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S05.E03: Pay Attention To Me!

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jinjer -- I too get the sense that Bella really doesn't want to film.  Good for her, right?  Anwar not being on view works for me too.  Gigi obviously wanted the exposure and it worked for her.  It is kind of sadly amusing to see Yo going, "What happened?" on the preview for tomorrow night.  That one doesn't take any kind of higher education to figure out, Yolanda. 


One of the pitfalls of being so reliant on looks to get what one wants out of life is that eventually all that fades.  If you don't have anything interesting going on between your ears what do you do?  Don sexy lingerie and roast another chicken?  Yo is insecure as hell and I don't blame her as far as David is concerned. Trophy wives come and go.  I'm betting that he reserves his real self for his various colleagues.  I don't think he's uncaring in any major way -- I trusted Gigi when she said he was a great step-father to her -- and he seems attentive enough to his wife but I'd wager that his real passion is reserved for work and those who are connected to it.  Yolanda seems to get this and gives him a wide berth.  I just hope that when the cameras are absent their conversations aren't the same dull schtick we get treated to every time they are on screen.  Her cooing over him is annoying as hell.  Probably to him too beyond a certain point. 

  • Love 7

I think the Yolanda/higher education discussion also has to do with being in Los Angeles/the entertainment industry. It's funny because I come from the east coast - I went to a classic private prep school and an Ivy-equivalent college - and I had no issue with Yolanda's thoughts about striking while the professional iron is hot. In fact, I thought it was a refreshing, non-controlling change of pace from the neurotic fixation I saw on school, school, school growing up. That said, I live and work in Los Angeles (in the entertainment and healing industries), and let me tell you, a college education means nothing out here! I mean, I have totally forgotten about that entire "higher education" part of myself, and only when I happen to meet someone else who has happened to have gone to a good school and somehow it comes up in conversation, do I recall those days where there was even a consideration of where someone went to college or even if someone went to college. To be honest, I love that about LA - it really is a "come one, come all" type of place where anyone can arrive and work their way up. Success is here for the taking for just about anyone "if you're willing to work for it" (TM Adrienne). I think Yolanda reaped the benefits of a great modeling career and has been in an industry where so many have created amazing lives for themselves off the beaten track of normal day jobs - and she's basically saying, "Hey, if you have a chance to build the foundation for an amazing life for yourself, don't let it pass you by because you think college is the only answer!" I totally agree with her, but, again my mileage, comes from being out here in L.A.

  • Love 9
I wouldn't be surprised to find out that the VanderTodds and the Fosters have been living well beyond their means.



Van der Todds possibly, I doubt it about Foster. He strikes me as somebody who truly doesn’t have much interest of anything outside his work.  If he’s spent 18 hours/day at the piano for the past 30 years, that doesn’t leave much time for spending his fortune, even if he does have nice houses and stay at great hotels.  Heck, when he got divorced he moved in with Mohammed, didn’t he?  (Though if you need a sofa to crash on, and you’re able to call Mohammed, you are a very, very lucky person)

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She could have easily had someone else aside from Scheana at these RHOBH events last season, but Lisa loves drama as much as the next (though she'll put on her baby voice and claim otherwise. I swear, I imagine before she sends them off for publishing, Lisa re-reads each of her blogs aloud in her breathy, "I don't understand why" voice that she pulls in her THs) so she handpicked Scheana for these events last season.


I could buy this if we were talking about events that were simply being catered by the restaurant. But, we aren't. We are talking about filmed events in which Production sets the schedule. Sure Lisa can refuse to do things that involve her. She doesn't want to stay with the other wives in Puertor Rico - fine. But, she has no control over the production schedule for Beverly Hills. If Production tells Scheana to be somewhere for filming, Scheana will be there for filming regardless of how Lisa feels about it. Scheana could refuse to film these events if she didn't want to deal with the drama, but why would she? Brandi could refuse to be at these events if she doesn't want to be near Scheana, but again, why would she?



