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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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The worst is I know they won't break up CS.   Eventually I will have another CS storyline. I mean all the characters are  focus on their relationship as soon as Robin come back. Even Henry as his own romance.

So the heavy focus on other ship will  necessary brought more CS scenes but I am not sure if I have enough confidence in the writers to wait. 

I afraid they will mostly be reacting to everyone and everything around them.

As much as it pains me to type this, I think that if they even bother to justify Regina going into Emma's dreamscape rather than Hook, it'll be because he needs to stay with Henry. They might not, though. This is all supposed to be about Regina's redemption anyway (bleargh), and fan service (for a small but incredibly vocal minority of fans). The only thing I can take comfort in is that even most SQers seem squicked by Golden Queen. I never thought they'd come up with something I'd find more revolting than SQ, but give the boys a prize.

If the EQ had any brains she would tell Gold that she will kill Zelena after he kills Belle to prove his love for her.  I would love to see his face when she gives him the choice.

i am getting tied of All Regina All the Time.   The only thing good about the 4x11 season finale was Deckhand Hook, and Emma tackling Hook onto the bed.  Why do we need to see another Regina and Emma adventure? While I like Sean, I really don't like Robin.  I can't believe they are wasting valuable screen time on a character/relationship that does nothing on screen.   

Edited by kitticup
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Oh boy....after that promo tonight,  I'm wondering how much of a princessy nightmare Emma is going to be. I just can't see street smart Emma in the role, and I'm wondering if she'll have a rebellious streak.  Yeah, I know she won't remember her other life,  but I'm wondering if she will be fundamentally the same person?

(Put this in Spoilers since I didn't want to give up too much info in Speculation.)

Edited by OnceUponAJen

Oh boy....after that promo tonight,  I'm wondering how much of a princessy nightmare Emma is going to be. I just can't see street smart Emma in the role, and I'm wondering if she'll have a rebellious streak.  Yeah, I know she won't remember her other life,  but I'm wondering if she will be fundamentally the same person?

It would be kind of hilarious if she was a Disney princess in the most traditional sense. (You know, like Giselle in Enchanted.)

I was surprised there was no Gideon-is-hooded-figure reveal tonight. I guess they're saving it for 6x10.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Can we dump Rumple and have slightly deranged and wonderfully unapologetically mean Black Fairy??? Please...:o)

Regina's comment to Princess Emma sounds like she didn't expect to see her....is it possible the 'rogue rescue' isn't actually for Emma and Regina just happens upon her or am I just in utter denial?

Princess Emma looks a bit ....dim...if they try to make us believe that having a happy loving family while growing up results in a dimwit Emma there's going to be great deal of cursing and yelling at my screen! 

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A&E, please stop giving us finales that focus on Buttercup/The Six-Fingered Man. I want to see swashbuckling and romance with Buttercup/Westley.

I'm still not sold on this whole Old Hook rumor. Out of every character in that AU, he has the easiest excuse for not aging and it's already been shown that he hangs out in an ageless Neverland and does Pan's errands. If he is old, it's a really weird decision by A&E just for the "Surprise! LOL" factor instead of taking into consideration actual canon.

And I still don't get why Regina is the only one who travels to the AU (besides the fact that this episode is written by A&E). Wouldn't it make more sense if Snow or Charming went because they're both under similar mind-altering curses? Since Snow is technically under a sleeping curse for this episode, it would make more sense if Snow was the one person in Storybrooke who had access to Emma's AU world because Snow's sleeping world and Emma's AU world might have a magical dream-like portal connecting them. Snow could have seen Emma live the life she always wanted for her firsthand, and Episode 10 could have been an epic Snow/Emma adventure that we haven't gotten since Season 2. And then the cliffhanger would be that Snow randomly disappears from Emma's AU at an inopportune time because Charming woke her up in Storybrooke not realizing that she was in Emma's AU dreamworld, and then Snow could inform Hook, Henry, and Regina that she found Emma, but they need to devise a plan to get her out of the AU. And since Charming swapped places with Snow and is now the one under the sleeping curse now, he'd be dropped into Emma's AU world, and then Episode 11 could have been a Charming/Emma team up in the AU while everyone else in Storybrooke prepared to get them back. So the people in Storybrooke not only have to fix Emma being stuck in the AU, they'd also have to fix the sleeping curse on Snow and Charming's shared heart, and in order to do that, they'd officially have to resolve the Evil Queen plot. 

