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Eileen Davidson: Queen Eileen, Bold and Beautiful

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I liked Eileen last season mainly because she didn't put up with bg's antics. However, a little last season and more so this season, there have been moments that seem scripted or disingenuous. Maybe it is because she has a slight pause prior to speaking. Of course the soap opera like lines of "How dare you" just seem like acting. Her revealing of "secrets" or pot-stirring that she plays off as "blundering doofus dumb blonde just being honest with a foot in my mouth" seems to be producer manipulation....or is her "friendship" with Rinna really just an act. If it is an act then is it producer driven or did the two of them agree to it when they were newbies. Maybe it is genuine but her "foot in mouth" or "dumb blonde" throwing Rinna under the bus at the lunch where Erika was introduced to some of the HWs....she did it elsewhere this season.


Also her fangirlling over Erika is annoying.....seems immature.


She's rubbing me wrong and I can't quite put my finger on why. Yes, disingenuous but it is more then that (also that isn't enough to make me side eye her as much as I am). The entire editing of the domestic violence (DV) story seemed fishy. Also her harping on LVP's mention of or use of the word "affair" seemed scripted or desperate for screen time. Also LVP apologized so wtf. LVP isn't an angel, none of them are, but I didn't think she was trying to ruffle Eileen when it first came up. I'm sure LVP got annoyed that Eileen kept harping on it. 


I think Eileen reminds me a bit of Erika. They say talk about it (to Rinna) and nothing will go wrong. Then Erika twists stuff to Yo and both Yo and Erika attack Rinna. I question Eileen hanging out with Yo and with Erika. She says she likes everything out in the open (WHO TOLD YOLANDA) but I wonder if she isn't also doing the equivalent pot stirring (granted all of them stir the pot and I do love my pot stirred drama)


I think it all comes down to a building up of little things and what is making me question her the most is her hanging out with Erika and Yolanda. There have been many times where Eileen has been awesome and so it is some of this questionable behavior that bothers me. I guess that is the problem with having high expectations....one is bound to be disappointed.  I'm not saying I dislike Eileen and I still like her but I also see red flags.

Edited by Vicky8675309
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I liked Eileen last season mainly because she didn't put up with bg's antics. However, a little last season and more so this season, there have been moments that seem scripted or disingenuous. Maybe it is because she has a slight pause prior to speaking. Of course the soap opera like lines of "How dare you" just seem like acting. Her revealing of "secrets" or pot-stirring that she plays off as "blundering doofus dumb blonde just being honest with a foot in my mouth" seems to be producer manipulation....or is her "friendship" with Rinna really just an act. If it is an act then is it producer driven or did the two of them agree to it when they were newbies. Maybe it is genuine but her "foot in mouth" or "dumb blonde" throwing Rinna under the bus at the lunch where Erika was introduced to some of the HWs....she did it elsewhere this season.


Also her fangirlling over Erika is annoying.....seems immature.


She's rubbing me wrong and I can't quite put my finger on why. Yes, disingenuous but it is more then that (also that isn't enough to make me side eye her as much as I am). The entire editing of the domestic violence (DV) story seemed fishy. Also her harping on LVP's mention of or use of the word "affair" seemed scripted or desperate for screen time. Also LVP apologized so wtf. LVP isn't an angel, none of them are, but I didn't think she was trying to ruffle Eileen when it first came up. I'm sure LVP got annoyed that Eileen kept harping on it. 


I think Eileen reminds me a bit of Erika. They say talk about it (to Rinna) and nothing will go wrong. Then Erika twists stuff to Yo and both Yo and Erika attack Rinna. I question Eileen hanging out with Yo and with Erika. She says she likes everything out in the open (WHO TOLD YOLANDA) but I wonder if she isn't also doing the equivalent pot stirring (granted all of them stir the pot and I do love my pot stirred drama)


I think it all comes down to a building up of little things and what is making me question her the most is her hanging out with Erika and Yolanda. There have been many times where Eileen has been awesome and so it is some of this questionable behavior that bothers me. I guess that is the problem with having high expectations....one is bound to be disappointed.  I'm not saying I dislike Eileen and I still like her but I also see red flags.

I am with you. . . I just need a few more scenes to see what is up with Eileen.  She doesn't seem to be warming to Kyle this year at all.  Maybe her friendship with LVP?  In real life, Lisar claims she is closest with Eileen.  Something happens in the next two weeks that will probably sway my opinion one way or the other.  I just don't see Vinnie & Eileen hanging out with Tom & Erika.  I get the impression from Eileen this show is a low priority for her.  She doesn't seem to want to invest much of herself.

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I thought Eileen was pretty boring last season, but I like her much more this year amid the 2 new wives.  She seems to have an adventurous side which I like. She doesn't stir the drama much but I find her one of the most interesting of the wives. And I love that she doesn't go overboard on handbags!


I also think she's smart and is learning to hold her own.

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Well Lisa got her wish. Someone did hold Kim accountable and she is no longer on the show. If Rinna was smart she would let the Kim thing go......Kim has done a good job of showing the world she is an out of control addict, without any help from Lisa. Going on and on about it makes her look ridiculous and petty ( was going to say a bully but didn't want to open that can of worms). I have such second hand embarressment for Kim going on that counseling show, that's even worse than Diving with the stars! We all know Kim doesn't want to talk about her problems. She must need the money. Do I get any karma points if I watch the show but cringe the whole time?

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Well Lisa got her wish. Someone did hold Kim accountable and she is no longer on the show. If Rinna was smart she would let the Kim thing go......Kim has done a good job of showing the world she is an out of control addict, without any help from Lisa. Going on and on about it makes her look ridiculous and petty ( was going to say a bully but didn't want to open that can of worms). I have such second hand embarressment for Kim going on that counseling show, that's even worse than Diving with the stars! We all know Kim doesn't want to talk about her problems. She must need the money. Do I get any karma points if I watch the show but cringe the whole time?

I'm fully prepared to peek through my fingers as I watch. 

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Tonight was the first time Lisa has scored brownie points with me.  I've never been a Lisa fan.  I don't dislike her, but her capacity for empathy is pretty small relative to my own. Oil and water (same with Kyle), and I chalk the difference up to genetics.  I think genetics drives the vast majority of how people navigate the world.  Excepting very extreme cases, nature trumps nurture.  Glad to hear Lisa FINALLY get it..."we are just built differently".


