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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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6 minutes ago, boes said:

And IMO, the lack of any spark between him and Sonny is enough to make me put on a sweater.

Sonny by himself is like a free dose of Ambien. I don't know what's going on here but this character has become dull and directionless and Freddie Smith is making some...weird acting choices a lot of the time. 

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, boes said:

Sparkle sure is back to being.....Sparkle.   He just seems like a product placement for some tooth-whitening product more than he does a character, to me.  And IMO, the lack of any spark between him and Sonny is enough to make me put on a sweater.

One thing - Show might want to try to me a tad more realistic.  Who on EARTH leaves ice cream uneated, especially in flavors you love?  Which probably says a whole lot more about me than it does about Show, come to think of it.

I like Paul, and I even notice that he flashes that Colgate smile a lot.

As for ice cream, I also would never leave ice cream uneaten. I'm more likely to be looking for more after the dish is empty!  But at least Brady was really eating his fruit cup, so that was at least realistic.

12 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Sonny by himself is like a free dose of Ambien. I don't know what's going on here but this character has become dull and directionless and Freddie Smith is making some...weird acting choices a lot of the time. 

I used to like Sonny, but I think it was just I disliked Will so much that Sonny was by default the character I sided with and therefore liked.   Now that he's back, he does seem kinda dull. 

  • Love 3

Yeah Freddie's return is a flop. Was Chandler this bland before he left too? I can't remember...

I just watched Tuesday's Orpheus Finale and I see what you mean about John disappearing. While Steve was fighting Orpheus, they could have dubbed in Drake's voice saying "hang on Doc! I'm putting the fire out!" to suggest he was struggling with the coffins off-camera. SOMETHING. They had six months to edit this differently and didn't even try.

What happened to Laslo?

I don't understand Derrick being okay with Paul flirting with Sonny in front of him at Victor's. Weird. And none of them knew where to look at the "TV" off-camera. Derrick's costume was date appropriate though. He shows up with game but then does nothing to exert some dominance over over the situation clearly not going in his favor...

Roman continues to be cut out out of most of what's going on. If John had to be edited out, why not edit in Roman leaving the station to go to the warehouse with Steve. Surely Josh could have participated in the fight scenes a bit...and that would have drawn attention away from John.

All I'm saying is, they had options.

Edit - I freeze-framed it and yup, it's Drake running into the warehouse, but we don't see him near the coffins. Hope he wasn't injured by the fire! If it happened when they were busting through the door I wonder if Steve took over for the retake and Drake just ran off camera while injured for the sake of completing the shot.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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It's nice Nicole is getting her baby but why not when you know who comes back!  Why bloody Daniel ? ? 

I get also AZ and SC go together in real life but that shouldn't factor into why Daniel's sperm is to be the parent of Chloe’s kid and now Nicole's!   Corday this show has been fairly good the last few months and your favorite character is going to haunt us forever thanks to this new kid. 


  • Love 8
28 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I don't understand Derrick being okay with Paul flirting with Sonny in front of him at Victor's. Weird. And none of them knew where to look at the "TV" off-camera. Derrick's costume was date appropriate though. He shows up with game but then does nothing to exert some dominance over over the situation clearly not going in his favor...


Nothing can get in the way of the epic true love that is Sonny and Sparkle. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DisneyBoy said:

Edit - I freeze-framed it and yup, it's Drake running into the warehouse, but we don't see him near the coffins. Hope he wasn't injured by the fire! If it happened when they were busting through the door I wonder if Steve took over for the retake and Drake just ran off camera while injured for the sake of completing the shot.

I think Drake's injury happened in the scene last week at the police station when he barged through the door into the interrogation room when Marlena and Orpheus were alone.  I've read that Drake continued working for a few days after the injury which is why there were more shows after that one.

As for today's revelation... speechless. And that's after reading the spoilers and seeing the speculation.  And the spoilers didn't even warn that we'd be seeing the "dear doctor"  on screen.  Would have liked to have known those scenes were coming!

  • Love 2

This is the worst. 

Daniel the fucking sub Kiriakis,  god son to Victor and momma is Maggie,  has managed to knock up 3 women that other Kiriakis men could not! 

