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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I know that Emma ends up with Baby Snowflake to protect him from Evil Snow, but what about all the other babies in town? I guess we're not supposed to think about things like that.


And what does she do with him, since she clearly doesn't have him while she and Elsa are looking for Anna, and he's back in his stroller with Snowing for the reunion. So that's odd.

Edited by Souris

Or they could magic up a hot air balloon and fly out. Or Elsa could make little igloos for everyone and seal them in until they've ended the spell. 

Or Elsa could build an ice staircase (something we've seen her do on this show) to get over the wall. Mere height should not be an issue. This makes me wonder where Elsa is while Charming's doing his rock-climbing attempt.


If they were really desperate, Rumple and/or Regina could fireball through it, although they may have problems if it automagically regenerates. They could probably also teleport to the other side.

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Except they lost their powers when they got they got ribboned.



Do we know that for sure? DQ was drawing on their powers, it's true, but couldn't they pull from her too?


I believe DQ is just draining them for her own power, not completely removing their magic. It's in her plan to have two magical beings as sisters, and that training she's done with Elsa and presumably Emma would go to waste if they had no power. I'm thinking DQ engineered it to where only she could use all three's powers, but that might not be the case.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Given that Emma and Elsa seem to do some locator spell with the necklace that brings Anna and Kristoff to Storybrooke, while still wearing the ribbons, they must still have their magic.

Hm, now I'm wondering if they attempt to pierce the wall with their magic, and that's how they find the necklace.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Can Elsa save Anna and the town of Storybrooke?


#OnceUponATime is all-new tomorrow at 8|7c on ABC!


The "sister" Leroy is talking about seems to be Anna if you read into this. I'm wondering how it comes down to her or Storybrooke.

Edited by KingOfHearts

If the climbing gear stuff was real and for this episode, maybe they use it to go down and get the necklace, not up over the wall. Although why one of the magic users couldn't have just gone out there and poofed it into their hands, I don't know. Maybe Mopey Regina refused because her heroism switch wasn't turned on that day. What took them so long to simply go after the necklace rather than wasting time digging through boxes anyway?

The very first sneak peek though has Emma mentioning something about leaving town.  I'm guessing they have someone climb to see if it's a remote possibility.  It's probably just a plot point to find that necklace.  I don't know how that works.  There's this curse to end all curses barreling down on the town and they're having goodbyes and whatever, but hey, we should really try and find Anna.


I hate Anna!

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The very first sneak peek though has Emma mentioning something about leaving town.  I'm guessing they have someone climb to see if it's a remote possibility. 

If they can climb over the ice fence, couldn't Elsa just make an ice staircase?  Or one of the other magic users build a regular staircase? 


(As for Anna--yeah.  I have to say as fun as she could be, I struggle to like her, since she flounces through the Enchanted Forest, making everything! so! much! better!.  It's annoying.)

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I was reading another board (the things we resort to when we can't sleep) and someone brought up this filming spoiler from awhile back (well only a month ago, though it feels like so long):

First there was a scene filmed at the town line, it was just Elizabeth Mitchell and we couldn’t see anything. We just know that it was her at the town line. (yes I got a picture with the Storybrooke sign)


Next was at Regina’s vault. We saw Jmo and Georgina walking fast towards the vault, Jmo threw a rock at the door and tried magic afterwards. Didn’t work. After a few times it worked and they went into the vault.


After that they shot a scene where Jmo and George ran out of the vault, looking at their hands. Though we’re not sure if it was part of the scene or not, they were lauging a lot. It looked kind of like they pulled a prank on Regina and were running away from that.


And then the last scene we saw was just Lana, sort of running out of her vault in Evil Queen clothes (not young Regina) screaming  ”Run as hard as you can miss Swan, but I’m coming for youuuuuuu!” She was furious! But at the same time, she was having a lot of fun and it looked kinda of comedic.


So what we think is going on, we think this scene at Regina’s vault might be one of the DVD extra’s. As in Goodmorning Storybrooke. These scene’s were short, and it only took them about 3 takes to film each of them.


