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Small Talk: The Quiver


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This is completely off topic, but as a soon to be auntie for the 2nd time, this time to a little girl, as a woman who prides herself at being called a feminist, who is sick of the sexualization of girl by the media, of the push by society for us women to be beautiful and groomed (because god forbid we'll have a hair out of place)...

Any way as all of that... this video popped up in my facebook feed and I felt the need to share it.


Edited by foreverevolving
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Yeah, I think I might be done with GoT. Those frakking spoilers really were true. I'll just tumblr-watch it or something. Maybe not even that. Just watch my faves in their other projects.


So much rage and disgust. I feel like vomiting. Fuck Benioff and Weiss. Step on legos for eternity, you sick a-holes.


Yep. I have no time for any more of their shit, to be quite honest. The show has become nothing more than a couple of Big Shocks per season, with some muddled, butchered plotting linking them. They've reduced the show to perfect 'watercooler talk', by taking away anything that might actually engage a viewer's brain, but keeping the sex, violence and blood.


What makes it worse is, they didn't even write that scene for Sansa's character. They may it about Theon. For a show that pretends to highlight strong women, they're just so far wide of the mark it's not even funny. There are no strong women in this show, they all get 'put in their place', sooner or later.

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Well, I still think the women are strong, but the showrunners always make them pay for it, in specific ways the men never do. And yep, these dudes just did the one thing that would ruin the show for me. I just have no time for showrunners who won't do some basic reading to educate themselves on harmful storytelling and how to handle problematic storylines. (Glaring at MG here too.) ESPECIALLY when you've made the same mistake four other times already (by my count). I'm out for the rest of the season at the very least. And then I'll have a year to decide whether it's worth letting them do the same thing to me again in S6. Probably Arya's turn then, right?


For a contrast: anyone here see Mad Max: Fury Road this weekend? There's a story about a completely effed-up, violent, patriarchal world where the focus is centered on the women and no dude experiences growth because of their pain. Plus, I mean, there are fire-spewing electric guitars! It's a total delight.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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Well, I still think the women are strong, but the showrunners always make them pay for it, in specific ways the men never do. And yep, these dudes just did the one thing that would ruin the show for me. I just have no time for shows and showrunners that won't do some basic reading to educate themselves on harmful storytelling and how to handle problematic storylines. (Glaring at MG here too.) ESPECIALLY when you've made the same mistake four other times already (by my count). I'm out for the rest of the season at the very least. And then I'll have a year to decide whether it's worth letting them do the same thing to me again in S6. Probably Arya's turn then, right?


For a contrast: anyone here see Mad Max: Fury Road this weekend? There's a story about a completely effed-up, violent, patriarchal world where the focus is centered on the women and no dude experiences growth because of their pain. Plus, I mean, there are fire-spewing electric guitars! It's a total delight.


Well, Maisie Williams just turned eighteen so... yeah, I'd say Arya's likely to be sexually assaulted before too much longer. Benioff and Weiss have apparently been waiting to do this to Sansa since season 2.


Yeah, I think I might be done with GoT. Those frakking spoilers really were true. I'll just tumblr-watch it or something. Maybe not even that. Just watch my faves in their other projects.


So much rage and disgust. I feel like vomiting. Fuck Benioff and Weiss. Step on legos for eternity, you sick a-holes.

I'm with you there. Between that and Outlander, I nearly did puke. As it is, I actually cried. That stuff is very trigger-y for me but I thought I'd be ok with it (after all, it's a TV show). But no. I had nightmares all night long.

I made my husband turn off Outlander, as I couldn't bear to watch what was coming (I'd read the first novel in the series). However, I did not know what was going to happen on GoT and I naively kept telling myself, "Brienne will save her. Theon will finally crack and kill Ramsay, Sansa will be ok" and then…it happened.

Fuck this show. I'm watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic until the bad thoughts go away.

