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Small Talk: a.k.a. 'The Meet Market'

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So I need to catch up on iZombie, eh?


I love my DVR. LOVE IT! So instead of paying for Hulu or Netflix or something, I just use the DVR. On one hand, it does mean I miss shows like House of Cards and such. I also don't pay for HBO so I have to wait until they do a free preview weekend to catch up on some shows, which isn't so bad. They usually have a marathon of GoT episodes on free preview weekends before the new season starts so I just don't watch it until later. Oh well. I just love the DVR though since I can easily keep track of what is waiting to be watched rather than trying to juggle different accounts on different sites.

So I need to catch up on iZombie, eh?


Absolutely. It's fun and very easy to get into. And Rose McIver is nothing short of fantastic. (They've just had a Tinkerbell shout-out this week!)


The only criticism is that there's a bit too much of a focus on case of the week stuff, but it's early, I hope the show will become much more serialized the next season.

Edited by FurryFury
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We picked up Gotham this year in Feb or March and mildly binge watched an episode a night for a few weeks.  I love the premise though I have some similar writer's issues as I do with Once, but love the cast, mostly, and until the last episode was loving tween avatar namesake.  I like her sass, even if it's ridiculously precocious sass.  Not so much caring about the mob stuff, save as the axis for the development of Penguin.  I find Donal Logue hilarious.


Also loved Agent Carter and really hope that comes back as a mini-series bridge show, at least.  Hayley Atwell is stellar.

I watched Gotham all season, then turned off the TV in the middle of last week's episode because I realized that I just wasn't enjoying it, and TV is something I do for fun. The cast was great, but the writing was weak, and it was just so very bleak. It was rather liberating to be able to let it go.


I loved Agent Carter, and I'm not even a comics reader and haven't seen any of the Marvel Universe movies (other than Guardians of the Galaxy, but I saw that as more a space adventure than a superhero movie). Galavant was pure silly fun.


Otherwise, it seemed like almost everything I like took a massive nosedive in quality or enjoyability this year. I think they're doing great work on Person of Interest, but it's become pretty bleak and frustrating, so it's stressful to watch and I have to wait until I'm in the right mood for it. Sleepy Hollow went from fun to "what the hell?" Grimm took an abrupt turn into "what the hell?" Even on PBS, this was a week season for Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife has become the Anachronistic Politically Correct Platitude of the Week and I turned off Mr. Selfridge in mid-episode last week and felt liberated.


I quit The Mindy Project and Chicago Fire at the end of the previous season. It wasn't entirely intentional. They happen to show on nights when I'm out, so I watch via OnDemand, and before I got around to watching, I heard what was going on with them and decided I didn't care. I felt like they dumbed Mindy down too much, and she and Danny had become real jerks. Chicago Fire has a Mary Sue problem almost as bad as Regina, with a character who flits from ambition to ambition, with the rules always being somehow adjusted to allow her to do so, and of course she's the Best Ever at each thing she tries, and everyone loves her, plus anything anyone else suffers ends up being about her pain. When they killed off one of the characters I liked and it sounded like the Mary Sue thing was getting worse, I just never got around to watching any episodes this season.


I think there's a conspiracy in the Writers Guild to make me read more.

I may have to do an anti-rain dance tomorrow. We have a strong possibility of severe storms tomorrow night, and around here, if there's even a hint of storms, the weather people can't resist breaking into programming to track every inch of the storm's progress. I missed half the finale of Wonderland and had to watch it the next day OnDemand because the local TV weather people had to breathlessly tell us that it was raining hard a hundred miles away. Half the fun of the show these days is bitching about it online later, and I miss that fun if I have to wait a day.


In other news, I may be officially a dirty old woman. I was skimming through my Facebook feed, glancing at pictures people had posted without really looking at who posted what (since there are so very many memes and motivational/inspirational pictures) when I noticed a picture of an attractive young man and had a bit of an "oh, my, I like what I see" reaction. Then I saw that it was a picture one of my high school classmates had posted. Of her son. At his college graduation party. Actually, come to think of it, she was two years behind me. It's her husband who was my classmate. I'm going to go curl up and die now.

