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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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i wonder if you have to 'die' to leave the UW...like when you dream you are falling and you wake up...or a weird sort of twist like on that. Maybe they are gathering their courage to jump..?


Edited by PixiePaws1
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It's curious that Hades crushes a flower in an episode with Gaston, the guy who died after being turned into a flower. I want to know more about Hades.


That coat is not hiding Emilie's pregnancy at all. The photos where she's got her arms spread wide accentuate the bump to the extreme. I hope that wasn't part of the filming. If it is, Belle's totally carrying Baby Milah (that's the most inappropriate name I can think of for Rumbelle's baby, so I'm going with it). Belle's face does look upset at the whole Rumpel catching the arrow move, so maybe that's when all is revealed and the hug is pre-Dark One reveal. One can only hope.

Edited by KAOS Agent
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Notice in this pic that the clock has moved to almost 8:30. I feel like there probably is some reason why the clock is moving -- but slowly. Perhaps this is what Hook & Emma are looking down at. Perhaps 8:30 or 8:45 is their “deadline” to get Hook or them all out of the UW. Coming up against the deadline would certainly make Emma worried and sad. And it makes sense they’d then run off to accomplish something….

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Such a ridiculous title, I hope there's some sarcasm behind it.

Her Handsome Hero is the title of the book Belle was reading in the opening scene of Skin Deep. It also makes appearances in Lacey and Family Business. The book title neatly sums up Belle's immature and unrealistic ideas about love and romance. It is fitting that the Belle episode in which Gaston returns should be called that.

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Such a ridiculous title, I hope there's some sarcasm behind it.


Her Handsome Hero is the title of the book Belle was reading in the opening scene of Skin Deep. It also makes appearances in Lacey and Family Business. The book title neatly sums up Belle's immature and unrealistic ideas about love and romance. It is fitting that the Belle episode in which Gaston returns should be called that.


Apparently, Belle's mom used to read it to her (X).


I guess Belle's romantic ideas get disillusioned when she meets Gaston. So she falls in love with the "beast" instead. Maybe they'll parallel it with the present day to show that whether handsome or hideous, Belle always falls for the wrong guy. :-p

Edited by Rumsy4
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Apparently, Belle's mom used to read it to her (X).


I guess Belle's romantic ideas get disillusioned when she meets Gaston. So she falls in love with the "beast" instead. Maybe they'll parallel it with the present day to show that whether handsome or hideous, Belle always falls for the wring guy. :-p

Yes, Colette gave that book to Belle. It was mentioned in Family Business.


Belle still very much clings to all her silly school girl notions about love. They have been very consistent in her characterization on this point. That is the reason behind Belle always walking out on Rumple whenever he didn't "choose" her or change for her or fight for her or be her knight in shining armor or whatever other silliness she expected from him. Belle is about the same age as Snow but she is emotionally still a spoiled, self-absorbed teenager, all her big talk about being a hero and helping people notwithstanding.


Maybe Belle will finally grow up and recognize that she needs to learn to accept and love Rumple the way he is and give up on the idealized storybook version of Rumple.that she wants him to be. Then she can die a tragic death in childbirth. I would be fine with that resolution to her story line.

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Re: Hades' turning the flower to dust. Could it be that flowers aren't supposed to grow in the UW, so Hades finding one means that Emma's presence is changing the place?


Yeah, that's pretty much what I've been thinking myself, that flowers blooming in the Underworld is not something that's supposed to happen, and that's why he reduces it to dust.


I also have to wonder how long a person that's alive can survive somewhere no one is alive. Maybe that's what the clock is all about.

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I've seen some speculation that Emma's thick coat is part of her costume and not just something JMo is wearing for the run through. If so, it's the thickest coat we've ever seen Emma wear, she didn't even wear something that thick when there was snow everywhere. I can only conclude that hell has frozen over. 

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Outside of her centric, it seems really light on Regina spoilers.  IS this possible?


