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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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This time, he's been hanging out with Emma and Snowing, and (I hope) is now focused on protecting the people in his circle. Sticking it to Rumple is just gravy.


Regarding the "I hope" in the post, I re-watched the Jolly Roger a few days ago and when Zelena threatened the people Emma loves, his reply was that she wouldn't go anywhere near them and then this season, he asked that Rumple leave Emma and the rest of SB alone.  So I think he is at that point where these people have also become important enough in his life that he does want to see them left alone and unharmed.  


Plus there's the whole thing (I think it was Colin who said that) about Hook developing relationships.


It seems like the crisis of the half season always takes precedence over what ever curse Hook's been placed under.

On the surface, the lip curse and the heart being taken seem to be about Hook (especially the heart), but it simply isn't.  Zelena curses him and then has Rumple drown him because she's onto something as far as Emma's feelings for Hook go (the man you can't wait to run away from) and the heart was all.about.Rumple.  I think we'll get to something that's actually about Hook and Emma eventually by the end of the season.  It's interesting to binge watch a show because I find there are shades of Season 3 with Emma and Hook right now, but we all know how that season ended.

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Didn't we see it with the Shattered Sight spell...the marbles on the floor the "dirty pirate" remark, he's as dark as Charming and his "ice boy" comment. **rolls eyes**

I suspect they originally planned to have him more involved in the Rumple/Hook/Belle thing, but wisely realised they didn't have enough time or it would be dumb. That might explain why Henry and Belle finding the gauntlet and saving the day was quite so contrived -- they had originally planned a more involved lead-up, but ended up scrapping it.

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I suspect they originally planned to have him more involved in the Rumple/Hook/Belle thing, but wisely realised they didn't have enough time or it would be dumb.


I wouldn't be surprised if they only wrote Henry into the pawnshop so they could end an episode with a sorcerer's "apprentice" sweeping a broom as a call-back to Mickey Mouse.  This show is just that superficial.


On the surface, the lip curse and the heart being taken seem to be about Hook (especially the heart), but it simply isn't.


The heart was all about Rumple for sure, but the ridiculous lips subplot did at least spawn "The Jolly Roger" which was about Hook.  Between "Good Form" and "The Jolly Roger", Hook fared very well in that he got two character-based centrics which were about him, and his internal struggles. which was more than what other non-Regina series regulars got.  In 4A, he's getting treated like everyone else (except Regina).

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The heart was all about Rumple for sure, but the ridiculous lips subplot did at least spawn "The Jolly Roger" which was about Hook.  Between "Good Form" and "The Jolly Roger", Hook fared very well in that he got two character-based centrics which were about him, and his internal struggles. which was more than what other non-Regina series regulars got.  In 4A, he's getting treated like everyone else (except Regina).


I don't disagree in the least.  I'm just trying to be somewhat rational about this because everytime I think about how things ended, I just...table flipping...


There is a centric in 4B at least which should give us more insight in the character's past.  I'm sure his father will somehow tie into one of the incompetent Queens of Darkness (probably Ursula).

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I'm just trying to be somewhat rational about this because everytime I think about how things ended, I just...table flipping...


I know... it is just so frustrating.  I remember how happy I was when I heard Charming would get a centric in 4A to learn more about his past.  And we got "White Out".    'Nuff said.   Not to mention all we found out in Belle's centric is that her mother felt packing up old books was a priority when ogres attack.  Stuff we wish we never knew...

Edited by Camera One
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I can see him wanting revenge more for what Rumple tried to do to Emma than to what he did to him.


I was hoping that we wouldn't see revenge from him at all. One of the few bits of growth we've gotten from characters on this show is Hook realizing that revenge is a fool's errand. It left him hollow, empty and friendless. We see him wonder about whether it was worth it and the decide that it was not. He even goes so far as to caution Emma about taking revenge. Wow! Lesson learned.


So, to hear that he is back on the revenge treadmill is disappointing. I know that new ideas can be hard to develop, but it would be nice if A&E tried at least a little. It is not necessary to keep characters in stasis for season after season, never learning anything and constantly repeating the same mistakes.

