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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Looks like it. Then I wonder why Merlin refrains from stabbing him with the Dagger. Did Vortigan kill Nimue? Did she also become a Dark One later? Why is she is Storybrooke looking like a DO? So many questions. 


Nimue/Merlin look gorgeous in the episode stills. 


Because he had a vision?


Girl they picked for Nimue is very gorgeous.

From the TV Insider article about Red, Mulan, and Merida:



But the magic really begins in the second hour as Mulan (Jamie Chung) and Ruby (Meghan Ory) each makes her first appearance of the season. ... “Merida’s facing a problem in the present day that involves Zelena and King Arthur,” Kitsis says. “Mulan and Ruby are going to be enlisted to help her solve that problem. [so] it’s your normal show where Merida, Mulan and Little Red Riding Hood team up to fight the Wicked Witch and King Arthur ...


I'm sorry, but after this week's crap fest of "I couldn't care less about Merida" this is where I will be able to watch the first hour (read: the one we actually planned for and wrote out) and I can skip the second hour (read: the one we cobbled together with a shoestring and gum wrapper comic when we got more time).  If they wanted to legitimately develop a same sex relationship, I would be all in for watching the progression of an arc and a romance naturally develop.  Shoehorning it in because the actresses were available and ABC threw you an extra hour?  I'm not optimistic.

  • Love 2

I'm sorry, but after this week's crap fest of "I couldn't care less about Merida" this is where I will be able to watch the first hour (read: the one we actually planned for and wrote out) and I can skip the second hour (read: the one we cobbled together with a shoestring and gum wrapper comic when we got more time).  If they wanted to legitimately develop a same sex relationship, I would be all in for watching the progression of an arc and a romance naturally develop.  Shoehorning it in because the actresses were available and ABC threw you an extra hour?  I'm not optimistic.

Wait, DID this episode come about due to an extra hour? I thought it was just a matter of them airing two episodes on the same night. If they were given an extra hour, it would have probably been a two-hour episode with one title again rather than two separately titled episodes.

Colin's been spotted filming at Regina's vault in Storybrooke. He's not in the Underworld for long if that's what happens at the end of the fall finale.



Wait, DID this episode come about due to an extra hour? I thought it was just a matter of them airing two episodes on the same night. If they were given an extra hour, it would have probably been a two-hour episode with one title again rather than two separately titled episodes.


5.09 is an extra episode order. It was filmed by the second unit at the same time as 5.08. This is why it's almost entirely using non-core cast because they were all filming the originally scheduled episode. I believe Amy Manson said in her interview that the episode is set entirely in Dunbroch, but maybe she was just talking flashbacks?

Edited by KAOS Agent
  • Love 1

5.09 is an extra episode order. It was filmed by the second unit at the same time as 5.08. This is why it's almost entirely using non-core cast because they were all filming the originally scheduled episode.

Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, but I don't think it's an extra episode order. The schedule is showing that it's 5x08 and then 5x09 airing one after the other on the same night, instead of 5x08 and 5x08 part 2.

I think the reason 5x09 was filmed at the same time as 5x08 is because 5x09 was pushed up to air on the same date as 5x08, and unless they wanted to shorten the post-production time for 5x09 by 11-12 days (which is bad for a show that relies so heavily on CGI), they had to have units filming concurrently.

From what I can tell, ABC didn't give OUAT an extra hour, ABC just scheduled two OUAT episodes to air on the same date because of the awards show that was going to preempt their (OUAT's) normal run. I think we're getting two episodes, 5x08 and 5x09, on the same night, not one two hour episode.

Edited by regularlyleaded

Not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, but I don't think it's an extra episode order. The schedule is showing that it's 5x08 and then 5x09 airing one after the other on the same night, instead of 5x08 and 5x08 part 2.

I think the reason 5x09 was filmed at the same time as 5x08 is because 5x09 was pushed up to air on the same date as 5x08, and unless they wanted to shorten the post-production time for 5x09 by 11-12 days (which is bad for a show that relies so heavily on CGI), they had to have units filming concurrently.

From what I can tell, ABC didn't give OUAT an extra hour, ABC just scheduled two OUAT episodes to air on the same date because of the awards show that was going to preempt their (OUAT's) normal run. I think we're getting two episodes, 5x08 and 5x09, on the same night, not one two hour episode.


Replying in Ratings & Scheduling, I guess?

PLEASE let them bring back Graham! I'm sure it would be really difficult to get Jamie D., but I want Emma to learn that Regina murdered him while she's still dark. That's our only chance of her getting to have a realistic reaction. Otherwise it will just be "I know you Regina and you're not that person anymore..."

