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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I really liked today's show even though the writers did an incredibly poor job showing us the lead-up to Jennifer's addiction.  Missy Reeves was amazing and I loved seeing Jack.  I didn't pay much attention to him in the 90s (was purely a Carly/Bo fan) but can now appreciate him.  Will he be coming back again or is that it? Corday should get over himself and just bring Matt Ashford back.  Maybe he'd breathe some life into this show.

Even Doug and Julie were good.  For once there was no obnoxious, over-the-top goofiness.  And darnit, I miss Lucas.  Why do they bring in these stupid characters like Summer and leave a good legacy character just sitting on the bench? Dumb writers.

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 4
5 hours ago, boes said:

MR's portrayal of Jennifer became very much the Church Lady.  And she's not been comfortable, or even able to, exude any sexuality, even in her much vaunted pairing with Daniel. 

Ahhhh, Jack.  Jack and Jennifer, man they had IT, back in the day.  I didn't enjoy them so much this last go around, but I think that's because Melissa Reeves really holds herself back in her performances now, and then we had Daniel stinking up the place as his obvious replacement.  

I haven't watched DOOL since probably the last time they killed off Jack.  (I left soaps and stopped paying attention to current daytime soaps long ago but whenever they bring him back from the dead, I revive my interest for at least a little while.)  So today was a good episode for me because it was basically a stand alone episode.  I didn't need the history or the buildup.  Don't get me wrong, if I were a regular viewer, it'd matter.  But I'm not so it didn't.  

I was prepared to be disappointed but that blank page speech really worked for me.  It touched on some of their best times when they were working at the paper.  But as much as I want him back alive to see him with Jennifer but mostly with Steve, I realize that like print journalism, the writing I used to love is long in the past.

Jennifer is different. Probably for good reasons.  And maybe Missy is different too.  But the writing is definitely different.  Jack and Jennifer were modeled after the madcap romances of the 40s.  They had great comedy, a playful sexuality and angst that was about who they were as characters.  Daytime writers haven't been able to pull off what made couples great in the 80s and 90s for decades.  And they've tried to fit Jennifer into the traditional heroine mode with all the traditional type love interests that are just not as interesting as when she is being playful.  I don't think she has had playful writing in years.  In order to pull that off, MR needs the writing or the right partner. I don't think it's something she naturally brings to her readings.  

I've always felt they could do so much more with the character of Jack even when he isn't with Jennifer.  Part of me wants to see it.  But most of me knows that in order to feel satisfied, I will have to rewatch the Evil Jack/Scheming Jack/Jack-falls-for-Jennifer-but-resists videos because I want get it from Dena or whoever is writing this very heavy feeling show.

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Maybe, they are trying to end the story so they can move on with the new writers. There's new writers, right? 

Not exactly. Last year when the writers were fired, Josh Griffith and Dena Higley replaced them. Then Dena Higley went on a stress(?) leave, and Josh Griffith wrote for 6 months along with Beth Milstein.  Then earlier this year, Josh Griffith quit, and it was announced that staff writer named Ryan Quan was being made head writer along with Dena Higley.  So one new head writer - Ryan.  And one old head writer - Dena - who from what I've read, ruined the show before. Though, except for a few good shows here and there, the show has been pretty bad the entire 2 years that I've been back watching, so I can't see how it can get much worse. Guess we'll know in a few more months...

  • Love 2

I liked yesterday, too -- but my favorite part was seeing the old clips. The one where Jack gave Jennifer the shell ring? What youthful beauties! Made me wonder what I looked like back then in real life, lol -- in the mid-80s, I was in my mid-20s : )

Boes, you nailed the Jennifer thing totally. She radiated youth and liveliness back then. The closest we came to seeing the "real" Jennifer Rose was the book club pot party. I also loved Jack mentioning the Spectator and how she'd go after a story - - it set me off on a tangent in my head remembering how delightful their interactions always were. And Vern! They were so good.

