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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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InsertWordHere, on 09 Dec 2015 - 5:47 PM, said:

Well, I have no feelings one way or the other about her being pregnant when she was brutally murdered, but if she was, it would be a hell of a lot harder for anyone to justify Rumple's actions. Not that I think crushing his estranged wife's heart when she was about to give him what he wanted was justifiable in the first place. But that's getting into some real world issues. 

I read a fanfic some time ago (don't remember the title) that posited Milah was carrying Hook's child when Rumple killed her. It would've been even more fuel for Hook's vengeance, too. Even so I saw a comment the other day (on another site) that Rumple was a better man than Hook. It's like every day is Opposite Day for some folks.

The main reason that concept wouldn't work at all, aside from even DO Rumple having some standards back then particularly concerning children, is that Milah being pregnant would have been something for Milah to mention to get Rumple to spare her life and something Hook would mention throughout his revenge quest. I know this show retcons a lot of things, but even it would have no way around this one. So fanfics oughta avoid utilizing it too, IMO.

Even so I saw a comment the other day (on another site) that Rumple was a better man than Hook.

What site, Tumblr? XD

Spinner Rumple may have been a better man than Pirate Killian (Hook would be the first to agree with that assessment), but every other time past that first meeting, the reverse has been true. Heck, we just now learned that DO Hook is still a better man than normal, non-powered, "pure of heart Hero" Rumple!  It's not an objective opinion anymore, it's literally canon fact.

Edited by Mathius
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Which episode are they filming right now?  A friend of mine got a notice that they'll be doing road closure to film some "driving scenes" near their place this weekend, which is basically a forested road... maybe the one to and from the town line?


Sounds like this scene maybe! A chase scene with Hook & Cruella is … odd. ETA: And apparently Henry was filming too.


Did your friend see anything?


It definitely seems like they should have moved onto 5x15 by now.

Edited by Souris

What's going on in the UW that there's a car chase.


The thing is, Cruella is dead, so can she kill if she's dead? Is her curse lifted? What happens if someone who isn't dead dies in the UW? Sounds like Cruella might've gone after Henry again.


And oh spoilers! How I've missed you!


ETA - 


And I'm sorry, but is Hook possibly driving a car in the UW?


One thing I've been wondering about is if these people who died like Milah get a Land without Magic download of technology and stuff like that. If that's the case, Hook will truly be on par with everyone else once he gets back to SB.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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What's going on in the UW that there's a car chase.


The thing is, Cruella is dead, so can she kill if she's dead? Is her curse lifted? What happens if someone who isn't dead dies in the UW? Sounds like Cruella might've gone after Henry again.


And oh spoilers! How I've missed you!


ETA - 


And I'm sorry, but is Hook possibly driving a car in the UW?


One thing I've been wondering about is if these people who died like Milah get a Land without Magic download of technology and stuff like that. If that's the case, Hook will truly be on par with everyone else once he gets back to SB.

Perish the thought, I love that he's confused by modern things.

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I'm really curious to see if Hook has his hook in the underworld. It really seems that he shouldn't, since he must be some sort of noncorporeal "ghost" self while his actual body is mouldering in its Storybrooke grave.


Speaking of which, the cemetery spoilers confuse me. Everyone looks like they're mourning, as if they just buried him, but they have all their Underworld gear (bows, backpacks, etc.). Why would Killian Jones have a headstone in the Underworld? Why would anyone???

Speaking of which, the cemetery spoilers confuse me. Everyone looks like they're mourning, as if they just buried him, but they have all their Underworld gear (bows, backpacks, etc.). Why would Killian Jones have a headstone in the Underworld? Why would anyone???



I think the UW is going to be a like a magical construct, so it doesn't have to fit logical reality. Anything & everything could be there. Given that our group isn't supposed to be there, I think somebody (Cora? Hades?) may have tailored its appearance based on them.

I think the UW is going to be a like a magical construct, so it doesn't have to fit logical reality. Anything & everything could be there. Given that our group isn't supposed to be there, I think somebody (Cora? Hades?) may have tailored its appearance based on them.



That's what I've thought since the beginning as well. They don't seem to be physically there, as the dead have no bodies, so it's probably some spiritual/magical dimension. Pretty sure you can't die there either. (Killian's case is probably special and is only represented by a tombstone.)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I have a head canon scene of David giving Hook a driving lesson. I think Emma would have too hard a time giving up control of her bug, and Hook wouldn't want to push her. So it falls to Charmz, cuz he wants to know that Hook can drive if they're in trouble and Emma's incapacitated in some way. The problem with that is manual vs. auto.

