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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Hmm I think I see where this is going. Woegina sets up a test for Hook in the flashbacks, which he obviously failed. So she sets up another test for Hook in the present but of course this time he'll pass. Or maybe vice versa, Hook passed her test for evilness back then and he'll fail it now. She'll hijack Emma's plan for self-sacrifice, cause she doesn't want to kill her and tells Dark Hook to do the "right thing." Since she knows some big to-do about Hook's daddy, she'll also know that his "sacrifice" isn't exactly a death sentence and that they can go retrieve him based on her info about his daddy. Voila, she gets to save both Hook and Emma, and destroy the dark curse all in one go!


I highly doubt Adam is baiting SQ fans in the hopes that 1 in 10 million chance, one of them might be a Nielsen family or 2. The dude probably genuinely lurves him some SQ, the non-romantic onscreen version. And what's not to love about it for hard-core Woegina stans that populate the Once writers' room? I never thought they gave into fans as much as people believe. They sure as hell never gave into Rumbelle fans and those fans were at one point, probably the biggest in size.

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New interview with Colin. I'm so disgusted with this storyline that I don't know if my love for him is going to be enough to keep watching. They are excusing all of Rumple's actions and destroying Hook at the same time.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Is the reason we think the Scarybrookers have no memory because Milah isn't yelling at Rumple? Perhaps she's forgiven him after 200 years...

This is ONCE. It won't be over until Milah apologizes to Rumple. Not even joking.

There was this line in Hades casting call about not sharing a drink with him. And the writers love the Memory Loss trope too much. Maybe even Hook won't have his memories when Emma and co find him.

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Ugh. THR. After the disaster of that last article, how can I trust them? How do I know they didn't just make up a pretend interview with Colin?? Joking, but the trust issues are forever there.

At least this one isn't pure speculation. It matches pretty much everything the other interview said.

Colin's trying so hard to avoid the "hope for H&E?" question. Lol.

I must have missed the part of the promo where Hook goes after Henry or something?

Wasn't there an old interview or something with Jared, that he talked about his interacting with Hook at the end of the arc? Hmmm..

Edited by HoodlumSheep


New interview with Colin. I'm so disgusted with this storyline that I don't know if my love for him is going to be enough to keep watching. They are excusing all of Rumple's actions and destroying Hook at the same time.


Yeah usually I enjoy Colin's interviews so much but each new one is making me more and more nervous for this story line... and I've been staying fairly positive about it until now. Unless he is really trolling us I don't think the Dark Hook long con thing is happening. I think he's just gone full on berserk and hopefully he'll pull back of his own accord before the end of the episode. Which is disappointing because I really have a hard time believing that even as a super Dark One he would consider putting the lives of Emma and Henry (and to a lesser extent the Nevengers) at risk to get revenge, never mind coming close to executing the plan.


I hope I'm wrong though and I'm just being a nervous nellie like all the people I roll my eyes at on Tumblr. But TS, TW have hurt me before.  

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I wonder if Colin is being really good about compartmentalizing and only talking about the parts that have already aired, so that in talking in the present tense about what's going on with Hook now, he means as of the last episode, not counting anything that happens afterward. So as of the end of the last episode, he's in this dark place with this particular plan. It's the interviewer who brings up things from promos, but Colin goes back to hypotheticals about what Hook would or might do in that situation. He seems to be talking almost as if he doesn't have any more knowledge than the interviewer about what happens next.

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I may not care about the SQ shippers' reactions, but I do care about the shameless freaking queer-baiting that Adam keeps on engaging in.  Releasing this kind of script tease (and it's not the first time he's done it) is a calculated move on his part, he knows which kind of fans are going to respond to it ("ZOMG, SQ IS ENDGAME!")  He is purposely stringing them along in hopes of getting more live ratings, and it's very sleazy of him.  Has he no shame?  None whatsoever?  I guess not.


