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Small Talk: The Quiver

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Tess was one of my favorite characters, so of course that wouldn't last, it is Smallville after all. I stuck with it because I already wasted years watching it might as well see it through till the bitter end. It helped that I fast forwarded the Lana scenes so I barely remember what happened with her. 


I don't think I've ever gone back to show after I stopped watching it, except for an episode or two if my favorite character returned, but then they usually just ruined the character and I got pissed off again and stop caring about the show. 


Most of the shows I watch are on Cable networks because they are so much better and the best thing about them, barely any stupid love triangles. I think I only watch 4 shows on network television, Arrow, Sleepy Hollow, Elementary and The Big Bang Theory. With Arrow off my list that leaves 3 shows. Although it might be filled with Gotham if that's any good. 

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I didn't watch Smallville when it was live, but my husband did, and he's been after me to finish the series. I've been stuck mid-way through season seven for about a year now. I rage quit after the 100th episode, and would go back, get pissy again, drop it, rinse/repeat. So far I've made it three discs into season seven. Hubby keeps telling me Lana "fades away" and I know I'm past halfway and just need to get it finished. I really liked going to the TWOP forums, the old threads on the show and reading reaction right after an ep aired. I'm missing it!

I surprisingly really enjoyed most of season 8 -right until the final 10 minutes of the season. I only watched Chloe scenes on youtube for the first half of 9, but then broke down and watched after the winter hiatus. In ten, I only watched the Chloe episodes and the Hawkman episodes and the Lionel Luthor episodes.

Then TNT had the whole ten year run in syndication which I DVR'd and ended up watching most of the episodes I missed. Season 9 still fills me with rage but I was hating Clark so much that I was open to Oliver and Chloe. The actors had unbelievable chemistry. I stay in the shallow end of that ship since I'm a die hard Chlarker but it was probably the best thing about season 9. That and Michael Shanks as Hawkman.

Lois was written and acted a lot better in 10. (Better, still not great) The shrillness went away, but it was IMO too little too late and her past characterization not only felt swept under the rug to me, but involved rewritten history which drives me insane.

I learned to love Tess (Lex Luthor's chosen replacement.) in season 10 But thought she was batshit crazy in 8&9. If I'd cared to much about the show at the time that would have bothered me a lot.

As for the comic continuation of Smallville, it's not for me. I look at it as graphic fan fiction. It's basically one writer's (who I never respected) idea of what happens. I reject his reality and replace it with mine. Did I mention I'm a diehard Chlarker? Yeah there is still one more fanfic waiting to come out. ;p

Edited by BkWurm1
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Hey you guys I have a question. HOw do I unpin threads on this site? Because there are currently 4 pins and I don't even comment on those threads and it's quite annoying to see them pinned.


ALSO. I just want Cassidy Freeman on the show. I don't care who she is, I just need to witness her awesomeness again. Maybe she can be the one who takes Laurel to a far away land and leave her there then come back to help team Arrow. 

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@wonderwall, sorry that the pinned topics annoy you; only mods are able to pin and unpin topics, and these are pinned because of the current rewatch, because this forum has so many topics.


Also, as a reminder to everyone, Small Talk is for off-topic conversation - any conversation on Arrow should actually take place in the thread on that topic. Do we have a Wish List topic here yet?



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I didn't realize this thread was here or what it was for. so here I am.  Also a transplant from TWoP, which I'd joined during my days as a Veronica Mars fan and then with Chuck (and trying to keep it going) and Life.  I seem to have a knack for liking shows that spend a lot of time on life support............


I read Green Arrow comics, among others, when I was a kid.  I read them now and then through my 20s & 30s but gave up on GA when things went completely whacky with Black Canary (which, turns out, was under Andrew Kriesberg... hmmmm).  I read some of Gail Simone's BoP and liked them.  I stopped reading Captain America when he was assassinated.


Now my 11 year old son loves comics and is proud to be a 3rd generation comic book lover.  I am hopelessly behind on the comics so I just ask him... Arrow is family viewing, much like Chuck was (and we also watch Sleepy Hollow together).


We're on the fence, collectively, about if we'll be watching Arrow in the fall.  My husband has more faith in the show to handle the Black Canary situation well - we're all big fans of Caity Lotz in the role.  My husband brings the non-comic book fan perspective to the show and our discussions.  We tend not to watch live anymore.  My son and me by choice, my husband by scheduling issues.


