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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I love how Marlena always has syringes and drugs on her. 

Adrienne was being bitchy towards Justin for no reason. 

Lucas should dump Adrienne before she cheats on him with Justin, and then get with Anne. Btw, Anne's story for ending up at the Dimeria mansion was extremely ridiculous. Why not just have them meet at the park or something. 

I felt more for Gabi and Chad than I did Jen. Her tears me nothing to me. 

The fugitive story was kinda lame overall. 

  • Love 5

So. Let me get this straight, the only person who dies from this mess is Orpheus, the only one i wanted left alive.  So very Dena -- big events, bad stories, you keep proving Ms. Slezak right.  

That moron of a cop needs to be fired.  He had a whole lot of mouth when telling Marlena that she had a responsibility to tend to Orpheus, yet he incompetently allowed Orpheus to get his gun and then conveniently forgot his duty to protect and serve since when given the option to save himself or stay with the woman he was responsible for getting taken hostage twice-over, he said Dueces to Marlena with the quickness. Ass-wipe, of course he would be employed by the Salem PD.

Still feel nothing for Jennifer.  She did however disgust me when she spoke of losing Jack.  In true Horton fashion, let's gloss over the dirt you did specifically to Jack, such as screwing your tan deity and throwing him under the bus every chance you got.  I think she is such a vile, shrewish, harpie like person.  She can go anytime now, as I cant imagine Alice and Tom would be pleased with who and what she has become.

I called it in the last scene Justin and Adrienne had together that we were getting ready to see the recoupling.  Also got mention  of their other kids, perjhaps one or more will appear on  the show.  Sadly, it looks like Lucas is getting ready to be crapped on yet again.  Speaking of Lucas, two things 1) He is a better person than I because back into the street is where little Miss Anne would have gone. 2) The limbo he is in now is why making Lucas a Horton was a terrible mistake.  Making him  a Horton cut off romantic possibilities for the character.

  • Love 1

Adrienne was being bitchy towards Justin for no reason. 


He cheated on her.  That's reason enough for her to be hostile.

Of course Anne is from Brooklyn.  And of course she has problems with her mother.  Nobody likes her except Theresa.  :) "Of course I keep a bottle of wine in my carry on."

"It would be impossible for anyone not to notice you, Anne."

It sure is easy for people to sneak into that hospital.

I thought the hospital wasn't accepting any new patients.  Why did they let JJ in?

Marlena could have told that cop that she had a conflict of interest in treating Orpheus and to find another doctor. And great police work there, letting him grab your gun.

Did Kayla, JJ's aunt, operate on him?

Well, goodbye, Orpheus.

  • Love 1
19 hours ago, boes said:

I love Kayla, my bona fides on that are clear.  But for God's sake, what's wrong with her sometimes?  Seth Burns is RIGHT about keeping the hospital on lockdown.  I get tired, very tired, of her always acting the martyr about taking care of patients when she should be flat on her back in a bed taking care of herself.

We haven't seen much of Kayla in doctor mode for a long time, so it's refreshing for me.  I'm tired of her being handicapped and infantilized by Steve and Joey because of her head injury.  But I thought that scene was stupid, because it was clearly a set up to add a little bit of drama to Steve leaving the hospital... meanwhile Rafe and others seemed to be coming and going without any fuss.  And it didn't connect at all to JJ being shot outside of the hospital and requiring care.  It's all so underbaked that I can hardly bring myself to care.

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Boes, your last post cracked me up so much! Thanks for a much-needed laugh.

Well, once again they ruined their shot with an interesting villain.  They have a character whose history goes way back and he offs himself with liquid Xanax or whatever it was.  What? They could have brought him in differently minus the hick and psycho and used him to insidiously torment his Salem victims.  What was the point of having him wreak some havoc and just die at the end? They desperately need a decent villain on Days and I think Orpheus could have been great for the part.

I'm so sick of Jen's face.  She always looks like she needs to eat a bowl of prunes or something.  Could they give her one happy moment? Just one? I only want that so she'll make a different facial expression.

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 4

Bye, Orpheus. A smart ISA agent taking the easy way out? Sad. Maybe he just took enough to fake himself being dead and will get up off the morgue table and disappear for a while.

