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Mob Wives - General Discussion

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I rewatched the "fight" and it looks like as soon as Karen and Natalie started pulling each other's hair, security got involved and Karen tripped because of it and landed on the ground.  It doesn't look as if Natlaie pushed her down or even got the upper hand--both Karen and Natalie seemed prety evenly matched. 


I also loved Drita's reaction--she wanted to jump in but security kept blocking her :):)


Yeah, it looks like a draw to me, although both women's mugs were jaaaaacked for sure.


I have never been one to fight and I didn't grow up in the culture of the streets, but I do find it interesting that Drita basically said, "when chicks start fighting...let them fight until one can't anymore." I know for legal and socio-political reasons VH-1 won't show women throwing bows uninterrupted, but sometimes animosity at this level can't be resolved any other way. Especially when Natalie and Karen are incapable of listening to the other's side.


Heads up, I'm coming into the shallow end of the pool. London needs to step away from the tight body shirts. He has a shape like someone's Madea on top.

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Wow, I actually felt embarrassed for all of them.  Natalie showing up in that ridiculous dress, Karen charging her like a crazed animal, Drita and Renee's usual filthy mouths spouting their love of violence.  Not sure why Ang is so bent on being loyal to Natalie, just more evidence that this thing is scripted.  These women are not really friends away from the show.  Next weeks preview leads us to believe Drita is having a disagreement with Ang over Natalie.  

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So Karen didn't know Nat D and gave her the benefit of the doubt on why she hates Nat G, who she doesn't know. But somehow Nat G was pulling pics off Nat G's moms Facebook before any of these people met and providing them to Karen?

What a pathetic set up. All these ladies needed a story so this is what they came up with? At least Karen and Drita's issue in season one had some real history behind it.

Renee is such a beast. At Karens poker party the way she got worked up with every word Ang said, I just could not be around that woman. She is so exhausting.

Ang's house looks like it's going to be really nice when it's done.

So Karen didn't know Nat D and gave her the benefit of the doubt on why she hates Nat G, who she doesn't know. But somehow Nat G was pulling pics off Nat G's moms Facebook before any of these people met and providing them to Karen?

I believe Nat D said the picture was from a yearbook - I assumed she meant that literally - not that someone had hacked the mother's Facebook page.

Natalie must have been wearing A LOT of sticky tape under that outfit! Or she had it glued to her body.  Looks like it didn't budge an inch. 


I was kinda sad security broke it up - but I guess being a show and all they can't let it go on because whoever would have lost likely would have sued the show for allowing it to happen. 

I believe Nat D said the picture was from a yearbook - I assumed she meant that literally - not that someone had hacked the mother's Facebook page.


I don't think she hacked anyone's facebook, and Nat G didn't say she hacked anything I don't think. Ang just misunderstood because I don't think Ang understands the ins and outs of most social media (God love her).  I think Nat D saw the pic on someone's facebook wall, whether it was Nat G's mother or someone else. Probably someone Nat D is friends with was also tagged in it. But the point is, she hadn't met Karen yet at that point, took the picture from facebook and sent it to Karen to use against Nat G and we're supposed to think this chick doesn't have an agenda? I mean, obviously the agenda was to get on the show and it succeeded! It just seems like silly manufactured drama to me. Nat G and Nat D hadn't even met each other before, they had no reason to hate each other. At least the early season drama between the ladies was based in a real history. But they're all friendly now so they needed new troublemakers. Personally I'd watch an hour of Big Ang moving into her house and throwing a bbq over the Philly ladies. 

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Actually it was Nat G who claimed that Karen hacked into her mother's facebook page because Nat G didn't know where Karen got the picture from.  Apparently Nat G's mom has a copy of that particular yearbook photo so that is where Nat G assumed that Karen had got the photo from.  Nat G told this to Ang and Drita when they confronted her about the Twitter war.  During the poker game I believe is when Nat D admitted that Karen didn't hack Nat G's mom's facebook but it was her who sent Karen the yearbook photo.

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I agree with racked I would rather see an hour of big Ang moving in her house.

Karen and Renee ugh, can't stand them. I hated that Karen kept saying my daughter had to get involved on twitter, or what ever she said. No she didn't. She clearly has impulse control like her mother and her mother's friends. At least Karen's daughter is still a kid, what's Karen excuse for a twitter war with a stranger. Natalie obviously has issues but she's not lying, Karen father is a killer and Federal informant or rat, if you will.

I think Ang is sick of all of them. Me too, Ang.

Edited by imjagain
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I have to say something must be happening to me because I am softening on Nat G.  I thought she was incredibly sensible and her most honest in the latest episode.  When she was talking to London, I believed every word that came out of her mouth.  I also thought her text to Renee was a real attempt at making peace. 