Carly didn't get pregnant by Bo,  but she had a kid by Daniel 

Chloe didn't get pregnant by Philip or Brady but she had a kid by Daniel

And now Nicole. . .  she couldn't have one by Brady nor Deimos. . . by Daniel . 

I mean OMG. 

It's very Days of the show.   But Daniel!   He is the male Liz Webber of Salem ! 

If I didn't like Nicole or Miss White Rain Maggie... and Daniel flashbacks today ! 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

The levels of fuckery involved in this baby shit is unspeakable. I feel personally victimized right now. 

Prictor actually acted like a human with Theresa...I'm confused.

I'm not an expert on the whole having people murdered thing, but I would think it would be easy for a former mobster who still has shady dealings to have someone killed without it being traced back to him. 

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Jeez, how many times is that baby going to get kidnapped?

I wonder where they're going with this newspaper story.

I didn't get to see yesterday's show.  Why does this Mateo guy want Theresa to go to Mexico with him?

If I were Adrienne, I wouldn't have gone to the door with all of that pounding.  And Justin needs to back off, seriously. Will he and Titan try to destroy Jennifer and Adrienne?  At least Adrienne gets a story line.

Are all of these flashbacks originals?  I don't remember actually watching them at the time.

Why is Chloe keeping this from Nicole?

Jen Lilley is killing it.

Nicole should tell Deimos to stuff it.

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And Dena shows herself for the talentless, propping hack she is.  Get ready because this is just the beginning of the crapfest.

I promise all Steve and Kayla fans Dena isn't finished propping her other fave Ava, she will be back in some form.

All those hoping for the end of Rafe and Hope, be prepared to have them shoved down your throats even more because she won't give up on the bland nothing that is Rafe.

Pretty much every storyline and character nightmare you have ever imagined will soon begin to unfold right before your very eyes if you have the stomach to keep tuning in.

To paraphrase the late Macdonald Carey, "Like sands through the hourglass, those are the horrors of our lives."

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

So with Chloe knowing true paternity of this baby,  I would hope she tells Nicole soon or it could get ugly fast. 

If she keeps the secret away from Nicole it's probably because she doesn't like Deimos.   She might not want Deimos to play daddy to Nicole and St Daniel's baby.  


I would think Chloe doesn't do this to Nicole.  No way she'd screw over her supposed best friend just because she doesn't like or doesn't trust Deimos.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Edit - I freeze-framed it and yup, it's Drake running into the warehouse, but we don't see him near the coffins. Hope he wasn't injured by the fire! If it happened when they were busting through the door I wonder if Steve took over for the retake and Drake just ran off camera while injured for the sake of completing the shot.


Please don't let a head injury make his voice and acting any worse...

Man, what a convoluted retcon for Chloe's pregnancy.  I'm glad they're finally going somewhere with all this, but why the hell didn't she take Nicole aside and tell her about it, instead of leaving town so all the people think whatever.  What is she waiting for, and how much more convoluted will this get before it is revealed/resolved.  I really hope that Nichole finally gets the baby she has longed for all this time, even if it is Dr. Tan's.

What is with all these new story lines dropping, when there are plenty of loose ends still waiting to be resolved.  In the space of a couple days, we have Jennifer and Adrienne purchasing a paper that is suddenly a hot commodity, where it wasn't even mentioned in years, Theresa was so nicely redeemed, only to have it everything thrown out the window by a blast from the past, and Chloe is carrying Daniel and Nichole's baby, even though that was never brought even mentioned before.  

I am so impressed with JL's acting skills.  She has really matured in her role, and I love the way they redeemed Theresa, despite those who don't want to give her a chance.  I hate that they are writing her out in this manner - instead of her past, that she worked so hard to rise above, catching up with her, I would so love it if they had her exit in a more noble way.  Doing it this way sends a message that people can't escape their past.  

  • Love 4
On 11/1/2016 at 6:38 AM, gazebo said:
16 minutes ago, salvame said:


Please don't let a head injury make his voice and acting any worse...

Man, what a convoluted retcon for Chloe's pregnancy.  I'm glad they're finally going somewhere with all this, but why the hell didn't she take Nicole aside and tell her about it, instead of leaving town so all the people think whatever.  What is she waiting for, and how much more convoluted will this get before it is revealed/resolved.  I really hope that Nichole finally gets the baby she has longed for all this time, even if it is Dr. Tan's.

