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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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No, it wasn't. They mentioned that we'd see Hook's father before the midwinter finale and that they're still casting, and since they've already started 5x10, it stands to reason that he'll be in 5x11. There was an article from Entertainment Tonight where Eddy said we'd probably meet Hook's father in 5B, but I'm pretty sure that quote was from SDCC, so outdated.


I have this image of the cliffhanger being Hook arriving in the Underworld and being greeted by "Hello, son. It's been such a long time, I thought I'd never see you again."


I don't want to live in this world if the midwinter cliffhanger makes it appear that Hook is DEAD dead. The fandom would be a dumpster fire. I think I'd go live in an underground bunker.


Nope it was from an interview Leanne did a week before she just saved the Hook article for one week later. Also Eddy never said that the flashbacks would be about his father. They just said we will get more Hook background in 5B. 


The article came out a couple days after the CS filming w/ Hook jumping off a roof in episode 8.

Edited by Hookian

So in the first episode, Rumple tells Emma he's there to help her become the dark one and he'll be there until she embraces the darkness.  In the sneak peek we see that the darkness is getting through even with Hook there at that point.  Isn't odd that Emma in the present is the Dark One but Rumple is still appearing to her?  So she still hasn't fully embraced the darkness?


Emma also tells the gang in the premiere that they are going to be "punished" because they failed her.  Um, is the punishment no memories or is it supposed to be something else?  I'm still not convinced that Emma has her memories.


I'm really interested to know why she's taken up making dreamcatchers, I'm even more interested to know why Hook is still up and could find where she went.  Perhaps the dagger has a silent alarm and it was his shift to watch it?

Nope it was from an interview Leanne did a week before she just saved the Hook article for one week later. Also Eddy never said that the flashbacks would be about his father. They just said we will get more Hook background in 5B. 


The article came out a couple days after the CS filming w/ Hook jumping off a roof in episode 8.


Unless she said explicitly when the quotes came from, they could've been from anytime. Reporters often hold onto quotes to use in a much later story. Now, if she said they came from the A&E interview the week before, I missed it and my bad!

I'm assuming Emma has everyone's memories in dreamcatchers. And given it's the title of the following episode, perhaps someone will get theirs back then? Regina, maybe -- she was pictured holding the dreamcatcher at her house. Or Henry -- it's the Henry centric, no? Henry is supposed to get his heart broken, and it would be very Once for him to have his first kiss with that girl at the street fair, then get his memories back and suddenly realise she'd betrayed him back in Camelot. The new writer described 5.05 as "a heartbreaker" and it doesn't really seem they can go much more heartbreak-y with Emma and Hook, and it would be a weird time to go there with other couples. 

Well they could always do horrible things to the Emma/Henry relationship and go full on torture porn with the Dark Swan stuff. I'm not at all enthused about watching Emma being slowly driven insane by the voices in her head and suffering. I assume this went on for weeks before whatever inciting incident turned her fully dark. 

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I'm fascinated that she's started making dreamcatchers so soon.....her hobby....

Is it a coincidence that we see a dreamcatcher in SB..is the one in the photos of Emma and Regina the one from Emma's time with Neal ? I

Is there some bizarre subconscious prescience that pushes Emma to make them in Camelot that she will need them to hold memories of friends and family?

Did she end up giving the dreamcatchers she made to friends and family and surreptitiously collect their memories so she could give them back when it suited her?

Did she bring them back from Camelot or make new ones in SB?

So many avenues to explore. .goddammit. .need more information!

Well they could always do horrible things to the Emma/Henry relationship and go full on torture porn with the Dark Swan stuff. I'm not at all enthused about watching Emma being slowly driven insane by the voices in her head and suffering. I assume this went on for weeks before whatever inciting incident turned her fully dark.

you're probably right....this is so UNFAIR ! Emma does not deserve this torture. The fact that the Darkness has taken the form of Rumple - the arsehole who played such an enormous part in destroying her childhood and whose selfishness set in motion the events that inflicted FuckWitFire on Emma and ruined her young adulthood- is the Darkness really shoving its fingers in those open wounds and digging around. It could have taken any form it chose but went for the jugular.

It's using every weapon it has to break her down.