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Kili, honestly, I absolutely agree with you regarding everything that you said and I know we have also seen BTS with the dagger in Hook's hands.  That being said, one of the threads (the writers thread maybe?) has some snippets of articles where A&E were spoiling things and it doesn't seem like anything has happened the way they "predicted" it might.  While I can see Hook wanting revenge, I'm not sure it will go that far.  I'd rather they phrase it as something regarding Hook wanting to protect the people he cares about from Gold.  He was nearly killed, Emma was nearly hatted, I think he's gonna get closer to Belle, so I'm thinking he'll want to protect her if for nothing more than to return the favor because she did save his life.  Then there's the race to find the author of the book.  I don't think he'd want someone like Rumple to put his hands on that person just because Rumple would make sure to fuck everyone over in the process of getting what he wants.  Rumple will probably want to be off the dagger's leash, have power and have Belle too.  I don't think anyone who lives in Storybrooke wants the first two things to happen.

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At this point they should really just be making a beeline to kill Rumple if he comes back to Storybrooke. If they have the dagger, they can command him to kill himself or allow them to execute him. He's a threat to everyone in town and letting him live is plain dumb. All these BTS with the dagger changing hands puts me a little on edge because something bad is bound to happen between all the holders.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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At this point they should really just be making a beeline to kill Rumple if he comes back to Storybrooke. If they have the dagger, they can command him to kill himself or allow them to execute him. He's a threat to everyone in town and letting him live is plain dumb. All these BTS with the dagger changing hands puts me a little on edge because something bad is bound to happen between all the holders.

The problem is, he can only be killed with the dagger, and anyone who kills him with the dagger becomes the next Dark One. Yes, he could kill himself with the dagger, but they'd have to give him the dagger for that to happen. The only way to effectively deal with him (without transferring the Dark One curse to someone else) is to banish him and hope that he doesn't come back, and have the dagger ready if he does.


They could also try the Act of True Love route (which almost worked back in season 1), but now that Belle's seen the light I don't think there's anyone in Storybrooke who loves him enough. Now I don't have high hopes for the 'Find the author' plot but a 'Matchmake for the Dark One' plot would probably be worse.

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The problem is, he can only be killed with the dagger

I don't think this is true. He almost died of Dreamshade in The Miller's Daughter. Cora explained that if he died without someone stabbing him, his power would just bubble off into the air, and there would be no new Dark One.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I don't think this is true. He almost died of Dreamshade in The Miller's Daughter. Cora explained that if he died without someone stabbing him, his power would just bubble off into the air, and there would be no new Dark One.

Yeah, I think the issue is that he's pretty much invincible because of his powers, so it's impossible to sneak up on him and he can heal any wound given to him. That's why Hook had to track him down in the World Without Magic and then give him a poison that had no antidote (until it did) to nearly kill him. While Rumple had powers, you could stab him all day long, and he could heal it. You'd have to find a way to hold him where he couldn't free himself and keep him from healing himself.


Not that they're going to kill Rumple anytime soon. He's going to skate because they won't get rid of him and they won't permanently change him.

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Yeah, I think the issue is that he's pretty much invincible because of his powers, so it's impossible to sneak up on him and he can heal any wound given to him.

Well now they have the dagger so they can force him to die. Before they couldn't, but now that Rumple is pretty much powerless, that's all they really have to do. They don't even need to take down his Angels. They can just summon him then command him to kill himself... then tada. Either that or they can push him over the townline again, then stab/shoot him there.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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They can just summon him then command him to kill himself... then tada. Either that or they can push him over the townline again, then stab/shoot him there.

I wouldn't hold my breath while waiting for that to happen. He has main character immunity, so he will be forgiven and accepted back in town because he's family, even though his crimes are worse than any guest villain's have been so far and even though he poses an ongoing threat.

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I wouldn't hold my breath while waiting for that to happen. He has main character immunity, so he will be forgiven and accepted back in town because he's family, even though his crimes are worse than any guest villain's have been so far and even though he poses an ongoing threat.

Oh I don't think that'll happen at all. I'm just saying killing him should be the right thing to do. Swapping the dagger between several different people is a dumb idea because eventually you'll get someone who'll want to use its power instead of stopping it. It's just inevitable, but it's exactly what seems to be happening here.