I honestly can't understand the logic with some of these women.  Their ideas of loyalty and being a rat are completely nonsensical.  Also why is no one besides Ang not questioning Nat D's motivation in all this.  If Nat G's stance in the group isn't solidified than why put so much stock in Nat G, a woman who you just met five minutes ago.  The enemy of your enemy may not always be your friend. 

Ang standing by Nat G is honorable but doesn't make much sense.  So this proves to me the show is very scripted.  Why does Renee keep trying to have these one on one serious Mom conversations with her son, who clearly doesn't give a shit.   Karen busts in on a shopping spree meant to take Renee's mind off of her troubles to bring her news of Junior?  Ridiculous.  Karen going into the medical pot business, why am I not surprised.  Please make Nat D go away.

Edited by LucyEth
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Ang standing by Nat G is honorable but doesn't make much sense.  So this proves to me the show is very scripted.  Why does Renee keep trying to have these one on one serious Mom conversations with her son, who clearly doesn't give a shit.   Karen busts in on a shopping spree meant to take Renee's mind off of her troubles to bring her news of Junior?  Ridiculous.  Karen going into the medical pot business, why am I not surprised.  Please make Nat D go away.


Karen's mom? Wow. Mob wife life is HARD on a woman. 

I feel for Renee's son.  The poor kid always seems so "chill" and appears to just be living his life and doing the best he can, and then here comes Renee.  She's always claiming she she wants to talk to him to make sure he's okay, but it always ends up with Renee blowing a gasket and the poor kid having to calm her down.Renee is exhausting.

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It's no wonder AJ always seems so disconnected when Renee tries to talk to him, she's a total head case, every conversation escalates and gets ugly with her, we rarely see her happy about anything.

On a superficial note, that damn Junior can't write for shit! Was he in Juvie the week they taught penmanship?

Cue the Intervention theme song...This show affects me negatively in the following way: for a few hours I'm walking around calling everyone and everyTHING an effin' jerkoff.

Edited by CentralTexas
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I love calling everything "jerkoff"! ;)

Karen trying to get into the medical marijuana business, ha! I guess she thinks going legal will be better than that ecstasy ring. Though I don't see her being approved (another fake storyline alert!) given her past.


Well, last week Mini Persnickety and I proclaimed RAT MOTHERFUCKER as our term of endearment to one another.


This week's episode gave us a whole new assortment of terms containing the word RAT.  We're still giggling over last night's episode.  


Sometimes this show is just so ridiculous that I have to love it just a tiny bit.


I'm afraid, however, that Natalie G. is becoming Mini Persnickety's idol because she loves the way she won't back down...And the way she says "caw-fee."

Edited by Persnickety1
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I'm going to do something completely out of character and give Renee a compliment.  98% of the time she grates with her hysterics and her "heart to heart" talks with AJ who barely registers a pulse.  With that said I really appreciated her apologizing or at least coming to the realization that she helped saddle her son with an awful father.  Very rarely do you see a parent self aware enough to take responsibility for not helping to pick a good parent for their child. 


Now if Renee can get off her high horse and realize her own issues and how they don't help her son, she would be in a lot better shape.

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I'm afraid, however, that Natalie G. is becoming Mini Persnickety's idol because she loves the way she won't back down...And the way she says "caw-fee."


It is a treat listening to Natalie G pontificate isn't it?  :)


I like how Ang was so calm about the sea hags comment because it wasn't meant for her or Drita but it's somehow okay for Karen and Renee to be called horrible names.  What an awesome friend!

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The reason for the division is easy to see.  Drita and Natalie are younger, prettier and both have men in their lives.  Renee and Karen are older, chubbier and Renee is alone and you can't really count Karen and Storm as a couple since we know he screwed around already.  That relationship is on thin ice.  Both of them are very insecure and very jealous.  Remember the incident when Natalie told Renee's new (younger) boyfriend he smelled delicious?  Renee was so paranoid and insecure!  That was the reason that dude dumped her.  She looked like a desperate old woman.


Big Ang is Big Ang and she does not need a soul.  She is secure with herself, her man and her life.  Renee and Karen are envious of her, too. 


Look at who is happy and who isn't.  Drita and Ang?  Happy.  Renee and Karen?  Unhappy.


I think Big Ang's reaction to the sea hag comment showed that she did not believe the story.  If the other Natalie is so sharp and had her boyfriend put his phone on speaker so she could hear the conversation, why didn't she grab her phone and hit record?  Natalie would have never known she was being recorded since the recording would have been done with a third (unconnected) device.


