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Small Talk: The Quiver


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Bates Motel is a great show, I got friends and family to watch Orphan Black but I can't them to check out Bates Motel. You really don't have to have seen Psycho to enjoy it. The acting is amazing making the characters interesting to watch. 


I really loved Season 3 which is rare for shows. They only have one character that didn't really work but that was taken care of in Season 3. It's also the only show I watch where I'm waiting for the next person to die and it doesn't piss me off, because well, it is a show about a budding serial killer. 


DylEmma is my ship (the name sold me) and it's a good thing I'm not obsessive about shipping anymore because I know it will not end well. 

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I always end up watching a bunch of new pilots this time of the year, this week I've seen 4:

Sense8: couldn't get through the entire episode. Ended up mentally and emotionally checking out before the 30 minute mark. Sorry, Watchovskis and dude from Babylon 5. I didn't like Babylon 5 either.

UnREAL: really stupid name for a TV show, and I feel kinda dirty for liking something created by Marti Noxon, but: I REALLY LIKED THIS. Constance Zimmer is amazing. So is Shiri Appleby. Will continue to watch.

Stitchers: It's Salli Richardson-Whitfield from Eureka and Allison Scaglioti from Warehouse 13. On a procedural sci-fi about solving crimes by going into a recently deceased person's memories, to figure out what happened. Loopy campy sci-fi crime is my jam, so I'm watching this as well.

Mr. Robot: USA put the pilot on YouTube, and I thought it was FANTASTIC. Vigilante hacker and corporate conspiracies always sound dumb and look dumb when made-for-tv [look no further than CSI: Cyber], but this is spot on. And it has an indie feel that has never ever happened to a show on the USA channel before -- they tend to be all super slick super made by and for white dudes, and this looks and feels nothing like that.

Edited by dancingnancy
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On a procedural sci-fi about solving crimes by going into a recently deceased person's memories, to figure out what happened.


Don't we already have iZombie for that? Which is most likely way more fun that this show.


Although maybe I'll check out this one after the season's done if the reviews are good. After all, speculative fiction with female leads are my crack. That said, I don't watch any ABC Family shows for some reason. PLL was OK at first but I gave up last year because the plot and characters never really developed, everything felt stagnant. And I liked The Fosters a bit but the central romance really put me off the show (and not because they are adopted siblings, it doesn't bother me at all).


And it has an indie feel that has never ever happened to a show on the USA channel before -- they tend to be all super slick super made by and for white dudes, and this looks and feels nothing like that.


Hmm interesting. I too have noticed this thing on USA channel and this is why I didn't even bother checking out this show. Maybe I should, I hear good things about it. So it's not anything like Suits and similar fare? 

I loved Constance Zimmer since a show that no one watched or remembers called "Good Morning, Miami". That show was stupid, yet hilarious. She was the best character ever, a secretly rich, lazy, sarcastic, pot head that spent her time at work killing her Sims.  It was canceled mid season 2 and I'm still upset they never aired the remaining episodes. So I will have to check out UnReal for her. 


Stitchers premise sounds too similar to iZombie but less fun. However I loved Claudia on Warehouse 13. I guess I'll check out the pilot. 


Was Sense8 too convoluted? It seems like it will be which is what makes me hesitant to check it out. 


I have Mr. Robot but just haven't got around to watching it yet. I have heard that it's interesting. 


I just can't do iZombie. I just don't do zombies, period, and even if this is a lighter take, I can't deal with the brain-eating.

If Stitchers is a non-zombie version, I'm willing to try it at least, because I do like both Salli and Allison (I almost called them both Allison, because Salli's character in Eureka was named Allison).

Edited by Starfish35
I just can't do iZombie. I just don't do zombies, period, and even if this is a lighter take, I can't deal with the brain-eating.


I don't give a damn about zombies but I love this show. It just doesn't feel like a zombie show, at all. And it's actually well-written, for the most part (the main romance is snooze-worthy but it hasn't had that big of a focus so I can live with that for now).