I don't think the onus should be on Lisa to refuse to have Scheana at an event that is being filmed for a show that she is not a producer on. I could **maybe** see Lisa saying no to Scheana being filmed at an event on VPR, simply because she is an executive producer. But since that title could mean anything even that is very much a stretch.

I get Brandi not wanting to be around Scheana, but to blame Lisa because Production scheduled Scheana to film an event is just beyond wearing the victim sash. Brandi could refuse to film when she finds out that Scheana is there. It would be much more appropriate for her to do so than it would for Lisa. But, Brandi never refused to film any of those scenes or events. So, she needs to own that she is the one putting herself in these situations that she is so hell bent on blaming Lisa for. 

  • Love 5

I don't think the onus should be on Lisa to refuse to have Scheana at an event that is being filmed for a show that she is not a producer on. I could **maybe** see Lisa saying no to Scheana being filmed at an event on VPR, simply because she is an executive producer. But since that title could mean anything even that is very much a stretch.

I get Brandi not wanting to be around Scheana, but to blame Lisa because Production scheduled Scheana to film an event is just beyond wearing the victim sash. Brandi could refuse to film when she finds out that Scheana is there. It would be much more appropriate for her to do so than it would for Lisa. But, Brandi never refused to film any of those scenes or events. So, she needs to own that she is the one putting herself in these situations that she is so hell bent on blaming Lisa for. 

There are fewer things that I feel more sure about than the fact that Lisa has a great deal of control over what we see on VPR. True, this is just my opinion, but I feel it has been formed by several facts in evidence.  Mainly the fact that Lisa is extremely concerned about properly managing her business image. We have seen this over and over again. She didn't just get butt hurt over the allegation that she sold stories or filed bankruptcy 10 years ago - she got pissed off.  She claimed these things could hurt her business.  She is not going to put up with such things. I find it impossible to believe she would have put her name and her restaurant front and center and sit back and allow editing or production to tell a story she didn't want to have told. Anyone believe we will ever see a server walking into the kitchen with a plate that has a hair on it? Folks sending back food that tastes like shit? No way. We never have and we never will.  The senseless folks on her show might come out looking like idiots, but Lisa isn't going to let her restaurant be harmed. No way in hell. 


I think this is the larger issue. Perhaps Lisa cannot control what happens on the BH show, but she sure can on VPR. She has had a hand in making Scheanna appear to be the responsible one, the reasonable one, the one that Lisa can rely on.  Brandi might have thought she was a big ole whore, and she might have thought that she would appear to be that way on the show, but that is not the case. She is Lisa's pet, her favorite by far. Maybe Scheanna is like this in real life. I have no idea. What I do know is that the rest of them look ridiculous, yet Lisa has said again and again that the reason she keeps them is that for the most part they are great at their jobs.  Huh Lisa? What you say? She doesn't show us this. As the matter of fact she said on WWHL that the number one question she gets is why she has never fired Stassi or Kristen. She said that what we don't see is that they are fantastic servers.  Instead we see them stealing booze, while Scheanna looks like such a winner. Lisa allows her to promote her dream of being a singer, allows her to get engaged at her fancy pad, and photographers have snapped pictures of her shopping with Scheanna and buying her frocks.  So now, when she makes an appearance on the BH show, she no longer looks like the gal Brandi thought she would be when she had that original sit down with her in S3. I agree with Brandi about nothing, but I am firmly on her side in this one. 

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Yolanda showed a different side of herself that I've suspected for a long time but hadn't actually seen.  I was floored by the things she said and by her attitude in general.  All along, I've thought she was a fairly smart cookie, but lo and behold, she's a certified dimwit! 