I like the flower to dust spec - it's very Aslan and Persephone-esque.


Are these the first pictures we have of Colin and Jen filming together?  Is this the reunion episode or did that happen previously?

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I think 5x13 is more a Snow centric than a Regina centric. 


And the CS reunion probably happens as early as 5x12. We know they're together in 5x15, and I think Leaf Lady posted something about being on set with them in 5x14 if I'm not mistaken.

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In spite of the "OnceUponaHook" whining, it does seem like most of the spoilers are pretty Hook-light. There were pics of the Brothers Jones episode, the recent pics in the cemetery, and now these latest ones, but that's about it. So either he's doing a ton of studio filming or Hook is a human McGuffin for this arc, a reason for them to get to a place where other things happen.


And, yeah, it doesn't seem like we've seen much Regina, either, or else she's indoors a lot.


Really, in spite of looking at all the spoilers, I have no idea what the hell is going to happen in this arc, but then I said that about the last one and we ended up figuring it out. It helps if pivotal stuff comes out in filming that happens once episodes start airing. Once we see the first couple of episodes, the info from previous spoilers usually clicks into place, and then they'll film something for the conclusion that gives it all away.

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I've seen some speculation that Emma's thick coat is part of her costume and not just something JMo is wearing for the run through. If so, it's the thickest coat we've ever seen Emma wear, she didn't even wear something that thick when there was snow everywhere. I can only conclude that hell has frozen over. 


The passing of time in the UW denoted by the clock could span months. Maybe it is winter in Hell, and when Snowing return Baby Snowflake is going to be crawling about. Tragic. but it would be just like A&E to make Snowing go through more baby angst. Then they'll have baby Rerun to make up for all they missed with their first two.

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I've seen some speculation that Emma's thick coat is part of her costume and not just something JMo is wearing for the run through. If so, it's the thickest coat we've ever seen Emma wear, she didn't even wear something that thick when there was snow everywhere. I can only conclude that hell has frozen over.

Maybe Zelena broke Hades' heart so no more flowers and sunshine....
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And, yeah, it doesn't seem like we've seen much Regina, either, or else she's indoors a lot.

A&E said we would be seeing the Evil Queen a lot more this arc. I bet she's in a flashback early on and that's all they knew at the time. Usually they harp on certain elements they claim will be important, but in reality it's only the content of the first few episodes.


Maybe Zelena broke Hades' heart so no more flowers and sunshine....

Kudos if the flower is a poppy.



I'm actually excited that the Belle centric actually looks to be about her, and not about character #3,998. Now give me character growth.

Yeah, I'm really excited about Gaston because he actually adds to Belle story. It's not some random fairy tale matchup like Ariel, Anna or Merida. I'm hoping and praying he's around for more than one episode.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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A&E said we would be seeing the Evil Queen a lot more this arc. I bet she's in a flashback early on and that's all they knew at the time. Usually they harp on certain elements they claim will be important, but in reality it's only the content of the first few episodes.


I think the spring premiere is Regina-heavy and Cora has been spotted outside of that episode. Jane wrote "Devil's Due" which seems to be Rumpel-centric with Milah's return, but Jane also writes Regina/Cora stuff, so it's possible that there is a Regina heavy B-plot.  Colin & Jen weren't in town to film for 5.16, so surely Robin/Regina are the regulars featured in the Underworld portion of that ep considering it involves Zelena & Pistachio. I think with so much filming going on indoors, it's hard to tell how much anyone is filming. There's supposedly multiple episodes with Cruella, but all we know about is some car chase scene. 

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Really, in spite of looking at all the spoilers, I have no idea what the hell is going to happen in this arc, but then I said that about the last one and we ended up figuring it out. It helps if pivotal stuff comes out in filming that happens once episodes start airing. Once we see the first couple of episodes, the info from previous spoilers usually clicks into place, and then they'll film something for the conclusion that gives it all away.


