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Small Talk: Judge's Chambers

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25 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

SRTouch, you got a classic and well-known scam - I'll send you a cheque for more than you requested, you cash it and send me the balance - and this person is  not only not who she (more likely "he") says he or she is, but not even in North America.

Overpayment Scam:


Yep, so I've learned. I'm old enough to have grown up thinking that a cashier check or money order is as good as money. Nope, not anymore. Pretty much anybody with a printer can produce something that looks legit. Given that, and the need to avoid giving out your own banking information for a direct bank to bank transfer, I suppose the best way is PayPal or a wire transfer.

Not really sure how either works, but a friend who is a longtime Wal-Mart employee tells me it's easy to send money from one store to another - who knew? I went online, and it looks like it would just cost $6 to send me money that way... probably cheaper and with less trouble than a cashiers check or money order sent UPS. No doubt quicker, too. Not sure what info the sender would have to have, or what ID the store would need upon delivery, but sort of think my scammer already had that info with my name, address and phone number. Sooo, anybody who wants to experiment and send me a couple grand, just let me know. ? I promise to send it right back, so we'll both get to experiment sending and receiving money that way,  don'cha know??

So, with nothing better to do, googled for store locations in Winnipeg, where the scammer is supposed to be coming from. Yep three walmart supercenters - and what's this, all three with store hours from 7am to 11pm?  I've gotten used to thinking of walmart as open 24/7 365 days a year.

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14 hours ago, Brattinella said:

@SRTouch, so proud you caught that!  Hope she/he gets REALLY caught and punished for this.

Probably not much chance. The local FBI agents don't even take a report. As I was told by the agent, you make an online report. Someone, somewhere collates all the reports coming in and the big computer in the sky looks for similarities in the reports, then maybe you get a followup question. Eventually, I was told, someone will contact me asking for the check, UPS shipping envelope and copies of the text and emails. Then, maybe, if they ever catch someone, your case is added to all the others with similarities.  I guess that's why you hear of people being charged with hundreds of scams, but the government let's them plead guilty to a few of the more easily proven cases.

Edited by SRTouch
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Continuing to read about scams, I read I probably should have read before posting an ad - the recommendations craigslist has to avoid being scammed https://www.craigslist.org/about/scams

  1. Whole page of info, including who to report a scam to, but here's the bullet points:

Deal locally, face-to-face —follow this one rule and avoid 99% of scam attempts.

  1. Do not extend payment to anyone you have not met in person.
  2. Beware offers involving shipping - deal with locals you can meet in person.
  3. Never wire funds (e.g. Western Union) - anyone who asks you to is a scammer.
  4. Don't accept cashier/certified checks or money orders - banks cash fakes, then hold you responsible.
  5. Transactions are between users only, no third party provides a "guarantee".
  6. Never give out financial info (bank account, social security, paypal account, etc).
  7. Do not rent or purchase sight-unseen—that amazing "deal" may not exist.
  8. Refuse background/credit checks until you have met landlord/employer in person.

Hmmm, notice how many court TV cases could have been avoided following these rules.

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2 hours ago, SRTouch said:

So, with nothing better to do, googled for store locations in Winnipeg, where the scammer is supposed to be coming from.

I'd be willing to bet a bundle (and if I'm wrong I'll pay you when I get my tax returns!) that the scammer is nowhere near Winnipeg.

The rental overpayment scam is a very popular one, which must mean it's successful.

1 hour ago, SRTouch said:

Never wire funds (e.g. Western Union) - anyone who asks you to is a scammer.

100% for sure.

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I once tried to wire funds via Western Union for a deposit on a vacation condo in London that was listed on a legitimate website (homeaway.com).  Western Union would NOT allow me to do it, because of their experience with scammers.  I contacted the property owner to see if I could do the deposit via credit card (then I could have challenged the charge if it turned out to be fraudulent).  He said he didn't accept Visa, and (confirmed by the website), he had dozens of positive reviews.  He seemed on the up and up, and as far as I know he was.  But since I couldn't get the deposit to him via WU, I selected another rental that accepted credit cards.

