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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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 Like that they made him a college grad who put himself through it, while his whiny useless brother gets school paid for. 

It seems really forced to me, Tripp the paragon of the working class.  It didn't seem like he was doing much with his life when we met him at that diner.  I wish James Lastovic was a better actor so he could have played the hell out of Kayla's ridiculous "our son, the doctor" line.  And I'm beyond over Tripp being a whiny  baby about his psycho mother to her victims.  Joey actually seems to be trying to put Tripp and Steve's relationship first and making the right choices about Jade's role in his life.

Edited by lska
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I think a lot of my issues with Joey are that he has often been portrayed and useless and dumb, and not especially grateful for all the things his parents have basically handed to him.  Not to mention that JL is not much of an actor as well.  It's too bad because, despite his ridiculous hair right now, JL is quite handsome with those blue eyes and he does look like he could be the product of Steve and Kayla.

I so truly wish that Tripp were someone other than the son of Ava, a character I cannot stand.  LA is gorgeous, has acting chops and lots of potential IMO.  I wish he had been a child of Steve and Kayla that they had thought didn't survive somehow, or one of Adrienne's other sons, or...he would have made a perfect Will Horton!  I hope they can pull off some sort of worthiness regarding Tripp because I do really like this actor and think he stands about most of the younger set with his ability and talent.

I chuckled when Deimos was talking to Xander about Sonny arriving with Paul.  "Your nephew is here?".  Um, isn't he your relative too, Xander?  It's like when they mention Claire and Ciara being friends, when they are niece and aunt as well...

Oh Chad, so tortured when two women were fighting over him.  Even more tortured when they are both out with other guys and he's all alone... So sick of that storyline...

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I so truly wish that Tripp were someone other than the son of Ava, a character I cannot stand.  LA is gorgeous, has acting chops and lots of potential IMO.  I wish he had been a child of Steve and Kayla that they had thought didn't survive somehow, or one of Adrienne's other sons, or...he would have made a perfect Will Horton!

I was just thinking the same thing today - no joke! He has bit of Lucas and Sami in his features....

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I didn't see the whole show today, but I did see when Sonny & Paul found Brady and called the ambulance. I know the budget is cheap, but couldn't they have at least had the sound of an ambulance in a scene before they ended up in the hospital room.  And Brady's been shot, right?  Is he waiting for surgery? Or recovering from surgery? Either way, it was beyond ridiculous that 3 "visitors" were in his room arguing, and that Brady was ready to pounce out of bed, with or without a bullet in his chest, to go search for Nicole.   

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I'm glad Gabi told Chad to get lost. He chose Abigail then proceeded to confess his love to Gabi only to tell her he would be cutting her out of his life completely. I never "felt" the Chabi love story, so of course I'm cool with them not being together. I do think the show will go there for a minute eventually only to turn around reunite Chad and Abigail which I'm cool with because I happen to think they have chemistry and the better story. 

God, I wish I could like Dario, but I just can't. He's kind of pathetic. 

Sometimes I'm charmed by Eli, then he whines like a big ass baby about his daddy issues. Grow up, dude.

This show completely wastes VI. I was stoked when they got him for Deimos, but they don't know how to write bad guys that straddle the line. They made him irredeemable.

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Where in Manitoba are they? Is there a town hospital or do they have a helicopter to transport Brady to a major hospital? Brady possibly would be put on a heart-lung machine once any damage to the heart is found and placed high on the list for a transplant. If he is even a viable transplant.

Yes, Xander, leave Tate behind. Deimos, everyone knows you are behind this. Stop the lies.

Chad, yes, you want Gabs but you also want Abs. Be honest with both of them. Gabi, don't talk about how much you love Chad when you are with another dude. Seriously, he should clue in that he is the 'rebound'. Don't date anyone for a while.

How did Sonny and Paul get to Manitoba so quickly?

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On another front, will this be only the second black/Hispanic couple in soap history?  The first one, I know for sure, was AMC's Noah Keefer and Julia Santos.  Were there any others?

OLTL had a 5 that I know of:

Hank Gannon and Carlotta Vega (mid-late 1990's) 

R.J. Gannon and Tea Delgado (~2000)

Antonio Vega and Keri Reynolds (2001-2003)

Cristian Vega and Evangeline Williamson (2006-2007)

Cristian Vega and Layla Williamson (2009-2011)

Edited by drtslim
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

I loved Cristian and Layla, especially in their involvement in the Kish storyline.