..I don't really look at this as queer-baiting whatsoever. So what if there's Regina and Emma interacting that doesn't mean queer-baiting that just means that the plot in unraveling. These idiots think anything is SQ endgame, even if it has nothing to do with Emma nor Regina. They're that far off the deep end pay no mind.


The only person that queer-baits these people is Lana because she's extra like that.

I wonder if Colin is being really good about compartmentalizing and only talking about the parts that have already aired, so that in talking in the present tense about what's going on with Hook now, he means as of the last episode, not counting anything that happens afterward. So as of the end of the last episode, he's in this dark place with this particular plan. It's the interviewer who brings up things from promos, but Colin goes back to hypotheticals about what Hook would or might do in that situation. He seems to be talking almost as if he doesn't have any more knowledge than the interviewer about what happens next.

He doesn't want to give away spoilers and revealing what Hook really does or that in the end he's been conning the darkness or he'll make the ultimate sacrifice is not something he's gonna give away in the interview.


Colin is making it sound way more doom and gloom then I expected. Especially when we have the words of Adam, Brigette, and Eddy most importantly that says CS fans should tune in to these last 3 episodes because we will like what happens.


IDK about Adam but I trust Eddy because he's always honest.

Transporting everyone into the underworld through that portal is his way of getting revenge on Rumple.


It seems to me Colin is spelling out Hook's endgame. He wants to take everyone to the Underworld, and that's probably why everyone is getting marked. Is he planning on leaving Rumple alone to deal with all the Dark Ones?


How is that his way of getting revenge on Rumple? I don't get it. 


What I really want is for this coming episode to make sense, because this is a headache. The only thing I'm coming up with is that this isn't a rescue mission as much as people actually are going to end up in the Underworld against their will.

What I really want is for this coming episode to make sense, because this is a headache. The only thing I'm coming up with is that this isn't a rescue mission as much as people actually are going to end up in the Underworld against their will.

Then why is Rumple opening up a portal with his blood in the end of the finale with savior Emma in tow? It says that they're gonna be dragged to hell in place of the other DO's. So the way I see it once Nimue is killed their marks will disappear. Otherwise the same thing would happen to them that happened to Robin. There would just be some force or demon that would drag everyone that was marked forcefully to the Underworld. 


Rumple opening up the portal sounds like their going as a choice, otherwise why would he need to open a portal?

Edited by Hookian

Then why is Rumple opening up a portal with his blood in the end of the finale with savior Emma in tow? It says that they're gonna be dragged to hell in place of the other DO's. So the way I see it once Nimue is killed their marks will disappear. Otherwise the same thing would happen to them that happened to Robin. There would just be some force or demon that would drag everyone that was marked forcefully to the Underworld. 


Rumple opening up the portal sounds like their going as a choice, otherwise why would he need to open a portal?


But even you have to admit that this plan is completely complicated, and insane. I don't think this has to do with Gold!Rumple, but has to do with Clippy!Rumple. If he had killed Gold!Rumple, then he would've sent him to hell, or the Underworld without needing to open a portal for it.


This shit is going to so backfire, and explode in his face in such a spectacular manner. 


I love Hook, but he deserves what's coming to him.

It seems to me Colin is spelling out Hook's endgame. He wants to take everyone to the Underworld, and that's probably why everyone is getting marked. Is he planning on leaving Rumple alone to deal with all the Dark Ones?


I think what he is saying is that he's willing to send everybody else to the Underworld if that is what he has to do to get Rumple there. There is no price he doesn't mind paying.


Hook claimed he'd given up his revenge on Rumple. He even had some nice things to say about him the last arc. Made no effort to kill him while he was in a coma on the couch. But, according to what happens now, he was just biding his time. Hook was still about revenge and the lesson I thought he'd learned back in Season 2 (that revenge was unfulfilling) was not learned. It was just dormant.