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8 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I once tried to wire funds via Western Union for a deposit on a vacation condo in London that was listed on a legitimate website (homeaway.com).  Western Union would NOT allow me to do it, because of their experience with scammers.  I contacted the property owner to see if I could do the deposit via credit card (then I could have challenged the charge if it turned out to be fraudulent).  He said he didn't accept Visa, and (confirmed by the website), he had dozens of positive reviews.  He seemed on the up and up, and as far as I know he was.  But since I couldn't get the deposit to him via WU, I selected another rental that accepted credit cards.

Not accepting credit cards is nuts and frankly quite cheap.  They did not want to pay the percentage.  They have lost business because of this and they cannot see paying the percentage would ensure the percentage would have been paid back in spades.  

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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Not accepting credit cards is nuts and frankly quite cheap.  They did not want to pay the percentage.  They have lost business because of this and they cannot see paying the percentage would ensure the percentage would have been paid back in spades.  

Not so sure, as scammers seem to have nothing better to do then sit around thinking of new ways to get something for nothing. Back when I worked delivering pizza, we had a cheap regular - always wanted the free breadstix, napkins, crushed red pepper, etc and of course no tip. Then he started paying with a credit card, upped his order and started giving $5 tips. Red flags go up, drivers told to make sure the card is his, get all the required information you sometimes skip, check ID and write down the ID #, etc. After a couple months he contests the charges. Turns out he was doing the same thing to several delivery places, and he had big time bills around town. Even turned out he had started paying his rent and utilities bills with the card, which made it easier to get the DA involved. Not a very satisfactory result for the cheated merchants, though. He pled guilty and was given forever to pay everybody back at very small monthly payments - no interest or punitive damages unless he misses a payment.

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About a year and a half ago, one of my best friends was legitimately in a tight place and needed money to avoid being homeless (I'll spare you the details of the fairly uninteresting story). As he was many states away, it was ultimately decided that Western Union was our best option. I live in a small, quiet, boring suburb, and OMG IT WAS THE SKETCHIEST THING EVER. The nearest WU place was at the local Rite Aid, so I went over there and asked the cashier for help. She directed me to a corner of the store where there was a phone receiver at a desk. No dial pad, just the receiver. I picked up the phone, followed the instructions, filled out the paperwork with the information I got, and took it back to the cashier to finish the transaction. I seriously felt like a criminal or a spy. Oh well, at least it was a fun story for a while.

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Another chronic pain patient here. My primary care doc prescribed my meds for 8 years. Last year, the corporation he works for decided to open a gazillion dollar 'pain management pavilion' and, in their infinite wisdom, also opted to stop treating patients with opioid medications. The shiny new pavilion offers physical therapy, hypnosis, massage, spinal/joint injections and all sorts of other things. But, no meds, no how. He gave me a list of pain management docs he knew because I've had all the injections, the physical therapy, etc and they don't help  degenerative disease for more than a couple days and the spinal injections actually made the pain worse.

Gaaah, I'm so sorry just reading your experience, Lovesnark. I'm stuck now with a wicked case of sciatica/pinched nerve - I've been taking meds and doing PT for a couple of months but once I finish PT, my PCP wants to send me to pain management for a spinal injection which frankly skeeves me out. My daughter the RN is freaking out because all the patients she sees in the ER from pain management are drug seekers. And in a weird twist, I had complained to my PCP that right now, the pain wakes me up at night and I can't get back to sleep, so she wrote me a big RX for Tramadol (I'm allergic to Codeine, but I've taken this in the past after surgery). I've had the bottle two days and haven't taken any. I'm hoping I just get tired enough to sleep through the night without feeling like I'm going to end on on an episode of "Intervention". 

Although most of the litigants are insufferable, I've still enjoyed the show til recently. So here's my message to Judge Scheindlin:

My dearly beloved Judy:

It's time to resign from your tv judge position. Take off the robe, give Bryd a big final check for his years of faithful service, and go quietly into the night.You're  becoming a crazy bitch that most often, makes nonsensical judgements. 