She ran out to greet the return of Gigi with such hysteria that I was afraid she'd wet herself!  I mean, it's fine to wrap your arms around a daughter you haven't seen in a while, but this was way overboard.  Hail the conquering Gigi, who was named by her mother as the top model #1 in the world!  Look at all the covers!  (Yes, and Yolanda, look at all the nude pics!)  Meantime, Bella sat there like the apparent ugly duckling, the "other daughter."  I was appalled by the way in which Yolanda analyzed Bella's looks in relation to her own.  What did she call Bella -- "patrician?"  Oh, Yo!  How dare she be so cruel?  Yolanda has to be one of the most superficial women I've seen lately.


Then we have Kyle, the self-appointed Mother of the Year.  News for Kyle: Portia is already a spoiled brat!  She knows exactly when that camera is running and puts on an act for it.  She's been fussed over, trotted out when company comes so that her cuteness can be admired, and you'd better bet she knows it!  Furthermore, Kyle not only has a spoiled little girl, but she has a husband whose coddling is bordering on disgusting.  Time for a Kyle and Mauricio chat, but that would be like the blind leading the blind.  Portia is already molded into one more spoiled little rich kid from Beverly Hills.  Yolanda, Kyle and Mauricio ALL need help, but they're all too shallow to see it.

  • Love 2


Then we have Kyle, the self-appointed Mother of the Year.  News for Kyle: Portia is already a spoiled brat!  She knows exactly when that camera is running and puts on an act for it.  She's been fussed over, trotted out when company comes so that her cuteness can be admired, and you'd better bet she knows it!  Furthermore, Kyle not only has a spoiled little girl, but she has a husband whose coddling is bordering on disgusting.  Time for a Kyle and Mauricio chat, but that would be like the blind leading the blind.  Portia is already molded into one more spoiled little rich kid from Beverly Hills.  Yolanda, Kyle and Mauricio ALL need help, but they're all too shallow to see it.

When did Kyle appoint herself Mother of the Year? She seems to be someone who thinks that maybe her kid is getting a little bit mouthy from time to time and aims to put a stop to it. Isn't that what moms are pretty much supposed to do? Except for the time when Brandi's son peed on the lawn at the pool party and Kyle expressed surprise that Brandi didn't tell him that wasn't the right thing to do, I have never heard her say anything to indicate that she thinks she is better prepared to parent a child than anyone else. Maybe I've missed something? 

  • Love 5

Yolanda showed a different side of herself that I've suspected for a long time but hadn't actually seen.  I was floored by the things she said and by her attitude in general.  All along, I've thought she was a fairly smart cookie, but lo and behold, she's a certified dimwit! 


She ran out to greet the return of Gigi with such hysteria that I was afraid she'd wet herself!  I mean, it's fine to wrap your arms around a daughter you haven't seen in a while, but this was way overboard.  Hail the conquering Gigi, who was named by her mother as the top model #1 in the world!  Look at all the covers!  (Yes, and Yolanda, look at all the nude pics!)  Meantime, Bella sat there like the apparent ugly duckling, the "other daughter."  I was appalled by the way in which Yolanda analyzed Bella's looks in relation to her own.  What did she call Bella -- "patrician?"  Oh, Yo!  How dare she be so cruel?  Yolanda has to be one of the most superficial women I've seen lately.


Then we have Kyle, the self-appointed Mother of the Year.  News for Kyle: Portia is already a spoiled brat!  She knows exactly when that camera is running and puts on an act for it.  She's been fussed over, trotted out when company comes so that her cuteness can be admired, and you'd better bet she knows it!  Furthermore, Kyle not only has a spoiled little girl, but she has a husband whose coddling is bordering on disgusting.  Time for a Kyle and Mauricio chat, but that would be like the blind leading the blind.  Portia is already molded into one more spoiled little rich kid from Beverly Hills.  Yolanda, Kyle and Mauricio ALL need help, but they're all too shallow to see it.