Based on the spoilers, it sounds like it's all over the place.  The rescue itself seems to be dealt with quickly and then we have characters splintered off in their own subplots: Hercules/Hades, Zelena/Dorothy/Hades, Rumple/Belle/Gaston, minor characters and their 'closure', etc.


Usually an arc would have more focus on the new characters, here it seems more spread out based on what we know so far.

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Could the white flower Hades is holding have anything to do with this?

Is Zelena going to sing about how she won't say she's in love?


I actually do like the idea of Zelena/Hades. Zades is probably the decided ship name, but I like Helena too because it also sounds like "hell".

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Where the hell is David?

Didn't we see him in line for the phone booth?


Have we seen Robin? Considering he left behind his day-old infant to go on this quest, I'd hope he does something of substance to justify his presence. If all he does is stand around and give Regina pep talks and the quest would have succeeded without him, he'll have missed some key bonding with his daughter for nothing.

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The last of Robin are with Regina and Belle near Zelena's farm house (probably in the UW) for episode 5x16.


We haven't seen Rumple since I wanna say 5x14 in those BTS with Milah, and Emma. I don't think we can really judge right now because they've been doing so much in studio stuff.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Probably wrong but I am getting the impression that each of those that go to the UW are getting either sent home one by one via different gateways.....or they fail whatever 'test' Hades throws at them by the time the clock reaches a particular time interval and he 'stores' them somewhere until only Emma and Rumple are left. Always darkest before the light, right? So i am thinking when all looks like they're out of options and Emma will lose Killian and everyone for good....plot device (maybeTLK to end alll TLKs) and....voila. .all good....until they get home and Arthur has taken over SB

Edited by PixiePaws1
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“We don’t want to spoil anything, but… wouldn’t it be weird if she met Emma? She and Emma might be an awkward meeting.”


Okay, awkward meeting between Emma and Milah then.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Knowing these writers, the scene will probably be played for a quick laugh, only lasting 30 seconds at most. There will be no reaction from Emma about how it was Rumple who crushed Milah's heart and killed her in front of Hook, and Emma will only be allowed to say nice things about Neal in front of Milah with no mention of the fact that Milah's son left her in jail and is part of the reason why she had to give Henry up for adoption. 

Edited by Curio
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Knowing these writers, the scene will probably be played for a quick laugh, only lasting 30 seconds at most. There will be no reaction from Emma about how it was Rumple who crushed Milah's heart and killed her in front of Hook, and Emma will only be allowed to say nice things about Neal in front of Milah with no mention of the fact that Milah's son left her in jail and is part of the reason why she had to give Henry up for adoption. 


This shit is always played for giggles. Then Emma gets to tell Hook she met his ex, and he gets to scratch his ear awkwardly.


What this tells me from what Eddie said in that thing is that it doesn't sound like Milah has encountered Neal because she doesn't know a single thing about the warped family tree she helped spawn.

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What this tells me from what Eddie said in that thing is that it doesn't sound like Milah has encountered Neal because she doesn't know a single thing about the warped family tree she helped spawn.

But it would be weird if Rumple hadn't since he's been confirmed to have been in the Underworld before. Maybe he was too scared to approach her, but I would think his arrival would be difficult to keep a secret. I'm sure she would have sniffed him out like a bloodhound.

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Could the white flower Hades is holding have anything to do with this?



I haven't seen the movie. Is there a particular significance to that flower?


Probably wrong but I am getting the impression that each of those that go to the UW are getting either sent home one by one via different gateways.....or they fail whatever 'test' Hades throws at them by the time the clock reaches a particular time interval and he 'stores' them somewhere until only Emma and Rumple are left. Always darkest before the light, right? So i am thinking when all looks like they're out of options and Emma will lose Killian and everyone for good....plot device (maybeTLK to end alll TLKs) and....voila. .all good....until they get home and Arthur has taken over SB


Interesting! Though that would suck for the actors and fans of those characters who get "stored." 