Ms. Chenoa :)

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I've got to go totally OT.  This has nothing to do with JJ but it does involve a "special snowflake".  Since moving to Charlotte I don't have a large circle of friends to socialize with so I usually go out with a friend who has lived here for about seven years.  Today we went to lunch with a group of her friends (we're all in our 60s and 70s).  One of the ladies (Donna) has a granddaughter (Amber) who lives with her.  Donna was telling us a story about an argument Amber had with her boyfriend.  She says,  Amber said "the MF thinks I'm a B he can stand up but I told him he needs to straighten up or he's not getting any from me anymore".  My friend said to Donna did she use the actual words and she said "Yes, why"?  My friend said I can't imagine my grandchildren using that language in a conversation with me.  Donna said oh you're a prude.  The rest of us agreed with my friend, I can't see a world where my grandchildren would swear and/or discuss their sex life with me (my children either)!!  Are the rest of us really old-fashioned or is Donna just too cool with her "special snowflake".

Edited by momtoall
  • Love 8
On ‎1‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 8:57 PM, SRTouch said:

Spent the last couple days messing with a potential tenant for my empty bedroom. Sounded great at first, but more and more red flags started coming up. I was already questioning things, and then there was "THE CHECK." You see, she was supposedly a 24yo recent graduate from her hometown college in Winnipeg. Seemed odd to me that she would take a room, sight unseen, with some old retired dude. But, hey, people do crazy stuff. After a series of emails back and forth, I give her my phone number and tell her to call me with any questions - she never calls. Little things like that, but I was starting to doubt her story. Then, THE CHECK arrives. She told me her daddy was footing the bills, and he would be sending a cashiers check. The check arrives and ... not a cashiers check - not even a personal check ... written for two thousand more than she needs ... and get this, written on a YMCA of Cental Maryland account - and no, I left out the "r" on purpose, that's the way "central" was spelled on the check. Now I'm really smelling something fishy. I took it to my bank and asked a supervisor to put a hold on the money. The Maryland bank wouldn't tell her why over the phone, just said they wouldn't hold the funds, and would not confirm or deny the existence of the account. I came home and played detective on my own. I got online, found the Maryland YMCA, and gave them a call. Got the email address of someone in their accounting office, and scanned the UPS shipping label and the check, and emailed it to Maryland. While I'm doing that I get a text from the tenant saying she sees the check has arrived according to UPS tracking - so obviously she received my number. This morning I get this in reply.  "We have taken a look at the check you scanned over to us and it is fraud and will not clear our bank...  We know that the package originated in Florida with a return address of Maryland and your text message came from Tennessee..." Anyway, I like to think I wouldn't have fallen for the scam anyway, but court TV definitely helped me spot it early.

About 4 years ago, our A/P person at work sent a check to one of our vendors in TX.  They called about 30 days later to say we're past due, and that's odd, because we're never past due.  Ever.  So they called as a courtesy.  We called the bank, stopped payment on the check, and went about our business.  Approximately a month later, we start getting phone calls.  Angry phone calls from people screaming at us about the check we sent them that was worthless.  These people were from all over, and received the check for all sorts of reasons.  Many were Craigslist transactions, and some had followed the instructions and had already wired some of the money elsewhere.  All wanted to know what we were going to do about it.  Absolutely nothing - it's not our problem.  Some threatened to sue us - it was horrible.  This continued for the better part of a year.  All of the checks were sent via stolen FedEx and UPS account numbers as well, which made me wonder harder how you could get such mis-matched information and think it was legit?  If you're selling a car, how could you take an envelope FedEx'd from a business in North Carolina, with a check drawn on a completely different company, and the poorly worded correspondence you got is from an individual, and think "seems legit"?  After the first call we immediately changed our bank account number, but the checks kept coming in on the old one, fast and furious.  When the calls finally seemed to stop, we relaxed.  Then 6 months later, it started again.  Same scam.  Checks looked different, but were still our old bank account number.  This time, thankfully, people were asking more questions.  And some banks were calling us before putting the checks through.  The one that burned me the most was the woman who was on TV looking for her child who was abducted.  The scammer sent her a check for $3000 to help with the search.  She left a lovely note on our social media page, thanking us.  The check had already bounced before we could get to her.  She was very understanding, and she said she was getting checks from businesses.  She had someone helping her with mail, so she didn't see the mis-match on the envelope vs the check.  She didn't hold it against us, but it really made me want to get all punchy on the scammer.  That note is still on our page, and I still see it occasionally, and I still get angry.  Word must have gotten around the scammers community that our account number was no good because the 2nd round was fairly short lived, and it never happened again.  The FBI thinks that someone at the Post Office stole our check, and sold it to one of the many underground networks that scammers use to trade bank account and credit card numbers.