Melissa did a nice job today, but it would have had much more of an impact if we'd seen more of her struggle. Why has the show lost sight of what makes a soap a soap? They have the bandwidth to create great stories -- that's the point of a soap, isn't it?

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I haven't watched DOOL since probably the last time they killed off Jack.  (I left soaps and stopped paying attention to current daytime soaps long ago but whenever they bring him back from the dead, I revive my interest for at least a little while.)  So today was a good episode for me because it was basically a stand alone episode.  I didn't need the history or the buildup.  Don't get me wrong, if I were a regular viewer, it'd matter.  But I'm not so it didn't.  

I was prepared to be disappointed but that blank page speech really worked for me.  It touched on some of their best times when they were working at the paper.  But as much as I want him back alive to see him with Jennifer but mostly with Steve, I realize that like print journalism, the writing I used to love is long in the past.

Jennifer is different. Probably for good reasons.  And maybe Missy is different too.  But the writing is definitely different.  Jack and Jennifer were modeled after the madcap romances of the 40s.  They had great comedy, a playful sexuality and angst that was about who they were as characters.  Daytime writers haven't been able to pull off what made couples great in the 80s and 90s for decades.  And they've tried to fit Jennifer into the traditional heroine mode with all the traditional type love interests that are just not as interesting as when she is being playful.  I don't think she has had playful writing in years.  In order to pull that off, MR needs the writing or the right partner. I don't think it's something she naturally brings to her readings.  

I've always felt they could do so much more with the character of Jack even when he isn't with Jennifer.  Part of me wants to see it.  But most of me knows that in order to feel satisfied, I will have to rewatch the Evil Jack/Scheming Jack/Jack-falls-for-Jennifer-but-resists videos because I want get it from Dena or whoever is writing this very heavy feeling show.

I love your post along with Boes..You have both hit it in the head in regards to Jennifer and Missy and her portrayal of her..Jennifer lost her spark when the show tried to make her a traditional heroine and it started with her romance with Peter....I thought that they had scorching chemistry and apparently Missy thought too, due to her assignation with the actor Jason Brooks..lol but, I digress...What made Jack and Jennifer so damn good, was their push and pull dynamic and being unconventional.. They were never a mushy saccharine romance and the scriptwriters nailed it with their dialogue..As much as Jennifer loves Jack, there was a lot of resentment of always being left alone and always having to be the strong one...Jack for his part always wanted her to be happy and to make her own choices...I remember when Jennifer was with Emilio and Jennifer kept on asking Jack about his thoughts on that..Jennifer was pushing Jack to tell her to leave Emilio, but, he would not do it..He told her of his dislike of Emilio, but, he never told her to dump him..He just told her to follow her heart and live for herself....I loved Jack telling her to live for Jennifer now and not just for others...

Jack was such a great and complex character..Personally, I feel that these incompetent writers had no idea how to write for him..Rather than take the time to craft a complex story for a complex character. They wrote him off, by having him abandon Abigail as a baby..I am still bitter about that..James E. Reilly said that he did not like the character of Jack. James E Reilly relied on gimmick to write his stories.. The possession storyline comes to mind...Sherry Anderson got Jack and I loved her take on him...His complex relationship with Steve, his mother Jo, his adopted father Harper and stepmother Anjelica were so awesome...I loved how the Jack/Kayla/Steve triangle morphed into a Kayla/Steve/Jack triangle...Steve having to choose between the love of his life and his baby brother...You would never see that type of writing these days.....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 9
16 hours ago, boes said:
17 hours ago, LadyJaney said:


I don't think that the Melissa Reeves we got back after her affair and firing was the same person we saw before that all happened.  And as a consequence, she didn't play Jennifer the same way, either.  Whatever went on behind the scenes for her and Scott to save their marriage, MR's portrayal of Jennifer became very much the Church Lady.  And she's not been comfortable, or even able to, exude any sexuality, even in her much vaunted pairing with Daniel.  It always seemed to me as if Dan the Tan Man was kissing his maiden aunt.  