I think what Kyle is showing us is she has raised some pretty well grounded children and she hopes that Portia won't be caught up in being the youngest and a little spoiled by love and attention.  Nothing wrong with being a cute kid, we see it all the time, to condemn this group is a little harsh.  Portia is NOT swearing at her parents, terrorizing other children or demanding adult attention at every turn.  For the most part all the children from this franchise have been pretty well behaved-sure Bella has a bump in the road this week but for the most part the RHOBH kids have been fairly pleasant.  I only wish Yolanda put as much importance on a four year degree as Kyle and Mauricio do and then I think if my daughter had the chance to earn six figures and invest in her future maybe being a topnotch model isn't the worst thing on the planet.


PS I agree Yolanda is not the intelligent woman she claims to be-on so many levels.

Edited by zoeysmom
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There are fewer things that I feel more sure about than the fact that Lisa has a great deal of control over what we see on VPR. True, this is just my opinion, but I feel it has been formed by several facts in evidence.  Mainly the fact that Lisa is extremely concerned about properly managing her business image. We have seen this over and over again. She didn't just get butt hurt over the allegation that she sold stories or filed bankruptcy 10 years ago - she got pissed off.  She claimed these things could hurt her business.  She is not going to put up with such things. I find it impossible to believe she would have put her name and her restaurant front and center and sit back and allow editing or production to tell a story she didn't want to have told. Anyone believe we will ever see a server walking into the kitchen with a plate that has a hair on it? Folks sending back food that tastes like shit? No way. We never have and we never will.  The senseless folks on her show might come out looking like idiots, but Lisa isn't going to let her restaurant be harmed. No way in hell. 


I think this is the larger issue. Perhaps Lisa cannot control what happens on the BH show, but she sure can on VPR. She has had a hand in making Scheanna appear to be the responsible one, the reasonable one, the one that Lisa can rely on.  Brandi might have thought she was a big ole whore, and she might have thought that she would appear to be that way on the show, but that is not the case. She is Lisa's pet, her favorite by far. Maybe Scheanna is like this in real life. I have no idea. What I do know is that the rest of them look ridiculous, yet Lisa has said again and again that the reason she keeps them is that for the most part they are great at their jobs.  Huh Lisa? What you say? She doesn't show us this. As the matter of fact she said on WWHL that the number one question she gets is why she has never fired Stassi or Kristen. She said that what we don't see is that they are fantastic servers.  Instead we see them stealing booze, while Scheanna looks like such a winner. Lisa allows her to promote her dream of being a singer, allows her to get engaged at her fancy pad, and photographers have snapped pictures of her shopping with Scheanna and buying her frocks.  So now, when she makes an appearance on the BH show, she no longer looks like the gal Brandi thought she would be when she had that original sit down with her in S3. I agree with Brandi about nothing, but I am firmly on her side in this one. 

But as you just said, Lisa may have some control over what happens on VR but that is not the case with the BH show. Brandi is more than capable of refusing to film with Scheana, she has shown time and time again that she is not afraid to speak up. IMO, She is afraid to tell the producers though because she does not want to jeopardize her job and is happy to have Lisa risk hers.


As for Lisa not having any problems with the staff/cast of SUR/VR, I think she is smart enough to know the difference between acting for the show and how they conduct themselves when the cameras are gone. I also think the customers would realize the difference as well. LA/Hollywood is a town built on smoke and mirrors acts. LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 5

But as you just said, Lisa may have some control over what happens on VR but that is not the case with the BH show. Brandi is more than capable of refusing to film with Scheana, she has shown time and time again that she is not afraid to speak up. IMO, She is afraid to tell the producers though because she does not want to jeopardize her job and is happy to have Lisa risk hers.


As for Lisa not having any problems with the staff/cast of SUR/VR, I think she is smart enough to know the difference between acting for the show and how they conduct themselves when the cameras are gone. I also think the customers would realize the difference as well. LA/Hollywood is a town built on smoke and mirrors acts. LOL

Of course Brandi could refuse to film with her. She is clearly making excuses, like Lisa is. As someone else pointed out, Lisa and Ken removed their mics and trotted away from the group on vacation, refusing to answer phones or tell anyone where they were. 