  • Love 7

more convinced than ever that Emma is setting Rumple up to replace Killian in whatever dire fate awaits. ..

I would guess that pulling the sword from the stone is one step....if she needs the 1st spark then where is she getting that? ?? The fact that she went to Zelena because she used Merlin's wand and 'survived' ..since the big M appears to be absent in SB perhaps she is going to use Zelena to perform whatever role Merlin played/was supposed to play. Or she could be needing Zelena to create another portal at some point. ...maybe to the UW.

seriously. .the intricate mental gymnastics I am doing whereby I can keep my vision of Emma being totally redeemable after ordering Belle's death...!

Pan yes! I was ready to give up this show cause Merlin's sexy face for 30 seconds isn't cutting it. Now I just need Ingrid and Cruella. I can do without Graham. I know Jamie D. would be a big get for them at this point but we all know he'd just be back for some more cutesy flirty rom-com moments with Woegina, in the words of LP.  Maybe they'll settle for some free publicity by just teasing his name. I wonder if they tried to get the ratings gold Frozen crew back.



Looks like it. Then I wonder why Merlin refrains from stabbing him with the Dagger. Did Vortigan kill Nimue? Did she also become a Dark One later? Why is she is Storybrooke looking like a DO? So many questions.


Merlin also said Nimue is the only person who can now destroy the darkness and save them no? I just caught the Merlin clips so maybe I missed something. Her appearance in the finale could be trying to save their butts. Maybe this Vortigan is the source of the DO and in the Merlin/Vortigan fight he accidentally tethered it to Nimue. Or Nimue took it on herself to save Merlin. It's hard to tell how they define first DO. Is it the person Merlin first tethered it to or is the first DO the actual origin of black flubber? 


Merlin has to know that he and Emma failed because he's still standing there warning her about a later event. Maybe the guy should've had a better contingency plan. 


Nimue is definitely one of the DOs though. In the promo when Emma is holding the dagger and the names are flashing by, besides the 3 we've seen plus Gorgon, I did catch N as the first letter so that's got to be Nimue and not Vortigan. I didn't catch any other name so does that mean there's only been 5 total.

Edited by LizaD

Okay,Thanks!! So if Hook is filming with them all is it possible that he didn't go to the Underworld? 


I'm kind of on the fence. 


I do think he died and sacrificed his life but I think that S5B may have the same storytelling as S5A.


Like we'll get Underworld in FB and them going to save Killian and then present day is them dealing with the ramifications of what they've done and likely bringing hell to SB.

Okay,Thanks!! So if Hook is filming with them all is it possible that he didn't go to the Underworld? 

It's hard to tell isn't it?


From filming footage we know that Hook isn't at the big "showdown" in the center of town in 5.11.  We know he's at the lake with DarkSwan and co. and goes in to the woods with her and Emma comes out no longer Dark Swan.  He must play some key role because his names ends up on Excalibur along with Emma's.  But now here he is with Regina and co.  in the cemetery in 5.12.  So did he go to the Underworld?  It sure looks like the Underworld is coming to Storybrooke, not the other way around.  I still think that whatever he does in 5.11 we'll know he's ok going in to the hiatus.  They never leave us with out hope, so even if he goes to the Underworld, I suspect Emma will have found him before the end of the episode.

I am legit excited to see Pan again! Although, if he's being punished in the Underworld, wouldn't the ultimate punishment be for him to be Malcolm and not Pan? He was Malcolm when he died. Not that I care because I'd rather have Robbie Kay again. I've been watching him on Heroes and he has some wonky aging going on there too. 

The writers seem to be paralleling Nimue/Merlin with Captain Swan. Maybe Nimue took on the Darkness willingly too. Not sure how that fits in though.

Maybe Nimue killed the original Dark One (if that's who the other guy is supposed to be) to save Merlin, but Merlin thought the Dark One killed her, and that's why he was so surprised and couldn't kill her before she treed him. He thought he was facing the other guy. 

  • Love 2

Somebody on another thread brought this up. What if present day SB some of the ramifications they're dealing with aside from Hades is Killian not having his memories? So he doesn't remember Emma nor any of the others. In the UW there's a river called the River of Styx and if you drink the water from that you will lose your memories.

Maybe Nimue killed the original Dark One (if that's who the other guy is supposed to be) to save Merlin, but Merlin thought the Dark One killed her, and that's why he was so surprised and couldn't kill her before she treed him. He thought he was facing the other guy. 