MR made that unfortunate - I'm being kind, here - remark about Chick Fil-A some years back and got bit in the ass for doing so.  She pulled back on the public judgement, got a well-deserved public slapping, and I think that's indicative of her life post-affair.  Seeing those old scenes of her and Jack, she was almost unrecognizable, and I don't mean physically.  I hope she can loosen up - in all ways - and start portraying the Jennifer we first met all those years ago and leave this obnoxious, judgemental Jennifer clone behind.  It was good to see an inkling of that today.


Yes, this nails it.  It isn't only the poor (I'm being nice here) writing, it is Melissa Reeves.  The insanity of her affair and quitting the show and then coming back, and her husband, wow.   Not that she was ever a great thespian, but she wasn't like this ("Church Lady").

I'm really only watching now for the fun of discussing it here, the few glimpses of S&K (I just love the actors; their story is dreadful), VI (no explanation needed I don't think), and I get a huge kick out of Drake Hogestyn. But I do wonder if people actually watch and are "into" it?  Because that I do not understand.  

  • Love 5

I don't understand people who are truly "into it," either. What do we have right now, really?

  • Chabby apart b/c she's mentally ill
  • A possible affair (one sided maybe? stalker) with Ciara/Chad
  • Aiden/Hope/Rafe: a liar who was going to murder his wife for money vs a boring friend
  • Steve/Kayla: covering up for their murdering son
  • John/Marlena/Paul: WTF? Dropped story lines abound
  • Teen Scene: BORING
  • Rape, murder, torture, drug abuse/addiction
  • Thrady - Summer/Dario BORING and needless
  • Victor/Demios/Brady/Nicole/Kate/Justin/Maggie: WTF is this old retcon, anyway. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz
  • Love 3

And the sad thing is that this could be fixed if anyone in charge cared to put out a quality show.  They don't.  They can't possibly, right?

Chad - The actor is good and likable and he should be written well.

Rafe - I give up, GG is not usable. 

Hope will always have a following because, she is Hope!  Dial her back and use her better.  FIX it.  I don't care if somebody comes out and says, okay folks, we are going to just forget about A, B, C...etc

Steve & Kayla - please, please, please, WRITE for Steve and Kayla and their family!  The actors are electric together. Not this garbage with their ridiculous son, and the fact that neither one of them is concerned that this moron committed murder.

John & Marlena...There's gotta be stuff for them.. Drake can carry actors on his back.  On HIS BACK.  Old time viewers love their vets.  Put them in an appropriate story.  When I was young I liked watching the young people, the older people, the old people...as long as the story and acting were good. (I gotta edit this to throw in - MAKE HIM ROMAN.  I won't question it. Promise.)

Teen Scene - FIX IT, let's start with the dialogue.  It doesn't sound human. Can't they be interesting without being schmucks?

Victor, Deimos, etc - I do not know why Justin & Adrienne's kids are not around.  They should drive story.  Melissa, her kids, Sarah, etc...

When I say FIX IT i mean do all the things we are all saying everyday- show don't tell, write the stories, use the good actors you have better, and write for families and the kids of the vets.  Then throw in new characters who are real people.  Like Robin Jacobs was, like Steve was, like Shane was...UGH

This will never not upset me.  

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 11

The writers are trying way too hard to unnecessarily insert Finn into the Steve/Kayla/Joey story.

A week ago Salem time Belle was screwing Phillip and trying to marry him. Now she's having drunken sex with Shawn.

I don't care about Joey and Jade.

I don't care about Chase and Aiden.

Ciara's rape has had no emotional impact on me. The only time I pay attention to her is when she's with Theo and I wish we could FF to the part where she's fully recovered. 

Hope needs something else to do besides telling Aiden to forget about his son or kissing Rafe.

