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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Hooks seems to be getting free in one of the pics where Arthur is forcing Merlin to choke Snow. I guess Hook gets the broken half of Excalibur away from Artie and gets mortally wounded by Merlin (?) in the process. 


Is that ornate box the next deus ex machina? 

Thanks, I was going to ask if our more eagle-eyed members can confirm that! I also thought the box was the sorcerer's hat box.

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I love Emma's brilliant smile upon being reunited with her pirate. Hook still looks angst either because he doesn't know what's up yet, or because he knows and it made him upset.


Man, Hook needed to stop being reckless after he gave his "survivor" ring to Emma!!

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What is the telescope pointed toward? And if there's a telescope, why is Hook using his spyglass?

It looks like he's looking into the business end of a lightsaber. Maybe that's how he dies.


OMG...she has fast forwarded everyone's life force to funnel it into Killian to keep him alive (almost like the Weeping Angels if you know Dr Who) until they can fix his heart and Emma wants to tether his soul to the sword to keep him safe because she can't lose him.....sound feasible????

That's an interesting idea.

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I think that box is holding the spark.


Oh, good guess! 


Will we also be getting episode stills for The Bear King? I want to know if the main cast will be featured in some capacity.

I want a sneak peek now!!

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Whale and Ruby won't be in the same episode, but I think the plan is that Mulan and Ruby have a relationship or did in the recent past.  There's no indication that we'll actually see Ruby and Mulan in Storybrooke.  They appear to just be helping Merida.


Ah ok, then let me rephrase my complaint by saying 'Why couldn't they have brought them back in the same episode so they could have a scene together?!' :)

I know they're probably going to put Ruby and Mulan together, but that doesn't mean Ruby couldn't also have a scene with Whale in Storybrooke. Although I have no idea how that could fit the timeline. She'd have to come back with the group when the memory curse hit.

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The episode stills for Birth look great! One of these days, Hook will be tied up in a good way I hope. :-p Hook seems to be getting free in one of the pics where Arthur is forcing Merlin to choke Snow. I guess Hook gets the broken half of Excalibur away from Artie and gets mortally wounded by Merlin (?) in the process.

Is that ornate box the next deus ex machina?


Looks like Hook is nearly free, Robin looks like he is freeing Regina, she kind of is needed in a witch battle, and David looks like he's about to free himself. It also looks like Merlin puts the choke on Snow.


Box is the one with the spark in it. We see it in 5x07.

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I just now realized that Merlin is most likely not dying in this coming episode, he's dying in 5x10.  I think his heart is the one that gets crushed for the Dark Curse. Emma channels Nimue, and the thing Nimue loves most is Merlin.  That explains why the price for leaving Storybrooke is getting turned into a tree.  It would also make sense for why Merlin said Nimue is the only one who could reverse things now in his message, and why in the same episode it's revealed that he dies he will (presumably) be showing up to Hook in ghost form for a pirate adventure since Hook is now tethered to the sword.

Edited by Mathius
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Does anyone else get Cyrus (Wonderland) vibes from Charming's outfit? I know he wore it this past episode too, but the more I look at it the more it reminds me of Cyrus's one outfit from the back half of the Wonderland series(or something he'd wear).

I take it we'll get episode stills from 5x09 at some point too, probably, maybe?

Charming looks like he's about to hulk out and break out of those chains himself. I still can't un-see Regina as Mother Gothel. It looks like she notices that Hook got free.

And if the casting lists for official episode summaries are almost always incomplete according to Adam, then I'm hoping Lancelot is in this episode. Maybe Merlin (before he got tethered) sent him on a mission to de-sand Guinevere or something.

I can dream.

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Ok, what about Hook's enchanted sword? This thing has to come back? What if he tears out Merlin's heart? Maybe he's the one who did something to him.


And honestly, how would things go if Merlin is being controlled with both his heart and the sword? Do they negate each other? 

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Ok, what about Hook's enchanted sword? This thing has to come back? What if he tears out Merlin's heart? Maybe he's the one who did something to him.


Oooh... Or, Hook could take our Arthur's heart.  

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That'd be interesting. You'd think a tethered name/stolen heart would cancel out. Also, Elliot's interview makes it sound like Zelena's tethering skills might not be as good as she/we think think they are, too. So, Merlin could break free somehow, maybe, hopefully?

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On the photos where Hook still looks angsty but Emma is smiling like her normal self even while looking dark, even if he now knows what she's up to and that it isn't as bad as it seemed, he could still be worried about how risky her plan is or about what she's put herself through. She's been acting evil and deliberately alienating her loved ones and has done stuff that might make it harder for her to get rid of the darkness, even if she's doing it for the greater good and has a plan to get rid of the darkness. Merlin did say that she had to really want to get rid of it, and she's been doing some dark stuff. So she can be all "yay, now you get it, it's going to be okay" while he's still worried.