This is bad, real bad. The angsty fics and gif sets on tumblr keep getting me misty eyed. What happens tomorrow? Gah, I need to buck up a bit, it's only a tv show dork!

Ugh, is it pms? Bad timing if so. Ugh.

Seriously, if Colin or jmo so much as shed a tear I am so done. Where's my bloody rum...


I just remember what my uncle used to tell me, "Don't worry. ...it isn't real."

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So far, my weather radio has gone off about four times this morning -- two flash flood warnings, two severe thunderstorm warnings. But supposedly all the rain and storms this morning may decrease the potential for severe weather this evening, so fingers crossed that I'll be able to watch TV uninterrupted tonight (priorities!)! We're under a tornado watch until 9 p.m.


And for more fun, I have water seeping in around my foundation, so my living room carpet is damp. Exterior maintenance is the HOA's issue, and I've let them know that there's something making water pool around that one spot in my house so that it comes inside, so it should end up being their responsibility to fix any of the damage. That just requires a lot of nagging them and pointing out that the longer they delay, the more damage there is and the more expensive it is to fix.

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In what has been the latest of really abrupt changes in my life in the last couple of months, I discovered I needed to get a new car because mine had some body rot that would cause it to not pass inspection in July. It was too expensive to fix on a 15-year-old car, so on Tuesday, I shall be picking up a dark blue Chevy Cruze. (I have  Ford Focus now, and it's the perfect size for me. The Cruze is equivalent.) I am excited in the "yay new things!" sense but I'm not exactly looking forward to having a car payment again. ;)


Here's a fun extra little bit. My Focus is named the PrueMobile (because I was heavily into Charmed when I bought it, though I'm not even the one who named her... long story, haha) so I asked for suggestions for names for the new car on Facebook. My awesome friends have given me EmmaCar, Jolly Roger, Captain Swan Mobile, and Happy Hooker. :) (I'm quite partial to EmmaCar, in part because it follows the same naming structure as PrueMobile. ;))

  • Love 2

In what has been the latest of really abrupt changes in my life in the last couple of months, I discovered I needed to get a new car because mine had some body rot that would cause it to not pass inspection in July. It was too expensive to fix on a 15-year-old car, so on Tuesday, I shall be picking up a dark blue Chevy Cruze. (I have  Ford Focus now, and it's the perfect size for me. The Cruze is equivalent.) I am excited in the "yay new things!" sense but I'm not exactly looking forward to having a car payment again. ;)


Here's a fun extra little bit. My Focus is named the PrueMobile (because I was heavily into Charmed when I bought it, though I'm not even the one who named her... long story, haha) so I asked for suggestions for names for the new car on Facebook. My awesome friends have given me EmmaCar, Jolly Roger, Captain Swan Mobile, and Happy Hooker. :) (I'm quite partial to EmmaCar, in part because it follows the same naming structure as PrueMobile. ;))


New cars are exciting! But ugh to car payments!


How about Lt. JonesMobile, since it's dark blue, in honor of his dark blue Horatio Hornblower jacket? Or KillianCar, for the alliteration.

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Hey, everyone. Long time, no see. Happy Mothers Day! 

Has anyone tried reading recaps off of TWoP? I can read the first page of a recap and then get an error message when I try to go to the next page.


I know this is an old quote, but I didn't see any further discussion of it, so let me just say that I have the same problem which is a big PROBLEM, when I'm looking for jobs.

So, this might be a little weird and off topic, but I wanted to ask for some advice, being as this is my favorite board to frequent. I watch a lot of TV shows, and one of my favorite shows had a REALLY disappointing season, with a really terrible ending. And, its not like with Once, where, while I always root for the show to be good, and certainly do get upset with it, I have fun criticizing it and questioning the writing and things like that. I really loved this show, and was extremely invested in the characters, and this season, everything just fell apart. It felt like the writers just didn't care at all, and it hurt. I trusted that they knew what they were doing, and it feels like they have lost their way, and no longer care about me, as a viewer. Honestly, its kind of disturbing me that I am THIS upset about a TV show. I feel sad, betrayed, and I feel like I cant talk to anyone in the "real world" about being this upset over a bunch of damned fictional characters, so I wanted to come here for some advice. I have tried to read tumblr, fanfic, watch videos abiut the show, and sometimes it makes me feel better, but a lot of times, I just feel worse. I feel like it might have to do with some other issues in my life (I have anxiety and mild depression, plus a lot of changes in my life right now) and I just want to be able to talk to people who are as obsessed with TV as I am, who could maybe give me some advice on how to feel better, or at least listen to me get this little rant out. 