So, question fo the writers. If Hook is never going to give up the revenge, even when he says he is and makes it look like he is, why should anybody ever trust him again when he is willing to sacrifice everyone and everything for that revenge? If they had had Emma go all dark then we could say "See, not even the savior can avoid doing evil as the dark one", but they didn't. She made the choice not to go dark. They didn't even have Dark One Rumple try to bring people back from the Underworld at the cost of the people in Storybrooke (he chose to die instead). So, Hook is a pretty bad guy according to what they've shown us. If they hadn't shown us Hook renouncing revenge and trying to move on, then we could believe him this time. If they hadn't shown being Dark is a choice, we could believe that he had none. If they hadn't shown us Rumple dying before sic'ing the Dark Ones on Storybrooke, then we would no that Hook wasn't the worst. But seriously, I am going to have to have Belle levels of good-heartness-I-spying-ability if Hook isn't playing a long con. If he doesn't at least pull an Ingrid, then I really don't want him dating Emma. She deserves better.


I honestly don't think the writers have thought this through and that they think that everybody can just hug this out.


I hate  this arc and I'm not reading any more Colin interviews until this is over.

Edited by kili
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'Once Upon a Time' Star: Hook Is “Drunk on the Power of Darkness”


Well, I guess those alcohol analogies were pretty spot on. Also, I don't understand why Hook needs to bring back all the Dark Ones and open a portal to the Underworld just to get revenge on Rumple. If Colin is correct and this is all about Hook seeking revenge on Rumple, then why not just kill him on his ship? He's a master swordsman and should have easily defeated Rumple, but instead, he opted to collect his blood. Why would dragging Rumple to the Underworld be more revenge than stabbing Rumple on Hook's ship? It makes no sense, which is why I'm hoping there's something else going on in the background about a long con. It's kind of sad, the show has set it up where Hook playing a long con is actually more logical based on what we've been shown on screen so far, so of course this is the one time where he isn't playing a long con and it makes everything else make less sense.


Hook's father and the Evil Queen storyline is basically the equivalent to the magical gauntlet deus ex machina reveal from the 4A finale. So, what brand new piece of information that we've never been told before (but will be conveniently shown during the 11th hour) will happen this time? Will the scroll Hook is holding in that one photo with his father be some kind of contract where Hook can call upon his father to trade one life for another in the Underworld? Will Regina conveniently tell Hook that by gathering all the Dark Ones together in one location, he can destroy the Dark One for good and Regina just happened to forget about this conversation until now? Come on, writers. This season was shaping up to actually be pretty decent, so why must we always get truth-bombed at the last second? It's not the end of the world to drop some hints before the finale. 

Edited by Curio
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But even you have to admit that this plan is completely complicated, and insane. I don't think this has to do with Gold!Rumple, but has to do with Clippy!Rumple. If he had killed Gold!Rumple, then he would've sent him to hell, or the Underworld without needing to open a portal for it.


This shit is going to so backfire, and explode in his face in such a spectacular manner. 


I love Hook, but he deserves what's coming to him.


Actually I don't think it will explode in his face because he's gonna die saving Emma. It's probably just gonna take Nimue chocking her out for him to wake up.


We know there's a Mark Isham tune called "The Sacrifice" in this episode. We know that Savior Emma is back wearing his ring, we know that all the cloaked ones are gone as well as Killian. We know that Rumple is cutting open his hand to open a portal to the UW by the end of the episode.

Edited by Hookian


Colin is making it sound way more doom and gloom then I expected. Especially when we have the words of Adam, Brigette, and Eddy most importantly that says CS fans should tune in to these last 3 episodes because we will like what happens.

The writers are not exactly trustworthy, A&E have lied multiple times in their interviews. And, really, what do you expect them to say? If you love Hook and CS, stop watching now, we are completely destroying them in the next three episodes.



It makes no sense, which is why I'm hoping there's something else going on in the background about a long con.

Nothing in this storyline makes sense, so I don't see why the resolution should have any. Personally, I don't think Hook is tricking the Darkness and that, if he ever comes to his senses (I'm starting to even doubt it), it would be almost at the end of the episode. 