Ugh. I've waited so long for a "what if Emma grew up as a princess" plot, and now I'm dreading it. Thanks, A&E.

Edited by Curio
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5 hours ago, PixiePaws1 said:

Regina's comment to Princess Emma sounds like she didn't expect to see her....is it possible the 'rogue rescue' isn't actually for Emma and Regina just happens upon her or am I just in utter denial?

Sorry--you are in utter denial. ;-) It's just the typical Regina "snark" at seeing Emma looking like a pink cotton cloud.. 

Ugh. I've waited so long for a "what if Emma grew up as a princess" plot for so long, and now I'm dreading it. Thanks, A&E.


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 If he is old, it's a really weird decision by A&E just for the "Surprise! LOL" factor instead of taking into consideration actual canon.

You hace answered yourself here. The surprise is more important than anything else for A&E, especially canon and logic. 

Edited by RadioGirl27
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11 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

The surprise is more important than anything else for A&E, especially canon and logic. 

True. The only logical reason I could see Hook being older is if somehow in this AU he was successful and killed the Dark One decades ago, so he had no reason to hide out in Neverland anymore and could die at whatever speed he'd like. Since his life would have no purpose or meaning after the Crocodile's death, he'd probably just wander around as a drunkard and a "whatever" attitude until he died of old age.

Edited by Curio

Looks like they're going to repeat the Pilot scene, only with Henry's knighting instead of a Snowing wedding. I wonder if it's not AU!Evil Queen, but just the Evil Queen from Storybrooke.

I really, really hate that Henry is getting even more validation and gold stickers.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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2 minutes ago, PixiePaws1 said:

Just saw the pic of Henry getting knighted...just *vomit* if poor Princess Emma STILL gave it up to MoronFire ...if only  biology worked differently Henry could be Graham's or Killian's....

But how could Neal get there to knock her up?? He should be in Neverland or LWM...am I missing something??? 

Maybe he accepted Hook's offer and never went to the land without magic. That way grandpa Hook can Henry's grandfather. That's something A&E would totally do. ? 

  • Love 1

Unwilling to wake Snow while Emma is missing, David works with Hook and Henry to hold the Evil Queen at bay in Storybrooke

While I enjoy a David and Hook adventure more than anyone, this annoys me on so many levels.  

Its becoming a pattern that when Emma is physically or emotionally troubled, Snow is entirely absent or preoccupied.  Its something I think they need to be more careful about because I'm not really buying that they have any kind of familial relationship a lot of the time (Yes, I just flashbacked to the time that Emma nearly froze to death and Snow didn't even look in her general direction).  David has more recent history with going on missions to save Emma, so I think this should have been time they shared or let Snow work to keep the EQ at bay.  Frankly, there is more story in Snow confronting or sparring with the EQ given her forgiveness of Regina than David.

This should be a major marital issue between Snowing.  And you just know they will never ever have a confrontation over it.  And they should, if for no other reason than to emphasize some Charming family dynamics and feelings that get ignored most of the time.  They can have a montage fight if they need to.  Write an angry letter, kiss, record a groveling video message, kiss, a bystander has to explain that one of them is not speaking to the other but here is what they said, kiss, and so on until its hashed out sleeping curse style.

22 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

While I enjoy a David and Hook adventure more than anyone, this annoys me on so many levels.  

I absolutely respect your opinion, but Snow needs to stay asleep. She encouraged Jasmine to use the lamp even though there was a price for the magic, and the first person that gets a taste of Snow's awesome advice is Emma. She was awake for half a day and managed to screw up. Snow has been a hot mess this season, both in flashbacks and present time. 

