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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I'm actually impressed David said, "At the expense of looking for Hook?" Usually those kind of plot details are brushed under the rug and the heroes look insensitive for going off on an unrelated adventure.

And of course David is worried about his boo. Uh... I mean, bro. But yea, I did like that little detail.


Although again, this makes me wonder what the season is going to look like. It is just going to be saving one soul after another?

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Although again, this makes me wonder what the season is going to look like. It is just going to be saving one soul after another?


Looks it, doesn't it? (I sort of like that MM pointed out that Hercules can help them.)


At the same time, it seems like they can't just get Hook out of the UW after they find him, so might as well be useful, I guess. 


I'm impressed that they left Hercules as a demi-God. I'm thinking that Hades will have a cow once his nephew moves on. And it sort of reinforces for me that Zeus might be on his way. Maybe Hades was content keeping Hercules there because he hates his brother? Maybe Hercules tattles on Hades once he moves on (I'm assuming his place is Mount Olympus).

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Season 1?


I'm actually impressed David said, "At the expense of looking for Hook?" Usually those kind of plot details are brushed under the rug and the heroes look insensitive for going off on an unrelated adventure.


David doesn't have much room to talk after his mushroom adventure in 5a and being made a knight of the roundtable in the middle of Emma's crisis.  Unfortunately this preview doesn't make me excited for the episode.  Are our poor heroes going to start every episode in the cemetery being sad and looking for lost souls?  UGH

What happened to the fairy tale of this show?

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It'll be Operation Firebird through 5x15. After that, Zelena gets involved and the focus shifts dramatically.

I'd say the last good Snow centric was 2x15, The Queen Is Dead.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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FINALLY the writers remembers that David had grown fond of Hook in S3 and 4A.  


Now let's hope they also remember that Snow used to be a badass and a loving friend/mother to Emma.



It'll be the Operation Firebird through 5x15. After that, Zelena gets involved and the focus shifts dramatically.


There'll still be some Firebird stuff even then, though, particularly in 5x17 (Gaston) and 5x19 (Cora and Pan).

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I was wondering if MM doesn't go looking for her own parents when she comes across Hercules' grave. 


I can't really blame anyone for wanting to see their loved ones again.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Does anyone remember what it was Colin said about the way we see Hook being "surprising", or whatever? I remember him using the word "surprising" or similar, do you think he was talking about the torture? Because I remember some spec that he was being brainwashed into being Hades' minion.

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Does anyone remember what it was Colin said about the way we see Hook being "surprising", or whatever? I remember him using the word "surprising" or similar, do you think he was talking about the torture? Because I remember some spec that he was being brainwashed into being Hades' minion.

I always thought he was hinting at something else, but then I look at the sneak peek and there's not too much of a difference (besides the wounds and a possible confidence boost (Captain Killian Jones first, hook second)). He doesn't act brainwashed currently. ??? Who knows.

So Hook and Hades are very aware of each other? Hmmm...could it be possible he has a slight connection to Hades besides Zelena, or do you think it's just from them getting off on the wrong foot when Hook first arrived?

Is Hook unwittingly going to be a pawn?

I keep thinking of how Colin seems to be happy with how things are set up for season 6, too.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I wonder if at some point Hook might have made a deal with the devil? Then again if he had, the deal would probably have been that he gets his revenge on Rumpel. And when it looked like he might lose his life in S2, all of the sudden he wanted to live more than he wanted revenge. I'm interested in how this will play out.

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Does anyone remember what it was Colin said about the way we see Hook being "surprising", or whatever? I remember him using the word "surprising" or similar, do you think he was talking about the torture? Because I remember some spec that he was being brainwashed into being Hades' minion.

Based on the sneak peek, I wonder if it's actually the opposite, if it's that Hook is now a full-on hero, without darkness in him. Even at his best up to this point, he's retained some selfishness, some of his inner pirate. While he was hoping Meg would be able to get a message to Emma, so he wasn't entirely being selfless, that is possibly the first time we've seen him truly put himself on the line for someone entirely unconnected to Emma. He's sacrificed himself for Emma and put himself on the line for Emma's family, but he doesn't even know Meg, and yet he's ready to take on the dog so she can escape. It also looks like he's been withstanding some serious torture, and in the past when he's been in that kind of situation, he's switched sides and made deals to save himself. To be in that condition, he must have been holding out. And that would tie in with him identifying himself as "Captain Killian Jones" first, with "Captain Hook" as an afterthought. He may be a truly changed man.

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No Papa Hook in the Underworld! :-(


I donno why A&E bother with these Hot Seat Interviews when most of the answers are "can't say". :-p


Is Regina the savior of the Underworld?

