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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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18 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I don't know.  It made no sense. Jordan should have shouted that her step-father raped her from the rooftops, and let the chips fall where they may.

So maybe what I'm recalling is not that the show backed away from making Clyde a sexually abusive stepdad, but just that Jordan seemed to have forgotten about it? Or that she didn't really ... care? It doesn't make any sense.

From what I remember, which may have been partially fabricated by my attempts to make sense of a crappy plot line, Jordan just kind of gave up after Rafe dumped her or she dumped Rafe, and Ben started cozying up to Clyde. It felt like she just had enough of everyone being stupid and left town. That girl's got survival instincts, I'll give her that.

And I didn't notice it when the episodes first aired but upon re-watching Rafe says that Jordan has no desire to see Clyde when they're discussing a game plan at the police station. So at least she has been referenced, even if she won't be involved. I'm guessing she's invented the another new life for herself, but it's interesting that Rafe still has her number...take note Hope!

  • Love 3

Not much else to say today. Everyone's already summed up a 'filler' episode. Did enjoy the shirtless Xander. And the return of Eduardo. You made a mistake? Really? You've unleashed the Terrible Trio on to the innocent Salemites? Maybe some will be getting a visit from karma.

The show didn't have to saddle Chloe with another kid. Maybe there weren't enough potted plants to hide the actress or other fakery that programs use.

Claire, you live with your grandparents now. Their home, their rules. You can move out once you find a job that you can pay rent and bills with - more like an apartment or dorm with other folks.

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, buffynut said:

I'm having a hard time fitting the show back into my afternoon schedule.  I did turn it on for the last 15 minutes today and enjoyed what I saw.

I know some of you don't like Paul, but I enjoy the father/son chemistry between Drake and Christopher.  Loved them sitting there eating donuts! LOL.

I totally dislike Dario though, which is strange because when they first showed him in LA I liked him and thought he and Nicole had chemistry and might become a couple. Then once he came to Salem they turned him into a jerk.  Was the "Dario" character on the show before? I know they referenced his past with Victor, but I wasn't sure if it was a real past, or a retconned one?

Dario was on the show years ago, back in 2011.  He didn't stick around long.  He was paired with Melanie back then.  They also slightly SORASED him this time around.

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Claire is an idiot, and gets more insufferable by the day.  These teens are vapid, boring, and entitled - and in Joey's case, a cold-blooded murderer.   Is this how the adults writing the show see teens?  If so, I'd be quite offended if I was a teen and wouldn't be the least bit interested in tuning in to this show.  Thankfully, there are plenty of kids out there who are interested in college; who are not addicted to duck-face selfies; who don't throw themselves at older, grieving men; and who don't go around smothering people and committing armed robberies.

Sandman, I think Jordan didn't reveal Clyde to be a child-raping creep because she was scared of what he would do to her.  I think he even used Ben against her at one point, implying that the secret would damage the relationship between them (Jordan and Ben).  The whole thing was manipulative, gross and stupid.

  • Love 6

Kate....you're complaining about getting involved with the wrong guy...to ANDRE?? Dude's a serial killer, right? LOL

I call BS on Kate feeling sorry for Ben. But then, so did Andre (thank you Andre).

I suspect Lauren is as confused as we are about everything Kate is saying and doing. Clyde tried to murder you last night, and had to be chased off while vowing revenge, but you are going to stay at home alone without any security?

Today's episode should be titled "Everyone moves in with Victor".

Victor gets the quote of the day - " thank God Sonny is gay!"

Whoever it was that took issue with my not liking Eddie, please note - I liked him today. He's far more palatable when he isn't doing the Macho Man schtick. I thought his genuine concern for Kate was very likeable even if it's a touch hypocritical considering his past...and it reflects badly on his relationship with Mama Hernandez, who he apparently was desperate to win back. Better hope she doesn't come back to Salem or she is going to be pissed off at you!

Deimos was even rather enjoyable today. I think if they can keep him at this level of charming and spooky it'll work.