On ‎1‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 0:13 PM, SRTouch said:

So, with nothing better to do, googled for store locations in Winnipeg, where the scammer is supposed to be coming from. Yep three walmart supercenters - and what's this, all three with store hours from 7am to 11pm?  I've gotten used to thinking of walmart as open 24/7 365 days a year.

I don't know if any Canadian Wal-Marts are open 24 hour.  A friend works at one near Ottawa and it's only open roughly those hours.

On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 9:36 PM, momtoall said:

She says,  Amber said "the MF thinks I'm a B he can stand up but I told him he needs to straighten up or he's not getting any from me anymore".  My friend said to Donna did she use the actual words and she said "Yes, why"?  My friend said I can't imagine my grandchildren using that language in a conversation with me.  Donna said oh you're a prude.

Okay, I curse like a sailor (spent my life working with a bunch of pretty rough men) but I never swore in front of my mother in my life nor did I discuss or allude to my sex life to her, and I'm light years from being a prude. That kind of talk is just nasty and low-life, the kind of thing we expect from scummy JJ litigants.

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21 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

That kind of talk is just nasty and low-life, the kind of thing we expect from scummy JJ litigants.

I feel exactly the same way but the grandmother present herself and her family as well-bred southerners,  yet she thinks her granddaughter talking like a sailor is acceptable behavior.  But then she's the kind who when she meet a person of another race she first sentence is "Oh I have a good friend who is (fill in the minority) ...

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1 hour ago, AuntiePam said:

I wanted to hear more of what the daughter had to say.  I'm really getting tired of hearing JJ rant and rave and repeat herself, with the same tired questions and comments.  "Now I know who you are", etc.  Well, no, she doesn't always know who these people are. 

I'm sympathetic to the daughter's various 'programs', and if she still doesn't have a good-paying job after completing those programs, that's not on her -- it's on the program.  Is it a make-work program or does it really prepare people to get and keep a job? 

Back in the 60's, when poverty was actually acknowledged by the government, I worked for programs that recognized the difficulty of getting into the job market, and staying there.  It's not just training, it's all the support that's needed -- reliable transportation, day care, medical and dental care (try getting a job when you have a mouthful of cavities or missing teeth), etc.  Nobody's paying attention to the poor anymore -- they haven't for years, and I think we're seeing the results of that neglect on JJ.  And Springer and Povich and Cops.  Rant over.

As much as I'm sympathetic to people who have trouble entering or re-entering the work force, because I've been there, I have a slightly different perspective.

I work in an office now, but back in the day I drove a forklift and did warehouse work as a contractor for a job placement service. Packing and shipping, that kind of thing. Part of the point in being contracted by the service is that you hope the company you get sent to will hire you on a permanent basis so that you can get things like higher wages, not to mention benefits such as insurance. Half the time, I'd be the only one who was actively looking for things to do so that I could be busy while others were yakking with their friends or goofing off. 'Course, this was a fair amount of years ago, and maybe things have changed, I don't know.

I don't dispute that less attention is paid to the poor than there used to be. Hell, I know people who flat out refuse to give a dollar to those bell ringers who stand out in the cold for the Salvation Army every Christmas season. For people who want to work and can't, for whatever reason, there should be more help and programs and support. But I've seen it from the other side too; people who can work and don't want to, even the ones who already have jobs and just don't want to do them because they're lazy.

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23 minutes ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

As much as I'm sympathetic to people who have trouble entering or re-entering the work force, because I've been there, I have a slightly different perspective.

I work in an office now, but back in the day I drove a forklift and did warehouse work as a contractor for a job placement service. Packing and shipping, that kind of thing. Part of the point in being contracted by the service is that you hope the company you get sent to will hire you on a permanent basis so that you can get things like higher wages, not to mention benefits such as insurance. Half the time, I'd be the only one who was actively looking for things to do so that I could be busy while others were yakking with their friends or goofing off. 'Course, this was a fair amount of years ago, and maybe things have changed, I don't know.