KITSIS: I think everyone is trying to be. It’s a place where heroes have a chance to be heroic. It’s a place where sometimes our pasts come back to haunt us, and you have a chance to find closure. Everyone has an opportunity to be a Savior at some point in their own history.


Natalie is never giving up on "Regina is the savior" thing , is she?

Did Merlin (Elliot Knight) create the author quill/ink/book?

KITSIS: Can’t say.


Um... I thought he did?!!

Could we actually see any other character bring someone else to life from the Underworld?

KITSIS: Can’t say.
HOROWITZ: That’s a great question though.



Will there be death in this arc?

HOROWITZ: Probably.
KITSIS: There will be.


Death as in the dead become more dead, or the alive become dead?

Edited by Rumsy4
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I hope Hooks change is him no longer being self loathing.

Also apparently Hooks daddy is not going to be in this half season according to Adam and Eddy so I don't think we get Papa Hook in Firebird.

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Is the passage of time in the Underworld different than in Storybrooke?


Disappointed. I was hoping the Underworld would have some actual risk.




Since Cruella (Victoria Smurfit) is in the Underworld, does that mean the Author’s magic restriction is gone and she can kill people now?


Why the heck not? What good is she if everyone knows she can't kill?




Will an Underworld Marian (Christie Laing), actually being Marian, cause even more complicated feelings for Robin (Sean Maguire)?





KITSIS: Let’s be honest, they’re in danger of being orphaned.

Actually, no. They aren't. Even the Nevengers know that.


Will we see Maleficent (Kristina Bauer Van Straten) and Lily (Agnes Bruckner) at all in the back half of the season?

HOROWITZ: No, but they’re not forgotten.

They're not forgotten... much like Will Scarlet.




Are we going to see Papa Hook (Adam Croasdell) again?


HOROWITZ: Not this season.

That's... strange. I thought for sure there were some kind of spoilers. Why would you setup a new character that's important to a main character dying, immediately go to the Underworld, and not have him there? Why do I feel like Hook's dad has nothing to do with anything?




Will Mulan’s (Jamie Chung) appearance involve finding out how she and Aurora (Sarah Bolger) saved Phillip’s (Julian Morris) soul after the wraith?


Because that would require actual continuity. We can't have that.


Their answers use a lot of negative wording like "can't", "nope", "don't" and "no". It doesn't make anyone excited about the rest of the season. In fact, turning down a bunch of interesting ideas just makes it sound boring and predictable. If Zelena is their surprise of 5B, then I'd call that uncreative. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Disappointed about no Papa Hook. It looked like he had filmed, but I guess not. Maybe he had a random scene and it got cut?

I'd totally be fine knowing he went straight to hell, though. A scene with Hades shoving him into Mt. Doom would have been nice.

Shaking my head about the Mulan/Philip's-soul/Aurora plot line. Really?

Of all the times...we are in the Underworld. Mulan is returning. This would have been the perfect time to tie up that loose plot line. Heck I'd settle for Mulan just explaining it in some exposition. If that story line isn't tied up here it's never going to be.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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It would seem that these writers are less imaginative than their viewers, or else they're totally out of touch with what their viewers want to see. Or possibly both. Even if they have wildly creative ideas that are better than the things the viewers say they want to see, they seem to be out of touch with what viewers would like to see. There are all these storylines that we'd like closure on, and they don't seem the least bit interested in telling those stories. I guess they just had Philip attacked by the wraith so he would be out of the way for Aurora and Mulan to join the Team Princess adventure. Who cares how they saved him.


I thought there were even photos of Papa Hook in the Underworld. Or did the actor like being on the show so much he just hung around and took selfies of himself on set, even though he wasn't on the show?

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New footage from a new promo.


I'm not sure I'm looking forward to bad-CGI Fluffy.


Looks like everyone is at the Underbrooke Loft, and Emma's bed comes flying down from the top. It wants CS coffee too!

Edited by Rumsy4
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I like young Snow, but these flashbacks are ridiculous. Bailee is as tall as Lana now.

Actually, this is going to be teenage Snow, not the 10-year old Snow that Bailee previously played, so it works just fine. It avoids the kind of ridiculousness that was Dylan Schmidt in "Nasty Habits".

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I am so bummed out to hear that Papa Hook won't be shown so we could make more time for Regina flashbacks. Of course Regina is the only one to get in depth reunion with both her parents. I could enjoy Regina more if A&E didn't sacrifice other Storylines on the altar of Regina.

