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Winner Edit vs. Loser Edit: Discuss Amongst Yourselves


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48 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I believe this. They are editing a show for entertainment first.  The talking heads have to contain something interesting or witty.  I am not into doing the research but it is likely that some winners have a low TH tally. 

Some winners DO have low TH tallies, but notice any trends on who they tend to be? (8 of the bottom 10 are women). I think it may partially be that production (incorrectly, IMO) thinks men give better confessionals, but as mentioned upthread, women's winning game edits are often reduced to "how her opponent lost" (Amber, Danni, Natalie W, Sophie, even Sandra's second season. To an extent Michele, but that season was dominated by women so she was still heavily featured). Other times, they are bizarrely invisible for parts of the game and then reappear at with a decent enough edit to show how they won (Natalie A, Sarah, to a lesser extent Kim and Denise).

Tony 97

Rob 97

Hatch 92

Mike 73

JT 71

Chris 71

Tina 69

Cochran 67

Ethan 65

Todd 60

Earl 59

Tom 59

Michele 57

Jenna 57

Sandra 54

Adam 53

Brian 53

Kim 53

Tyson 48

Aras 48

Natalie A 46

Yul 45

Sarah 45

Jeremy 44

Amber 43

Danni 41

Fabio 40

Vecepia 38

Denise 37

Parvati 32

Bob 31

Sandra 27

Sophie 25

Natalie W 15


I find the current season has done an excellent job editing everybody fairly evenly. I'm even fine with Ryan's surplus because he's visited the most Tribal Councils. Simone and Roark came out of nowhere on their elimination episodes, but those were also their first visits to TC and didn't play in to previous episodes. 

Im hoping to see more of Desi post-merge, and also hoping Jessica's edit evolves past Cole, because I think she's a great narrator and player.

Edited by Oholibamah
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Oholibamah said:

I find the current season has done an excellent job editing everybody fairly evenly.

I agree. I still think there's too much Ryan and Chrissy though.


Im hoping to see more of Desi post-merge, and also hoping Jessica's edit evolves past Cole, because I think she's a great narrator and player.

I'm with you on both those counts, but my feeling is that Desi will be a target at merge. I'm also fairly sure that Jessica will continue to get a lot of 'I heart Cole!' screen time unless he is booted, which is a big part of why I hope he's booted asap because I agree that Jessica gives good confessionals and has great potential as a player.

  • Love 6

Im hoping to see more of Desi post-merge, and also hoping Jessica's edit evolves past Cole, because I think she's a great narrator and player.

Unless he's used as either a meat shield or a goat, I don't know if I see Cole lasting super long.  They may want to split up him and Jessica, I don't know who else he's really allied with, and I think he's going to rub everyone the wrong way.  Especially if he hogs all the food.  I'm also hoping Desi gets more airtime at the merge.  I've been most disappointed that we haven't seen a ton of her, and I feel like the only reason we did is because of her alliance with Joe.  I'm worried about her, because I don't know where she'll stand with allies.  Hopefully she can get into an alliance, be a swing vote, or just fade into the background.

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Just so everyone can understand how horrible the edit is this season: Jacob, who was booted second, had more confessionals than half the cast. He had more than 3 of the people that made F8!

Also, Wendell, while still below Dom in confessionals (and also below Kellyn), has been steadily creeping up to being close to Dom since the merge. Pre-merge it was Dom 24, Wendell 10 and post-merge it's Dom 21, Wendell 18. 

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Final confessional count for the F6:

Dom: 67
Wendell: 39
Donathan: 32
Laurel: 27
Angela: 15
Seb: 12

Dom's is ridiculous. 28 more than the winner, come on! And I can't remember the last time someone had that many confessionals. When's the next season with returning players? Because he's for sure in it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Bringing this subject back to the forefront.

The first episode of DvG was great in the editing in that they took time in the 90-minute premiere to give us a sense of every single player, either by TH or a spotlight scene.  All 20 got at least one moment, with some getting more due to either personality (John, Natalie, Christian) or events (Lyrsa, Pat, Dan).

