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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Let me guess: the flashback will be about poor poor Ursula and the present-timeline Storybrooke parallel will be about poor poor Regina.

I'm really beginning to think Ursula is going to parallel Ariel in some way, like she'll go to her own witch or something. Then that witch will teach her magic so she can have revenge on Poseidon... no wait, this is Jafar. 

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That is the song from the little mermaid sung by Ursula talking about her victims.

This must be the episode that Hook gets cursed by the villain, right?  What will it be this time, the lips and heart have been done.  Perhaps she'll steal his eyeliner? Please don't touch the hair!

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This must be the episode that Hook gets cursed by the villain, right?  What will it be this time, the lips and heart have been done.  Perhaps she'll steal his eyeliner? Please don't touch the hair!

Or the scruff!

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New interview with A&E. Lots of answered (and unanswered) questions.





Will we get the story of Will Scarlet’s sister?
KITSIS: We did get it in Wonderland.

No we did not. We only found out she died on a frozen lake, and that was it.




Will Regina ever return the hearts that are in her vault?
KITSIS: Boy, I don’t know. If they’re still around.

Barf. What about all those glowing alive hearts in Cora's stuff?




Will we see Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Regina’s relationship grow due to them working together?
KITSIS: Absolutely.

Oh gosh. The Swan Queen shippers are having field day after field day.




Will Emma ever get to hear the message Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) left for her?
HOROWITZ: It was erased by Rumple.
KITSIS: I have a feeling that he’s acted it out for her.

That's horrible writing right there. That's just... no. Not saying she should see it now, but the fact they played that all out with no intention of doing anything with it is just poorly done. 


These interviews always bring me one step closer to dropping the show. Anything interesting, like Regina's hearts or Will's sister, is deprecated in favor of lame plot elements like Henry going to school. The decision making process is simply terrible, and I have no problem saying that.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I was going to post this same interview. This makes me so mad:


Will Emma ever get to hear the message Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) left for her?
HOROWITZ: It was erased by Rumple.
KITSIS: I have a feeling that he’s acted it out for her.

What's the point of that scene if she is never going to listen to it?



Will Hook seek revenge on Rumple?
KITSIS: Oh, yes.

This is also super stupid. I hope Rumple kills Hook so I can stop watching without feeling bad and Colin can go to work in something better.



Will we see Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Regina’s relationship grow due to them working together?
KITSIS: Absolutely.

More queer-baiting, yay! I'm pretty sure that before the season ends Emma is going to be living with Henry and Regina.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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I'm pretty sure that before the season ends Emma is going to be living with Henry and Regina.

You know, because of the budget!



I 100% expect Emma to move in with Regina and Henry, for no reason but to give the SQ fans something else. Pander, pander, pander. The budget excuse is 100% a lie and BS.


Then Regina can rage on Emma for leaving the coffee maker on. Comedy gold! /sarcasm

Edited by KingOfHearts
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The answer about the hearts in Regina's vault tells us all we need to know about Regina's redemption arc. What does Kitsis mean by "If they’re still around"? Kitsis gives random answers that make me question his writing skills. He once referred to Emma's "I choose Henry" moment after Dark Hollow, as "I choose me", which changes the whole perspective of the situation, and is unture to Emma's avoidant personality. I don't know why I bother...

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You know, because of the budget!


I 100% expect Emma to move in with Regina and Henry, for no reason but to give the SQ fans something else. Pander, pander, pander. The budget excuse is 100% a lie and BS.

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Ugh those two. *shakes fists* Both the tidbits about the voicemail and Hook getting revenge on Rumple piss me off. I swear the writers are just so clueless and have no idea what the majority of viewers want to see. The only way I'll be happy about Hook getting revenge is if it's by Hook befriending Belle. That might be some nice revenge, if Rumple strolls back into town and sees those two being all chummy. And if Hook does go all revenge-y, I just hope Emma is by his side and he doesn't keep any secrets from her.

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I can't imagine Hook being okay at all with what Rumple did to him.  He wouldn't be Hook if he was okay with it actually and I'm not expecting him to be passive or let bygones be bygones.  But the whole revenge seems like a been there done that type of thing.  I'm re-watching S3 right now, right after Neal's death where he's cautioning Emma about vengeance and how it brings nothing.  The only thing that will be changed is that he might have that dagger he's been wanting for so long, but then, it's another case of been there done that in Rumple's case where he was under Zelena's control last season.


Is someone different going to be in control of the dagger every half season?  Is Hook destined to be the guy who ends up seeking revenge every now and then? 