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

The writers are trying way too hard to unnecessarily insert Finn into the Steve/Kayla/Joey story.

A week ago Salem time Belle was screwing Phillip and trying to marry him. Now she's having drunken sex with Shawn.

I don't care about Joey and Jade.

I don't care about Chase and Aiden.

Ciara's rape has had no emotional impact on me. The only time I pay attention to her is when she's with Theo and I wish we could FF to the part where she's fully recovered. 

Hope needs something else to do besides telling Aiden to forget about his son or kissing Rafe.

I thought the Finn thing was just me.  Right?????  And yes to the rest.

  • Love 1

This episode was a YAWNFEST. 

The only things worth liking:

Chase suspects daddy of the year killed his momma Meredith.   Amen.   Finally someone is listening that mostly no was buying that story last year.   Aiden sure didn't deny it. 

Yes Hope defended Ciara better today.   I'm glad Ciara told Hope what Aiden said to her at the park last week.   He made a rape victim feel like tramp and he kept saying so to Chase during his prison visit. 


The bad

I'm over Jade/Joey teenage rebellion.   It's the most boring shit I ever seen.   Poor SN/MEB deserve a better storyline than this piece of garbage.   The John/DH got prop duties today for a busted storyline.  

 Ok I'm done. 

  • Love 4

So little for me to say when you guys have covered it all. So I will just post the following question:

Dear Show: Do you think Kayla is a moron, more importantly, do you think we the viewers think Kayla is a moron? Because there is no way Kayla is dim enough to believe that Crocodile Dundee would forgo a trip home to drive her to California and she doesn't get that he has a case of the happy pants for her.  Even when Kayla suffered from lack of exposure to the world outside of Brady happydom, she was naive but far from stupid.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Rick Kitchen said:

Well, I liked Jade before, but her repeated making excuses for committing crimes is turning me against her.

Have we ever seen an example of Aiden being an amazing lawyer?

I think they use the same standards for lawyers as they do for the police in Salem.

As long as they don't spit up their lunch, wear their pants backwards and don't swallow their tongues, they earn the sobriquet of 'amazing'.

Yep, Jade can stay in that commune time forgot.

  • Love 6

Why would anyone want to get 'branded' on their hand with some scorpion? You've been in the commune/escape home/playhouse a day and a half and you are gung-ho to stay? You have no money, no means to support yourself, no skills to find a decent job? What are you going to do in this 'commune'? Turn to a life of crime? And be permanently scarred or find the cash to get it removed via plastic surgery when you decide that you don't want to pick up a Coke and teach the world to sing? This isn't the late 60s anymore. Just. Dumb. Like getting drunk and ending up at a tattoo shop. Start with a tee-shirt or some bracelet.

Crocodile Dundee wants to drive Route 66? How did John know where to find Steve?

Aiden, you do need to be honest. Maybe you and Chase can move to Seattle or somewhere else and not come back.

Thought that Ciara and Claire weren't really dressed for a court appearance. More like going to the mall.

  • Love 5

Why are they still pushing the kink factor with Jade? Next she'll want a FMF threesome with Joey and Peasant Blouse Girl while they scar each other. Show, it's bad enough you had him sleep with his sister - how much further are you going to push this?!

I hate that storyline. Actress is rocking her part, but it's a big ol' mess.

Claire's top with the split back should have gotten her into big trouble. And they all seemed remarkably cool with having criminal records.

BB is in enviable shape but could stand to ease up on the workouts a bit. Belle sure likes her men muscular and gaunt doesn't she? He and Philip look like they need to eat some chips and have some beers.

As much as I like Martha, Belle is just the worst, LOL. Cheat on him, blame him, divorce him...then do him, remind him you're not together and have him sneak out. And weren't Mar and John presumably sleeping in the next room while they boinked? It is her parent's house...

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

Why can Belle use the money Sami stupidly gave her to buy a club but she can't get a house/condo/apartment?