Since that episode though, not so much.  A couple of people have fallen into the Purple, or Invisible, Edit.  Looking back, we haven't talked too much about that edit.  Probably because, by its nature, there's nothing really to talk about.  Purple players just disappear until they get voted out, or, very rarely, get 0 votes at FTC.  The most recent egregious example of the Purple Edit was Chelsea from GI.  While strategic and able to win IICs, she was a "bad interview", meaning dull and boring in her THs.  Which is why other, more animated personalities got more airtime, and she got Purpled out.

Interestingly enough, the two people this season that have thus far been mostly pushed into Purple territory are linked to that color.  Alison started on the purple-buffed Goliath tribe, and punk rock Lyrsa has a purple patch remaining in her hair (cast photos indicate that her hair was fully purple as they got started).


And while it still may be too early to call anyone out as having a Winner edit, I think it's clear that Christian is getting a Narrator Edit at the very least.

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For some reason, every season around this time I start wondering about the confessional counts so I went looking. The counts for the remaining players are:

Nick: 36 (no eps with 0)
Christian: 34 (no eps with 0)
Angelina: 33 (no eps with 0)
Mike: 31 (1 ep with 0)
Kara: 24 (1 ep with 0)
Gabby: 23 (1 ep with 0)
Davie: 22 (1 ep with 0)
Alison: 14 (3 eps with 0)

I'm struck by how much more even these are than they have been lately. Like damn. And that all but one of them have no or only 1 ep without a confessional. And that no one has over 60 like Dom got last season, which I still can't believe lol.

I'm surprised Nick has more than Christian and that Angelina and Mike are both quite close in count to him. Christian just seems more visible than the rest. Maybe his confessionals are longer or something. If so, more evidence that he's getting a Narrator Edit, I'd say.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

I was actually wondering the other day if Christian is crossing into Malcolm from Game Changers/Michael from Ghost Island territory, where the halo is appearing because the end is nigh. Everything he says is so likable and so memorable and sincere and funny, and he has such a glowing, positive edit. Then there was the inclusion of that ridiculous "I'll only get one chance to play this game" when he's had "player most likely to return if he doesn't win" stamped on his forehead, pretty much from day 1.

I'm shocked how low Davie is on this scale -- I thought he was more visible than he appears to be. Definitely making the most of his confessional time.

Angelina's count makes me wonder about Chrissy in HHH, which I'd argue is her closest recent comparator.

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I havent visited this thread before, a whole new thing to think about!  Davie is tv gold so why we haven't seen more of him vs. Gabby crying yet again I don't understand.  

Did Malcolm win?  Is there such an edit as - getting lots of screen time because they are the person everyone thinks will/should win and its such a shock when they dont?  

Good point @Lamb18 about Christian having a lot of non-confessional scenes. He probably has more of those than anyone else.

40 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I'm shocked how low Davie is on this scale -- I thought he was more visible than he appears to be. Definitely making the most of his confessional time.

Angelina's count makes me wonder about Chrissy in HHH, which I'd argue is her closest recent comparator.

I have actually always thought Davie was under-edited which is why I've been surprised to see a few think he is a possible winner. He was invisible/practically invisible in the 2 eps leading up to his big idol play and that alone makes me think he's no way the winner.

As for Chrissy, she ended up with a total of 37, behind Ben with 46 and Ryan with 44.

  • Love 2

Random thought, but if a David does not win this, can we throw the Edgic metric of "winners aren't shown sleeping/lying down" out the window? How many shots have we had this year of the Goliaths slumbering away peacefully while the Davids were hard at work, scouring the island for idols and advantages?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Eolivet said:

And for those who think it's impossible to have a blandly nice "go along to get along" winner who kind of hides behind bigger personalities, wins competitions, makes friends and has very few game-related moves -- like a few Goliath women this year -- may I present to you ... Wendell.

Damn! I love it lol.

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On 12/17/2018 at 7:27 AM, Eolivet said:

And for those who think it's impossible to have a blandly nice "go along to get along" winner who kind of hides behind bigger personalities, wins competitions, makes friends and has very few game-related moves -- like a few Goliath women this year -- may I present to you ... Wendell.

And Michelle (season 30 Worlds Apart). 