Honestly, in a time of crisis I'd rather have David and Hook try to hold the fort than Snow giving  some speech about hope before she inevitably loses hope.

Also, Henry being knighted...I have to suffer through Henry in the AU and in Storybrooke. This is going to be so awesome.

So are they going to "redo" the Pilot like they redid Snow Falls? Like the curse never happened but it will not be happening in a few months, so everything that happened with Snowing in the real story will instead happen with Emma in the AU?

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Season 2A Snow/MM would've been the perfect person to go retrieve her daughter from the AU, and get a glimpse of what they missed out with Emma. But then, she has baby do-over, and she is not allowed to be angry with Regina. So...


So are they going to "redo" the Pilot like they redid Snow Falls? Like the curse never happened but it will not be happening in a few months, so everything that happened with Snowing in the real story will instead happen with Emma in the AU?

That will be so boring, but I'm guessing that's what they'll do. 

I don't get why Emma wishing she wasn't the savior would create a new alternate reality for Emma alone, instead of transporting everyone to it. This makes no freaking sense. And why/how Henry?? 

Edited by Rumsy4
49 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

The AU has little to nothing to do with S6 thus far. It hasn't been foreshadowed. It doesn't tie in with the themes. It's extremely contrived and very random.

A&E hace been trying to repeat the success of season 3  finale since then but without realising that what made that episode special was Emma and Hook working together and the lack of Regina and Henry. 

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

e AU has little to nothing to do with S6 thus far. It hasn't been foreshadowed. It doesn'

That exactly what I thought it is a gimmick playing on the nostalgy if season one. In fact, all this season seem to want to replay a play who has been played a long time ago and can't never be back.

That the reason the EQ is mess up and more a clone of season 1 motivation ( hating Snow, not caring about Robin...)  than how a evil current Regina could be. 

I do like the captain Charming tease but I am sure it is not innocent from Adam. He noticed some disturbance in the force. 

2 hours ago, PixiePaws1 said:

The Captain Charming script tease is tantalizingly funny.....

Probably one of the few moments of levity in an episode that should be swashbuckling fun, but will most likely be dreary and bizarre and lacking in self-awareness. 

Ugh, I really shouldn't be this bitter about an AU episode. The only reason Regina should be allowed to go to the AU is if she has a huge moment of realization where she—not the Evil Queen—was directly responsible for taking away this blissful regal family lifestyle away from Emma, Snow, and Charming, but I can guarantee that's not what's going to happen. And if Regina doesn't come to that moment of realization...what is the point of these episodes? 

  • Love 4

I just read a speculation on tumblr that is going to let me sleep tonight..(and will likely get disproved in the 1st sneak peek!)...given how this is meant to be a twisted AU and there doesn't seem any other candidate for the part...or mentioned in the cast list... What looks like Henry getting knighted could actually be Emma's little brother (who is a dead ringer for Henry)...who WON'T be named Neal. So Emma never even laid eyes (or anything else) on Baelfire cos he's in a cave in Neverland.

Yes..that's me straw clutching ....

  • Love 3

I'm still so confused why Henry is even allowed in this AU, but whatever. I'm confused about a lot of things, like why is Emma the only one who disappears from Storybrooke when the genie grants the wish? And why is it necessary to force Snow to sleep through a huge event? And as glad as I am for a Captain Charming team up, why are the writers allergic to writing Snow/Hook adventures? This could have literally been the very first Snow/Hook team up in the show's 100+ episode history. Why is Regina the only one who gets to go to the AU? Why wouldn't Killian want to go to the AU when he's the character on the show who's always been shown to do whatever it takes to cross realms to save Emma? What the hell did Henry do to deserve knighthood? Why bring August into any of this? Why does Regina not age in the AU? Are Zelena and Belle going to be sidelined again, even though they had major emotional arcs in the last episode? Why are we wasting an epic AU scenario on a two-episode midseason finale when it could have lasted the entire season? 