The show is too cheap to give Belle her own place..I loved that loft that faux Philip and Belle lived in when they were married..I remember a time when everybody had their own place, including the Carvers..I miss Lexie...I loved her rivalry with Sami....They were evenly matched when it came to snarking on each other..

  • Love 4

I don't think they are doing anything with Jade beyond "bad girl" (and stupid girl), but a mental illness storyline could have worked nicely if the "writers"...you know, WROTE.  A serious mental illness story.  I mean, we have seen more of Jade possibly having a serious mental illness than we did of Jennifer having an addiction. 

John Paul Lavoisier, HAHA.  His LOOK, his ACTING, haaaaahaaaaaa.  Always good for a laugh. Always.

  • Love 4

I like how Shawn has no reservations about getting back together with Belle despite the fact that she's cheated on him multiple times and tried to blame him for her sleaziness and was humping Phillip as of like two weeks ago. And is he even going to acknowledge the fact that he cheated on Lani.

Why is it that so many other stories have been glossed over, rushed, or happened mostly off screen except the fallout from Ciara's rape? It would be one thing if this was well written, but it's not, and I have no interest in seeing months of Ciara acting out while Hope demands Aiden abandoned his son and Rafe pouts because Hope might still have feelings for the man that she recently married. It's just all so tedious and uninteresting.

I like how Ciara's reluctance to get involved with Theo isn't because she's getting over being raped but because he's not exciting and dangerous enough for her.

  • Love 9

Why does this show keeps failing the history exam! 

Days been on for 50 yrs and Marlena asked Ciara a dumb ass question...

She really asked if Ciara would get revenge on Chase if he got released from prison... 

Bish... Did you forget your daughter Sami shot the shit out Alan's ball sack when he raped her???  Marlena didn't even bother to bring up her own rape during this therapy session. 

See what I mean this is lazy as fuck whoever wrote today's script should get a talking to and simple things like this could had easily been Googled and Wikipedia before hitting the screen. 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

I know I should be more empathetic to Ciara and her situation.  In real life, of course I would be.  Even in this fictional universe called Salem I am, but only to an extent I don't have to watch her emote about it.  The actress just isn't strong enough for this sort of gut punch storyline.  I like her just fine in her laid back scenes but she doesn't (yet, anyway), have the chops for me, anyway, to really buy into the angst she's selling.  I think Show has done her a disservice with this rape storyline.  Not just her, but to me it seems tired and a plot device.  I've been appalled and drawn in by other horrific storylines in the past but this.....not so much.  So long story short, it's hard to get too worked up about her fragility, anger, whatever.

And as much as I like Daniel Cosgrove and how much I once liked Aiden, give it a rest, Show.  I don't see anything to be gained by putting Hope or US, for that matter, through a storyline about him and Hope when it's already crystal clear how it will turn out.  Yeah, there could be some plot twists, but they will most likely be Hope being in danger, or Ciara, more Rafe pouting up a storm, yadda fukin' yadda.  

Theo - and Claire, too, were the bright spots in today's show.  Theo's pain at having Ciara tell him he's just not what she's looking for was palpable.  And Claire really does deliver her lines well, does feel very natural to me in her interactions with the other teens.  Her and her parents are a little less enticing, but that's mainly because of how little I care if Belle is happy with anyone ever.  I wish Shawn had better choices than the nutjob he's been dating or the head case he was married to.

It feels more and more like there is nobody running this show, that it's created by whatever happens to not end up on the cutting room floor.  There's no dramatic tension, no follow-through from one storyline to another, tons of "because we told you", and not enough "let us show you" on screen.

Oh yeah, John Paul Lumpaleer was on today.  Looking sad.  Then horny.  Then sad again.  And he did it all with a rubber face with the texture of a dried sponge and a hairdo Cousin IT would have considered ridiculous.  

Yeah, he's a real sex symbol - for badgers.

