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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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So rules send Claire screeching into her room about moving out.  Cool. All these surly teens don't need "understanding," they need a big smack in their mouth. That might help them. 

So true!  Things is, pretty much every teen in the set (with the exception maybe of Jade) has a loving parent who does not overcrowd them by any means on a good day, but is usually more understanding and willing to accept their kid and their issues than most parents in the real world will be.  Yet, the minute they try to "parent" these brats when they push the envelope too far (and most of them have recently), they flip out and yell and threaten to move out and accuse their parents of being awful and unreasonable.  These kids are all pretty spoiled and have things pretty darn good under their parents' roofs.  They are still teens, they are still kids.  I would love to see some of them get a good dose of "reality" when their folks aren't paying for everything for them (as I'm sure they have been).  But I'm sure we won't see that happen...

I understand Hope's deep worry and concern for Ciara if Chase were released, but for her to act like she can't understand that Aidan want's to help his own son seems absurd.  It doesn't mean she will agree or want that, and of course her own daughter is her top concern, but Chase is Aidan's top concern (even if we really don't see it lately).  This is his son, and just because "Hope says so" doesn't mean that Aidan should just turn his back on him.  Hope was basically like "I don't want you, I won't take you back...but oh yeah, turn your back on your son because I said you should" today.  Once again, I'm not saying Hope should feel OK with Aidan's support of Chase, but she should act so shocked that he would want to support his own son and help him either.


Am I the only one who finds Vincent Irizarry hot beyond hot?  I mean like, really, really hot? Just as hot as his Guiding Light days?

You are not alone at all in this.  VI is like a fine wine...he only gets better with age!  He is sexy as hell and I just want to look at him ...and make out with him ;).  I am intrigued by the hotness of him and Nicole together.  I shouldn't want them as a pain, but oh I do!

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 6

Who wrote this episode??  Because this was really good in my book.   

The fact that someone in the dialogue department took the time to give GG lines so he could act -  I was shocked.   Drunk Rafe is probably the best Rafe because he's honest and straight forward.    I did like how Rafe went in on Roman even though he didn't deserve it,  lol,  it was still good.   GG didn't sound like Rufus for once.   Oh and cmon,  Kate can smell Nicole's perfume on Deimos but Hope couldn't smell that strong liquor from Rafe.   Ok writers ok. 

And yess to mama bear Hope.   She wasn't having it out of Aiden how he tried to defend his rapist son to her.   That's the Hope I want to see no bullshit and ballsy.  I still want Ciara to tell Hope what Aiden told her.   He made Ciara feel like some tramp.   And not to mention funny how Aiden cares so much about his son when this is the same son hw blamed for killing his first wife. 

Lol Kate gets played again.   No surprise.   I'm a little pissed the writers missed an opportunity to have Kate and Roman talk since there is history.   Vincent plays rhe piano beautifully.   

As for Shawn and Belle,  I don't care.  I personally was a Shawn and Mimi fangirl.   Plus "this triangle or foursome" between them and Lani and Phillip got no airtime.   Just a waste of canvas space. I do like romantic, caring,  and sexy Shawn when he's played by Brandon Beemer.   I still also love my tough guy Shawn when he's played by Jason Cook. 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

LOL Kate is upset that she can't trust the man who she barely knows and who just recently drugged an old woman and caused her to fall down the stairs and become paralyzed. Whatever. 

So Hope doesn't want anything to do with Aiden but then things she can tell him how to deal with his son? Nope, that's not how this works. I'm actually just tired of all of this. Hope needs some time away from Aiden and Rafe. Give her a case to work on with Roman or something.

Why did we get a replay of Shawn finding Belle at the bar and taking her home? Why not just pick up where we left off on Friday which was them kissing at the penthouse? And while I'm glad to have been spared seeing more of Belle on my screen, it feels like the writers cut a lot of their scenes and then gave us these rushed scenes as a consultation prize. Belle has spent months denying responsibility for the downfall of her marriage and acting like Shawn is the one who did her wrong, then today she admits she's a trash mother and wife, Shawn forgives her and talks about how he wishes he could fix their problems, then they kiss, and now it looks like they may be headed for reconciliation. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, swtrgrl said:

Why are these kids allowed to move out? Aren't they Juniors in HS...not yet 18?