The quad of Kish with Christian and Layla were so wonderful on OLTL.   Loved both romances and the friendships.   I'm still angry the writers ruined it.

I was pro Chad/Gabi but at this point the writers seem to be getting away from that.  I do think the new Abby is a major improvement so I don't necessarily mind a Chad/Abby end game.  I like that Abby gets called on her crap and the new actress doesn't have that obnoxiously smug and entitled vibe the previous actress gave off.  I wonder if the writers have made up their minds at all cause this has turned from a triangle (Gabi/Chad/Abby) into a freaking pentagon with Eli and Dario now in the mix. 

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On 4/28/2017 at 10:19 AM, FnkyChkn34 said:

Will was SORASed at least 3 years, if not 4.  He was born in November 1995 but considered 9 years old in 2002 and 16 in 2009 when Dylan Patton took on the role.  (I'm getting this all from Wikipedia, but it also makes sense with my recollection.)  Will was killed in October 2015; if he hadn't been SORASed, he'd have only been 19 at this death.  That doesn't make sense... he was out of college, working, and married at only 19?  He was at least 23/24 when he died, which adds up in my opinion.  

What that makes Lucas, I don't know, but I'm still thinking that Lucas is approximately the actor's real life age.

Will graduated high school at 17/18 (well, October of that year he was 18) in 2011 (the day he met sonny). He was 19/20 when Ariana was born. He took college classes in HS so he graduated university early. He died in 2015 so he was 21/22. Ish. They reversed some of the earlier SORASing...then added a year or 2 with Dylan/Chandler transition, I think.

On 4/29/2017 at 6:49 PM, Bwill3133 said:

The Gabi and Abigail scenes were good. They said things that needed to be said. I'm glad Gabi let her know no one asked her to walk away from her marriage. That was her choice. As the only women/friends in their age group that are shown I'd like them to be able to hang out soon. I like Eli and Gabi so I hope this triangle nonsense is going away. 

I love both of them together. Both said what needed to be said. With that said, Gabi is right. No one told her to leave Chad. Gabi is giving them space to be a family. Abby ruined that. Not Gabi. Gabi is moving on...or trying to. 

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On 5/1/2017 at 5:11 PM, lska said:

And I'm beyond over Tripp being a whiny  baby about his psycho mother to her victims.

This. How awful to elevate Ava to Sainthood when there are flesh-and-blood family members reaching out to you, but you want to marinate in a fantasy of what someone you never actually knew has laid out for you? How ungrateful AND delusional. Of course, because Steve is protecting Tripp's half-brother, and it WILL come out, he'll be convinced that he's been right all along and he'll use his newfound wealth to build the Saint Ava monument in the middle of Plotpoint Park for everyone to enjoy. I do like the idea, though, of a full-out villain among the younger set, as the DiMeras are getting a bit long in the tooth.

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I'm willing to cut both Eli and Tripp some slack at this point. I'm happy to have on screen new characters with very little back history that we know of, and some but not too many ties to current families - it should mean there is possibility for growth and good stories. Plus, the actors are generating decent chemistry with a variety of cast members. (I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed the Tripp/Roman interaction.)

For both of them I do feel the writing is average at best - Eli has not only found out he had a father he didn't know about, but also that the closest person to him has lied to him his whole life - that's a huge betrayal. The writers have really skipped that second beat to the story and I feel that's part of why he's coming off whiny to some. For Tripp it is an overwhelming situation and so I'm ok with him struggling to bond with Steve. What I am enjoying is his interaction with Kayla. MBE is sparkling in her scenes with him - it's like she's happy to finally have a decent young actor to work with! I really hope their budding friendship doesn't become collateral damage when the "Joey killed Ava" reveal eventually happens.

I will admit it's nice to have new eye candy too, and again both Eli and Tripp fit the bill! Speaking of eye candy, I'm not quite sure what to think of what is happening to Chad in the "freaking pentagon" (nice name Luckylyn!) I also liked the Chabi chemistry and am not feeling Chabby, but I did like Gabi blanking him and trying to move on. At this point I'd be more interested in the pentagon becoming a Gabi/Eli/Chad triangle so that I could fast forward the Abigail/Dario scenes. 

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33 minutes ago, BoldDays said:

What I am enjoying is his interaction with Kayla. MBE is sparkling in her scenes with him - it's like she's happy to finally have a decent young actor to work with! I really hope their budding friendship doesn't become collateral damage when the "Joey killed Ava" reveal eventually happens.