Glad to see so many familiar faces here!

Edited by writersblock51
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I loved going to TWoP and became quite vocal in several of the boards but sadly I got banned like three times in a row right near the end, the last one permanently, which I didn't understand since the site was closing anyway. I couldn't very well argue with it, being banned and all, but one of them wasn't fair because I wasn't doing what the mod said I was doing and another one was an accident. Oh well.


I watched Smallville faithfully from beginning to end. I won't say I loved everything that happened but overall it was an enjoyable hour of television I missed after it was gone. It was also the only decade long show I saw every episode of in real time. As much as I adored SG-1 I didn't get to see the first couple of seasons since it was on Showtime and I didn't have Showtime, and frankly I wasn't even aware it was on until like season 3 or 4. I also really liked Atlantis. Not as much as SG-1 but I loved the character interactions. I wasn't so fond of Universe, though it did introduce me to the wonder that is Ming Na.

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I didn't realize this thread was here or what it was for. so here I am.  Also a transplant from TWoP, which I'd joined during my days as a Veronica Mars fan and then with Chuck (and trying to keep it going) and Life.  I seem to have a knack for liking shows that spend a lot of time on life support............


Veronica Mars, Chuck and Life.  Check, check, and check.  Toss in Firefly for just for good measure.  Life was extremely underrated.  My love for Veronica Mars is all stirred up again.  I'll be watching iZombie to get another fix of Rob Thomas.  Loved Chuck from start to almost finish.  I keep forgetting that the show ended soooo oddly.  I pretty much instantly rewrote the ending in my head and then forgot that my version (they kiss and her memory comes rushing back- I don't care if it's not original) didn't actually get filmed. 


I got banned like three times in a row right near the end, the last one permanently, which I didn't understand since the site was closing anyway.


Lol,  I considered going out in a blaze of glory and getting banned on purpose but instead got all sappy and sentimental. 


I also really liked Atlantis. Not as much as SG-1 but I loved the character interactions. I wasn't so fond of Universe, though it did introduce me to the wonder that is Ming Na.


SG Universe was brutal to watch the first season.  It did get better late in season two but the changes came too late.  The show runners seriously underestimated the ick factor of the body swapping. Have some manners people.  You wouldn't do that to anything else lent to you as a really big favor.   

Edited by BkWurm1
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I just finished watching Firefly and Serenity! HOLY RIVER TAM GUYS. I wish we saw those moves on the show... Now I'm sorta bitter about it. But damn, was I the only one who didn't like Inara? Also, can we all agree that Wash is not dead at all and he is currently very happy with Zoe with a kid on the way? 

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Of course Walsh is not dead. He's with Zoe, behind the scenes on Suits and running things.

I wasn't a fan of Inara so much, but I did like Nathan Fillion.


I loved SG1 and liked Atlantis (David Nykl, it's time to show up again on Arrow) but I couldn't get into Universe.  Nothing seemed to make much sense. I was glad to see Ming Na get something beyond ER and her character was better than Deb Chen but finally on S.H.I.E.L.D., she's wonderful.  That's what 50 looks like (we wish).

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That's what 50 looks like (we wish).

It's in the Asian contract that we look around 10 years younger than our actual age. :D I'm 31 and this is literally the first year I haven't gotten carded when ordering a drink. I finally look 21, yay! lol.


Us Firefly and Sarah Connor Chronicles fans were excited to see Summer's name and were disappointed when it turned into nothing. I liked Inara I just wished her secret was more interesting like Shepard Book's was. 


I watched SG-1 and Atlantis, could never get into Universe. I think it was mostly because they cancelled Atlantis for it. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I just finished watching Firefly and Serenity! HOLY RIVER TAM GUYS.



I know, right?  Summer Glau will probably live in my good graces for the rest of her career based on this alone.  This show woefully underused her (except for the hair - the hair shown like a wondrous beacon)


 Also, can we all agree that Wash is not dead at all and he is currently very happy with Zoe with a kid on the way?