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Sneak Peek


You just know stuff's about to go down. That tension was awesome. I hope we get to see Emma being a badass with her magic. Bonus points for that epic sweeping shot of Charming at the beginning. Zelena seemed more threatening and less cartoonish, so props for that too. (Still want to see Emma kick her butt though!)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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You just know stuff's about to go down. That tension was awesome. I hope we get to see Emma being a badass with her magic. Bonus points for that epic sweeping shot of Charming at the beginning. Zelena seemed more threatening and less cartoonish, so props for that too. (Still want to see Emma kick her butt though!)

But Emma is on the ground bent over as if she were overpowered

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Nothing in those 5x09 promo photos make me excited for the Bear King. Not even Ruby and Mulan. Also, I'm not impressed with those King Fergus/Queen Elinor pics. The actors don't seem to quite fit. Hopefully their acting can change my mind. That extremely fake, clip-on gray strand of hair on top of Queen Elinor's hair bugs the crap out of me.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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That'd be interesting. You'd think a tethered name/stolen heart would cancel out.


That is an interesting conundrum! And one that could happen only on this show. LOL!


Kind of interested in Mulan/Ruby. Could not possibly care less about Merida's story. She should NOT have been shoved in this arc.

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You just know stuff's about to go down. That tension was awesome. I hope we get to see Emma being a badass with her magic. Bonus points for that epic sweeping shot of Charming at the beginning. Zelena seemed more threatening and less cartoonish, so props for that too. (Still want to see Emma kick her butt though!)

Well we know that Zelena and Arthur poof away, in the promo it looked like they leave before the Merlin/Emma fight.  I also find it hard to believe that Emma would bring the real dagger or real ember to the fight.  I do feel sorry for Merlin, he has to know this won't end well.  Again, another good person being forced into a dark fight.  Why show?  Why?


Does Zelena really think she can beat Emma?  I suppose Robin will throw out a "You can't fight her Emma, she's pregnant."  And Emma will stop?  It looks like from the photos Hook gets free first, while Merlin is choking Snow.  I really hope he frees Regina, because she could actually be useful, but probably won't be because, plot.

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Does it look like the kiss is giving Killian his memories back?

Merlin needs a vacation with his new buddy Emma after they defeat that turd Arthur. Maybe she can be his wing person. :)

Edited by mjgchick
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Well we know that Zelena and Arthur poof away, in the promo it looked like they leave before the Merlin/Emma fight. 

No, I'm pretty sure he's there. There's an extended promo. They added on to the one that aired on Sunday. Arthur looks like he is standing there when the fight starts, and is holding up a very glowy Excalibur.


I'm thinking they poof away when Arthur loses the sword, and Arthur has to retreat. Even Zelena won't risk fighting Merlin.

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*hisses* Nooo!!! I don't want a slightly different Pan!!!! I want my evil, twisted hoodlum! Robbie's take of Pan being redeemable (?), in a sense, is certainly interesting though. Maybe Pan will end up growing up (not in the physical sense)?

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Does Zelena really think she can beat Emma?  I suppose Robin will throw out a "You can't fight her Emma, she's pregnant."

That's probably the real reason she speeds up Zelena's pregnancy. "If I have to let that witch get away one more time just to make Robin happy, I'm going to lose it! Right. Baby out. Now!" Thankfully, Merlin showed us last episode that hurrying along gestation if you got Grail Power causes no harm at all. 

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*hisses* Nooo!!! I don't want a slightly different Pan!!!! I want my evil, twisted hoodlum! Robbie's take of Pan being redeemable (?), in a sense, is certainly interesting though. Maybe Pan will end up growing up (not in the physical sense)?

It might be more of a 4B Rumple sort of change. Still conniving, still doing bad things, but holding more value to what he cares about. He might have a softer spot for his son now. But still, he'll manipulate his way to get what he wants.

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If only they had more money for CGI I'd really look forward to Emma vs Merlin or Emma/Nimue vs Merlin with some real fight choreography and not just a colored smoke-string onscreen.



I didn't see that in the sneak peek?

It's one of the photos, the one where Merlin is facing Snow. We know Emma can beat Zelena as she did so back in 3B when Zelena was holding Henry hostage. But for sure Emma can't beat Merlin without the DO power.


I wanted fun evil Pan back but I can do with a maybe redeemed Pan too. As long as they don't ruin him like they did with Cora back in the lame-o paternity secret story I'm good.

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*hisses* Nooo!!! I don't want a slightly different Pan!!!! I want my evil, twisted hoodlum! Robbie's take of Pan being redeemable (?), in a sense, is certainly interesting though. Maybe Pan will end up growing up (not in the physical sense)?

I don't think Pan will be that different, Robbie's words just amounted to "he has regrets now", which would be a given after enduring Tartarus, but regrets never stopped Rumple from being evil so I doubt it'll be stopping his dad. Basically, I think KingOfHearts is dead-on.

Edited by Mathius
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Are they going to have Hook save Snow while Merlin is trying to choke her out? Way to be loyal bruh.

I think that's what it looks like, although, the smart thing to do might be to free Regina since everyone is distracted by what's going on with Snow.

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Thankfully, Merlin showed us last episode that hurrying along gestation if you got Grail Power causes no harm at all.

When did that happen? I don't remember a pregnancy or baby in the ep, except Zelina.