Was that toast at the end of the episode a non alcoholic beverage? Because Brady is an alcoholic, Dena - please don't forget that.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 8
48 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Kate....you're complaining about getting involved with the wrong guy...to ANDRE?? Dude's a serial killer, right? LOL

I call BS on Kate feeling sorry for Ben. But then, so did Andre (thank you Andre).

I suspect Lauren is as confused as we are about everything Kate is saying and doing. Clyde tried to murder you last night, and had to be chased off while vowing revenge, but you are going to stay at home alone without any security?

Today's episode should be titled "Everyone moves in with Victor".

It is weird how everybody is so scared of the three villains, but, people forget that Andre killed alot of people;more than the three villains combined....Andre was not needed..However, Tony is....If the show were to make Andre a brainwashed Tony.. I would be over the moon....The Tony/Stefano dynamic was so awesome...What James E. Reilly did to the character was unconscionable.......

Kate should be with Lucas and Arianna.....Not cavorting with the likes of Andre..Does anybody remember Clyde threatening Arianna? 

Shut the hell up Victor....His misogyny is so offensive on so many levels..That scene with the Kiriakis men was so stupid..I did love Victor's quip about Fauxman being an idiot....Sonny should have cuts ties with Victor for keeping quiet about his stabbing...Clyde was a danger not only to him, but, to Will and Arianna...

I still cannot stand Deimos....He is just like Daniel, propped and unnecessary..I do like the actor, he just has a horrible role..He could have been a  rogue, ambitious, secretive business man  with a hidden agenda. He could have been having flirtations with Hope, Adrienne and Kayla..The show used to do chemistry testing back in the day... A new mysterious business man in town could have been a good way to introduce the character..There was no need to make him a retcon Kiriakis. The same goes for Sparkle.....

Chloe and Nicole are also a weird combination...I remember Nicole trying to give her a flesh eating bacteria, in her efforts, to snag Brady...Nicole is much better with someone like Sami....I never understood why the show made them enemies, when they could have been causing trouble together..

Dario is so insufferable....He is just like Rafe...I want him gone..What a self-righteous jerk! His daddy issues is tiresome...Facial hair is not a good look on the actor..Not everybody, can pull off facial hair like Peter Reckell....Peter as Bo was always looked  good with it....

I cannot look at the actor that plays Philip..He is living proof on the importance of applying sunscreen every day..I was shocked to learn that the actor is only in his thirties.....He looks much older than that....

The show was okay today, nothing exciting, but, nothing horrible either..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Does anybody remember Clyde threatening Arianna? 

*Raises hand* When Will was holding her, right? In the apartment?

Yes, you got it..What made that scene so creepy, was the little girl playing Arianna was scared of Clyde.....I wish that Sonny would know this, it would add to his resolve to get Clyde...

  • Love 2

The show may not be perfect, but I did like a lot of today's episode. Especially liked having all the Kiriakis men in the house together.  How long has it been since that many related characters were in scenes together?  And I actually laughed at a couple lines:  "thank God Sonny is gay" and "your house is my father's house".  

  • Love 7

I love the scenes in the mansion with all the crazy Kiriakis men bickering with each other.  As far as I can see, Mean Ole' Vic is the cause of practically all the discord within the family.  It was brilliantly comedic in a way.  And who doesn't love Victor's sarcastic remarks and great zingers?  

It was good to see Thaao today.  He actually looks pretty good in those jeans.  Nice seeing him look all casual.  When  Kate mentioned Tony's name I got pretty excited.  Maybe Tony will come back too and do battle with Andre!  That would be so cool!  

I can't wait to see everyone under one roof at the Kiriakis mansion!  They will probably kill each other before Clyde, Xander and Orpheus gets them.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

Wow. So Sonny FINALLY learns why he was stabbed and it leads to nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Yeah, so did the reveal that Clyde switched the paternity test results. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they go 3 for 3 and make Clyde explain that he had EJ killed only to have nobody particularly care. They seem to have brought him back only to tie up loose ends as quickly as possible.