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Actually I don't think it will explode in his face because he's gonna die saving Emma. It's probably just gonna take Nimue chocking him out for him to wake up.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this because Nimue trying to kill Emma, or choking her, is his plan blowing up in his face. Maybe he didn't think a Dark One would try and do that to another Dark One.


I guess all I want out of this is a logical explanation, something that makes sense. Right now, the only thing that makes a little sense to me is that he's not after Gold, he's after Clippy, and he needs him corporeal too to be able to get on with his plans.


Things with Hook, whenever he sets off on his own, it never ends well for him. Cursed lips nearly ended in Henry getting killed, and the cursed hand nearly ended in Emma, and him biting the dust. 


I get he is really angry at Emma, and his reaction is a normal one, but I still wanna bitchslap him upside the head into next week.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Ugh, Hollywood Reporter! "Ex-girlfriend?" "Former love?" You are hurting my CS heart. (Those were descriptors used by the publication, btw, not Colin!) Plus, I don't believe it. Another angsty Colin interview about Hook.

Yeah, I just don't see the others going after Hook (even for Emma) if Hook goes down to the UW cursing and spitting at them:

EMMA: Well, I'm going after him! Who's with me?

EVERYONE: Ummm.....

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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DOs don't make good choices. ..Emma was planning cold blooded murder but she was coming from absolutely best intentions to rid thd world of the Darkness.

Killian's bizarro version of this could be as screwed up as thinking 'well ...SB is going to be Hell...if I put Emma and her loved ones in the UW they're going to be safe from that and Rumple can stay here and suffer'...i don't think that is his plan...just trying (poorly ) to represent the way the Darkness twists the person's logic.

DO Killian reminds me of the 'bad guy' with the bowler hat from the movie 'Meet the Robinsons'...all intentions of getting revenge but doesn't think his plans all the way through because Doris the Evil Hat is really the brains. ....DO Killian ain't Doris....he's a short sighted...not too bright minion.

I think what he is saying is that he's willing to send everybody else to the Underworld if that is what he has to do to get Rumple there. There is no price he doesn't mind paying.


I agree. Hook is not playing a long con. This is his plan. He's Season 2 Hook on drugs going on a bender in a bar with his drug peddler as the bartender. 


If he had killed Gold!Rumple, then he would've sent him to hell, or the Underworld without needing to open a portal for it.

Also, I don't understand why Hook needs to bring back all the Dark Ones and open a portal to the Underworld just to get revenge on Rumple. If Colin is correct and this is all about Hook seeking revenge on Rumple, then why not just kill him on his ship? 


We don't know the mechanics of the Afterlife and the Underworld for this Universe (nor do the writers, most likely). But there must be a reason why Hook wants to directly send Gold through a portal to Hell. Maybe if he had stabbed him so he died, Gold wouldn't end up in Hell. He has a pure heart now, and is a newly minted Hero. Gold might well have ended up in the ONCE-version of heaven. Hook wants to make him suffer forever--not set up him up in a resort. 


So, he's bartering with Nimue. Her life for Gold's. And if Nimue brings all the DOs with her, that's collateral damage. In fact, it looks like he wants Emma to suffer by seeing her loved ones being dragged to the UW. Yeah--this doesn't paint a pretty picture. 

If they had had Emma go all dark then we could say "See, not even the savior can avoid doing evil as the dark one", but they didn't. She made the choice not to go dark.


That's debatable. Because she did go Dark and doubled the Darkness by making a second Dark One. I agree that the writers chickened out in making Emma not go full out. But then, she also had Darkness removed from her in utero and is the product of True Love with Light Magic. Her evil plans were more targeted, but her hands aren't squeaky clean. She took away people's memories and agencies. She put a target on Belle's head, and was planning on murdering Zelena in cold blood. She just didn't get to the murder part.


