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Small Talk: The Quiver


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actually. He was playing an East German defector (which tells you how long ago it's been). I also saw John de Lancie (Q) on an episode the other day too, and a much younger Linda Hamilton,

none of them were the murderers either. I wonder if that's a recent thing, or if it's just that back then they wouldn't have been "the one you recognize".

I'm probably being ridiculous putting in spoilers for a show that's around thirty years old, but just in case someone's working their way though it on Netflix like me and doesn't want to be spoiled. :)

Edited by Starfish35

That's funny, when I used to watch Hawaii 5-0 (current not original) I always used to say they were so dumb because as soon as a recognizable face would show up as a witness they always ended up being the killer.  

Oh, Vanessa Marcel's on the show..yep killer.  Or Kevin Sorbo's involved in this episode...yep he's the killer. Oh Corbin Bernsen is the victim's dad...yep killer...LOL

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I watched Mystery's of Laura and it was going along, being a light balance of family humor and a fun gender inversion of the classic male slob cop that's so great at his job trope when it suddenly got to the "drama!" and yeah, that was some really rough acting from Messing. All the rest was well done but her "serious" tone needs heavy work.

Also, the twist at the end was really too much. I got a real negative vibe out it since it seemed obvious they were setting up her long term love interest and it pissed me off since said dude cheated on her and the show was already trying to make me shrug that off like it was nothing.

Not sure if I'll keep watching or not. Still a,maybe though. The female slob cop thing actually was kind of wonderful. At one point her kid throws up on the dad and the couch and nobody even tries to clean it up.

In that video of the critics naming the worst shows I was sooooo happy to see the hate for Stalker. All I saw were the trailers and I knew I hated it. Vindication!

I watched Mysteries of Laura because 1. Debra Messing, 2. Berlanti and 3. nothing else on this time of year.  I was pleasantly surprised because the reviews had been so bad.


I liked Laura Messing's character and  thought the show had some nice quirky bits.  I really hated the stuff with her kids because it was so over-the-top that it made her out to be stupid.  (Yes, the kid sneezes, lets dose both kids on medicine that will put them to sleep just before the big interview.)  I also didn't like either who did the crime and why and especially the twist at the end because 

I HATE that her cheating irresponsible husband has been promoted over her to be her boss. Worse, they hadn't had one of the cops in her station say that she should be made chief so they went from equal to him now telling her what to do.

 On the plus side, that is Enrico Colantino's only episode so he can go back to Remedy which is one of my favourite shows.


It was fun to see Janina G. (McKenna Hall) there. I like her character.



Yes I remember the Kevin Sorbo episode. :). It's that way on Castle too most of the time.

I actually think that Castle is one of the few shows that often enough that the villain is not the best known character that I can't predict like that, unlike NCIS or Criminal Minds or most other shows.  In the last episode, the two bad guys were actors I had never seen before.

Edited by statsgirl


I didn't put Colantino's name on my post on purpose. cause you know, that's part of the twist! didn't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it

with that being said, i was pissed off at the ex being promoted, but wasn't he above her (job wise) any way? i think they mentioned she was a detective and he was a lieutenant.

Edited by foreverevolving

I hoped that it was okay saying that Colantino was only in this episode.  I saw the ending scene in a promo ABC Studios put out and yea, that was pretty stupid. Just what you want on a cop show, to have the who-dun-it explained in a promo.  The last scene they didn't play though.



wasn't he above her (job wise) any way? i think they mentioned she was a detective and he was a lieutenant.

One of the detectives she worked with said that she should put her name in to be the new captain so I assumed she had the seniority to do it.  But either way, I can't see anything good coming

from her ex-husband being her new boss

.  (spoiled tagged just in case anyone doesn't want to know)

Suite has come up in the LL thread. I used to love that show; I still enjoy it but's not must see TV for me anymore. Mike Ross was really starting to bug me. I have no interest in his story or Rachel's (or how contrived they became).  Things I still love: Harvey, DONNA, Jessica and I have reached the conclusion that Louis is hilarious.