That's what I thought, but then why would Nimue wear the Golden Mask? The spoilers are hard to figure out this time around, which is a good thing, I guess.


What if present day SB some of the ramifications they're dealing with aside from Hades is Killian not having his memories? So he doesn't remember Emma nor any of the others. In the UW there's a river called the River of Styx and if you drink the water from that you will lose your memories.


I believe it's the Lethe that makes you forget everything. Yet another arc-long memory-loss will be so annoying. So, A&E probably will do it. :-p

  • Love 1


That's what I thought, but then why would Nimue wear the Golden Mask? The spoilers are hard to figure out this time around, which is a good thing, I guess.

Why would August show Neal a piece of paper that said, "I know you're Baelfire?"


I believe it's the Lethe that makes you forget everything. Yet another arc-long memory-loss will be so annoying. So, A&E probably will do it. :-p

Hook's gotta make up for all those times he missed the memory curses! He's only missing five weeks so far. Almost everyone else is missing 29 years and five weeks. Is Emma the only one now who has never lost her memories? Oh nevermind, I almost forgot (heh, maybe this show has tampered with my memories) that Ingrid altered her memories when she was a teen. 

  • Love 2

Somebody on another thread brought this up. What if present day SB some of the ramifications they're dealing with aside from Hades is Killian not having his memories? So he doesn't remember Emma nor any of the others. In the UW there's a river called the River of Styx and if you drink the water from that you will lose your memories.

But what would the point be?  These people lose their memories like they lose their keys.  What would Killian  losing his memories of them add to the plot?  I'm pretty sure the only ones that would care would be Emma and Henry.  I think it would be nice to see Emma fighting for him for a change, but really redundant that he has no memory of her.  We've seen that in the Heroes and Villians book.

I am legit excited to see Pan again! Although, if he's being punished in the Underworld, wouldn't the ultimate punishment be for him to be Malcolm and not Pan? He was Malcolm when he died.

I don't think the risen Pan is a reflection of his Underworld punishment; after all we saw Cora's spirit being punished by being her younger Rose McGowan self perpetually stuck as the Miller's Daughter at the spinning wheel, yet the risen Cora is Barbara Hershey.

I am so glad we may not be going to the UW, and that the UW is coming to Storybrooke instead. I'm sure there will be a day trip down there, but perpetual CGI didn't make me overly excited about it.


I think I posted this pages ago, but whatever happens, I think 5A is ending like 3B, with Hook showing up at Emma's doorstep. It gives them the time skip they need for Zelena's pregnancy. 


The only reason I can see Jones Sr sticking around for more than 1 episode is because he has to round up the zombies, and bring them back where they escaped from. 

Some random musings:

As Merlin is immortal and fell in love with Nimue..maybe he was trying to share his immortality with her and mistakenly created the Dark One instead.

The ring Emma is wearing on the chain in the promo looks different to the one from the pics when she is with Rumple when he cuts his hand. in the promo the ring looks to have a small stone and appears to be similar to the one Killian wore on his left hand during his date with Emma.

If Excalibur is the 'light' half (or 2 thirds) of the remade sword. ..does it also have to have a soul tethered to it to balance out it's dark counterpart?

As much as I desperately don't want Emma to have willingly crushed Killian's heart l am beginning to suspect that she was forced into it. I think the 1st Dark One manifests because of what Merlin and Emma fail to do to unite the sword. I think Emma isn't truly ready to let go of the power and doesn't admit it to Merlin (or even to herself) so something goes horribly wrong giving the 1st DO the opportunity to return from the dead and take corporeal form (and someone has to pay the price for that). It too wants the dagger and the sword and comes after Emma and maybe her loved ones. Unable to defeat it..the only way to escape it is to cast the curse to leave the EF. Emma doesn't want to but Snowing and Regina force her with the dagger....and Killian volunteers to die to get Emma to safety. The curse is cast, bringing the Camelot people as well rather than leave them to the mercy of the 1st DO but Merlin stays behind to holds it off. Emma is beyond furious about Killian and saves him...maybe by taking someone's heart and shoving it in his chest ( and another price owed), but she puts in the memory wipe.. The 1st DO is the big bad coming to SB and Emma is searching for a way to defeat it and to make Rumple a suitable substitute to pay the price owed for Killian's life......whew!!

Edited by PixiePaws1

I've been saying I don't think this is Emma's curse. The whole tree thing at the town line screams Nimue. I posted the below on tumblr. This is where I am now. Still not sure how Killian's name gets on Excalibur.