On 12/17/2018 at 8:27 AM, Eolivet said:

And for those who think it's impossible to have a blandly nice "go along to get along" winner who kind of hides behind bigger personalities, wins competitions, makes friends and has very few game-related moves -- like a few Goliath women this year -- may I present to you ... Wendell.

Wendell was not a go along to get along player. He clearly allied himself with Dom, played a solid social game, did well in challenges, and was a threat the entire merge. Most us spent the entire merge period wondering why Laurel didn't vote out Wendell or Dom and a but baffled that Wendell and Dom failed to target each other. In the end, it was a tie vote for the two with Laurel breaking the tie.

I can't name one move Wendell made on his own the entire game, other than inviting Sebastian for steak and giving Laurel his idol. The edit showed (and Kellyn at final tribal council confirmed) Dom was calling all the shots in that alliance. To me, Wendell was the nicer, more social face of a two-person alliance and won.

In contrast to someone like Nick, who orchestrated the John boot, and helped pull off the Dan one, as well.

  • Love 1

Wendell found an idol, maybe more then one. I don't rewatch the episodes or seasons so I can't remember details. Wendell played a strong social game. He is the one who kept Laurel working with Dom and Wendell which kept both of them in the game. We saw Wendell keeping Dom from going off the rails on several occasions and helped to keep Dom's paranoia in check.

Each season is going to be different. There was no need for Nick's type of maneuvering for Wendell or Dom. Wendell's social game was insanely important in that season. Dom got more screen time because Dom was loud and crazy and more fun to watch. Wendell was not exactly hidden away. The fact that the game ended with a tie between the two indicates that the Jury saw both players as playing a significant role to get to that point. Laurel choose Wendell because of Wendell's social game.

That is not going along with things. That is actively working the jury, working with your alliance partner, saving yourself with hidden idols, and playing a solid competition game. Yes, it is different then Nick's game. Nick would not have played the game he did had he ended up with the numbers at the merge because Nick wouldn't have played that game.

  • Love 1

Agree to disagree. I will never see Wendell as anything but a more competitive version of Amber from All Stars. And I absolutely believe Wendell hid behind Dom, working the social game, as you said. But from what we were shown, Dom made all the strategic decisions for that alliance (and unlike Rob, I don't believe Dom was a jerk -- he was just more of a jerk than Wendell). Rob and Amber ended in a close vote, too.

But that's mainly the fault of the editors. Wendell cannot control his edit, and I also think Ghost Island was extremely poorly edited -- with too much monologuing on Ghost Island, and that the editors fell so in love with Dom's soundbytes that they forgot to show him being an active jerk or show enough negative things about him to make the case through editing why he didn't win. Until the final episode, Dom seemed pretty well-liked, and there were ways to show that he wasn't. Until the final episode, he seemed to be getting the "Tony from Cagayan" edit. Then suddenly, Wendell wins? Huh?

I hope every single one of Ghost Island's editors was fired. They edited people into oblivion (i.e. Chelsea), failed to create a good winner's edit for the winner, or a "this is why he didn't win" edit for the loser. At the end of every season since Kaoh Rong, I know why the winner won over the other contestants. The other contestants had either more grating or more invisible or ineffectual edits than the eventual winners. But Dom didn't have a bad edit, and he needed one -- or he needed a less positive one. I don't care if he lost by one vote -- he still lost. And I suppose that's on the editors, not Wendell.

  • Love 2

Dom was gregarious and clashed with folks. The entire feud with Chris was because Dom couldn't keep his mouth shut. Dom rubbed people the wrong way, you could see that in the first few episodes, and then seemed to calm down. I think Wendell started working on channeling Dom's paranoia and helped Dom to chill out. He was the easy sound bite for the Production team. It always happens, this year it was Christian, but it has been Russell, Brandon, Philip, Tony, Ozzy, Coach, Penner. There is always one person who seems to be the narrator and often time that person doesn't win.

Dom in his exit interviews talked about how he and Wendell worked well together and how Wendell helped Dom chill out. Yes, Wendell used Dom as a bit of shield, just like Davie was using Christian, but Wendell still was actively playing. He was shown as doing more and being far more effective then Mike ever was. Hell, he kept Dom from traipsing off after Chris and everyone to the water well. And he kept Dom from going off and talking to folks once Dom knew his name was out there.