Jen's plastered to her head hair did her no favours. No real sympathy for her. Maybe she can win some sort of cruise and take Aunt Julie with her.,

Anne and her beautiful head of hair are very noticeable. I thought it was cute when she confused Adrienne and Kayla.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Bye, Orpheus. A smart ISA agent taking the easy way out? Sad. Maybe he just took enough to fake himself being dead and will get up off the morgue table and disappear for a while.

That's what I'm thinking, too.  He still has that henchman out there, right?  Lazlo?  I'm thinking he helps smuggle him out and takes him somewhere out of town for a while, where he can regroup.  George Deloy is too much of a gem to get rid of Orpheus that way.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

Marlena...where did you learn to do CPR??  She was doing 2-person CPR as 1 person.....(one chest compression every 5 seconds.)  Does no one check these things for authenticity?

Hahaha! Doubt it! why make CPR authentic when they can't make anything law enforcement related authentic.?

 I just watched Tuesday and Wednesdays episodes. There are so many continuity errors ..and so much STUPID,  that I'm not even going to go into what was wrong with the episodes. (Eduardo asking how Jen was doing, with 2 minutes left on the bomb was LOL funny..dude, can you talk Hope through things just a bit FASTER)

But, the best scene, hands down, was Orpheus telling John about how his kids basically disowned him.  I figured everything was leading up to some sort of suicide attempt. Except I'm sad because  George Deloy was the best thing to hit Days in years.  Every scene he had was gold. He elevated everyone around him. I only came back to the show to watch for him. And now that he's done, so I'm I . 

Though, his death seemed rather quick, and animated, for having essentially overdosed on barbiturates. And, I was wondering if he would die with his eyes open again though...


maybe he did fake it??? And before anyone says "but he died in a POLICE STATION", let's remember this is Salem PD. 

  • Love 3

Why is some random character showing up to confront Blanca - who herself might as well just be some random character. Who is supposed to care about this? This is Summer's Eve and that guy she killed all over again. 

I know most people here are ok with Theresa crying rape but I'm not. Just because Xander is a piece of shit doesn't mean she had to stoop to his level. False rape allegations are part of the reason why people who really have been raped sometimes have trouble getting people to believe them. 

  • Love 5

Look this show has so many problems as far as the way it depicts male-female relationships that I can't even take some of these so-called happy and rootable couples seriously. I have serious issues with the way John treated Marlena during the two-and-a-half years Kristen was back in town and I can't understand for the life of me why she would forgive him much less consider taking him back. Didn't he offer to give up his career last year? Didn't she say that seeing him in constant danger was making their relationship impossible? And here we are seeing him once again in the line of fire and her once again crying and hugging him and being a stressed-out mess. It's beyond stupid. On this show the men always have to be the bad boys with the heart of gold and the women always have to be crying victims or happy princesses rescued from their tower. It's nonsense.

And I don't even have enough knowledge of Days history to get into the ways that they've portrayed rape over the years. I'm probably less offended by Theresa's claim of attempted rape and everyone's forgiveness of it than I am with the fact that some characters ended up marrying their rapists like Sami. That just pisses me off on so many levels because it totally destroys her as a character who has any amount of self esteem or self respect.

At the end of the day I think the entire twist of Xander being a villain BS. So I'm not taking the storyline too seriously. I mean really, what's worse - Theresa knocking John into a coma or accusing Xander of rape? They're both pretty heinous. But at the end of the day she's one of the best actresses the show had in years and managed to make her crappy material work far better than some of the other actors could make their good material work. I'll miss her when she's gone and hope for her return.

Today's episode was pretty good and consistent and evenly paced. I don't like how Demos is eating up screen time and storylines left right and center, but at least we got some follow-up to his  manipulations of Philip back in January. I have zero interest in Blanca who continues to upstage Abigail and Ciara as the worst actress the show has had in years. I wasn't especially fond of the new villain in town either who speaks like a bit of a stereotype and doesn't have any angle to him yes that makes him seem even remotely interesting. That guy that Theresa dated who drugged her for Kristen, Cliff was it, at least was a bit compelling on camera. This guy just seems like a run-of-the-mill Law & Order street thug. I hope the storyline gives him some dimension and that the actor can play with that.

