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Small Talk: The Quiver

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The Charlie Sheen news was not at all shocking. 


On a better note, I really enjoyed Supergirl last night. We had a lot of women talking to each other that had nothing to do with guys. The Danver/Kara family drama was actually interesting to watch and the mother's reasoning for why she let Kara get away with so much made sense. The poor girl not only lost her parents she lost her entire planet. 

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AyChihuahua, I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through and for your loss. Families are really complicated sometimes. I hope you find some peace and comfort.


OUAT just bores the heck out of me now, even though I adore Hook and Emma. The Dark Yawn storyline is a snoozefest. Even the costumes are not enough for me to give a damn.


Charlie Sheen. What a clusterfuck of a human being.

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In a truly shocking development, the local sheriff found my dead mother's purse five minutes after the local news called them, despite somehow being incapable of finding it or even returning three weeks' worth of voicemails from me.  It is as if it disapparated and could only re-apparate when the local news called the people who should have known where it was this whole time.

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In a truly shocking development, the local sheriff found my dead mother's purse five minutes after the local news called them, despite somehow being incapable of finding it or even returning three weeks' worth of voicemails from me.  It is as if it disapparated and could only re-apparate when the local news called the people who should have known where it was this whole time.


Maybe the newspeople had a line to the Winchesters and they used a summoning spell...of some kind...other wise I got nuthin. But I'm glad they "found" it. 

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In a truly shocking development, the local sheriff found my dead mother's purse five minutes after the local news called them, despite somehow being incapable of finding it or even returning three weeks' worth of voicemails from me.  It is as if it disapparated and could only re-apparate when the local news called the people who should have known where it was this whole time.

Good to hear they found it! I mean they suck for how they jerked you around.... but sometimes people just suck. At least you got it back in the end.

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Jessica Jones tomorrow, I'm excited! 


I pushed off seeing Mockingjay until Saturday so I can binge some of Jessica Jones tomorrow. Well, I also did that so I could see it at the new AMC Prime theater that people keep raving about. 

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Tomorrow's to-do list:


Thanksgiving grocery shopping & Jessica Jones w/ copies amounts of buttery popcorn.


It's going to be a good day.


Unrelated. I utilize the ignore user function, but when they get quoted I end up seeing the post. Is there anyway to change that?

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ShondaLand hit it out of the park again with its winter finales. SCANDAL was jaw-dropping in a rather emotionally raw way. While HTGAWM was jaw dropping with all of its twists. I do not know how they succeed season after season and episode after episode. But Shonda & her team just does with rather decent authenticity, it rarely feels forced or contrived.

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Ausiello's recent blind item about a show (possibly) killing off its co-lead:


Apparently it was Sleepy Hollow.

So, it was a mere publicity stunt? I can't imagine this particular show getting rid of its co-lead

unless M.Goffman was still in charge, knew the show was cancelled, and wanted to spite the viewers because they didn't love his Katrina and his CFD. Or unless they lost their mind, because unlike Grey's it isn't an ensemble show and at the very least half of the audience watches for Abbie, imo.

  You'd expect a BI about a shocking death to be about a real, definite one and not about yet another fake-out.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Well, even the original Blind Item expressed doubt that the death would stick.

there are conflicting accounts as to whether the death will actually stick. Given the importance this particular character has to the series, it’s tough to imagine that it would. But in this Will Gardner-offing, McDreamy-snuffing TV world we live in now, I suppose anything is possible.

Edited by Starfish35
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So excited for Jessica Jones. Best birthday present ever!


I just watched the first two episodes. It is great. Very character driven, and very small in scope, as promised. Jessica is immediately complex and likeable and infuriating, and the other characters show flashes of being very interesting too.


This is how you do grown up comic book stuff, without resorting to tacky stunts and overwrought angst. I would qualify that by again saying I've only watched two episodes, but on the back of the very grown up Daredevil, I feel comfortable that this show is the next step up from that.

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I haven't been able to get past (I think) episode 5 of Daredevil? Is there anything truly linking the two shows? I want to watch JJ to support girl comic characters and the trailer looked interesting. Plus I love David Tennant.

I will eventually finish Daredevil. Next season sounds interesting. It did take me a while to really like AOS.

