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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Looking at the promo and the still pics for the next episode made me realize just how much I don't care about seeing Rumple go through more angst about either of his sons in either realm.   Great actor and have enjoyed the character in the past, but too much water under the bridge to feel much sympathy for him now, esp. if it leads to Belle thinking he is a good man after-all.

Whatever happened to him absorbing all of the dark ones?  You think that would have had greater ramifications and/or changes for the character.

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4 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Why would Beowulf want to go after Rumple for defeating the ogres?  That makes no sense to me.  

Actually, it makes perfect sense given Beowulf's character.  He's a proud warrior, he would want to fight the ogres, either defeating them or die trying. To have some random guy come in to use magic is like a kick in the gonads for someone like him.

Edited by Mathius
1 hour ago, CCTC said:

Looking at the promo and the still pics for the next episode made me realize just how much I don't care about seeing Rumple go through more angst about either of his sons in either realm.   Great actor and have enjoyed the character in the past, but too much water under the bridge to feel much sympathy for him now, esp. if it leads to Belle thinking he is a good man after-all.

Whatever happened to him absorbing all of the dark ones?  You think that would have had greater ramifications and/or changes for the character.

That's exactly the problem, there aren't any ramifications for the Dark One stuff, Rumple has been stuck in the same place for several seasons.

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19 hours ago, Mathius said:

Robin of Locksley confirmed for smartest character on the show.

Oh my God, I cant stop laughing at the line from the synopsis. He will do ANYTHING to get away from this crazy lady and this weirdo town. I'm just going to head cannon now that everyone actually hates Regina, and only puts up with her because the Charmings are in love with her. There are secret Regina Sucks clubs underground, people make up secret codes to talk about how lame Regina is, and if they weren't attached to Storybrooke, they would probably be joining Robin in their frantic attempts to escape.

Weirdly enough, I really like Dark Robin. He might be a bad guy, but he seems to be the only person who sees through Regina's bullshit. At least, he's the only one who finds keeping your past victims hearts in a tomb kind of creepy.

Also, so not into following Rumple kid angst. We got that story already with Neal! He grew up to become a dick who wants to fuck Emma over too! And if I want to suffer through a convoluted story about a baby taken by his dads enemy to be raised evil and he shows up later to be a whiny, violent idiot, I would watch Angel again. At least I'm assuming Gideon wont try to sleep with HIS dads love interest. But then, with this show...

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I just figured out the perfect satisfying series finale for the show so it can be rebooted with Regina, Hook, Zelena, Adult Henry and Young Girl in the lead role.

In the last 5 minutes of the Season 6 finale, Snow and Charming find out that they both actually died "A Curious Thing".  By splitting their hearts, they caused a tear in the universe which has brought intolerance and anger to The World.  Emma then finds out that she actually died in "Operation Mongoose".  By returning as Dark Swan, she caused another tear in the universe.  They realize that it's their faults that the Dark Curse was created.  They find out that Charming was meant to die in the pilot, as was Emma and Snow was meant to die from a broken heart.  By mis-appropriating hope and cheating death, they had brought a lot of evil to the world, and the only way to solve this problem would be for Snow, Charming and Emma to sacrifice themselves in the town square.  It's the only way to reverse the Darkness and restore balance to the world.  As we see the flames consuming the Charmings, a Purple Haze envelopes Storybrooke, and we jump 10 years later...

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The imagery of the swords piercing Emma's gut and Hook piercing David's dad's gut are eerily similar....random observation.

The way David's dad thought he'd escaped his death only to die moments later parallels with Emma thinking she's escaped her death at Gideon's hand.....The Oracle said the path may alter but she still dies on that day in that way...

Been tossing around  a pretty wild theory.

Gideon kills Emma.

Killian's epic quest is about finding a way to turn back time....not go back in time but actually rewind it (sort of Sands of Time) to fix past wrongs  and change Emma's fate and undo the Snowing curse. He succeeds but maybe undoes more than he thought ...right back to Emma's childhood....which is why the musical episode seems so random..it is like a weird fastforward through to the new present which ends in the wedding..

Crazy...l know

Edited by PixiePaws1
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Why can't Regina and Emma ever have any conflict anymore? Realistically, Regina should have channeled her anger at Emma about the whole Underworld situation when Robin died the first time, but she blamed Zelena instead. And now she should direct her anger at Emma for suggesting Robin should come through the portal, but she'll blame it on Zelena again. I mean, I'm glad I don't have to watch Emma suck up to Regina for the millionth time after Regina yells at her for something stupid, but still.

Edited by Curio
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I'm actually glad Regina won't be blaming Emma for suggesting Robin come along.  That would probably have resulted in an episode devoted to Emma apologizing yet again.  They clearly don't know what to do with Zelena, and they think Wicked vs. Evil is so delicious even though it was already boring as hell back in 3B.