Why is Ciara allowed to pick up and move in with Chad DIMERA?!!! Why is Claire allowed to do the same?

They've been saying "I'm 18!" lately but I also thought they had another year of high school; otherwise, I'd expect them to be talking about graduation and college next year. Also, small but significant point -- I thought Ciara and Clare were moving to "the guest house" which made it slightly more palatable to me......

  • Love 2

I liked that ending today. VI playing piano while the scenes played out. No more cringing for me watching Kate with an unlikely lover again. Glad to see Kate and Deimos over. Now we see how AZ and VI play their scenes out. LK had no chemistry with AM either. I did see chemistry with GG and LK though. GG even was a better actor in scenes with her. Now I FF the Rafe/Hope scenes. No chemistry. Neither with Aiden. Only Bo and Hope had it, otherwise forget it!

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

So Hope doesn't want anything to do with Aiden but then things she can tell him how to deal with his son? Nope, that's not how this works. I'm actually just tired of all of this. Hope needs some time away from Aiden and Rafe. Give her a case to work on with Roman or something.

I would agree of this wasn't a soap opera. There is no taking breaks when it comes to conflict and drama especially when dealing in a triangle.   Plus this story has too many layers for it to be dropped especially with the Stefano murder and the  rape.  Plus Aiden is no perfect.   If he gave a shit about his son he would had made a prison visit to him first before Andre or stalking Hope for the last two weeks like some pathetic puppy.   I just harvest no sympathy for these Jennings and trying to figure out why the writers want most of the audience to give a shit so badly for them.   It's just not working. 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, swtrgrl said:

Why are these kids allowed to move out? Aren't they Juniors in HS...not yet 18?

Why is Ciara allowed to pick up and move in with Chad DIMERA?!!! Why is Claire allowed to do the same?


They have all been mentioned as being 18 and they just had their prom.  Hope mentioned to Ciara when she wanted to quit school that she only had two months left of school. They were all processed as adults when they were arrested.

She isn't moving in with Chad, she's living in another house on the property.

  • Love 1

The repeat of the whole scene in the bar and with Shelle going home was silly, especially since they did it in two doses.

Love Nicole throwing shade at Kate's robe.

Belle's club plays crappy music.

Roman needs to mhob. I did like his comment about why Rafe was there in the bar yelling at him.

So Belle is one of those women who can't function without a man, huh?

"What, no etchings?"

Was Nicole sitting on a wet park bench, or does the Horton Square roof cover that park area?

  • Love 2

As Irving Berlin said, 

I love a piano, I love a piano
I love to hear somebody play
Upon a piano, a grand piano
It simply carries me away

I know a fine way to treat a steinway
I love to run my fingers o'er the keys, the ivories

Deimos can tinkle any ivories he wants, whenever he wants.  I'm loving Dr. David Hayward, I mean, Deimos, in town.  And while it's likely Show will let us down, I liked the tension between him and Kate - wonder where she's going to go with her rage? - and I like the heat between him and Nicole.  I know he'll have to have a comeuppance, but I sure am going to enjoy the ride, and I'm hoping Show throws a few curveballs in there.   Victor actually realizing he treated his brother monstrously would be nice, and it can bookend Deimos feeling awful about what he did to Maggie.  Then I'm good to go!

Brandon Beemer has gotten so much better than he used to be.  I thought he was excellent today.  Good delivery, and a good interpretation of Shawn as an actual adult.  Of course, he had to share his scenes with Belle.....I know Show wants me to feel empathy or something with her, and maybe it's how Martha is playing her as entitled and whiny, but all I really feel is annoyance.  But, Beemer made those scenes worth watching.

And there's the Rafe I know and loathe, sitting at the bar in his toddler poopy pants, throwing a tantrum and trying to make us believe he's drinking liquor and not formula.  As soon as he starts to pout, his lower lip sticking out and his eyebrows drawing together like two horny snails, he loses me.  Too bad he hasn't taken some acting lessons like Beemer obviously has.  Frankly, Roman was far more watchable, much better acting than Rafe.   That's not really a compliment, btw.

