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Is this show a comedy? It is hilarious. Karen getting into Natalie's face and last season Renee getting into Natalie's face was so funny. And last season when Natalie called her boyfriend to tell him about the fight and she said Renee's breath fucking stunk, I couldn't stop laughing. 


Drita thinks she is all so tough but she is so foolish. She keeps bragging about what a good fighter she is. Is that supposed to impress the viewers? 


And Big Ang in her dead pan and slowly delivered talks to the camera is the funniest thing  ever. 


I can't decide if this show is brilliant comedy or just the pathetic lowest depths of television. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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Renee is only 43?! I thought she was closer to 50 to be honest. I'm not trying to be insulting, she just doesn't look like 43.


How old are these ladies? Is Drita around 43 also? Big Ang must be nearing 60, right?


And Victoria Gotti needs to either get a new hairstylist and cut that hair if it's really hers or have those extensions removed. It doesn't look good on her. Makes her older imho.

Edited by RockyHorror64
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And Big Ang in her dead pan and slowly delivered talks to the camera is the funniest thing  ever. 


I can't decide if this show is brilliant comedy or just the pathetic lowest depths of television. 


I'm not gonna lie, this is my darkest dirtiest teevee secret pleasure.  And these are two of the reasons - and I think it's the most pathetic depths and brilliant unintended comedy.


Initially I hated Drita and I too am tired of her always talking about getting violent, thing is, she hasn't in a long time.  She's now may favorite and she and Big Ang together are great.


Karen, Renee and Natalie are nuts, full stop.  All for different reasons.  To be fair about AJ (do both Big Ang and Renee have AJs?), this is Renee's son - she said she sent him to live with her father, not his father, I thought anyways.  Laughs, now I'm confused and I deleted the episode.  Anyways, my impression was that he was sent to live with a grandfather.


I really liked the moment in this episode where Drita and Big Ang were talking about how Riker's right now might wake Big Ang's son up and the analogy to what Lee needed.  One of the few genuine moments we've gotten on this show.


...now I know I'm crazy too.  Hangs head.

Edited by NextIteration
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So noone is allowed to mention the rat's daughter and her rat family but Sammy the Rat is Karen's entire story line and all she talks about, as if her murdering father is some kind of hero? Oh ok. Makes perfect sense Karen.

And for god sakes, could someone please inform Karen she's on Mob Wives, not Love & HipHop. The tough guy rapper street talk is hilarious on a chubby middle aged italian lady.

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I loved it when Ang was talking to Victoria about how the guys today are not like they used to be back when John Gotti was the "boss", and Victoria said something like "Yeah, they don't have the ethics and morals".  How these morons can glorify those mobsters as if they were rock stars to be respected and looked up to is beyond me.


All the women I know gave up name calling and wanting to fight each other when they left junior high.  The shit on this show has to be scripted and manufactured, right?  Right?   

  • Love 6

Just watched the latest episode. Lather, rinse, repeat, I'm tired of the Natalie/Ratalie storyline, she has no place on this show and her mob connection is not even verified, they white out her supposed mob member cousin's name...why is she there????

She's insane! She talks and acts crazy, and this season she's been packing on the pounds, but has not adjusted her wardrobe to allow for her expansion...those shorts? Ugh! I feel sorry for her son, and not just for his unfortunate name, but for having this disgusting wretch of a woman for a mother. I hope his dad is at least a good guy.

Anyone else bored with the Victoria Gotti appearances? What's the point? Can't these supposedly grown ass women handle their own lives...oh wait, never mind

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There is no purpose to Victoria Gotti to being on this damn show. She needs to stay away. Maybe the producers worried pre-season about ratings and added her as a "friend of/advisor" to the cast.

So Natalie is a rat/cop caller/whatever, just like Karen's dad. So why was it okay for Sammy the Bull but not Natalie? On the same note, I can't wait to see what Renee has to say about Junior's latest round of "Hi Feds, I did bad, ask me how!…and don't forget to put someone else in jail!". Renee has to make some sort of smart-ass remark for Big Ang to come up outta her seat.

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Drita cracked me up with her reaction to Natalie's calling the parole officer--if he was acting horribly, then she should have beat him herself.  Yeah, that's much worse than calling the police :)  And is Lee serious that he wants Drita to have another baby?  He was such a romantic asking her about it as well--what a keeper :)


There are moments when I think Renee is actually pretty but then she opens her mouth and sounds absolutely crazy and I realize that I'm the crazy one.


Natalie needs more of a sense of humor because all we're seeing is her mugging like a tough guy for the camera but then when something starts to actually happen, she punks down and runs away. 


Man, but as stupid as this show is, I'm still loving it like a cheap hooker :):)

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I loved it when Ang was talking to Victoria about how the guys today are not like they used to be back when John Gotti was the "boss", and Victoria said something like "Yeah, they don't have the ethics and morals".  How these morons can glorify those mobsters as if they were rock stars to be respected and looked up to is beyond me.


All the women I know gave up name calling and wanting to fight each other when they left junior high.  The shit on this show has to be scripted and manufactured, right?  Right?   