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Oh I don't think that'll happen at all. I'm just saying killing him should be the right thing to do. Swapping the dagger between several different people is a dumb idea because eventually you'll get someone who'll want to use its power instead of stopping it. It's just inevitable, but it's exactly what seems to be happening here.


Knowing these writers, they will have one of the "heroes" seriously tempted by powers of the dagger, showing that heroes are grey and are not all good.  Ergo, this excuses everything Rumple did in 4A so group hug everyone.

Edited by Camera One
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Calling it now, the season finale will include a dinner with Rumple and the heroes at Granny's.

I've been wondering if Rumple doesn't threaten Belle and Hook directly when he gets back to SB.  There is no reason for Belle to give the dagger to Hook knowing the bag history between them.  There has to be a seriously massive reason for her to do something like that.

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I've been wondering if Rumple doesn't threaten Belle and Hook directly when he gets back to SB.  There is no reason for Belle to give the dagger to Hook knowing the bag history between them.  There has to be a seriously massive reason for her to do something like that.


Hook is in the unenviable position of having his death being the key to freeing Rumpel from the dagger.  I presume that they are going with the dagger has no control of Rumpel when he's in the land without magic, but if he's dumb enough to return then the dagger should be with the person most likely to be threatened that hasn't fallen for the crocodile's tears over and over again.  That makes Belle giving Hook the dagger less malicious towards Rumpel because if he doesn't bother them then the dagger is meaningless.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I find it sort of interesting that after all these years, Hook finally has the dagger in his hands. He had given up once on his revenge on Rumple because he thought he could have something of a family with Bae, he wanted to change for him. And now he has Emma and he pretty much seems to be over the moon with that and Belle hands him the dagger. What to do, what to do....wel all know what killing the Dark One with the dagger means. He could do what Anna did, order him not to harm anyone, leave everyone alone, seems to have worked for Anna.

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To be sure there are no future repercussions, Hook would need to unhat anyone currently in the hat, destroy the hat, and hide or destroy the dagger. Spoilers appear to indicate that Belle was hiding the dagger before she gave it to Hook. There is also the promo for 4B showing Regina using the dagger on the hat. Maybe they are taking these steps....some or all of them. But, I think it's right to say that Hook (or someone else) may be tempted to keep and use the dagger for revenge or other reasons.

I like using "hat" as a verb. :)

Edited by OnceUponAJen
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I'm pretty sure Rumple has the dagger in his hand in one of the BTS.  I wonder what destroying the dagger would do to the Dark One and if it can even be destroyed.  Blue is back for 412, so I'm guessing the "unhatting" is a successful one.

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They will have Hook getting hold of the dagger and be conflicted about what to do with it.  Insert a few tense scenes before commercial breaks where Hook stands there staring at the Dagger.  After stringing us along for a few episodes, Hook gets a flashback of something his dearly departed mother said to him as a child when he almost retaliated against a schoolyard bully, Popeye the Sailor Man.  Hook decides not to kill Rumple, showing he is true of heart.  Hook and Emma kiss.  Emma then goes to eat a buffet with Regina.  This storyline practically writes itself.

Edited by Camera One
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They will have Hook getting hold of the dagger and be conflicted about what to do with it. Insert a few tense scenes before commercial breaks where Hook stands there staring at the Dagger. After stringing us along for a few episodes, Hook gets a flashback of something his dearly departed mother said to him as a child when he almost retaliated against a schoolyard bully, Popeye the Sailor Man. Hook decides not to kill Rumple, showing he is true of heart. Hook and Emma kiss. Emma then goes to eat a buffet with Regina. This storyline practically writes itself.

Wow, Camera One. As I read that it really did sound like an actual storyline!

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After stringing us along for a few episodes, Hook gets a flashback of something his dearly departed mother said to him as a child when he almost retaliated against a schoolyard bully, Popeye the Sailor Man.

...is it bad that I'd be completely 100% okay with this storyline happening?

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To be sure there are no future repercussions, Hook would need to unhat anyone currently in the hat, destroy the hat, and hide or destroy the dagger. Spoilers appear to indicate that Belle was hiding the dagger before she gave it to Hook. There is also the promo for 4B showing Regina using the dagger on the hat. Maybe they are taking these steps....some or all of them. But, I think it's right to say that Hook (or someone else) may be tempted to keep and use the dagger for revenge or other reasons.