I'm glad the show gave Theresa the chance to fess up to her mistake because otherwise it would have hung over her head long after Jen Lilley left of the show and that would have bothered me. I don't think she and Eric are really delivering in their scenes very much these days, so hopefully if nothing else once she's off the show Eric's acting will improve by virtue of the fact that he has a fresh scene partner. They're both feeling a little by the numbers lately. I read on one of the message boards that no one has seen Jen shed actual tears in a while and I'm afraid I have to agree. Her eyes well up but a tear on the cheek once in awhile is required in soaps and I wish she could give us that.

I really was moved by the scenes with Maggie and Victor. It was nice to see Julie contributing to a story without being weird or annoying. Was all of that history with the dancing shoes and Mickey on the show back in the day? In any case this makes for a plausible reason to slowly phase Victor out of the show a bit. I'm definitely going to miss him but at the same time I think I would have rather seen Victor behind bars. This feels like too happy an ending for a man who is done too many terrible things. Victor going to prison for kidnapping Tate would have been a much more interesting ending for his character, don't you think?

Nicole continues to have extremely strong chemistry with Dario and I hope the writers take notice. I fail to have any interest in Chloe's baby and what that could mean for Deimos.

It would have been nice to see workers starting to repair the square a bit.

  • Love 2
23 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I really was moved by the scenes with Maggie and Victor. It was nice to see Julie contributing to a story without being weird or annoying. Was all of that history with the dancing shoes and Mickey on the show back in the day? In any case this makes for a plausible reason to slowly phase Victor out of the show a bit. I'm definitely going to miss him but at the same time I think I would have rather seen Victor behind bars. This feels like too happy an ending for a man who is done too many terrible things. Victor going to prison for kidnapping Tate would have been a much more interesting ending for his character, don't you think?


Maggie was handicapped, on crutches, on that farm and remained that way for her first  two years, on the show.  Mickey had amnesia and did not remember his wife Laura, when he and Maggie fell in love.  She came to Salem for her surgery. The infamous red shoes, given to her, by Mickey, was part of their love story..Dena for all of her faults, is integrating history, into her stories..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1
39 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

At the end of the day I think the entire twist of Xander being a villain BS. So I'm not taking the storyline too seriously. I mean really, what's worse - Theresa knocking John into a coma or accusing Xander of rape? They're both pretty heinous.

One of my problems with Theresa falsely accusing Xander of rape is it happened like two episodes before they decided to redeem her overnight. It was jarring to watch and didn't help the writer's' efforts to rehab her. 

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Dario has no business being nasty to Nicole. But he's out of the hospital already, huh?

Are we supposed to care about some stranger confronting basically unknown Blanca?

Have they replaced the docks for the bench in the park? Don't they realize nothing good ever happens on the docks?

Nobody from the pub did anything when Dario and Stranger Guy squared off?

Does Tate cry loudly enough to wake people up in that huge mansion?

Good to see the windows at Horton Square are boarded up.  At least they do the small details correctly.

  • Love 2

When is Theresa's last airdate? I thought it was some time this year but she doesn't seem to have much of an exit story going on. 

We don't have a date, but this is apparently her last month.


One of my problems with Theresa falsely accusing Xander of rape is it happened like two episodes before they decided to redeem her overnight. It was jarring to watch and didn't help the writer's' efforts to rehab her. 

Did one really follow the other that quickly? I agree she became a would-be designer and sympathetic figure overnight, but I was so glad to see them pulling her back from the brink that I forgave it.

I missed the other episodes this week...did Anne interact with Theresa at all, or just Lucas?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Who is this former boyfriend of Blanca/Bianca? When did she get her hair dyed ombre during the power outage and hospital emergency?

Theresa, you are lucky that Brady did not dump you when you confessed to falsely accusing Xander.

It was good to see a semi-nice romantic scene between Maggie and Victor

  • Love 5

So I guess in this alternate universe Salem exists in, neither Google or any other search engines have been invented.  Otherwise, whoever the hell Blanca's ex is called would have already just TYPED IN HER NAME and found her ages ago instead of acting like seeing her was the find of the century.   She hasn't exactly been in hiding under an assumed name.

