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My Five Wives - General Discussion

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No matter how they got to the point of bankruptcy, I still don't believe that when someone is already in a position of bankruptcy should that person  be thinking about bringing another child into the world. Kids are expensive. I have four of them. Fix your financial issues before you bring another child into a financial mess.

Nor should they run up $180K in credit card debt... conveniently (likely) on one of the wives or just Brady's cards.  How about an intervention before you rack up that much debt?  I think it's shady that they take out a $100K loan and THEN file bankruptcy. Or how about NOT taking a vacation when you're clearly in debt up to your ears?  I'm certain that all of this will be taken into consideration by the presiding judge.


They can't afford luxuries like no jobs, part time jobs, going to school, flowers and gifts, pregnancies, adoptions, sending a kid to Africa, tattoos, and the list goes on.


Those flowers were definitely $75 a piece.  The bouquets were huge and included roses.  Ridick.


Josh did say he saved his own $ for the Africa trip.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
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Edited to add:  I would love to be a part of the end of season interview with Taryn and ask them to explain how they justify not only the bankruptcy, but also using public dollars (foodstamps, welfare) to sustain this lifestyle.  This is the public's main issue, not how many women are willing to share you - dumbass.  If you cannot afford more than one wife, or more than 2 or 3 kids, don't have them!!  Very simple, people.  It's called common sense, and there seems to be a lack of it in both this family and the Brown family.

Amen!  Tamron is way too easy on the Browns and the Williamses.  They should not call the reunion specials "Tell All" because they usually tell nothing we don't already know.

Brady's a nut for freaking out about his daughter's non-date, but if these women were truly sister wives then Rosemary wouldn't be jealous when he waits for her to get home from said non-date. She would be glad that he is such an involved father.

Was it really necessary for Brady to hang out with Paulie on Rosemary's night until his daughter came home from her (not really a) date?  I'm sure if the daughter showed up late, Brady could have addressed it the following day.  Right?  Just another example of Paulie's manipulation and passive aggressiveness... or maybe Brady's way of getting out of spending time with Rosemary.

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Her Mom had every right to say she wanted to talk to the boy's parents.  In this day and age you can't just send your kid willy-nilly off into the night.  If I were the boy's parent I'd have no problem with her parents calling to introduce themselves and ask particulars.  When your kid says,"I don't want you doing that" then all the more reason to do it.

I would have certainly been on the horn with the boy's family.  You truly have no idea what your kids are up to these days.  It's very scary... and I say that because my parents never had A CLUE about the shit I was up to at years 13-18!  I'm the same way with my step-daughter when I have the chance.  My husband and the SD's mom will let her leave the house with families they've never met and allow her to stay overnight.  I think that's crazy.


Brady is also an asshat for trying to make her leave a job that she loves, that gives her the adult connections she craves and the validations she wants outside of the home. I'm with Toaster Strudel about Brady- flaming, narcissist asshat.

I'm pretty sure Brady was playing up his sweet facade for the cameras.  He knows darn well that neither he nor Rhonda want her to quit, but he needs to play the compassionate husband for the cameras.  Just like when he said he would make up for Robin's anniversary and then he did nothing.


The preview with everyone standing over Rhonda, praying and weeping.  Brady had to compose himself...  Drama much?


What a bunch of melodramatic bullshit.  Brady is a faker.  Even if he was crying, couldn't he just continue without taking a cry/compose myself crybaby break?  Pu-leazzze.  She wasn't on her deathbed for God's sake.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
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I too got the weird feeling when Nonie was say "sex" "sex" "sex" in every reference to having a baby and offending her sister wives.  It gave me the impression that they don't usually "engage in sex" unless they are trying for a baby.  Maybe that is the "understanding" among the sisterwives?  Otherwise how would it be offensive?  I mean I would think that EVERY night your husband is sleeping with another woman would make you think of that.  Or is that just me?

IMO, they ARE having sex, but they are just as hesitant to admit THAT as they are to admit using birth control.  Catholics are also supposed to abstain if not trying for a child.  Brady gets banged every single night... no doubt about it.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz

Forget crazy Nonie--this week was Robyn's turn to go off the rails! Eventually I think I understood what she was saying...she wanted Brady to think of her and what she liked, then go get it. She didn't just want him to say "Rings are the new thing, here is your ring" in some automatic way (and then forget to do even that!) My husband watched the show with me and never got what she was trying to say. I tried to explain it minus the hysterics, and he still thought it was convoluted. I wonder if Brady ever figured it out , really.

Brady is class A douche.  What a dick.


It was driving me crazy the way Rosemary said "reenG" with a hard G.  It's RING.  Learn English.

Throwing away paper and plastic for thirty people every.single.night just makes me cringe. They better recycle.

With 24 kids, you would think they would already have a schedule in place for who does clean-up every night (the kids of the mom who cooked the previous night cleans up the next night, for example).