What is with all these new story lines dropping, when there are plenty of loose ends still waiting to be resolved.  In the space of a couple days, we have Jennifer and Adrienne purchasing a paper that is suddenly a hot commodity, where it wasn't even mentioned in years, Theresa was so nicely redeemed, only to have it everything thrown out the window by a blast from the past, and Chloe is carrying Daniel and Nichole's baby, even though that was never brought even mentioned before.  

I am so impressed with JL's acting skills.  She has really matured in her role, and I love the way they redeemed Theresa, despite those who don't want to give her a chance.  I hate that they are writing her out in this manner - instead of her past, that she worked so hard to rise above, catching up with her, I would so love it if they had her exit in a more noble way.  Doing it this way sends a message that people can't escape their past.  

Wow. I wonder why the story was out out there that the injury happened on his property.   It's a big deal if t happened at work.  OSHA would be involved.  It sounds like it's pretty serious and it's taking quite a while to convalesce .  Say what you will about his acting, but in all the years he's been on the show I've never heard anything but positive things about him in real life .    My dad suffered a head trauma when he was a little older than Drake and he says that it has impaired his cognitive functioning. He's a little slower and his memory is not the way it was. I wish Drake  all the best . 


Edited by neuromom
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I wasn't impressed by the ret-con of Nicole, Daniel, and Chloe. Why wasn't any of this mentioned over the last year? Surely Nicole could put two and two together and figure out that maybe Chloe had more medical treatments and that one worked. Granted, those are pretty expensive. Dr. Dan looked pretty good - haircut, bathed. Still incredibly convoluted.

I did like Maggie and Demios' chat.  And that he apologized to Nicole for being a jerk.

Didn't get why Justin cared about the newspaper. His ex-wife could do whatever she liked with the divorce settlement payment.

I still expect that even though Victor has been lousy towards Theresa, that he will still help her out.

  • Love 6

Show is so bouncing around and storylines are starting and stopping at the drop of a hat.

Aiden: weeks and weeks of him wanting Hope back, then in the space of an afternoon/evening he says oh, my bad, sorry, off to Portland, see ya.

Teresa: never heard anything about Mateo before, but I'll bet good money that she's gone by the end of next week if not before.

Adrienne and Jennifer decide to and buy the Spectator in an hour or two: why? What for?

Stupid Chloe pregnancy story: less said about this the better.

Even The Three Idiots, which went on way longer than it should have without any rhyme or reason hasn't had (and probably won't have) any real impact on Salem.

Edited by annabel
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Are you freaking kidding me? Super Dan is the father! I guess this baby should just go ahead and have a cape presented at its Christening! Now, Chloe's womb is housing the tanned fetus! Please tell me I'm hallucinating.


Hey Justin, get a life! What Adrienne done with the money is HER business! I don't recall hearing that there was a "Cannot Buy Spectator" clause in the divorce agreement. 


Mateo who? This is how Theresa's story is playing out? Give me a break! Of all of the stories that could have been told with Theresa, this is what we get? On the plus side, we get to see Victor act as a human being. 

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The actress who plays Chloe is actually pregnant in real life.  So I guess they wrote her pregnancy in.  I agree that this storyline is clumsily written.  I wonder how they will resolve this.  I'm hoping against hope that Nicole will finally leave that selfish snake Deimos forever.

I can't believe Mean Old Vic couldn't help Theresa to get away from that bad guy.  Victor who has so many shady dealings with all kind of underworld characters suddenly couldn't help her?

I'm going to miss Theresa.  She sure lives life precariously.

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, gazebo said:

The actress who plays Chloe is actually pregnant in real life.  So I guess they wrote her pregnancy in.

I read in all the scenes before Chloe "disappeared" they were hiding NB's belly. And that now that Chloe is back on the show, the baby belly is a prop. So they didn't have to write the pregnancy into the show.  

NB's baby was born in May, btw:  http://soaps.sheknows.com/days-of-our-lives/news/45937/days-of-our-lives-nadia-bjorlin-gives-birth

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18 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Are all of these flashbacks originals?  I don't remember actually watching them at the time.