I don't dispute that less attention is paid to the poor than there used to be. Hell, I know people who flat out refuse to give a dollar to those bell ringers who stand out in the cold for the Salvation Army every Christmas season. For people who want to work and can't, for whatever reason, there should be more help and programs and support. But I've seen it from the other side too; people who can work and don't want to, even the ones who already have jobs and just don't want to do them because they're lazy.

Or the ones who say why work?,when I can get almost the same amount of money/benefits from the government for staying home.

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3 hours ago, iwasish said:

Or the ones who say why work?,when I can get almost the same amount of money/benefits from the government for staying home.

I can hear the blaring ad (which is basically what those shyster lawyer ads say)

"Why go out in the cold and slave away at a dreary minimum wage job? You can clear the same amount of money with your ass cheeks never leaving the sofa! Never miss an episode of Judge Judy again!"

My stinking DVR refused to record the new ep, so I was stuck watching the highly unlikable Kaminskis, who raked in over 100K in rent from the highly irritating defendant and are suing her because they have to replace a cheap 100$ microwave, spackle a couple of holes in a wall and get new cheap carpeting after seven years of wear and tear.

Then I had to watch (part of) Sydneka, who wanted her 17 year old daughter to go to her high school prom dressed like a Victoria's Secret lingerie model. It was fine for her breasts to be mostly exposed, along with a whole lot of skin elsewhere, but Sydneka drew the line at her daughter's nips being put on display in the dress she hired def. to make. Why would anyone deliberately try to reveal her daughter's nips? Would you like that? There's limits, folks! And... whatever.

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5 hours ago, iwasish said:

Or the ones who say why work?,when I can get almost the same amount of money/benefits from the government for staying home.

I know, and I can't argue -- that's a big problem.  The programs are designed so that the more you earn, the less government support you get.  Earning more from a job doesn't improve your situation, because the government cuts your food stamps or your rent subsidy.  That can be perceived as a disincentive.

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Someone had mentioned a white noise machine.  I used to use a fan for white noise, and because I get hot when I sleep.  I bought a Bedfan 2 years ago because this gets worse as I get older.  Ingenious little thing.  It shoots air under the top sheet.  I can't say enough good things about it.  In the summer, we put it in the middle of the bed so we both get air, but in the winter, he gets cold so I put it on my side, and he doesn't feel it.  I paid over $100 on Amazon 2 years ago (they no longer sell on Amazon because another company knocked off their design), but their new model is launching soon, and they gave me a code for a good discount if anyone is interested - just PM me.  I don't work for them or sell for them (honest).  But for anyone who has issues with getting hot while sleeping, it's a Godsend, and the guy who owns the company is great.  And please, oh merciful mods, do not banish me to prison - not trying to spam or anything - that's why I said if interested to PM me for the link.  If I committed a boo-boo, just delete the thread.  And I now return you to your JJ snark-fest.  :)

1 hour ago, funky-rat said:

Someone had mentioned a white noise machine.

I have always used a fan (because I cannot sleep in dead silence) but it was uncomfortable in winter here, where the temps can go to minus 25, even if I aimed it away from me. Then I got an air purifier. That was fine, except the large size was awkward on my night table. A few weeks ago I was perusing BestBuy for a bread maker, and came upon this white noise machine. I absolutely love it! It's very small, fits perfectly on my night table and is black like my clock and candlestick lamp. It has quite a few different noise settings (fans and generic white noise) and you can adjust the volume or use a timer if you wish. It seemed expensive to me, but since I've had it, I feel it's worth every penny and recommend highly:


  • Love 2
17 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I have always used a fan (because I cannot sleep in dead silence) but it was uncomfortable in winter here, where the temps can go to minus 25, even if I aimed it away from me. Then I got an air purifier. That was fine, except the large size was awkward on my night table. A few weeks ago I was perusing BestBuy for a bread maker, and came upon this white noise machine. I absolutely love it! It's very small, fits perfectly on my night table and is black like my clock and candlestick lamp. It has quite a few different noise settings (fans and generic white noise) and you can adjust the volume or use a timer if you wish. It seemed expensive to me, but since I've had it, I feel it's worth every penny and recommend highly:


That's not expensive in my opinion - especially if it helps you.  It gets cold here in winter (not as cold as where you are), but I'd still get hot, and my husband kicks off heat like crazy, so I love my Bedfan.  I love it more in the summer when the A/C kicks on.  There's a vent under the bed (no matter how we tried to position the bed, it hit that vent) and the Bedfan picks up the chilled air - heaven.