  • Love 1

The two characters I adore on Suits are Donna and Louis. I cannot get enough of those two. I find Rachel a fairly useless character. I don't really see the point of having her there if I'm honest. I always feel she's not really involved on the main plot. She's kind of the Laurel in Suits to me.

I stopped watching Suits at the beginning of season 4 and I've come to the conclusion that even though Harvey is hotter than the sun, he's a dick. I love Donna and she really deserves better than him. I just can't get behind that relationship even though they seems fairly married.

I liked Mike at first because even though he cheated with the whole doing other people's tests thing, I still felt he was a good, moral guy. But then that changed, and Louis still seems to be the butt of Harvey jokes, I'm not really down for it anymore.

Anyone watch "Outlander" last night? I'll probably need to put this entire post under a spoilers tag.

But I just love the way they did the love scenes. They told a story themselves. The hesitation and awkwardness of the first time, the increasing intimacy, the revelations (for Jamie, oh what's this missionary thing? You can do it face-to-face? LOL!). By the end, you can argue they were "making love." Most of the time, love scenes don't tell you about the couple's story or relationship. I thought this did.

  • Love 1

I used to love Suits but I only occasionally watched this season because it's so repetitive and they're still obsessed with that "Mike never went to Harvard" thing.  (For heaven's sakes, have him take a couple of years to get a law degree at some other school and a Master's or LLD from Harvard and problem solved. He can even do an executive degree while still working at Pearson Spector.  (My uncle did an executive LLD which meant he could still work at his regular job and do the courses on weekends.)


I've never seen the attraction of Rachel. For someone who is supposed to be so smart, she does too many stupid things.


I also really hate how they keep dumping on Louis.  The guy can never, ever catch a break and it's not entertaining any more.  He'll probably end up with Donna because they'll never put her with Harvey but meantime I'm not enjoying the ride.


One of the best things about Suits is how badass and ruthless Jessica is, not to mention how well dressed.  Laurel should be taking notes on both spheres.

Bad acting V. good acting.

this is an interesting article, especially as we often talk about good acting vs. bad acting and acting choices of the actors on the show.

He brings up some interesting points.

Edited by statsgirl

Anyone watch "Outlander" last night? I'll probably need to put this entire post under a spoilers tag.

But I just love the way they did the love scenes. They told a story themselves. The hesitation and awkwardness of the first time, the increasing intimacy, the revelations (for Jamie, oh what's this missionary thing? You can do it face-to-face? LOL!). By the end, you can argue they were "making love." Most of the time, love scenes don't tell you about the couple's story or relationship. I thought this did.


We were talking about how facial expressions and body language can convey so much when acting and in Outlander

Jamie's this is taking forever face when untying Claire's corset added just a bit of humor that didn't take away from the scene. As for the love scene itself, that was probably the most intimate and sensual one I've ever seen done on tv.

  • Love 1

We were talking about how facial expressions and body language can convey so much when acting and in Outlander

Jamie's this is taking forever face when untying Claire's corset added just a bit of humor that didn't take away from the scene. As for the love scene itself, that was probably the most intimate and sensual one I've ever seen done on tv.

Agreed. They were some of the most realistic and honest

love scenes

I've seen anywhere on TV or in movies--they were refreshing to watch, to be honest. I also loved the body language and facial expressions by the actors. They were what sold the scenes, not the actions themselves.

The Good Wife was new?  Oops, I better go watch it.  Thank goodness for the DVR.


Edited to say how much I hate CBS for almost always being off schedule on the weekends.  Yes, my DVR was scheduled to record the Good Wife, but only at the time it actually is supposed to be on.  I should just start recording an hour after prime time.  Grrr!

Edited by BkWurm1

Did anyone watch The Good Wife tonight? IT MADE ME SO ANTSY AND god this is so distressing 


I saw a tweet from a critic about an hour before it started, saying, within the few minutes of the show, everyone would be saying "WTF"? But even with that warning, I wasn't ready. The best word I can use to describe it is "harrowing."

Please let Cary be released from jail soon!

  • Love 1

Looking forward to Gotham...tomorrow :)

Isn't gotham starting tonight? it's supposed to be on mondays.