Regardless of how I feel about a gal (detest Brandi), I always try to discern if I can understand why they feel the way they do. I guess my point is that I see why Brandi was pissed at Lisa initially.  She is promoting Scheanna. She is asking Brandi to be nice to her and congratulate her on her engagement. Brandi's issues are generally not in the way she feels things, but in the way she reacts to things. The way she went on and on about Eddie for so many years, the way she reacted to being hurt by Adrienne. The way she threw Kyle under the bus when she took heat about talking about Lisa's potential bankruptcy.  She takes everything too far. My problem is with Lisa standing there and acting like she was a great friend and that she doesn't understand why Brandi would have been hurt. The same Lisa that was upset to have to see Cedric at her party. I believe that the whole deal blew up mainly because Lisa and Ken did pull away from Brandi after Tampon-gate, as Ken admitted at the reunion. IMO this does make Lisa a shitty friend. She stood behind Brandi when she was revealing the personal secrets of Adrienne, but by the time Brandi was walking around with her tampon hanging out Lisa knew what the reaction from the fans was. It was all happening during real time. The press was reporting on it and blogs all over the place were blowing up the next day, which was right in the middle of filming. Some people were even claiming Brandi should lose custody of her boys. It was clear she had gone too far and Lisa saw the writing on the wall and walked away.  

  • Love 3

Of course Brandi could refuse to film with her. She is clearly making excuses, like Lisa is. As someone else pointed out, Lisa and Ken removed their mics and trotted away from the group on vacation, refusing to answer phones or tell anyone where they were. 


Regardless of how I feel about a gal (detest Brandi), I always try to discern if I can understand why they feel the way they do. I guess my point is that I see why Brandi was pissed at Lisa initially.  She is promoting Scheanna. She is asking Brandi to be nice to her and congratulate her on her engagement. Brandi's issues are generally not in the way she feels things, but in the way she reacts to things. The way she went on and on about Eddie for so many years, the way she reacted to being hurt by Adrienne. The way she threw Kyle under the bus when she took heat about talking about Lisa's potential bankruptcy.  She takes everything too far. My problem is with Lisa standing there and acting like she was a great friend and that she doesn't understand why Brandi would have been hurt. The same Lisa that was upset to have to see Cedric at her party. I believe that the whole deal blew up mainly because Lisa and Ken did pull away from Brandi after Tampon-gate, as Ken admitted at the reunion. IMO this does make Lisa a shitty friend. She stood behind Brandi when she was revealing the personal secrets of Adrienne, but by the time Brandi was walking around with her tampon hanging out Lisa knew what the reaction from the fans was. It was all happening during real time. The press was reporting on it and blogs all over the place were blowing up the next day, which was right in the middle of filming. Some people were even claiming Brandi should lose custody of her boys. It was clear she had gone too far and Lisa saw the writing on the wall and walked away.  


Imagine the coup that would have been if Brandi had been able to graciously congratulate Scheana and show just how over the whole thing she was. Sure, it would have helped VPR, but it would have gone a much longer way towards rehabbing Brandi's image.


Of course, Lisa and Ken would have wanted to distance themselves after both Tampon-gate and the nasty things that Brandi said about Joanna K. But, they didn't give any sign of that until Brandi gave them reason to on camera. The same is true with Lisa trying to curb Brandi's drinking on camera.


Lisa is very aware of how the game is played, and she tried to use that to both her and Brandi's advantage. We can't just say that Lisa is a master of manipulating fan reaction and assume that she wasn't also making Brandi aware of how it would work to her own advantage. I believe that Lisa explained these things to Brandi and Brandi initially agreed. Then, when it was time to film, Brandi caught some feelings and instead of backing off, she decided to use her "hurt" to her own advantage. Then, she went even further and tried to take Lisa down.