That would have been 100% proof of who is lying and who isn't.

  • Love 3

The reason for the division is easy to see.  Drita and Natalie are younger, prettier and both have men in their lives.  Renee and Karen are older, chubbier and Renee is alone and you can't really count Karen and Storm as a couple since we know he screwed around already.  That relationship is on thin ice.  Both of them are very insecure and very jealous.  Remember the incident when Natalie told Renee's new (younger) boyfriend he smelled delicious?  Renee was so paranoid and insecure!  That was the reason that dude dumped her.  She looked like a desperate old woman.



Drita is actually a few years older than Karen.  

Big Ang talks so low so much of the time I was really glad she was closed-captioned in this episode.


I sort of loved it when the new Natalie was talking about how she didn't want people to think she was the new girl just there to stir up the shit about Natalie G, and Big Ang mumbled something like, "That's exactly how I feel."  Looked like new Natalie didn't quite know how to respond to that statement.  


Yeah, I don't know where this new Natalie came from but just from what they've shown us, she seems a bit "thirsty."


I'm leaning towards both Natalies being full of shit but this new Natalie perhaps even more so than Natalie G.


And, of course, I'm probably dead wrong but hopefully we'll find out by the end of the season.  


Off topic a bit, but Karen's daughter is turning out to be quite a little beauty.  She looked stunning at the dinner at Gerard's restaurant.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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racked - Great observation.  You nailed it.  Ang has had way more work than Renée but for some odd reason, Ang can pull it off.  It has to be her personality.  Renée?  Not so much.  Renée did not have a great life but I think all of them have had rough patches, so I can't give Renée a pass.  She looks old, hard, mean and scary.


She still needs help with her depression.  She gets a very scary look on her face sometimes.  She looks like she could slip off the edge.

I'm a few posts late to the party but my favorite new terminology from this show is "Cop Caller" (actually "Kahp Kawla" is probably more phonetically accurate) and I am trying to work that into all of my interactions. If I don't like you, You're a kahp kawla….. we have a disagreement, "What do you know, you're a kahp kawla"… it's obviously the greatest insult one can make. :) I had no idea until now. Thank you MobWives!
As for jerk off… that is probably our state's (Dirty Jerz!) official term of endearment  …. I call everyone a jerk off and when I am in a formal setting, I shorten it to JO. "That kid is a freaking JO if I ever saw one" 

  • Love 2

I'm a few posts late to the party but my favorite new terminology from this show is "Cop Caller" (actually "Kahp Kawla" is probably more phonetically accurate) and I am trying to work that into all of my interactions. If I don't like you, You're a kahp kawla….. we have a disagreement, "What do you know, you're a kahp kawla"… it's obviously the greatest insult one can make. :) I had no idea until now. Thank you MobWives!

As for jerk off… that is probably our state's (Dirty Jerz!) official term of endearment  …. I call everyone a jerk off and when I am in a formal setting, I shorten it to JO. "That kid is a freaking JO if I ever saw one" 


Mini Persnickety and I are still throwing around RAT MOTHERFUCKER, YOU'RE A DISGRACE!!!


I wonder who held Renee down before her Mob Candy party, scrubbed all of that clown makeup she usually wears, softened up her hairstyle, and made her look presentable?


Seriously, I had to look twice to make sure I was looking at Renee.


And Natalie looked downright lovely in a couple of scenes.  Looked like she had lost a lot of that godawful overdone bronzer she usually applies with a broom.


Or maybe I should just ease up on the prosecco when I watch this trashy mess.  

This is the first "reality" show that I truly hope is scripted. I don't watch every episode but have seen enough over the years to know who everybody is.

I used to like Drita but not so much now after hearing her saying shit like Ang's cousin is in prison because of a rat, and if it wasn't for a rat her husband would haven't gone to prison.

Do these idiots not realize how stupid that sounds? How about, if these people hadn't committed these crimes they wouldn't have gone to prison?!

Does Drita seriously think that the guy who shot and killed somebody during a robbery shouldn't have gone to prison? Does she,really think that the "rat" is worse than the murderer?

And Drita, Ang's cousin didn't "pull a robbery where somebody got shot", he murdered somebody during an armed robbery.

These bitches make me sick.

This isn't even fun hate watching for me.

None of them can fight. They talk a tough game but they all fight like little girls on the playground fighting over a jump rope. I'm a peace loving hippie chick but growing up with older brothers, they taught me how to fight. I haven't had a fight since I was 20 but I could still whip their butts.

I can't believe these are grown women and mothers acting like this.

Renee is just too pathetic to make fun of. She's not nearly as good looking or as tough as she thinks she is.

