters grab our good stuff and wear it.  It was an economic necessity that 4 of is shared in my case

It's tough enough being a kid in a big family and getting lost in the herd; sharing a bedroom among more than a couple kids is not fun.

Well , call me triggered...I had to share a room with 3 sisters...and although we were all close in age -- I was the oldest...and my sister closest to me would steal my clothes all the time...I hated it......and I am a weirdo about clothes to this day ..

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