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Hook seeking revenge on Rumple (again) is stupid, and the proof (as if we needed another one) of the total incompetence of Adam and Eddy to find new storylines. They are just reusing the same stories again and again, making them a bit worse every time. Because this is going to be the blackmail 2.0: Hook has the dagger and thinks he has the upper hand this time so he goes against Rumple, but he outsmarts him quickly so Hook ends up being at Rumple's mercy, but, instead of killing him asap, he is going to spend a few episodes torturing him (probably by cursing a part of his body) and monologuing about how he is going to kill him until someone unexpected (but never Emma) saves Hook in the last minute. Emma's responde to all this would be to have some drinks with her new roommate Regina.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Seems a bit premature to getting angry over this Hook and Rumple thing given how little info we have. If Rumple is menacing the town and Hook has to fight against him anyway, I would totally expect him to sink the boot in.

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Seems a bit premature to getting angry over this Hook and Rumple thing given how little info we have. If Rumple is menacing the town and Hook has to fight against him anyway, I would totally expect him to sink the boot in.

Oh yeah!  For sure it's premature to get angry.  A&E are just so effin' arrogant though.


ETA - I can see him wanting revenge more for what Rumple tried to do to Emma than to what he did to him.  Hook didn't seem to care enough that Rumple took his hand as much as he cared what he did to Milah.  I'm assuming it will be the same thing when Rumple shows his face back in SB.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Seems a bit premature to getting angry over this Hook and Rumple thing given how little info we have. If Rumple is menacing the town and Hook has to fight against him anyway, I would totally expect him to sink the boot in.

Yeah, probably, but we are talking about Adam and Eddy here, with their love for reusing the same storylines again and again.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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I think everyone will be after the author including Hook.  The good guys want to get to him before the bad guys, so I'm assuming Hook will be pretty hell bent on making sure Rumple doesn't force the author to write/change anything regarding his happy ending.  I'm guessing Rumple's happy ending is being with Belle, being ultra powerful and separated from the dagger and a world without Hook.  

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Well my question then is what part does Emma play in Hook's revenge on Rumple. If she has time to run around in Operation Who Gives A Crap, she has time to pay attention to her boyfriend's struggle with a man who almost killed him. 


You mean, like she had time for shots with Regina but not time to be with her boyfriend who almost had his heart crushed in front of her?


Is there Chantix for giving up this show?

Edited by Souris
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Will we get the story of Will Scarlet’s sister?

KITSIS: We did get it in Wonderland.

No we did not. We only found out she died on a frozen lake, and that was it.


Seriously, we did not get her full story. But it totally makes sense that Adam & Eddy think we got the full story. They're the same writers who thought Emma and Hook finishing their season-long relationship arc with a 23-second scene that resolved nothing was an adequate resolution.


Will Emma ever get to hear the message Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) left for her?


HOROWITZ: It was erased by Rumple.

KITSIS: I have a feeling that he’s acted it out for her.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Yeah, that's all I got. 

Edited by Curio
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Come on, people, look at the bright side. We did get this:

It's just indication Henry is going to remain annoyingly useless. "Believing in magic" isn't close to helpful at this point. Any usefulness he had died at the end of S1. Now he's Wesley Crusher.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I don't think it's all dire--A&E's spoilers and hints are not always accurate. However, I will admit that I'm not really excited about 4B. The answer about the hearts, and the phone call made me the maddest. Oh well...

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Seriously, we did not get her full story. But it totally makes sense that Adam & Eddy think we got the full story. They're the same writers who thought Emma and Hook finishing their season-long relationship arc with a 23-second scene that resolved nothing was an adequate resolution.



(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Yeah, that's all I got. 


And this is what I got ,,I,,


I don't even get what they're trying to say about him acting it out for her.

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Looking at the EW spoilers...


I'm fuming about the idea of Regina and Emma becoming "closer" in 4b.  Two episodes ago they used Regina's unrivaled hate for Emma to break Ingrid's love bracelets.  Regina has stated how many times now, that she doesn't like Emma.  Emma has a boyfriend, Regina has a sort of boyfriend, I don't get why the writers continue to bait Swan Queen shippers, it's not fair to them.  I can't believe that ratings would drop that much for the writers to come out and say, Regina and Emma like men, they are heterosexuals.  They put to rest the Neal, Hook triangle nonsense, why not do that with the Regina mess.  How could Emma fall for her anyway?  She's single-handedly the person who destroyed her life up until age 28?  Ugh.  I'm sure A&E will find a way to make Emma move in with Regina and Henry, it's bigger than the hovel...