Then she shuddered in disgust over Eileen.  Two steps forward and one step back.

Edited by Jextella
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Probably extensions if anything.  Caucasian women do not get weaves.  I suppose there may be a few white woman who have them, never say never, but I doubt it.


I'm white and wear weave :) Once you become aware of it you start noticing how many women have them..

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No more scenes of ashes being spread please. Unless said relative expresses that their greatest wish is for their ashes to be spread on Bravo, "Just Say No". (This goes for the entire franchise.) It just seems so disrespectful to the family member that has passed. I'm sure the scene was staged, and Eileen and her family had a real moment where they spread the ashes together in a beautiful spot and away from the cameras, but you could not give me enough money to film myself spreading the ashes of a deceased relative. (And what is the point of these scenes anyways? To humanize the cast? To make us think we're getting an intimate look into their lives?) Stick with the handbags and vacations! The audience doesn't need to see such private moments.

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No more scenes of ashes being spread please. Unless said relative expresses that their greatest wish is for their ashes to be spread on Bravo, "Just Say No". (This goes for the entire franchise.) It just seems so disrespectful to the family member that has passed. I'm sure the scene was staged, and Eileen and her family had a real moment where they spread the ashes together in a beautiful spot and away from the cameras, but you could not give me enough money to film myself spreading the ashes of a deceased relative. (And what is the point of these scenes anyways? To humanize the cast? To make us think we're getting an intimate look into their lives?) Stick with the handbags and vacations! The audience doesn't need to see such private moments.

Nobody will ever do it better than Kathy Griffin on my life on the D list. She managed to be funny and heartbreaking at the same time. Maybe I'm biased because I also spread my father's ashes in Ireland.

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I, too, find it interesting that Eileen likes LisaR.  Admittedly, I look at the two of them with a somewhat biased attitude, liking Eileen immensely and not caring too much for Lisa.  Still, their personalities seem so different that I'm surprised they get along so well.  Lisa, admittedly, has problems with her tongue and stopping to think before she says something, while Eileen measures her words more carefully before she says them.  I think of Lisa as bubbly (kind word!) and Eileen as quiet.  Maybe it's as simple as the old saying that "opposites attract."

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Actually Eileen said why she gives Yolanda so much leeway at the beginning of the season. Eileen has replaced her sister that battled Breast Cancer and died with Yolanda. Her sister pretty much shut out the family up until near the end because she didn't want them to stop her from going the holistic route verses traditional medicine, so she is going to support Yolanda no matter what.


moved from First Looks:


Do you or anyone know more about Eileen's sister that had Breast Cancer? What type, what stage, had she tried traditional meds or just gone the holistic route? Sounds like Eileen may need therapy~guilt and/or other issues pertaining to her sister's death. It's not just leeway but a free pass Eileen has given to Yolanda who spreads misinformation (potentially harmful) about a disease that doesn't exist and for which she undergoes (and advocates for) unproven and sometimes dangerous "treatments".

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moved from First Looks:


Do you or anyone know more about Eileen's sister that had Breast Cancer? What type, what stage, had she tried traditional meds or just gone the holistic route? Sounds like Eileen may need therapy~guilt and/or other issues pertaining to her sister's death. It's not just leeway but a free pass Eileen has given to Yolanda who spreads misinformation (potentially harmful) about a disease that doesn't exist and for which she undergoes (and advocates for) unproven and sometimes dangerous "treatments".

Eileen said, on the show (last season I believe), that her sister went Holistic the whole way and didn't tell anyone she had cancer until it was too late for traditional medicine to help, she was already terminal. She said her sister didn't tell anyone because she didn't want to fight over her way verses traditional and Eileen was hurt that she couldn't be there to support her more because of that. Then this season, she has referenced her sister a couple of times when she talks about Yolanda, 1 of those times was in regards to Yolanda's medicine closet. I don't remember Eileen saying what stage cancer her sister was diagnosed with or what type of BC.


Even when LisaR said that she knows Yolanda is sick but that she feels that Yolanda is using her illness to manipulate them all, Eileen said that she would "not go there" and it came across to me as if Eileen knew that to be true but would never say it, never question Yolanda at all. Part of me understands that Eileen has been through a lot, her sister dies, a niece commits suicide and her FIL dies unexpectedly, all within a couple of years, which would be hard/overwhelming for anyone but that shouldn't give Yolanda a free pass either but that is exactly what has/is happening. IMO, she is trying to be there for Yolanda, no questions asked like she would have been for her sister had she known.

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I love Eileen for many reasons and think that personally she's my favorite HW.  She has a "real" personality that I admire, and I feel that most of the time, you can take her opinions to the bank.


There is only one thing that I don't care for in Eileen's life, and that's her husband!  I wonder what other members think of him.  Almost from the start, I've felt that he's a slouch, that he's a lazy professional gambler who doesn't care much about helping his wife around the house and, in some cases, shows a real lack of respect for her.  I see her working two jobs and trying to keep the family together and their son improving at school, whereas I don't see Vince doing all that much in their marriage.


I think Eileen "married down," that she deserves a husband who is much more invested in the marriage and does his best (aside from vacationing in Italy!) to stand shoulder to shoulder with her.  I'm not even convinced that Eileen still loves Vince, and if she does, I sometimes wonder why.  I don't hate the man, and he may be much nicer than I know.  He's simply a turn-off for me on the show.  Am I mean?

Edited by Lura
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moved from First Looks:


Do you or anyone know more about Eileen's sister that had Breast Cancer? What type, what stage, had she tried traditional meds or just gone the holistic route? Sounds like Eileen may need therapy~guilt and/or other issues pertaining to her sister's death. It's not just leeway but a free pass Eileen has given to Yolanda who spreads misinformation (potentially harmful) about a disease that doesn't exist and for which she undergoes (and advocates for) unproven and sometimes dangerous "treatments".

It was a seven year battle.  My assumption is she used traditional medicine and at some point went the holistic route during her last year or so.  Here is a story about Eileen and her family deaths:  http://heavy.com/entertainment/2015/12/eileen-davidsons-sister-connie-cancer-siblings-niece-brooke-watkins-deaths/


Since she was so close with Connie's daughter my guess is she did not want to tell the family, or did not believe, that she was terminal.  Eileen seemed a little turned off by Yolanda's stash of supplements. 