Edited by Menrva
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What I find strange is most shows are afraid to tackle racial issues, but rape is totally fine. I get rape happened in the time periods those shows take place in and still happen now but they are not the only issue that happened and we don't need to see it all the time. They want to be shocking however it would be more shocking if a show didn't have rape in it now. 

  • Love 8

I just can't stand this shit. GOT showrunners obviously have a rape fetish, it's absurd. I'll just treat the show as a shitty fanfic with gorgeous visuals, because doing it to important female characters all the time is beyond insulting. In the books, most of this stuff (if not all) was off-screen and didn't happen to POV characters, but this was obviously not good enough for D&D. Fuck you, you creepy morons.


PS Sorry for my tone, but I'm just outraged. Don't even want to watch the episode, even if I'd skip the scene anyway.


As for Outlander, I've heard that it has a lot of rape-y stuff way before it became a show, so this is why I've decided to stay away.

Edited by FurryFury
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I get rape happened in the time periods those shows take place in and still happen now but they are not the only issue that happened and we don't need to see it all the time. They want to be shocking however it would be more shocking if a show didn't have rape in it now. 


Like someone pointed out on my Tumblr last night, The 100 is an example of a show like that. (I know you watch that too, Sakura, so you can appreciate this.) Tons of women, who come from very different societies, and so far? No rape, no threat of rape. Women in power all over the place, none of them had to be raped first (or after). It's a miracle!


And the GOT "era appropriate" thing will never wash with me because it's a fantasy novel. There are dragons. There are allllllll sorts of "historically" "accurate" common practices from the Middle Ages that GRRM and D&D choose to ignore (male rape being one, actually), but they never let a chance slip for a woman to be raped or threatened with sexual violence.

  • Love 4

The 100 is a perfect example of a show that is shocking without having to have all their women be raped or threatened with rape. What Clark did at the end of season 2 was truly shocking, I didn't expect them to go through with it, but they did. That's dark and gritty, Arrow show runners. 


I think what I love about The 100 is it is a Matriarchal society. The creator has said that all the tribe leaders are women. I don't know why more people don't watch that show. It doesn't even feel like it belongs on the CW. 

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Yeah The 100 is probably my favorite show on TV right now. I'm a huge fan of the genre though, so it's like 2 in 1 - awesome female characters and delicious post-apocalyptic goodness.


I don't know why more people don't watch that show. It doesn't even feel like it belongs on the CW.


The first season was pretty meh, too much soap, plus, a lot of genre fans nitpick it to death (yeah, science on it sucks, personally, I don't give a damn but it matters for many sci-fi fans). And yeah, The CW. That said, at least they've renewed it twice.

  • Love 1

I'm with you there. Between that and Outlander, I nearly did puke. As it is, I actually cried. That stuff is very trigger-y for me but I thought I'd be ok with it (after all, it's a TV show). But no. I had nightmares all night long.

I made my husband turn off Outlander, as I couldn't bear to watch what was coming (I'd read the first novel in the series). However, I did not know what was going to happen on GoT and I naively kept telling myself, "Brienne will save her. Theon will finally crack and kill Ramsay, Sansa will be ok" and then…it happened.

Fuck this show. I'm watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic until the bad thoughts go away.


Ugh. I'd just finished watching Outlander a few hours before GoT. The rapey elements of Outlander don't bother me the way they do with GoT, because at least the Outlander writers aren't adding it when it doesn't appear in the source material. But for me, all the Black Jack stuff crosses the line from drama to torture porn. I'm not generally squeamish, but being forced to watch his sadism is more than I can take.


As for GoT, what the everloving fuck is wrong with Benioff and Weiss? None of the rapes on this show have had any narrative purpose or long-term (or hell, even short-term) consequences. I can already guess what the "purpose" of this rape is gonna be, and I bet it doesn't have a thing to do with Sansa's growth as a character. Everything about it is disgusting.

  • Love 2

I turned off GoT once Sansa showed up on screen. I don't need that in my head. I've put up with the nudity and rape as set decoration, but I'm not sure how much longer I can hang on. If it was one story line, then maybe, but it's over and over and over again. I don't get the purpose of repeatedly sexually punishing the women on that show.