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4 hours ago, PixiePaws1 said:

The imagery of the swords piercing Emma's gut and Hook piercing David's dad's gut are eerily similar....random observation.

The way David's dad thought he'd escaped his death only to die moments later parallels with Emma thinking she's escaped her death at Gideon's hand.....The Oracle said the path may alter but she still dies on that day in that way...

Been tossing around  a pretty wild theory.

Gideon kills Emma.

Killian's epic quest is about finding a way to turn back time....not go back in time but actually rewind it (sort of Sands of Time) to fix past wrongs  and change Emma's fate and undo the Snowing curse. He succeeds but maybe undoes more than he thought ...right back to Emma's childhood....which is why the musical episode seems so random..it is like a weird fastforward through to the new present which ends in the wedding..

Crazy...l know

I can get behind this. But if he changes too much who's to say she would even love him and there'd be a wedding? I'm terrified they are going to kill her in the season finale. 

2 minutes ago, Mathius said:

Took it long enough!  Rumple really should have said "And then, after five more seasons, the final battle will begin!"

This is the same character that couldn't find his son, yet other characters had no problem hopping from 1 realm to another.  I do like the title though, it's a nice throwback to that line.

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20 minutes ago, Curio said:

You'd think a series finale for a show about "hope" and "happy endings" would be titled "Happily Ever After" or, like the Wonderland series, "And They Lived..."

A&E: "Psh, it's not the finale. The network is totally going to renew because our fans are so passionate on Twitter. Obviously, we would name the series finale, 'Regina's Happy Ending'."

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I doubt the people who wants to copyright "Can't Say" would release the title if it was truly the series finale and they knew it. What it does sound like is Emma's and Rumple's final chapter. I highly doubt she dies though cause as much as A&E like to think they're edgy and creative, they're not. I think they're too chicken to kill her off. That said the entire season with their whole "I'm fated to die" pretty much means in their world, she's gonna "die" but not in a way that they think the audience will think of. See Dark Swan and the whole "only white magic Emma can defeat Zelena." They also like to rip off Buffy and throw in "twists."  So I'm guessing that either the "savior" part of her dies or Emma was never the savior in the first place cause both of those are right up their alley.

I also think people have been missing something with the whole adult Henry and little girl is someone kid's thing. If ABC is serious about a reboot and renewal, A&E are going to have to center the show around a whole new popular Disney property and they're going to have to tease it. You can't dump half or the majority of the originals and go through summer trying to hype up Adult Henry/Regina's daughter or whomever. So if it's adult Henry, that little girl is going to have to be a Disney character. If the girl is an original character, the guy will be the Disney go to. Then they can easily shoehorn in Regina, Hook, Zelena, whoever stays behind around the new Disney story with some made up family tie.

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1 hour ago, AshhyOut said:

If ABC is serious about a reboot and renewal, A&E are going to have to center the show around a whole new popular Disney property and they're going to have to tease it. You can't dump half or the majority of the originals and go through summer trying to hype up Adult Henry/Regina's daughter or whomever. 

Definitely.  Adult Henry would only work if Season 7 is the final season and they're going to cut costs by getting rid of half the cast (and then maybe bring them all back for the grand 2-hour finale episode).  

But it wouldn't make any sense for a reboot.  The show's audience is now small.  If they get rid of half the cast, some of those viewers are going to leave.  They also won't get any new viewers when it's still mired in this so-called complicated universe.  There's no way new people and former viewers would come back for a grown-up Henry.  

Even having one of the new characters be a big Disney property isn't necessarily going to work.  They brought on Aladdin and Jasmine this season and that didn't impact the ratings at all.  


I doubt the people who wants to copyright "Can't Say" would release the title if it was truly the series finale and they knew it.

Adam is such a troll.  He knows there's so much trepidation right now about cast changes or cancellation and he gives us this very special title spoiler.   I suspect an A&E patented "Wouldn't it be funny if..." behind this title.

Edited by Camera One
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38 minutes ago, Camera One said:

Definitely.  Adult Henry would only work if Season 7 is the final season and they're going to cut costs by getting rid of half the cast (and then maybe bring them all back for the grand 2-hour finale episode).  

Then S7 as a final season is what they should have bargained for.  But it's not, since they're desperate to keep the show going for as long as possible, in any form possible, since they are very likely aware that they'll never get another showrunning gig again after it's done.

Edited by Mathius

 If they get rid of half the cast, s

4 minutes ago, Mathius said:

Then S7 as a final season is what they should have bargained for.  But it's not, since they're desperate to keep the show going for as long as possible, in any form possible, since they are very likely aware that they'll never get another showrunning gig again after it's done.