I hear in the comics that came out later that yes, she's pregnant and since this is a sci-fi show, they would be remiss not to have a parallel universe episode (or one where they stumble on a perfect clone with all the memories intact) so presto change, Wash + Zoe + baby = HEA 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I finally deleted my TWoP toolbar shortcut folder today. The grieving process can finally begin.

I'm also looking at getting some web space to upload the old Arrow topic from TWoP. My life is still a bit chaotic after my recent house move, so it won't be in the next 48 hours or anything, but hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

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The only thing my mom fangirls over is Suze Ormand.  Although, she and my dad did run into the lead singer of Alabama in a Tennesee Walmart one time, she was pretty excited when she called to tell me about it.

This made me laugh since I'm from AL but also because my mom and I once ran into the same guy (I can't remember his name) and she had a similar fangirl moment. I've only ever seen her that excited over trips to NY and Broadway lol. Funny, it was also at a Wal-Mart, but down in Orange Beach while we were on vacation.

I seem to be in a minority because I don't know what TWoP is, but I rarely participate in fandoms. I think Bones was my first but I lost interest in S6. I still watch the show but my interest is much lower than it used to be. I watched Smallville, every episode, all 10 seasons, though I quit briefly in S8. Chloe was almost always my favorite character but I think keeping my Chlark expectations very low (especially after Lois arrived) helped me keep watching. The Chloe and Oliver angle convinced me to catch up and watch again in S9 but I don't think I ever participated in episode discussions unless it was at LJ. I've reviewed/commented on Arrow since the pilot but only began discussing it with others a few months ago. They turned me onto this forum, and I'm glad they did. The discussions move faster than I can keep up with at times, but I like getting different viewpoints.

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TWOP is Television Without Pity the site where most of us came over from. It was heartbreaking when they shut down, it was one of the best places to have intelligent conversations about tv. So I was happy to see this site taking over where TWOP left off. 


From Smallville I should've learned from Chloe not to get attached to the original characters in a comic book based show. Since they are used for a starting point for another character to just be handed the reigns without really earning it. 


As for SDCC, I've been trying to get back there since I went in 2008 and haven't yet. It is very overwhelming but an experience you'll never forget (plus autographs are free. I'm still bitter that they are not like that at the smaller cons anymore)

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From Smallville I should've learned from Chloe not to get attached to the original characters in a comic book based show. Since they are used for a starting point for another character to just be handed the reigns without really earning it.

I learned to like some things about Lois but her rise to top journalist at the DP was just terrible and unbelievable. Clark too. Neither one of them studied journalism or had a degree, nor did they ever show a burning desire for that career path. That they robbed Chloe of that after we watched her work for it for more than six seasons bothered me a lot. But I did like her turn as Watchtower and they did show Chloe turning to journalism again in the end, so I was pretty happy with her overall journey. I was taken completely by surprise with the Chlollie thing though. I remember thinking they were cute in some S8 scenes, but for some reason it just never occurred to me the show would go there. I was glad they did since I thought it turned out well and made Oliver more likeable to me.

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I plan to spend the day whining on various forms of social media about not being at SDCC.


That's how I spent this weekend last year, whining on tumblr about how jealous I was of the people who got to go, squeeing over photos and reports, and frantically reblogging... everything.  In hindsight though, I think that being on tumblr (and other social media sites) might actually be a better way for *me* to experience SDCC.  I suffer from some pretty severe anxiety and I'm not really a huge fan of face to face interaction with people... but I love interacting online... so being a part of the HUGE online support group of "We can't go to SDCC" was actually a blast!  I'm kind of looking forward to it. 


This made me laugh since I'm from AL but also because my mom and I once ran into the same guy (I can't remember his name) and she had a similar fangirl moment. I've only ever seen her that excited over trips to NY and Broadway lol. Funny, it was also at a Wal-Mart, but down in Orange Beach while we were on vacation.

I seem to be in a minority because I don't know what TWoP is, but I rarely participate in fandoms. I think Bones was my first but I lost interest in S6. I still watch the show but my interest is much lower than it used to be. I watched Smallville, every episode, all 10 seasons, though I quit briefly in S8. Chloe was almost always my favorite character but I think keeping my Chlark expectations very low (especially after Lois arrived) helped me keep watching. The Chloe and Oliver angle convinced me to catch up and watch again in S9 but I don't think I ever participated in episode discussions unless it was at LJ. I've reviewed/commented on Arrow since the pilot but only began discussing it with others a few months ago. They turned me onto this forum, and I'm glad they did. The discussions move faster than I can keep up with at times, but I like getting different viewpoints.