And then there's Hope and Aiden......are you all as exhausted with Hope's travails as I am at the moment?  I like her, a lot, but it's been nothing but one crisis after another, or something about her love life.  I'm ready for Hope to take a vacation, come back refreshed, kick both Rafe and Aiden to the curb and have a storyline NOT about Ciara or about men.  Or at least not about THESE men.

Until then, just keep giving me Diemos.  

  • Love 12

Rafe, the woman who you have a crush on, has lost two husbands in the past few months. You are a grown man and need to learn that love does not always equal relationship. Boohoo that you are not getting what you want, when you want it.

I have no idea why Kate wants to marry Deimos except to stick it to Victor and maybe live in the mansion and be its Queen. She has money and can afford her *own* mansion. Maybe Salem has speedy divorce laws.

Nicole is still playing a very dangerous game.

Roman was a bit more watchable, but he needs to keep his teeth in his mouth.

Hope needs a vacation where she meets a fabulous man who seriously wants her and then comes back and dumps Aiden and Rafe to the curb. Maybe get together with her daughter-in-law and wonder why both can't be without a man.

  • Love 6

Today was good!  Nicole, Deimos and Kate were electric.  I'm am completely invested in watching Deimos and Nicole try to figure out what the other is up to!  Seriously, the casting of VI for this character is the best decision this show has made since I started watching.

As others have said, though, it would be nice to know why Kate was so invested in Deimos.  They haven't showed us her point of view in a very long time, going clear back the hillbilly (someone I never believed Kate would be interested in, ever).  I'd love to see her in a story that doesn't involve a man, unless it's with one of her sons not named Philip.  I actually liked her a lot with Rafe and would like to see those two back together sometime down the road, after he's had a rest from Hope, who herself has had a rest from men.  It's disappointing that KA went from next to nothing when PR left (except the Jennifer hand-holding and Abigail-propping) to three men and a murder.  The constant writer changes have made a mess of this character.

Brandon Beemer really has improved by leaps and bounds. 


I still don't understand why he was let go and hope they bring him back.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, boes said:

Deimos can tinkle any ivories he wants, whenever he wants.  I'm loving Dr. David Hayward, I mean, Deimos, in town. 

And there's the Rafe I know and loathe, sitting at the bar in his toddler poopy pants, throwing a tantrum and trying to make us believe he's drinking liquor and not formula.  As soon as he starts to pout, his lower lip sticking out and his eyebrows drawing together like two horny snails, he loses me.  Too bad he hasn't taken some acting lessons like Beemer obviously has.  Frankly, Roman was far more watchable, much better acting than Rafe.   That's not really a compliment, btw.

And then there's Hope and Aiden......are you all as exhausted with Hope's travails as I am at the moment?  I like her, a lot, but it's been nothing but one crisis after another, or something about her love life.  I'm ready for Hope to take a vacation, come back refreshed, kick both Rafe and Aiden to the curb and have a storyline NOT about Ciara or about men.  Or at least not about THESE men.

Until then, just keep giving me Diemos.  

Yes to all! Rafe's eyebrows annoy me. His whole muppet eyebrows/face thing annoys me with its poor "acting" choices.

You know what else annoys me?  Hope's manicures.  No matter what horror is going on in her life, and there are many, she always has these perfectly polished nails that are clearly designed to mismatch/match.  Takes a lot of effort to keep nails oh so pretty like that.  They are just so obvious and it drives me nuts.

  • Love 5

Eh, I can't put my finger on why the show is annoying me these days, but I guess it's partly the transition in storylines. I don't mind Hope, but she sure is trying my patience. Those eyebrows got quite a workout yesterday when she was talking with Aiden. Geesh. I just don't care very much at all.

VI is winning me over with his piano. Was that Sonata Pathetique he played yesterday? Another of my sister's pieces that brings me back to childhood, which is such a gift.

Meanwhile, where's Patch and Joey?

Looking forward to today's episode, though -- I really love the standalone thing they've been doing lately.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Lastwaltz said:

Eh, I can't put my finger on why the show is annoying me these days, but I guess it's partly the transition in storylines. I don't mind Hope, but she sure is trying my patience. Those eyebrows got quite a workout yesterday when she was talking with Aiden. Geesh. I just don't care very much at all.

VI is winning me over with his piano. Was that Sonata Pathetique he played yesterday? Another of my sister's pieces that brings me back to childhood, which is such a gift.