I think at the time we also assumed it was an extra/ad. But given we know Regina will be back in her Evil Queen outfit in 4.10, and that Emma does visit her, and that that episode has a comedic bent, perhaps not?

Another script tease!


Unless this safe place is as small as a cupboard under the stairs, I'm going to be side-eyeing Belle if she doesn't ask about keeping the others safe or questioning why Rumple doesn't save everyone else.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Another script tease!


Unless this safe place is as small as a cupboard under the stairs, I'm going to be side-eyeing Belle if she doesn't ask about keeping the others safe or questioning why Rumple doesn't save everyone else.

Geez. How convenient. This curse doesn't seem very threatening at all. I really wanted to see Rumpbelle go at it. I guess Rumple was just desperate not to let Belle talk about the fake dagger.


I'm really hoping there's some lasting consequences to this spell. Something along the lines of Robin seeing Regina's true colors or Evil Belle uncovering evidence of the dagger lie. (If she escapes the protected area for some reason.)

Edited by KingOfHearts

Script tease:




Regina: "We don't have a couple hours. Have you guys not been watching the clock? It'll be sundown before you munchkins finish."


Leroy: "Dwarfs, sister."


Wow. Adam has had a script tease addiction this week!


(Once again this show is recycling jokes... sigh. Between this one and the "wicked witch nanny" jokes, 3B just won't die already.)

Edited by KingOfHearts

So, I think Hook will be immune to the Shattered Sight spell because he doesn't have his heart.  Rumple figured he would be immune and I wouldn't be surprised to see that it has a loophole that it only affects people who have hearts.  We know that Hook goes after Henry and Henry has a trap set with marbles.  We also know that Regina sealed off that entrance, so Hook must have some kind of magical help to get past the entrance.

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Even if Hook isn't immune to the spell, Rumple still has his heart which means he's still a puppet.  He could be raging against the machine and Rumple can still say "go get my grandson and don't do anything to hurt him just bring him back here".  I think both scenarios are plausible, either way I think Killian will have an interesting roll to play in the next ep.

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It's probably not surprising that Robin didn't blink when Regina said she was locking herself up in her vault w/Marian's heart, oh wait, she left that detail out.  I suspect the writers have forgotten that detail too.


Regina gets out next week because Emma and Elsa go to check on her, we know that Regina tries to kill Emma with fireballs but she gets away, thus releasing EQ on everyone.


DQ didn't think this through very well.  Elsa and Emma will spend their time helping their friends and family not making a fake one with her.  At least Anna will get to tag along!

Edited by scenicbyway
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The actress who plays Blue tweeted a set photo during 4.12 filming, so I assume whoever is in the hat is out by then. I'm interested in how this comes about. So, far, Hook is the only one aware of it, but he is presumably more interested in saving his own arse than actually rescuing those inside. Everyone else is presumably pretty busy with the curse. I wonder if Belle or Henry gets wind of the hat next episode?

So, far, Hook is the only one aware of it, but he is presumably more interested in saving his own arse than actually rescuing those inside.


Why would you say that? I don't think he's really had much of a chance to rescue any of the people inside the hat, and he seems resigned to his fate of death. Since Rumple has control over him, I think anything Hook does is controlled by Rumple.


I still think the message in the bottle is going to tell how to defeat the Snow Queen. Elsa's parents were on a trip to "cure" Elsa of her magic, so whatever they found out could also be used to "cure" DQ. I have no idea how the magic hat fits in, but at some point Rumple's plan gets foiled. I just hope Emma and Hook are the one do it.

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Maybe taking DQ's powers from her is a worst fate since she hates those ordinaries so much!


I'm hoping that the whole curse takes less than half the show.  I mean Anna was cured from it after she yelled at Elsa and put her in the urn.  So if everyone is going after everyone the way Anna went after Elsa, maybe all they need to do is you know, yell at each other, get it out in the open, then they'll be cured or something.


This show is never consistent, so I don't even know why I'm overthinking this.  But please, no more than 30 mins of the curse because there's so much I can take with the dwarves fighting and Granny walking around with her crossbow or Archie screaming at Pongo that he needs to learn to use a toilet like people or whatever...