I forget the details around Sony's stabbing, but wasn't there more to the story that would have made Victor look bad? Maybe that's why Victor didn't spill all the beans. But your point stands, it would have been nice to see more from that thread being tied up.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Personally I was really hoping Sonny would've tried to hit Victor only to be stopped by Justin who then punches him out himself. I really Hope Sonny plays the guilt card (by lifting his shirt and making Vic look at the scar on his side) as in he gets a sizable share of the family fortune no questions asked. I can't wait for Mags to find out about this.

It occurs to me that this is way for the higher ups to save money for the show with all the Kiriakis's actors basically using the same set now.....or am I wrong?

  • Love 3
19 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I can understand why she wouldn't want to broadcast that information, especially not to Kate. 

True enough; in Jordan's place, I wouldn't be feeling like sharing much with Kate. Still, it's Jordan's apparently non-existent problem with Clyde that makes me wonder about either the writing or the actress's performance. Jordan always seemed more annoyed by Clyde than anything else, to me. She never seemed either credibly threatened or outraged by him.

Does Sonny know that Victor's the reason he got shanked? I'm not so clear on that anymore, either.

1 hour ago, madhacker said:

It occurs to me that this is way for the higher ups to save money for the show with all the Kiriakis's actors basically using the same set now.....or am I wrong?

That's what I thought, too. "Welcome to Kiriakisville! Population: Everyone."

If Dario and Eduardo both left the show, would I notice? I think not.

4 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Wow. So Sonny FINALLY learns why he was stabbed and it leads to nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Oops. Missed that.

  • Love 1

I sure hope Deimos stocked up on supplies, since he's filling the house with all those Weebles.  I'm sure he has enough food and all, but has he stocked up on Nair?  Because Philip and Brady alone could run through a normal supply in a week.

And any day that ends with Brady being the voice of reason is a day wasted.

BTW, Kate is SO Chad's real mother.  And Andre will be the one to expose it.

  • Love 7

Where does everyone fit in the Kiriakis mansion?  They'd be better off bunking at the Salem Inn - at least the rooms have electronic access cards. How big is the breakfast table?

All those Kiriakis men in the living room of the mansion and maybe two functioning brains between them all. Victor's lines were good, though. Chloe should put two and two together and clue in that she has worked her way through most of the Kiriakis men.

Nicole has been a journalist. She can sniff out that something is not quite right and perhaps Deimos is hiding something. Like a Trojan pony.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Sonoma said:

So has Nicole, she's even worked on old Victor.

I think it is so gross that Victor can carry on about Chloe being a "slut" when more than half of the other citizens of Salem have done so much worse to him and his family. 

His carrying on about Nicole and Chloe wore thin for me twenty years ago, which was five minutes after it started.  Seriously, he has had more begrudgingly respect for Stefano than he can muster for these two women.  I find Victor to be a useless caricature.  The last time he was a full fledged character and/or interesting was when he was with Kate back in the 90's.  Since then all he does is spout "slut/whore" at any woman he doesn't like, and has the strangest co-dependent relationship with his grandson I have ever seen displayed on a soap.  When they were setting up Victor and Maggie I thought this could be an interesting way to soften Victor just a little to make him more relatable, now I just find myself wondering what the hell someone like Maggie is doing with him.  Seriously it was like "Let's put these two older characters together, instead of an interesting story of established characters coming together."

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

His carrying on about Nicole and Chloe wore thin for me twenty years ago, which was five minutes after it started.  Seriously, he has had more begrudgingly respect for Stefano than he can muster for these two women.  I find Victor to be a useless caricature.  The last time he was a full fledged character and/or interesting was when he was with Kate back in the 90's.  Since then all he does is spout "slut/whore" at any woman he doesn't like, and has the strangest co-dependent relationship with his grandson I have ever seen displayed on a soap.  When they were setting up Victor and Maggie I thought this could be an interesting way to soften Victor just a little to make him more relatable, now I just find myself wondering what the hell someone like Maggie is doing with him.  Seriously it was like "Let's put these two older characters together, instead of an interesting story of established characters coming together."