Meanwhile, where's Patch and Joey?

Looking forward to today's episode, though -- I really love the standalone thing they've been doing lately.

I can't wait to see them again..I will be saving that episode on my DVR.  I know that there is alot of Deimos love on here, but, I just don't see it.. The problem, as far as I'm concerned, is that the show has  a WEALTH of existing characters to pull from that people already care about (of all ages), and instead, they consistently attempt to invent new ones like Deimos or Summer who are either written very badly with extremely contrived backstories, or portrayed badly. Or both. 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3

WRT: Aiden/Chase and Hope's desire for Aiden to abandon his son

I know Chase raped Ciara. That is despicable and he's in redeemable in my eyes. However, you can NOT expect a parent to abandon their child or try to help them. 

To a lesser degree, Hope and Belle are doing that with Ciara and Claire...Rape is not the same as vandalism but still...they are guilty and their parents are standing by them and helping them. Same general thing. Different levels of horrible, I know.

Don't yell at me for "comparing" the crimes b/c I did NOT do that. I'm just saying that Hope should just back away from Aiden.

  • Love 5
50 minutes ago, swtrgrl said:

WRT: Aiden/Chase and Hope's desire for Aiden to abandon his son

I know Chase raped Ciara. That is despicable and he's in redeemable in my eyes. However, you can NOT expect a parent to abandon their child or try to help them. 

To a lesser degree, Hope and Belle are doing that with Ciara and Claire...Rape is not the same as vandalism but still...they are guilty and their parents are standing by them and helping them. Same general thing. Different levels of horrible, I know.

Don't yell at me for "comparing" the crimes b/c I did NOT do that. I'm just saying that Hope should just back away from Aiden.

I agree with you..You forgot to add Steve and Kayla covering up Joey's premeditated murder of Ava....If my son committed murder, I would be devastated...If anything that should have been the reason why Stayla were apart...I hate what the show has done to the legacy children....The list is long and it is truly disheartening..Josh Griffith truly did a horrific number on them..I blame Ken Corday for this, he should have brought Sherry Anderson back with her long history on the show..She would have been able to temper Dena Higley's warped mind and weird tendencies to write bad fan fiction..I loved Sherry's subtle hints about the legacy children while she was there..Brady and Abigail were supposed to be a destiny couple; Jeannie/Theresa was supposed to be a spitfire with a heart, Stefanie was supposed to be like her dad Steve; Andrew was supposed to be like Shane; Carrie was supposed to be like Roman..Justin and Adrienne's 4 sons were going to bring a new dimension in the Kiriakis dynasty.. Josh Griffith was awful and I am glad that he is gone and now we are stuck with Dena Higley...Dena is the absolute worst and I have no hope with her at the helm...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

I was looking to see if there were heels again, believe me!

I hate Jennifer. Hope her longtime fans will enjoy today, but I'm getting so sick of her damn voice...

And flashbacks within a drug dream? How ambitious, Days!

Haaaa, I was just coming to post how much I can't stand Missy Reeves.  But Matt Ashford looks great.  And he's got a sparkle to him. Of course, do not under any circumstances keep him on the show.  Sigh. (And it took me a looooong time to warm up to Jack after all the evil.) I  met him in 1991 or so and he was really low key and kind. 

Dreaming about Jack and waking up to Julie.  That's scary, lol.

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 3

WHY ISN'T JACK ALIVE!? Why is Lucas so insignificant on this show..This is so grating and it explains the fans's disillusionment with the show...

These writers have no clue how to weave any stories together, use supporting characters and absolutely no clue how to plant seeds for future stories and slowly let them grow. Sherry  Anderson was a dynamite in this arena..When Roman and Marlena came back from the dead, she hinted that Eric and Sami were going to have issues with this and boy was she right with Hurricane Sami.. Jennifer's addiction should have started with a seed and then gradually grew into a problem. They gave her an instant addiction a week after her accident. We should have seen her slowly start to fall apart ONSCREEN in front of our eyes. Not to mention, that addiction to prescription drugs is a growing problem in this country. Soaps used to excel at writing good stories around topical issues.. I feel that Jennifer's addiction lacked a punch due to the fact that her addiction took place offscreen....So many scenes were edited out and the stories are so disjointed and lack a cohesive flow....The show is just a mess due to incompetent writers and their egos..