I am so confused, so many shows. too many classes and work hours. my brain cells are all (insert oliver "Crazy" chinese word hand-head GIF which i can't seem to locate even after 10 minutes of google search)


ETA: so today one of my professors brought up Robin Hood as an case study of morality and ethics for the class, and the only thing that came out of my mouth when he said "steals from the rich and gives to the poor" was "no. He shots arrows at the rich, have you not been watching Arrow?" it was loud enough that he heard me and cracked a smile.

Edited by foreverevolving
  • Love 2

Okay i am loving Gotham. i was literally weeping by the end of the first 4 minutes. Selina kyle is all kinds of awesome and i hope the kid playing Bruce will grow on me over time. also BM and JPK are killing it as Gordon and Fish Mooney. pretty much i am loving the entire cast. excellent work. i'll be sticking around for awhile.

  • Love 3

ETA: so today one of my professors brought up Robin Hood as an case study of morality and ethics for the class, and the only thing that came out of my mouth when he said "steals from the rich and gives to the poor" was "no. He shots arrows at the rich, have you not been watching Arrow?" it was loud enough that he heard me and cracked a smile.


I believe this qualifies to be in the "You know you've been watching too much Arrow when:" thread.  I love it. 

Isn't gotham starting tonight?


I watched.  It has some good potential.  Not completely sold on BM as Jim Gordon and there were some odd plot choices but there were a lot of stand out actors to keep my attention and even BM IMO improved as the show went on.  Everybody is keeping secrets that will either make or break the show.


Loved the silent Selina watching everything from the shadows. 


I'll keep watching but I don't see any happy endings coming out of this. 

Eh, I watched Gotham, but I think I'm only going to keep tuning in for Ben McKenzie.  He's earned a lot of good will with me from his days on The OC and Southland, so I'm willing to stick around for a while.  I was kind of bored, but I'm not a comics person, and my knowledge of the Batman universe is limited to what I remember from some of the movies as well as reruns of the Adam West series that I watched like over twenty years ago.  I thought that there was some really cheesy dialogue, I didn't like Gordon's fiancée, and Jada Pinkett Smith was way over the top, I thought.  A lot of people in the Gotham forum seemed to like it, so I probably don't know what I'm talking about :)   

I liked Jada Pinkett Smith's overtop acting. Villains tend to be overtop sometimes so I didn't mind. I actually think she'll get better as the show continues. I think I'll give the show a shot. The relationship between James and Harvey is...strange. Very up in each other's faces. I like the relationship between Bruce and James though. I have a feeling I'll love Alfred.

I saw the Gotham pilot last month, so I've been waiting for the next episode to see if gets better. The pilot had way too much going on and introduced way too many characters. We all know it's about Batman's villains and Gordan we don't need to meet all of them at the same time. The guy who plays the Riddler told us to stick with it because episode 7 is amazing. So I'm going to hold him to that. 

  • Love 1

I was mostly underwhelmed by Gotham, largely because it didn't really seem to have a single surprising moment in it, and I didn't get drawn in by any of the characters except, to my surprise, Carmine Falcone.  I also can't second Sakura12's criticism about way too many characters hard enough; five major Bat-villains appearing in a 42 minute pilot PLUS Jada Pinkett Smith's character was too much. There's a reason none of the Bat films have ever tried to do that; even two or three Bat villains in a single film have often been overwhelming.


I'm still going to be checking it out, though, and will probably end up making lots of Arrow/Gotham comparisons.


Edit: Just realized that technically, The Dark Knight Rises did have five Bat villains if you count the ghostly appearance of one of them and the Scarecrow cameo.  But, not by coincidence, I also think that's the weakest of the Nolan films. Batman had one; Batman Returns had two plus an added villain; Batman Forever, three; Batman and Robin didn't actually exist so it doesn't count; Batman Begins, three; Dark Knight, two.


Gotham still wins here, with five Bat-villains and Fish in one episode.

Edited by quarks

Mondays ratings!