Amber won because of a clearly bitter jury. I don't like the term but that is the only way to describe Lex and company from that season. They were pissed at Rob and so they voted for Amber. That is all there was too it. Dom and Wendall's votes were split because everyone on the jury saw them as a unit and could attribute their success to either one of them.

I'm ready to declare the winner ... not nuKama. Nearly all of them have been edited as nincompoops who all go "thanks, Joe" with stars in their eyes. I also am ready to (hopefully) declare Joe as Not the Winner.

To me, the winner is probably from nuManu or from the Edge of Extinction (with an outside chance of a lol Lesu sneaking in there). There has to be a reason we've seen so much of Edge of Extinction, and not just for the great scenery. We've also seen an awful lot of oldManu/Lesu, but I think that's because they kept losing.

But one main narrative theme has been: get the vets out. To me, those whose arc has gone against that theme are less likely to win (see: all of nuKama, and Joe). Returning players have been edited as clueless (Aubry), privileged (Joe), angry (Kelley) or pathetic (David).

The editing has been odd this season, after being awesome last season -- and short of them firing all the editors, I think what's more likely is the story is less straight-forward (such as an Edge of Extinction winner or someone from a largely winning tribe). David vs Goliath wrote itself. I think good contestants help, but editing still plays a role and they didn't forget how to tell a story between 37 and 38 (I hope).

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 1

I agree about the editing being off this season.  Ghost Island was way too predictable, and this season there isn't much to go on.  With the merge I think a lot can happen and edits can pick up.

Right now I feel safe in saying that Wardog will not win.  In terms of the returning players still in the game, I'd say Kelley has the stronger edit.  It's a very polarizing one, as some think she's coming across mean girl, others don't see it.  But compared to the others, I'd say it's better.  I don't see Joe winning, based on his edit.  David is a wild card for me.

Victoria is also a wild card.  I can't tell if she's calling the shots and masterminding or just a pawn in an alliance who is getting credit for being a master mind (and while that can scream winner, it can also scream someone who gets overconfident and blindsided).  I feel like she's one of the few whose gotten an edit so far, especially where Kama's concerned.  Everyone else is up in the air for me, because a lot of it will depend on edits at the merge.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 4

So far there hasn't been a clear winner's edit, but Aubry comes the closest for me. True, she's been clueless and shown that way, but she had that talking head about being at the very bottom and going up to the top. David, too, maybe, he's been shown a lot and usually it's a positive portrayal. I think Kelley's getting too negative of an edit to win.

9 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

So far there hasn't been a clear winner's edit, but Aubry comes the closest for me. True, she's been clueless and shown that way, but she had that talking head about being at the very bottom and going up to the top.

She is also the one that's had the clearest MDQ, back when she found her HII.  She said that there were only two things left on her Survivor checklist; find an idol and win the game...and she'd just found the idol.

  • Love 2
48 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

So far there hasn't been a clear winner's edit, but Aubry comes the closest for me. True, she's been clueless and shown that way, but she had that talking head about being at the very bottom and going up to the top. David, too, maybe, he's been shown a lot and usually it's a positive portrayal. I think Kelley's getting too negative of an edit to win.

I am terrible at reading edits, and I'm not sure it is really possible. 

But, if anything, I feel like Aubry is getting a loser's edit.  She is coming off as mostly out of touch with her tribe and  inept, other than finding the idol, which she wasted, along with the extra vote advantage that was handed to her.  Remember the "You remind me of me.  Let's dialogue" montage?  That made her look foolish, not like a winner, IMO.  

David is getting a pretty good edit, but I think that is mostly because he is a good narrator, comes up with some good lines and has been involved in a lot of strategy.   

I think Victoria might be getting a winner's edit.  She is shown orchestrating the blindside of Aubry and, after Aubry, has the highest confessional count, by a wide margin, among the original Kamas.   She seems to be getting a nice person, but shrewd, cut throat when necessary, game player edit.   

The Warthog seems to be getting a loser's edit.

Chris might be getting a nice guy, who got screwed over and comes back to win edit.  Showing him sharing the fish with Reem and Keith after they shunned him could be  good sign.  