I'm not surprised we'll never see Emma get Hook's phone message.  I'm sure Eddy is "saying," by the time the show returns, Hook and Emma will have had many "quiet" moments together to "discuss" or have "coffee."  I expect from the filming pics we've seen that they will be firmly settled in their relationship.  I don't mind Hook wanting revenge on Rumple again, Hook needs a storyline and Rumple is a good foil.  We know Hook will fail, Rumple or one of the Queens of Darkness will blackmail/curse him and he'll be uncursed in the next to the last episode of the season and Emma won't care that he's just been cursed again, because that's what he does.  I think what was frustrating about the heart storyline, is that it seemed to be setting up something big for Hook and Emma, only to have it really just a minor part of Rumple's 4a arc.  Sure Emma thought something was wrong, but, if anything, it showed her feelings weren't "all" in yet to the point of getting on a horse and riding to him to save the day.  We've yet to see Emma actually prioritize Hook in a crisis.


As for Will, who cares.  The cast is too big as it is, combining that with 3 new villians, I don't know how they'll accomplish anything in the next 11 episodes.  Granted they usually spend 6 of them wandering in circles until Regina or Rumple or Anna pops in with the clue to solve everything.  I didn't see Wonderland, but have read a bit about his part in it from the boards.  How anyone could understand what he's up to or who he even is, if you haven't seen Wonderland is beyond me.  I do hope that he and Emilie make less than everyone else in the main cast, they certainly have a much lighter work load.

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I think what was frustrating about the heart storyline, is that it seemed to be setting up something big for Hook and Emma, only to have it really just a minor part of Rumple's 4a arc.  Sure Emma thought something was wrong, but, if anything, it showed her feelings weren't "all" in yet to the point of getting on a horse and riding to him to save the day.  We've yet to see Emma actually prioritize Hook in a crisis.

I'm going to take my answer to this to the writers thread.

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This is the part that makes my skin crawl:

Should the fans still have hope for RumBelle’s happy ending?
KITSIS: Yes, they should have hope because this is a show about hope. The minute you lose hope, then nothing will happen.


Unless by "happy ending" they mean Belle becoming an independent woman who's learned that she can't tame the bad boy with the force of her love, then I think this is one area where I would be willing to give up hope. There has to come a time when a relationship is damaged beyond repair, when the lies, deception, and evil are too much, and Rumple has crossed that line. Having hope of them getting back together seems to me more depressing than giving up and moving on.


I can't imagine Hook being okay at all with what Rumple did to him.  He wouldn't be Hook if he was okay with it actually and I'm not expecting him to be passive or let bygones be bygones.  But the whole revenge seems like a been there done that type of thing.

There's a difference between "revenge" and "justice," and this show hasn't been good about that. Basically, if your target is a title credits characters whose name begins with "R" (or who is related to one of those people), then going after the person who wronged you is bad because it's revenge. If your target is the guest villain, then it's justice. I would hope Hook has learned enough to know that going after Rumple just to make him suffer is bad for himself, but I could see Hook considering Rumple to be a threat who needs to be eliminated, not just for himself but for the safety of Emma, Belle, and everyone else in town. I could also see Hook becoming very concerned about Belle because look what Rumple did to Milah when she just left him. Belle foiled his evil scheme, kicked him out and stripped him of his powers. As traumatized as Hook was by what Rumple did to Milah, he might become hyper-vigilant about not letting that happen again. Hook might be tempted by the idea of revenge, but it would be really nice if we got to see that he'd actually learned something and didn't go down that path even as he worked to protect others from Rumple.

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Should the fans still have hope for RumBelle’s happy ending?

KITSIS: Yes, they should have hope because this is a show about hope. The minute you lose hope, then nothing will happen.

These writers obviously don't know what "hope" is. Regina can "hope" to kill everyone and get Henry for herself, but that doesn't mean it'll happen. Likewise, a relationship as destructive and wrong as Rumpbelle is nothing something true hope incubates. It's about trusting that good things will transpire, and those two reuniting would be the exact opposite of what you'd call a happy ending. 


Romances are NOT the only way to obtain happiness!

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Why do I get the feeling that all of the 'Maybe', 'Can't say', and 'Don't know' answers are really code for 'The script fairies haven't written that far yet'? At least they're not answering with the classic 'I hope so'.



Any chance the Frozen sisters will ever return?

HOROWITZ: Never say never.

Anna saves the day at the last minute again, perhaps? Although it probably really means that Disney only let them have Frozen for 11/12 episodes and they haven't asked for more.