I am thinking they were not originals and were filmed recently*. Nicole's hair was the same length in the flashbacks as it is now, and she had that short haircut for awhile. Dan looked different too, however Chloe(Nadia) was clearly not pregnant, or at least showing.

*"Recently" meaning filmed at the same time/ in the same script. Not "recently" as in the past month or so, since we all know Days' long distant filming schedule.

Edited by AManfred

I fail to understand why ISA agent Shane and mobster Prictor can't have Mateo killed. And the ISA has been made to sound shady as hell over the years so I doubt they'd need hard proof of his criminal activity  in order to detain him.

Rafe telling Ciara to go easy on Hope made me sick. 1) Ciara and Hope's relationship is none of his business; 2) He can't fault Ciara for having a problem with her mother being a murderer; 3) I'm sure Ciara already knows Stefano was a monster. That doesn't change the fact that Hope murdered him in cold blood. Hope and Rafe get more sickening by the day. 

A few episodes ago after Demios acted like an ape in the prk Nicole admitted that she understood why Chloe didn't want him anywhere near the baby. Now that Nicole is thinking about reconciling with Deimos she has no problem with ambushing Choe and taking Deimos to see her without even giving her a heads up. She's a terrible friend and her "love" for Deimos has done nothing positive for her.

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completely forgot about the other new stupid storyline.  Dario/Eduardo drug lords.  UGH.  I am assuming they are mounting some sort of sting operation? How could they do this, as they are hardly low profile Salemites.  

So now, Chloe is going to deny Nicole her baby?  Just what we need - another SL that will come back to bite us several years down the road.  The way they had Nicole just cave in to Deimos' insistence on going with her to meet Chloe almost makes me feel she deserves not to know.  Most of what Chloe said to her was dead on.

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Why did Kim not tell Theresa she was in town instead of jumping out and scaring the heck out of her like that?

Oh, Deimos, shut up!

Jeez, Theresa, never tell your mother you've used your body.

The sainted Daniel.  Do not desecrate his name.

And of course, Chloe won't be telling Nicole the truth Monday, either.

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I've missed the dashing Shane Donovan.

I did enjoy seeing Dario with little facial hair. Yep, I am shallow. Daddy needs to take a weed trimmer to his.

Theresa, you may be an adult, but there are certain things you should not share with your mom. TMI.

Chloe, shut up. Dr. Dan is gone and all that is left is his memory and his unborn kid. Maybe you should think that Nicole might be horrified that you kept on having whatever IVF treatments without her knowledge or permission.  Perhaps *you* thought it was a good idea but maybe run it past Nicole first - if she even wants a baby in this manner. Are you planning to find a big basket and put it at Nicole's doorstep as a gift? Here Nikki, here is yours and Daniel's baby. He's gone but you can now be tied to him in this weird and creepy fashion. Daniel has been dead almost a year and you are still putting Nicole through the mental and guilt spin cycle. She can move on whenever she likes to whomever she likes.

Yes, Deimos may be a jerk and out of line and perhaps needs to stop running his mouth.

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Show is making it easy for me to take a hiatus.  This "plan" for Theresa to all of a sudden go "bad" again - I don't want to watch that, don't want to watch all the ugly get thrown her way again.

Deimos, SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.  Chloe, if you did this for Nicole then TELL HER.

And for God's sake, somebody dig up Tan the Dan Man and burn his remains.  He's a worse haunt than any vampire ever was.

Kim is looking great, isn't she?  And so is Shane!  Apprentice79, I hope you're watching!  

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What the hell is Justin's problem?  Yelling at Adrienne for buying The Spectator? And for spending her own money. He can go on somewhere. 

So Theresa is going to go back to being "bad." This whole Mateo situation is out of nowhere but I like seeing her interact with Shane and Kim. Loved those scenes. Also her parents continuing to call her Jeannie amuses me. She doesn't even hate it even more. Look at Victor being nice for once. Don't think that will last long. 

So Rafe who are you to tell Ciara to go easy on Hope? You aren't even her stepfather so back off. It could just be me but VJ has improved over the last couple of months. I actually enjoyed seeing Ciara and Hope talk about what happened. 