Edited by tarotx
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Well, even the original Blind Item expressed doubt that the death would stick.


Yes, but then why not name names, and present it as speculation? It isn't as if TVLine didn't quite often, imo, present opinions as facts or wishful thinking as spoilers. It's just my perception, yet I associate "Blind Item" with "too juicy or too shocking to be revealed"...so pretending to kill off a main character isn't deserving such a hype, especially since it's been kind of a trend lately. Which is why I see it as a mere publicity stunt.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'll need to make sure my little ones are totally asleep to watch this show. When I was watching Daredevil, my 7 year old kept sneaking in and I had to kick her out numerous times. I can't explain why I enjoyed DD so much; it seems like something I wouldn't enjoy, but I just couldn't stop thinking about it until I'd seen the whole season. But I could see why it might not appeal to some.


Looking forward to The Man in the High Castle too.

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I've seen 3 episodes of JJ and I love it way more than Daredevil so far. Hits all the right spots, and man, Kilgrave is so much scarier and more effective than Fisk (who bored the hell out of me) that it's a joke. No character is wasted, and Jessica herself is just amazing. Kristen Ritter is a perfect fit (not that I doubted her).


With Daredevil, I couldn't shake the notion that the authors really tried to make it "prestigious", prime cable-like, but it doesn't happen with JJ, it manages to be dynamic and interesting but still powerful and raw in its message. Also, having a lot of female characters helps (doesn't happen all that often with prestigious TV...). I just knew how the lawyer character could be so tiring if she were male, considering her storyline (I think she was male in the comic book, but I may be mistaken), but it works so much better with gender change.

Edited by FurryFury
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@jediknight - Thanks for the comics recs, I'm really enjoying the Star Wars title. I'm not so in love with the Darth Vader one but it is interesting

You are so very welcome.


I'd recommend picking up issue 1 of Vader Down, if you haven't already, it's the main storyline in the Star Wars comics right now.  In the issue

we got to see Vader by himself take down a bunch of Rebel pilots, a dogfight with Luke and Vader, and we get to see the Rebellion is completely outmatched against Vader even when it's 200 to 1.


And the newest issue of Star Wars gave us

Han, Leia, and Chewie wielding lightsabers.

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I'm only one ep into Jessica Jones, so aside from that, mine are: 

  • iZombie
  • The 100
  • Daredevil
  • The Americans
  • Peaky Blinders (new to me!)
  • Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.
  • Great British Baking Show (as it's called over here) :)


Arrow didn't make the cut because 4A hasn't been quite enough to make up for S3 yet. But it's close! Maybe I'll change my mind in the next month.

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You are so very welcome.

I'd recommend picking up issue 1 of Vader Down, if you haven't already, it's the main storyline in the Star Wars comics right now. In the issue

we got to see Vader by himself take down a bunch of Rebel pilots, a dogfight with Luke and Vader, and we get to see the Rebellion is completely outmatched against Vader even when it's 200 to 1.

And the newest issue of Star Wars gave us

Han, Leia, and Chewie wielding lightsabers.

I didn't pick up Vader Down but I'll look into it. I did love the latest issue of Star Wars, that was pretty fun.
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I'm watching the winter finale of HTGAWM and it's not even midway through and I'm hyperventilating. I can't handle this show.

It was CRAAAAAAZZZYYYYY!!!! I couldn't take it. It's insane. I have no idea how they out do themselves episode after episode.

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Two and a half eps into Jessica Jones, and I'm loving it so much. So many interesting, varied ladies. Treating serious, life-changing subjects with respect. I know Marvel isn't exactly a unknown quantity, but I'm glad Netflix took this gamble. 

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I'm only one ep into Jessica Jones, so aside from that, mine are: 

  • Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.
  • Great British Baking Show (as it's called over here) :)

Two shows that I've just got into and really like.  I'm a sucker for all things art deco and the shoes Miss Fisher wears are scrumptious, as she would say.


The Great British Baking Show is a nice change from the North America ones where everyone seems to be so cut-throat and against every else and the judges are always yelling and insulting.  The bakers also seem to be amazingly creative which I love. I quite want to take up baking now.