Dude must LOVE Wal-Mart!!!  


My first fandom was General Hospital, 1995.  I wandered on to AOL and discovered message boards and my life has never been the same.  Suddenly I wasn't this weirdo buying soap magazines and hoarding VHS tapes with 5 years worth of Sonny & Brenda - I was a part of a community of like minded people!!!  It was edifying to discover that there were other people out there who weren't passive about their entertainment.   Since then I don't think I've gone more than a few months at a time without being at least peripherally involved in a fandom of something. 

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Out of loyalty, I stuck with Smallville until the bitter end.  I think that I kept hoping it would get cancelled so that I could just STOP, but I seem to have that problem with a lot of shows that I watch.  I just can't let go.  I despised Lana...it was actually very difficult for me to give Kristin Kreuk a chance in anything else after that because I found Lana soo annoying.  I didn't browse online forums back then, so I didn't actually realize that Lois was disliked by a lot of people.  I like Erica Durance and found her spunky in that role.  With Chloe and Clark, I always had the impression that he pretty strongly friend-zoned her early on, so I never thought that was going anywhere and never got attached to them as a couple.  Probably a good thing, I guess, or I would have been seriously annoyed with how that turned out.  Nowadays, I've learned not to get too attached to a couple until lots of positive progress in their relationship is made, so I don't ship it too much unless we get flirting, dates, kisses, etc.


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Dude must LOVE Wal-Mart!!!  


My first fandom was General Hospital, 1995.  I wandered on to AOL and discovered message boards and my life has never been the same.  Suddenly I wasn't this weirdo buying soap magazines and hoarding VHS tapes with 5 years worth of Sonny & Brenda - I was a part of a community of like minded people!!!  It was edifying to discover that there were other people out there who weren't passive about their entertainment.   Since then I don't think I've gone more than a few months at a time without being at least peripherally involved in a fandom of something.

Haha - everyone in AL loves Walmart. I don't even have to announce my trips home in advance. I just go shopping with my mom the next day, run into half my friends/relatives and then wait for the news to spread. Takes about an hour. :)

The only show I remember being super obsessive about was The X-Files. I was still in school when that came out and my dad and I watched it together. I collected everything - posters, magazines, trading cards. I seem to remember there were comics or graphic novels? I had tapes of all the episodes. Honestly, it's probably a good thing I didn't know about fan forums because X-Files probably would have ruined my life lol. I stumbled on the Bones forum accidentally when I was looking for info around the S3 writers strike. I was surprised to find so many people who liked discussing character and story in a TV show. At that time I only knew a few people IRL who liked doing that.

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Oooh, a fellow X-Phile! :) That was my first fandom experience. I still have my X-Files magazines in a binder and the tapes. I've been looking to clear space but I can't bring myself to toss them out (even though I own the series on DVD, too). The next show I became obsessed about was "Firefly." Still am. Love that show and that cast. I still have no idea how I got sucked into the Arrow fandom. I was just enjoying the show and one day I woke up with TWoP and Twitter accounts.

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I was such an obsessive X-Phile! I had all my old X-Files items in bins after university and when I was getting ready to move overseas, I gave it to a friend who collects TV show memorabilia. I really loved that show, far more than was probably healthy lol. Scully was just so different from a lot of female characters, and I liked the role reversal on that show. I guess Scully and Mulder were my first ship though I had no idea it was called that. My parents didn't allow us to watch a lot of TV so most of my TV viewing habits were formed in university and later. I missed a lot of shows I see other people talking about, like Friends. I've mostly seen it in syndication. I think X-Files was the first time I started watching/reading EP interviews and actor interviews. I did the same with Joss Whedon shows like Buffy and Firefly, then I was fairly active in one or two Bones forums when I found them. I'm now as active in Arrow as I probably ever have been on any other forum. It's fun as long as I keep my expectations grounded.

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With Chloe and Clark, I always had the impression that he pretty strongly friend-zoned her early on, so I never thought that was going anywhere and never got attached to them as a couple.