Or I can just look at Dani-Ellie`s super cute kitten! 


You should probably just look at the kitten, that said, what show was it? I've had this problem with The Vampire Diaries (which I covered for TWoP from the beginning) and Supernatural (which I subbed for TWoP for the first half of season 4). I've dropped these shows and picked them up again, so many times, I don't even know how to look at myself in the mirror.

That said, I'm living with (pretty severe) anxiety and (mild to moderate) depression. I don't know if this is true for you, but I tend to glom onto things (including shows) that make me feel good, and then feel really betrayed when they go south.

I'm self-employed. April 15 is very painful for me. I had a good year last year, but that meant my estimated taxes based on the previous year were well under what I owed, so that was one big check. And then I had to pay this year's first estimated tax payment based on last year's (rather high) taxes, so it was another big check. I don't know that I will end up making as much this year as I did last year, but I could, so I have to make the higher payments, just in case. So almost everything I've earned so far this year went to pay taxes yesterday. Fortunately, I have a big savings cushion, so it's not like I'll starve, or anything. It's just rather horrifying writing a check like that, all at once. You notice it less when you get a bit taken out of your paycheck each month.


And then after paying taxes, I had to go deal with crazy kindergarteners.


Taxes, this year, were a nightmare for me, because I made more for TWoP in the first half of 2014 (Thank you, Sherlock), than I'd ever made before, but it was all freelance. What saved me is that my husband has always had enough withheld from his (regular job) paycheck, to more than cover my taxes. Do you all realize that if you work for yourself, you are taxed at a higher rate, regardless of how little you earn? It is evil. 


Layla is a song I've basically grown up on. Don't like it that much, however.


I love Layla. I mostly like the original, fast, hard Layla, but as I've become a woman of a certain age, I've also begun to appreciate Clapton's slow version of it. It's like the difference between bedding a 20 year old and a 40 year old. Is some of the fire, dimmer, sure, but have certain skills been acquired? You bet your sweet bippy.

How is everyone? Shanna Marie, how is your father coping with his Congestive Heart Failure? Dani-Elle, how is the new kitty?

Also, I really miss you guys.

  • Love 4


That said, I'm living with (pretty severe) anxiety and (mild to moderate) depression. I don't know if this is true for you, but I tend to glom onto things (including shows) that make me feel good, and then feel really betrayed when they go south.

Awwww, same with me! My depression has gone from mild to...not so mild, its been pretty bad. I think I do the same glomming thing that you do. I use shows and characters to get me through the hard times, then I get too attached, and then I feel personally betrayed and heartbroken when they mess up. I`m still trying to deal with the hurt right now, even though things have certainly gotten better since I posted that. I don't even like thinking about the show right now, but I`m hoping to be able to eventually. Right now, I`m looking for new shows. Watch anything good lately? 


Miss you!

Edited by tennisgurl

Hi, Cindy! The kitten is doing well. She's eleven weeks today and growing like a weed! She's a little snugglebug and is more than content to just curl up on top of me and sit. It's funny because my Cinnamon was a lap cat pretty much on her terms. She'd sit with me when she deigned to and even then only for ten minutes or so, even as a kitten. (That's actually how I realized how sick she was at the end ... this was the cat I could never get to sit still, and all she wanted to do was curl up in the corner.) Gracie will just climb up onto my lap and chill for hours. It's different but it's nice. :)


Oh, I miss you too. Thank you so much. That's so nice to hear, it makes me cry. I miss all of you more than I can express.

Lately, my big thing has been to give up watching political reporting (I was an MSNBC junkie). Instead, The Chew has become my new happy place. I know. I know. It's "reality." It's "cooking," but gosh darn it I love it. I also started watching The "Real" Housewives of Beverly Hills. Now understand, I'm totally against this sort of "candid" reality show, because I think it's all a lie, but I love Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson, and they were added to the show in season 5. After the season ended, I wound up watching the first non ER/ED seasons, as well.