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On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 11:23 AM, funky-rat said:

so I love my Bedfan. 

I never heard of this, but it sounds like something I could really use. It gets very hot and humid in summer here and because I have to close the bedroom door to keep cats out, it gets very warm in there and my tabletop fan helps only so much. I"m not really seeing exactly how it works but need to find out.  *runs to check if can buy here*

The White Noise machine seemed expensive only for its small size and simple controls. It's worth its weight in gold to me!

ETA: funky-rat, does the Bedfan cool in hot weather with no a/c? Does it go under the sheet? If so, it would cool your body but not your face... ?

Edited by AngelaHunter

I loved the case where a man was trying to get the woman to pay fees and expenses on his fishing cabin.  It turned out that she wasn't even on the deed!  Judy was at her best when she looked at the paper work.  He was pissed.  Doug tried to get her to agree to sign over her 1/8 share to him. She calmly said I don't own it.  Sweet. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, wings707 said:

I loved the case where a man was trying to get the woman to pay fees and expenses on his fishing cabin.  It turned out that she wasn't even on the deed!  Judy was at her best when she looked at the paper work.  He was pissed.  Doug tried to get her to agree to sign over her 1/8 share to him. She calmly said I don't own it.  Sweet. 

Wasn't this case on TPC, or did they double dip and do JJ also?

9 minutes ago, momtoall said:

Wasn't this case on TPC, or did they double dip and do JJ also?

No, it was TPC.  Anytime Doug is in the hallway, it's TPC.  I pegged that lady as a "steel magnolia."  She looks frail and unable to bother her pretty little head with financial details, but her comment when Doug recommended she sign over her interest in the cabin was priceless:  "But it's not mine," then smile sweetly and let Mr. "Justice is not fair" deal with it.

On ‎3‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 8:45 PM, AngelaHunter said:

I never heard of this, but it sounds like something I could really use. It gets very hot and humid in summer here and because I have to close the bedroom door to keep cats out, it gets very warm in there and my tabletop fan helps only so much. I"m not really seeing exactly how it works but need to find out.  *runs to check if can buy here*

The White Noise machine seemed expensive only for its small size and simple controls. It's worth its weight in gold to me!

ETA: funky-rat, does the Bedfan cool in hot weather with no a/c? Does it go under the sheet? If so, it would cool your body but not your face... ?

It does shoot air under the sheet.  You set it on the floor, and it looks kind-of like a periscope.  You adjust it so the top of it is resting on the top of your bed.  Then put the flat sheet on, and put it on over top of the fan - you tuck the sheet in like normal - just tuck it around the fan, if that makes sense.  The one thing I can't answer is about not having a/c - we have central a/c so I'm not sure exactly how cool it gets without it, but I'm confident it will cool (just not sure how much).  It does not hit your face at all.  When I get home, I'll PM you the info - you can talk right to the owner - he's great.  They're 50% off through tomorrow, I believe.

The voice actors are awesome.  The odd numbered episodes are just them  reading the letter, evens are people discussing them while drinking ?


If you have  a smart phone it will be easier to listen on a podcast app.  One is built into iPhones.  For other phones stitcher is usually the best bet !


His other podcast Our Americana is good too. It's about different people in different towns around the US.  

3 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

Where did you find that?!

I found it on Etsy.com...the artist is in Sweden, and I didn't even know they got JJ there, but evidently they do.

https://www.etsy.com/listing/514650788/judge-judy-cross-stitch-pattern?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=judge judy&ref=sr_gallery_9

JJ is favorited on Etsy more than Kanye, Drake, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, but one less time than Ryan Gosling.