What has me curious is where is her inherent Light magic gone? She's the product of Twu Wuv..and she didn't kill to take on the DO mantle....I can't believe it could actually be corrupted because of it's origin and its purity. It might be suppressed. For all her declarations to the contrary I think the Light is still in there protecting some portion of Light Emma and that is the Light that needs to be snuffed and when she does...because she had her inborn Darkness sucked out...she won't be Dark Swan...there'll just be Darkness

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I think Nimue makes more sense than Morgan in context of what they wanted to do. Nimue=Lady of the Lake=Excalibur=First DO.


This is an interesting point. Excalibur was technically given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake. The sword in the stone and Excalibur are technically not the same sword. What if the show is doing this in reverse. What if Nimue is the one who forged Excalibur and gave it to Merlin, and then when she lost control over the darkness or became the dark one, Merlin broke the blade into two pieces, one to control the Dark One and the other part, he planted in the stone? Everyone assumes (from 3x02) that Merlin is the one who made the sword, but he really didn't.


Morgan was a very powerful sorceress. I still think they scratched her because she's too big, being Arthur's half-sister, the mother of his child, part of his downfall and so on...


About Emma, so her magic is crazy powerful. I wonder why they chose that color though. 


I'm assuming Emma has everyone's memories in dreamcatchers.



There's one thing I've been wondering about. The Dark One took the Seer's powers, so does Emma have those now or does Rumple still have those powers? If she put the memories of everyone in the dreamcatchers, then did she foresee something that made her start making them, or did she start making them because her life has turned into such a nightmare.

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What do you mean about the colour? You mean that it is a gold? Like the glow when SB came back?

Yeah, her magic is gold.


When she healed Robin, it was gold. When she fired at Rumple, it was gold. When everyone was brought from Camelot, it was gold. I thought her magic would be grey or something. I wonder if it has a meaning, or if they went with something that looked pretty.

I figured it was gold as a nod to the previous DO, Mr. Gold. Although I've recently become a Dr. Who addict so it's been reminding me of the gold that the Doctor emits when he regenerates. Anyways...

Did she end up giving the dreamcatchers she made to friends and family and surreptitiously collect their memories so she could give them back when it suited her?

I'm wondering about this. We got a spoiler from the new writer about how she was really excited about the hobby Emma would take up. I wonder if there's something more to the dreamcatchers than just an arts and crafts project. Either she'll use them to collect the memories of the people she loves when she casts the curse that erases their memories or she's going to use them to collect her own happy memories as a way to combat the dark thoughts in her head somehow.

For all her declarations to the contrary I think the Light is still in there protecting some portion of Light Emma

Agree. I read a meta on tumblr that touched on this. By keeping her from doing any magic, the Nevengers are inadvertently suppressing Emma's Light magic as well. The gold color has to mean that it's not all Dark, right?

Regina took Emma's "savior" label (and is enjoying it, I may add), her glory for healing Robin, and is getting all the honors for being the "savior". They are all already thinking of her as the Dark One and the villain (Snow to Lancelot). Emma is probably losing sight of who she is, particularly with all the whispering from Not!Rumple. The Nevengers are a bunch of idiots. This would be part of doing what they think is right, but having it backfire on everyone.

Edited by Rumsy4
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The Nevengers are a bunch of idiots.


Can't really blame them though. They're in this without having a clue what they're doing. We need a magical mushroom and a witch bane. 


I will laugh hard if all Emma has to do to free Merlin is touch the tree he's stuck in. We all know it will be something ridiculous like that.


It's sort of a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. I still don't understand the whole "let's heal Robin" bit because healing someone doesn't come from a dark place and I don't get that she would have used dark magic for that, or how the dark magic is even suppressing her light magic since she came from a good place to try and save Robin. 


I think what bugs me the most in all of this is that Emma is magical. She's been using magic for a while, so it's nothing new to her, and for her to like the rush of power makes no sense because she was already powerful in her own right. 


Is this a case of the Dark One feeding off the magic? Regina says Emma's magic is dark...okay, fine, but Emma also has light magic. So, shouldn't we be looking if there was a case like Emma's, with the same conditions?


The whole thing is baffling. And now the dagger apparently speaks because she's close to her other half? Does that mean Arthur hears voices too in his head, and that's why he's gone off the rails?