I was loving Outlander (devoured the books, decades ago) until it got too pornographic for me. Other than that I still watch the shows I covered for TWoP: OUAT, TVD, etc. I'm still watching my soaps. Other than that, I watch a lot of the FOOD network programming.

Edited by CindyMcLennan
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Hi, Cindy! The kitten is doing well. She's eleven weeks today and growing like a weed! She's a little snugglebug and is more than content to just curl up on top of me and sit. It's funny because my Cinnamon was a lap cat pretty much on her terms. She'd sit with me when she deigned to and even then only for ten minutes or so, even as a kitten. (That's actually how I realized how sick she was at the end ... this was the cat I could never get to sit still, and all she wanted to do was curl up in the corner.) Gracie will just climb up onto my lap and chill for hours. It's different but it's nice. :)



Yay, kitten! So Cinnamon was a real cat, and kitty is a puppy who looks like a cat.


Oh, I should tell you about my dumb dog. She is a rescue we got a couple of years ago. She was found on the side of the road with 5 pups. They got adopted immediately because PUPPIES. Our girl (I've named her Buffy) lingered. We adopted her. She is the best dog in the world around people, but she hates cats, other dogs, and motor vehicles.


Two weeks ago, she got out, just as the FedEX truck was leaving our house. She went after her mortal enemy, hit it (okay, some people say it hit her, but I want to maintain her dignity -- she hit it), and for her troubles, obtained a micro-fracture, near the hock of her left, hind leg. The cast was removed today, but she's still limping, and we're still $850 in the hole for her medical treatment. Good thing I love the damned dog. (I really do love her.)

Edited by CindyMcLennan
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Shanna Marie, how is your father coping with his Congestive Heart Failure?

I should probably have updated everyone. He's doing great now (well, great for someone his age with his chronic conditions). It turned out to be more related to his rheumatoid arthritis, which had gotten so bad that he was practically bedridden, and that tends to be bad for the heart and allows fluid to build up, and then the fluid buildup doesn't help the joints, and it's a downward spiral. At the same appointment where the rheumatologist noticed the heart failure, my dad finally admitted that the medicine they were giving him wasn't working (he has a bad habit of going to a doctor, and then when the doctor asks how he's doing, he'll say "fine" as though it's a social question). They got him on new medicine, and that one worked like a charm. He's still gone some stiffness and soreness for the damage that was already done, but he was able to get up and around, and that helped his heart. They did a bunch of tests, and there didn't seem to be anything actually wrong with the heart that can't be fixed with lifestyle changes and occasional medication if fluid builds up again. So he's back to working in the yard (when it isn't raining) and doing stuff around the house. So now my mom is a lot calmer, and I'm getting a lot fewer tearful phone calls.

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Aw, Cindy. What a nice name to see again. :)


Well, some good TV news came in today. The X-Files miniseries is starting Jan. 26 -- right in the middle of the Once winter hiatus next year so at least I'm going to have something really good top obsess over and bridge the gap between the half seasons. Woohoo!


Still haven't watched the series finale of Revenge yet. It's sitting on my DVR and I want to watch last night's Brooklyn 99 and Mad Men first. You know your show went downhill when people don't even prioritize the series finale over other shows.

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Still haven't watched the series finale of Revenge yet. It's sitting on my DVR and I want to watch last night's Brooklyn 99 and Mad Men first. You know your show went downhill when people don't even prioritize the series finale over other shows.

Or maybe you just don't want it to be over?  I've had stuff sit on my DVR for quite a while, simply because once I watched it, there would be no more new to look forward to.


And, yay!!!, about the X-Files.

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Shanna Marie, I hope you survived the storms ok.

The storms were around me, so within the viewing area of the TV station I was watching, but I just got a lot of rain. Lots and lots of rain. However, there's some pretty severe flooding in some places, requiring helicopter rescues, and the town next to my home town got pretty much wiped out by a tornado. I was worried about that one because it's not too far from where my parents live and was heading in that direction, but they just got a lot of rain, wind, and lightning. The news footage of the town that got hit was pretty shocking. I drive through there often, so it was very familiar places that were flattened.