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I tried Sense8, too and don't think I made the ten minute mark.  Just felt like one of those shows I was going to have to try too hard to get into and found I just didn't care enough to slog through.


I'm currently ensconced in S3 of Lost - never watched it while it was on, so it's a fun binge.


Looking forward to Mr. Robot as well - looks like a really "smart" show. I like shows that make you think and aren't just obscure for the sake of being mysterious.


I always end up watching a bunch of new pilots this time of the year, this week I've seen 4:

Sense8: couldn't get through the entire episode. Ended up mentally and emotionally checking out before the 30 minute mark. Sorry, Watchovskis and dude from Babylon 5. I didn't like Babylon 5 either.

UnREAL: really stupid name for a TV show, and I feel kinda dirty for liking something created by Marti Noxon, but: I REALLY LIKED THIS. Constance Zimmer is amazing. So is Shiri Appleby. Will continue to watch.

Stitchers: It's Salli Richardson-Whitfield from Eureka and Allison Scaglioti from Warehouse 13. On a procedural sci-fi about solving crimes by going into a recently deceased person's memories, to figure out what happened. Loopy campy sci-fi crime is my jam, so I'm watching this as well.

Mr. Robot: USA put the pilot on YouTube, and I thought it was FANTASTIC. Vigilante hacker and corporate conspiracies always sound dumb and look dumb when made-for-tv [look no further than CSI: Cyber], but this is spot on. And it has an indie feel that has never ever happened to a show on the USA channel before -- they tend to be all super slick super made by and for white dudes, and this looks and feels nothing like that.

Watched an extended promo for Sense8 and knew it was not for me.


UnReal was really interesting.  I HATE the Bachelor/Bachelorette so the scathing behind the scenes looks is awesome all on it's own, but the storyline and the characters have my attention too. 

I loved Constance Zimmer since a show that no one watched or remembers called "Good Morning, Miami". That show was stupid, yet hilarious. She was the best character ever, a secretly rich, lazy, sarcastic, pot head that spent her time at work killing her Sims.  It was canceled mid season 2 and I'm still upset they never aired the remaining episodes. So I will have to check out UnReal for her.


I watched this too!  She was my favorite character and her part was just starting to really take off ....and it went away. 


I watched the pilot for Stitchers and I don't know.  I loved Claudia on Warehouse13 and it looks like she's sticking around but I'm not certain if I'm up for the lead as  another robotic female who doesn't understand emotions.  It is exactly like iZombie in that when she does her memory walk thing she feels the emotions and has flashes of insight but I can tell that iZombie is soooo much more fun.  I normally hate zombies too but I knew I was going to have to take a chance on a Rob Thomas show and I'm very glad I did.  I'll try Stitchers for a few more episodes before I decide but some stuff about it felt very forced.  One point in the lead's favor - she's a blond computer genius who's father abandoned her when she was young and tends to wear her hair in a ponytail. 

Edited by BkWurm1

Just started Jane the Virgin...so far it's pretty solid.

Way soapy but the actors sell it.

I was delightfully surprised by how much I enjoyed Jane the Virgin! It's intentionally over-the-top soapy, but it's done in a way that's fun and fresh. It's a but of subterfuge, actually; there are a lot of gorgeous, real character moments revealed by the outrageous plots. There are a lot of surprises waiting for you as you go through the season, and Gina Rodriguez is so phenomenally great!

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The first 13 episodes of Jane are just amazing. So, so funny and cute and everything, but I feel like this show tries way too hard to sell the central romance which is honestly way too cliched and not compelling (and that Rafael is played by a pretty mediocre actor). I feel like this romance basically overtook the show at times but everything else is written way better and more interesting than it. I've dropped the show for now but if they'll change the course in season 2 to being less about Jane/Rafael I'll come back. Everything about JtV parodies telenovelas but this guy just feel like he's come straight from one without any changes.

For Gilmore Girls fans...