I expect this will be a Dark One Mr.&Mrs.Smith, with Hook giving up on his insane plan and sacrificing himself when faced with the actuality of seeing Emma suffer. I don't know what to think about how it will play out. But I do think Hook and Emma will reconcile before or after he sacrifices himself. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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I'd been thinking that if Emma saw Hook suffering Helllish torment in the UW, that would be extra motivation for a rescue mission, and who wouldn't want to be rescued from that? OTOH, it really doesn't work with the 'happy tears' thing. It also assumes that Hook ends up (rightly or wrongly) in the bad part of Hell. The spoilers don't seem to be supporting this assumption, however. IDK. It was just a thought.

We don't know the mechanics of the Afterlife and the Underworld for this Universe (nor do the writers, most likely). But there must be a reason why Hook wants to directly send Gold through a portal to Hell.


Maybe it is worse if you are still alive.


If we assume that Milah is happily being a crossing-guard and watching over children, it may be that people who die reach a state of peace. They are dead and in the Underworld but that's okay. They have what they need and all the trials and tribulation of life are gone.


Meanwhile, people who are still alive are the ones that suffer. So, if Rumple dies, he reaches a state of peace. Not much of a punishment. But, if he is dragged kicking and screaming to the Underworld, he will be tormented forever.


Really, the writer's are free to create whatever Underworld they like.


If Hook is running a long con, perhaps he needs to get the Storybrookers marked first. Perhaps that mark is something that allows one to pass into the Underworld. The Dark Ones need to mark somebody else to avoid they themselves being dragged back into the Underworld and to stay among the living (the furies will come in the night). But, giving your Underworld Mark to somebody else means that you can never pass into the Underworld again. This isn't a problem for the Dark Ones because they believe themselves immortal. But they forget Excalibur. So, they give up their Underworld Pass and then get slaughtered. The Darkness poofs to nothingness.


Rumple presumably has Excalibur (surely he took it with him or will go back and get it) and will know these rules as well since he was a Dark One, but isn't on their side anymore.  He can help. Somehow, Hook gets taken alive back into the Underworld and they know he will suffer so they go after him.


Of course, it's probably not a long con and Hook will realize at the last moment that he is killing his loved ones and then stab Nimue (pull an Ingrid/Vadar) and all will be forgiven.  In the next scene Ewoks will be dancing. Emma will drink Merida's ale (first rule of potion safety - never put potions not meant to be consumed in drinking vessels) and sees Hook standing next to Merlin and gets the crazed idea to go rescue him. 5B is a bad ale dream.

  • Love 2

If Hook is taking the punishment he intended to give to Rumple, then yeah, he's probably in a pretty bad place. This could also be why Rumple goes, not because Hook saved the town, but because he knows exactly what Hook intended to do to him.


Rumple presumably has Excalibur (surely he took it with him or will go back and get it)

He has it. It was sitting on the well when he was talking to Belle. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
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I manage to stay positive all troughtout this season and between season 4 and5 but I am losing faith after read all those interviews . I am left shaking my head in Incredulity!

I understand it is illogical to be Killing Hook character for cheap shock value like that.

Not because I believe A and D are so fond him as an character ( even if I do believe they like him) but because his primary role is to remain a valid love interest to their main heroine and if everything going down like Colin said.

It should take years to take over the fact that Hook is ready to kill everyone Emma loves even her son without bleaking his eyes.

I hope its the darkness hours before dawn because if that the sloryline A and D thought CS will loves they are two disturbing Individual!!

an character like that. Not because I believe A and D are so fond of as an individual ( even if I do believe they like him) but because his primary role is to remain a valid love interest to their main heroine and if everything going down like Colin said it.

It should take years to take over the fact that Hook is ready to killed everyone Emma loves even her son without frowing his eyes.

I hope its the darkness hours before dawn because if that the sloryline A and D thought CS will loves they are two disturbing Individual!!