It's sunny today, but we're supposed to get more rain the rest of the week. We've gone abruptly from drought to floods. Lakes were feet below normal and are now above normal.

To be fair, Once does have a bit of a track record of tossing off good actors who do better somewhere else. See Jamie Dornan [in The Fall, thanks], David Anders, Rose McIver, etc. And yes, the Lucifer trailer looks intriguing. I also watched The Grinder trailer. Looks interesting but dammit, they filmed some of their court scenes in the courthouse where I lost my bid to get my traffic ticket thrown out back when I lived in California. Bastards. It would be nice to see Rob Lowe and Fred Savage together though.


I just found out you can access all the TWoP recaps from this link: http://www.brilliantbutcancelled.com/shows/ 

What's more, you can get past page one, and the recappers' bylines have not been replaced with "admin" (honest to goodness, seeing my byline wiped out by soulless Bravo was worse than losing my job, or having the recaps be so inaccessible that I couldn't link to them, to secure more freelancing work). 

I feel like I just got back 7 years of my life.

Cindy! Speaking of things that are hard to let go of, I still periodically check your page hoping for a random recap. I hope all is well with you and hope we see you pop in now and then.


Selina, thank you for that. I've been struggling with some really killer depression. I think it has crested, though, so I hope to be writing in the Fall. Seriously, thank you. This has been a really tough year. I'm so glad to see the ass end of it.

Edited by CindyMcLennan
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Ready Player One was absolutely awesome! And Ernest Cline has a new book coming out this summer that also sounds really good so I'm hopeful. You should check out his website where he has a whole section dedicated to his DeLorean. It's got a flux capacitor and a proton pack and the license plate is "Ecto 88" -- it's like a mash up of Back to the Future and Ghostbusters.

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One of my favorite TV characters of the last few years has just officially come back to life, even if on another show (she was killed at the start of this season). I'm just riding the high right now. Sometimes, it's so great to live in the age when fandom reaction really matters. They'd have never resurrected her without the fans - it's just awesome to know that not all social network interaction is for the worse.

Edited by FurryFury
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One of my favorite TV characters of the last few years has just officially come back to life, even if on another show (she was killed at the start of this season). I'm just riding the high right now. Sometimes, it's so great to live in the age when fandom reaction really matters. They'd have never resurrected her without the fans - it's just awesome to know that not all social network interaction is for the worse.


I think I know the shows of which you speak.. Although I do not watch the original show, I am ridiculously looking forward to the new show for reasons that probably have to do with

spy Daddy, Prison Break brothers, and Superman 

*high fives Hoodlum*  Woot!  I'm pumped for it, but extremely vexed at the same time.  Literally EVERYONE I'm related to is graduating from something this weekend, and I'll be stuck in some auditorium today during the race, more than likely.  I'll def be having my phone out trolling for updates tho!  Hopefully Pharaoh can pull this off without too much effort.  He's gonna need to save anything he has left today for the Belmont.  That one's always the killer.

  • Love 1

^^ *high fives you right back, Lieutenant*

Missed the Black-Eyed Susan last night :(

Anyways, two Bob Baffert horses (granted, he only trained them) right next to each other, in the first two posts...it'll be interesting. Hopefully Pharaoh doesn't fall prey to getting boxed in.

And with such a small field this year, you just know everyone's saving their horses for the Belmont.

*American Pharaoh won! In such horrid weather too! The rain was just pouring!

I feel bad for Dortmund and that other horse (I think it was Divining Rod) near the end though. Tales of Verve cut them off both just when they were about to make their move. He was just swerving left and right!

Edited by HoodlumSheep

^ I don't think there's a holiday. Did school get out for summer maybe?

I think our town allows fireworks the whole summer now (or at least I think they do). I'm not quite sure though; I think we used to be slightly more restricted). We tend to hear the ones put off boats too.

The one problem I have when I hear fireworks going off in town is then I worry about a house getting burned down from them landing on the roof, and then I can't sleep very well. It stresses me out when it shouldn't.


I don't usually worry about fireworks burning down the house unless there is drought.  But those years when we were coming off an epic drought where the news got to point of counting down the remaining water supply and it was less than 90 days... fireworks had me freaked out then.


Then we had like three 500 year floods in a month and I didn't worry about it anymore.

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