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After bashing (or prior to bashing) LVP for supporting animal charities she retweets Ellie's gofundme tweet (Yolanda's rich friend in France with ALS)...trying to make herself look charitable. Anyway, it doesn't seem to be working for her since she is blocking people all over twitter.


the comments are interesting


LVP support numerous charities including alopecia charities, all neurological disorders, financially-challenged girls needing prom dresses, and gave a talk to the UN to help funding for ebola research/training/etc and more

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Eileen and her husband can both be entertaining but their use of sarcasm, especially from someone who claims, to "choose her words carefully", is backfiring.  I believe she went too far in her blog with her condemnation of LVP.


After watching this week's episode I am still at a loss what she wants from LVP.  How is Lisar going shopping with LVP and Kim, at all LVP's fault?  Lisar was getting ready to get on a plane back home.  Lisar and Kim had their conversation-such as it was and it really didn't involve Eileen.  Being coy about LVP's question about Lisar, in the fakest, most uncomfortable move ever, telling Kim she "love her", was absolutely relevant.


So I guess Eileen wants LVP to admit she is manipulative.  Where does the conversation go from there?

Eileen wants another apology or I guess confession that LVP did know what she was doing when she asked about the "affair".  Again where does the conversation go from there?  Is Eileen going to confess to being an adulteress, a home wrecker, a common whore?  Does she not see where these confessions of the soul lead?   


I don;t think Eileen is a bad person but I can't get a feel for her logic.

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Eileen and her husband can both be entertaining but their use of sarcasm, especially from someone who claims, to "choose her words carefully", is backfiring.  I believe she went too far in her blog with her condemnation of LVP.


After watching this week's episode I am still at a loss what she wants from LVP.  How is Lisar going shopping with LVP and Kim, at all LVP's fault?  Lisar was getting ready to get on a plane back home.  Lisar and Kim had their conversation-such as it was and it really didn't involve Eileen.  Being coy about LVP's question about Lisar, in the fakest, most uncomfortable move ever, telling Kim she "love her", was absolutely relevant.


So I guess Eileen wants LVP to admit she is manipulative.  Where does the conversation go from there?

Eileen wants another apology or I guess confession that LVP did know what she was doing when she asked about the "affair".  Again where does the conversation go from there?  Is Eileen going to confess to being an adulteress, a home wrecker, a common whore?  Does she not see where these confessions of the soul lead?   


I don;t think Eileen is a bad person but I can't get a feel for her logic.

2 things stand out to me with Eileen. 1, with Brandi/Kim being gone this season, she really has no antagonist within the group to play off of and I think she jumped at the opportunity to make it LisaV because she was/is desperate for a relevant storyline this season, and I do mean DESPERATE! LOL 2, I think Eileen is at the same time, infatuated with Erika, all things Erika Jayne that is, and will do anything to curry her favor including having a go at LisaV on behalf of Erika/Yolanda. LOL


IMO, Eileen is as dull as dirt. She tends to go into Soap personality, overacting/overreaching,  which looks/feels stupid on Reality TV. LOL

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2 things stand out to me with Eileen. 1, with Brandi/Kim being gone this season, she really has no antagonist within the group to play off of and I think she jumped at the opportunity to make it LisaV because she was/is desperate for a relevant storyline this season, and I do mean DESPERATE! LOL 2, I think Eileen is at the same time, infatuated with Erika, all things Erika Jayne that is, and will do anything to curry her favor including having a go at LisaV on behalf of Erika/Yolanda. LOL


IMO, Eileen is as dull as dirt. She tends to go into Soap personality, overacting/overreaching,  which looks/feels stupid on Reality TV. LOL

I always got the impression Eileen was out of sync until after she got back from Italy.  By then she was still hanging on to the Hamptons and everyone else had moved on.  So she decided with very little prompting to work Rinna up into a frenzy.  I do believe there were far more conversations that the ones we saw between Lisar and Eileen on the beach.  Eileen may have the big girl crush on Erika but I don't think Erika was all that impressed with the Eileen ordered premature hug out between Yolanda and Rinna.


As far as an acting gig-Eileen and Vince don't get it, much like Eileen's blog and Vince's teasing, you have to get to know them better before they pull these stunts.  For some reason Eileen doesn't get that reality shows and real life you don't run around demanding people hug, resolution and then a re-take when the sorry isn't big enough or grab two people to talk through things.

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I feel that the Long Island conversation between LVP and Eileen is still bugging Eileen.  I can understand why someone, on practically first meeting, asking questions as personal as LVP asked, would bother anyone who is new, self-conscious and private about personal matters (unless she brings them up).  I am much the same way.  If I feel that I know someone well enough, I don't care what they ask because I might easily do the same.  If I don't know them well, I'm hesitant.


If I had just returned from overseas and scattering my sister's ashes, and if I also had a brother who is nearing the end of his life, and then I had to join a group of women friends for "a good time," and the first thing, someone asked me was about an old affair -- if, if, if! -- I can tell you that I would remember it for a long time.  Did LVP say anything to Eileen in sympathy?  I can't remember.  If not, that makes her question(s) all the more knife-like to me.  In fact, I'd have been almost too shocked for words!


Eileen may have transgressed 1,000 times in her life, but that's none of LVP's business, to be blunt.  LVP has always been the model of decorum, the perfect one, the Miss Etiquette of the group, and for her to come out with not one, but more questions, made me think of her as Barbara Walters.  The fact that she apologized was ridiculous because it was insincere.  Had she meant she was sorry, she never would have asked follow-up questions.


This is one time that I would give Eileen a pass.  That whole scene was the wrong time, the wrong place, and the wrong question to ask, given Eileen's emotional state.  I still love LVP, but I think this was one time when she slipped, and a good heart-to-heart with Eileen wouldn't hurt LVP and might do wonders for their relationship.

Edited by Lura
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Eileen and her husband can both be entertaining but their use of sarcasm, especially from someone who claims, to "choose her words carefully", is backfiring.  I believe she went too far in her blog with her condemnation of LVP.