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We got Regina flashbacks because it gives them double the fun of the Evil Queen and Cora. Hook is getting a Liam flashback because he has a history with Liam that we haven't already seen. Also, pirates! We've seen Young!Killian abandoned by daddy and Hook kill his father at their next meeting. There wouldn't be flashback material for them. I am annoyed that they brought in his father and had Hook kill just before they headed to the Underworld where people have unfinished business and then decided to not have daddy dearest there. However, Regina flashbacks (or anyone else's for that matter) are not the reason he isn't there. They just don't care and are more interested in Zelena's random Ozian adventures than they are in closing off Hook's issues with his father. 

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Hook is just a plot device, a reason to go to the UW that they can use for the promotion with the GA, but nothing more. That's why his daddy issues are not going to be delt with.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Well the thing was answered with not this season. The same way they were asked abotu his mother. So I'm sure both will play some kind of role next season as well as the other Liam aka Hook's half bro.

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Does anyone remember what it was Colin said about the way we see Hook being "surprising", or whatever? I remember him using the word "surprising" or similar, do you think he was talking about the torture? Because I remember some spec that he was being brainwashed into being Hades' minion.


I believe he said this during an interview when they were actually filming 5x12, so I do think he was talking about the torture. At that point he wouldn't know what was going to happen in subsequent episodes.

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Mary Margaret: I can't help you.

Regina: We can't have you quitting.


Looks like Regina gives a pep talk to MM, who then gains her confidence and in turn inspires Hercules to get his groove back. It might be nice to have Regina in the cheerleading role for once. Maybe this will contrast with her being a royal bitch to young Snow in the flashback.

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I wonder what happens that she goes from "we will find him" to "I can't help you."


From the promo, it looks like when MM finds Hercules in the UW, he has lost all his confidence. Probably because of his failure to rescue Megara. Seeing someone as powerful as Hercules look defeated seems to have sapped MM's hope.

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From the promo, it looks like when MM finds Hercules in the UW, he has lost all his confidence. Probably because of his failure to rescue Megara. Seeing someone as powerful as Hercules look defeated seems to have sapped MM's hope.

Sounds like such an entertaining episode...I hope they all won't be this depressing

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mjgchick, on 12 Mar 2016 - 11:05 PM, said:

At least the flashbacks wont be Snow vs Regina. All though I bet this is when Snow decides to run away from Regina.


Not so sure about that. It was Goodwin who played Snow after her father had died and who was taken into the woods by Graham, which would suggest that teenage Snow would be too young to make this decision. (and didn't she run only after Graham took her into the woods anyway?)

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Snow ran away after Regina had killed Snow's father. So this flashback has to be when King Leo is alive, and Regina has been taking magic lessons from Rumple for a while. She is dressed half-way to becoming the Evil Queen I would say. 

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I'd say this was the point when Regina still tolerated Snow. (Probably pre-The-Doctor flashbacks) We don't see her actively seeking revenge until after Snow has become an adult. 

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So is the upcoming death the result of Hook being forced to write a name on a headstone? 


I don't want him to have to do it, but Zelena (when she gets to the Underworld) and Rumple would be Hook's logical choices and those two and Belle are still the only ones unaccounted for in present day Storybrooke, right?

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But he doesn't know Rumple is in the Underworld, does he? If he does, I really really hope Hook carves Gold's name in huge lettering. lol The spoiler pics had grave markers with the names of  Emma, Snow, Regina, and Robin. Did Hook carve these names or??

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^ I could see him writing everyone's and trying to avoid Henry's name. He knows how much Henry means to everyone (and himself), and he's still a kid.

At least we have a slightly better understanding of the gravestone spoilers. We know some of the names that get written.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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The upcoming death has nothing to do with Hook writing names down on graves...that's just causing them to be stuck in the Underworld, not dead, plus there is more than one.

But yeah, the multiple character gravestones now make sense.

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Well, I don't think he's going to do it in the next episode or anything. I just think he might have to before the arc is over. If he does write names, I don't think he's doing it by choice but because he's forced to by Hades. The only choice he would have is whose name to write, and Rumple and Zelena are the obvious first choices for him. 


They've already helped three souls move on. Even with the addition of Belle, the baby, and Zelena, will they even have enough living souls to give up for the ones that have moved on by that point?


The upcoming death has nothing to do with Hook writing names down on graves...

There is no way to know that for certain. I am just speculating.

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A reminder - this is not the spot to discuss the episode or speculate on events that took place during the episode.


We want to keep the thread open. Speculating about what might happen does not belong here. Please help us keep the thread open. Thanks.

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Don't Ruby, Mulan, Zelena and potentially Merida show up in the Underworld? It also seems like Snow gets out of the Underworld.

The multiple gravestones make sense now, but it just seems like the season will get even more depressing knowing Saving Hook let alone Liam etc, means someone has to stay behind.

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