'Gilmore Girls' Reunion: Movie Update, a Touching Tribute to Ed Herrmann and 21 More Highlights
JUNE 06, 2015 7:19pm PT by Lesley Goldberg


The 'Gilmore Girls' Cast Reunited At ATX And We Totally Followed
Posted: 06/06/2015 10:05 pm EDT Updated: 06/06/2015 10:59 pm EDT





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I tried out the premiere of Stitchers tonight. I'm not 100% sold, but I'll give it a few more episodes. It feels like it's trying too hard though, and if they have the lead go rogue every week and doing her own thing against orders, that's going to get old fast. Also, I was having a really hard time not thinking of Allison Scaglioti's character as Claudia.

For those of you who watched GOT (and I'm a total hypocrite for continuing to watch after the black hole of suckage that much of this season has been, even after I said I wasn't going to…)




What the ever-loving fuck was that.


I'm apologizing for the following rant, which I'm hiding with spoilers because you should only keep reading if you want to see me froth at the mouth.


MG and his idiot writing team are small potatoes compared to the misogynist garbage that GOT has smeared on my TV screen, much like monkeys flinging feces at the zoo. Just when I think it can't get worse, the floor drops out and a new low is revealed. Well, congrats, you assholes. If your goal was to guarantee endless buzz and discussions around watercoolers across the country, I'm sure you've succeeded. But if your intent was to create good programming and insightful writing, well, you fucked that up but good. I hope your show crashes and burns, you stupid SOBs. And so help me, if anyone tries to mitigate it by saying, well, that's how things were back then, it's a medieval world, I'm going to go ballistic. No, it's not how it was, this is a totally made up world that never fucking existed and there are dragons and shit, so don't give me some stupid crap about how women have to be treated like garbage and be raped and burned alive because "that's how things were." If I want to see children being murdered and people be burned and women being raped, all I need to do is turn on the fucking news because all that shit is still happening today. I watch fantasy and sci-fi for an escape. Not to be reminded how human beings basically suck. This show. This fucking show. Just because you unflinchingly portray pain and misery does not mean it's good TV. I'm so fucking angry and I don't know why. It seems sick to find enjoyment in watching such horror. I just need to get this out. My husband thinks I'm overreacting and I know I am, but I just can't help it.

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Bad news for Constantine fans...


Constantine Fails To Find A Lazarus Pit, Is Officially Dead
by Dean James on June 8, 2015


A sad day for #Constantine. More in link below. #Hellblazers #SaveConstantine


Edited by tv echo

I don't watch Game of Thrones (no access to HBO) and at this point have made a note NOT to watch it but I have a burning desire to hear that it ends with the women of the realm overthrowing the current rule and establishing a militant matriarchal society where it's the male characters that have to fear rape and humiliation and torture.

Edited by BkWurm1
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I know a lot of people here didn't like Sense8, but since I judge a show on more than it's Pilot (If I did that I'd be watching a lot less shows, most Pilots suck). I give shows 5 episodes to convince me to watch. And this show after 5 eps did get me interested and now I am enjoying it. One of the best scenes was when the Trans hacktivist was about to be captured and she called the others for help, then the Korean kick boxer and Chicago cop helped her beat up the guys and escape. Then the Kenyan bus driver took over when she found a car. 


For me if you get me to like your characters and invested in them, I'll watch whatever plot you throw at them. This show has some great characters and I am interested in the main 8. I'm even enjoying the love stories, which I usually find the least interesting part of shows. Probably because they do focus on them but it's not THE focus. The Closeted Mexican actor is the only one not that involved with the main plot, however I am enjoying the Threesome he's got going on with his boyfriend and his beard. 


It's not the best show ever, but it's one of the shows where you just can't think too hard and just enjoy the ride. 

  • Love 2

I know a lot of people here didn't like Sense8, but since I judge a show on more than it's Pilot (If I did that I'd be watching a lot less shows, most Pilots suck). I give shows 5 episodes to convince me to watch. And this show after 5 eps did get me interested and now I am enjoying it. One of the best scenes was when the Trans hacktivist was about to be captured and she called the others for help, then the Korean kick boxer and Chicago cop helped her beat up the guys and escape. Then the Kenyan bus driver took over when she found a car. 