Gotham premiered good with a 3.2 and 8 mil viewers

Sleepy Hollow at 2.0 and 5 mil not so good

Scorpion got a good sampling with 3.3 and 14 mil viewers, but it might suffer same fate as Intelligence last year, big premiere, big fall in the next episodes. 

Blacklist returns strong with a 3.4 and 12.5 mil viewers. 

They built up Gotham so much, it was bound to disappoint. I like it, didn't love it but there were things I enjoyed. I loved Gotham itself; I think they did a great job setting the city up. I'm intrigued by Selina Kyle. I liked the noirish vibe to the show. It was campy, but I kinda liked how the actors were chewing the scenery up (some more successfully than others). I liked Alfred. I found it interesting they gave him a bit of cockney.


Things I didn't like: Gordan went in and out for me. His introduction scene was a bit over the top and I kinda expected him to be a little quicker on the take. I found myself playing spot-the-villian too much. It was predicable; no real surprises. 


I was too excited to write it off now, so I'm hoping it gets better.

I'll stick with it too but I'm not thrilled by it. It's moving into the 'too bleak and violent' category for me, like the blood splatter after Gordon saved Oswald's life.  I flipped back and forth between it and another show which was probably a mistake.  I liked what Jada Pinkett did with the role, not too interested in the character herself


Nice to see Sean Pertwee as Alfred.  I'd liked him since Cadfael.  And the both the kids were good.

  • Love 1

I watched Forever over on ABC and kind of liked it, but that's probably because I find Ioan Gruffudd adorably charming.  If that show tanks, I do hope that he eventually finds a role on a show that lasts for more than one season.  Even though he is probably too old for it, I could have envisioned him on Arrow in the role of

Ray Palmer. Gruffudd's charisma is what I imagined for a possible love interest for Felicity.


I don't know what it is about this TV season, but I'm finding more of my time freed up; Chicago Fire just came back and lost me. I am not sure I'm sticking with Chicago PD. I'd given up on most of the procedurals a few years ago. I might check out Gotham, but I'm going in with my finger hovering on the eject button. Same with Agents of SHIELD. I almost want to know the resolution, but I have no qualms about dropping it. 


The few new pilots I've watched haven't hooked me. They were pleasant enough, but if I miss episode 2 I more than likely won't be upset. 

Watched Scorpion and Forever and liked both but for different reasons. 


Scorpion might trip over itself trying to constantly make everything life or death.  They should probably aim to be more like Leverage and do the group pulling off some kind of sting each week rather than play super hero all the time.  Still, the character interested me and I rather liked Kathrine Macphee.  I'll give it a few more episodes to work out some of the rougher parts.


Forever was a lot better than I expected.  It was more like a combo of Sherlock and the Mentalist (which can be both good and bad)  The "when I die I wake up naked in the river" bit is going to become messy.  That said, I liked every actor on the show from the ex Bones squintern to the ever scruffy Judd Hirsch to the slightly slutty/boozy female cop. 


On a lighter note I'm having fun with New Girl and really loving The Mindy Project so much this year. 

I actually liked Scorpian, despite some fairly ridiculous stuff involving an airplane and a laptop.  The previews didn't look great, but I usually give most shows a chance and tune in for the pilot episode.  I actually teared up a bit at the stuff involving the main genius guy and Katherine McPhee's little boy.  I know, that's completely ridiculous.  I just wish that they had allowed Elyes Gabel to keep his accent (I'm sure that they could have come up with a reason for that, right?).  I saw him on TV the other day, and he was adorable.  Yes, I have a thing for accents...who doesn't? 


The Mindy Project is off to a really great start this year.  I'm finding it completely cute and funny.  That was one that I actually didn't start watching until halfway through the second season.  My interest was piqued after watching Danny/Mindy gifs on tumblr.

Not too bad of a number- considering the network. it is way less than the other networks (Gotham is bringing in 180K-ish). The flash has a 3k above Arrow, but arrow has a 7k+ over Supernatural. while TVD is at the top with 59k.

does anyone has the figures from last year? what was Arrow amount then


maybe if the CW will start charging just a bit more Arrow won't have to worry about budget stuff.

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