In the end, it was Brandi's lack of impulse control that did in this friendship, because I find it impossible to believe that Brandi wasn't already aware of how Lisa operates and how she wanted the season to play out for the both of them. And, while that may be considered shitty behavior for a friend, it is no more shitty than Brandi ingratiating herself with Lisa for the popularity in the first place.


ETA: When it comes to Lisa, I accept that she knows how to play the reality game. If I accept that, I have to assume that she is savvy enough to let her allies know how the scenes should play out beforehand. There's no way she just sprung the "congratulate Scheana" on Brandi while the cameras were rolling. Brandi knew what was expected of her and why it was expected before she went into that scene. If she changed her mind in the moment, it was up to her to find a non-nuclear way to deal with it.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 4
Mainly the fact that Lisa is extremely concerned about properly managing her business image.



I think if that were really true, the last thing she would want is her business showcased as employing the parade of trash featured on the show.   I think as long as she’s paid for both shows and they pull a certain number of curiosity seekers in to overpay for what I’m told is mediocre food, they can turn a profit... in the short term.  If that’s the business image she’s managing, I guess she’s successful.

  • Love 1


Characteristics of Co-dependent People Are:

An exaggerated sense of responsibility for the actions of others

A tendency to confuse love and pity, with the tendency to “love” people they can pity and rescue

A tendency to do more than their share, all of the time

A tendency to become hurt when people don’t recognize their efforts

An unhealthy dependence on relationships. The co-dependent will do anything to hold on to a relationship; to avoid the feeling of abandonment

An extreme need for approval and recognition

A sense of guilt when asserting themselves

A compelling need to control others

Lack of trust in self and/or others

Fear of being abandoned or alone

Difficulty identifying feelings

Rigidity/difficulty adjusting to change

Problems with intimacy/boundaries

Chronic anger


 Eh, I think at least half these characteristics apply to any member of the cast.   Kim is such an easy target for people to go after.


 I disagree with most of what is said about her and Yolanda.  They remain my two favorite cast members.


 I also am tired Brandi.  And just as tired of Lisa.


  • Love 1

I think if that were really true, the last thing she would want is her business showcased as employing the parade of trash featured on the show.   I think as long as she’s paid for both shows and they pull a certain number of curiosity seekers in to overpay for what I’m told is mediocre food, they can turn a profit... in the short term.  If that’s the business image she’s managing, I guess she’s successful.

I noticed Lisa managed to work in how many covers they were expecting for dinner right before her guests arrived for Lisa R.'s party.  Lisa is all about her businesses.  There came a point when it was detrimental to feature Brandi as a friend. I think it applied across the board.  Near the end of last season Brandi was riding Yolanda for cancelling a dinner with her.  I still don't understand why Brandi finds Yolanda consistent in her concern over her drinking but Lisa fails. 

  • Love 1

I noticed Lisa managed to work in how many covers they were expecting for dinner right before her guests arrived for Lisa R.'s party.  Lisa is all about her businesses.  There came a point when it was detrimental to feature Brandi as a friend. I think it applied across the board.  Near the end of last season Brandi was riding Yolanda for cancelling a dinner with her.  I still don't understand why Brandi finds Yolanda consistent in her concern over her drinking but Lisa fails. 

I can definitely see where there came a point where each of Brandi's allies may have wanted to distance themselves from her during filming. Lisa was savvy enough to not show that UNTIL Brandi gave her a reason to on camera. I think Yolanda backtracked because she trapped herself with that whole "Hollywood friends" thing. I would bet anything that she was pissed at Brandi because of the stuff Brandi said about Mo and Joanna K. 


I can't tell if the friendship between Brandi and Yolanda is genuine or if Yolanda is just worried about being called a hypocrite because of her stance on "real friends" versus "Hollywood friends." They do have a good deal in common, except Yolanda did a MUCH better job of marrying money than Brandi did.

So, Brandi wants Lisa to apologize for not being flawless? Or for not saving Brandi in a pretend fire? I still don't get it.