For me if you get me to like your characters and invested in them, I'll watch whatever plot you throw at them. This show has some great characters and I am interested in the main 8. I'm even enjoying the love stories, which I usually find the least interesting part of shows. Probably because they do focus on them but it's not THE focus. The Closeted Mexican actor is the only one not that involved with the main plot, however I am enjoying the Threesome he's got going on with his boyfriend and his beard. 


It's not the best show ever, but it's one of the shows where you just can't think too hard and just enjoy the ride. 


The first 5 episodes of Sense8 were slow but really character driven, episode 6 & forward really picked up the story. I enjoyed the entire season, it does have great characters & is wonderfully diverse.  None of the characters felt flat to me, so I'm ready for a season 2 (crossing my fingers it gets one). I feel like if they get a second season they can really deliver a great story, since they spent most of this season giving us character history. The finale left me wanting more & it's not like any other show I watch. Glad to find that someone else enjoyed it.


I came across this article and found it disturbing...


Voices: Twitter harassment is about more than celebs
Kelly Lawler, USA TODAY 12:59 p.m. EDT May 18, 2015

Being a woman online, and especially a woman with an opinion, is dangerous.
Edited by tv echo
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Sense8 also has the only tastefully filmed orgy I've ever seen (never thought I'd type those words). Of course my only other comparisons are True Blood and Game of Thrones. Sense8 was much better and very hot. 


American punk rock Martha Jones is fun to see as well. I love Neets and Nomi and Neet's mom. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I'm six episodes in on Sense8, and I actually like it too.  There are still a few questions and confusion, but I think it's picking up now, and I'm really liking these characters, especially Nomi, "Van Damme", Sun, DJ Riley, and Lito.  Even warming up to Will (who starts out as the generic cop) and Wolfgang (who bored me in the pilot.)  I think the only story I still somewhat struggling with is the Indian Bride and her wedding (probably telling that I don't even know her name), but even then, I find the actress very charming (and gorgeous), so it's not like I hate watching those scenes.


Oh, and Freema Agyeman as Nomi's girlfriend is something.  Not going to pass on a show featuring Naked Martha Jones!

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I think the only story I still somewhat struggling with is the Indian Bride and her wedding (probably telling that I don't even know her name), but even then, I find the actress very charming (and gorgeous), so it's not like I hate watching those scenes.


Kala. The only reason I know that is because it was in the episode description. I agree her standaloneish story is the least interesting, but I like the actress so I don't mind her scenes. Her fiance seems too good too be true, but they are going against the trope where she's not interested him. 


Will's from my hometown so I gotta like him. However living that close the "L" would drive me nuts. I'm a light sleeper. I'd have to go to DJ Riley in Iceland to get some sleep. 

Edited by Sakura12

Anyone watching Wayward Pines? I.just finished episode 2 but want to get through two more before Thursday's new episode airs.

So pretty good so far, don't know if I'd have watched during the fall/spring or if it was a full series.

I've been watching it. I agree with you that it's entertaining enough for a summer show, but I don't know if I would've watched it during the regular season.

I came across this article and found it disturbing...


Voices: Twitter harassment is about more than celebs

Kelly Lawler, USA TODAY 12:59 p.m. EDT May 18, 2015



I found the comments on the article equally disturbing. That's proof right there of what the writer is talking about.

  • Love 3

Another juicy episode of UNreal.  It has all the voyeuristic awfulness of a reality show without the nausea of knowing you are watching a reality show.  Guilt pleasure without the guilt. 


I also watched the second episode of The Whispers.  Not sure what to think about where its going (alien invasion?) but the kid actors are good and it has my interest so far at least. 


I found the comments on the article equally disturbing. That's proof right there of what the writer is talking about.

Every comment is attacking the writer and they're all from men.


I've heard Brianna Wu and Anita Sarkosian interviewed and it's really disturbing what they've experienced.  Anita Sarkosian cancelled a talk at the University of Utah after she got a threat that if she spoke, she would be shot, and the university refused to check people at the door for concealed guns.  (I guess the right to bear concealed weapons supersedes freedom of speech and safety of person.)  That's the kind of threat we think of happens in third world countries, not here.

