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Oh. It has nothing to do with how he looks, this guy is super hot by any standard. I just get freaked out when he speaks because it looks like he's dubbing his own words ALL THE TIME, so I got gratuitous revulsion for the character and quit the show. Heh.

I'm good with an annoying character if they're supposed to be annoying. What usually pings my gratuitous hate is when a character takes me out of the narrative, for whatever reason. If I stop seeing the story and see something else, anything, that reminds me these are actors acting, speaking words written for them, I'm gonna dislike that character immensely. Like the hot dude whose mouth moves weirdly when he speaks. [Like Brandon Routh's crazy eyes. Like the writing for Laurel that never translate onscreen to what they meant in the script.]

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I don't think he hates Felicity, to be honest. I mean, I'm not him obviously - I can't read his mind. But I do get the feeling sometimes that the overly vocal sections of some fandoms start getting on his nerves at times, since he seems to be the main comment moderator. I know one group of Tiva/Ziva fans pushed him pretty much over the edge a couple of years ago.

Batb diehards also pushed him over the edge last year as well. I think he does the best he can. But at some point he must get a little exhausted or oversaturated with some over zealous portions of the fanbases. There are boundaries and sometimes I feel that some of these fans cross them and he is generally patient, but u can only do so much sometimes.

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I have to admit, I'm occasionally guilty of irrational dislikes toward actors. Liev Schreiber for one - I have no idea why. Nicholas Bishop is another one.

A lot of times, though, it has to do with what dancingnancy says. If they pull me out of the story somehow (usually by the acting), I'm going to have a lot less patience with the character.

Edited by Starfish35
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Sign me up for irrational dislike and dislike for when I'm pulled out of the narrative. I hate a character on most shows, originals, greys anatomy, reign, justified, the list goes on and on. Heh!

As for TvLine I remmember that Laurel got A LOT of negative comments towards the end of S2 when she entered the lair and used Oliver's bow and Matt got pretty defensive. I don't think they hate Felicity but sometimes I think there is comment baiting.

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I agree with Genki, Matt, I think, indulges in comment baiting sometimes. He did a story earlier in the season that just raised all kinds of hackles for Olicity fans (can't even remember what it is now). I don't think he hates the character, and TV Line definitely uses her as click bait (Felicity gets featured almost every week in TV quotes gallery; twice this week, actually). 

  • Love 4

Sign me up for irrational dislike and dislike for when I'm pulled out of the narrative. I hate a character on most shows, originals, greys anatomy, reign, justified, the list goes on and on. Heh!

Actually hating characters is pretty rare for me, evidence on this forum to the contrary. Not saying there's anything wrong with it! :) It just made me stop and think though. Out of all the shows I'm watching right now (other than Arrow), I think the only character I really strongly dislike is Ward on AoS. And even that's negotiable (i.e. he stays away from Skye). There's been a few characters I really disliked in the past, but currently not so much. Right now there's some characters that I'm not so fond of, like Belle on OUAT, and Eddie on Flash (sorry wonderwall!), but it's not to the level of hate.

I do default to tvline for a lot now so I guess its working. Its notnjust felicity. Overall, they just seem more solid than eonline which has taken a drop in recent years for a lot of shows. I do try to avoid comments sections tho.

Yeah TVLine is pretty much my default TV news source. I used to visit TVGuide and eonline, and even EW, but it seems like TVLIne keeps up with stuff better than any of those sites do anymore, and the layout is easier to navigate. TVLine and TVbytheNumbers - those are my two main sites. Don't know what I'm going to do if the Cancellation Bear ever retires though.

Edited by Starfish35
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For anyone that is interesting: Suprnatural Vegas Con should be You-Tubed. So many cast members and I'm pretty sure they were all drunk. Timothy Omundson singing Let It Go in purple velvet. Jensen Ackles singing Sister Christian by request of guest Jeffery Dean Morgan. Jared and Jensen Hula Hooping. Seriously. That's just some of what they were doing.

As an SPN fan this whole Vegas Con was glorious. Jensen can frakking sing for real. Seeing the Winchesters reunited was surprisingly emotional. Just all kinds of awesomesauce.

I actually know quite a few Smallville fans who don't like and/or resent Felicity, because they feel she gets all this media attention that Chloe never got, and that Felicity/Oliver get all the accolades Chloe/Oliver didn't. Maybe Mitovich is one of those? He REALLY fanboyed Smallville a lot.