The problem for me is that Kayla should have a POV on his existence, and she just doesn't.  He was conceived during her marriage while her husband had amnesia, screwing around with a criminal who has only done her best since to destroy everything that ever mattered to Kayla.  Kayla's a good person, but I don't believe her one-note, "welcome to the family, your father's a good man" stance for even a single second.  I don't believe that Ava's son mouthing off at her gets no reaction.  I don't believe Steve's warm memories of Ava are okay with her.  I don't believe that them being newlyweds at this point, and having Ava related problems keeping them apart most of last year, isn't a factor in this story.  I don't believe that the potential to destroy Joey by uncovering what happened to his mother isn't more palpable for her and tempering her reaction.  And I don't believe that Steve keeps having these conversations with people like Adrienne and Jennifer, who are Kayla's friends, and none of them asks how she's doing with taking Ava and Steve's son into their family.  And I don't believe the lack of sibling rivalry between Joey and Tripp, and how Steve's absence from Joey's life isn't a factor.

I'm totally baffled by all of it.  Is this a soap opera?

Edited by lska
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Kayla knew a long time ago that Steve and Ava had a child so I'm ok with not seeing her reacting to that. I hated Ava so much that I'm happy to skip them having any discussions about her ever again. If Ava were alive, I'd expect Kayla to be more defensive and concerned knowing that Ava would manipulate the situation, but she's not. And knowing how much she loves Steve and knows of his history with family, I am not surprised she's supportive. I feel like her take is -  Tripp is a reality, Ava is dead and Steve wants him in his life so why not support him. Tripp is not a threat to them like Ava was.

I guess I've also always seen Kayla as a character who sees beyond the obvious bravado in a person and is able to connect with them. She did it when she met Steve and I see her starting to do that with Tripp now, so it's not totally out of character, at least for me. I do agree that the sibling situation with Joey is odd though. There should have been more reaction from Joey to Kayla's comment about "our son the doctor" but I do wonder if that's as much about JL's acting as anything. In scenes with the four of them he's definitely the weak link. 

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50 minutes ago, BoldDays said:

Kayla knew a long time ago that Steve and Ava had a child so I'm ok with not seeing her reacting to that. I hated Ava so much that I'm happy to skip them having any discussions about her ever again. If Ava were alive, I'd expect Kayla to be more defensive and concerned knowing that Ava would manipulate the situation, but she's not. And knowing how much she loves Steve and knows of his history with family, I am not surprised she's supportive. I feel like her take is -  Tripp is a reality, Ava is dead and Steve wants him in his life so why not support him. Tripp is not a threat to them like Ava was.

Ava's baby was just revealed last year.  I think the idea a dead baby vs. the reality of a live adult is really different.  And the revelation came tied to Ava manipulating Steve away to Indonesia to look for the baby and getting him to fuck her for her camera phone, while Kayla was held captive in, back in Salem.  I don't expect her to be super defensive, but I don't understand how something like watching videos of Ava pregnant with her husband's child isn't an emotional thing for her.  She was alone all that time mourning Steve and the family they wanted to have together.

I'm not surprised she's supportive, but it just feels like a short cut past a lot of stuff the writers don't want to deal with, while we get all of these repetitive bonding scenes with Steve and Tripp, and everyone telling Steve what a good father he is.  I can assume why, but she should be talking about it with someone.  I don't expect them to cover all of those bases, but is one or two really too much to ask?  With all of the in depth conversations about Ava and her history and state of mind, it doesn't seem like it should be.



I guess I've also always seen Kayla as a character who sees beyond the obvious bravado in a person and is able to connect with them

I also agree with this.  What's weird for me, though, is why she is doing this for Tripp and not Jade when they're on the show at the same time, especially after Jade saved her life.  Tripp has the Vitale money now, he'll be fine and could give him space to come around.  Jade is the one who really seems to need help to me.  If it's about being protective of Joey, Tripp seems like the bigger threat, but she isn't keeping him at arms' length.

Edited by lska
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23 minutes ago, lska said:

I'm not surprised she's supportive, but it just feels like a short cut past a lot of stuff the writers don't want to deal with, while we get all of these repetitive bonding scenes with Steve and Tripp, and everyone telling Steve what a good father he is.  I can assume why, but she should be talking about it with someone.  I don't expect them to cover all of those bases, but is one or two really too much to ask?  With all of the in depth conversations about Ava and her history and state of mind, it doesn't seem like it should be.

That's a really good point that we've not seen her talk to anyone about it. Steve got to do so with Adrienne, but it is a miss that Kayla hasn't. It would make sense for her to speak with someone - probably Hope? I'm fairly sure she told Hope about Joey being Ava's killer back when it happened.