This - and I enjoyed Chloe/Oliver too much to pay much attention to Chloe/Clark.  That said I only watched the show (apart from the first season when I gave up on it during airing) a year or so ago when I got the box set so I didn't get attached to any 'ships in any way.  Dear god though I detested Lana at the end - fortunately I'd built up a love for Kristin Kreuk for that song "Scotty Doesn't Know" with Matt Damon from Eurotrip (a film I'm embarrassed to say that I enjoyed).


They should have had the balls to turn Chloe into Lois once they got the okay from DC (although maybe DC specifically prohibited it? They do have a completely anally retentive rep) - they even had the excuse when everyone thought she was dead.  Allison Mack was just brilliant even when I disliked Chloe intensely (Season 8, I'm looking at you).


The 'Lois and/or Clark get a job as reporters at the Daily Planet despite having no background in journalism' thing pisses me off no end.  It might have been realistic to start as a gopher/coffee boy and work your way up in the Reeves-era Superman show, but it was barely believable in 1978 when Reeve's Kent appears out of nowhere at the age of 30 and walks into a prime job, and certainly isn't now.  Ironically this is one of the things Lois and Clark did better than any other incarnation of Superman outside of the comics.


The only thing that pisses me off more is - it's George REEVES, Christopher REEVE.  Sigh. That and "Josh Whedon".  Anally retentive, that's me.


And joy of joys I leave for the US in six days to see Manu Bennett and John Barrowman (among others) at San Antonio Wizard World and I just came down with a killer sore throat.

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I've been obsessive over shows since I was a kid.  I shipped early and I shipped hard.  There wasn't a show that I watched that didn't include some pairing I was rooting for even if there wasn't any kind of romance in the show, I mean, I started with cartoons matching the girl puppy with the scrappy boy puppy. I chose Maryanne and the Professor.  I had an unfortunate period where I  borrowed Star Wars actions figures and made little beds and stuck Luke and Leia together.  Oops.


I also figured out vey early that nobody else in my family or among my circle of friends shared my focused tendencies.  I watched a lot of shows by myself rather than expose my gushy pleasure at the "good" parts aka shippy stuff.


I discovered the existence of fan sites and fan fiction in the early days of the internet and that blew my mind though it had never occurred to me to write anything down.  It wasn't until much later that I found fan forums. 


I fell in love with the show Gilmore Girls and started searching the web for anything that talked about the show and that led me to TWoP and the recaps and the forums.  I loved the recaps but I also loved everything about the show so honestly, I didn't fit in on the forums because I didn't have anything to complain about (at least in the early years - plenty to cry over later) but a year later Smallville came on.


I originally refused to watch Smallville.  I had a rule about prequels (thanks George Lucus)  but during the winter hiatus I got sucked in (thanks shirtless John Schneider) and by the end of season one, I was a Chlarker.  Season two brought the Fever Letter (the girl you grow into and fly back to me) but it also brought Lionel's deal.  I ranted so much to my friends that I had to go online.  But what sent me whole hog, head first down the rabbit hole was when Chloe pulled out the pen name of Lois Lane.  I was sure I knew the end game of the show and nothing, not even the arrival of her cousin Lois changed my mind. 


Even in rewatches, the episodes in the early years still make think that's where the show wanted to go and I really wonder how much network interference and producer changes changed what ended up on screen.  Being a part of the fandom and gobbling up and dissecting all the clues and spoilers and all the early stuff that ends up not making it into the show (Season 6 Oliver was originally brought in for Chloe and then they got Jimmy and changed plans) I think all that stuff changed the way I watched the show.  It kept me hoping long after I alone might have given up hope.  Yet I don't regret it.  The stuff fandom gave me was and is pretty epic.  

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I obsessed over shows hard growing up and I was a hardcore shipper. After some bad experiences in shipper wars a couple years ago, I've stopped shipping all together. Now I obsess over characters but I don't care whether or not they get to together. I also find the viewing experience completely different now that I don't ship. The characters are all individuals to me and I just enjoy watching whatever choices they make romantic or otherwise. Most of the time it's worked out better for me because I'm enjoying the show as a whole not just the ship, so I don't get angry when the ship doesn't pan out the way I wanted it too. 

