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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I love how Hook tries to lunge at him. Lol! Why couldn't we have had an extra hour of Clippy!Rumple pestering Hook? With all the scenes they're going to have to smash into this episode, we're probably only going to get like, 2 of them together. It'll make his turn to the darkness probably less believable. Which is a shame.

I love how casually Rumple says, "kill me of course" so casually.

So clippy!rumple is going to help Darth Killian kill...himself. Just not this self, but the one in Storybrooke. Poor Hook's brain is probably so frazzled.

Makes you wonder if Hook will in a way end up killing clippy! Rumple somehow, figuratively speaking.

I wonder if Hook and Emma can see each other's clippy!companion (I know it's the same guy, but you know what I mean!). Like how Merlin could see Nimue (except he wasn't a DO at that point.

Robert looks like he's having fun.

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Pretty much the only reason to break the Dark Curse right now is to untree poor Dopey.

I think Emma is putting up those Dreamcatchers in the Clock Tower so she can restore everyone's memories in one go. But is it wise to give Arthur and Zelena their memories back?

Loved the Sneak Peek! Poor Hook has no prayer against Clippy!

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I have a theory that Rumple's blood on Hook's hook is going to be what releases the Dark Ones into SB. The blood of a Dark One who died and returned seems like the all-important ingredient if one were doing a spell to revive all the Dark Ones. That would be a reason why Nimue would want to cast the curse to get to SB, and would hijack Hook's desire for revenge for it. Nimue wants to be alive and corporeal again. I think Hook will poof away after bloodying Rumple -- that was his/Nimue's prime objective, with killing him being perhaps a bonus, but perhaps he stops himself from doing that. However, he then casts the spell to bring the Dark Ones to SB. But they each need somebody to take the place of them in the UW, so Nimue marks all of Emma's loved ones for death to punish her.

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If Hook really does want to hurt Emma the way she hurt him that would be the way to do it -- turn her family into Dark Ones.

I think you're onto something with the blood -- because we also see Rumple cutting his hand to give blood for something after Emma is de-darkened -- to close the portal? To reach Hook in the UW? Rumple's blood is important whether it's because he was a Dark One who survived or whether because he's linked to Hook (like the heart spell last season).

ETA: the other thing I find odd is that in the sneak peek we see that Dadk Hook's first impulse in Camelot is to resist the darkness. But in SB, he immediately attacks Emma verbally after seeing only part of his memories -- the exact part up to the point in which he was turned in Camelot. Too very different reactions fromwhat is essentially the same information. Evidence that he's faking in SB? Or evidence that he's darker in SB than Camelot?

Edited by chrisvee

If Hook really does want to hurt Emma the way she hurt him that would be the way to do it -- turn her family into Dark Ones.

I think you're onto something with the blood -- because we also see Rumple cutting his hand to give blood for something after Emma is de-darkened -- to close the portal? To reach Hook in the UW? Rumple's blood is important whether it's because he was a Dark One who survived or whether because he's linked to Hook (like the heart spell last season).

ETA: the other thing I find odd is that in the sneak peek we see that Dadk Hook's first impulse in Camelot is to resist the darkness. But in SB, he immediately attacks Emma verbally after seeing only part of his memories -- the exact part up to the point in which he was turned in Camelot. Too very different reactions fromwhat is essentially the same information. Evidence that he's faking in SB? Or evidence that he's darker in SB than Camelot?


I don't think her family would be turned into Dark Ones, but would be taken to the UW in place of the dead Dark Ones. But, yes, that would definitely be a terrible way to hurt Emma.


I also thought about Rumple cutting his hand and dropping the blood into the water in 5x11 -- either to close the portal for good or to communicate with Hook. But they have Merida's ale for communication, so I tend to think it would be to close the portal, since his blood would've been used to open it.


I think Hook must have gone very dark in Camelot, so that's what point he immediately went back to once he remembered being the Dark One. (And I really hope they explain why he had no Dark One signs in SB before that, though TS, TW.)

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From the stills and the sneak peek, it doesn't look so much like Hook changed his part when he was evil as it looks like there is no part because his hair's all mussed up. Still not sure why he felt the need to change from a black leather jacket to what looks like maybe a cloth jacket and to take off his vest once he realized he was the Dark One. "Oh gee, this leather jacket and vest are all wrong for evil. I need to change clothes to properly dark."

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Maybe it's like how some people see Emma's leather jackets as a visual representation of her walls. So, Hook not wearing leather is a symbol of his newfound free-ness?

I've got nothing.

What else would Darth Killian wear? All his outfits are pretty much the same. He already wears a boat load of leather. The biggest change they could really do is stick him in non-leather or make him wear a vibrant color of some sort (which wouldn't seem very evil or dark) Unless they made him look super piratey.