The 100 is the absolute best. I constantly tell people about its amazingness. Hoestly, The CW...is kind of killing it lately. Its weird how many CW shows I really love (The Flash, Izombie, The 100, Rein (more of a guilty pleasure), Jane the Virgin, and Arrow (had a tough season, but I still love it)).


The Outlander episode was tough, but from from I have heard, there is a lot of focus on the aftermath of what happened, and it will actually serve some kind of point. So I can live with that. Constant rape or threats of rape towards women (and pretty much only women) is just not fun or interesting to watch. At least Outlander has only had this one, full out rape scene (although the attempted rape scenes were extremely disturbing, most of them at least made some sense to the plot). GoT is just getting ridiculous. Like, this is the story line they decide to keep? After all the stories they cut, they keep the rape story? WHY?? 

  • Love 1

Using rape as a threat against women for entertainment purposes is always very problematic to me. It's getting thrown around way too casually, and I really don't think it should be. I don't even watch Outlander (tried the pilot episode, was laughing at the terribleness within ten minutes), but I read the recap of the last episode on io9, and they use some variation of 'bad guy tells woman she's going to be raped' about four times. One episode, and she's threatened with rape about four times?


Look, in a world where rape is a very real threat, and even a reality for so many women, I just don't think it should be treated so fucking casually by some hack television writers. But don't worry, they get to wave it off by saying 'oh well, that's what it was like back then'. It's like that now, if you live in the wrong part of the world. Doesn't make it okay to use it as a crutch, like these shows are.

  • Love 8

Look, in a world where rape is a very real threat, and even a reality for so many women, I just don't think it should be treated so fucking casually by some hack television writers. But don't worry, they get to wave it off by saying 'oh well, that's what it was like back then'. It's like that now, if you live in the wrong part of the world. Doesn't make it okay to use it as a crutch, like these shows are.


This is my problem as well. Odds are, I'm not going to be charbroiled by a dragon. While murder is a current, real threat, it's rape that I am conscious of every day. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. I appreciate well thought out story lines that deal with the issue, but the majority of entertainment does not treat it with the gravity it deserves. 


I wish every writer that decides to use rape as a plot point had to sit in with survivors and realize it's a specific type of crime with a specific set of consequences and ramifications. Ugh! /offsoapbox

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So, not to get off topic or anything, but has anyone heard anything about summer TV shows coming out soon? Heard of anything good?

It's not for everyone, but Hannibal is coming back on June 4th, and it's probably one of my favorite shows of all time.  It's very violent, but Bryan Fuller and crew, somehow make it less gross and almost artistic on some levels.  But the best part is definitely the relationship between Will Graham and Hannibal Lector, and the performances from Hugh Dancy and especially Mads Mikkelsen, who, for my money, is giving one of the best performances on television period.  If I was to have one complaint, it would be that it needs to work on his female characters (Alana Bloom isn't exactly the greatest), but it looks like they are taking steps this season by having more of Gillian Anderson's Dr. Bedelia this season.  I for one, am pumped!


For returning shows, I'll probably keep watching The Strain and Tyrant, even though none of them really impressed me.  I'll probably check out the second season of True Detective too, although I don't think I'll enjoy it as much as the first one.  I'm more interested in that Ballers show following, because I'm a huge Dwayne Johnson fan.  Oh, and I'm sure I'll still watch Under the Dome, because I apparently hate myself.


For the new summer shows, I am so checking out that Zoo show on CBS, even though I'm sure it will be horrible.  But I don't care: the "animal attack" genre is one of my favorite guilty pleasures, and this seems like it will be right up my ally way.  Plus, they somehow roped in a bunch of actors I really like in this (James Wolk, Nonso Anozie, Billy Burke) in this, so I want to see how they fare (Burke should be great, since he's had history in bad schlock with the Twilight franchise and Revolution.)  I will probably check out that Aquarius show, despite not being a huge David Duchovny fan, because I'm curious to see Gethin Anthony as Charles Manson.  I actually think his time as Renly on Game of Thrones, could actually help with that role.  I mean, both characters are totally different in a lot of ways, but they also have a few traits that could be in common.