Diemos said that talking to Philip made him feel like he was the son he never had.

Seriously??  Philip - PHILIP feels like the son he never had???

Philip is the son EVERYONE wishes they never had.


John-Paul Lavoisier is just such a SUBTLE actor, isn't he?  Thank God he doesn't indulge in tics and twitches, dance around like his thong is riding up or deliver his lines like the love child of Paul Lynde and Urkel.

And who is this imposter playing Brady?  Since when does Brady ever reflect on his own past bad behavior and not hold others to a standard he himself has never reached?  No matter, the imposter can stay.

Edited by boes
  • Love 9

Just watched the Tuesday and Wednesday's episodes and thought they were okay - bit of a letdown as far as Orpheus is concerned. Can't believe the officer left Marlena in there...and I can't believe Roman wasn't around when 99% of all his scenes take place in the police station. He had nothing to contribute to this story? Really?

It's a touch laughable that the three Cons during their presumably ten-day-long reign of terror accomplished nothing. Sorry, pardon me: the only things they accomplished like blowing up the power plant and setting off of various bombs were done off camera. And no one got hurt.

I'm not saying I like stories where people get blown up and shot, but if that's the direction they were going in it would have been a little bit more interesting if something had actually happened you know?

Well, there's Abe...and that did provide us with some of the best scenes of the stor line so I guess it wasn't a total fail.


I definitely definitely agree that they need to bring Orpheus back. He was by far the best villain the show has had in years, and I even liked Clyde quite a bit in terms of his acting. Orpheus stands above everyone though and it's a real shame they killed him off like this before even really scratching more than the surface of his potential.

I really enjoyed the scenes with Anne and Lucas. The writers brought us up-to-date on her job situation, which I was sure they would overlook or forget about. I can't imagine Anne having to grovel for her job back at the hospital given everything that's happened and how much she hates Jennifer. I didn't think her flirting with Lucas was heavy-handed. The actors handled it really well and just made it seem as though she was being her usual talkative self while also sizing up Lucas in an offhanded way. She and Theresa used to do that kind of stuff at the bars didn't they? I'm not at all surprised to see she would take notice of him given his wealth and his youth. Kudos to the actor for taking good care of himself as he's in great shape and Anne's hair of course continues to be awesome.

I'm not saying I want them as a couple, but I just really felt Anne was perfectly in character. And I love her smarking a little bit at Theresa's expense about being all about Brady. I'm also kind of tired of her constantly saying his name so that gave me a chuckle.


Vajayjay stuff was also very well handled but to be honest he's like the 45th character this year to be in the hospital near death so it's not exactly interesting since we know he'll be perfectly fine within two months.

(I know it should be The JJ stuff but autocorrect made me laugh so sure, fine, Vajayjay it is!)

  • Love 4

So Nicole tells Deimos he's the baby's father...why? She randomly had an attack of conscience? Whatever. After all of her baby lies and schemes it's a bit fucked up that she exposes Chloe like this. She could've at least given her the opportunity to confess on her own. What a terrible friend she is.

Deimos is a piece of shit. He has the audacity to scream about Nicole betraying him after everything he's one? Really? STFU. He looked like a psych throwing crates around and yelling like a banshee in the park. 

Sonny is upset because single Sparkle is going out with Derrick? STFU. He's acting like Failure right now. 

  • Love 9

Never, ever, ever forget that Deimos is responsible for Bo's death.  No matter how they try to whitewash him (and letting Xander go shows his true colors), he is a piece of filth.

Wow, Nicole, that was not your secret to tell.

"Truth matters", says the guy who lied about letting Xander go. And you are a totally disgusting excuse for a human being. Good for Nicole for slapping him.  He totally deserved that.

"This must be Arianna".  Jeez, Julie, for a person who claims to be big with family, you don't even know Will's daughter? It's your own fault for freezing out Gabi.

Ooh, Sonny being snarky on Derrick.  LOL.  But he's at fault for telling Paul he wasn't interested in a relationship.

