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@blixie what is Peaky Blinders?

Is it any good?


Peaky Blinders is a Netflix original by way of BBC series (it's first and second seasons were streamed last fall). It stars Cillian Murphy (who I never really liked before this show) and it is about a family of Irish gangsters, the Shelby's, in post WWI Manchester, and is highly stylized around an anachronistic blues influenced soundtrack featuring Nick Cave, PJ Harvey, White Stripes, Raconteurs, The Kills, and The Dead Weather. Sam Neil plays Cillian Murphy's Belfast cop nemesis, and Helen McCrory his kickass Aunt Pol.


I loved the show despite having a bit of drip in the female lead for S1, and S2 is huge improvement because there is less of her. Cillian is smoking hot throughout, words I never though I'd say about someone I thought was a freakishly beautiful scary alien before this show.

Edited by blixie
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I got Sheldon's unhappiness with Smallville, he wanted to watch a show about Superman but got a show about a whiny big dumb alien that couldn't fly instead. I do love the BBT's disses on shows, I loved their Heroes one as well. Something about it getting worse and worse each season that you wanted it to be canceled. 


I haven't been to disappointed in the tv shows this season. Vikings, Bates Motel, Forever, Agent Carter, iZombie, Agents of Shield, Better Call Saul, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Daredevil have been enjoyable for me to watch. Obviously there was some not so good episodes in there but that is to be expected, no show is perfect. However I did enjoy or am enjoying those shows a whole and besides Forever ( :( ) I am looking forward to their next season. 


I forgot to add that Galavant's renewal is surprising. That show started out well then got a little to messy for my tastes. I will probably watch S2 because it is a fun show.  It gave me my favorite thing to say about characters or people  "she's tilting pretty sharply bitchward"

Edited by Sakura12
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I've long since stopped watching TBBT, but I loved how they've loved Firefly. There were quite a few shout-outs to it. I still want to see a live-action revival of it someday, even if it's unlikely (pretty sure Joss is ready for something new after all that drama with Marvel during the development of AoU).


So far, the next season's crop of greenlit pilots doesn't engage me, but who knows. ABC's seem the most interesting so far (with Quantico, Boom and Original Sin/The Family), but none of them feel like a must-watch for me. I'm waiting for FOX though, Minority Report sounds intriguing, maybe they will pick it up (and I'll probably have to watch Lucifer if it makes it, even if turning it into a police procedural is all kinds of WTF).

Edited by FurryFury

Yeah, I haven't seen anything new so far that I wanted to watch next season (and that includes the new Supergirl unfortunately). Whether I watch Legends of Tomorrow all depends on what's up with Caity Lotz.

Thought the Forever fans might like this if they haven't seen it already. Ioan Gruffudd wrote a letter to the fans about the cancelation.


Edited by Starfish35
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Overall, I think they are matched evenly. I don't think either of them is definitely stronger than the other, and it's not what matters anyway.

In this case, Spike really was laughing all the time, however.


Spike and Angel are actually my favorite male/male relationship (I'm not sure if it's right to call it a bromance, I don't remember the definition of the term) ever. So much back-and-forth, so much history, hate, rivalry and grudging respect and even friendship.

Edited by FurryFury
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Oh, I forgot about Blindspot (NBC ordered it last week), this was the one that seemed interesting, it stars Jaime Alexander and is about an amnesiac woman found covered in tattoos that contain information about some crimes. I'll definitely check it out. It's also yet another show from Greg Berlanti.

Martin Gero is an EP for that show, apparently. He used to be one of the main writers for Stargate Atlantis.

I'm not sure whether to hold that against the show or not.

Edited by Starfish35

Game of Thrones has come right off my viewing schedule, if the spoilers that have come out are true in any way, shape or form (and let's face it, they are). But honestly, I think that show has been trading on its reputation and the odd moment of greatness for a couple of years now, and seems to rely more on big shocks breaking the tedium, to keep people watching. I was all for the writers deviating from the books if they were going to improve things, but it doesn't seem like they are.

Game of Thrones has come right off my viewing schedule, if the spoilers that have come out are true in any way, shape or form


I'm really upset right now. I just can't believe it :( Never should have come back to it.


CBS can go die in a fire if they don't renew POI, the only intelligent show on the network (which they are still continuously trying to turn into a boring procedural, the Dominic storyline this year was insulting). Well, I don't watch The Good Wife, I hear it's OK too, just outside of my interests.


FOX has greenlit Lucifer and Minority Report, I guess I'll try both, even if the network doesn't have a good track record with genre stuff (although Almost Human deserved its cancellation).

Edited by FurryFury
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Ugh, those spoilers for the storyline of that specific character on GoT makes me so anxious. I'm almost always filled with dread during all her scenes, so far, this season. Even though I sort of knew D&D just would not be able to help themselves and something like this might happen the moment the actress turned 18.


Oh, I forgot about Blindspot (NBC ordered it last week), this was the one that seemed interesting, it stars Jaime Alexander and is about an amnesiac woman found covered in tattoos that contain information about some crimes. I'll definitely check it out. It's also yet another show from Greg Berlanti.


So, sorta a female version of John Doe, then, but with tattoos instead of unexplained psychic ability?


They couldn't possibly not renew Elementary, could they?   :(


I think Elementary is absolutely going to be renewed. There's probably only, like, less than 2% chance of it getting cancelled. Because, IIRC, CBS entered into a very lucrative (cable or digital platform) syndication deal for Elementary last year that practically guarantees a fourth, or even fifth, season. Person of Interest will, likely, get renewed for a fifth (and maybe final) season, too, probably. Or I'm just very optimistic about POI. That show just regularly blows my mind.