  • Love 3

@Curio The answer for all your questions is the same: A&E wrote both episodes.

4 hours ago, PixiePaws1 said:

The Captain Charming script tease is tantalizingly funny.....

It's probably Hook's only line in the whole episode (unless it gets cut). Adam is so transparent with the choice of the script teases. 

Edited by RadioGirl27
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31 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:


It's probably Hook's only line in the whole episode (unless it gets cut). Adam is so transparent with the choice of the script teases. 

Well they can't be wasting perfectly good screen time on Emma's True Love rescuing her when they need to meet their 98% meaningful moments snd snark quota for the EQ and Regina. 

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Well they can't be wasting perfectly good screen time on Emma's True Love rescuing her

We can't have that because that's predictable and logical.

But we're at the point where the most predictable and logical plot would actually be the most surprising plot because A&E always choose the most unpredictable and illogical plot, but because we can predict that A&E will always choose the most illogical route, then their unpredictable decisions actually become predictable.

Edited by Curio
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4 hours ago, Curio said:

The only reason Regina should be allowed to go to the AU is if she has a huge moment of realization where she—not the Evil Queen—was directly responsible for taking away this blissful regal family lifestyle away from Emma,

Yeah--never gonna happen. But hypothetically if it does, maybe for once she will accept responsibility for what she did and sacrifice herself to save Emma from the vision of doom.

7 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

But hypothetically if it does, maybe for once she will accept responsibility for what she did and sacrifice herself to save Emma from the vision of doom.


I think we'll finally see Regina take one for the team and reabsorb the Evil Queen by the end of Episode 11 (we haven't seen the EQ film beyond that episode I don't think), but I doubt it will be because she feels bad about taking Emma's childhood away. It'll probably be seen as Regina yet again having to sacrifice her happiness to help the Charmings, but then Emma still has to face the hooded figure, so it's not like she's helping to prevent Emma from facing her death sentence. Emma still has to sacrifice her fake happiness and go to battle as Savior in Storybrooke. And then there's that behind-the-scenes photo of what appears to be Emma, Hook, and Regina all wearing the same clothes they were wearing in Episode 9 facing off with a villain in the graveyard, and I honestly have no clue how any of this is going to wrap up.

I just pray to the writing gods that the EQ/Regina split is over by the end of all of this AU shenanigans. Are we only getting one hour next Sunday? Are they ending this AU on a cliffhanger and making us wait three months to see the second part of the episode? 

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8 hours ago, RadioGirl27 said:

@Curio The answer for all your questions is the same: A&E wrote both episodes.

Actually, the answer is: Your questions are pointless.

I really want to play along with this AU, but instead I am just bracing for princess Emma to be an asshole and Regina the savior; the table flipping quotient will be off the charts.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, PixiePaws1 said:

I just read a speculation on tumblr that is going to let me sleep tonight..(and will likely get disproved in the 1st sneak peek!)...given how this is meant to be a twisted AU and there doesn't seem any other candidate for the part...or mentioned in the cast list... What looks like Henry getting knighted could actually be Emma's little brother (who is a dead ringer for Henry)...who WON'T be named Neal. So Emma never even laid eyes (or anything else) on Baelfire cos he's in a cave in Neverland.

Yes..that's me straw clutching ....

So if Jared is playing Princess Emma's brother....would Snow have got her way and named him Leopold ??

Should we start a poll on how long Emma and Killian get for a real world reunion before she goes off to fight Gideon? My guess is 2 secs to realise she's back and a 3 sec hand hold, then a 5 minute scene with Emma listening to Regina bemoan how her horrible luck is all Emma's fault and Emma telling Regina how appreciative she is for her awful childhood as an orphan.

Then Emma goes to fight Gideon and defeats him as per the BTS pics. They have a 5 sec victory hug thinking they've averted her vision coming to pass and then Emma turns around and sees evil Princess Emma from the wish AU ...who is no longer the Savior and she skewers Emma. Final scene is Killian sobbing over a supposedly dead Emma.

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