Dr. Dan is going to haunt us all forever!! Forget the fact that I'm still bitter that Parker wasn't Phillip's. Daniel is going to have a child from beyond the grave. His and Nicole's I guess. This is awful. I would have rather bad Chloe's  baby really be from a one night stand than this. And now Chloe won't tell Nicole about the baby because she's currently attached to Deimos's ass. She could have at least warned Chloe. 

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I'm finding the Mateo SL moving waaay too fast for credibility. If we'd gotten at least a week of him stalking/being creepy, then it wouldn't feel so much like a "let's get Theresa off the canvas fast" narrative. I really can't swallow her parents letting her play helpless sex slave/ISA informant by going off to Mexico. Why not just tell Brady the situation and set Mateo up so she doesn't have to go anywhere? Or better yet, Theresa - grab the fireplace poker!

I'm trying to go with this but...it's hard.


Viv really surprised me early in her scenes opposite KA - Ciara broke down for reals and it was definitely her best moment all year.


The Spectator SL seems really random. Guess the creatives finally realized Jennifer couldn't just chase folks and judge them.

KA isnf coming across grave enough, in spite of the crying. She isn't well suited for sombre material.

Rafe is so forgettable.

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I just finished watching Friday's episode and I'm sorry but Chloe is coming off as salty and selfish! 

She was perfectly fine with Deimos being around her son Parker and playing daddy and now she riding the fence to give Nicole's baby to her from what it appears.   

Didn't she also steal the embryos so she could give Nicole her miracle baby as a surprise when its born?   "How can you  denigrate DANIEL's memory being with that man? "  Umm bitch wasn't you with Deimos aka Robert! 

Chloe is a bitter betty because Deimos fell for Nicole and not her now she wants to keep this baby secret away.   Nicole best slap her ass if and when she finds out the truth. 

Edited by BlackMamba
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The Spectator SL seems really random. Guess the creatives finally realized Jennifer couldn't just chase folks and judge them.


Now she can chase them and judge them in print.



Didn't she also steal the embryos so she could give Nicole her miracle baby as a surprise when its born?   "How can you  denigrate DANIEL's memory being with that man? "  Umm bitch wasn't you with Deimos aka Robert! 


But she didn't know who he was then, he was calling himself Robert and lying to her about why he was there -- chasing Philip down.

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I think I'm in the minority in that I think Theresa's story line might turn out okay.  I think she'll try for the whole leaving Brady and Tate thing, but Brady will refuse to believe she's gone back to her old ways and she'll be forced to tell him of her plan.  I would hope that the good guys could come up with a way to fake her death so Mateo would actually buy it, thereby setting up for Theresa's return.  While I love seeing Shane and Kim again--how much do I love their calling their daughter "Jeanie"?--I wish Patsy Pease's hair wasn't that awful shade of orange.  The color is strange and she'd look better with her natural light brown shade which is probably graying naturally now :):)

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I think I'm in the minority in that I think Theresa's story line might turn out okay.  I think she'll try for the whole leaving Brady and Tate thing, but Brady will refuse to believe she's gone back to her old ways and she'll be forced to tell him of her plan.  I would hope that the good guys could come up with a way to fake her death so Mateo would actually buy it, thereby setting up for Theresa's return.  While I love seeing Shane and Kim again--how much do I love their calling their daughter "Jeanie"?--I wish Patsy Pease's hair wasn't that awful shade of orange.  The color is strange and she'd look better with her natural light brown shade which is probably graying naturally now :):)

Her story also will,  Imo, leave the door open if the actress comes back or they recast in the future.   I don't mind her exit thusfar. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Silver Raven said:


But she didn't know who he was then, he was calling himself Robert and lying to her about why he was there -- chasing Philip down.

I don't disagree Deimos was wrong,  however,  Chloe’s opinion of him didn't totally change until she saw he and Nicole talking at her house back in April or May and he was declaring his feelings for Nicole.  

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

I don't disagree Deimos was wrong,  however,  Chloe’s opinion of him didn't totally change until she saw he and Nicole talking at her house back in April or May and he was declaring his feelings for Nicole.  