  • Love 8

The only reason I could tolerate new Ciara in any scenes was because of Theo.  Now that he's been friend zone, there is absolutely nothing likable about her as portrayed by the current actress.  

Aiden, go far away and take Chase and Rafe with you.  

Belle is the worst.  Either flat out make her a villain or send her away never to return.  

JPL is getting more hideous to look at with each passing day, and since he can't act, everything with him is blah.

  • Love 4

Ciara seems to be firmly stuck in the mental spin cycle. It takes time and courage to move through - her sexual assault, her father dying (again), her step-father dying and coming back to life.  Many, many women deal with rape and sexual assault. And abusive boyfriends, husbands. She has a family who is loving and sympathetic and compassionate. On some level, I get the sense that she enjoys the playing the victim role. At least for now. The funny thing about playing the victim is that sometimes it turns out that you become the abuser.

There are many, many other men out there who are controlling or abusive. And she will meet some of them, and probably date a few of them. Unfortunately, Chase will not be locked up in jail for the rest of his life. He will be released and she will have to figure out how she will manage and continue with her life when he can live in the same city as her. Sure, he may move to another city, but not all people who hurt you can and will pack up stakes and get as far away as possible from you, to make you happy.

She doesn't want or need a nice, good guy like Theo. She's meeting a new world, and one that contains the DiMeras, and others.  Right now, he is boring and safe and she doesn't want that.  Theo, let her go. Of course, Marlena did not bring up Sami or herself as examples. Probably no time with Belle barging in.

Yeah, Shawn, one night of happy drunken times with your soon-to-be ex-wife will make you change your mind about her. Well, for a while, til the next time. She's cheated on you; you have cheated on her. Maybe Lani won't be too happy about that.

Hope, how nice of you to eat a burger for lunch. You are looking a bit thin, so maybe a couple more is a good idea.

  • Love 7

When Belle asked Marlena if she was talking about Belle's cheating, divorce, and moving to Salem when she said Claire was going through a difficult time and Marlena flat out said "Yes, I am", I think I yelped out loud. And though I was never on board with the idea that Marlena's cheating w/John created the monster that became Sami, I thought they might allude to that in the follow up scene. No such luck, but I did like Marlena giving it to Belle straight.

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, shesajar said:

When Belle asked Marlena if she was talking about Belle's cheating, divorce, and moving to Salem when she said Claire was going through a difficult time and Marlena flat out said "Yes, I am", I think I yelped out loud. And though I was never on board with the idea that Marlena's cheating w/John created the monster that became Sami, I thought they might allude to that in the follow up scene. No such luck, but I did like Marlena giving it to Belle straight.

She always gave it to Sami straight. She may not go in on her kids like she should but she does "go there" occasionally. I love it.

[She did it to Sami when Marlena was trying to help Will come out. She called Sami out on her selfishness and self centeredness and told her wake up to what was happening "to" Will, etc..." 

Among other times.

  • Love 5
13 minutes ago, shesajar said:

When Belle asked Marlena if she was talking about Belle's cheating, divorce, and moving to Salem when she said Claire was going through a difficult time and Marlena flat out said "Yes, I am", I think I yelped out loud. And though I was never on board with the idea that Marlena's cheating w/John created the monster that became Sami, I thought they might allude to that in the follow up scene. No such luck, but I did like Marlena giving it to Belle straight.

I have never bought that idea either..John as Roman was the only stable parent for the twins and Carrie..Roman was missing for 7 years and Marlena for 5 years..It would have made more sense for the twins and Carrie to resent the hell out of the real Roman....Marlena's affair with John was wrong, but, it was understandable given the games that Stefano played with their lives....Plus, it took 2 years for John and Marlena to give in to their feelings....All of that mess could have been avoided if John had remained Roman...I have often wonder how the show would have been like if he had.....