I would probably do the paper plate and plastic utensils thing, too, if I had a house with 30 plus people who ate 3 meals plus snacks everyday.  Otherwise their water bill would be sky high from washing all of the dishes and they would never stop running the dishwasher.  Maybe saving water outweighs the solid waste.  If one of the girls had done the dishes, would the family have fawned over her as they did Prince Josh?

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IMO, they ARE having sex, but they are just as hesitant to admit THAT as they are to admit using birth control.  Catholics are also supposed to abstain if not trying for a child.  Brady gets banged every single night... no doubt about it.


But how does he keep up that pace?  Most middle-aged men would be slowing down.  Got to be lots of Viagra to perform night after night.  The pressure must be enormous because you just know those chicks would cry if he doesn't romance them up on their one night a week with him.

Edited by technorebel

Catholics are also supposed to abstain if not trying for a child.


I don't think any of the Catholics that I know have been made aware of that.  :)


I think the wives mostly like to keep their heads in the sand and try to pretend that no relations are going on except theirs.  I think that's why babies are so important to them and hit the other wives so hard as it's visible proof of what's happening. 

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I'm super confused by this "safe talk" bullshit. Why does it need to have a stupid name? Isn't it just a "talk"? What makes it "safe"? Just talk about shit.

It was supposed to be a way for the wives to talk to each other without hurt feelings, rather than one wife telling Brady something and then HE discusses the issue with the relevant wife. I mean, the wife doing the shopping for the holiday dinner had to ask Brady to get the grocery requests from the other wives, instead of simply texting them and asking herself.

Apparently, this is the way that polygamous families communicate with each other. Sisterwives, indeed. Only if it's a group of sisters that can't speak to each other about minor details of living without somebody having a breakdown. I can't remember what episode it was in, but Paulie went to talk to Nonie just to ask her if she wanted Paulie to pay a certain bill. So, bookkeeping, right? Nonie had a screaming breakdown.


Well, it only took them five minutes to start the crying. Welcome back to the wonderful world of polygamy!


I thought I saw a wife wiping eye goobers a la Robyn Brown. Please, no.


No mention of the bankruptcy and yet Brady and Robyn go shopping for a wedding ring. And it looks like the usual formula for the rest of the season- road trips, jealousy, baby talk, crying and medical drama. Don't know if it will hold my attention this season.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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Yeah, this was pretty boring.  The wives' jealousy was so very apparent, but how could they not be jealous?  I know they are in this situation voluntarily, but I still feel sorry for them.


I hope the college-age girls are able to move out.


Loved the one little' girl's facial expression eating that nasty looking cake at the camping trip.  Was that the only celebration they had for 3 of their kids graduating?  Pretty lame.

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These women just have no personalities unless they're in tears and they cry over nothing. I'll still watch just for the snark value. I'm already tired of the "love you"s when anyone leaves the room. I wonder if the mailman says "love you" when he drops the mail off & leaves? At least Kody Brown's family all have personalities and they don't talk so low they need one of those spy mics that can pick up a flea fart. Brady's a lot creepier than Kody in my opinion. 

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I spent most of the episode summing up frivolous expenditures (horse and buggy, jewelry, tent) and running those numbers against the bankruptcy total.


But I was immediately sidetracked by the student housing rules. Guests can only use the bathroom in case of an emergency? What qualifies as an emergency? You'll definitely pee your pants before you can make it to the gas station two blocks away? A curfew for grown adults? WTF? If I was independently wealthy, I'd be offering those girls full ride scholarships to my University up here in Canada. Rules: please disconnect the fire alarm before hot boxing in your dorm room and if your friend passes out drunk, please turn him over onto his side so he doesn't choke on his vomit and die.


And props for the continuity on this show. I see the clinical depression is still there (all of them), as well as the personality disorder (Nonie).

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"There's always the thought that there's something wrong with me." Oh, Nonie...

You mean beyond being insane? And older than you were when you started popping out kids?

So much collective dysfunction and I'm only 15 minutes into this mess.

ETA: The "show my ring/date post-mortem" scene. Yikes.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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One thing I'll say for this bunch: they feel more "real" (meaning we see more of what life probably is like in their daily lives than the Browns). But it also makes for far more uncomfortable viewing. They certainly are failing if they're doing this to show me the wonders of their "lifestyle."

Sorry girlfriends, the jealousy, loneliness and deep unhappiness are screaming so loud I can't hear a word you say about the benefits of your large family.

  • Love 6

One thing I'll say for this bunch: they feel more "real" (meaning we see more of what life probably is like in their daily lives than the Browns). But it also makes for far more uncomfortable viewing. They certainly are failing if they're doing this to show me the wonders of their "lifestyle."