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my theorysis that Emma hasn't sped up the pregnancy but that she has 'stolen' the time from all of SB to keep Killian alive...keep him 'in the moment' as a fixed point until she can make him immortal with a full whole Excalibur (since it was made from the Grail and the Grail granted immortality).

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Emma told Regina that she was not the one who hadn't paid the price of magic in Camelot. I think if Hook died, Emma did pay the price by giving up her life. Since she's only immortal as the Dark One, she has to remain dark or she dies. That whole line about how Hook would do everything in his power to stop her if he really knew what she was after is meant to be misleading because I think Emma is setting herself up to die. She reforges Excalibur to cut the Darkness out of her and end it all for good, but it will kill her. Hook would not go for that. Emma also told Regina that what she was doing was her business and it was for the best, which also hints that Emma's plans are not harmful to others in the way they all assume they are.

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Emma told Regina that she was not the one who hadn't paid the price of magic in Camelot. I think if Hook died, Emma did pay the price by giving up her life. Since she's only immortal as the Dark One, she has to remain dark or she dies. That whole line about how Hook would do everything in his power to stop her if he really knew what she was after is meant to be misleading because I think Emma is setting herself up to die. She reforges Excalibur to cut the Darkness out of her and end it all for good, but it will kill her. Hook would not go for that. Emma also told Regina that what she was doing was her business and it was for the best, which also hints that Emma's plans are not harmful to others in the way they all assume they are.

another excellent theory!

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It also would make sense why she needed to fix things with Henry but Regina stole her dream catcher and messed that up. As messy as her parents been it's not fair that they could potentially lose her AGAIN.

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my theorysis that Emma hasn't sped up the pregnancy but that she has 'stolen' the time from all of SB to keep Killian alive...keep him 'in the moment' as a fixed point until she can make him immortal with a full whole Excalibur (since it was made from the Grail and the Grail granted immortality).

Maybe SB is frozen in time, except instead of a day it's like a week? That would be a purpose for casting the curse.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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After the Jane Espenson/Holy Grail kerfuffle, I figured out how they're going to explain Ruby's return.


Ruby never came back with the second Dark Curse. She was in the EF having adventures on her own. The "Ruby" we saw in the diner at the end of 3B wasn't the real Ruby. She was Bambi's mom glamored to look like Ruby, and will be revealed as the villain of Season 7B. 

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The more I dwell on it, the more I am convinced that it's Merlin's heart that get crushed for the curse to be cast.  Adam and Eddy have been hinting that Emma is the one who had to crush a heart, but it wouldn't make sense given that Henry is most likely the thing she loves most.  But Merlin is the thing Nimue loves most, and Nimue is within Emma and can be channeled.  So Nimue, through Emma, cast the curse using Merlin's heart.

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A lot of us have been predicting that Merlin's heart was used to cast the DC for a while. Ever since Nimue was cast and we saw poor Dopey turning into a tree. I'm kind of in denial right now because Merlin is too adorable. But really he doesn't stand a chance. Also, it's probably the other way round--Emma channels Nimue to cast the Curse.

But for the love of God--why?? Portals are so plentiful people can literally trip on them as they walk. A&E love the Dark Curse way too much.

Edited by Rumsy4
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A lot of us have been predicting that Merlin's heart was used to cast the DC for a while. Ever since Nimue was cast and we saw poor Dopey turning into a tree. I'm kind of in denial right now because Merlin is too adorable. But really he doesn't stand a chance. Also, it's probably the other way round--Emma channels Nimue to cast the Curse.

But for the love of God--why?? Portals are so plentiful people can literally trip on them as they walk. A&E love the Dark Curse way too much.

it does seem likely but going to miss Merlin....never thought I would say that!

The Dark Curse will probably be required because it's the only way to get Excalibur to leave the realm..or some such rubbish...

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I think the speculation is correct, but I just hate both the idea of the curse being cast again and the concept of Emma being able to channel another Dark One to kill the thing that Dark One loves most. This means part of every Dark One since Nimue has loved Merlin. Part of Emma loves Belle the way Rumple loves Belle. It's weird. 


Sadly, the only other option at this point is Lancelot and I don't think he's the thing Gwen loves most, especially in her current condition. 

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At least we'll likely get Ghost Merlin for a little while.

I think the speculation is correct, but I just hate both the idea of the curse being cast again and the concept of Emma being able to channel another Dark One to kill the thing that Dark One loves most. This means part of every Dark One since Nimue has loved Merlin. Part of Emma loves Belle the way Rumple loves Belle. It's weird.

Yeah, it's weird, but that's how the Darkness works: it's Nimue's darkened soul that has mutated and grown bigger through adding the personal darkness of each and every successive host to it, including Rumple's and Emma's.

Sadly, the only other option at this point is Lancelot and I don't think he's the thing Gwen loves most, especially in her current condition.

And even if he was, Arthur would never want to cast a curse that rips him away from his beloved Camelot, plus him having Guinevere cast it wouldn't account for people turning into trees if they try to leave town.

Edited by Mathius
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