Brandi was just fine engaging with Sheana when it was about Eddie's cheating, or Sheana's gray tooth. As well, she had no problems hanging out many a night at Sheana's place of employment, so Brandi can have a seat with any boohooing about wanting to avoid Shaena.


I'm actually a bit surprised that Portia hasn't been in something yet.

I saw Portia in a couple of commercials last year, so keeping her in front of the cameras seems to be the goal.


Still SMH at how twatty Kathy was at the bridal shop. Money can't buy you class, indeed.


I would be interested in knowing which area of design Bella is pursuing, but of course Yolanda isn't going to expound on that. I'm sure she's praying that GiGi scores a rich man before getting her degree in criminal justice.


Anybody happen to know which supermarket chain Monty's family owned? (A brief search didn't turn up anything.) We're supposedly from the same area of NC, so I'm curious.


I wonder if Kim and Vince (Eileen's hubby) ran in the same circles back in the day?


  • Love 2

I saw Portia in a couple of commercials last year, so keeping her in front of the cameras seems to be the goal.

Wishful thinking? Or did Kyle actually state that?


I would be interested in knowing which area of design Bella is pursuing, but of course Yolanda isn't going to expound on that. I'm sure she's praying that GiGi scores a rich man before getting her degree in criminal justice.

Did Yolanda actually say that she wants Gigi to score a rich man? Was this an actual statement made during filming as opposed to wishful thinking?

I hate to interrupt this lively discussion with a question.  Can someone please tell me whether or not BRAVO still offers the viewers a chance to comment on the blogs?  I just finished reading every RHOBH blog by every castmate, and there was no comment section under any of them.  Rats!  That was part of the fun for me -- writing a few choice words in reply to their silly writings!  THANK YOU to anyone who can answer!

I hate to interrupt this lively discussion with a question.  Can someone please tell me whether or not BRAVO still offers the viewers a chance to comment on the blogs?  I just finished reading every RHOBH blog by every castmate, and there was no comment section under any of them.  Rats!  That was part of the fun for me -- writing a few choice words in reply to their silly writings!  THANK YOU to anyone who can answer!


I think they disabled comments after Aviva (and possibly Ramona?) whined that Carole had too many positive comments on her blog so naturally it must have meant that she was paying people to write positively about her. 


I kind of like that the comments are disabled now. Lisa was always about crafting her current blogs based on the feedback and cheerleading in prior week's blogs. I'm sure she still has her Twitter comments, but I'd hazard a guess that she doesn't get the same amount of responses there compared to what Bravo let through on the blogs. 

  • Love 1
Wishful thinking? Or did Kyle actually state that?

No, because I don't care one way or another what Portia does. And, I claimed that I saw Portia in the commercials, as I was sure at the time that it was her. (If it wasn't Portia, then it was her doppelganger.)


Did Yolanda actually say that she wants Gigi to score a rich man?

I have no idea, hence the "I'm sure" (which was my perception based on what I've seen of Yolanda's actions). Sorry to disappoint by not stating it as fact.

  • Love 2

Did Yolanda actually say that she wants Gigi to score a rich man?



I don't recall her ever saying it. What she does emphasize is that Gigi can make money by modeling. That seems to be what Yolanda focuses on, and I can imagine it was very important for her, when she was young and trying to help her mother and brother financially. But Gigi's father has plenty of money, and I'm sure he'd pay for any college she got into, so it seems odd that Yolanda should focus on Gigi's earning potential. Sure, young people should make money for themselves and not live off their wealthy parents, but it's not like Gigi will need to support herself the minute she graduates college. In fact, with a degree and her dad's connections, she could probably walk into a great job post-college. My feeling is that Yo just wants Gigi to follow in her footsteps and become even more famous so Yo can stack her magazine covers on her coffee table for all her friends to admire/envy.