I had the same reaction to that line.  Ethics and morals?  Is she kidding.  These women are always threatening to bust heads etc and I have yet to see anything happen.  It's all talk.  Waiting to see what next week brings with Ang and Renee, sure that will cut off just when it starts and go into the next week.  It's all a show, none of these women are really friends IMO.

Edited by LucyEth
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I happened to see a new episode is on my DVR, which I'll be watching after work.


Judging by the lack of comments on this season on this forum, I'm wondering how VH1 even keeps this Titanic afloat.


The past couple of seasons have just seemed like a leather/rinse/repeat of the previous one.


Well, hopefully tonight's episode will provide a little bit of snark value.  I have to admit that I've even had trouble staying awake through the episodes so far this season.


Damned show is better at inducing sleep than Ambien.  

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All I can say is HOLY KEEERIST!  I don't follow this show but I was channel surfing and stopped on this show and to my horrors I thought it was a joke of some kind. Was it people with masks on?  Was it cross-dressers? Was this a comedy routine?  Wow, it's real. Two of them that look similar scared the crap out of me, I can't even imagine being anywhere near them. How the hell do the dregs of society like this motley crew get the opportunity to have a television show based on their lives? Society is so doomed that it's not even funny anymore.

All I can say is HOLY KEEERIST!  I don't follow this show but I was channel surfing and stopped on this show and to my horrors I thought it was a joke of some kind. Was it people with masks on?  Was it cross-dressers? Was this a comedy routine?  Wow, it's real. Two of them that look similar scared the crap out of me, I can't even imagine being anywhere near them. How the hell do the dregs of society like this motley crew get the opportunity to have a television show based on their lives? Society is so doomed that it's not even funny anymore.

Renee and Big Ang are starting to look like muppits 

Aww,Ang's poor cousin. Committed a robbery where somebody was murdered and the poor guy gets 38 years in prison.

Don't they know he's married with a baby?! How can they be so cruel as to give this thieving murderer prison time!

Poor guy.

These bitches are a joke.

Amazing how "The Feds" always want to lock them up just for perusing their normal career.

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This new Natalie may be worse than old Natalie, who at least seems to have a face made of human parts. Someone took a wad of tissue and injected it into new Natalies lips. Every time she speaks I am disturbed by the bizarre contortions of her face.

Jr and Ang's cousin murderer an innocent man, a father. Renee took Junior back after that and VH1 put him on tv. Yet being a rat is what these people find deplorable.

I still love Ang, I can't help it. And I don't blame her for snapping, who wouldn't get sick of Renee's over dramatic BS.

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My perception is that Ang has had it with Renee calling everyone else a Rat, when Renee's spouse is a well known Rat.  The hypocrisy is a lot to take, when one of your relatives is heading off for 38 years due to said Rat.


I make no excuses for anyone that is a criminal - I just think it's hard to follow the "code" when there is so much hypocrisy and rule exceptions. lol

  • Love 3

My perception is that Ang has had it with Renee calling everyone else a Rat, when Renee's spouse is a well known Rat.  The hypocrisy is a lot to take, when one of your relatives is heading off for 38 years due to said Rat.


I make no excuses for anyone that is a criminal - I just think it's hard to follow the "code" when there is so much hypocrisy and rule exceptions. lol


Same thing for the whole "family" can't  be mentioned.  Everyone wants to say you can't bring up family, but every single one of these bitches is on the show due to "family".   Hypocrisy much?  Idiots - all of them.

Drita has such intense feelings about befriending "rats," so why oh why does she remain friendly with Renee and Karen? I get that it was other people in their lives were the actual rats, but Drita's feelings about snitching and ratting are so strong that one would think she wouldn't go near anyone with the Gravano name, or the woman who was married to Jr. Is Lee still involved in something nefarious? Is Drita so scared that a rat could come in and fuck up her life at this point?

Victoria, please get your knock-kneed self off the tv. Why don't you go give yourself and that homage to the 1980s house of yours an complete overhaul. So tired of seeing you.

Edited by zenme
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On a completely shallow note, I was struck with how beautiful Karen Gravano looks this season.  She's absolutely gorgeous...then she opens her mouth and the illusion evaporates.  This show has otherwise gotten so stale over the years, it may be time to pull the plug.  None of the storylines are interesting, and dropping Victoria Gotti in there doesn't help anything.

  • Love 3

Is this show a comedy? It is hilarious. Karen getting into Natalie's face and last season Renee getting into Natalie's face was so funny. And last season when Natalie called her boyfriend to tell him about the fight and she said Renee's breath fucking stunk, I couldn't stop laughing. 


Drita thinks she is all so tough but she is so foolish. She keeps bragging about what a good fighter she is. Is that supposed to impress the viewers? 


And Big Ang in her dead pan and slowly delivered talks to the camera is the funniest thing  ever. 


I can't decide if this show is brilliant comedy or just the pathetic lowest depths of television. 


Big Ang is my favorite cast member on the show.  She has really grown on me.  Dating myself here but every time Ang speaks she reminds me of a female version of Herman Munster (Fred Gwynn) - same slow, deliberate speech, even the same laugh.  Oh Big Ang, don't ever change.  She was forever the calm, level-headed, non hot headed character in the sea of insanity called "Mob Wives". 


I'm worried about Ang's character this season.  She's starting to get more turned up and ready to rumble like every other cast member and I don't like it!  :)  

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