Edited by Maharincess
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And Drita, Ang's cousin didn't "pull a robbery where somebody got shot", he murdered somebody during an armed robbery.


I may be terribly confused, but I thought it was Renee's ex that pulled the trigger and then informed on the crime, the show is Mob Wives which means they are associated with people that are known criminals.  I'm not making excuses for criminals, but that's the basis of the show.  Ang's cousin is certainly guilty of felony murder whether he pulled the trigger or not.

I used to like Drita but not so much now after hearing her saying shit like Ang's cousin is in prison because of a rat, and if it wasn't for a rat her husband would haven't gone to prison.

Do these idiots not realize how stupid that sounds? How about, if these people hadn't committed these crimes they wouldn't have gone to prison?!

Does Drita seriously think that the guy who shot and killed somebody during a robbery shouldn't have gone to prison? Does she,really think that the "rat" is worse than the murderer?

And Drita, Ang's cousin didn't "pull a robbery where somebody got shot", he murdered somebody during an armed robbery.


THIS!  So it's The Rat's fault Lee's spend time in prison, and not because he actually committed a crime and it's The Rat's fault aka Junior that Ang's cousin is going to jail and not because he killed another person.  Talk about a screwed up mentality.


And I remember Carla from season being rather dull and the best thing about her was her friendship with Drita--I guess their falling out will be the new drama.  What fun :)


Although I would love it if Carla took to carrying a butter knife on her and she pulled it out of her stupid oversize purse whenever she wanted to make a serious point :)

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Yes, if you are committing a felony and someone dies - no matter if they get shot or have a heart attack - it is a murder one charge for everyone.  Junior did the shooting and then cut a deal before anyone else could.  They would rather give Junior a break on his sentence and guarantee that all of the others got automatic convictions because of his testimony.  Sweet.


For these people, committing a crime is their "job".  They don't work nine to five.  They spend their time looking for illegal things to do to make money.  When someone turns state's and rats, they take that personally because they were all in on the job and now, one of them is more worried about their own skin rather than keeping their mouth shut.


Being a rat is far worse than being a criminal.


Did anyone see that London was slashed at a New York club?  It looked pretty bad. 


Karen will get the OK to sell medical marijuana when cows fly. 


Check out Nat D.'s bottom teeth.  They look like she stole them from a thoroughbred.  She is long in the tooth.  Literally.

Edited by Cubsfan
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I watched her on Chopped, and she was surprisingly well-behaved.  When asked if it was hard for her to choose to do reality tv, she explained that it was an easy decision for her to do Mob Wives because it gave her a platform to speak out as a victim of domestic violence and, in doing so, help others.  


Admittedly I've not seen every episode of this show, but...has she actually done that at some point in between the yelling, drug abuse, and brawls?  It's mostly that last thing that throws me, because I have a hard time reconciling the idea of her as a crusader against domestic violence and what I've seen of her as an instigator/participator/celebrant of violence between women.

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So what happened with Drita and Lee. She was ready to divorce him, hocked her huge internally flawless 100K diamond ring and everything. If I recall correctly, she found out that he had been having an affair with a stylist in a salon she goes to and there may even have been a baby? Did I dream that up? 


Ang is still the only one I like and now I'll add Natalie G.


The rest are full of shit. I'd love to know how scripted it is really. 


I also think that the real weirdness between Renee and Nat wasn't about the ridiculous "deliciousgate" or anything else. I think they were doing coke together and Renee made a move on her and Nat rejected her. Just a vibe I'm getting.

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The Drita and Carla stuff is fake, right?

Carla and Drita seemed to be good friends and I doubt they have any real beef.

Not looking forward to Drita threatening to bash Carla's head in ...boring.

Speaking of boring, I'm surprised the producers wanted Carla back. She was kind bland.

I thought she was the prettiest of this bunch. Healthy looking and in great shape. Still boring though.

  • Love 4

I watched her on Chopped, and she was surprisingly well-behaved. When asked if it was hard for her to choose to do reality tv, she explained that it was an easy decision for her to do Mob Wives because it gave her a platform to speak out as a victim of domestic violence and, in doing so, help others.

Admittedly I've not seen every episode of this show, but...has she actually done that at some point in between the yelling, drug abuse, and brawls? It's mostly that last thing that throws me, because I have a hard time reconciling the idea of her as a crusader against domestic violence and what I've seen of her as an instigator/participator/celebrant of violence between women.

I've watched pretty much weekly and no, at no point can I recall any moment in time where Renee used this show as a platform against domestic violence. It's an insult to real DV victims that she even brings this up as an excuse. She's a horrible horrible person.

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