Edited by Dianthus

Maybe not so odd if Cruella is so purely evil age can never be good and Killian Jones is the sheriff tracking her down. Ohhhhhhh Killian Jones as the sheriff.....

ewww...my mind went some place really REALLY Dark. ...darker than Dark Hook...Darker than Rumple....if Killian is sheriff and Cora is Mayor. ..well we know what the mayor of SB did to the male sheriff when the original curse was in effect....just, EWWW...talk about never ending torment! !!

No ..no..Cora is nothing like Regina. ....

I'm starting to get this weird head cannon that Hades kind of lost control of the Underworld and I want him to rant about it a lot. First, it was the Dark Ones doing whatever they wanted like a post-apocolyptic biker/monk gang. Then, Cora came and carved up her own version of the Underworld where she took over her self-created Scarybrooke to mirror her daughter's fiefdom. She convinced a bunch of other misfit villains to join her and enslaved (mind-wiped and brainwashed) a bunch of other people who were hanigng around waiting to reach closure (Blind Witch/Cruella are minions while children/Milah/Henry are mind-controlled). Cora being Cora, she does not listen to Hades and it is aggravating him. She did welcome the father of Rumple when he turned up (or he weaseled his way in) so they can be frenemies in ruling Scarybrooke.


So, Killian shows up after finally ridding Hades of those pesky Dark Ones and now Hades wants him to resolve all his problems. Hook is Hades' bounty hunter and he's got to capture the out of control villains and "set right what was once went wrong." before he too can move on - and to see if he can do anything about getting people to move onto the next stage of their Underworld journey. The Storybrookers arrive and Hades doesn't want to lose his fixer, so he tells everybody they have to resolve his villian problem first.


The clock has moved because The Savior (lets face it, it is Regina) has arrived in town. Her TLK with Robin who will encounter some life threatening issue (perhaps Hades doesn't want to let him out because he was supposed to stay) will break whatever hold her mother has. I have come to a zen-like acceptance that Regina will save the day this time (there is no way Regina is going to be sidelined for an entire year) - I just want Emma and Killian back among the living at the end of it.

  • Love 8

I'm starting to get this weird head cannon that Hades kind of lost control of the Underworld and I want him to rant about it a lot. First, it was the Dark Ones doing whatever they wanted like a post-apocolyptic biker/monk gang. Then, Cora came and carved up her own version of the Underworld where she took over her self-created Scarybrooke to mirror her daughter's fiefdom. She convinced a bunch of other misfit villains to join her and enslaved (mind-wiped and brainwashed) a bunch of other people who were hanigng around waiting to reach closure (Blind Witch/Cruella are minions while children/Milah/Henry are mind-controlled). Cora being Cora, she does not listen to Hades and it is aggravating him. She did welcome the father of Rumple when he turned up (or he weaseled his way in) so they can be frenemies in ruling Scarybrooke.

So, Killian shows up after finally ridding Hades of those pesky Dark Ones and now Hades wants him to resolve all his problems. Hook is Hades' bounty hunter and he's got to capture the out of control villains and "set right what was once went wrong." before he too can move on - and to see if he can do anything about getting people to move onto the next stage of their Underworld journey. The Storybrookers arrive and Hades doesn't want to lose his fixer, so he tells everybody they have to resolve his villian problem first.

The clock has moved because The Savior (lets face it, it is Regina) has arrived in town. Her TLK with Robin who will encounter some life threatening issue (perhaps Hades doesn't want to let him out because he was supposed to stay) will break whatever hold her mother has. I have come to a zen-like acceptance that Regina will save the day this time (there is no way Regina is going to be sidelined for an entire year) - I just want Emma and Killian back among the living at the end of it.

what an amazing vision! love this! can we have this instead of whatever half-baked hole filled Regina worshipping crap we are likely going to get..???

....and a pony for me would be nice!

seriously this is a wonderful premise (do you write fan fac...cos , please get writing to flesh this out )..but i don't think it meets the 'shocking' criteria we've been told to expect. ...how could you twist this theory to get to shocking?

  • Love 2

ewww...my mind went some place really REALLY Dark. ...darker than Dark Hook...Darker than Rumple....if Killian is sheriff and Cora is Mayor. ..well we know what the mayor of SB did to the male sheriff when the original curse was in effect....just, EWWW...talk about never ending torment!

That's just twisted enough for TS:TW, but NO.

From the THR article:

In the midseason finale, Emma rounded up her family and friends to rescue Hook after Rumplestiltskin betrayed them all — and in turn forced her to kill her love — but it won’t be an easy journey.

When did this happen? Did the reporter watch a different episode than the rest of us?