Victor/Kate were a wonderful couple..I have never understood why they broke them up..Meeting Isabella and having Philip should have been the two events that served to propel Victor to new heights in his characterization..He would never be a character like Tom Horton, his history with the Bradys would forever preclude that, from ever happening....However, Victor, being reduced to a curmudgeon, spouting snarky ,one-liners has done the character a disservice in the long run...

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It's so ridiculous watching everyone holed up at the Kiriakis mansion, just like Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians.  They mentioned the Corleones and that made me realize how ridiculous this is.  A big crime family like the Kiriakises are brought to their knees by a couple of dimwitted felons? (Orpheus is more of a threat, so I understand being careful about him.)

This is why soaps are so annoying.  They can't just wipe these guys out in a week or so.  They have to drag it on for eternity.  I would love a scene where all three criminals are shot like in the Godfather's baptism scene.  Ah, that would be so satisfying.

They need a real Mafia family on Days.  One that truly doesn't mess around with insignificant little pustules like Clyde and Xander.  (Oh my gosh, I hate Clyde so much.  Xander too, but Clyde makes me want to punch a hole in my screen.  And I hope they never show that lunatic neanderthal son of his again.)

Oh, I loved Kate and Victor too.  Why they broke them up is beyond me.  They were perfect together.

Edited by Polaris
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4 minutes ago, Polaris said:

Oh, I loved Kate and Victor too.  Why they broke them up is beyond me.  They were perfect together.

A dark grey power couple that had possibilities.....I loved the fact that Philip was their last chance of having a family....Both were deprived of raising a son and a daughter..It was so poignant for me, their coming together.....It was when I stopped hating Victor..

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

A dark grey power couple that had possibilities.....I loved the fact that Philip was their last chance of having a family....Both were deprived of raising a son and a daughter..It was so poignant for me, their coming together.....It was when I stopped hating Victor..

They did have a great relationship before TBTB screwed that up.  It's so funny to think about it now; Kate was the "good girl" to Vivian's "bad girl" back then. There was also a realistic sense of family.  Even before Phillip came along you had; Austin Billie, Lucas, Bo, Sami and Carrie very much integrated into the Kiriakis  family.  I loved Bo and Billie getting together allowed Bo to be somewhat closer to Victor.  Then we had Will and Phillip growing up in the mansion together as babies.

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5 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

They did have a great relationship before TBTB screwed that up.  It's so funny to think about it now; Kate was the "good girl" to Vivian's "bad girl" back then. There was also a realistic sense of family.  Even before Phillip came along you had; Austin Billie, Lucas, Bo, Sami and Carrie very much integrated into the Kiriakis  family.  I loved Bo and Billie getting together allowed Bo to be somewhat closer to Victor.  Then we had Will and Phillip growing up in the mansion together as babies.

I loved the  familial relationships that were coming from the Kate/Victor romance....I also loved the Victor/Lucas bond that has been forgotten....Plus, you always had the possibility of Justin and his family coming back one day, to shake things up a bit....So many missed opportunities...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Victor should be happy that Theresa, Chloe, and maybe even Nicole are coming to live in his house. He can yell "slut" all day long.

You just know that even though they are all there together with tons of security and supposedly the terrific Salem police force around, that the three amigos are still going to waltz right in and terrorize them all.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

I loved the  familial relationships that were coming from the Kate/Victor romance....I also loved the Victor/Lucas bond that has been forgotten....Plus, you always had the possibility of Justin and his family coming back one day, to shake things up a bit....So many missed opportunities...

Amen.  You wouldn't think that Lucas and Victor had a relationship all those years.  When Victor was so outraged over Lucas and Adrienne he annoyed me with his constant "Justin is family".  "Hey Victor, so is Lucas". You have had just as much of a relationship with Lucas as you ever did with Justin.  I also felt that way about Victor's stance on Will and Sonny breaking up.  He should of been way more conflicted instead of just disregarding Will in favor of Sonny.  As if Will didn't grow up under Victor's roof for a lot of his childhood. 

This is why I have always appreciated the Kate/Sonny relationship.  There has always been a real sweetness/fondness in their scenes together, even from the beginning.  Kate or Sonny never specifically reference this but it's as if they are infusing the proper history with Sonny claiming to be so close to Victor growing up that a lot of that time he was married to Kate so he grew up with Kate as his aunt. 