Wouldn't that be a reason?  I mean if she thought he was her good friend Robert and was able to maybe get over that he was Deimos and willing to forgive him, the realization that he is also in love with her best friend and at least on a surface level playing them both.  I think that is enough reason to see him for his true colors.

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Deimos is controlling, has a short temper, and is shady. Chloe has valid reasons for being wary of him being near that baby - which Nicole herself acknowledged. She just now chooses to ignore those concerns and throw Chloe under the bus repeatedly because she's "in love" with him. I wonder if Nicole is ok with raising that kid with someone who would kick her to the curb (or at least threaten to) every time she didn't stay in her place. She had it right when she said he's just like EJ. Too bad she never learns. 

  • Love 4

Ugh what is with this show having people randomly cheat? They had Will screw Sparkle even though it was clear they were setting it up for Sonny to cheat, then doubled down and had him screwing dudes all over LA off screen. Now they're doing the same thing with JJ. At least he does have a history of cheating, but still. He and Gabi were fine when he left to look for Failure and since he came back there was no indication that he had been unfaithful. They clearly pulled this out of their ass. And for what? So they can break up him and Gabi? Why continue having Gabi and Chad get close when they know that rodent will soon be back in Salem? She'll be back before anything serious can develop with them. These writers are stupid.

Are we supposed to believe Brad and Vicky have an open marriage? Why was she trying to get Chad naked with her husband just outside?

Too bad they couldn't have recasted Phillip with someone else or at least took JPL to some acting glasses and gave him a makeover. I like his friendship with Chloe. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
My bad, Abifail wasn't on today.
  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, buffynut said:

Is "that creature" Abigail?  I missed the show today and only read comments, but didn't see anything about her return happening today.

Sorry, I misspoke. It wasn't today's episode, even though I think she was supposed to appear today. I had to rely on a recap today and typed that before I read the whole thing. Lesson learned. 

8 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Sorry, I misspoke. It wasn't today's episode, even though I think she was supposed to appear today. I had to rely on a recap today and typed that before I read the whole thing. Lesson learned. 

No problem.  And with Chad and Gabi getting close, it's obvious Chad's wife will be back soon.

  • Love 2

That damn JJ.  His man meat is always at work!  ?   I'm kind of glad he cheated ,  not because I hate jabi,  but I hate soft do gooder JJ.   He was boring that way.   I like him flawed and somewhat of a grey character a'la his daddy!   

Plus Nicole be my guest to smack Chloe’s ass into next year!   Chloe is thinking about keeping the baby secret a secret because of her grudge with Deimos.   Foul!   She took Nicole's embryos away and didn't tell her the truth and still isn't.   If she remotely steals Nicole's child away  


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Isn't a bright red dress like Gabi's sort of gauche for a high society affair?

Yes. She's always gotta flaunt it though...I mean what was with that sexy catsuit she wore to "work" when laying out outfits for Chad? Gabi always throws too much sexy into the soup, if you know what I mean...

Her outfit was a nice homage to Pretty Woman though.

If Days kept its retcons limited to ones that would actually be appreciated and lead to interesting stories, like Kate actually being Chad's Mom, complete with pre-death Stefano flashbacks (Joe could hopefully still film one or two) discussing it with Kate, THAT I would love....instead of this stupid DanBaby stuff, and Paul...

  • Love 5

I wasn't too surprised that JJ cheated on Gabi. She's kinda cheating on him, at least emotionally. Chad DiMera is a far better pasture.

I too thought her red dress/gown was very Pretty Woman. I don't live the kind of life where I need a gown regularly.  It did seem a bit... much. Dining at the Horton Square? No resurrection of some fancy restaurant? Chad's clients/business partners seemed like stereotypes - mix business with pleasure. Ugh.

Chloe, you are probably better off vanishing and having the kid and keeping it if you don't want Nicole to know the truth. She does deserve to know that it is actually her baby and that you are a surrogate - really, without her knowledge or permission. Too bad the doctor didn't do a maternity test while he or she was at it. Whether Deimos or Santa Claus is dating Nicole, that is *her* business and not yours. Not your place to tell your friend what to do/judge her. She can make her own mistake, if that is what it is. Saint Dan the Tan Man also does not get a vote. Maybe hold a séance so you can get his permission to do whatever.

  • Love 3
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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