  • Love 7

I want Paul and Sonny to leave Salem separately and Derrick to stay full time - he can be a Will do-over.


Never, ever, ever forget that Deimos is responsible for Bo's death.  

He doesn't deserve the distinction of killing Bo. When is Hope going to get around to hurting him for that? Where did things stand between them? I can't remember how that did or didn't wrap up.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2

Nicole, it was wrong of you to out Chloe's 'secret'. It is her place to tell Deimos that he is the father of her child. Although no matter what, even if Chloe did tell Deimos about the true paternity, she would probably blurt out that she told Nicole so Nicole would see the Deimos the Psycho. Nicole, he is showing you who he is in his angry outburst. Yes, be angry, but don't take it out on the park or the pier or wherever. The woman you supposedly love does not need to see you flying off the handle like that. Nikki, good for you for slapping him. I expect we'll see Chloe 2.0 - The Wrath of Deimos soon.

Sonny, jealous a bit of Paul and Derrick? You told Paul you didn't want anything. Not your business. An ex is an ex for a reason. Sometimes people do grow and get back together but not always. Your mother can marry anyone she chooses. You are an adult and you don't get a vote.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, annabel said:

Deimos is responsible for Bo's death?? I know that idea has been tossed around, but is he really? How and why?

He was trying to hurt Victor and wanted to steal the drug Victor got created that saved Caroline and gave her fortune telling powers.  So he kidnapped Bo to torture him into telling him all he knew about it. Bo's fatal illness was derived from his captivity.

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VI and AZ did a great job with these scenes. 

I'm still confused how they both believe the Chloe is carrying is his baby.  Nevertheless Deimos was winning this argument until he had to go there about Nicole's inability to have a child.   She had every right to slap him into next year with that.   Furthermore,  Deimos has a lot of nerve shitting on his love for Nicole when he only fell in love with her because she filled the void left behind with Helena!    And while Nicole didn't listen to Chloe about him,  Deimos doesn't come out of this smelling like daisies by a long shot! 

Edited by BlackMamba
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I have to tell you, I really liked that the show took the time to have the various characters setting up plans to capture the bad guys--I particularly enjoyed Chad, Andre, Lucas and Adrienne's at the DiMera Mansion--BF's Chad was on fire when he told off Clyde for hurting Jordan and her mom and he was also one of the main reasons Ben was so crazy.

I also like that the writers are showing Chad and Gabi's growing bond--how awesome what Chad's quick look at Julie when he heard her nasty tone towards Gabi?  He quickly got Gabi and Ari out of there--very cool.  BF's Chad is pretty much my only reason for watching the show anymore.

And for someone who goes on and on about family, wouldn't it behoove Julie to make piece with Gabi? She's Ari's mother and in a relationship JJ--she is part of the Horton family and Julie needs to accept it and start acting like the mature women in her 70's she's supposed to be.

  • Love 7
59 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

And for someone who goes on and on about family, wouldn't it behoove Julie to make piece with Gabi? She's Ari's mother and in a relationship JJ--she is part of the Horton family and Julie needs to accept it and start acting like the mature women in her 70's she's supposed to be.

I am okay with Julie being Anti-Gabi, she did murder her relative, in cold blood.  It would be unrealistic, for Julie, to be nice to her.  It is  in her character, with Julie, she never forgot or forgave Susan, for killing her son's father. 

  • Love 1
29 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

I am okay with Julie being Anti-Gabi, she did murder her relative, in cold blood.  It would be unrealistic, for Julie, to be nice to her.  It is  in her character, with Julie, she never forgot or forgave Susan, for killing her son's father. 

There's a difference between being BFF with Gabi and being cordial to her. The constant snide comments and stank behavior isn't necessary. She's already made her feelings clear so she doesn't need to keep going on and on about it, and she definitely needs to stop treating JJ like a child and telling him to dump her. If she can't be peaceful she should keep her mouth shut. Also, she (and the rest of the Hortons) ignored Nick, his bad behavior, and his obvious problems up until an hour before he died so she needs to have a seat. 