After watching this week's episode I am still at a loss what she wants from LVP.  How is Lisar going shopping with LVP and Kim, at all LVP's fault?  Lisar was getting ready to get on a plane back home.  Lisar and Kim had their conversation-such as it was and it really didn't involve Eileen.  Being coy about LVP's question about Lisar, in the fakest, most uncomfortable move ever, telling Kim she "love her", was absolutely relevant.


So I guess Eileen wants LVP to admit she is manipulative.  Where does the conversation go from there?

Eileen wants another apology or I guess confession that LVP did know what she was doing when she asked about the "affair".  Again where does the conversation go from there?  Is Eileen going to confess to being an adulteress, a home wrecker, a common whore?  Does she not see where these confessions of the soul lead?   


I don;t think Eileen is a bad person but I can't get a feel for her logic.

The bolded thing is why Lisa brought it up, to smear Eileen. That's why Eileen is truly annoyed and unhappy with Lisa. Eileen wants Lisa to squirm and be uneasy for suggesting that, and she's hoping Lisa reacts badly in frustration.

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I feel that the Long Island conversation between LVP and Eileen is still bugging Eileen.  I can understand why someone, on practically first meeting, asking questions as personal as LVP asked, would bother anyone who is new, self-conscious and private about personal matters (unless she brings them up).  I am much the same way.  If I feel that I know someone well enough, I don't care what they ask because I might easily do the same.  If I don't know them well, I'm hesitant.


If I had just returned from overseas and scattering my sister's ashes, and if I also had a brother who is nearing the end of his life, and then I had to join a group of women friends for "a good time," and the first thing, someone asked me was about an old affair -- if, if, if! -- I can tell you that I would remember it for a long time.  Did LVP say anything to Eileen in sympathy?  I can't remember.  If not, that makes her question(s) all the more knife-like to me.  In fact, I'd have been almost too shocked for words!


Eileen may have transgressed 1,000 times in her life, but that's none of LVP's business, to be blunt.  LVP has always been the model of decorum, the perfect one, the Miss Etiquette of the group, and for her to come out with not one, but more questions, made me think of her as Barbara Walters.  The fact that she apologized was ridiculous because it was insincere.  Had she meant she was sorry, she never would have asked follow-up questions.


This is one time that I would give Eileen a pass.  That whole scene was the wrong time, the wrong place, and the wrong question to ask, given Eileen's emotional state.  I still love LVP, but I think this was one time when she slipped, and a good heart-to-heart with Eileen wouldn't hurt LVP and might do wonders for their relationship.

Eileen brought up her divorce/affair in the Hamptons, not Lisa. The Lisa's were talking about a mutual friend getting a divorce and Eileen chimed in and then LisaV asked questions. LisaV and Eileen have known each other for a year now as this is Eileen's second season, not her first and Eileen has spoken about her divorce and the affair a couple of times last season on camera. The trip to Italy, to scatter some of her sisters ashes was filmed/staged after the Hamptons, not before and I believe her brother's death just happened a few weeks ago, well after this season was filmed and I/we don't know that he was sick, I got the impression that it was unexpected from her blog.

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I don't think the thing between LVP and Eileen is really that deep. I think that Eileen doesn't particularly like LVP and that is it. Maybe she saw previous seasons and thought she was manipulative. She didn't like that LVP brought up the "affair' in the way that she did, probably was offended/shocked/dismayed to hear LVP tell the table and the world that Mo said "only Yo has it" (note they went in for a reaction shot from Eileen when LVP said this and she was shocked), and she thinks that she has used Lisar to get out information she herself is afraid to bring up on camera. If the previews are accurate, then she also believes LVP has done something horrendous to Kyle. If someone were to believe that LVP was capable of this, there would be zero defense and everyone would dislike her for it. She would have exactly zero fans left. So if Eileen believes this, why would it be shocking that she would have issues with LVP? Wouldn't it be the most understandable thing in the entire world? Almost as understandable as people having an issue with Brandi outing a surrogacy? I'm not saying that I agree with Eileen about all of this at all. I would have preferred to see them be friends. I just don't think it is shocking or that it is confusing. One person has seen something in another that they don't like. Happens all the time. 

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Eileen brought up her divorce/affair in the Hamptons, not Lisa. The Lisa's were talking about a mutual friend getting a divorce and Eileen chimed in and then LisaV asked questions. LisaV and Eileen have known each other for a year now as this is Eileen's second season, not her first and Eileen has spoken about her divorce and the affair a couple of times last season on camera. The trip to Italy, to scatter some of her sisters ashes was filmed/staged after the Hamptons, not before and I believe her brother's death just happened a few weeks ago, well after this season was filmed and I/we don't know that he was sick, I got the impression that it was unexpected from her blog.

Actually, after Eileen interrupted the conversation, Kyle then talked about nasty divorces, and Eileen could not imagine people divorcing and being mean to each other.  LVP then asked about Eileen's divorce, Eileen said there were two.  LVP starting asking about Vince.  Eileen did not bring it up and LVP is trying to turn affair into love affair, is ridiculous.  It is okay others (Yolanda was one when they first met Eileen) don't embrace Eileen and Vince walking away from their marriages but they certainly embrace them as a couple now.  I don't think LVP should have to keep apologizing.  She overstepped a bit and for someone (Eileen) who doesn't want the situation discussed she has to stop bringing it up.  Eileen and Vince having an affair is unsympathetic.  So why does Eileen want to keep drawing attention to it?   Sure LVP picked the scab but Eileen needs to stop reopening it.

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Actually, after Eileen interrupted the conversation, Kyle then talked about nasty divorces, and Eileen could not imagine people divorcing and being mean to each other.  LVP then asked about Eileen's divorce, Eileen said there were two.  LVP starting asking about Vince.  Eileen did not bring it up and LVP is trying to turn affair into love affair, is ridiculous.  It is okay others (Yolanda was one when they first met Eileen) don't embrace Eileen and Vince walking away from their marriages but they certainly embrace them as a couple now.  I don't think LVP should have to keep apologizing.  She overstepped a bit and for someone (Eileen) who doesn't want the situation discussed she has to stop bringing it up.  Eileen and Vince having an affair is unsympathetic.  So why does Eileen want to keep drawing attention to it?   Sure LVP picked the scab but Eileen needs to stop reopening it.