Or perhaps Yo knows the inside scoop on Mo and fears he will blow through all his money before kicking the bucket, or that he will marry one of the young pieces he likes to have around and she will gain control of Mo and his bazillions, cut out Yo's kids, etc. etc. etc. A healthy fear, actually. Her kids should not count on continuing financial support or a huge inheritance from their dad. Maybe Yo retains the psychic scars of her father's sudden death and the resulting financial consequences for her family.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 2

If Yo were really concerned about money, she should have insisted that Mo start trust funds for the kids as soon as each was born.  In fact, I'm betting Mo did exactly that with or without Yo's guidance.  Those kids will never be poor or anything close to that unless they're really dumb and waste it all.


Yo is living vicariously through GIgi, and now Bella.  No cake for you; just eat an almond and make sure you chew it really well.

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Brandi uses the excuse that she's watching the show to see if her kids are on it. She would have to have been told & sign waivers for her kids to be on it. She was so stupid to watch that on tv. I would never give Eddie & LeAnn the satisfaction of knowing it bothered me. Then Brandi bitches that the show is about her & how many times they mention her. Hasn't she done the same about Eddie for season after season? 


Bella's letter to her mother was damage control. That would have been for private but Yo knows how bad Bella looks so she needed to show us how sorry Bella truly is. She rewards her for her DUI with a lavish NYC apartment, fully furnished & Bella doesn't even have to lift a finger. What a way to teach your child responsibility.


I'm over Kyle crying over her kids. I know it's sad but not that bad. She then says she wants them to do more for themselves as she never made them do anything. But then when Mauricio tries to set a reasonable budget, Kyle ups it & says "she will need to get her nails done". That's a luxury not a necessity, why not make her get a job for those things?

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Yolanda needs to realize, that unlike her, Gigi and Bella don't have to forego education to help support their family, or need modelling to land a rich man and become a trophy wife.  When she talks about their education (which she rarely does), she talks like it's a nuisance and unnecessary.  When she speaks of their modelling, her voice rises higher and higher, and she can barely sit still as she contemplates it.  Also, I notice that she makes Mohammed the bad guy.  Mommy doesn't want you to waste time on that yucky, foul education, it's daddy who insists you waste your youth and beauty on improving yourself.


I don't doubt that Yolanda adores her family.  But I have to side-eye a woman who waits until after her mother is released from ICU - you know, where you are because your condition is unstable - to fly home.  She will care for her mother for a week, then mommy is on her own while Yolanda flies off to wear her bikinis on a yacht in Majorca.  Her mother is her only parent, and is experiencing her second bout with cancer.  You think she'd want to spend a bit more time with her.  She hardly seems too busy.  Gigi lives out of state, Bella is on her own, and the boy is so invisible I don't even know his name.


Yolanda's ego is becoming insufferable!  Everything is all about her - especially when she begins expounding on how SICK she's been, and how she can't do anything because she's been SO SICK.  Yet she jets off to anywhere she wants anytime at all. 


As for her opinion regarding college education, I think it's probably due to the fact that Yolanda isn't the brightest bulb on the string, and neither of her girls seems overly endowed with intelligence either (driving drunk on a suspended license?? Gigi's very pretty, but not too good at the talking part http://totalfratmove.com/gigi-hadids-swimsuit-outtake-video-makes-me-want-to-be-a-better-man/).  BTW, the boy's name is Anwar.



It just grates on my nerves every time she entertains, because she's convinced she's the world's greatest hostess.  But being a hostess is all about making your guests feel cared for, and yet she's SO selfish and rude about small things such as someone showing up late, or god forbid SINGING during the mandatory musical portion of the evening.  And how about the charming practice of this supremely gracious hostess when she decides the party's over and announces "everyone has to go now - it's our bedtime - EVERYBODY OUT!!"?


Finally, who WHINES to people about not having invited her to some event of theirs?  She's done that to Lisa a couple of times now "why didn't you invite me?" (gawd, spare me!), and then in her THs, clutching her pearls and blathering on and on about how she invited that thoughtless Lisa to David's star ceremony and then refused to reciprocate.

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