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I haven't seen the movie. Is there a particular significance to that flower?

Not particularly. Megara holds it through a music number, but I don't believe it's seen after that. She sings about how she has had a relationship in the past, got hurt from it, and doesn't want to open herself up to love again. It's basically her denying her own feelings for Hercules then gradually accepting them through the song. As far as her ex goes, she sold her soul to Hades to save his life, only to have him run off and leave her. Her story reminds me a lot of Emma with Neal and Hook. But I could see how the writers might mirror it with Zelena and Hades somehow.


until they get home and Arthur has taken over SB

Haha, that would be funny. It would probably be solved in 5 minutes though.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Does anyone else feel like the spoilers have sucked this hiatus?  5.17, they are still in the "Underworld."  Which means they are probably walking around in circles again.  Zelena and Belle have somehow gotten there and Belle is obviously preggo.  Charming hasn't been seen for a few episodes.  It's possible that Baby Snowflake has grown up without his parents just like his sister.  Captain Swan--which the whole reason to go to the Underworld was to "Save Hook" barely seen or mentioned, I mean Colin had enough time to go shoot a small part in a movie.  I can't remember the last time we heard anything about Regina, Robin, or Henry.  I just feel like we've had more information in other hiatus' and this one has been fairly bleak.

Also with MRJ back in Vancouver, I mean, if they go the Neal route again, I may have to quit watching.

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Good luck getting Merida back with that Twitter tantrum the actress had after the finale. That makes me lean towards the idea that they're just dropping Camelot and never told actors they would be back later.

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They filmed for 5x11 everyone going back to Camelot. There were scenes with Arthur in shackles, Gwen, Merida, Violet, and her father being sent back by Henry and Regina. Liam Garrigan even brought donuts to the crew on set for his last day of filming.


As far as the Merida actress goes, dude, they gave you 2 episodes. So please...I hope she doesn't come back. That character was atrocious. I'm a feminist, and I wanted her to shut up already about everything she was saying. 


I think they're going to send them back to Camelot sometime in 5B. Liam Garrigan and Sinqua Walls are both going to be in Vanvouver for the Ouat Con at the start of March, so who knows.



Does anyone else feel like the spoilers have sucked this hiatus?  5.17, they are still in the "Underworld."  Which means they are probably walking around in circles again.  Zelena and Belle have somehow gotten there and Belle is obviously preggo.  Charming hasn't been seen for a few episodes.  It's possible that Baby Snowflake has grown up without his parents just like his sister.  Captain Swan--which the whole reason to go to the Underworld was to "Save Hook" barely seen or mentioned, I mean Colin had enough time to go shoot a small part in a movie.  I can't remember the last time we heard anything about Regina, Robin, or Henry.  I just feel like we've had more information in other hiatus' and this one has been fairly bleak.

Also with MRJ back in Vancouver, I mean, if they go the Neal route again, I may have to quit watching.


Colin knew in the summer he might be in the movie. I'm sure that the writing team worked around it so that he could do it. And he was in NYC for a week before he went back to Vancity. It's not like he was here for a month. There's still a few days left to 5x16 for when he and Jen went back. 


5B for me is very much on par with 5A. There was so much in studio filming that we just don't know what's going on at all. Plus the outdoor locations they chose for 5A weren't your usual Stanley Park, or wherever they would usually go, and people just seemed to be stumbling upon the sets. I remember the complaining before 5A started about how we had no clue what was going on with Hook, and CS, and here we are. Yeah, the spoilers are boring as hell, it's certainly not Emma turning into the Dark One at the end of 4B level of fuckery. I think they've gotten better at hiding whatever it is they wanna hide. 


About EdR's pregnancy, Emilie is pregnant, but we don't know how they're filming her, how they will be cutting, and so on. Hope springs eternal, and I'm hoping they're not writing this in.

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Jesus I hope they don't write a pregnancy for a naive woman and her douchelord of a husband. I'd hope that being pregnant is what wakes Belle up if that's the case. Other wise I hope that's the last thing on these writers minds.