I'm the opposite.  Every good thing that happens with Felicity is for me a retroactive victory for Chloe.  Yes Chloe was paired with Smallville's Oliver and in a sense had a victory there but IMO she sat in a similar role with Clark as Felicity does with our Oliver.  One who knew him best, best ally, loved him but saw his flaws, pushed him to be his best,  ect.  She evolved to be pretty much the little voice of reason in Clark's head until for "reasons" he started pushing her away.  I want to see Felicity succeed where Chloe was never allowed to.  I know Chloe and Oliver was a very popular ship (and the actors did have fantastic chemistry) but to me in too many ways, Ollie on Smallville was to Chloe what Ray is to Felicity on Arrow.  And Chloe married him. 


Give me your pity!!


I've never hated a character for the way the an actor looks. I mostly hate characters because they are annoying or do annoying things.

Burn Notice.  Everything about the show should have appealed to me but I couldn't stand the lead actor's face (his tiny, tiny eyes) nor could I stand the waif that was his love interest.  I never thought I was that shallow but not even Bruce Campbell and Sharon Gless could get me to keep watching. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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Burn Notice.  Everything about the show should have appealed to me but I couldn't stand the lead actor's face (his tiny, tiny eyes) nor could I stand the waif that was his love interest.  I never thought I was that shallow but not even Bruce Campbell and Sharon Gless could get me to keep watching. 


I only watched the first two seasons of Burn Notice, but I didn't mind Jeffrey Donovan even though every time I saw him, I thought, "Muppet!"




Maybe it's just me. But ITA that Gabrielle Anwar was incredibly annoying as Fiona.


I did quit watching Empire after three eps because of an annoying character. Boy does Cookie grate. I'd almost rather watch Nancy Grace. Almost. I'm not totally insane. My friends keep raving about Empire, though, so I may have to grit my teeth and try again,

My dislike for a character (which rather rarely develops into hate, unless they start to get a lot of screentime or ruin characters I love by having a lot of screentime with them) is usually caused by writing, not acting. There are maybe a few exceptions (I really, really disliked Tara from Buffy because I didn't like the actress and because I kinda hated how Willow's sudden sexuality was treated), but mostly, it's the combination of writing and acting (Duncan from Veronica Mars, Neal from Once Upon A Time, and yes, Laurel) or, more rarely, just writing.


I think the only character I really strongly dislike is Ward on AoS.


Haha, he's one of my faves, I think. But then, this show just does villains so much better than the heroes! Cal is probably my favorite character on AoS right now.

I'm the opposite.  Every good thing that happens with Felicity is for me a retroactive victory for Chloe.  Yes Chloe was paired with Smallville's Oliver and in a sense had a victory there but IMO she sat in a similar role with Clark as Felicity does with our Oliver.  One who knew him best, best ally, loved him but saw his flaws, pushed him to be his best,  ect.  She evolved to be pretty much the little voice of reason in Clark's head until for "reasons" he started pushing her away.  I want to see Felicity succeed where Chloe was never allowed to.  I know Chloe and Oliver was a very popular ship (and the actors did have fantastic chemistry) but to me in too many ways, Ollie on Smallville was to Chloe what Ray is to Felicity on Arrow.  And Chloe married him. 


Give me your pity!!


Hahaha, none of this makes ANY sense to me whatsoever. Sorry. :) Chloe/Ollie is my #1 OTP of all time. Plus, I've only watched GreenArrowville [half of S6, his one episode of S7, S8-S9-S10], and I LOATHED Clark with all my might for almost all of that. I only liked him in S10. And I also liked Clark/Lois [not in a I 'ship it way because I tend to only 'ship one pairing per show, but I found them cute], and wanted Chloe to stay faaaaaaar far far away from Clark at all times because I thought he was the worst to her.


But then, I realize I watched Smallville wrong. It was a conscious choice, but one I don't regret because it did gave me my OTPest OTP of all OTPs.

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When I think of characters I hate the first that comes to mind is Sookie from True Blood. And it wasn't Anna Paquin, it's just that Sookie was so damn annoying. Bill was a close second. Other than that, maybe Brandon from BH90210, and that was according to the series. Oh, and Michael on Lost. And I don't really know what the hell has happened to Emilie de Ravin, because I tolerated her as the hated Tess in Roswell, liked her just fine in Lost, but she comes off really bad in OUAT. 

Hahaha, none of this makes ANY sense to me whatsoever. Sorry. :) Chloe/Ollie is my #1 OTP of all time. Plus, I've only watched GreenArrowville [half of S6, his one episode of S7, S8-S9-S10], and I LOATHED Clark with all my might for almost all of that. I only liked him in S10. And I also liked Clark/Lois [not in a I 'ship it way because I tend to only 'ship one pairing per show, but I found them cute], and wanted Chloe to stay faaaaaaar far far away from Clark at all times because I thought he was the worst to her.