Edited by statsgirl

Queer As Folk Reunion. Such an awesome interview..

That was one of the best shows of the first decade of 2000's imo. I think alot of acceptance that is happening today in the US in terms of gay rights owes its huge support to shows like QaF and The L Word, who showed a close enough picture of what it means to be gay.



Edited by foreverevolving

I wanted to like Wayward Pines but I hated the generic male protagonist so much I barely finished the pilot. Seriously, yet another white dude suffering a midlife crisis, cheating on his wife with a younger woman, struggling to balance his work with his family... Ugh. No thanks. Seen it a 100 times already, can't understand why I should root for him. The town also wasn't that interesting and mysterious. It's no Twin Peaks, for sure.


Is The Whispers worth watching? I've thought about trying it but the reviews seem unsure if it's hit or miss and no element of it seems particularly compelling for me.

I came across this article and found it disturbing...


Voices: Twitter harassment is about more than celebs

Kelly Lawler, USA TODAY 12:59 p.m. EDT May 18, 2015



Every comment is attacking the writer and they're all from men.


I've been watching Outlander, and I still have the last two episodes on my DVR.  I've been reading reviews, so I'm aware of the fucking awful shit that is coming, but I haven't been able to bring myself to watch yet.  Anyways, many people were appalled by the last episode in particular (the term "torture porn" is frequently referenced in reviews of the episode).  So anyways, back on topic here.  I was reading reviews of the last episode, and I apologize if you are an Outlander book fan, but some of those people are just absolutely awful.  There is this one particular recapper who I guess started off posting humorous reviews, but the book readers have turned on her and just rip her to shreds in the comments section now.  I even saw one lady in the comments section who called another poster the C word!  And many of these insults being hurled in the comments are coming from women (many times to the reviewer, who is also a woman).  Awful!  Sorry, but I can't deal with the Outlander book fandom, and I wait for the fallout when they decide to start ripping Ronald Moore to shreds.  Probably gonna happen eventually.

I've been watching Outlander, and I still have the last two episodes on my DVR.  I've been reading reviews, so I'm aware of the fucking awful shit that is coming, but I haven't been able to bring myself to watch yet.  Anyways, many people were appalled by the last episode in particular (the term "torture porn" is frequently referenced in reviews of the episode).  So anyways, back on topic here.  I was reading reviews of the last episode, and I apologize if you are an Outlander book fan, but some of those people are just absolutely awful.  There is this one particular recapper who I guess started off posting humorous reviews, but the book readers have turned on her and just rip her to shreds in the comments section now.  I even saw one lady in the comments section who called another poster the C word!  And many of these insults being hurled in the comments are coming from women (many times to the reviewer, who is also a woman).  Awful!  Sorry, but I can't deal with the Outlander book fandom, and I wait for the fallout when they decide to start ripping Ronald Moore to shreds.  Probably gonna happen eventually.


I've read the first 7 Outlander books, and I also had to stop watching. A) Because I knew what was coming and reading about is different to seeing, and B) Reading all of the defense of particular scenes/storylines, without justification, just completely put me off. There was a lot of 'well I didn't find it offensive so no one else has the right to', which frustrated me. There wasn't a lot of critical discussion, just a lot of people trying to shut other voices up. 


If you want to complain about the Outlander Book fandom, I am right here with you. It was probably the quickest fandom I entered and then left. 

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Thanks Jediknight for the recommendation of Kingsman,  the trailers looked great & i love Colin Firth, but I wasn't able to make it to the theaters. Wasn't sure if it would be worth my time now on DVD. But I just added it to my cue from the library, on your. So looking forward to it now.