I will give Victor some credit in that he did step in and help out when Sami was in trouble with Dimera Enterprises, and claimed that he was happy to help because Sami was family.  It was a sweet moment especially considering with all of Victor's enemies over the years Sami was the one to actually put him out of commission.

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Sometimes I have crazy fantasies of a deus ex machina type of event where the Borg from Star Trek come down and zap all of the repulsive characters from Salem.  I want to see Victor shaking in his boots along with all of the other trash that's collected in Salem.  

Yeah, that sounds nuts, but it's fun to imagine all of them getting what they deserve.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, madhacker said:

It occurs to me that this is way for the higher ups to save money for the show with all the Kiriakis's actors basically using the same set now.....or am I wrong?

Someone over on the other forum posted that it is like Dallas with the whole family living together and everyone hating everyone else.

15 hours ago, rcc said:

Something is up with Deimos. He sat there smirking with all the Kiriakis men fighting among themselves. Nicole tells Chloe she doesn't trust him. I think she's on to something.

Yes, definite change of mind with Nicole not trusting Deimos again. It's like the writers can't make up their minds whether he is good, bad or a mix of both. That smirk at the end had to mean something though.

8 hours ago, boes said:

I did laugh when, after Deimos said he's slept with Chloe, Victor responded, "Voluntarily??"  

A lot of funny lines yesterday. 

Edited by buffynut
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8 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Amen.  You wouldn't think that Lucas and Victor had a relationship all those years.  When Victor was so outraged over Lucas and Adrienne he annoyed me with his constant "Justin is family".  "Hey Victor, so is Lucas". You have had just as much of a relationship with Lucas as you ever did with Justin.  I also felt that way about Victor's stance on Will and Sonny breaking up.  He should of been way more conflicted instead of just disregarding Will in favor of Sonny.  As if Will didn't grow up under Victor's roof for a lot of his childhood. 

This is why I have always appreciated the Kate/Sonny relationship.  There has always been a real sweetness/fondness in their scenes together, even from the beginning.  Kate or Sonny never specifically reference this but it's as if they are infusing the proper history with Sonny claiming to be so close to Victor growing up that a lot of that time he was married to Kate so he grew up with Kate as his aunt. 

I will give Victor some credit in that he did step in and help out when Sami was in trouble with Dimera Enterprises, and claimed that he was happy to help because Sami was family.  It was a sweet moment especially considering with all of Victor's enemies over the years Sami was the one to actually put him out of commission.

I love your post..Victor was always a great support system for Lucas, during his battles with Sami, over the custody of Will, even after his bitter break-up with Kate.  I remember when Will was born, Victor made it his business to go see his step-grandson via Kate at the hospital.  He was very sympathetic to Will, when the lie and coverup about Gabi's pregnancy was revealed.  He spoke to Sonny about not being too hard on Will, he even referenced Will's paternity being revealed at Sami's and Austin's aborted wedding.  His inexplicable hatred  of Will over his affair with Paul was perplexing to me.  Victor in character would have threatened Paul about his intrusive presence in the Wilson marriage.  He would have told him to back off and let them work it out, especially, for Arianna's sake.  Victor's absurd loyalty to Paul over Will, was so contrived and it pissed me off.  Victor for all of his flaws was always about family..It was always his obsession in life and Kate shrewdly used this to cement her place in Victor's life...

Even in his interaction with Sami was always interesting to me and it goes back to when Sami and Eric were little.  When Rojohn was engaged to Isabella, Victor told him that since Isabella was going to be the twins' stepmother, he intended to play an active role in their lives as their step-grandfather....John was appalled  and uncomfortable by this, but, even he had to admit, that was a nice gesture on Victor's part.  Victor used to always go to their softball games.  lol...Family is very important to Victor.  So, his apathy towards Philip and even Brady is so out of character, given his past, that goes back to his  complicated backstory with Justin in Greece....