Rumple is such an asshole though with the whole "you're the Savior, save yourself!" That's very likely what's going to happen at the end of the day, when Emma will go all screw the prophecies and screw all this BS, the only one who saves me is me. 

  • Love 2

Can't really blame them though. They're in this without having a clue what they're doing. We need a magical mushroom and a witch bane. 


I will laugh hard if all Emma has to do to free Merlin is touch the tree he's stuck in. We all know it will be something ridiculous like that.


It's sort of a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. I still don't understand the whole "let's heal Robin" bit because healing someone doesn't come from a dark place and I don't get that she would have used dark magic for that, or how the dark magic is even suppressing her light magic since she came from a good place to try and save Robin. 


I think what bugs me the most in all of this is that Emma is magical. She's been using magic for a while, so it's nothing new to her, and for her to like the rush of power makes no sense because she was already powerful in her own right. 


Is this a case of the Dark One feeding off the magic? Regina says Emma's magic is dark...okay, fine, but Emma also has light magic. So, shouldn't we be looking if there was a case like Emma's, with the same conditions?


The whole thing is baffling. And now the dagger apparently speaks because she's close to her other half? Does that mean Arthur hears voices too in his head, and that's why he's gone off the rails?


Rumple is such an asshole though with the whole "you're the Savior, save yourself!" That's very likely what's going to happen at the end of the day, when Emma will go all screw the prophecies and screw all this BS, the only one who saves me is me. 


Its the writers faults for using healing as a plot device (you can hurt a character and be dramatic but its then healed) and not working on their magic rules enough. If they had any sense Regina and Rumple should never be able to heal someone, that would be light magic. If you use dark magic it should be for dark things...(or if you do heal someone, something else will hapen, your arm is healed but you go blind(...you know the much talked about but non-existent price of magic) Only Blue or the fairies or Emma in good mode should be able to heal and even then it should take a lot of work to do so, not a wave of a hand.

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I don't understand why they are worried about Emma saving someones life using her magic when like you said it's for a good reason and Emma still has light magic. This is just another excuse to make Emma suffer for god knows what reason. Probably why she's on YOLO mode when it comes to helping them out. Every time she does she get's punished for it.

They are all already thinking of her as the Dark One and the villain (Snow to Lancelot).

Not really, that wasn't Snow thinking of Emma that way, it was her just logically assuming that Lancelot thought of her that way and was referring to her. For all she knew, he didn't even know the Dark One was Emma. Snow and her relationship with Emma has been written terribly in the past, but this was not one of those cases.

Edited by Mathius
Could there be something different about Zelena later in 5A? They seem to be purposely hiding her face in the BTS pictures.


I don't know, but the ultrasound Robin was looking at was green, so that baby might be born with a skin condition.


With Arthur freaking out that these "people" have magic, does that mean no one has magic in Camelot?

Could there be something different about Zelena later in 5A? They seem to be purposely hiding her face in the BTS pictures.



I wish somebody would tell Zelena that she looks fab in her Camelot blue dress and there is no reason to revert to her ugly Wicked Witch costumes. You can be fab and wicked.


I have a fear that Zelena has shape-shifted with somebody. With Zelena conveniently mute, she could have transfigured somebody else to look like her (that somebody would also need to lack the ability to play charades or write) while taking on that person's appearance. The ultrasound would seem to negate that because if Zelena is really a dwarf or Granny or Violet, you would think that Whale might have noticed (either that "Zelena" had no baby or that "Happy" should not be pregnant).

Could there be something different about Zelena later in 5A? They seem to be purposely hiding her face in the BTS pictures.

There was some speculation that she'd give birth in the "birth" episode, but I'm not sure about that.  How is she squeezing into her costume if she's 2 or 3 months pregnant?  Does this mean there's been another time jump or it will just take a while for her to show.  Why is she in her costume to begin with?  Perhaps this will take Regina and Robin out of the main action.  Does anyone really care about the Zelena baby storyline anyway?


I still wonder if the writers had a talking to from the network about carrying series regulars that aren't regular.  This season we've finally seen Belle involved after being a regular for the past 3 seasons and Michael Socha was paid for a full season eventhough he was in what, 15 minutes of the entire last season?  Couldn't they spend their budget better?