That said, I think a lot of the early edits are based upon what has happened early in the game.   If a winner doesn't really start doing much until after the merge, the editors might not have much of a story to tell with them in the early episodes.  

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I agree about the editing being off this season.  Ghost Island was way too predictable, and this season there isn't much to go on.  With the merge I think a lot can happen and edits can pick up.

Right now I feel safe in saying that Wardog will not win.  In terms of the returning players still in the game, I'd say Kelley has the stronger edit.  It's a very polarizing one, as some think she's coming across mean girl, others don't see it.  But compared to the others, I'd say it's better.  I don't see Joe winning, based on his edit.  David is a wild card for me.

Victoria is also a wild card.  I can't tell if she's calling the shots and masterminding or just a pawn in an alliance who is getting credit for being a master mind (and while that can scream winner, it can also scream someone who gets overconfident and blindsided).  I feel like she's one of the few whose gotten an edit so far, especially where Kama's concerned.  Everyone else is up in the air for me, because a lot of it will depend on edits at the merge.

I agree 100% on Warthog.

I also agree that Kelley's edit hasn't been too bad, and it does not make me think she has no chance. 

I think Victoria has gotten, by far, the best edit among original Kama members.  Aubry has more confessionals (19 vs 12, the next highet is 7).   But,  Aubry has looked foolish, with the whole tribe sniffing out her "You're like me.  Let's dialogue." pitch she gave to all of them, and getting blindsided with 2 advantages in her pockets.   

Whether or not Victoria really is the mastermind (I think she probably is), the edit seems to be giving that appearance.  

The rest of Kama, other than Joe, has been pretty much invisible.  

  • Love 3
28 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

No, just no. Dan does not need to get close to winning this game. Just no. He will actually think he was a genius who played an amazing game. Nope. I'd take Fabio as a second time winner over Dan.

I'd say The Warthog, Reem and Li'l Wendy are the 3 who have a 0.0% chance of winning the game.   

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Victoria is getting a good edit.  One of the few memorable newbies who hasn't been to EOE.  I could see Chris getting back in and doing well, too.  For some reason, I don't think any of the returnees will win the whole thing.  They might make it far, but nobody's getting that great of a winner edit among them except maybe David?

  • Love 3

Aubry could very well have some big come back edit if she returns from EOE.  Was an awkward fish out of water trying to fit in, fulfilled one of her Survivor goals by finding an idol, got blindsided and played, but then comes back and hopefully plays smarter.   

Given the anti returning player mentality this season, I'd be very surprised to see a returning player win.  David seems like he's had growth since his last season, but is still the kid with no seat at the cool kids table.  Joe will probably be the focus for being a threat until he's voted off, and then we get EOE Joe.  Since there's been focus on Gavin/Eric working as a pair, I expect to see more of that dynamic at the merge, even in a bigger alliance.

Unless Julia, Julie, and Aurora get some big edit at the merge with strategic face time, I'd count them out in the next couple of episodes if they don't get much focus. 

2 hours ago, Matteo said:

Victoria is getting a good edit.  One of the few memorable newbies who hasn't been to EOE.  I could see Chris getting back in and doing well, too.  For some reason, I don't think any of the returnees will win the whole thing.  They might make it far, but nobody's getting that great of a winner edit among them except maybe David?

Among the EoE returnees, I could possibly see either Aubrey or Chris going far should they re-enter the game.  Both were totally flabbergasted at their initial “eviction”, true; by the same token, though, both were probably burned enough from the first experience to make a second blindside well-nigh impossible to pull off - they’d see it coming from a mile away, even if it wasn’t. 😉 

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Among the EoE returnees, I could possibly see either Aubrey or Chris going far should they re-enter the game.  Both were totally flabbergasted at their initial “eviction”, true; by the same token, though, both were probably burned enough from the first experience to make a second blindside well-nigh impossible to pull off - they’d see it coming from a mile away, even if it wasn’t. 😉 

I could also see Li'l Wendy going far as a goat.   

4 hours ago, KimberStormer said:

I am saying it out loud here to destroy Rick's chance at the million.

Thank you.

But I too, sadly, think Rick is a strong winner contender. Sigh.