Sorry girlfriends, the jealousy, loneliness and deep unhappiness are screaming so loud I can't hear a word you say about the benefits of your large family.

This was such a depressing show!  If I took a drink every time someone started to cry, wiped a tear, held back crying, etc - I'd have been passed out before the end of the show.  They are ALL miserable.  And the soft talking is killin me.  Are they all really so timid that they cannot speak in a normal tone?  It's just crazy. 


As far as the "romantic gestures" ... if Robin fell for that bs dog and pony show, she is too gullible for words.  Absolutely ridiculous.

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Another thing that just irritates the crap out of me is Brady's complete insincerity in every single thing he says.  It's as though he has read a book or watched Dr Phil so that he knows the right things to say, but with absolutely NO sincerity.  And these women are so desperate for any attention whatsoever, they just lap it up.  So pathetic.

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The triplet thing didn't bother me too much.  I assume all three girls are very close in age and "triplets" was a pet family name for them.  One of my sons and his cousin were born just a week apart and we referred to them as the "twins" sometimes when they were little.  


I like that the older kids seem to see through the BS and don't want a polygamous life.  Good for them.

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I loved that the tent was essentially a "compound" tent, several (expensive) canvas tents connected together. Did you see the big inflatable mattresses inside too? Someone paid a lot of money for that camp out set-up.


I don't understand why they didn't address the bankruptcy in the first episode, considering it was just in the news cycle a short time ago. Apparently they had filed before the first season even aired. Now we are seeing them with new tents, new jewelry, still talking about adding at least two new kids to the family (one an adoption that will cost a lot of money) and continuing cancer-scare medical expenses. If they decide not to address the bankruptcy, there better not be one word out of their mouths about financial woes this season.

I like Rosemary the most of the 5 wives. I thought she seemed genuinely happy for Robin. The other three all seemed jealous of Robin's date to me. Only Noonie would admit it though. I don't trust Paulie, I think she seems sneaky.


Her outspokenness is the reason why Nonie is my favorite. Yes, she bitches and moans and acts a plain fool, but that is really the only way a woman has any power in this lifestyle. Even though they left their church, the wives don't seem to have left their beliefs (I'm not so sure Brady ever had those beliefs beyond the having multiple women allowance) so the wives still see Brady as the one and only family decision-maker in all things. So when these women do anything to grab at some control or power in their lives from Brady, I'm excited. Plus, I'm not Brady's biggest fan, so I take a little pleasure in watching Brady have to deal with Nonie's tantrums.

Her outspokenness is the reason why Nonie is my favorite. Yes, she bitches and moans and acts a plain fool, but that is really the only way a woman has any power in this lifestyle. Even though they left their church, the wives don't seem to have left their beliefs (I'm not so sure Brady ever had those beliefs beyond the having multiple women allowance) so the wives still see Brady as the one and only family decision-maker in all things. So when these women do anything to grab at some control or power in their lives from Brady, I'm excited. Plus, I'm not Brady's biggest fan, so I take a little pleasure in watching Brady have to deal with Nonie's tantrums.


I vacillate between Nonie's a diva and Paulie's a stealth bitch.    I'm leaning more toward liking Nonie.  I did not like how Nonie shamed Rhonda wanting to adopt (Brady's already over burdened) - then ran to Brady and got him to agree to her having a child.  Nonie already has five kids.  If there's any equity in this family regarding kids, Rosemary and Rhonda each only have four.  I truly believe Nonie wants one more because Paulie has six.


I like the Brown family and this family as well.  I would never choose this life, but they seem to be raising their children (like the Browns) to make their own decisions.  I must be a sucker because I thought Brady's date with Robyn was heart-felt.  Could you imagine Kody's reaction to Robyn's crying?  "Why are you crying?  Don't you know I'm the one who works hard in this family?  I only get to take vacations when it's my birthday.  Or when it's one of my four anniversaries.  Or when it's one of my four wives' birthdays.  Or when one of my children wants to visit a college.  Plus, that Mac laptop you gave me for my birthday did not please me.  Where's my hairspray?  I'm overdue for a nap. By the way, which wife is crying?   Oh Robyn - you're too pretty to cry!"

  • Love 7
I don't trust Paulie, I think she seems sneaky.



That Paulie is sneaky and stealthy, but she completely fooled me the first time around at least for awhile she came off at least to me exactly the way a first wife seems. Very soft spoke, uncertain and seemed like she was worried about making waves at least that's what I thought of her in the beginning. And a couple episodes in. Then there were moments were you realized Paulie was getting exactly what she wanted, she managed to sweetly get more time with Brady at the cost of someone else, and my favorite was the interview. When they were replaying the first episode with Nonie going off like a psycho. There was a perfect little picture of Paulie watching with a wicked smiled. Yep, she knew exactly what button to push to cause that and did it on purpose. She's stealthy. 

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