If Hook is running a long con, perhaps he needs to get the Storybrookers marked first. Perhaps that mark is something that allows one to pass into the Underworld. The Dark Ones need to mark somebody else to avoid they themselves being dragged back into the Underworld and to stay among the living (the furies will come in the night). But, giving your Underworld Mark to somebody else means that you can never pass into the Underworld again. This isn't a problem for the Dark Ones because they believe themselves immortal. But they forget Excalibur. So, they give up their Underworld Pass and then get slaughtered. The Darkness poofs to nothingness.


Oh I like this theory.  So if someone gets marked, they get dragged to the UW with Hook.  A soul for a soul.  That's why the gang is there in the UW or did they come along to rescue Killian? That's the accepted theory that they are part of the cavalry to rescue Killian, albeit an ineffectual one, but what if they got dragged there by the fury.  And the fury's like "Haha bitches!  You didn't get rid of me with that Guardians of the Galaxy crap!"  I know there was a scene with Gold and Emma opening up a portal with Gold's blood.  So maybe Emma and Gold are going to rescue everyone.

Oh I like this theory.  So if someone gets marked, they get dragged to the UW with Hook.  A soul for a soul.  That's why the gang is there in the UW or did they come along to rescue Killian?


Well, in my crazy theory, once the Dark Ones are killed and cannot go to the Underworld (because they gave up their Dark Marks), the furies are content. The debt has been repaid so they don't need to take Emma and her friends. Maybe stabbing Nimue fans out like the lightning in Indiana Jones when Beloq (sp?) opens the arc and everybody but Indiana and Marian gets killed - but it is just those connected to her die. Or maybe they have to stab them all (but that may be a bit much for this show).


Hook gets dragged alive into the Underworld either because he should have died in Camelot or one of the Dark Ones escape so the furies take Hook instead. My money is on Clippy!Rumple escaping. That would allow A&E to write evil things for Robert to do while also making Rumple good (there are now two versions of him).  Clippy!Rumple escapes to the Enchanted Forest or something (we are supposed to be seeing more of Mulan and Red and how is that supposed to happen if they are in the EF and everybody else is in the UW? Or is it Will all over again?).  Belle gets sent over the town line because Clippy!Rumple is deemed too much of a threat for her. 


Everybody goes to rescue Hook for two reasons:

1) He sacrificed for everybody and he is being horribly punished for it

2) Until they get him back, they cannot kill Clippy!Rumple. He's now in some state that he is immune from death because the price has been paid for him by Hook.

Edited by kili
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Oh I like this theory.  So if someone gets marked, they get dragged to the UW with Hook.  A soul for a soul.  That's why the gang is there in the UW or did they come along to rescue Killian? That's the accepted theory that they are part of the cavalry to rescue Killian, albeit an ineffectual one, but what if they got dragged there by the fury.  And the fury's like "Haha bitches!  You didn't get rid of me with that Guardians of the Galaxy crap!"  I know there was a scene with Gold and Emma opening up a portal with Gold's blood.  So maybe Emma and Gold are going to rescue everyone.


Once Nimue is killed by Hook which by default will kill everyone whom came with her the price will be null and void. It will be retracted and none of Emma's family will have to pay the price. 


All that will be left standing is Killian and Emma and that's probably when he'll either kill himself or tell Emma to kill him and she'll do that. Meanwhile Mark Isham's "The Sacrifice" will play in the background during this scene.


Then when he's gone, Emma will use the ale to talk to him then they'll have some final words and of course it'll be heartbreaking but in the end they'll be on their way to find him.

Edited by Hookian

If Hook is taking the punishment he intended to give to Rumple, then yeah, he's probably in a pretty bad place. This could also be why Rumple goes.

I like this theory. I think Hook will come to his sense, and will decide to pay the price for what he did. That doesn't explain why everyone is eager to rescue him, unless that's not why everyone is going with Emma. That one line someone overhead about "saving her pirate" during filming doesn't prove anything yet.