The edits are so weird this season though, likely because of stupid ass EoE.

The only thing I feel sure of is that Kelley will not win. She was getting too bad of an edit for too long imo. It felt like a, "She loses and we want to make sure no one is mad when it happens," type of edit since she was so popular last time. I also think Lauren is unlikely to win since she's basically a non-entity and she didn't even get any confessionals after she passed out. I don't see Wardog winning either. And even though I thought early on that Victoria could be the winner that looks less and less likely to me every week. I also can't see Joe, Chris, or Reem winning. 

I think Rick, David, and Aubry have the best/biggest edits right now.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

I don’t know if anyone is getting a good edit, Rick included.  I can say fairly certainly that I don’t believe Julie, Wardog, Aurora, Lauren, or Ron have a shot in hell at winning for various reasons.  Gavin’s edit has been very quiet until recently but if it continues picking up and he’s making game related moves, maybe him.  Kelley’s edit seems like an underdog now and not as negative.  I’d say probably David is getting the best edit of everyone left, but the others aren’t making that hard.  

I have to say Rick winning would be the topper on a crappy season.  Unfortunately he’ll have a mostly Kama jury with bitter ex Manas, and he did get to hang with Aubry and Reem on EOE.  

Edited by LadyChatts

There is no point in trying to guess because we have no clue who is coming back from EoE and how the jurors who have been on EoE since before the merge are going to vote.

Reem has not given any indication that she is not going to hold a grudge against the people who voted her out of Manu and seems to dislike people who make "lame" choices. Outside of that, I have no read on how Chris and Eric would vote. I want to believe that Aubry and Joe would be voting based on best game play, because they are returnees, but who knows how hanging out and starving on EoE is going to affect their attitude towards the vote.

We have no idea how the folks on EoE are really bonding. Reem seems to have chilled since her anti Rick and Chris welcomes. She wasn't warm and friendly to Eric but that is because he was "lame" in voting out Joe. I'll be interested to see how Julia is received.

At least when the people voted out went to Ponderosa they had time to chill and reflect on the game in comfort and with booze which helped most of them see the game a bit differently. There were the occasional bitter jurors but most could talk about the game in a less angsty manner. You saw people vote for folks based on alliances and game play.

We are not going to have that this time.

And to be frank, no one still in the game is playing well. They all have glaring weaknesses.

So I don't see a winners edit for anyone. Maybe David?

  • Love 3

I don’t think such an animal as a Winner’s Edit exists this season - yet - simply because there are still too damn many people left in the game; the show calendar may be reading Day 22, but game-wise we’re still at Day 7.  

With so many people around to cover in an episode, any attempt by Production to focus on a single player enough to even take a stab at creating a winner’s edit would in itself be a dead giveaway.  😞

  • Love 3

and, just in case anyone has forgotten here is our current list:

Here’s the list of winners, by season:

Richard Hatch

Tina Wesson

Ethan Zohn

Vecepia Towery

Brian Heidik

Jenna Morasca

Sandra Diaz-Twine

Amber Brkich

Chris Daugherty

Tom Westman

Danni Boatwright

Aras Baskauskas

Yul Kwon

Earl Cole

Todd Herzog

Parvati Shallow

Robert “Bob” Crowley

James “J.T.” Thomas Jr.

Natalie White

Sandra Diaz-Twine

Jud “Fabio” Birza

Rob Mariano

Sophie Clarke

Kim Spradlin

Denise Stapley

John Cochran

Tyson Apostol

Tony Vlachos

Natalie Anderson

Mike Holloway

Jeremy Collins

Michele Fitzgerald

Adam Klein

Sarah Lacina

Ben Driebergen

Wendell Holland

Nick Wilson

(unknown; filmed last summer)

(unknown; filming this spring)

If anyone is getting some kind of hero edit, sitting on top of rocks and gazing in the distance, it's people on EoE. There were some shots in last week's episode that felt very reminiscent of the kind of on-top-of-a-mountain shots winners used to have during a number of seasons. It may have been either Chris or Eric. (I had just gotten out of hospital after fracturing bones and was in that state where watching was a welcome and fun distraction but when the pain was also distracting from the watching, hope that makes senses.)

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