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So I absolutely hate Olitz on Scandal. They repulse me. But somehow the rest of the train wreck of a show entertains me. I haven't been watching all season, but is it sort of safe to start watching again? I guess spoiler tag if you'd be so kind to answer...thanks in advance.

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I've seen 3 episodes of JJ and I love it way more than Daredevil so far. Hits all the right spots, and man, Kilgrave is so much scarier and more effective than Fisk (who bored the hell out of me) that it's a joke. No character is wasted, and Jessica herself is just amazing. Kristen Ritter is a perfect fit (not that I doubted her).


With Daredevil, I couldn't shake the notion that the authors really tried to make it "prestigious", prime cable-like, but it doesn't happen with JJ, it manages to be dynamic and interesting but still powerful and raw in its message. Also, having a lot of female characters helps (doesn't happen all that often with prestigious TV...). I just knew how the lawyer character could be so tiring if she were male, considering her storyline (I think she was male in the comic book, but I may be mistaken), but it works so much better with gender change.


I really enjoyed Daredevil, and thought it was a great take on the character, and on the street level of Marvel's universe. Something that had only really been seen in the Daredevil movie (and even then, it wasn't good). I found Fisk an intriguing character, and really enjoyed the parallels between him and Murdock in terms of their motivations and goals.


The idea that both had the same ultimate goal of saving the city, but that while Matt wanted to save the people in the city, Fisk saw the city as an entity in itself, that needed to be populated with better people to be saved. That was an interesting juxtaposition of ideas, and their methods of Matt constantly sacrificing himself, while Fisk would happily sacrifice any number of other innocents, was nicely constructed.


I'm not sure if I like Jessica Jones more, three episodes in, but I definitely like it as much. Jessica is a more vivid character than Matt, because she doesn't keep herself bottled up like Matt does. Sure, she's repressing the hell out of a whole mess of stuff, but she is far more open with her emotions and more prone to outbursts than Matt. It makes her easier to engage with, for this viewer. Also, I already love Trish.

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Just finished episode 4 of Jessica Jones. Really enjoying it and it's one episode further than I got with Daredevil. I didn't dislike Daredevil but it never really grabbed me. JJ has. Can't wait to watch the rest this weekend.

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So I absolutely hate Olitz on Scandal. They repulse me. But somehow the rest of the train wreck of a show entertains me. I haven't been watching all season, but is it sort of safe to start watching again? I guess spoiler tag if you'd be so kind to answer...thanks in advance.

I HATE OLITZ!!! I will say that this season has been good and bad for the couple. I have been pleasantly surprised by all the twists & turns with that relationship - it was not how I expected. I think the show is worth watching. The other plots are good. And per usual the whole cast is just amazing, week after week. I was absolutely floored by the winter finale. It took a solid 15min for me to pick my jaw up from the ground. It was surprising and shocking, but not like previous shockers. I don't know what the future holds for them.

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6 episodes in to Jessica Jones and I'm loving it.  Ritter is doing a fantastic job showing Jessica's PTSD. Killgrave is a villain to fear, he destroyed her. I liked that when they showed the before Killgrave, Jessica wan't a happy go lucky person or anything but she wasn't the broken mess that she is now. I love Trish and Jessica's friendship. I love that Trish is like I know you are super strong and you can keep pushing me away but I'll still be here standing right by your side. That's friendship. 


Luke pissed me off in the last episode even though it's understandable. That just shows how much people don't understand what Killgrave can do. I think out of the other survivors only Hope and Jessica know the full scope of that man's evil powers. 


Like Daredevil I'm enjoying Jessica Jones because it's about a broken person that doesn't always make the right decisions but when it comes down to it they will do the right thing and the biggest thing is they don't consider themselves a hero for doing so. They do it to help not for the glory. 

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TRISH! I came into the series expecting to not like her by constantly being in Jessica's way of accomplishing her mission, so I'm pleasantly surprised to see how much I've come to love her. She's strong, takes no one's shit, is loyal as hell, is trustworthy, is vulnerable, smart, badass...  Both Trish and Jessica are my favorites, but I just have such a soft spot for Trish :)


Her and Jessica's relationship is THE most important on the show which surprised me as well because I figured Jessica's relationship with Luke would've been (because comics). 


I love this show :') It shows "Real girl power" lol 

Edited by wonderwall
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