Lisa didn't realize that Eileen was on her third marriage until that night and that was when and why Lisa started asking questions, like when did it start, when did she realize that Vince was "the one". Pretty normal questions IMO, especially since LisaV was a bit tipsy to begin with and much less likely to think before she asked or to notice that Eileen wasn't all that comfortable with how she worded the questions. LOL I have said it before, without Lisa asking her those questions and he umbrage about it, she, Eileen, would have zero storyline this season except for being an Erika Jayne wannabe. She, Eileen has to keep it going or else she fades into the background which puts her return next season in jeopardy.

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Somebody needs to tell Eileen that if she keeps picking at that old scar of hers it's gonna look worse.

Nobody is irritating it more than her. Lisa may have done it once but Eileen repeatedly continues and won't let it heal and smooth over.

She is becoming an acolyte of Yoyo.

Edited by Giselle
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Aw I'm a huge fan of Eileen, so beautiful, talented, and seems like the nicest and classiest of the whole cast. No bullying anyone, blurting out secrets, p**** jokes, she's exactly what this show was missing, someone who's genuinely likable imo. 


I won't knock her for bringing up the incident with Lisa. I do believe Lisa was not being a friend in that conversation about her past, and Eileen was right to be upset by it.


She did the same stuff every other housewife does, talked it out with LVP. The second time, Lisa asked her if they were good, and Eileen answered her honestly. The third time, Eileen brought it up as a reason why Erika might have made the comments she did, and she turned out to be right!


LVP was kind of harsh with the way she looked at Eileen and said she wanted to be "really f***ing good." This whole thing did start out with Lisa being too intrusive and putting storyline before friendship and it continued to escalate. I don't see how Eileen's in the wrong for being honest and playing along. Is she supposed to just pretend to love everything the other women say and do? I don't think so. I don't like to see anyone take things to far to be entertaining (like Brandi Glanville), but Vanderpump says herself, they're supposed to  have conversations, be honest and have opinions. Not sit there and take what every other housewife says and does.


And especially with Eileen reportedly being the highest paid housewife, so beautiful, having lots of money, a hot husband, a very successful career as an actress, which is what a lot of these women, including LVP wanted in the first place, I could see her being especially on guard with someone like LVP who is used to being the queen B of the show. I suspected Brandi was jealous of Eileen too, for having so much going for her. 

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Eileen is an interesting figure this season. She's more meddlesome but I think that's because she genuinely believes in people confronting issues. She takes accountability for her own words and I love that about her. She didn't seem very upset with Rinna for telling LVP that Eileen thought she was manipulative. In contrast, look at Erika trying to impose certain views to one housewife about the other and she got offended and immediately went for the 'broken confidence' route when the reality is that she said something behind someone's back that she didn't have the guts to say to their face.


Eileen's issue with LVP is really what's driving her storyline this season and it's all because both women are offended by each other but neither feel the other should be. Anyone can take any situation and turn it around to appear either good, neutral or bad. Eileen loves closure and she hasn't gotten closure with LVP and I think she's unknowingly assuming the worst because her mind hasn't been put at ease but at the same time it's seems ridiculous that her entire demeanor toward LVP is truly resting upon this single incident.


She's using RInna's conversation with LVP as a way to justify her feelings towards LVP, so much so, that she fails to see that Lisa's advice to Rinna and questioning is actually quiet similar to Eileen (who loves to confront issues head on and clear the air). She uses Erika's 'observation' to justify her feelings toward LVP, so much so, that she's crediting Erika for being a smart, observant woman, but really she has had no dealings or privy to any information about LVP (outside of Yolanda)  that would lead her to those 'spider web' allegations. As an example of flipping the script to interpret things however you want - Eileen can call Erika an observant woman, I can just as easily call her a convenient pawn that's being fed opinions and information from the common denominator between herself and the other women - which is Yolanda.

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The interpretation that Eileen has been direct and/or honest in her conduct this season is so confounding to me because, from my perspective, her consistent contradictions and reversals have been practically schizophrenic. I also have never seen the standard of accountability from her that she is demonstrably attempting to impose on Lisa. For example, she can't even decide what, specifically, her grievance is in this dispute: first, it was Lisa "grilling" her; then it was that Lisa's questions revolved around a "small part of her life"; then it evolved into Lisa's magical abilities to "make" Eileen "feel as if she had done something wrong"; then, two months later, it wasn't really a fishing expedition for an apology but rather just an earnest effort to "express how she feels." Likewise, Eileen has been maligning Lisa on social media and getting cute by referring to her as a 'friend' but, in real time, she obviously expects Lisa to meet some personal criteria of obsequiousness and servility to qualify as a friend sans quotation marks. But, simultaneously, she can dismiss her disparagement of Lisa to the entire cohort as a non-event by shrugging, "I don't think I'm reinventing the wheel here." And I don't extend any credence to the premise that Eileen was discomfited by discussing personal matters on camera - she voluntarily made her sister's passing a primary storyline this season (culminating with her dumping the ashes over the side of a hotel balcony) and, last year, candidly discussed the origins of her marriage with literal strangers (not coworkers with whom she's been acquainted for over a year but women she had just met). She is certainly happy to "grill" other costars on "small parts of their life" like their sobriety programs without feeling responsible for offering her own mea culpa. And, finally, in the latest incarnation of her mercurial motivations for perpetuating this subject that she supposedly doesn't want discussed, she contends that she's angry because Lisa is somehow culpable for whether or not Jesse learns about the beginnings of his parents' relationship - even though his own mom aired all of their familial dirty laundry on national tv already. Maybe Y & R is going to reveal that Ashley Abbott is really a man because, to me, she's has an inexplicable and unflattering hardon for Lisa.