  • Love 1

I think we're wrong about the timeline here. Everyone gets their memories back at night just as the Dark Ones are unleashed on Storybrooke. Bad things happen. The next day, Regina & Henry say goodbye to the Camelot crew. This happens after the Dark Ones stuff because that threat was imminent and occurs at night. They wouldn't be doing anything about the Camelot crew in the times when the threat is immediate. Also, Merida leaves with Arthur and if she gives the ale to Emma, Hook must already be dead for her to have reason to do so. I know everyone is consumed with Dark One mania, but there is another story that gets wrapped up and it happens in the daylight.

I'm not looking at the winter finale optimistically. There is a lot of plot to work through and there are many stark similarities with 4x11. Rumpbelle is being separated again with one of them leaving town. The guest stars from the arc have to get a farewell and a portal back to their lands. There are flashbacks that have almost nothing to do with what's already happened acting purely as setup. Hook's character needs payoff but we're not going to get what's needed in the way we want it. Half of it will probably be spent on introducing the Underworld indirectly.



Sneak Peek

Well that wasn't much. Rumple hasn't really changed.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1

Adam I understand, but Eddy? Eddy's never lied to us and he said CS fans need to see the final 3 episodes of this arc. In Eddy I trust, Adam not so much.

Eddy is quite the CS shipper, afterall. :D

I'm more worried that everything's going to be super rushed, which just ruins the over-all feelings of the episode. I remember when 4x22 aired and I had literally no time to react to Hook dying, etc. because the last 15-20 minutes were on hyperspeed.

*quick, someone tell me! Is the sneak peek too painful to watch?

Edited by HoodlumSheep

"There's the Rumplestiltskin we know and love." – Hook, speaking on behalf of the entire audience.


I'm confused. Hook took the dagger from Rumple? What dagger? Isn't the dagger now forged into Excalibur?

*quick, someone tell me! Is the sneak peek too painful to watch?

It's just some Hook and Rumple banter.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 2


I'm so sad and distressed some of you guys don't have any faith in Hook!

I have plenty of faith that Season 2 Hook, the one who lied to the Dark One's face the first time he met him and told him Milah died long ago, the one who put the bean in the other hand, could fool the other Dark Ones. That he could turn the ship around before it's too late. I have plenty of faith that Season 3 Hook, the one tricked David into going to the Spring, the one who beat Blackbeard because of a loose floorboard, could have a plan that's more than it seems at first. 


What I don't have faith in is the Hook as they've written him since he found Emma in NYC. He's a great supportive boyfriend, but he was fooled by Zelena, he was fooled by Rumple, and he apparently is now just a pawn for the Dark Ones. He apparently has no choice. He got in too deep and just kept digging himself deeper. Season 2 Hook knew to get the hell out when he was the minion for someone crossing the line from simply evil to morally reprehensible. 


I have 100% faith that Hook will choose to do the right thing in the end. He will sacrifice himself to stop the darkness, which has been his true enemy all this time. They weren't showing Rumple's crimes in the beginning when Hook absorbed the darkness, they were showing the Dark One's. But I question whether or not Hook will have gone too far by that point.  

  • Love 4

*quick, someone tell me! Is the sneak peek too painful to watch?


It's basically Dark Hook mwhahahaha-ing at Rumple so it's not very traumatic. Colin is killing it once again.


Is it me or did Hook seem kinda sad and pensive at the beginning of the clip? Or am I just not able to let go of the long con theory? 


What dagger is Hook talking about? Isn't it part of Excalibur now? Or does he mean the fact that the darkness got taken away from Rumple?

^ thx, Babs! If it's Golden Hook, then I'll watch.

Dagger? Maybe this is after Excalibur gets broken apart or whatever. We know Gold has the dagger at some point and there's the whole blood/portal thing that's been hinted at happening.

If it's the dagger again...Emma's name would still be on that part, wouldn't it?