Jack and Jennifer were amazing and I wanted more..Matthew looks so damn good and my hatred for the Tan man came roaring back...Jack has so much unfinished business..I want him back so bad..I know that it is a pipe dream, but, hope springs eternal...I also loved the Lucas/Jennifer scenes....Bryan looks so good as well..I need Lucas on the show  with a woman that has eyes only for him, dealing with Will's death and being there for his granddaughter Arianna..

  • Love 7

Well, I thought this was the best episode in AGES.  Maybe because I was a teen when Jennifer Rose appeared as a teen, but this whole episode was filled with the characters I grew up watching and grew to care about as a viewer.  The scenes with Jack were tearjerkers in my opinion and reminded me how much better Missy Reeves was paired with Matthew Ashford.  I'm no great fan of MR but I thought she sold it pretty well and I loved the last bit with the addicts of Salem gathered to help her.  I thought it was great. 

  • Love 4

I love your rants, Apprentice.  My husband often has to sit through listening to similar ones from me.  

I have said this before, but I don't understand why the storytelling and writing isn't what it should be. I understand the crappy sets, and other budget cuts, but the storytelling is awful. 

Everything happens in a capsule.  Lucas should be a very broken man after the death of his son.  We see nothing.  Literally, he isn't even on! The characters used to feel like people.  It's why I could buy everyone running around pretending they were in Stockholm, looking for bonds underground, according to a map...that was helped by three tattoos...and as ridiculous as it was, the writing was there, the relationships were there (and not only romantic ones) and it worked.  Oh well, right?

Was it my tv, or was Jennifer's faux tan quite uneven around the neck area?

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, Revlonred said:

The characters used to feel like people.  It's why I could buy everyone running around pretending they were in Stockholm, looking for bonds underground, according to a map...that was helped by three tattoos...and as ridiculous as it was, the writing was there, the relationships were there (and not only romantic ones) and it worked.  Oh well, right?

I loved the Stockholm story-line!  Everything was so great back in the "good old days".  Why can't they write something like that these days? 

Today's episode was ok.  And it was great seeing Jack. But I wanted more of him!  And wasn't thrilled with seeing the shrill, nasty version of Abigail again. All that did was remind of how much I disliked the character, which is too bad, as my hate for her had lessened over the past little while.

The biggest problem with the episode, like has already been mentioned, was that so much of Jennifer's addiction has happened off screen or ended up on the cutting room floor so that it doesn't feel like she has that big of a problem.  And now we probably won't see her again for weeks.  And who knows when we'll see Lucas again.

Edit to add: I really wish someone would pay the studio's light bill, as the darkness of some scenes is really ridiculous. 

Edited by buffynut
  • Love 4

Jen hasn't been shown on screen to be at the point where her forgotten about dead husband should be visiting her to convince her to get help. Nothing seen on screen backs up what was shown today of her being so desperate that she tears up her living room looking for lost pills. I don't even remember seeing her flushing the pills. Nothing we've seen from her backs up the claims made today that she feels lost with her kids all grown up and Jack gone. She seemed just fine when she was with Dan. Jen feeling alone and lost and becoming addicted to pills actually makes since, it's just too bad the writers never bothered to explore any of this. Maybe then her character wouldn't be so wrecked. As a stand alone episode this was good but this addiction story and Jen in general feel very disconnected from the rest of the show. 

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Eh, I can't put my finger on why the show is annoying me these days, but I guess it's partly the transition in storylines. I don't mind Hope, but she sure is trying my patience. Those eyebrows got quite a workout yesterday when she was talking with Aiden. Geesh. I just don't care very much at all.

VI is winning me over with his piano. Was that Sonata Pathetique he played yesterday? Another of my sister's pieces that brings me back to childhood, which is such a gift.

Meanwhile, where's Patch and Joey?

Looking forward to today's episode, though -- I really love the standalone thing they've been doing lately.

Hi Lastwaltz--"Moonlight Sonata," the slow movement, Beethoven. And that scene just worked like crazy, didn't it? For once, the low lighting, the whole mood of the scene, and VI [!!!] just took those final shots to another place--outside of Salem, I think.