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The interpretation that Eileen has been direct and/or honest in her conduct this season is so confounding to me because, from my perspective, her consistent contradictions and reversals have been practically schizophrenic. I also have never seen the standard of accountability from her that she is demonstrably attempting to impose on Lisa. For example, she can't even decide what, specifically, her grievance is in this dispute: first, it was Lisa "grilling" her; then it was that Lisa's questions revolved around a "small part of her life"; then it evolved into Lisa's magical abilities to "make" Eileen "feel as if she had done something wrong"; then, two months later, it wasn't really a fishing expedition for an apology but rather just an earnest effort to "express how she feels." Likewise, Eileen has been maligning Lisa on social media and getting cute by referring to her as a 'friend' but, in real time, she obviously expects Lisa to meet some personal criteria of obsequiousness and servility to qualify as a friend sans quotation marks. But, simultaneously, she can dismiss her disparagement of Lisa to the entire cohort as a non-event by shrugging, "I don't think I'm reinventing the wheel here." And I don't extend any credence to the premise that Eileen was discomfited by discussing personal matters on camera - she voluntarily made her sister's passing a primary storyline this season (culminating with her dumping the ashes over the side of a hotel balcony) and, last year, candidly discussed the origins of her marriage with literal strangers (not coworkers with whom she's been acquainted for over a year but women she had just met). She is certainly happy to "grill" other costars on "small parts of their life" like their sobriety programs without feeling responsible for offering her own mea culpa. And, finally, in the latest incarnation of her mercurial motivations for perpetuating this subject that she supposedly doesn't want discussed, she contends that she's angry because Lisa is somehow culpable for whether or not Jesse learns about the beginnings of his parents' relationship - even though his own mom aired all of their familial dirty laundry on national tv already. Maybe Y & R is going to reveal that Ashley Abbott is really a man because, to me, she's has an inexplicable and unflattering hardon for Lisa.

You summed it up well. Eileen seems perfectly reasonable until LVP comes into the equation. It has come across as an obsession really. Like I said, I don't think she's found personal closure from her sit down with LVP and because of that, she can't help but distort everything into a negative light when it comes to LVP. Calling someone manipulative and tying back everything to your own personal encounter with LVP but also saying that LVP is a nice woman and you really like her is contrary. How can you call someone nice and say you like them if you are willing to share an opinion within your same circle that said someone is manipulative.


You can't say you've moved past something when you constantly bring it up and then questions/admonish others for not speaking up in a manner that supports your cause. She's taking her personal hurt and allowing it to snowball into something that's ridiculous.


Me: Hey Eileen, why you mad?

Eileen: Because Lisa Vanderpump asked me questions about how I fell in love with my husband that I originally had an affair with

Me: She asked you questions that put your business out there for the whole world to see? Man, that really sucks 

Eileen: Well, I've talked about it before on TV and it's been written in the press

Me: So then why are you mad?

Eileen: Well because for some inexplicable reason, this time it just made me feel uncomfortable and Lisa didn't apologize to me properly


That right there is what it boils down to and it sounds pretty stupid to instigate and keep it going this long.

Edited by RHJunkie
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You summed it up well. Eileen seems perfectly reasonable until LVP comes into the equation. It has come across as an obsession really. Like I said, I don't think she's found personal closure from her sit down with LVP and because of that, she can't help but distort everything into a negative light when it comes to LVP. Calling someone manipulative and tying back everything to your own personal encounter with LVP but also saying that LVP is a nice woman and you really like her is contrary. How can you call someone nice and say you like them if you are willing to share an opinion within your same circle that said someone is manipulative.

You can't say you've moved past something when you constantly bring it up and then questions/admonish others for not speaking up in a manner that supports your cause. She's taking her personal hurt and allowing it to snowball into something that's ridiculous.

Me: Hey Eileen, why you mad?

Eileen: Because Lisa Vanderpump asked me questions about how I fell in love with my husband that I originally had an affair with

Me: She asked you questions that put your business out there for the whole world to see? Man, that really sucks

Eileen: Well, I've talked about it before on TV and it's been written in the press

Me: So then why are you mad?

Eileen: Well because for some inexplicable reason, this time it just made me feel uncomfortable and Lisa didn't apologize to me properly

That right there is what it boils down to and it sounds pretty stupid to instigate and keep it going this long.

I think you've demonstrably discomfited the wordsmith vis-à-vis "summed it up".

Capi non intelligitur scriptura.

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You summed it up well. Eileen seems perfectly reasonable until LVP comes into the equation. It has come across as an obsession really. Like I said, I don't think she's found personal closure from her sit down with LVP and because of that, she can't help but distort everything into a negative light when it comes to LVP. Calling someone manipulative and tying back everything to your own personal encounter with LVP but also saying that LVP is a nice woman and you really like her is contrary. How can you call someone nice and say you like them if you are willing to share an opinion within your same circle that said someone is manipulative.


You can't say you've moved past something when you constantly bring it up and then questions/admonish others for not speaking up in a manner that supports your cause. She's taking her personal hurt and allowing it to snowball into something that's ridiculous.


Me: Hey Eileen, why you mad?

Eileen: Because Lisa Vanderpump asked me questions about how I fell in love with my husband that I originally had an affair with

Me: She asked you questions that put your business out there for the whole world to see? Man, that really sucks 

Eileen: Well, I've talked about it before on TV and it's been written in the press

Me: So then why are you mad?

Eileen: Well because for some inexplicable reason, this time it just made me feel uncomfortable and Lisa didn't apologize to me properly


That right there is what it boils down to and it sounds pretty stupid to instigate and keep it going this long.

I could agree if Eileen had stuck to being upset about Lisa questioning her but she is now trying to pull a rabbit out of her own a$$. She now says that LisaV manipulated LisaR in Amsterdam as proof that Lisa manipulates all of them, despite film/video evidence proving otherwise. Sounds familiar doesn't it? It sounds like the "Ken assaulted me" lie/excuse Yolanda used despite evidence showing otherwise. I can hear it now...........


Yolanda Eileen conversation.......

Yolanda........Just use the shopping trip in Amsterdam as proof

Eileen..........But the video shows that LisaR/Kim made up on their own, LisaV had nothing to do with it

Yolanda......believe me, that doesn't matter. If you keep saying it, blaming her, the fans will buy it.


Yolanda......Trust me, I did it to that miserable Ken 3 years ago and a lot of people bought it., just keep repeating it every chance you get.

Eileen.........Ok, If you say so! I love you Yolanda.

Meanwhile, Erika is standing there nodding her head in support of Yolanda while stroking Eileen's hair.



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Eileen's the biggest star who's been on this franchise, so yes I can see how some people may have already heard about how she and her husband met, but I don't think everyone has. I never did until Brandi brought it up. And I'm a huge fan of hers as an actress, I just never looked at those tabloids or anything all those years ago.