The Salem PD can't get a proper wire from either a DiMera or a Kiriakis?

Is this Halo drug the Salem version of fentanyl? And the show is sort of trying to address the opiod OD issue? Lani, you're not all that smart of a cop. Hopefully JJ's sneaky GPS will help you out.

Abigail, you can only give Tripp some hearsay. As a new receptionist, you probably don't have clearance for various casefiles.

Andre would need to be in good physical shape to go to Peru. He'd be more inclined to visit the tropics and sip a cool umbrella drink.

On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 9:19 PM, drtslim said:

OLTL had a 5 that I know of:

Hank Gannon and Carlotta Vega (mid-late 1990's) 

R.J. Gannon and Tea Delgado (~2000)

Antonio Vega and Keri Reynolds (2001-2003)

Cristian Vega and Evangeline Williamson (2006-2007)

Cristian Vega and Layla Williamson (2009-2011)

Ah, I can't believe I forgot about Antonio/Keri, Cristian/Evangeline, and Cristian/Layla!  But really?  Hank was with Carlotta, and R.J. with Téa?  Didn't see either of those coming!

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I just watched through Monday's episode and wowee did that stink. I couldn't even laugh through the corny cha-cha dance montages of our two non-couples du jour. Dario and New Abigail make me want to pass out from boredom. Why didn't they continue to have him and Nicole potentially become a couple? They at least had some slight semblance of chemistry. Gabi and Eli feel like some couple from The Bold and the Beautiful... I don't even register that I'm watching Days of Our Lives when I see them together on screen.

Chad is acting like...I don't even know who at this point. If I follow everything that's happened in the last week and a half correctly, he's allowed Abigail to walk out on their marriage agreed to steal art because Kate told him to and now he's stuttering and wandering around town bumping into his two exes and acting like he doesn't know his ass from his elbow? And Sonny is pulling a gun on someone and trying to act tough, all the while looking like he's about to start crying...?!

I thought at least Paul Telfer's return would boost things up a little bit but even he looks totally lost as to how to play his character. Is Xander happy to be working with a member of his family? Have he and Deimos spent time together off-screen? Is Xander really determined to murder Nicole at some point? Does he even have a conscience anymore? I have no sense of who the character is and I kind of feel like if you're going to reintroduce someone they should have a clear perspective so the audience can get excited about where they might end up. With Xander it's been so long since he actually did something truly evil that I don't even remember where his evil started. I know he tried to roast Eric and Nicole and he also was involved in the elephant mess... but other than that and trying to choke out Theresa for lying about him raping her, is he really a total psycho? I mean is that what I'm supposed to believe at this point?

Whichever one of you pointed out that Brady wouldn't have been left lying in a hospital bed with a bullet in his heart while people argued around him basically made it impossible for me to watch the scene without rolling my eyes. You're completely right of course! I seriously don't even know who would have written it other than some kid in high school who really never had any life experiences. Deimos' play-acting makes no sense either considering anyone with half a brain would see he's the person who comes out smelling like roses in the event that he succeeds in rescuing Nicole from Xander.

The whole thing was just embarrassing.I really feel badly for the actors involved in this because even though they're making a paycheck they have to know that they can only elevate crappy material so much.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

Whichever one of you pointed out that Brady wouldn't have been left lying in a hospital bed with a bullet in his heart while people argued around him basically made it impossible for me to watch the scene without rolling my eyes. You're completely right of course! I seriously don't even know who would have written it other than some kid in high school who really never had any life experiences.

Remember,this is the show that removed Jennifer's heart & then the amazing Dr Dan rescued it & put it back. Seriously, I kid you not. These people need to do some medical fact checking. Oh and the whole time the monitor continued to keep a visible heart line. No one mentioned a heart lung machine so I guess Jennifer truly is a saint, how else would she have survived, right? (Oh and this was all in the prison infirmary- organ selling scam or something. Seriously. I think she came to rescue Hope or interview her or who knows.)

Edited by RedRockRosie
  • Love 3
11 hours ago, lska said:

I'm totally baffled by all of it.  Is this a soap opera?

I don't consider it to be, no.  I just watch some scenes for the old timers that I love and the nostalgia and the fuzzies they still give me, but that is because of the actors.  A soap used to hit beats and make you cry and laugh, cheer and boo....or FEEL something with lots of interconnecting stories, some A stories, some B stories, etc.  This is not that.  But for me the older actors (SN, MBE, Judi Evans and Wally Kurth) bring what they can and still sparkle, so that's enough for me to spend an hour on every couple of weeks. 