But then, I realize I watched Smallville wrong. It was a conscious choice, but one I don't regret because it did gave me my OTPest OTP of all OTPs.

I'm curious, I assume you watched after the show was over, what caught your interest and got you to watch?

Oh and if it makes you feel better, I hated Clark with a burning passion all of season nine and probably for at least a year after the show was off the air. ;).

Edited by BkWurm1

I'm curious, I assume you watched after the show was over, what caught your interest and got you to watch?


I got into it mid-S9, actually. Around the time Roulette first aired, two friends of mine were FREAKING OUT over Chloe/Oliver possibly happening, and I got roped into the discussion even before watching anything. And then when I learned Michael Shanks was gonna play Hawkman, I figured I'd watch Daniel Jackson with wings for the lulz... LITTLE DID I KNOW. :) I had a 4 hour trip the same day Warrior aired, so I took the Absolute Justice episodes with me to pass the time... and I legit fell in love with Chloe and Oliver right then and there. And then Warrior happened.


Another friend convinced me I needed to go back and watch at least the GreenArrowville stuff if I were to keep watching, so I did. I got caught up by the time Conspiracy aired, that was my first "live" episode. And then I went super crazy fangirl mode? I have the 1000+ photoshop edits to prove it too. Hee.


I did eventually watch some rando earlier episodes, but mostly the ones super Chloe-focused, and the ones that introduced the other super friends.

Edited by dancingnancy

Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. lol


I shipped her with Clark at the start (and I still say the show should have turned her into Lois. It could have been brilliant: the origin stories of the main three, Lois falling for Clark before Superman). Then I shipped her with Lex (Power couple, Friends or enemies, the mutual respect and verbal judo would have been amazing). I mildly shipped her with Davis because I wanted her so far away from Jimmy and Davis was at least interesting and had the 12 pack abs. And finally I shipped her with Oliver. I really did love Chloe and Oliver. They played off each other so well and I loved how much more adult their relationship seemed.

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Aside from being a young female with computer skills, I find Chloe and Felicity to be completely different characters and personalities (I discount the blonde hair because people would be comparing them even if Felicity was brunette).  And - I know I'm in the minority here - I never cared that much for Chloe, while I love the Felicity character. 

If you haven't seen early seasons of Smallville, you missed the greatness of Chloe/Lex. They introduced me to Verbal Judo. They were great together, but of course everyone had to be in love with Lana. Then I started shipping Chloe/Oliver. 


They don't have to have the exact same personality or hair color to be similar, Chloe and Felicity are similar because they have a similar role on their shows. The tech genius that is the eyes and ears of the team. Smallville managed the helping of the other heroes storyline better (which is something I never thought I'd say about that show). Mostly because Chloe wasn't set up as a love interest for any of them, her and Oliver happened slowly and naturally. Much like Felicity and Oliver are being set up on Arrow. 

If you haven't seen early seasons of Smallville, you missed the greatness of Chloe/Lex. They introduced me to Verbal Judo. They were great together, but of course everyone had to be in love with Lana. Then I started shipping Chloe/Oliver. 


I was such a hardcore Chlexer. Shame they never explored that relationship. I quit after S4 because I couldn't deal with Lana anymore, but I can thank Smallville for getting me into comics. I had to get the Smallville comic that came out and walking into that comic store changed my life. And my wallet. :D

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Haha, he's one of my faves, I think. But then, this show just does villains so much better than the heroes!

Ha yeah, I'm perfectly ok with him being a villain (although I admit I cheered when Skye put three bullets into him, or tried anyway). It's the threat of them doing some sort of redemption arc for him that has put me off.

I'm going to go against the grain here and say I loved Michael and Fiona on Burn Notice. I was really really into that show in its first season. My enthusiasm waned over the following seasons, and I dropped off somewhere in season four or five I think, but I still intend to go back and finish it eventually (unlike some other shows I could name).

Edited by Starfish35
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I was such a hardcore Chlexer. Shame they never explored that relationship. I quit after S4 because I couldn't deal with Lana anymore, but I can thank Smallville for getting me into comics. I had to get the Smallville comic that came out and walking into that comic store changed my life. And my wallet. :D


Chlex introduced me to fanfiction. I never read any until them but I knew we'd never go canon so I had to get my fix somewhere else. 

  • Love 2

And I don't really know what the hell has happened to Emilie de Ravin, because I tolerated her as the hated Tess in Roswell, liked her just fine in Lost, but she comes off really bad in OUAT. 