And I don't judge her because I know life and love are both very complicated, and she said she never had a physical affair while she was married. But I get why she was uncomfortable with a "friend" grilling her over an "affair" as if it were "just the two" of them on national television. It wasn't cool at all imo.

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Eileen's the biggest star who's been on this franchise, so yes I can see how some people may have already heard about how she and her husband met, but I don't think everyone has. I never did until Brandi brought it up. And I'm a huge fan of hers as an actress, I just never looked at those tabloids or anything all those years ago.


And I don't judge her because I know life and love are both very complicated, and she said she never had a physical affair while she was married. But I get why she was uncomfortable with a "friend" grilling her over an "affair" as if it were "just the two" of them on national television. It wasn't cool at all imo.


Biggest star?  Debatable.  I never heard of her, because I never watched any soaps.  As far as never having a physical affair while she was married, that's a technicality at best, since it was an "emotional affair" at the outset, and became a physical affair while he was married.  Seems to me the lady is disingenuous, since she had no problem airing all of this on national television  with other "friends" she'd just met on this show.


The more Eileen talks, the more she shows her ass.  Just like every other ho'wife.

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Eileen's the biggest star who's been on this franchise, so yes I can see how some people may have already heard about how she and her husband met, but I don't think everyone has. I never did until Brandi brought it up. And I'm a huge fan of hers as an actress, I just never looked at those tabloids or anything all those years ago.


And I don't judge her because I know life and love are both very complicated, and she said she never had a physical affair while she was married. But I get why she was uncomfortable with a "friend" grilling her over an "affair" as if it were "just the two" of them on national television. It wasn't cool at all imo.


I don't want to quibble, but I think Kim Fields probably has more name recognition even if it is just from her days playing Tootie. But, yes I don't judge Eileen on how she and Vince got together. Things happen and she was at least up front for her part. I could also see her being uncomfortable being asked multiple questions about it from a tipsy coworker on television. What I don't understand is why she didn't simply say to said coworker that she wasn't comfortable talking about it as it was a part of her past and not really relevant anymore.


I also don't understand why she didn't accept Lisa's first apology and say something like, "you are right, I should have said something to you at the time." or, "I feel like that was a shitty thing to do and I may need some time to deal with it." More importantly, I don't understand why she insists on bringing up this uncomfortable matter over and over again - especially after saying they were good. Either say "no, I am not ok with it, I will need some time before I am comfortable around you." or "yes, we are good" and leave it at that. 

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Eileen's the biggest star who's been on this franchise, so yes I can see how some people may have already heard about how she and her husband met, but I don't think everyone has. I never did until Brandi brought it up. And I'm a huge fan of hers as an actress, I just never looked at those tabloids or anything all those years ago.


And I don't judge her because I know life and love are both very complicated, and she said she never had a physical affair while she was married. But I get why she was uncomfortable with a "friend" grilling her over an "affair" as if it were "just the two" of them on national television. It wasn't cool at all imo.

The fact alone that she willingly spoke about it twice on camera last season negates any "hurt" she has this season, especially since, this season, it did come from someone that had her back several times last season, instead of someone that was trying to humiliate her last season.


I knew LisaR from her Depends commercials and from QVC but not Eileen but then again, I do not watch soap operas. LOL

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That dead horse she's still beating?  It's stinkin' to high heaven.


You'd think her years of soap experience would help her with finding a storyline with some legs.

I suspect it is because of being on the Soaps that she is having trouble, she is so used to someone else telling her what to say, what to do, where to stand, how to emote that she doesn't know when to let it go. A storyline like this on a soap can go on for years from what I understand. LOL

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Oh yes Kim Fields is a big star, I forget she recently joined the franchise. Eileen's been consistently working for decades though. I think Kim took some time off to raise her children, could be wrong. 


As far as actresses, the only ones I'd heard of are Eileen and Rinna. Never saw Vanderpump in anything. I knew Kim Richards was a child star, but I never saw her work, perhaps due to my age. And I knew Kyle as Paris Hilton's aunt. 


And yes it does sound like Eileen had an "emotional affair." I have never said that did not happen. Just that Brandi and Vanderpump were not acting as friends for bringing it all up. I think Eileen is human, not a homewrecking slut.


There's a lot about Lisa's past and businesses that's questionable, but I've never seen the other women directly ask her about any of it.





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Oh yes Kim Fields is a big star, I forget she recently joined the franchise. Eileen's been consistently working for decades though. I think Kim took some time off to raise her children, could be wrong. 


As far as actresses, the only ones I'd heard of are Eileen and Rinna. Never saw Vanderpump in anything. I knew Kim Richards was a child star, but I never saw her work, perhaps due to my age. And I knew Kyle as Paris Hilton's aunt. 


And yes it does sound like Eileen had an "emotional affair." I have never said that did not happen. Just that Brandi and Vanderpump were not acting as friends for bringing it all up. I think Eileen is human, not a homewrecking slut.


There's a lot about Lisa's past and businesses that's questionable, but I've never seen the other women directly ask her about any of it.

Only Brandi called her a home wrecker, not Lisa. Yet she graciously answered Brandi's questions without any discomfort or demands of an apology afterwards. Maybe Lisa should have given Eileen the prize out of a box of Crackerjacks as an apology like Brandi did. LOL  

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^ I never said Lisa did.


Maybe Brandi is one of the reasons Eileen felt sensitive to Lisa bringing it up. I think Eileen mentioned something along those lines, but I could be wrong.


And sometimes it's more hurtful when the issue is with someone who you like and consider a friend, not a brand-new cast member who's known to be a loose cannon. 


I would definitely take LVP over Brandi all day every day, and I think Eileen would too.

Edited by RealHousewife
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^ I never said Lisa did.


Maybe Brandi is one of the reasons Eileen felt sensitive to Lisa bringing it up. I think Eileen mentioned something along those lines, but I could be wrong.


And sometimes it's more hurtful when the issue is with someone who you like and consider a friend, not a brand-new cast member who's known to be a loose cannon. 


I would definitely take LVP over Brandi all day every day, and I think Eileen would too.