  • Love 1

The timeline and lack of any structure to the show is really awful as soon as you start to think about anything in any depth at all.  Wasn't JJ just really really sick?  Jennifer wasn't involved in that story at all, was she?  It could have added to her problem, if she really had one at the time.  As everyone else already said, we saw really nothing of this great pill addiction.  They don't want to spend time showing anything. And even if the show is going through rough edits and writer changes, they still should put something cohesive on air.  It shouldn't be this hard.  I don't think it's going to get any better in a few, or several months.  Ken Corday certainly does not care.

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 4
30 minutes ago, pearlite said:

Hi Lastwaltz--"Moonlight Sonata," the slow movement, Beethoven. And that scene just worked like crazy, didn't it? For once, the low lighting, the whole mood of the scene, and VI [!!!] just took those final shots to another place--outside of Salem, I think.

THANKS, Pearl : ) If VI does play Sonata Pathetique at some point, I'll think someone in the music department was a childhood playmate of mine or something.

  • Love 2

I just watched the Jack parts of the show and I was so happy to see Matthew Ashford on screen again - looking great and showing, once more, what idiots TPTB are to have let him go. I haven't been able to stand the character of Jennifer since Jack's death and she was tolerable to me today.

What today really did for me was make me want to go find clips from the good Days and watch them. You know, back when they actually took time to craft a storyline and let them play out in a logical manner.

  • Love 8

I think Brady actually has/had a much more serious drug/alcohol problem than Theresa did. I think to my understanding Theresa only got into drugs & alcohol in the first place because she felt like her life had no meaning and she didn't have anything to give her any purpose, so she did drugs and drank alcohol to fill a void. Brady clearly has a very addictive personality and that's what makes him more likely to become a drug addict/alcoholic, although some of his reasons may be similar. If Theresa does drink, it's pretty seldom if ever. 

Honestly, I just didn't care for the whole Jennifer-centric episode today and the fact that so little time has been devoted to her storyline just makes it all pointless to me. 

Actually what pisses me off is that the show actually had Abby appear in this episode but not J.J. I can't shake off this feeling that Days seems to put more stock into Abby as a character than J.J. and that really sucks. That's got to be because he's basically the spitting image of his father. 

Edited by Braniac Woman
  • Love 4

I have to say that I actually really enjoyed today's Jennifer-centric episode, and thought Missy Reeves did a good job.  I liked her back in the day but never liked her pompous phase (especially when she was with Daniel).  It was a bit refreshing to see her see herself as flawed and vulnerable.  

Gah, even in a fantasy/dream, Abigail is a rude selfish uncaring bitch.  Didn't like her part.  Thing is, JJ wasn't super-nice in his scene either but I could forgive it because I think he is a far better person than his sister.

Oh Jack...I really liked seeing Jack/MA today.  He still looks good.  I wish he could somehow return from his "death" (did we ever see a body?) and help repair his mess of a family.  They need him.  Oh those flashbacks...MA & MR looked so pretty as their 1990's selves.  I remember those episodes.  t took me a long time to become a J&J fan (and even just a Jack fan, from his beginnings), but I did.

Julie is pretty useless, twice she let Jen slip out of sight and nearly into ruin.  they gave er one job to do!  And SSH's acting choices...she looked more put-out than supportive in most of her scenes.

The meeting...good to see Maggie and Brady there, but for first-timer Jen, it wasn't very "anonymous".  

Also..when they said "anyone else" and they all turned around and looked at Jen, ugh.  It was her very first meeting, it took a lot to just be there, she probably needed time to build the courage to speak without being put on the spot to.  I would imagine it is up to the individual when they choose to speak, if they even choose to at all.  Nobody needs family giving the stink eye to you until you stand up and talk.  But once Jen did, I liked how she saw jack there and admitted her addiction with real tears, MR did great in that scene.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, LadyJaney said:

I have to say that I actually really enjoyed today's Jennifer-centric episode, and thought Missy Reeves did a good job.  I liked her back in the day but never liked her pompous phase (especially when she was with Daniel).  It was a bit refreshing to see her see herself as flawed and vulnerable.  

Gah, even in a fantasy/dream, Abigail is a rude selfish uncaring bitch.  Didn't like her part.  Thing is, JJ wasn't super-nice in his scene either but I could forgive it because I think he is a far better person than his sister.