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Ugh, those spoilers for the storyline of that specific character on GoT makes me so anxious. I'm almost always filled with dread during all her scenes, so far, this season. Even though I sort of knew D&D just would not be able to help themselves and something like this might happen the moment the actress turned 18.


That's the saddest thing, really. While it's just about the last thing I want to see, when I look back now, I should never have been surprised that they decided to go there. It's the easiest way to cause shock and outrage, and so of course it's what they'll do. Because they've bought into their own publicity, just like GRRM did. 'Anyone can die' and 'the most shocking show on television' have become standards that they feel they have to live up to.


And the problem might be that, after the Red Wedding, it was going to take something truly disgusting to really shock the audience. Looks like they found what they were looking for. Even if it's toned down by about 90% from what took place in the books, it will still be unacceptable to me. GRRM very nearly lost me as a reader with that last book, and his gleeful little exercise in trying to create the most comically, ridiculously, laughably eeevil characters he could think of. And what did he use as their main outlet for their evil? Oh yeah, abusing women. Classy.

Edited by Danny Franks
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Apologies if this the wrong place to post this but I had to share because it was so cute. So my husband and kids brought me breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. And they made cards to show their love and appreciation. But then I saw one thing one of them wrote: "I love Mom because she watches Arrow with me."


ETA: I should note that she only watches pre-screened, sometimes heavily FF-ed episodes because she's only 7…and frankly, for her mental health and mine, she's only watched a few episodes this season. Why? Because child abuse is wrong…

Edited by Menrva
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So NBC just released their fall schedule. I think there's only one show on it I'm watching next season (Blacklist), now that Grimm and I have parted ways. But I'm curious. What does everyone here think about the Heroes remake/reboot/continuation/whatever it is? I'm torn. On the one hand, Zachary Levi. On the other.....while I loved the first season of that show, it went downhill after that about as fast as I've ever seen a show do. I don't know what to think.

Any thoughts?

Edited by Starfish35

So NBC just released their fall schedule. I think there's only one show on it I'm watching next season (Blacklist), now that Grimm and I have parted ways. But I'm curious. What does everyone here think about the Heroes remake/reboot/continuation/whatever it is? I'm torn. On the one hand, Zachary Levi. On the other.....while I loved the first season of that show, it went downhill after that about as fast as I've ever seen a show do. I don't know what to think.

Any thoughts?

The first season of Heroes was one of the best first seasons I have ever seen. Its sad how badly they screwed that up. 


I'm a fan of Zachary Levi, so I would tune in for him alone. But I am generally really curious. I hope they took a hard look at where they went wrong. Is it going to be an actual series or a mini-series?

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Hahaha ok. I shouldn't have watched the trailers, since I'm actually trying to cut down on the TV I'm watching. But Blindspot and The Player do look interesting. I should have realized if they cast Jaimie Alexander her character wasn't just going to be a passive victim.

ETA: to clarify, the whole "naked woman found in a bag, covered in tattoos and with no memory" premise just really creeped me out. But the trailer shows her being a more more active participant in the investigations.

Edited by Starfish35

Just took a glance at the NBC trailers and I hate to make predictions since I tend to be dead wrong, but I'm already thinking that doctor show with Melissa George (Heartbreaker, I think?), is a good contender for an early goner.  Just feels so generic.  And I seriously couldn't stop laughing how the final line was her saying "If you have the balls!", and the clip went all big and dramatic when she said it. They clearly wanted me to go "Oh, shit!  She said balls!  We got a badass over here!!"  Not a great first impression.


Not sure what to think of Blindspot yet.  I love Jaimie Alexander, but it really feels like a show that could so off the rails real quickly.  But, I'll probably check it out.  But the whole covered with tattoos thing makes me wonder if this going to be like Michael Schofield/Wentworth Miller on Prison Break, where they obviously can't paint the actor all the time, so I wonder if certain episodes we're going to be getting a ton of skin, but then others ones, she'll be practically wearing a parka.

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Girl in a bag? It's not on Fox is it? Because if so, they might just ask the showrunners to write a new pilot at the last minute, that doesn't even feature the bag scene that has been in all the previews. I'm not still bitter... except for when I'm bitter.


I'll give it a watch, because Jaimie Alexander is awesome. But it sounds like a show that will last about eight episodes, sadly.


I just caught up on Veep today, and man, but that show has some absolutely killer lines. It cracks me up more than anything else on television, and it's probably the only show I can watch where all the characters are reprehensible assholes. Even nice young Catherine is showing her selfish side this year.

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My favorite video game ever starts with a heavily tattooed man waking up in a morgue and not remembering who he is or anything about his life. Memento is also in my top 10 favorite movies list. Considering all that (and also loving Lady Sif on Thor) how can I pass Blindspot? That's right, not a chance.

Edited by FurryFury

I loved that scene. Melissa Fumero is a treasure. I hope they'll plan the next season better, she deserves a real arc and character development.


UPD: Having seen the FOX trailers, I'm bummed Lucifer will probably be canned with its midseason slot. I think it had a good one (Tom Ellis being ridiculously hot and charismatic also helps). That said, I still hope somebody will once do an American version of a Japanese comedy anime about a Dark Lord/Satan of a fantasy world being exiled into ours and having to work a menial job (fast food, in that case). For some reason, I could see it succeeding.


Very bummed about Minority Report, I had hopes for it, but it looks like a flop. The actors aren't convincing me already.


Frankenstein Code is just a joke, I like Rob Kazinsky, but this is beyond saving, the main characters sounds like somebody I'll hate instantly.

Edited by FurryFury

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