  • Love 4

I don't think that the Melissa Reeves we got back after her affair and firing was the same person we saw before that all happened.  And as a consequence, she didn't play Jennifer the same way, either.  Whatever went on behind the scenes for her and Scott to save their marriage, MR's portrayal of Jennifer became very much the Church Lady.  And she's not been comfortable, or even able to, exude any sexuality, even in her much vaunted pairing with Daniel.  It always seemed to me as if Dan the Tan Man was kissing his maiden aunt.  


Hmmm - really interesting observation. Makes sense. I mean the Jennifer I've seen these last few years - the only one I've really known - is definitely sexless. Heck we didn't even see her romp with Eric. Think she has a "no sex" clause in her contract?

Church Lady is spot on. She seems scandalized by every little thing.

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:


Hmmm - really interesting observation. Makes sense. I mean the Jennifer I've seen these last few years - the only one I've really known - is definitely sexless. Heck we didn't even see her romp with Eric. Think she has a "no sex" clause in her contract?

Church Lady is spot on. She seems scandalized by every little thing.

I have heard that she has said that she will not play a cheating storyline with Jennifer..I wonder why? lol Is it Art imitating life for Missy? We all know about the scandalous way that she left the show originally...lol It is not salacious rumors, someone had posted court papers filed by the show,detailing her affair with Jason Brooks...I am no prude and nor do I judge people for their love lives. However, I do take issue when somebody acts all holy and sanctified, when they are often far from that..

  • Love 4

Um, why would JJ, a cop, think he has the power to offer Rory a plea deal? And I don't understand how the Brady Police Department is allowed to use the information Rory gave JJ. Rory is a barely legal kid with no lawyer present who only gave up those names because JJ told him he would get a deal. This seems suspect. 

I don't know why Hope showed up at the hospital. Is she going to pretend like she cares about Chase and whether or not he lives? 

  • Love 3

Kinda dull Friday show. I did like that we had a new set - the forest-like area at the commune actually looked different than the Salem park.

I really like JJ these days. And Gabi too. Somehow the writers have managed to make their story-line likable and realistic, well other than the virus thing which has already been forgotten.

  • Love 3

I really like this Rory.   Seriously Days keep him and give him story.   I see potential in him and he can be a good asshole for that 20-something set.   He almost looks like Ethan from GH.  

Ok...  when are these hippy thugs going to finally drink poison grape kool-aid already... this "story" is a waste of time.   If I wasn't watching LIVE my FFbutton would be my friend.    Joey needs to just leave Jade there and take his ass back home.   Very lame teen story. 

I'm glad they are playing up the tension between Chase and Aiden,  especially when it comes to Meredith.

Happy Memorial Day! 

  • Love 7

Where the hell in the Antelope Valley is that green forest?  This show comes from Los Angeles, they don't even know their own geography?

Hope and Rafe doing good cop, bad cop.  LOL. But what gives Rafe the right to make a deal? And why is Roman mad at JJ for making a deal but not Rafe?

So Chase knows deep down that he killed his mother?

So Eduardo's only concern about JJ is because he's a cop? Not because of his past?  smdh

Nice customers hanging out at Belle's club.

Hm. Does Eduardo know Aiden?

Ha. Now Gabi knows what it's like to be interrupted in flagrante delicto.  :)

  • Love 5

So, I really liked Claire's earrings and necklace yesterday. 

As for today, I'm digging some of the kilim pillows at the commune as well as the forest set where Joey lost his shit again.  I'm surprised he didn't strangle that guy with his wallet chain, TBH.

My gosh is Camila Banus gorgeous, and her Gabi and CM's JJ make a wonderful couple.  I wish we could see them more often and have some hope they're gearing up to be involved in Eduardo's mystery texter story.  Just don't screw them up, writers!

It's probably crazy but I'm actually not minding Kayla and Finn.  Of course I ultimately want her back with Steve, but she deserves some play time and it seems like Finn genuinely cares for her.

JT/Roman is barely understandable, while DG is so very awesome.  I'll never not be bitter at what was done to his character.