I am not so sure she would take Lisa over Brandi. Yolanda is a very, very big influence on Eileen now, more so than Erika IMO and Yolanda loves, loves Brandi so I expect to hear Eileen and Brandi are now friends soon, very soon, along with Kim.

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But the present position of Eileen herself is that Lisa is a "friend," not a friend, and yet somehow at the same time responsible for shielding Jesse from his parents' messiness. Won't someone think of the children?! And while I've never seen Eileen inquire about the origins of Lisa's marriage, you know what I have seen her do? Quiz Kim on the specifics and particulars of her addiction treatment, sobriety plan, and sponsorship. Both Kim and Eileen opened the door to the respective subjects that they nominally desired to refrain from discussing. But only Kim immediately requested that her costars desist with any further questions; Eileen did not.

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I am not so sure she would take Lisa over Brandi. Yolanda is a very, very big influence on Eileen now, more so than Erika IMO and Yolanda loves, loves Brandi so I expect to hear Eileen and Brandi are now friends soon, very soon, along with Kim.

Well if Eileen does, that will be a terrible move imo. Vanderpump can be intrusive, but Brandi flat out scares me, way too intense. One thing I will agree with Lisa, is that she's nothing like Brandi.


Kim's issues were part of her storyline season after season, she didn't have much else to share other than her dog and her grown children. And her behavior was out of control. Eileen's past has zero to do with LVP.

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Well if Eileen does, that will be a terrible move imo. Vanderpump can be intrusive, but Brandi flat out scares me, way too intense. One thing I will agree with Lisa, is that she's nothing like Brandi.


Kim's issues were part of her storyline season after season, she didn't have much else to share other than her dog and her grown children. And her behavior was out of control. Eileen's past has zero to do with LVP.

Eileen has nothing else to offer either, her husband avoids the camera as much as possible, she really doesn't want her son on very much either (I agree with her on that though) and they aren't going to show her at work, real soap work either. So that leaves what? Her life, which incudes how her marriage started. And, she interjected herself into a conversation about multiple divorces/marriages, she can't be surprised that questions followed. After all, she was/is the only HW at that table in the Hamptons that is on their 3rd marriage, the only one. Both Lisa's are on their first/only marriages and Kyle on her second, most people would be curious and ask questions like what made Eileen know that Vince was "the" one, I know I would and LisaV did in fact ask that very question that night.


If another HW wants to ask LisaV something personal, I say go for it. She will either answer it or she will tell them it is something she wishes not to discuss, like most adults handle it. Seriously, Eileen needs to be mad at herself, not Lisa, because she decided at a later time to regret answering the questions.


ETA. Kim told both LisaR and Eileen to back off, to leave her be, neither ever did and neither ever apologized for their continued discussion of her, Kim's, addiction problem. Yet Eileen demands multiple apologies from LisaV and that is why she comes across as hypocritical to me.

Edited by WireWrap
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But the argument that Kim's behavior has affected season after season while Eileen's past has nothing to do with Lisa is having it both ways. Eileen was not present for Kim's drunken antics prior to her tumble from the proverbial wagon on poker night; so the inconvenience that Kim imposed upon the cast before that night has absolutely no relation to Eileen per the formulation in the preceding sentence. Both Kim and Eileen introduced their respective skeletons into the discourse - Kim by showing up to film when she was inebriated and Eileen by voluntarily detailing the beginnings of her marriage on camera multiple times before the Hamptons trip. Kim made her sobriety fair game with her conduct; Eileen was entitled to address it, particularly since much of Kim's misbehavior occurred in her living room. But Kim repeatedly asked Eileen to discontinue her interrogations. Flash forward to the conversation that has precipitated Eileen's fixation on Lisa and Eileen offered nary a peep during the actual real-time dialogue about her discomfort. Yet she expected Lisa to both a) mind read and b) be ready with a groveling apology for a query about a topic that she, Eileen, has already previously deconstructed for all of the Bravo audience to watch.

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I think the reason we are not seeing Vince is he was traveling for business.  He was on a week long cruise and then in China.  So between his father dying and working, I think his schedule didn't gel.  Probably use time off to first be with his father and then to make up for it by working.  So his dad died the end of June, they went to Italy in August and he was on a work cruise in September, he made the Ken birthday party in July.  He went to China in October.  It is kind of like Harry Hamlin, we see him when we see him.  Even Mauricio has kind of stepped back this year.  Ironically, we have seen more of David than ever before.  Not with the group but with his soon to be ex-wife.

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But the argument that Kim's behavior has affected season after season while Eileen's past has nothing to do with Lisa is having it both ways. Eileen was not present for Kim's drunken antics prior to her tumble from the proverbial wagon on poker night; so the inconvenience that Kim imposed upon the cast before that night has absolutely no relation to Eileen per the formulation in the preceding sentence. Both Kim and Eileen introduced their respective skeletons into the discourse - Kim by showing up to film when she was inebriated and Eileen by voluntarily detailing the beginnings of her marriage on camera multiple times before the Hamptons trip. Kim made her sobriety fair game with her conduct; Eileen was entitled to address it, particularly since much of Kim's misbehavior occurred in her living room. But Kim repeatedly asked Eileen to discontinue her interrogations. Flash forward to the conversation that has precipitated Eileen's fixation on Lisa and Eileen offered nary a peep during the actual real-time dialogue about her discomfort. Yet she expected Lisa to both a) mind read and b) be ready with a groveling apology for a query about a topic that she, Eileen, has already previously deconstructed for all of the Bravo audience to watch.

I may be mistaken but I only recall Eileen asking Kim about her treatment once-in her kitchen.  Kim had failed to apologize for her boorish behavior earlier, and for some reason thought they wanted to help her with Monty.  Kim had a visceral dislike of Eileen from the get go and even said so on the way to Eileen's the day of the reading.  As far as Eileen's marriage-it was Brandi who brought it up once at dinner and threw wine on her and the second time in Amsterdam.  I do not recall her offering the circumstances of her marriage at any other time during the regular season.  At the Reunion when it came up again she was very clear and said, "I am hanging up on this conversation."  I like LVP, but everyone associated with the conversation was uncomfortable with LVP's grilling.  I will say since the grilling it is on Eileen the number of times the situation was revisited.  Interesting the content has not been addressed again.   

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