Oh Jack...I really liked seeing Jack/MA today.  He still looks good.  I wish he could somehow return from his "death" (did we ever see a body?) and help repair his mess of a family.  They need him.  Oh those flashbacks...MA & MR looked so pretty as their 1990's selves.  I remember those episodes.  t took me a long time to become a J&J fan (and even just a Jack fan, from his beginnings), but I did.

Julie is pretty useless, twice she let Jen slip out of sight and nearly into ruin.  they gave er one job to do!  And SSH's acting choices...she looked more put-out than supportive in most of her scenes.

I liked today's show a lot.  I haven't liked Jennifer in a long, long time, though she's not been anywhere near as annoying as she was with Daniel, and even after Daniel died.  Jennifer has been wrapped in self-righteousness for such a long time. such an avid supporter of Abigail while not doing the same for JJ that I think she was top of my dislike list for a long time.  Even more than Daniel, though he was always very close.  

I don't think that the Melissa Reeves we got back after her affair and firing was the same person we saw before that all happened.  And as a consequence, she didn't play Jennifer the same way, either.  Whatever went on behind the scenes for her and Scott to save their marriage, MR's portrayal of Jennifer became very much the Church Lady.  And she's not been comfortable, or even able to, exude any sexuality, even in her much vaunted pairing with Daniel.  It always seemed to me as if Dan the Tan Man was kissing his maiden aunt.  

MR made that unfortunate - I'm being kind, here - remark about Chick Fil-A some years back and got bit in the ass for doing so.  She pulled back on the public judgement, got a well-deserved public slapping, and I think that's indicative of her life post-affair.  Seeing those old scenes of her and Jack, she was almost unrecognizable, and I don't mean physically.  I hope she can loosen up - in all ways - and start portraying the Jennifer we first met all those years ago and leave this obnoxious, judgemental Jennifer clone behind.  It was good to see an inkling of that today.

Besides, Show already has Julie for the obnoxious, judgemental role.  She sure as hell looked more like she was ready to haul off and slug Jennifer back in that scene.  And with Doug downstairs, undoubtedly just itching to drag out his ukele and start singing barbershop I'm surprised the whole bunch of 'em weren't drinking Alice's cooking sherry.  

And yep, even as a fantasy, I still want to push Abigail head long into traffic.  Or put her hair in a meat grinder.  Obnoxious ass, even in an alternate universe.

Ahhhh, Jack.  Jack and Jennifer, man they had IT, back in the day.  I didn't enjoy them so much this last go around, but I think that's because Melissa Reeves really holds herself back in her performances now, and then we had Daniel stinking up the place as his obvious replacement.  

I don't think they can ever bring him back - but never say never - because he did die in that elevator collapse and they did bury him.  Or, since this is Jack.....did they??

Whatever, it was great to see him, and the best thing that's happened to Jennifer in literally YEARS.

1 hour ago, Braniac Woman said:

Actually what pisses me off is that the show actually had Abby appear in this episode but not J.J. I can't shake off this feeling that Days seems to put more stock into Abby as a character than J.J. and that really sucks. That's got to be because he's basically the spitting image of his father. 

JJ was in a scene today.  He was with Jennifer right before Jack first appeared, part of her "what if" fantasy dream.  JJ was in prison, in an orange jump suit, had been arrested for some sort of drug thing, told Jen if was probably something he inherited from her.  Then he was gone and Jack was there.

My favorite part of today's show was without a doubt getting to see Lucas.  What the hell is WRONG with this show to not utilize this guy?  He's right there but he gets nothing to do?

I'll trade a Joey, a Jade, a Fynn, a Belle, and a Philip, and I'm sure I can come up with a couple more with no trouble to get Lucas front and center.

Edited by boes
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1 hour ago, boes said:

My favorite part of today's show was without a doubt getting to see Lucas.  What the hell is WRONG with this show to not utilize this guy?  He's right there but he gets nothing to do?

I can't believe I forgot to mention Lucas in my earlier post!  He was so great today, everything that a supportive family member should be.  I liked how he kept telling Jen that she didn't have to go through this alone ever again.  Made me glad she has him, and it made me miss Mike Horton.  Specifically, Michael Weiss's version of Mike.  He was always that awesome big brother and support to Jen.  It bugs me to no end that they keep bringing on useless characters/retcon family members when they should be bringing back characters like Mike!