And it's not just lack of budget.  I mean, you are still on the air.   Do better.  Even if just a little bit.  Makes me sad.  

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1 hour ago, Revlonred said:

A soap used to hit beats and make you cry and laugh, cheer and boo....or FEEL something with lots of interconnecting stories, some A stories, some B stories, etc.  This is not that.  But for me the older actors (SN, MBE, Judi Evans and Wally Kurth) bring what they can and still sparkle, so that's enough for me to spend an hour on every couple of weeks. 

And it's not just lack of budget.  I mean, you are still on the air.   Do better.  Even if just a little bit.  Makes me sad.  

It makes me sad too.  Days wasn't my first soap opera, but it's the one I ended up loving the most and still care about after all these years.

My first memory of soaps were the 15 minute ones my Mom watched. Maybe Guiding Light or Search For Tomorrow or As the World Turns.  I remember finding the jumping around stories so confusing!  Then I started watching The Edge of Night, which I  remember seemed to always have someone on trial.

My first real soap was Another World with the triangle between Steve and Alice and Rachel. There was no doubting who we were supposed to root for, and I hated Rachel.

Then in the 80's I discovered Days. And back then the couples had chemistry and were rootable.  Bo & Hope. Melissa & Pete. Jennifer & Frankie. Eventually Jennifer & Jack. Steve & Kayla. I even like Savannah & Chris. 

And of course John and Marlena.  I mean, this show made me care about a guy with bandages around his face. And made me love him and believe he was Roman Brady.  But also made me love his relationship with Isabella. And then not make me hate when Marlena cheated on Roman with John. 

I don't remember everything from those days, and I'm sure there were some duds, but there was something that made me keep watching. At least until sometime around Marlena's possession when I did stop watching for a long time. But that may have been more about my life at the time than the show.

These days, I'm having a hard time caring about any of these characters. I've been back watching for close to 3 years and the revolving door of characters is insane!  And even more insane is how they make a new character the centre of a storyline before we even get a chance to care about them, then the story ends and the character tells everyone they are leaving Salem, or worse simply disappears.  And for the viewer it feels like we've wasted our time.

For example, they brought Serena to town. New character with only a connection to Eric. But instead of slowly integrating her into Salem they threw her into that horrible elephant storyline, had her constantly fighting with Nicole and then killed her off.  So what was the point? 

Now we have more newcomers taking over the show.  Tripp is on several times a week. So is Eli. I don't dislike either character, but can't help but wonder if they are going to take up all this screen time for months, and then suddenly leave town, never to be mentioned again.

This 6 month in advance filming is bad for the show too, as I find it hard to care about what is on screen when I know a character has already left the show. 

I hope Ron can do something with the characters to make me love the show again. 

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Snake and Lani sure brought the humor in today's episode didn't they? Her scream at the end was cheese-tastic. Now that Kate Mansi's hysterics have won her an Emmy, I bet Sal Stowers is slicing these clips into her Emmy consideration reel as we speak.

Can we have an entire episode with nothing but Anne and Snake? I would enjoy that.

And hey... It's Pop-Up Victor! I will forever love you for calling Jennifer out on having done nothing but cheerlead for Dan for several years only to now fawn over his accidental murderer. It's about time someone on the show pointed that out!

Hey Marlena, here's a suggestion - if you're really grateful to Jennifer for getting Eric out of his isolation cottage in the woods, maybe don't shit on her having one date with him. You used his attraction to her to get him back to Salem and now you're expecting her to screw off? Come on. You are a therapist and Eric's mother. If you really want him to focus on his life instead of sex I'm sure you can find some clever way of dropping that suggestion to him so that he won't pin all of his hopes on Little Miss Horton over there. It's completely reasonable to be concerned about two recovering addicts getting involved after both their lives fell apart but what you did today was really ineffectual and bizarre. Jennifer took it better than I thought she would and even admitted to having her ass saved multiple times?! Wow. Color me shocked.

The writing on today's show is really making up for the crap we saw on Monday.

I care exactly not at all about the Hernandez Clan and Hope's involvement with them, but hey, at least we got to see some family members acting like family members. That's pretty rare on this show. Does anyone think the Hernandez Clan will be pushed deep into the background once Dena's episodes stop airing?

I also don't care one wit for Lani nor do I believe the show is going to kill her off, so all of this manufactured drama did nothing for me and didn't advance the character relationships either so I don't really know what the point is. That said, I do think the pacing was good so...good on them for that, I guess.