On 5/25/2016 at 9:44 PM, MrsMommy said:

It would have been awesome for me if they would have used the virus story line to make it seem like all of Salem was in a coma and the last year was different dreams the Salem people was having, they all wake up and we can forget the year and move on. I'm not that lucky and days isn't smart enough to do that

That would work for me.  So many people could be made believably un-dead and un-ruined.  One exception, though - I'd keep Abigail crazy, or better yet just kill her off. 

On 5/26/2016 at 6:43 PM, boes said:

Yeah, he's a real sex symbol - for badgers.

I dunno.  I suspect badgers have higher standards than JPL.  There is just nothing - absolutely nothing - about him that is appealing.

  • Love 7

To me is see a distinction of obvious trolling and baiting vs snarking like we do here

Also a lot of the gossip sites commenters are ridiculous. Besides the absurdity of calling Heidi Klum deformed or Gael Garcia Bernal a troll or Charlize Theron gross-  they work in when talking about celebs racist stuff, gay slurs, transphobic comments, remarks affirming rape culture and sexism. 

  • Love 3
On 5/24/2016 at 11:35 PM, Kitty Redstone said:

It really is hilarious that Jennifer's Id knows that Abigail is a selfish, self-righteous shrew.

I enjoyed seeing Lucas, Julie and Doug rallying around Jennifer and Maggie, Brady and the others coming to a special meeting for her.  Jennifer has been isolated for awhile now, so the family bonding was appreciated.  Like some others I don't understand why this show ignores Lucas, or why MA was let go the last time. 


That episode really was a stand out because of how well MR played her scenes and it's always a treat to see Brady acting like a supportive adult.  Maggie, Julie and Doug were excellent as the vets they were who have known Jenn for her entire life and who could call her on her crap.

Seeing MA again was awesome--the flashback brought tears to my damn eyes--but once again KM's Abby acted like the hateful shrew she always is.  How is she praised--the actress or character--all the time?  What are we missing?

JJ and Gabi truly are a highlight because the actors are adorable together and they have believable romantic chemistry.  More please :)

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 8
5 hours ago, buffynut said:

I hate when people post negative things about an actor's looks, like what happens on TMZ all the time, and mostly about women. But JPL just looks so tired and awkward on screen that it becomes unpleasant to watch.

For me it's not really even about his looks, because he's never been the traditional good-looking soap guy. (A decent haircut would still do him wonders, though).  It's his utter lack of charm, which is odd, because during his first few years as Rex on OLTL he had a quirky sort of allure.  Then he let what talent he had take a back seat to all sorts of annoying tics.  He hasn't shed himself of those, and it doesn't help that his character is a poorly defined douche.

  • Love 4

in what sort of oasis area is the "commune" located? Mojave Desert means rock and palm and Joshua trees! Maybe Sacramento instead. It just seems like a lame place for runaways. I have zero investment except wondering what sort of laser treatments will get rid of that scorpion on his hand.

Yes JJ, you as a rookie can offer Rory a deal. You have watched too many cop shows. But, given the history of the Salem PD, hmmm. Nice of Rory to give him one.

Chase being stabbed reeks of plot device.

I agree with the above poster regarding Jennifer being a church lady.

At least I get a break this week with the US holiday and tennis.

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When Steve found Joey and Jade, and Jade half heartedly kinda yelled, "RUN", Stephen Nichols looked like he was thinking, "I can't believe this shit.  Thirty years later and this is the crap I have to play."  It was so bad!

All of the commune scenes are so stupid.  I particularly enjoyed Joey's fight and the facial expressions of the other guy in the background.  Very amusing, middle school play caliber (no offense to middle schoolers).  I also wanted Joey to yell, "I'll kill you.  No biggie; I've done it before.  You may rob stores, but I KILL!"

Thanks for giving a dream Steve and Kayla scene, show.  {eyeroll}  That's all we get these days.

Edited by Revlonred
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