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Yea, I'm hoping the pregnancy doesn't come into play. It looks like they're dressing her in a big enough coat that they may be able to get away with it. The benefits of winter filming!

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Does anyone else feel like the spoilers have sucked this hiatus?


That's how I felt last year with every single 4B spoiler. Whereas last year I knew I would hate just about every episode based on the spoilers we were getting (and that ended up being very true), this year, I'm more confused than annoyed by the spoilers. Maybe it's because I've been busier this winter hiatus and haven't been able to spend as much time analyzing the spoilers as last year, but for me, these 5B spoilers are lightyears ahead of 4B's spoilers. The 4B spoilers made me want to quit watching the show before the half season even began; but these 5B spoilers, while not the most exciting, at least have enough intrigue to make me want to tune in.

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Lbr, guys. Belle is most definitely pregnant. Belle has never been an effective leash to hold Rumple back. But a child might be enough incentive to keep Rumple toeing the line. That way, the writers can still dangle the carrot of redemption in front of Rumple fans.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Lbr, guys. Belle is most definitely pregnant. Belle has never been an effective leash to hold Rumple back. But a child might be enough incentive to keep Rumple toeing the line. That way, the writers can still dangle the carrot of redemption in front of Rumple fans.


More reasons for Belle to leave Rumple high and dry. I think Rumple is way past redemption. If they had handled the consequences of what Zelena did to him better (and really, they did nothing with that), I think the character has fallen too far down the rabbit hole at this point, and if he needs a baby to keep him in check, then just so much no to that.


What is it about needing a baby to redeem the characters anyway? 

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OK, here's the insane idea my sleeping brain came up with overnight. I woke up going "WTF??"


Given MRJ being in Vancouver, we know he is almost definitely filming. So they run into him in the UW, and of course Rumple wants to bring him back, but by this point his body is worm chow because nobody thought to do a preservation spell on it, so they can't just stick his soul back there. But Belle is pregnant! How handy. So they put his soul into the baby, and Rumple gets a do-over with Bae. (I'm sure they'd ignore anything about um, hey, what happened to the baby's soul.)


Massive blergh! I'll see myself out.

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But Belle is pregnant! How handy. So they put his soul into the baby, and Rumple gets a do-over with Bae. (I'm sure they'd ignore anything about um, hey, what happened to the baby's soul.)


If they write in the pregnancy, then so much no to this. The baby is as much Belle's as it is Rumple's, and I will pitch a fit if they ever do something like that. 


Plus, Bae goes back to being a baby, and how creepy is that? Henry's father is now reincarnated in the body of his aunt/uncle. 

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Plus, Bae goes back to being a baby, and how creepy is that? Henry's father is now reincarnated in the body of his aunt/uncle.

.....and the piece of crap that knocked up teen runaway Emma would be a baby. .....pass me a bucket...

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I'm forever laughing at people that somehow think that there would be conflict on who to bring back Hook or Neal. Umm let's see who are they going there for? Emma, for her happy ending.


She chose Hook over Neal. Yeah I'm sure Rumple wants to bring him back but Belle's pregnant so that's gonna be his way to move on fro Neal. Henry sure he'll want his dad back but since this is all for his mother he's gonna want his mothers happiness over his own.


Emma loves Hook, so it's a very simple choice. It's Emma's choice and she chose Hook, bottom line.


She did want Neal wanted her to do, find Tallahassee and he's not gonna take that away from her.

Edited by Hookian
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If they write in the pregnancy, then so much no to this. The baby is as much Belle's as it is Rumple's, and I will pitch a fit if they ever do something like that. 


Plus, Bae goes back to being a baby, and how creepy is that? Henry's father is now reincarnated in the body of his aunt/uncle.

Yes, it's a truly horrible thought. I hope they won't do something so gross. My mind comes up with weird stuff while sleeping.

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