From tumblr:

I do suspect she channels Nimue and casts the curse with Merlin’s heart. It only makes sense given the curse on the town line and Merlin missing In Storybrooke.

She is angry with Regina, said now life is precious to you.
 I also wouldn’t be surprised if Regina uses the dagger to command her to cast the curse. They foreshadowed Regina commanding Emma already.

She has Hook in front of her but she can’t do it and out of desperation she channels Nimue turns rips out Merlin’s heart and casts the curse adding in the memory caveat.

In the finale she disguises herself as Rumple so Killian will kill her in the fight but he figures her out and refuses to kill her even if it would destroy the darkness.

They reach a stalemate where neither can kill the other. Hook uses his enchanted hook to remove her heart (true love can remove her heart for plot reasons) commands her to kill him.

Ta da! Underworld plot started.

6 months later... Emma hears a knock on the door, there's Killian. To be continued.

Of course in the process of pirating his way out of the underworld he breaches the veil and here comes all the dead.

Maybe a true loves kiss allows him to break free of the underworld permanently or his father has pull and gets him released.

  • Love 1

I was going to suggest that it could be Snowing's ring, but it clearly isn't. Also, a zillion people would have already spotted it if it was that ring.

I like the theory that Merlin and Nimue are tryig to find immortality together, and then something goes horribly wrong. Mabe their search for a solution could lead them to the Dark One and the DO tricks them into thinking that being the Dark One isn't such a bad thing.

Or something of that variety.

I also think it's neat how Emma needs to reforge the sword and Killy had introduced himself as a (fake!) blacksmith. I know that probably has nothing to do with this stuff. But I just found it neat.

  • Love 3
The person seems pretty confident about it.


The person also took that paps' pic and blew it, and came to that conclusion.


Plus, I think there's a huge difference between someone dying, and their body being left behind, like every character we've seen on the show thus far (except for the 3A finale), and someone being dragged down to the Underworld, with no body to bury. 


I'm not saying that said person won't have a grave, but if they're still alive, and everyone knows it, why would they give them a grave? 

  • Love 1

The person also took that paps' pic and blew it, and came to that conclusion.


Plus, I think there's a huge difference between someone dying, and their body being left behind, like every character we've seen on the show thus far (except for the 3A finale), and someone being dragged down to the Underworld, with no body to bury. 


I'm not saying that said person won't have a grave, but if they're still alive, and everyone knows it, why would they give them a grave? 

Maybe it was the Charming's idea because they think he's really dead? I mean dead is dead, they're not the audience.


The audience knows that if there's no body to be seen then it means the death won't stick. 

The person seems pretty confident about it.

She can say whatever she wants, the pic is incredibly blurry and this "I have my sources" doesn't mean anything.


Anyway, I just dislike this underworld storyline so much. I mean, the narrative behind it is so blatant that it's obvious that everything is going to fell flat immediately. And, no, this is not about Hook or Emma or CS.

Edited by RadioGirl27

That tombstone is way too old and faded to be for a recent death.


Unless maybe it turns out he's really been dead all along, and that's why he seems to be a "survivor" because you can't kill a dead man -- and then they find his ancient grave, brought over by the curse. He's just been a corporeal ghost (yeah, I just made that up) all this time.

  • Love 3

That tombstone is way too old and faded to be for a recent death.


Unless maybe it turns out he's really been dead all along, and that's why he seems to be a "survivor" because you can't kill a dead man -- and then they find his ancient grave, brought over by the curse. He's just been a corporeal ghost (yeah, I just made that up) all this time.

You know, I had that same thought. Single mother in love with a deceased sea captain? Very "Ghost and Mrs. Muir".

  • Love 2

That tombstone is way too old and faded to be for a recent death.


Unless maybe it turns out he's really been dead all along, and that's why he seems to be a "survivor" because you can't kill a dead man -- and then they find his ancient grave, brought over by the curse. He's just been a corporeal ghost (yeah, I just made that up) all this time.

Happily this isn't Battlestar Galactica so I don't think they'll go that route with the suddenly undead regular.

  • Love 1


It certainly looks like it reads Killian Jones.


It's definitely the right length for first and last names.


I am not prepared for this level of angst. Poor Emma. Poor us! There's clearly been a time jump if he has a gravestone. Probably the spring premiere will open X months after the winter finale.


I don't think I trust that spoiler about Colin filming with Sean & Lana at a vault. One of the people on set said she didn't see a vault. And they're not going to film inside a REAL vault anyway, so it would either be in studio or at a separate location where they filmed outside a vault. So I side-eye the specifics of that spoiler.

Edited by Souris
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