They're delusional. Truly delusional, if they think they're ratings warrant anything aside from a S7.

Personally once we knwo the ratings for Sundays episode and next sundays we should be able to paint a picture. As to whether this is it or not.

Edited by cappoe

I have a strong feeling I had better avoid the series finale until I read the episode thread on this forum, and then decide whether to watch it or not. As many have predicted, the 2 minute CS wedding will be immediately followed by the arrival of the final villain and this will set up the potential series finale. As the two-parter is written by Adam and Eddy, it is bound to be Regina- and Swan Queen Mills family heavy. I may not want to end the series on that note.

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I think that The Final Battle doesn't necessarily mean it's the last episode of the series, but the last episode of this chapter of the series if that makes sense.  What I mean is, this season started out with Emma getting visions of her fate as the Savior and the series began with us learning she is supposed to be the Savior, so maybe the ending of the season will be her somehow being able to not be the Savior anymore and possibly pass it on to someone else.  Also, has Emma really defeated her villain, the Evil Queen? She did break the curse Regina cast, but then they became "friends" or something.  What if in order for her to defeat her fate as the Savior, she has to fully defeat The Evil Queen which would probably mean killing the Serum Queen (or imprisoning her) since that's the EQ part of Regina (and because Regina isn't going anywhere if there's a S7). It could also explain why Lana's been filming in her Evil Queen costume (unless that's for a flashback). 

1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

I have a strong feeling I had better avoid the series finale until I read the episode thread on this forum, and then decide whether to watch it or not. As many have predicted, the 2 minute CS wedding will be immediately followed by the arrival of the final villain and this will set up the potential series finale. As the two-parter is written by Adam and Eddy, it is bound to be Regina- and Swan Queen Mills family heavy. I may not want to end the series on that note.

I  ABSOLUTELY DON'T want a SwanQueen finale..i won't know whether to bash my head against a wall or vomit....I want to ooh and ahh and awwww and smile not have to make decisions!!!!

Yep...series finale is the wedding for me unless the forum indicates it is CS-friendly.....

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

I have a strong feeling I had better avoid the series finale until I read the episode thread on this forum, and then decide whether to watch it or not. As many have predicted, the 2 minute CS wedding will be immediately followed by the arrival of the final villain and this will set up the potential series finale. As the two-parter is written by Adam and Eddy, it is bound to be Regina- and Swan Queen Mills family heavy. I may not want to end the series on that note.


6 hours ago, PixiePaws1 said:

I  ABSOLUTELY DON'T want a SwanQueen finale..i won't know whether to bash my head against a wall or vomit....I want to ooh and ahh and awwww and smile not have to make decisions!!!!

Yep...series finale is the wedding for me unless the forum indicates it is CS-friendly.....

For me OUAT ended with Killian and Emma kissing in front of Granny's during season 5 finale. Everything after that has just been a very bad fan fiction written by a bunch of high school kids obssessed with the Evil Queen's boobs and Regina's tears.

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12 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

For me OUAT ended with Killian and Emma kissing in front of Granny's during season 5 finale. Everything after that has just been a very bad fan fiction written by a bunch of high school kids obssessed with the Evil Queen's boobs and Regina's tears.

Depending on how the season finale this year goes, I may just have to adopt that as well.  

  • Love 2
22 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

For me OUAT ended with Killian and Emma kissing in front of Granny's during season 5 finale.

I was just thinking about this earlier today and decided that OUAT ended for me when Killian came back from the dead at the end of 5x21 (Last Rites). I can't think of one thing that's happened since then that I really care about and a number of things since then that I absolutely hate. The rest of 6B looks to be just as bad culminating with a two-part finale penned by two Regina-apologists. Given the focus on Rumple and his family, I think they will dominate the finale and A&E are always good for a little queer-baiting. I have no faith that the CS wedding will get the focus and attention it deserves in a musical episode jam-packed with things like a "sing-off" between the Charmings and the Evil Queen, and Zelena singing in her Oz hide-out. The show is getting by on fumes and shock value right now and it's not pretty.

  • Love 8

I'm going to be positive and say that no, the finale won't be SwanQueen centered, it will be ensembled centered. It is going to be a jam-packed episode with The Black Fairy (and probably Gideon), Jasmine (and probably Aladdin), and the two new characters playing a part. I also believe that it is going to focus on Emma a lot and possibly her having to end her role as Savior (but not dying). I don't think Regina will be the focus since her story this season seems to end in episode 14 unless I'm right about my theory I posted above (Emma might not have truly defeated the EQ and has to kill/imprison her). I also don't think that Captain Swan will fall by the wayside, I think there will be plenty of them since they would have just gotten married and all (also, there is no way the wedding for the show's main couple is going to last two minutes).