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Why would you say that? I don't think he's really had much of a chance to rescue any of the people inside the hat, and he seems resigned to his fate of death. Since Rumple has control over him, I think anything Hook does is controlled by Rumple.

Well I think he's more likely to be focused on his loved ones and himself than the apprentice and the fairies. If a chance presented itself to save them, yes he would probably take it, but I'm not sure he's actively looking for one. I think most likely he will attempt to sacrifice himself to save the town.

I'm starting to wonder if there will be a new spell or curse on the town leading into the next half season arc because the relaxed and happy scenes with Hook and Emma seem pretty incongruous to what we're seeing now. He's clearly traumatized by what he's being put through, and even if he's saved and Rumple's scheme is stopped, I can't imagine him getting back to relaxed and happy anytime soon. Even if he knows he didn't choose to do those things, it seems like he feels horrible about it. Not that I necessarily want a lot of dark, brooding Hook, but a bit of PTSD would be natural, given what he's going through. Unless he's maybe putting on a brave front with Emma and trying to act normal.


I'm a little glad I'm spoiled about some of the direction of the next arc because if I'd just seen this episode while being totally unspoiled, I'd have decided that the next arc would involve Hook learning about Blackbeard having the Jolly Roger and then Hook and Emma (and maybe some of the others) going back with the Frozen gang to Arendelle to help them win back the kingdom from Hans and Blackbeard. Then I would have been totally disappointed when that wasn't even a part of the plot.

Well I think he's more likely to be focused on his loved ones and himself than the apprentice and the fairies. If a chance presented itself to save them, yes he would probably take it, but I'm not sure he's actively looking for one. I think most likely he will attempt to sacrifice himself to save the town.

And there by become a full-fledged hero in 411?


I think Hook is pretty much resigned to his fate at this point, that he will be dying.  I mean he's not even fighting for his life which is so un-Hook like.  The guy who prides himself in being a survivor has actually completely given up on himself which is sort of sad when you think about it.

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I was actually wondering if Rumple doesn't wipe Hook's memory a bit. I assume they want Rumple at least flying a little under the radar next half-season, which isn't so possible if everyone knows all the evil shit he has done recently, especially trying to hat Emma. I'm also assuming they want to keep Henry working in the store, because otherwise why did they introduce that plot at all?


I mean Anna was cured from it after she yelled at Elsa and put her in the urn.

She was cured because Elsa sacrificed herself and let herself be put in the urn instead of hurting Anna, the "act of true love" so to speak. I don't know if the cure for the entire town will be something contrived they pull out of their asses at the last minute (99% chance it will) or they'll go the more sappy route and have E&E sacrifice themselves by agreeing to go along with the DQ for the sake of the town or what. I can't get over the symbolism of E&E/Anna as Ingrid/Gerda/Helga though. They even made the Anna looks like her mom crack yesterday along with the Helga lookalike in Emma and Anna's now immune too. All meaningless? With these writers, wouldn't put it past them.


I'm convinced Rumple does succeed with his hat plan. What if having the most powerful magic of all actually means that he's in control of everyone that's been sucked into the hat and gets spit out when it's activated? He'd be the leader of the villains league or at least Cruella and Ursula as we saw from the filming pics.


I also thought it was Ursula that was the "mermaid" that saved Blackbeard, not Ariel and she's also the one that Hook traded his ship too. She's not a mermaid in Disney but Once already made her a goddess of the mermaids so it wouldn't be stretch to have her be a mermaid too.

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He'd have to kill Hook for that to happen though, so that's the thing. If Emma can save someone after their has been crushed, then the dead is dead rule means nothing any more. (I still haven't forgiven Snow for doing that.)


I think Hook will "die", though. Rumple's plan would have succeeded for Ursula and co. to be running around in Storybrooke, IMO. I'm sure there is clause for Hook to come back, just like there was with Rumple, Blue, Charming, etc..Maybe Hook's heart will take a hit from one of DQ's stray spell, thus cleaving Rumple from the power of the Dagger. The Hat is already powered up, thanks to all the fairies in it. And Emma can revive the Frozen heart by an act of True Love.

Edited by Rumsy4
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