Oh, and I will shamefully and shallowly probably watch The Astronaut Wives Club, because it basically looks like it's going to just be a bunch of gorgeous actresses (Yvonne Strahovski, Erin Cummings, Odette Annable, JoAnna Garcia Swisher), in 60s outfits, which I always fall for.  Why, yes, I was someone who saw every damn Pan Am episode, just for Karine Vanasse and Margot Robbie looking great in the 60s flight attendant outfits.  I'm a weak man!

Edited by thuganomics85
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Wow, so glad to hear of another PanAm fan out there! I thought I was the only one! And I did watch it mostly for the costumes but it was fun while it lasted.

Not sure if I'll tune into any of the new summer shows. I think I need to take a break from TV for a bit. I'm still raging over GoT. It really shook me.

Edited by Menrva
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Nothing that's been mentioned interest me (I've tried Hannibal, I liked Will but I just don't give a damn about Hannibal himself and I've noticed the problem with female characters). Personally, I want to see Sens8 on Netflix and maybe will check out Jonathan Strange and Mister Norrell and The Whispers (or whatever it's called, with Lily Rabe of AHS fame).


PS Speaking about GOT, it managed to actually color my viewing of the last episode of Penny Dreadful (which was excellent). When a local landlord started to make obviously unwelcome advances to Eva Green's Vanessa, I cringed and almost expected the worst, even if the show never really made me doubt it in this regard (well, it did have some weird stuff with the witches but nothing compared to GOT), but thankfully she was allowed to fight back and get the best of him (temporarily, he got his revenge later but not in a sexual way).

Edited by FurryFury
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Penny Dreadful just started and should air through June, and then I'll be watching Hannibal/Aquarius, and every summer I start out watching Falling Skies hoping it will magically be interesting this time. It never ever is. Heh.


Oh I am super excite about Netflix revival of Wet Hot American Summer Johnny Cougar haired Paul Rudd here I come!

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Oh, and I will shamefully and shallowly probably watch The Astronaut Wives Club, because it basically looks like it's going to just be a bunch of gorgeous actresses (Yvonne Strahovski, Erin Cummings, Odette Annable, JoAnna Garcia Swisher), in 60s outfits, which I always fall for.  Why, yes, I was someone who saw every damn Pan Am episode, just for Karine Vanasse and Margot Robbie looking great in the 60s flight attendant outfits.  I'm a weak man!


Yvonne Strahovksi? 60s outfits? Sold. I don't need to know anything else.


The Expanse is a series I'm really holding out hope for. I love the books, and the idea of a modern space opera show is too good to pass up on. The cast looks good, and hopefully SyFy are pulling out all the stops regarding budget. Dark Matter and Killjoys look more trashy, but might be fun.


I believe the second season of Halt and Catch Fire is starting soon. I'll be all over that. Loved the subject matter, loved the period, and the women in it were pretty great (the men not so much).

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I really thought PanAm was a great show! I was bummed when it was cancelled. I too will most likely be watching the Astronaut Wives Club. It looks like a decent show with an awesome cast. Enjoyed Yvonne Strahovski since Chuck. Plus since Apollo 13, I've been interested in the stories of the wives/families because it must have been challenging for them to have to deal with the uncertainty of space travel & the new onslaught of celebrity/new media of the time. Plus, I love period TV, its brings a different dynamic to the story. It's based off a book, so I'm curious to see what it will be like. I haven't read the book yet. I'm torn as to what is best to do, sometimes reading the book influences how you feel about the tv/movie - then again its nice to know what is coming in the story.

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The Expanse is a series I'm really holding out hope for. I love the books, and the idea of a modern space opera show is too good to pass up on. The cast looks good, and hopefully SyFy are pulling out all the stops regarding budget. Dark Matter and Killjoys look more trashy, but might be fun.