I bet Colin wanted to have some sparkly darkness (like how Emma has the hair and the vampire paleness), but they wouldn't let him or something.

Actually, I was expecting more eyeliner on him.

I hope it's explained where Lancelot and Grumpy have been. I don't care if it's only a sentence like, "hey, we're back from that task Merlin sent us on. what did we miss?" I need something! I was going to say scouting, but after all that's happened while they've been away, that would have made them look like terrible scouts.

Maybe granny sent them to go find Ruby in an offscreen still. Or maybe, Merlin sent them to fetch that mysterious snow globe from somewhere. I know we've seen it in Storybrooke, but it could still show up in the flashbacks.

Please, I just need something! Anything!

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I just don't see why anyone has to change clothes when being consumed by darkness. I mean, I can see where a "have a nice day" t-shirt might be abhorrent to someone in a really dark place, but if you're already wearing all black, are you really going to pause to change clothes to better represent your inner darkness? Hook doesn't seem to have physically transformed in Storybrooke, so why would he change what he's wearing? The hair kind of works because it was already a bit messy and has gone full out crazed, and that makes sense if he's been running his hand through it or making no effort to comb it after a sleepless night. The messiness reflects a kind of inner turmoil. But bothering to change clothes doesn't fit.

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A&E will just say it's a combo of the memory loss/whatever condition Emma threw into the mix when she hijacked the curse, and maybe excalibur being back in the stone did something. You know the drill. I'd be okay with it if they included the part where excalibur being back in the stone (or something of that sort) meant the DO powers (other than immortality) were sealed. Cause then it'd mean there would have been only a day about where his powers would have been potentially active (and he was extremely focused on getting answers at that point). The dreamcatcher and flood of returning just managed to flip the light switch on and triggered his Dark One-ness. For whatever reason. I don't think we'll ever get an explanation better than any of the possibilities we've already fanwanked, sadly.

Maybe Jane would be nice enough to explain it for us. Lol.

I guess memory loss and the curse aren't quite enough for me. There needs to be at least one other reason why we didn't see any signs for me to be fine with the nonsense.

Dark Ones like to be dramatic. There. That's the explanation for Hook's costume change.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

I still want to know why Hook not having memories made his dark one not come to play. Why did Emma not do it to herself as well?

This is so stupid.

Exactly.  Why did Emma keep her memory?  Just erase it by drinking a memory potion the moment they get back and problem solved!  No more Dark Ones!  They would still have the annoying problem of the Camelotians, but I suppose they could just go ask Archie for a magic bean and they'd be set.

Lol! Well, Emma's initial Dark One-ness gifted her with a feathery gray cloak. Clearly the Darkness didn't think the gray or white attire fit the mood.

The thing about erasing her own memories; she and Hook would still be immortal. She's trying to get themselves both back to being a muggle-born witch and muggle.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Lol! Well, Emma's initial Dark One-ness gifted her with a feathery gray cloak. Clearly the Darkness didn't think the gray or white attire fit the mood.

The thing about erasing her own memories; she and Hook would still be immortal. She's trying to get themselves both back to being a muggle-born and muggle.

But there's no real problem with being immortal and they wouldn't remember that they are anyway.

^ i'm not sure Emma and Hook would want to live forever, though. Just like how Merlin wanted to be rid of his immortality because living that long seriously weighs upon the soul. I don't think they'd want to watch their family slowly die off one by one as they don't age.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Oh my gosh. Clippy!Rumple just totally possessed Hook. It makes no sense and I have a lot of questions... but I'm enjoying every second of Colin's acting. He makes it very, very worth it. I've never seen this side of him before, or at least not for a long time. He totally devours the scenery.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Okay - so not only does Hook get angry and Dark, he becomes ImpHook?  He doesn't even actually has his memories back. He has just been told some of his memories.  He goes from being perfectly normal to being demented?


Seriously, I'm going to need a better reason than somebody told him he was the Dark One and so he is. This is almost worse than the Zarian twist. Shoudln't there have been some clue that Hook was impish and dark before? Perhaps it could have confused him. But he should have been saying impish things and then saying "Woah, I just sounded like The Crocodile there". Or they shouldn't have shown him. They should have had him in the dungeon somewhere and we could have all thought that Emma had killed him. Him being completely and utterly normal when he is actually an impish Dark One makes no sense. At all.


Don't get me wrong. It's fun to see Colin play a new character, but I like a bit of logic with my fun.

^ who knows, maybe Colin didn't didn't know he was going Dark until that episode. Probably just like Marian's actress seemed to have no forewarning about being Zelena (because I'm sure she would have acted more accordingly).

I'm just fanwanking that getting his memories back flipped a switch in his brain because that's as good as it's going to get.

Darth Killian is so theatrical! Clippy!Rumple is probably so proud of him.