I too love the Kate/Sonny interactions in the past and  Sami/Sonny had potential to be awesome as well..Tomsell was never good at developing friendships.....Since the show liked to downplay the relatives that Wilson had in common, for example, I remember Sonny referring to Kayla to Will, as your aunt Kayla....Forgetting that Kayla is his aunt as well via his uncle Steve..lol I have no doubt that Sonny and his brothers grew up offscreen with Kayla and Stefanie..Adrienne and Kayla would have kept in touch, after Steve died...

Edited by Apprentice79
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Man oh man, but is it a rule that anyone who is in the Horton house has to be unpleasant?  From Joey and Ciara's underhanded comments to Claire to Julie's comment about Gabi to JJ, everyone just seemed mean.  I guess that's what happens when you are forced to play charades with Julie and Jen.

Although I did love JJ's dismissive, "Nice to see you Julie" after her shrewish "After what Gabi did to Nick, you should stay clear" comment--she wanted him to freak out defensively while she looked smugly self-righteous.  Good for him for denying her that reaction.  

I am all for Chad and Gabi--their chemistry together leaps off the screen and she is a better partner for him then either Abby or Ciara.  Plus, CB is a good actress and it's about time BF got to work with someone worthy of his talent.

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Sorry but I don't think CB is such a great actress. In fact she reminds me of a girl I know who thinks very highly of herself, and she too is a sort of model. CB isn't quite as smug as Kate Mansi so that's a plus I suppose...but I'm still not a fan.

Today was well written and it was great to see so many characters in one episode. I do have to call BS on everybody suddenly being on lockdown though. If that was the case wouldn't John and Marlena want Claire to be with them? This is only like her second night in Salem without her parents around right?

And wouldn't Theo feel safer in the mayor's mansion than the DiMera household, which is a very likely target of the convicts? Oh wait... I forgot. They never bothered to actually build a mayor's mansion set for Abe and Theo to live in.

Did they play the same love song during the original sex scene between Joey and Jade as they did today? Today's song was good. Much better than the songs they've been using for montages the last few weeks. Today was also the first time I wasn't extremely turned off by that particular sex scene...I guess the show backing off the idea of Jade being Ava's daughter is finally starting to work. Maybe I'm finally starting to see Jade as a unique character independent of that storyline. It's a shame I don't think distancing her from Ava will make her viable in the long run. She really is one of the better young actors on the show.

Caroline has been suspiciously absent of late. I hope the actress is ok. I find it rather clumsy that Steve would go to the pub specifically to get chowder from Caroline only to have the pub be completely empty when Hope arrives with Aiden shortly thereafter. Was it open? Closed?

That sweater thing was doing Judi Evans no favors. Why is wadrobe always dresssing the women in tight stuff? Julie seems to be the only person immune and free to wear loose blouses. (Lord Julie is annoying and Claire is suddenly catching up)

Wonder if the Kiriakis mansion also lost power?

Would have been nice to show Chad investing in a panic room before today to set up the idea...but why would he need one if there are secret passageways and rooms all over the property?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2

 I have no complaints. Great mix of characters, good family and friend interactions. Good episode. I just want more Lucas in any and every capacity....Lucas/Ari was precious, more please...

I have no problem with Julie hating Gabi, she killed her family member..She is free to live her life unmolested, while, Nick is dead...I hated how Nick was sacrificed for Wilson..It was unnecessary and lazy writing on the part of Tomsell...Nick was at his best with Chelsea.  They should have reunited and leave town together...Nick saved Chelsea from self-destruction and self-loathing, she should have done the same for him..

The villains are awesome..Orpheus is the best villain that the show has ever had...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

Catching up. 

I'm loving all the people in the Kiriakis mansion.  (It reminds me of how the Quartermaines used to be on GH, before nearly all of them were ruthlessly killed off.)  Plus, it gives all these disparate people a chance to interact and form/break alliances. and keeps them out of the bubbles that so many have been stuck in the for the last three or four years.  I hope they all stay there after the threat has past.  However, Victor needs to stop with the slut/whore degradation right now.  Besides, if anyone deserves that epithet, it's Brady.  Victor wasn't wrong about Roman, though.