SonofaBiscuit - I don't have Starz so I haven't seen S1b of Outlander. Waiting on my friends (who is willing to pay for Starz) to throw our usual Outlander marathon. But absolutely loved s1a of it. I have read all the books (except the last one, long story - long book). Anyway, I highly recommending reading the books for yourself. They are really good books and so far I feel like the Starz series has tried to live up to the expectations. Having read the books, I know those last scenes in the last few episodes are gonna be bad & gruesome. Its about the only time, I wish the show was made for network TV because then they would have to edit & censor more. Most of the time, Im happy its on cable because they can bring the story to life without censors, but there are some things that are just too graphic that are part of the story that I didn't need to actually see. It was hard enough reading those scenes.


The books have been out since 1991, so I feel like the fans have been jonesing for a TV or movie adaption for a long time. I will say that can make the fans very ferocious, ravenous & maybe even rabid. I have a lot of friends that are diehards of the books & now TV shows, so it makes it fun to talk with them. One of my friends joined a facebook group and some of the stuff that was posted there, I was shocked by it. It does seem that some fans have crossed the line. I'm not sure how much I could engage with them. But I have seen some positive & good interaction on my tumblr & twitter from the Outlander fandom, so maybe its just a little bit of the usual really vocal bad eggs stirring up trouble when they don't need to be. That being said, I am grateful that Starz is bringing Outlander to life.

Edited by kismet

After watching the show, I know I'll never read the Outlander books.  Book readers have talked about how the author goes on and on for hundreds of pages with the story really going nowhere, and apparently there are a shit-load of rapes in the series.  Plus, I really really don't like Claire.  To be honest, I'm not even sure if I can continue watching the show.  Season 1B was interesting, engaging, and sexy at times, but the second half of the season focused on many things that I didn't enjoy.  I don't think that I ever want to see Tobias Menzies' face ever again, seriously.  

Of course, I've read spoilers, so I know how that turns out.



Yeah the first couple of novels were good, But she does ramble a lot in the later books. She also I think introduced too many characters and expanded the world too much, that it weighed her story telling down. But the first 5 or so were really strong as stories I thought. And I do remember eagerly awaiting each story or next edition. The last one definitely was a dud though, I made it through 47 pages and then had to return it to the library because it was due. I've yet to pick it back up again. Its just become too big and she's written herself in & out of too many plot twists. That being said, out of loyalty to the series - I will try to read it again this summer now that it is no longer considered a new book.


I can't remember a lot of rapes or attempted rapes, there were some. And some made sense considering the historical setting of her storylines, not justification, but just the reality of the times. But i don't remember there being an abundance of them. Then again, I'm not really into reading about rapes, so I might have glossed over them if they did come up. Honestly, I started reading them in like 2002, and have only re-read some of them in the last 13 years, so my memory of all the details of the story are not great.

Edited by kismet
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I'm pretty sure almost all of the main characters (i.e the ones with narrative viewpoints) have been abused (at least up until where I read). 

Claire, Jamie, Brianna, Ian, Fergus, Jamie's Sister have all been sexually abused at least once, and Roger had that thing with his throat.


I'd get it if it was just a few characters, but the fact that it's almost all is a bit iffy IMO. I also think the way it was dealt with at the beginning was good, but then it turned into something that read as just for the shock value. 


And Gabaldon just goes on and on and on. I skipped through most of the last few books just because I did not care about anyones story. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I read somewhere that she doesn't use an editor, or that because the books are so big (fanwise) there's not a lot of editing that takes place. 


Thanks Jediknight for the recommendation of Kingsman,  the trailers looked great & i love Colin Firth, but I wasn't able to make it to the theaters. Wasn't sure if it would be worth my time now on DVD. But I just added it to my cue from the library, on your. So looking forward to it now.

It does have quite a bit of violence, but they go over the top with it, especially one part.  The action sequences are amazing.  If you liked Hot Fuzz, you should especially get a kick out of Kingsman.  It's basically Hot Fuzz for spy movies, although not quite as funny as Hot Fuzz, it's still hilarious, and like I said the action sequences are fantastic.  They have a blast playing around with the spy movie tropes, it doesn't take itself seriously, and there's really not a mean bone in it.  They love what they're spoofing/making an homage to.

Edited by Jediknight
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