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Future Judge Judy litigant writes to Ask Amy: http://www.denverpost.com/2017/06/20/ask-amy-he-lies-cheats-and-steals-her-heart/



 I dated a man two years ago who lied to me about who he was.

When I learned the truth about him, he stole my car and disappeared.

Some months later, he returned. He was apologetic and wanted to be back in the relationship, but I caught him lying a few more times. Even though we weren’t seeing each other like a regular couple, he cheated on me.

Now he is in jail and he needs me to help him.


and it goes on, hitting peak WTF with "This makes me feel like I’m not doing enough for him".

Amy's answer is 


My advice is for you to lace up your fastest track shoes and run as fast and as far away from this mess as you can. If you are feeling extra-generous, you might grab your guy’s other girlfriend and pull a Thelma and Louise.

Bonus snark from Livejournal: http://cf-abby-tribute.livejournal.com/821646.html

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Watching the lazy turds on this show chaps me so much, especially the abuse of the disability SS payments. My mother's former caregiver ("B") was a smoker and several years after my mom passed, B got cancer and had her larynx removed. Boy, has it been a long road for her but she has fought to survive and learned how to deal with her stoma. She even got to the point where she got a night job at the dollar store in the stock room. A novel idea....she wanted to work!

Well, when her lowlife trashy husband who did nothing for a living got mad at her when she refused to give him a few bucks, he put his hands around her throat to scare her! Scary in any situation but especially when you have a stoma. How effed up is that! He woke up in jail the next day and she moved out of state to be near family and to be safe. We still keep in touch and I send her money from time to time. She is on disability but is still looking for a job and is getting discouraged. She says she doesn't want to spend her life just hanging out at home.  She's very friendly and wants to be around people and to feel like she's doing something! Wait, what? Is that possible? To have an obvious disability but want to contribute to society? Should be in Ripley's Believe it or Not.

So when I hear these sob stories of I have asthma, I hurt my back, etc., I think, you hustlahs, remember that karma's a bitch. Disclaimer: I'm not dissing asthma, hurt backs, etc., in general. Just these lazy fools who lie and who still pop out babies for Byrd to support.

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I'm always amazed that the scammers and schemers appear to get disability with no problem while people with actual disabilities seem to have to jump through hoops and all types of red tapes to get approved.  Have an acquaintance who was partially paralyzed after falling off a ladder several years ago.  He recent!y was approved for SSI after being denied five times.  A former neighbor was initially denied, despite having two heart surgeries and being oxygen dependent.  Can't understand how some of these scammers are approved.  SMH...

Edited by momtoall
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2 hours ago, momtoall said:


I'm always amazed that the scammers and schemers appear to get disability with no problem while people with actual disabilities seem to have to jump through hoops and all types of red tapes to get approved.  Have an acquaintance who was partially paralyzed after falling off a ladder several years ago.  He recent!y was approved for SSI after being denied five times.  A former neighbor was initially denied, despite having two heart surgeries and being oxygen dependent.  Can't understand how some of these scammers are approved.  SMH...


I work in a children's orthopedic clinic. We have parents who try and scam their kids for disability. They bring in papers for disability and the kid will have something like a sprain or patellofemoral syndrome (it's a knee problem that is usually resolved with ice and massage and anti-inflammatories and sometimes a little physical therapy). Or a kid will break an arm and in most cases, the arms heal fine within about two months.  But the parents are all into filling out dem disability papers. I'm not talking AFLAC - I'm talking full blown state disability. For a minor. We had a teen who had knee surgery and didn't follow through on what he was supposed to do (physical therapy, etc) and then the dad shows up saying his kid is in pain and has to have disability. We have people whose kids are injured and the first thing they do (before taking them to the doctor) is call a lawyer. One girl fell off a seat on the school bus. She called her mother who called a lawyer before she even picked the kid up.  Now we do have some serious cases where children are seriously disabled (cerebral palsy, etc) and I have no beef with that. It's just the opportunists that piss me off seriously. 

Spunkygal, my mom worked for a babysitting service when I was a kid (these were babysitters to the stars in Las Vegas, not just random kids). The lady who owned the place had throat cancer and had a stoma. She had no problem working and talking on the phone although I was a little freaked out watching her smoke a cigarette through her stoma. 

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