  • Love 8
Just now, LeftPhalange said:

There's a difference between being BFF with Gabi and being cordial to her. The constant snide comments and stank behavior isn't necessary. She's already made her feelings clear so she doesn't need to keep going on and on about it, and she definitely needs to stop treating JJ like a child and telling him to dump her. If she can't be peaceful she should keep her mouth shut. Also, she (and the rest of the Hortons) ignored Nick, his bad behavior, and his obvious problems up until an hour before he died so she needs to have a seat. 

I agree with you. Julie should be respectful and not be so bitchy to Gabi, especially, in front of Arianna, who will feel the tension.  However, It is in character for her to be this way.

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I know I'm the only that liked today's episode,  but I thought it was good. 

Andre shading Kate sleeping with Clyde was everything.   Now look at her about to push up on sexy Eddie.   She just can't help herself,  honey.  

The comparison/contrast between Steve/Kayla's date (which was really beautiful and cute on the pier)  vs hell date Hope/Aiden was good scenes.   It was great seeing Hope get her brain cells back that she isn't Aiden's toy that he can just make her do anything for him.   The most powerful line was at the end when she told, "You will not do what your son did to my daughter."  That's it Hope,  it's election season,  be the best nasty woman you can be!   ✊

Good episode for me even if I'm the only one.  ?

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

The writers probably think I'm rooting for Hope/Rafe/Roman, but I'm not. Fuck them. They're no better than Aiden at this point. 

Was the hatchet job they did on Aiden the first time not enough? The fuck is wrong with these people. 

If Hope/Rafe/Roman could stand on their own, the show wouldn't need to run Aiden.  You have three trash characters but we are supposed to love them. I wouldn't give them a second thought if Hope/Rafe/Roman were written off the show.  I still cant get over how the show managed to destroy 30 years of love for Hope. I could never stand Rafe and Fauxman has been a waste since his good buddy Corday gave him the role.

  • Love 4

Kayla, nude pumps with that dress! The pier date was sweet and lovely. Red dress - nice tie-in to the 'Lady in Red' song that was used for Patch and Kayla back in the day.

I like Daniel Cosgrove and he is selling Aiden. Decent actor. Hope's date is probably what she deserves.

Not a huge fan of lace tops, but I did like Kate's for some reason.

  • Love 3

I also enjoyed today, except for the Rafe parts.

Andre giving Kate trouble for sleeping with Clyde was awesome.  I'd really like an explanation for that because it never made a damn bit of sense that someone as sophisticated and ruthless as Kate would have sex with a small-town drug dealer with delusions of grandeur.

So, if it is as some have speculated and Andre is really Tony, why would Tony come back to town claiming to be Andre?  Were one or both of them presumed dead?

  • Love 2

MBE and SN have sooo much chemistry.  I'm not impressed by the writing for them right now -- since when did Kayla create all their issues? Aren't they ever going to talk about how the years apart impacted them? -- but their connection shines through the dreck.

It's been a year, and I still don't understand what they're trying to do with Eddie.  First he was chasing after Kate, then they were chem-testing him with Eve who he had abandoned, then he spent months trying to win back Adriana who he had abandoned, and now he's back to Kate.  I only have half a clue who he is, and I suspect that's all because of AM's charisma and not much else.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I also enjoyed today, except for the Rafe parts.

Andre giving Kate trouble for sleeping with Clyde was awesome.  I'd really like an explanation for that because it never made a damn bit of sense that someone as sophisticated and ruthless as Kate would have sex with a small-town drug dealer with delusions of grandeur.

So, if it is as some have speculated and Andre is really Tony, why would Tony come back to town claiming to be Andre?  Were one or both of them presumed dead?

Tony was killed onscreen a couple of years ago, after finally coming back to Salem.  John, Marlena, and Anna rescued him from that island he was on for 20 years.  Retconning the previous 20 years as it was Andre who was in Salem as both Tony and Andre, which completely doesn't make any sense, but anyway.

Tony would never in a million years pretend to be Andre.  Andre is too one note.  I say Deena just kills Andre off for good and have Thaao play Tony moving forward.

Marlena reunited with Tony.  One of my all time favorite scenes of Days.  You forget how close Tony and Marlena were. Part 1 and 2.

Edited by JBC344
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