Would a dagger with Emma's name be able to kill Hook? Can Hook's half be used to kill him? Was that ever clarified (I would think it could if it can control him).

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Is it me or did Hook seem kinda sad and pensive at the beginning of the clip? Or am I just not able to let go of the long con theory? 


No, it's not just you. There have been several of moments of brief pensiveness that keep me holding onto the crazy long con theory.


Or does he mean the fact that the darkness got taken away from Rumple?


That would make sense. Hook doesn't physically have the dagger, he's just gloating about how Rumple doesn't have a shiny Dark One dagger with his name on it anymore.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 1

No, Excalibur is still whole. I think Hook means that Rumple has lost the power of the dagger.


Rumple pointing out that Hook has done nothing but parlor tricks still gives me hope for the tricking the darkness theory! Of course, Rumple doesn't know that he's let all the Dark Ones into Storybrooke. 

Watched the clip!

Woo! Go Darth Killian! Call Rumple out on his crap!

Was anyone else having deja vu with the very beginning of that clip? I've seen that look Hook's given before.

Isn't that the same look he had when he was looking out across the sea after Milah died and before he went to Neverland?

Hope someone gifs the parallels (because I can't :'( )!

*reminds me of this look. Except maybe less sadder.


Edited by HoodlumSheep

This is an unpopular opinion, but as I said before, I prefer Hook to be out of control than pushing Emma away "for her own good". There is "puppy Killian", and then there is "unnatural saint Killian". It's more natural for him to be angry and want revenge, after having been made a DO against his will and feeling betrayed. That's how Hook reacts.

When he repents and sacrifices himself that will still be him pushing the Darkness away, ultimately justifying Emma's faith in him. A temporary backsliding under the influence of a powerful Darkness is easier to believe than Hook successfully fighting off the Darkness right from the start and coming up with a master long con in 5 minutes.

He could still be planning to use Rumple as the vessel to get rid of the Darkness instead of Zelena, but right now, he also wants to hurt Emma. Didn't he tell Emma something like "as long as you get what you want, you don't care about anything else"? Can't remember the exact line. Emma went against his wishes and then stole his memories, targeted Belle, then planned to coldly murder Zelena while he was running around frantic with worry Storybrooke. So, to spite her, he is going after what he wants without counting the cost. I'm not saying it's okay, but it's not OOC. I do think they chould have shown Hook struggle with the pull of Darkness in Camelot for longer, but Hook is rather impulsive. I'm going to wait and see how it plays out.

  • Love 3

I think I'm hating the fact that once again the writers are making the mid finale all jumbled up with stories like they did last year. It's bad enough that they've done a number on the protagonist character and Hooks redemption but we still have to deal with Camelot, Hooks flashbacks and his present day coke binge. It's just to much.

  • Love 4

I think I'm hating the fact that once again the writers are making the mid finale all jumbled up with stories like they did last year. It's bad enough that they've done a number on the protagonist character and Hooks redemption but we still have to deal with Camelot, Hooks flashbacks and his present day coke binge. It's just to much.

I'm pretty sure Camelot is only gonna be one scene wrap up.

Yea, so I'm thinking that Hook's plan is to stuff the darkness in Gold, and do away with him.


Gold is Zelena's replacement.


I almost don't want this to be the plan, because it's basically just lather, rinse, and repeat of Emma's plan. We already had an episode where Emma tried to force the darkness into Zelena while Hook protested, so now we're getting an episode where Hook tries to force the darkness into Rumple while Emma protests? I know the writers like to recycle plots, but I actually think something more is going on here. Unfortunately, I think Hook isn't playing some long con and is truly on the side of "snuffing out the light."


By the way...what the heck does "snuffing the light" even mean? What does that accomplish? Does it kill all people who have lightness in them? Does it just make the entire world a bunch of villains with no capacity for empathy? Does the series become one black screen because they turn off all the lights? A little explanation about that before the finale would have been nice.

Edited by Curio
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