I don't watch OUAT, but it could have something to do with her lifestyle. There are some rumors going around that Emilie has become an alcoholic and that it interferes with her work (e.g. she shows up drunk/hung over on set and at press events).

That's too bad, if true.

I liked her in Roswell too (though that was a show I watched way after it aired). But I haven't been thrilled about her in OUAT. Now, granted, she has a pretty thankless role, and I think she does better when allowed to get out from under Rumple's shadow, but still. Probably my least favorite of the regular cast. I haven't watched much of 4B yet, but I can't say I'm thrilled about this Will/Belle romance I've been hearing about. Even if it is temporary. :(

  • Love 1

Chloe, Chloe, Chloe. lol


I shipped her with Clark at the start (and I still say the show should have turned her into Lois. It could have been brilliant: the origin stories of the main three, Lois falling for Clark before Superman). Then I shipped her with Lex (Power couple, Friends or enemies, the mutual respect and verbal judo would have been amazing). I mildly shipped her with Davis because I wanted her so far away from Jimmy and Davis was at least interesting and had the 12 pack abs. And finally I shipped her with Oliver. I really did love Chloe and Oliver. They played off each other so well and I loved how much more adult their relationship seemed.

Chloe was eminently shippable. Jimmy was the only one I couldn't stand watching with her, blech.   During my I hate Clark with the power of a burning sun phase II threw her together with Hawkman in a fic that is probably the most scorching thing I've ever or will ever write but then I had a SERIOUS thing for Michael Shanks (who is to blame for making me return to Smallville after I'd quit at the end of season 8). 


I was able to splash around in the shallow waters of Chloe and Oliver cause yeah, the moment she put down that whiskey glass in Warrior I was like, whoa!  But to truly embrace it as a OTP I'd have to erase all that came before and right up through season seven I was near certain they were working toward a big Chloe and Clark romance.  Season ten Smallville was like a different show and I could have gotten behind that Chloe and Oliver if only I didn't remember everything that had come before. 

I haven't watched much of 4B yet, but I can't say I'm thrilled about this Will/Belle romance I've been hearing about. Even if it is temporary. :(


I feel you. A lot of the plot being set in motion for 4B isn't calling to me.  Will and Bella happened super fast and I'm not looking forward to evil Emma, sigh and then while a triple threat of evil women sounds promising , I'm having a hard time with the casting and plot choices. 


The one playing Maleficent isn't intimidating IMO and while I love the actress playing Ursula I have a hard time buying the sea witch personified by an aquarium worker and then the plot is also trying to tell me that said sea witch is buddies with Cruella Devil when they soooo aren't on the same level.   I've watched the first couple episodes and am recording the others. I'll watch eventually but my enthusiasm is low.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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Gillian Anderson's career at the minute is on fire. The Fall just got renewed for a third season, she's a regular in Hannibal season three, she's going to be in the War and Peace miniseries that the BBC are doing and now the X-Files is back. Good for her! She's amazing in The Fall.


Chloe and Oliver on Smallville had amazing chemistry together, but I feel a little weird about it because he straight up blackmailed her in season eight. Then again Oliver became increasingly unbearable for me on Smallville and I could only stand him when he was around Chloe or Tess.

  • Love 1

Gillian Anderson's career at the minute is on fire. The Fall just got renewed for a third season, she's a regular in Hannibal season three, she's going to be in the War and Peace miniseries that the BBC are doing and now the X-Files is back. Good for her! She's amazing in The Fall.

She's also a heavy favorite for the Olivier Award for Best Actress in 'A Streetcar Named Desire'. She's had so many great performances. I think because so many of them have been in UK productions, a lot of people here in the States forget just how talented she really is. ITA about Gillian in The Fall. Her performance in the second season just blew me away. Honestly, in terms of acting ability, there aren't many in the TV world (or in general) who can top her, IMO.

I don't watch OUAT, but it could have something to do with her lifestyle. There are some rumors going around that Emilie has become an alcoholic and that it interferes with her work (e.g. she shows up drunk/hung over on set and at press events).



That's too bad, if true.

I liked her in Roswell too (though that was a show I watched way after it aired). But I haven't been thrilled about her in OUAT. Now, granted, she has a pretty thankless role, and I think she does better when allowed to get out from under Rumple's shadow, but still. Probably my least favorite of the regular cast. I haven't watched much of 4B yet, but I can't say I'm thrilled about this Will/Belle romance I've been hearing about. Even if it is temporary. :(

That would be a pity, I hope it's not true. I don't know, I liked her in season 1, but then they made her a regular and didn't do much with her. I liked some of her scenes a lot, but in some others she's just terrible, plus I get distracted by some of the awful hairdo she has to sport. Some look worse than Oliver's wig.