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I'm fine with Killy getting revenge on Rumple as long as it's something like becoming besties with Belle (the ultimate revenge) or thwarting Rumple's plans (so like what everyone is trying to do, but maybe he'll put in a lot more effort). I'll even take him struggling with wanting revenge and trying to do the right thing. Anything, as long as he doesn't suddenly revert back to S2 Hook and start chasing Rumple around like someone whose gone bananas. Also, didn't Killy tell Emma revenge was not the answer back when Nealfire was offed? So maybe we will end up seeing Killy struggle.

Glad that Henry won't have magic. That is something he does not need.

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Glad that Henry won't have magic. That is something he does not need.


I wonder if that's not something they dropped.  I was getting magic vibes from the pre-season interviews and the whole Henry, darkness and light given his lineage which made zero sense.

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I wonder if that's not something they dropped.  I was getting magic vibes from the pre-season interviews and the whole Henry, darkness and light given his lineage which made zero sense.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that whole "Henry will have to wrestle with his dark and light side" thing. I wonder where they were headed with that, though I'm glad they dropped it.

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Glad that Henry won't have magic. That is something he does not need.

On the contrary, I believe the exact opposite. His character desperately needs new ground to walk on. He needs usefulness. Believing in magic is incredibly worthless at this point. Surely being influenced by both light and dark mentors has to be of some interest.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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If Rumple is powerless, it would give Hook a real chance to actually get his revenge. OTOH, I agree with whoever said up-thread that the writers don't seem to know the difference between revenge and justice (at least in certain cases). I'm totes on board with Hook playing a part in defeating Big Bad Rumple.

The first time around, Hook was hanging out with Cora and so narrowly focused on vengeance that he lost sight of the bigger picture. This time, he's been hanging out with Emma and Snowing, and (I hope) is now focused on protecting the people in his circle. Sticking it to Rumple is just gravy. 

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I had to visit the spoiler thread again after reading that "Once Upon a Time Bosses answers Burning Questions" interview.




KITSIS: But we have seen that you can find Storybrooke if you have the right utensils


Season premiere: Rumple and Ursula find the magic spoon that feeds you any answer you ask it.  For them, magic will have no price.




Will we see Ursula’s moray eels?  KITSIS: Don’t know.



Translation: What the hell?  There were eels in that movie?  Did you expect that we re-watched The Little Mermaid as research or something?




Will Hook seek revenge on Rumple?  KITSIS: Oh, yes.


Yay.  Repeat storylines just never get old.




Should the fans still have hope for RumBelle’s happy ending?  KITSIS: Yes, they should have hope because this is a show about hope. The minute you lose hope, then nothing will happen.


I'm pretty sure nothing happens on this show even if you have hope.

Edited by Camera One
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They seriously can't handle ANOTHER "hero" being able to do stuff with magic.  They already fulfil that quota with Emma, whereby you never know if she will be able to accomplish the task or not, since it depends on which day of the week it is.  It provides all the more reason for all the heroes to go begging to Regina or Gold or the Villain-of-the-Month (where they get tempted by evil) to get anything accomplished.


I'm guessing that Snow got her kingdom back by making a deal with Maleficient where Snow agreed not to interfere with her plans to put Aurora in a Sleeping Curse if Maleficient would tell her Regina's secret location.  Meanwhile, Charming agreed to give all the dogs in the kingdom to Cruella so Charming could get the magic Furry Pelt that he likes to wear around his neck which keeps him from reverting back to his cowardly old self.  


And Ursula became evil because Granny ate a baby octopus for dinner.

Edited by Camera One
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They never said Henry won't have magic or use magic. They said he won't learn it. And they repeated it in such a way that I read it as saying he definitely will use magic or innately be have magic. Repeating the question is a sure sign of something afoot there.

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Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that whole "Henry will have to wrestle with his dark and light side" thing. I wonder where they were headed with that, though I'm glad they dropped it.

Didn't we see it with the Shattered Sight spell...the marbles on the floor the "dirty pirate" remark, he's as dark as Charming and his "ice boy" comment. **rolls eyes**

Edited by scenicbyway
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I don't want to see Jared running around with jazz hands like the rest of them.

That's not the point, though. Could you imagine an adult Henry being the Sorcerer? Or him going dark like his dad and grandad? The last thing we need is another random hero having magic. I'm thinking a little bigger than that.

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Well my question then is what part does Emma play in Hook's revenge on Rumple. If she has time to run around in Operation Who Gives A Crap, she has time to pay attention to her boyfriend's struggle with a man who almost killed him. 

But that would mean she'd have to prioritize Hook, that's not going to happen until she's "all in" with him and then just maybe once or twice.  It seems like the crisis of the half season always takes precedence over what ever curse Hook's been placed under.  The audience can't see her saving him more than maybe once or twice.

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