I love it. Hook is completely unhinged. He's high on darkness.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Okay - so not only does Hook get angry and Dark, he becomes ImpHook?


That scene was straight up sarcasm though, the way he stood there. It's a callback to the Crocodile after he and Rumple had their duel. Rumple told him "I'm not a cruel man, get your affairs in order dearie," or however the dialogue went, so Hook is just throwing this back in Rumple's face.

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Dammit, why can't we have Dark Hook forever? That sneak peek was so delicious! When Rebecca does over-the-top Zelena, it bugs me a bit. But over-the-top Hook owns me.

Zelena ain't got nothing on this. But I will say her truth bombs made the Zarian debacle more palatable to me, similarly to here.



Okay - so not only does Hook get angry and Dark, he becomes ImpHook?  He doesn't even actually has his memories back. He has just been told some of his memories.  He goes from being perfectly normal to being demented?

Why are all the other Dark Ones sparkly thespians, while Emma is so cold? Hook's transformation was much more dramatic (no pun intended) than hers. I'm not too happy that the writers are digging the up the hatchet to resurrect the vengeance plot. It hasn't been relevant or touched on since 4A, and now it's suddenly back in full force.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I can't watch those sneak peeks because I'm at my parents' house and I don't want the rest of the family wandering back to see what's going on when they hear sound from the back room, but just the facial expressions and body language are amazing in those clips. He perfectly captures Imp Rumple in a sarcastic way, just in the way he stands and moves his hands. I can't wait to get home and watch them for good.

I'm not too happy that the writers are digging the up the hatchet to resurrect the vengeance plot. It hasn't been relevant or touched on since 4A, and now it's suddenly back in full force.


I sort of disagree with that though. The vengeance may not have been in the forefront, but Rumple impersonated Hook in 4B to get the dagger back, and went after him in the AU by turning into bumbling, cowardly deckhand Jones. The vitriol still exists between them, now that Hook is a Dark One, he gets to act on it.

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I sort of disagree with that though. The vengeance may not have been in the forefront, but Rumple impersonated Hook in 4B to get the dagger back, and went after him in the AU by turning into bumbling, cowardly deckhand Jones. The vitriol still exists between them, now that Hook is a Dark One, he gets to act on it.

Yes, but that was Rumple being petty in 4B. We didn't see Hook mentioning Milah when his heart was being clenched, or using 4B as an excuse to reignite his quest for vengeance. We've been shown signs that he has moved on with Emma. They shared animosity, but it didn't tie back to the Jolly Roger incident like it does now.

Yes, but that was Rumple being petty in 4B. We didn't see Hook mentioning Milah when his heart was being clenched, or using 4B as an excuse to reignite his quest for vengeance. We've been shown signs that he has moved on with Emma. They shared animosity, but it didn't tie back to the Jolly Roger incident like it does now.

No, Milah was not mentioned by Hook, but Rumple made sure he mentioned her to him in 4x08 when he was trying to suck Emma into the Sorcerer's hat.


And Rumple came back to Storybrooke with the intent of turning the Savior dark, fill her heart with darkness. 


I think the JR just brings everything full circle. It's not like they didn't already set up this scene with Hook's speech to Emma during their "date" about what went down on the ship.


We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one, I think :)

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Hook just mentioned Milan in the sneak peak. This Hook reminds me of S2 idgaf about my life Hook as long as I hurt The Crockadile. I also think Hook was using sarcasm when he called Rumple Deary.

Emma really is stronger than the others. Hook looks like he has coke sweat going on. JFC Emma, your boyfriend is so God damn dramatic. At least he still cares I guess.

What if Hooks "I wants to hurt you (Emma) like you hurt me" is him trying to get his ass killed knowing how much that would hurt Emma? Idiot.

Edited by mjgchick
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The events of 4a are about less than 1/2 a year ago. So I'm sure there's still animosity. Bringing it bak to the JR is basically bringing it back full circle.

While Emma is stronger, I think the combo of her light magic and taking on the darkness helped her stay more neutral on the scale of DO evil to "Saviour"/light magic.

And yes, Hook was mocking Rumple.

I feel like there's a decent chance Colin's basing Dark Hook off of what an addict might be like. I know people have pointed out something similar on tumblr.

Also, one Peter Pan (the book) fan mentioned how this hook seems more in tune with the one in the book. Would anyone agree with that idea? I haven't read the book.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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I'm wondering if Merlin's ultra vague 'draw the sword and bad things happen' also goes with 'perhaps someday there will be someone who can hold both the dark and the light' and 'Emma passed the test'..in that as long as she left the sword in the stone she could balance both the dark and light but only if Killian is alive and not all Dark One-aware...