Seeing that clip of young Jack with the scruff on the island, made me realize: a)how hot he was and b) How much Casey Moss/JJ favors a young Matt Ashford!  I have always thought he was a good casting because he reminded me of younger Jack in the looks department, but seeing this older clip reminded me just how much he does remind me of him.  Good casting.  And now that they have let the character of JJ grow and evolve into a mature adult, I really feel like he is a young Jack Deveraux.  He had some hard knocks and acted out and made mistakes, but he learned and grew and turned into a decent young man...a lot like how Jack did with time.

Abby should be the next young Jennifer Horton, but she is not.  Jennifer was never this much of a mess at a young age! Maybe Abby is more like her grandmother Laura.  I don't know much of Laura's earlier years, I just know Abby is not like her parents or her brother!

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 5

This episode came out of nowhere. Surely someone noticed Jenn's addiction - family, coworkers, etc. It did come way too fast - it wouldn't just start a week after the car accident. Her work would be sloppy, she would act differently, she would act like an addict. Never really knew unless it was Eric or Marlena reminding her about it. Even in her dream, Abigail was self-centred and it was all about *her*. I did get the 'roles' Jenn played - the daughter, the mother, the wife, etc. and was never really herself. Jack showed her the true self. The 6 am AA meeting was a bit much and would probably make me run. There are things about my life that are simply none of my relatives' business unless I chose to share these things with them. I did enjoy seeing Jack again.

  • Love 4

It really is hilarious that Jennifer's Id knows that Abigail is a selfish, self-righteous shrew.

I enjoyed seeing Lucas, Julie and Doug rallying around Jennifer and Maggie, Brady and the others coming to a special meeting for her.  Jennifer has been isolated for awhile now, so the family bonding was appreciated.  Like some others I don't understand why this show ignores Lucas, or why MA was let go the last time. 

  • Love 8

This episode came out of nowhere. Surely someone noticed Jenn's addiction - family, coworkers, etc. It did come way too fast - it wouldn't just start a week after the car accident


There was a scene that was cut, but that they have mentioned a couple of times, of Jennifer stumbling around in the Square and Lucas having to take her home.

  • Love 2

Was Jenn's Valley Of the Dolls dream done after the DOOL 2 month break? It came out of no where. Did she know JJ was in the hospital? It seems so rushed and random. Maybe, they are trying to end the story so they can move on with the new writers. There's new writers, right? That said, Matthew Ashford looks amazing. He looks better now then he did 20 years ago. Since, Jack is dead-dead he should go back to GH. I'm amazed that he's been gone from daytime for so long. 

  • Love 5
33 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Was Jenn's Valley Of the Dolls dream done after the DOOL 2 month break? It came out of no where. Did she know JJ was in the hospital? It seems so rushed and random. Maybe, they are trying to end the story so they can move on with the new writers. There's new writers, right? That said, Matthew Ashford looks amazing. He looks better now then he did 20 years ago. Since, Jack is dead-dead he should go back to GH. I'm amazed that he's been gone from daytime for so long. 

He's sort of still on daytime, if you consider the online soaps in that category.  He's a regular on The Bay, and he's good!  His character isn't but he is.

  • Love 2

Is The Bay some vague Another World spin-off? Or is there no connection...? Bay City/The Bay?


That cut scene of Jenn stumbling in the Square was vital. It's been referenced too many times. I can only imagine what viewers were thinking if they didn't read spoilers and know about it. Without that scene the only people who visibly noticed Jenn's addiction were Theresa, Abby and Eric and Mar...

Not only should Jenn have had some physical therapy and been present with JJ during the outbreak, but we should have had some set-up for all those pill containers all over her house. When did THAT happen? Did she seriously stuff pills into sewn pillowcases on her couch?!

It's the little stuff that pulls me out of this show.

And Julie should have slapped back and screamed at her for being a headcase. Her back is nothing compared to what everyone else around her is going through. I would be freaking annoyed with Jenn.

Hope we get a scene of Marlena snarking over Jenn finally getting some help. I never believed for a second that Mar would honor her promise to Eric to help her...

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