I like using "hat" as a verb. :)


To quote Calvin, "Verbing weirds language."  :)

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They will have Hook getting hold of the dagger and be conflicted about what to do with it. Insert a few tense scenes before commercial breaks where Hook stands there staring at the Dagger. After stringing us along for a few episodes, Hook gets a flashback of something his dearly departed mother said to him as a child when he almost retaliated against a schoolyard bully, Popeye the Sailor Man. Hook decides not to kill Rumple, showing he is true of heart.

Separate Rumple from the dagger and Popeye from his spinach. Easy!

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Chances are good that season five in is the future. Carlyle does not like Rumple being "good". So he won't be. Hook is much more interesting when he can smolder and clench his jaw and have his grand old background music play (grin). It would be, as the spoilers suggest, just desserts that Hook would have control of the Dagger. It would, in fact, be luscious revenge without him having to physically be a bad ass. Or as has been mentioned, a fitting Rumple justice. Mental torture is quite effective on Rumple. And I hope that happens. I doubt that killing Belle would be doable for Disney reasons, killing Hook wouldn't ne doable for ratings reasons.


Until the final finale of the series, they have no incentive to make Rumple leave the Dark Side. Only making the others grow in power can keep him under some semblance of control, and that as we have already seen is *now you see it, now you don't*~ in regards to Rumple's ability to USE his powers and others to ward off those powers.


For whatever reasons they have (and frankly a lot of it is runaway ship fans trying to control/suggest/insinuate things that just are NOT there) Emma and Regina are destined in A&E's heads to constantly be attempting a camaraderie of all sorts~ except sexual. And while that will come off as relentless baiting for the SwanQueen shippers, it is just what they want to write.( CaptainSwan shippers have become quite accustomed to the constant teases of promised in-depth character development and relationship things that end up being ten second *wrap ups* that keep the romance going with little kisses, but no real substance.) Emma and Regina actually have developed a great dynamic, and with the introduction of Emma's growing white magic power, it could be quite entertaining. These writers always stress the female to female relationships far more than any male interactions.


Ah, fuck it. What the hell do we know about anything when the lines and boundaries and rules keep changing???  We don't. And won't.


Adam and Eddy's *no spoiler, non-spoiler, way too cute and precious baiting, marketing pabulum-speak* interviews are just meant to keep us talking. It is when we quit talking that the show is really in danger.


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Gee, thanks Adam.

Kind of lame. It's not even worth speculating about. Now, if it were something juicier, like something about something we haven't seen yet, that might be something interesting, or at least something.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Well he has two months to fill with more legitimate teases. I get that he wants to keep people talking about the show and probably enjoys the ridiculous reaction he can elicit from fans with the tiniest peak, but I think even the less cynical fans will tire of these pointless teases pretty soon.

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Kind of lame. It's not even worth speculating about. Now, if it were something juicier, like something about something we haven't seen yet, that might be something interesting, or at least something.


Actually, my reaction was how much hate mail are they getting to 'hope' to see viewers return March 1.  It took me a minute to realize they were tweeting a script tease.

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Actually, we've already gotten this one.


Yes, that was a script tease for the 2 hour episode. Adam obviously thinks that one word script teases get us excited. There was also a "Regina!" script tease.


The script tease I want to see is:



"The Author is keeping you from getting a happy ending? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard".


"Actually, we think so too. We just didn't want to tell you"

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Regina:  Wait! Don't...don't don't don't let's start. This is the worst part. Could believe for all the world that you're my precious little girl...


(Can we please have someone yell at her to wake up and smell the catfood?)

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Henry (to Regina): You're not a villain. You're a hero.

Regina (to Eva/Snow/Emma): You ruined my life!!!

Rumple: Dearie/stars align/CLEAVE

Hook: Devilishly handsome.

Charming/Snow: I'll always find you...

Grumpy: The Curse is here!!!

Elsa: Anna!!!

Michael: Walt!!

Claire: My baby! (oops... wrong show ;-)).

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