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I think the first show that I didn't ship in was Battlestar Galactica.  I still had hopes and preferences (and I'm still a bit sad there was no Starbuck and Apollo in the end) but I knew I would be watching until the last 'effed up moment because watching their choices and the twists was all by itself enough. 


Most of the shows I watch don't have that.   I have a couple where its more of a bromance than a ship thing (Royal Pains and White Collar) and most of the shows I ship, I ship in silence and offline. If I'm happy and not worried, I don't need to share as much.


You can guess my state of mind about Arrow. 

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I really wonder how much network interference and producer changes changed what ended up on screen.



WB was dealing with multiple lawsuits regarding the Superman property at the time, so the answer to the first part is "a lot."

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They originally brought Oliver in for Chloe on SV? Huh, I had no idea. I did jump on the Chlollie wagon once it started rolling, but it never occurred to me they might be a thing until it happened. But I think that was probably because I wasn't that focused on shipping. I remember that I shipped Chlark early on but I guess I was never that hardcore - I remember being excited about that kiss (end S5?) but not being too upset when it didn't go anywhere. Never liked Jimmy though, they should have stuck with the Oliver/Chloe idea. I always felt Jimmy was kind of useless. Also, SV had serious continuity and writing issues at times. Geez, the plot holes were often ridiculous lol.

I remember liking romances on TV in middle and high school, but my parents kept my brothers and me really busy with activities, sports, etc. and I was also on an advanced academic track throughout high school. I just missed out on a lot of TV pop culture as a result. I remember getting involved in a show on re-runs one summer - gah I can't remember the name. But when I started recording it, my dad said nope! I do ship couples sometimes but they're nearly always the ones I'm meant to ship unless I don't like one of the characters like Lana and Laurel and Duncan from Veronica Mars. And since I know they're going to happen I guess I don't obsess too much? I like romance plots when they're interesting or the characters play well off each other like on Bones and Castle. I watch The Mentalist and I like Jane and Teresa getting together but I would have been okay with it either way. I've discussed shows with friends before but I think online forums are a nice way to get other viewpoints and I like talking Arrow with people. I seriously resisted Olicity because I didn't want to get attached if it wasn't going anywhere and I wanted to enjoy the characters regardless. I think I'm falling down that rabbit hole now though and I'm going to be sad if it's not handled well. I have one friend I turned onto the show who is a HARDCORE Olicity shipper, and she is so happy about the spoilers I've been linking her to lol.

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They originally brought Oliver in for Chloe on SV? Huh, I had no idea.


I brought my post over to the Smallville forum, Season Six: Jimmy, Lexana, and Barn Doors, Oh My!

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Smallville Oliver slept with Lois and Chloe who are cousins, so I guess TV Oliver's like to keep it in the family.


The last season had Lois, Chloe and Tess Mercer.  That was pretty much it for age appropriate hook ups and yes, he'd slept with all of them.   

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Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but I don't recall the Lois/Oliver thing being big - more an over-before-it-got-started type romance. I know they recycled the angst a couple times in an extremely boring and unbelievable manner that had absolutely no point. Maybe I just tuned out or something lol.

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The Lois and Oliver thing happened in the first half of season 6 and eventually she broke up with him because he kept disappearing on her.  While they were together they were IMO hot and heavy and the break up was emotional.  it was a time when I stopped hating Lois and ED's acting.  (Kind of what Tommy did for Laurel for a while.) 


The following year he came back once and she's still hung up on him but finds out his secret Identity and decides they shouldn't get back together because due to her childhood and her father the General, she could never be happy being with someone who couldn't put her first in his life even if it was for good reasons. 


No, they never addressed why she could be with an even bigger superhero

Edited by BkWurm1
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Do people on here ever PM each other?  There are times I would like to discuss totally mean and petty Arrow-related things with people who I am pretty sure share my opinions, but I wasn't sure if that is appropriate or not :)

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Hmm I kind of remember the Lois/Oliver things, more the S7 rehash though because that was the Black Canary episode. Then the silly S9 rehash. SV just couldn't let things die naturally - that Clark/KryptoSuit Lana thing in S8 was soooo bad. I guess I do tune out. Just did an Arrow S1 rewatch and I swear I forgot half the Laurel/Oliver scenes. :/

I'm new here and don't really know anyone since I was never on TWoP. There are a couple posters here I've chatted privately with though, so I'm open to PMs.