I also enjoyed Kate and Andre together.  He's clearly on to Eduardo's fuck-up.

The character mixing and dialogue has definitely improved; it's just too bad some story lines were tied up so clumsily and/or hastily (Tate's kidnapping, Belle and Shawn leaving, Chad learning Clyde fiddled with the paternity test, Sonny learning it was Clyde who stabbed him).  Hopefully that last one will be revisited, and Sonny will learn not only the WHO but the WHY.

  • Love 6

I'm still not on board the Lucas/Adrienne train and wish he could get some scenes that didn't involve her.

It was a stupid idea to keep Ciara, Joey, and Claire on lockdown with Julie and Jen. I would rather walk around Salem and take my chances rather than be stuck in a house with those two pieces of shit.

When Julies mentions what Gabi did to Nick someone should remind her that Nick tried to rape her, spent months manipulating her, and schemed to keep Will away from his child.

Is this the first time Chad and teen Theo have had a scene?

  • Love 6

No, I seem to remember Chad encouraging Theo's interest in Ciarra a few months ago, but I can't really remember when. The big hugs and smiles felt a little strange though considering Ciarra was both very involved with the two of them. Bros before hoes? I'm guessing the actors just like each other.

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Really enjoying all the characters popping into other character's lives. This is what was happening this time last year, and then ... poof... everyone ended up in horrible story-lines and only got to interact with one or two other characters.  

Loved Hope visiting Kayla. In fact, this was the first time I didn't hate Hope in a long time. And Ciara seemed more likable, with Claire now becoming the annoying teen.  Even Joey wasn't so bad today. At least he just stepped out onto the front step, did't exactly leave his mother alone. 

It does seem random to me that Chad and Gabi are interacting, but I gather they were friends/a couple in the past. Also, since I know nothing about Nick, Julie's comments don't mean anything to me either, though I assume Nick's murder is the reason Gabi was in prison.

Anyway, slowly getting back into the habit of watching.  And it certainly helps that I'm liking what's airing.

  • Love 4

If you like a family interactions,  you definitely get a lot this episode. 

So happy to see Hope and Kayla sharing scenes together. 

Claire really thought her voice was better than Chloe and she has no YT hit yet.   Well she shaded herself.   I could had told her that. 

Julie tells JJ he might want to leave Gabi alone because of Nick.   Umm ok where is Laura?   It would be nice if she said these things instead of Julie, even then Nick is no saint,  Julie.   Give it up.   He almost raped Gabi and he was an all out ding ding.   No one cares about him but you. 

Chad and Gabi trapped in a panic room.  At least there is water when it gets hot. 

LOL can't help but giggle as Orpheus is over Xander.  

The only thing that ruins this episode is Joey and Jade's sex flashback.   Umm,  it's about family why was this crap here. ?

Really liked this episode a lot.   I been wondering when the Salemnites would have more family scenes and got plenty of them today.   

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Sorry for the first strange post, but I couldn't quote what I wanted.  I think the reason I hate Julie's mean comments is that Gabi is truly remorseful for killing Nick--she's not chortling with joy and rubbing it in the Hortons faces that Nick's dead.  She hated what she did and she went to jail for it and she's paid her debt to society, so she should be able to live her life now.  And maybe Julie needs to be reminded but didn't Nick also get out of jail early after killing Melanie's dad?  Nick deserved a second chance but Gabi doesn't?

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9 minutes ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

Sorry for the first strange post, but I couldn't quote what I wanted.  I think the reason I hate Julie's mean comments is that Gabi is truly remorseful for killing Nick--she's not chortling with joy and rubbing it in the Hortons faces that Nick's dead.  She hated what she did and she went to jail for it and she's paid her debt to society, so she should be able to live her life now.  And maybe Julie needs to be reminded but didn't Nick also get out of jail early after killing Melanie's dad?  Nick deserved a second chance but Gabi doesn't?

Julie is like a less charming version of Little Glory's mother in Auntie Mame.  Abigail has more self-awareness.

Somebody serve her some pickled rattlesnake - and fast.  

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