I haven't started with Season 4B, I think I'll let it sit and then binge it. Last year I was almost obsessed with that show, this year I'm definitely not invested.

I feel you. A lot of the plot being set in motion for 4B isn't calling to me.  Will and Bella happened super fast and I'm not looking forward to evil Emma, sigh and then while a triple threat of evil women sounds promising , I'm having a hard time with the casting and plot choices. 


The one playing Maleficent isn't intimidating IMO and while I love the actress playing Ursula I have a hard time buying the sea witch personified by an aquarium worker and then the plot is also trying to tell me that said sea witch is buddies with Cruella Devil when they soooo aren't on the same level.   I've watched the first couple episodes and am recording the others. I'll watch eventually but my enthusiasm is low.   

ITA on the casting and the plot choices.  They seem like they come from three completely different spheres of Disney.  I liked Ursula the best but she's gone now.  I could get with Maleficent but it's going to be the same only "is she evil or just a good person who was done wrong?" that they've done to death with Regina.  I just can't with Cruella no matter what  the actress does, she sticks out like a sore thumb in the rest of the plot.


I did like how they did Emma/Hook in the last couple of episodes but that's about it for me.

Bringing this conversation over from Mind Your Surrounding, re: the video of JLM, CV, and RC singing the Firefly theme.


Blasphemy!  I love the Firefly theme song.  No, no, no, how could you hate it??  :)


Because it's the wooooooooooooooooooooooorst? I mean, as this video proves, the song itself is fine when performed well. But as a theme song, just terrible*. And I hate the vocals/arrangement of the original. Speaking of that, this series of remixes of the theme is one of my favorite things ever to appear on this site.


(*To me, the whole thing is just very try-hard and overwrought--just like Firefly itself!) (Sorry, I'm a jerk, but it's easily my least-favorite Whedon property. It seems like the kind of thing where if it hits you right, or you're on the right wavelength, it's awesome. I just wasn't on that wavelength, and it doesn't work for me.)

Edited by Carrie Ann
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Blasphemy!  I love the Firefly theme song.  No, no, no, how could you hate it??  :)


I know, hearing that song just ups my mood and makes me sing along. It's like a fight song. lol


"I don't care, I'm still free

You can't take the sky from meeee."


I've watched the show recently with friends that have never seen it. Some of them said they hated the song, but then towards the middle of the season they were singing along.

Edited by Sakura12
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I don't know.  The Mindy Project's theme song is fairly awful, and I hate the opening to Orange is the New Black.  Just off the top of my head, those are two that are much much worse.


What are some of your guys' faves?  I find The Musketeers & Parks and Rec theme songs to be really catchy.  Black Sails has a really great one too and Copper's was kind of cool.  

Edited by SonofaBiscuit

Yeah, not trying to state an objective fact here. Just saying that I personally hate it.


Oh, not trying to argue.  Just trying to have a friendly back and forth.  Sorry, I'll move on.


Does anyone watch Billy and Billie on DirecTV's Audience Network?  I missed the first episode and only made it 8 minutes into the second episode before I had to shut it off.  I just couldn't stand Lisa Joyce's character, she was beyond annoying.

Angel had my favorite opening tune ever, it was instrumental though, no vocals. As far as shows go, I like Firefly a lot, although not as much as Buffy/Angel (but I probably would have enjoyed it the same if it got more time).

Also, I've recently tried to watch Ripper Street and its opening is VERY similar to Firefly's, kinda eerie, actually (the show itself, though, is fairly boring).

Edited by FurryFury
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Oh, not trying to argue.  Just trying to have a friendly back and forth.  Sorry, I'll move on.


No worries! Just didn't want to come off like it's objectively the worst, just that it irked me personally. And I don't watch Mindy or OITNB, so I can't compare, but I've definitely heard complaints about those. I was trying to think of themes from current shows that bug me, and I can't really think of any, because it's kinda rare these days for series to do anything other than ambient sounds or a bubbly or suspenseful instrumental. So JW/Firefly should get some credit for trying something different. 

There are very few shows that I actually listen to the theme song when I can FF. Firefly and Game of Thrones are two of them.


I liked Ripper Street, it's a really slow paced show, but it's like watching CSI: 19th Century. I was interested in their ways of solving crimes without out the use of modern technology. When I saw The Musketeers, it looked like the exact same beginning as Ripper Street only with a blueish hue instead of Red. Come on BBC get a little more creative with your opening themes. 

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