This one will be playing on a loop until Sunday night. Love love love love it. Hook's mannerisms, his mocking of Imp!Rumple, his diction, the Dark abandon with which he detailed his plans for revenge: everything was perfect! Colin is DA MAN!!! 


He doesn't even actually has his memories back. He has just been told some of his memories. 


Pretty sure Hook got all his memories back up to the point when he became the Dark One. We saw the Camelot montage flash by when he was staring into the Dreamcatcher. Afterwards, he was going with Zelena to retrieve the remaining missing memories as well.


The Rumple/Hook feud was never resolved: just shelved during #SaveHenry and the missing year. It came back in full force when Rumple refused to help rescue Emma from Elsa's Ice Wall. Hook lamented not having stabbed Rumple with the Dagger in 4B, and Emma warned him he would have become the DO (when you know the future...).  

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This one will be playing on a loop until Sunday night. Love love love love it. Hook's mannerisms, his mocking of Imp!Rumple, his diction, the Dark abandon with which he detailed his plans for revenge: everything was perfect! Colin is DA MAN!!! 


Same here! I think DarkHook is my favorite Hook at the moment. Definitely the hottest. I cannot wait for this episode now.

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I think the JR just brings everything full circle. It's not like they didn't already set up this scene with Hook's speech to Emma during their "date" about what went down on the ship.


I'm concerned about this full circle-ness.  Hook is the bad guy in both cases. He's the guy with the mad skills and all the power facing a powerless Rumple. Sure, he's got a better reason this time than last, but he's still the bad guy.


I suspect that the writer's will turn this full circle and this time Rumple will fight (unlike last time) and defeat Hook, but spare his life because Rumple is now a hero. Maybe that will be the epiphany he needs - even the guy I've harmed the most spares my life - that he will become good.


It could be that he decides he doesn't want to kill Rumple, but I'm not sure I trust these writers anymore. It depends how cool they think their  "Rumple Is a Hero"  twist is. Hook deciding not to kill Rumple doesn't really close the circle because he probably wasn't going to do it the first time either.

Edited by kili

This one will be playing on a loop until Sunday night. Love love love love it. Hook's mannerisms, his mocking of Imp!Rumple, his diction, the Dark abandon with which he detailed his plans for revenge: everything was perfect! Colin is DA MAN!!!


I'm iffy on the Dark Hook story, depending on how it ends up, but there's no doubting that Colin is FABULOUS! Even if the ending of the arc sucks, I'll enjoy his acting. I'm sure he had a blast.

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I'm bringing this over from the Magic thread because I think she's on to something here.

Didn't Lumiere say the Dark One Vault's was where the first Dark One was created? What did the vault have to do with anything, since the Dark One was actually forged at the Flame of Prometheus? Did Nimue set all that up? Why did Rumple and Emma go there? So many questions.

This show lies! See the Apprentice and his retelling of Merlin and DO. I do hope they'll be an explanation. Like maybe Nimue set up the vault so that each DO could leave behind their soul in the vault, and be "reawakened" with whole Excalibur.

This could explain the appearance of our hooded friends. Edited by Jul 68

I have been thinking about the magical duel between Emma and Merlin in Birth. There is this wonderful overhead shot when their magic streams are fighting against each other. I can't help but think this foreshadows a magical duel between our two DOs....but I think Emma will win this time....

I've also been thinking about the flashing light on the signpost when Killian points out to Rumple that Excalibur can kill a DO. Now perhaps this is just a reminder to the audience that Killian could be in danger if Rumple somehow manages to get hold of Excalibur but even that seems too much a heavy hand even for these writers.So options???

He really does want Rumple to kill him and plans on throwing the duel (hopefully without any 'jab you with my sword' puns from EITHER!), but not until he has at least 'counted coup' by getting first blood . . .methinks this is unlikely as he really looks to be having some sort of 'what the hell am I doing' epiphany in one of those episode stills.I also think this not his plan because no matter how angry he is with Emma he isn't going to let amyone kill him unless it means freeing Emma into the bargain and I don't believe he has taken on Emma's Darkness at this point ...despite how rough his appearance is.

Th duel has a dual aim (ha. . !) . .he gets to play out a more fair version of the original because he doesn't plan to use any magic and wins but it is really a distraction from his real aim which is to get Rumple's blood to either:

1 -play out some bizarre revenge scenario against the whole town by making all the previous DOs corporeal and needs the blood of a resurgent DO . .. I really hope he isn't purposely behind the plague of Cloaks . .just please no!!!


2 - the blood is required as part of the spell to put all the Darkness in another vessel (just because no-one mentioned it before doesn't mean they can 't throw it in as a 'reveal')- which I think Killian would intend to be Rumple -and then the intention is to kill Rumple, but Killian probably comes to his senses and does a 180 and takes it into himself and well, . .. we hear that music for 'The Sacrifice' . ..

Edited by PixiePaws1
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