Swordfight on the JR with Bobby and Colin.  They think that it's when Hook and Regina were working together in S2B but it could also be present day.

Uh? What does it mean? Why would they be flashing back to season 2B?


I think - based on the pics of DS and Hook holding hands and looking cozy in 509 or whatever - that Hook is in on Dark Swan's plan, and it's not actually that "dark". Since JMo has said there's a method to the madness, she may have told him what she's trying to accomplish and he's helping her.  I think they may be recreating Hook and Gold's first encounter on the Jolly Roger when he was still peasant!Rumple, except this time they're manipulating things so a powerless Gold actually fights instead of being a coward, thus fulfilling DS's plan to turn him into a hero.

Edited by Serena
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All i know is that I'll be angry if Gold somehow wins the sword fight. He shouldn't be able to win against a guy with 300 yrs worth of sword skills, especially now that he doesn't have magic.

I'm rooting for it just being Gold facing his fears and at least attempting to sword fight (but not necessarily winning). Him choosing to fight would be far more heroic than what happened the last time an that should be good enough.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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If this is being filmed in the present, then I think Hook is about to undo everything Emma has been doing. If this is like what we got in 2x04 (The Crocodile), where Hook stood in Rumple's way to reunite with his wife, and the mother with her child, and Hook called himself the villain in this story like 5 seconds ago, then isn't Rumple doing the same thing?


This is like a "parallel/reverse" type of situation. If Rumple is standing in Hook's way, the same way Hook stood in Rumple's way, then he's not a hero, is he?

Maybe they're just filming the fight to show what could've happened if Rumple had won?  But what is the point?  This fight happened 200 years ago, Milah is still dead, Bae is dead, what is to be gained?  Hook has already "owned" his villainy in the scenario, and paid the price (his hand and Milah) so I can't see how revisiting the scene makes Rumple a hero or Hook a hero.


Also, Emma crushed the Cutlass Hook used so again, what's the point?

Edited by scenicbyway
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Man, 10ish episodes into filming, and I'm still pretty confused. i'm sure more things will fall into place and we'll be able to fine-tune our predictions, but I kind of like not exactly knowing what the heck is happening. we literally could have skipped watching 4b due to the spoilers painitng out everything and not miss a beat. 5b's spoilers have been more frenetic so it's making the speculation more fun.

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We know how Rumple sacificed himself to get rid of Pan but he was brought by the giant Fuckwit. What if to get rid if this DO curse permanently is if Emma has to stab herself through like he did and she's going to do to hero-ed up Rumple what he did to Pan (because he deserves it) only because it's done with the remade Excalibur there's no resurrecting the DO after this.

But if Excalibur is already whole then Gold did do his heroic bit and pulled it out. Then he could revert back to form I guess since we don't know what a whole Excalibur does. Or since this is a Hook/Woegina centric then Woegina pulled it out and Gold stole it.


From the sneak peak, that soundtrack of what sounds like Children of the Corn chanting is pretty creepy. Was it whispering Emma Swan or just random creepy sounds?

Edited by LizaD

And shouldn't she be the one fighting? 


I suppose the Hook/Rumple feud is ending where it started?  I still don't see the point.

Maybe she's not the Dark One anymore and is "indisposed". If she's not the Dark One, then what are the consequences of getting the darkness out of her?


Plus, it seems like the fight between Rumple and Hook might be over the sword.

The writers seem to be working towards some kind of resolution with the centuries-old conflict between Hook and Rumple. If Excalibur is already free during this fight sequence, then it means someone has pulled the Sword out and reunited it with the Dagger. So, the Hook vs Rumple fight makes even less sense. Unless Gold is after the "whole" Excalibur to regain the Dark One status. I dislike the idea that Gold is given a blank slate and quickly made into a hero. That's not redemption, if that's what they are going for.


Also, I don't want Emma and Hook to be splitting hearts or sharing hearts. I disliked that idea with Snowing. I'll dislike it with Captain Swan as well. But with A&E's propensity to draw parallels between the two couples, that's what will probably happen. If it is inevitable, at the very least, I would prefer them to have a True Love's Kiss before that.

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