And as far as 6B goes, I have never been more excited about a season.  When I look at what episode will possibly be about I like what I see. This is probably because I am a fan of the show as a whole and am really happy that everyone is getting focus this year.  There is no way the show will end for me until it actually ends because I am a fan of every part of it.

Edited by oncebluethrone

Jafar would be such a random villain to squeeze in for the potential series finale after he's been absent for nearly all of Season 6. Then again, all OUAT finales are super random so I guess it'd make sense.

Seriously, though...they freaking hired Oded Fehr, but instead of using him, we got stuck with Campy Queen and pouty teenager Gideon as our Big Bads? Why couldn't we have had Carlyle and Fehr as an epic villain duo all year?

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

I have a strong feeling I had better avoid the series finale until I read the episode thread on this forum, and then decide whether to watch it or not. As many have predicted, the 2 minute CS wedding will be immediately followed by the arrival of the final villain and this will set up the potential series finale. As the two-parter is written by Adam and Eddy, it is bound to be Regina- and Swan Queen Mills family heavy. I may not want to end the series on that note.

What about the heartwarming break of the Snowing Curse?

EMMA: Okay, we need to destroy The Biggest Evil There Is.  
REGINA: What did I miss when I was disposing of Evil Robin?  
EMMA: The Black Fairy and Jafar had a baby raised in the Land of Untold Stories by Lady Tremaine, bullied by Gideon and terrorized by Jekyll and Hyde.  
SNOW and CHARMING: We WILL beat this!
REGINA: I'm so glad that salad made from The Lettuce of True Love worked off-screen.  Now, Emma, are you ready for our adventure in Land of Whatever Leftover Unused CGI?  
HOOK: I have a confession, everyone.  I killed David's father.
CHARMING: We might all die now, so it's all good.
EMMA: We can work through our feelings when we sing about it in the musical episode. Let's run around the forest trying to find this new villain to kill time, and then after the musical episode, we can fight the final battle!

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, Curio said:

Jafar would be such a random villain to squeeze in for the potential series finale after he's been absent for nearly all of Season 6. Then again, all OUAT finales are super random so I guess it'd make sense.

Well, the season did open with him.  We know he's in 6x15, so it all depends on whether he's dealt with there or not.  

But yeah, whether it's 3 episodes or 5, that's still a criminal waste of Oded Fehr.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 6
44 minutes ago, Curio said:

Seriously, though...they freaking hired Oded Fehr, but instead of using him, we got stuck with Campy Queen and pouty teenager Gideon as our Big Bads? Why couldn't we have had Carlyle and Fehr as an epic villain duo all year?

How I wish!!! Time to reread Hilary's fic The Lightbearers again.

When are boring Jasmine and Aladdin done, btw?

58 minutes ago, Mathius said:

The finale.  Karen David's in it, so I assume Deniz Akdeniz is too.

That makes Jafar as the final Big Bad a little more likely (though it makes no sense story-wise).

20 minutes ago, Curio said:

I don't know what y'all are talking about... This lovely little musical finale where everything will end happily with Emma's marriage sounds like a wonderful series finale to me! There's nothing else happening after that... Nope. Nothing else to see here...

Lol... I'm totally leaning towards this.

  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, Camera One said:

What do you mean?  There won't be an extended exploration of Emma and her parents in the season finale?  

Actually, it seems likely that the final shot will be of Snow and Charming with their arms around Emma and Regina, who have just finished fighting the epic final battle, with Snow saying, "Now, let's go have that family talk!" Fade to black.

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I think I figured out the reason for the big secret about Hook killing David's father.  Hook tells Emma, but David is unreasonable and won't forgive Hook right away.  Emma cuts things off with her parents because if they won't support her, then they're dead to her.  Regina (since it's in her character) tries to mend things, but she really can't.  The wedding begins and Snowing are not at the ceremony.  5 seconds before the vows, Henry goes to Snowing telling them he was just writing out some stories and it turns out Hook didn't kill Robert.  The Evil Queen healed him and then crushed his heart, so it's all good.  Snowing arrives to the wedding just in time, but before they can talk to Emma, a giant dragon and Darth Vader swoops in and carry them off (exit stage left Goodwin and Dallas, don't let the door hit you on the way out).  Emma sheds a tear but the wedding resumes, and Regina says she will be her new mother.  Fade to black.  Tune in for the new spinoff in September!

Edited by Camera One
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You just know the writers will finally have that "long-awaited" Emma/Regina hug to wrap up the series finale, after they literally just spent an entire arc dragging Hook for killing Emma's grandfather and probably having him do cartwheels to atone himself, yet Graham will still never be addressed. Yeah, I'm 100% quitting at the musical. I'll peek into the finale discussion thread to see if it's safe to watch or not.

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