And then there's this little tidbit:

Hook’s brother, Liam, will also appear.

I wonder which one... I know, it says brother, not half-brother, but it could still be either (or both).

Killi: I love your story. I have no doubt that it is better than what we'll end up with.

Edited by Jul 68
seriously this is a wonderful premise (do you write fan fac...cos , please get writing to flesh this out )..


I wish I could write fanfic. It's one thing to have ideas and another to write good stories. Just ask A&E.


but i don't think it meets the 'shocking' criteria we've been told to expect. ...how could you twist this theory to get to shocking?

They are always overly-dramatic, so I doubt "shocking" is all that shocking. In my head canon, the shocking thing is that Hook is not wearing black leather (gasp!). Instead, he is dressed like Indiana Jones without the hat and/or Rick from the Mummy( Indie's brown leather jacket and khakis with Rick's khakis and boots - lets face it Rick and Indie are the same archetype). Imagine my squee of delight when I saw this set picture this morning. Of course, it is probably just Colin's own clothes and it is just the lighting that lets me convince myself the jacket is brown, but until proven otherwise, he's dressing like Indie/Rick. I want my world-weary, black-knight fighting Killian to be a reality. LOL.

Edited by kili

Seriously trying my hardest to contain my fangirl freakout over the news Bernard is back AND filming a scene with Buckley?! Show, THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU.  


I've been considering not reading up on spoilers as much for 5B because I kind of miss being spoiled for some things, and the Underworld actually seems like a decent concept, but screw that if it means I might miss details like this! This news is amazing!

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They are still following the formula from S4 to a T. x15 is a Hook ep.


I know people on set said it's a flashback, but I don't think I trust anything we see in the UW. I think it could be a fake construct. Maybe Killian is living through all these "flashbacks" where he's trying to keep Liam from dying -- but he dies every time. That would be hellish for him!


Excited about Buckley being onscreen! Look out, Pongo, you've got competition now!

  • Love 3
I'm pretty sure that's the naval uniform, complete with pony tail.

Ah well, that's great too.


Maybe that is the "shocking" thing. He's back to his Naval uniform/ways and running around modern day Scarybrooke. Maybe for people like Cora and Milah and Pan who were never quite satisfied with who they  were (constantly searching for the next thing that would bring them their Happy Ending), they are dressed in a modern style (still adapting to newness in their search) while those who had times in their lives where they were completely satisfied with who they were (like Killian and perhaps Meg), they revert to the style they were or person they were back then. 


So, shock is that he has two hands and his dashing uniform which would probably shock most of the Neverengers (except Henry - I suspect he knows all about those days and has that picture of Killian already in his head). 


BTW Rumple is never happy with who he is or what he has so he probably spent his time in Scarybrooke dressed as some futuristic Space Ranger. Maybe he was Zurg. (Zurgumple: No, Pan, you are my father. Pan:  NOOOOOOOO!)

  • Love 5

Can't believe Buckley's gonna be in an episode. Also excited for the clip-on Ponytail Of Innocence to return in those flashbacks, hopefully. I found it hilarious and the perfectly tied blue ribbon is just icing on the cake.

Four for you, Hoodlum.  I don't think I've laughed so hard in quite some time.  What a perfect description of bby Lt. Killian's queue.  I don't know about y'all, but I'll be mighty impressed if that ribbon survives a shipwreck and good soaking intact.  *snicker*  Seriously though, I love everything about this whole time in Killian's life; even pony tails of innocence.

They seemed to be assuming that the Jones brothers stuff was flashback because it didn't take place in the Underworld kind of setting, but since we've yet to actually see Hook in the Scarybrooke Underworld, I wonder if maybe that's their part of the Underworld/Afterlife. If Liam had unfinished business, it would be that he left his little brother alone after not listening to him, and a lot of Killian's big regrets date back to turning to darkness after Liam's death, so I could see them having an afterlife of ending up as naval officers together. But since it can't be all good, the down side is that they're going through awful stuff together, like being attacked by pirates and being shipwrecked. Or else this is how Hades is torturing Hook, by giving him a lot of "what if" scenarios of what his life might have been.


One thing that had me wondering was the mention of pirates because if Killian had ever actually been a victim of pirates, would he have become one? But if he was reunited with his brother while regretting his own pirate past, would being attacked by pirates be a kind of torture to him?


I do find that blurry photo of the two of them together on the set amusing -- they're perfectly mirrored, matching stride-for-stride like they're marching in step, both holding coffee cups in exactly the same position. The two actors may not be biological brothers, but they seem to have clicked into that kind of mindset pretty well, possibly without even realizing it.

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