I believe the second season of Halt and Catch Fire is starting soon. I'll be all over that. Loved the subject matter, loved the period, and the women in it were pretty great (the men not so much).

Oh, yeah, I forgot about all of SyFy's programs.  I'll probably check them all out, including the returns of Defiance and Dominion


Yes, I think Halt and Catch Fire is premiering on May 31st.  Wasn't a massive fan at first, but it grew on me, and it does look like Cameron and Donna are going to be playing big parts this season, so I'll definitely be there. 

  • Love 1

So, not to get off topic or anything, but has anyone heard anything about summer TV shows coming out soon? Heard of anything good? 


Or, anything that I should catch up with over the summer? I`m already starting to go into TV withdrawal! 


I just watched the first episode of a Netflix original called Grace and Frankie starring Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda with Martin Sheen and Sam Waterson. Fonda and Tomlin portray the wives of Sheen and Waterson (respectively)- who are also partners at a law firm, who announce that they are gay and are leaving them (the wives) for each other.

It's a very intriguing topic that shows a side of America we don't see very often (not on TV anyway), which is the lives of the older generations who couldn't feel free up until recently to proclaim their non hetro sexuality and can now openly say I am gay, and how does that affect their now adult families.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I caught up with the networks upfronts, and at this point there's simply nothing I feel like watching this fall. No drama, at least. Everything sounds so generic, or is a genre I dislike, or I would have watched it with other actors.


Maybe I'll check Grandfathered, because I love John Stamos and Paget Brewster, although it's been years since I watched any comedy beyond the first episode.

The only new show that truly interests me is Lucifer (love Lauren German and the premise is actually intriguing) and it's midseason.

(And I guess I'm officially Waldorf and Statler.)


I'm 100% hyped about the X-files and Twin Peaks continuations, though, too bad it's midseason at best. And I can't believe it, but I'm actually curious about Fuller House.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Alright people, summer is upon us and I have slots open to watch some new shows and movies in between summer classes and work.

I already caught up to Sherlock season 3 (Didn't see the twist with Mary, so that was super cool). Started Daredevil, but I don't know...

been considering B99 (I haven't liked a comedy in forever so it be nice to see if that will be it) I can always actually sit down and watch GoT (never watched a single episode).

not sure what else is there...

watched both Avengers movies, the Imitation Game & Kingsmen (both of the last two were pretty awesome, also I am totally on board the Bruce/Natasha ship- the movie itself was only okay).


I don't know, I need recommendations: I don't do CSI like shows (they bore me to death), comedies are a mostly a no go either- cause they are always repetitive and boring, but if you can rec one that is not i'll be happy to give it a shot.

I've got a couple summer shows starting up soon, Defiance and Halt and Catch Fire are two of them. 


Halt and Catch Fire starts tonight. It started out slow but picked up towards the end and became a really good look at the computer age. Plus it shows women in the technology field. 


Defiance starts June 12 and I really like that show because it shows aliens and humans living together on a terraformed Earth. The aliens look alien and act differently then we do. So it's interesting to see that. Oliver's baby mama is also on it. 

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I've been watching so much shows this season that I was happy to get a bit of a breather from keeping up with everything. But...that lasted about a week and I've obviously lost my mind since I'm actually looking forward to the return of Pretty Little Liars. If nothing else I always enjoy Hanna and Emily, and apparently there's only ten episodes this half season, anyway.


I'm also about three episodes behind on Game of Thrones and I don't particularly care. I'll catch up eventually.

I feel like GoT is like that where they todder around for most of the seasons and sure there are some good parts, but you wonder why am I watching this? It's definitely not as good as promised or promoted. And then all of the sudden it just grabs your attention from out of nowhere and you're so desperately invested in the final few episodes. That being said, I will likely always return to watch it. Its a good binge. I'm not sure I could watch it week to week.