If we can see a whole bunch of scenes of Roman and Marlena talking about Eric's well-being why couldn't we have seen two or three scenes of Roman caring about Marlena going after Stefano in January? (Still bitter.)

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I care exactly not at all about the Hernandez Clan and Hope's involvement with them, but hey, at least we got to see some family members acting like family members. That's pretty rare on this show. Does anyone think the Hernandez Clan will be pushed deep into the background once Dena's episodes stop airing?


While I'm not a huge Rafe/Dario fan, I want Gabby to stay. I want more Ariana. I want them front and center. It's a Will thing for me.

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I actually rather liked Eric's speech once it was finally over. It kind of felt like the show was giving him a new mission statement: to help people in his own way without having to be a doctor or a priest but while still keeping those professions in mind. I mean at least this time he gave a monologue about being better and healing...and then turned around and got a date! That's more like it, Eric!

... but yes I totally know what you mean. Shaved head big bearded Eric from January totally got me hoping Eric would have grown a backbone and start dishing out crap to the people most deserving of it.

  • Love 1

Jenn, you have replaced your addiction to pills with an addiction to addiction (her and Eric). It probably will not end well.

Eric, you do need to stand up to the Salemites. They have cast many, many stones. You served your time and whatever guilt you possess will be with you for the rest of your life. Victor can only tell you off so many times til you grow a backbone and hit back.

Tequila shots? During the day? Hope, do you really want to have the Hernandi in your life? Be a strong, independent single woman for a bit.

Snake got caught too quickly. Sort of like, what was the point? Will Lani develop some sort of addiction? Going undercover means backup.

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Today was actually a pretty good episode. I liked Chloe for a change and there weren't too many scenes of Nicole overacting. Arianne must be so checked-out if this is how she's performing. Or maybe she's just cried-out.

I'm really enjoying seeing Eric get the hero storyline. Everything has built up nicely these last few weeks with him gradually helping others and regaining his confidence. They could really have something interesting going here if Eric is rescuing Nicole and falling in love with her again while Jennifer is in love with Eric and Brady is in love with Nicole. Somehow I figure the show will mess it all up and make it really frustrating but this setup is pretty good. And unlike the Freaking Pentagon I actually care about all the characters involved and know who they are.

I still don't understand what's going on with the Brady. Did the bullet puncture his lung and that's why it collapsed? Cuz it looked pretty much like he was shot directly in the heart...

I'm starting to lose patience with John being missing. Why are they creating such a mystery around his current mission? They better think of something good to justify all of this "suspense".

I don't care about Tripp or Ava so I basically ignored all of the rest of that.

The worst things for me today were Victor continuing to be cordial with Deimos and Sonny pretending to be a thug just because he's grown his sideburns a little bit. Oy. Sonny can go back to Paris anytime he likes.

The old Nicole would have smashed Xander over the head with the vase and then stabbed him repeatedly with a blunt object just to be sure. Briefly stunning him isn't going to buy her enough time to escape.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I'm starting to lose patience with John being missing. Why are they creating such a mystery around his current mission? They better think of something good to justify all of this "suspense".

The worst things for me today were Victor continuing to be cordial with Deimos and Sonny pretending to be a thug just because he's grown his sideburns a little bit. Oy. Sonny can go back to Paris anytime he likes.


WRT John: Bad writing to explain last minute departure by an injured Drake Hogestyn. Dena can't write for shit.

WRT Sonny: Word. I can't stand him. Go away now baby mafia Kiriakis. Take boring Paul with you. 

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There's Holly hyperventilating again.

So they flew a deathly wounded Brady all the way to Salem?

The FBI is investigating this?  What about the RCMP?

Why did Marlena have Paul call John, instead of doing it herself?

"Is that Nicole"?  Uh, who the hell else do you think is there with Xander Deimos?

When is Stephanie coming to town to meet her new brother?

Why did they bring Drake back for one episode then he was gone again?

Uh, how long has Holly been with Xander without being fed and changed?

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The FBI and RCMP would probably have some sort of exchange to share information, but the kidnapping would probably be first investigated in Canada.

Must have cost a fortune to fly Brady back to Salem - the MedEvac would have cost thousands of dollars.

Xander would probably collapse from Holly's dirty diaper fumes! Amazing how he got some Greek island.

Chloe, no need for you to go running to the hospital.

Tripp, still listening to the Vitali side? Of course the real culprit is not Kayla.

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