Edited by poetgirl925
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Thanks for replying, guys.  I won't feel so weird now if I send people messages. 


I have been watching The Musketeers on BBC America right now, and it's a show that some people on here may enjoy.  It's fun, humorous, has a lot of adventure and action, plus it has the added bonus of some really good-looking men and women.  It features some really great actors, too:  Peter Capaldi (newest Dr. Who), James Callis (Gaius Baltar), Colin Salmon will be in season 2.

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I was thinking of checking The Musketeers out because it was after Orphan Black ended, but then I forgot all about it. Mostly because I was upset that I have to wait a whole year for more Orphan Black and Tatiana Maslany. If anyone hasn't watched that show, you should, if just to watch a Master Actor at work. 


If I can find a way to watch the Musketeers I'll check it out. I also can't wait for Doctor Who to start up, I want to see how what the twelve Doctor is. 

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My mind was blown when I found out that neither Tatiana Maslany nor the actor that plays her brother on Orphan Black are actually British in real life.  Their accents sound 100% authentic to me.  I kept bugging my brother to watch it and eventually just bought him the Blu-ray for his birthday in an attempt to make him watch it.  It took a few episodes for me to really get into the show, but it's one of those that you could easily get sucked into and marathon in a day.  I'm a fan.

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I love the Avengers. I also loved Iron Man and Captain America. Thor fell a little flat with me but I like his turn in Avengers. I think I'm most excited to see what they're doing with the Scarlet Witch though

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I loved all the Marvel movies.  I think they've done a great job so far in connecting their different superhero franchises, while still maintaining separate identities for them.  


On the DC side - While I loved the last three Batman movies, I thought Man of Steel was one-half of a good movie and I'm skeptical of the upcoming Batman v. Superman movie.  I also don't like the fact that the studios are reluctant to give Wonder Woman her own movie.  Maybe with the box office success of Lucy this weekend, they'll reconsider a female superhero movie.

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The Batman movies were very good. I had mixed feelings about Man of Steel tbh. It was much better than the last attempt (terrible though I liked Spacey's Lex) but not the story I expected and the darker Superman doesn't work as well for me as it did for Wayne in the Batman movies. However, I did like the fact that we saw Lois Lane actually doing some investigative reporting and figuring out what was going on. Amy Adams wasn't the casting choice I expected but she was far and away better than that actress in Superman Returns - I don't even remember her name.

I haven't read a lot of the news about Batman v Superman yet, so I'm not sure what Wonder Woman's story is. I did see some pics of her in costume though, that was unexpectedly different. I really would love to see a super heroine movie. I think the success of movies like Hunger Games and, as you mentioned, Lucy, have shown that audiences can get behind a good, well written female protagonist.

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I agree I seem to only like Thor when Joss Whedon is writing for him, he also managed to make the Hulk an interesting character.


I've always been more of a Marvel fan than DC. I've read a few DC comics but I've continued to buy the Marvel ones (mostly X-Men). I enjoyed the Batman movies but the recent Superman movies have both been kind of blah for me and I'm not that interested in seeing Batman Vs. Superman. I am super excited for the Marvel movies, Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers 2. Marvel has a better handle on casting their characters than DC.

Edited by Sakura12
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I've read more DC comics than Marvel. My brother and I watched animated series and read comics growing up and I've intermittently kept up with them over the years. I picked up Superman, GA and BC and some BoP comics again after I got into Smallville and then again when I heard Arrow was coming out. I never cared as much about BC in GA comics but loved BoP. I'm a bit behind on the 52 lately but have read some of those as well.

With Marvel it was mostly Spider-Man and X-Men. I agree, Thor was better in Avengers, maybe because of Joss. I didn't care for the romantic sub plots in the Thor movies, but I admit I've never read a Thor comic book. And it's not that I hate romance in superhero movies, it's just sometimes I'm bored. Bruce/Rachel in Batman Begins (yawn) but I loved Tony/Pepper in the Ironman movies. Guess it's subjective. Maybe it's casting? Never cared for Katie Holmes, and I'm side-eyeing Affleck as Batman. I did like Christian Bale as Batman though.

But yes, I think I'm more excited about the Marvel movies as a whole, but I think Arrow is better than Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. so....

Edited by poetgirl925
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