Hello. I'm new here--I've already been reading the Arrow forum multiple times . . . reading . . . all the time. . . for several months, but just signed up today. I didn't even know this haven existed until someone on the IMDB board sneered about it being full of "stupid Olicity fan girls." I checked it out immediately and haven't left. I read the Arrow board on IMDB for about a year, but never signed up for a username. I mostly enjoyed reading spoilers and the posts of some of the more thoughtful people. However, it's not moderated, so misogyny and the unfortunate term "butt hurt" plague it horribly.

I love the sense of community and respect here, so I'm jumping in. Also, from reading The Clocktower thread, I discovered that very talented people write fan fiction--how did I not know about fan fiction?!? So, I've recently spent almost every waking hour reading some fabulous stories. Bliss.

Short bio: I teach at a university in the US. I love Arrow and almost all the superhero shows and movies. I claim that I prefer movies with more spectacle than plot, but I secretly enjoy quirky, independent movies as much as the ones that go boom and have rousing scores. I turned 40 this year and survived. I adore Olicity to an embarrassing degree, but my husband is certain I'm going to run away with the Arrow or SA, whoever I meet first.

  • Love 14
However, it's not moderated, so misogyny and the unfortunate term "butt hurt" plague it horribly.


OMG, isn't "butt hurt" like the worst phrase on so many levels!!!   My brother likes to use it around me just to get a rise (Older brothers, still idiots at 42)


I love the sense of community and respect here, so I'm jumping in. Also, from reading The Clocktower thread, I discovered that very talented people write fan fiction--how did I not know about fan fiction?!? So, I've recently spent almost every waking hour reading some fabulous stories. Bliss.


I remember first discovering Fan Fiction.  Mind blowing isn't it.  :D 

  • Love 1

Well she was right, this board is Olicity haven. I'm not a shipper so I just tune out when it starts getting a bit too overwhelming for me (it does help I don't hate them, I just don't care).


First discovering fanfiction is probably an interesting experience, I don't remember how it feels. I've known about fanfics ever since first going on the Internet to discuss my favorite video game of that time (they weren't even in English but my native language). I think the guy who wrote some of the better fics actually managed to become a fairly successful writer since then.


Also PArks and Rec


I miss it so much! B-99 isn't quite that good, even if it's still a fun show. And I've just watched Unbreakable Kimmy Shmidt as well, not bad overall, but it doesn't inspire me the same way.

I don't know, I need recommendations: I don't do CSI like shows (they bore me to death), comedies are a mostly a no go either- cause they are always repetitive and boring, but if you can rec one that is not i'll be happy to give it a shot.


I don't watch many comedies either but I do really like Episodes, Veep and You're the Worst. And if you haven't seen Better Off Ted, Extras or Coupling (original U.K. version), they're also worth a look.

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Well I think it's better to be known as a haven than a warzone. That being said, I think different opinions & perspectives are important. So I enjoy hearing other people's opinions even if I don't necessarily agree. What I appreciate about this site is there is a general level of respect. Also most of the analyses are well constructed and show thought. It gets hard to listen to some of the disrespectful & bashing language that you see on other sites & social media outlets. And i saw a lot of that this season from fanboys, fangirls & all the different shipper groups. Difference of opinions are good, but the verbal hate is not needed, I hope s4 will be stronger so the hate will not be as loud.

  • Love 3

I only got into the fandom this season so I don't know what it was like in S2/S1, but I'm so not a fan of some of this language tossed around. I've really developed a respect for this forum and its moderators for stepping in when things get out of hand. I wouldn't be here if it turned into IMBD or Reddit. That is just a free for all.


There are a lot of Olicity shippers on this board and sometimes it does overwhelm the threads, so I can see how it is viewed as a safe haven and I also see how it can be annoying for those who don't ship it or simply don't ship anyone (Wedding talk anyone? LOL). But there is generally a lot of respect, which is awesome.

  • Love 4

I'm so not a fan of some of this language tossed around.


And it's not just foul language that triggers me, there seems to be a weird repetition of the same abused phrases that are used as a substitute for an actual argument for or against something.  They slap pandering or fan servicing on something and dismiss it.  Other "favorites" include whining, Olicity fan girls, and wish fulfillment. 

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