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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I came to like Aiden in the beginning but now everything about him is giving me smarmy vibes.  If Hope takes back her "Mistah Jennings," she'll be in the running for the biggest idiot in Salem.  I hate to say it, but I prefer Rafe at this point.

This CDC storyline fizzled right out, didn't it? Nothing happened.

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That was the CDC story? That was underwhelming. I got to see a little of JJ and Gabi though. People are sick and then they aren't? Fascinating. I thought someone we love was supposed to die? That's on the cutting room floor I'm sure. 

I honestly couldn't watch the rest of today's episode with full attention when I see Nicole talking about Daniel. I will forever be bitter that Will doesn't merit even half the crying and memorializing that Daniel Jonas gets. Just can't get over it. 

Glad to see Shawn and Hope interacting. He still has barely had scenes with his sister but I was happy to see him and Hope together. 

  • Love 5

I'm so happy Daniel Cosgrove is back.  I know it's messy but I still want Hope and Aiden together again. I love their chemistry and see zero chemistry, hell negative chemistry between Hope and Rafe. Hope has been such a weak, brainless, pathetic idiot since Rafe became part of her life. I'm seeing sparks of real Hope again. It feels like when Aiden returned, Hope did too.

I kind of loved Julie today. She's not used enough. I don't know why Maggie keeps getting all these stories, awful as they are, and not Julie. Since Aiden was hired by the Dimeras to romance Hope, I'd like to see Julie remember her own history when Doug was hired to seduce her away from her marriage.

I skip every scene involving Summer. If this story was Griffiths idea I hope he was fired for itl

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Bwill3133 said:

I honestly couldn't watch the rest of today's episode with full attention when I see Nicole talking about Daniel. I will forever be bitter that Will doesn't merit even half the crying and memorializing that Daniel Jonas gets. Just can't get over it. . 

I was reading the Twitter updates and when I saw there'd be more crying over Daniel, I decided I would skip the episode.   Hope I didn't miss anything good.

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I forgot to burst in here and complain about what they're doing to Kate! I hate that they're taking the teeth out of her and making her be so stupid regarding Deimos. Why did she debase herself like that, asking him to marry her? For the money? If so, they should have shown her worrying over money. To beat Nicole? Pffft, that's a drastic move and they should have shown more push and pull between the two women for me to believe it. And


spoilers indicating some scenes between Kate and Andre in the future are NOT appeasing me; he's worse than Diemos

. Blech, show. Let's get on with finding and saving Joey so I can at least see Patch being a badass. Give me a break from Hope's man dilemma, please -- it's reminding me of Jennifer's storyline with Dan and Jack and lord knows Jenn has had a hard time coming back from that.

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Yeah, but Nicole sure does know how to turn on the heat!

The explanation for the virus could have been integrated into the story better, to let us see the danger of Paul potentially infecting others before everyone figured out it was Yo Ling's backup plan. Heck, he could have infected Theresa during the engagement party, and then we could have had Anne worrying about her at the hospital and keeping creepy Summer at bay, since she would undeniably be happy about the situation. And Theresa being ill would have put Brady's priorities in order and given Summer a chance to play sympathetic so a healed Theresa could be told how compassionate Summer had been during her crisis...which should have raised the tension even more.


Dario is fine but saddled with an annoying family. Can he and Gabi and Mami stay, and Rafe and Ed hit the road?

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Yeah, but Nicole sure does know how to turn on the heat!

The explanation for the virus could have been integrated into the story better, to let us see the danger of Paul potentially infecting others before everyone figured out it was Yo Ling's backup plan. Heck, he could have infected Theresa during the engagement party, and then we could have had Anne worrying about her at the hospital and keeping creepy Summer at bay, since she would undeniably be happy about the situation. And Theresa being ill would have put Brady's priorities in order and given Summer a chance to play sympathetic so a healed Theresa could be told how compassionate Summer had been during her crisis...which should have raised the tension even more.


Dario is fine but saddled with an annoying family. Can he and Gabi and Mami stay, and Rafe and Ed hit the road?

Yeah, that could've been great Thrady angst but with these writers Brady might have ended up abandoning Theresa on her deathbed and continue to follow Summer around like a lost puppy. And Anne would be the only person to bother visiting Theresa, (well, maybe Maggie & Nicole too, but that's pushing it), and nobody from the Brady clan would bother checking on her either. 

Actually, I'd prefer Dario in prison or dead. I kind of like Adriana of course, so she can stay along with Gabi and the others. I wish Rafe can drop off the planet too, but beggers can't be choosers. 

  • Love 1

The only way that I will EVER forgive them for fucking up Kate so badly is this: She's Plan C to bring down Demios. She's one tier. Nicole is another. Justin is another. THAT would be super cool. I don't know what her motivation would be but...I'd take it.

The CDC thing MUST have been way different on paper and in filming.They HAD to have edited it out to go in another direction, right? Otherwise, besides good Jabby scenes, what the fuck was it all for?

  • Love 9

I liked today's episode.  Oh, I know it's got problems - for me, mostly with this dud of a disease distaster, and with Kate, but nonetheless, it was mostly a pleasure to watch.  Even Jawn - who is almost comically unaware of what a doofus Dad he is, to the extent that most children would be issuing pre-apologies for him - was sort of fun.  I very much liked Marlena standing up for her lil' brain-damaged hubby and the kiss he planted on her afterwards.

JJ and Gabi.....those two are my favorite couple by far right now and that includes Patch and Kayla.  P and K have been so bogged down in this Joey crap that I watch their scenes mostly out of obligation right now, but Gabi and JJ have - IMO - a natural chemistry, an ease with each other that makes me want to see more.  He was sweet with her, she was fierce for him, and the icing on the cake was Mamma Hernandez.  I think she elevates every scene she's in.

Even Dario had more to do today, in his intercept with Kate.  I hope they're not moving towards him and Kate having a relationship - even for Kate, two sons and their father are a bit too much.  I love the suggestion one of you made that perhaps Kate is working her own anti-Diemos game, rather than teaming up with the latest town pariah.  I could see her doing this as payback for him screwing over Philip - but, then again, Kate talks a better game of protecting her kids than she sometimes actually does.  It's not that long ago she stole Lucas' job from under him.  But I hope so.  I love the actress, love the character, and she's too damn smart to always be getting the short end of the stick.

Which brings me to Deimos.  I know he's not everyone's cup of tea but he is mine.  I have NO trouble with what he did to Victor, considering what Victor did to him.  It's what he did to Maggie that makes me pull back on the guy.  But then I think of all the other Salemites, all the "good" ones who have done utterly horrendous things, yet Show expects me to root for them.   So maybe I need to adjust my standards to Show's gutter crawl and give the Maggie thing a pass at some point.  It's hard to be outraged about some awful stuff and cheer on others, when the crap is equally bad.   And there is no way that I see Victor as more worthy than Deimos with what he did to him.

I'm mostly looking at today's show as a one off of good acting, well written scenes, an enjoyable hour, more enjoyable than most, lately.  Not that it really makes sense, character wise, but a pleasure nonetheless.

  • Love 8

The drowned rat look works.almost.every.time. Nicole has a bit larger of a build than Kate, so the bathrobe must have been a one size fits all type.

Nikki, you maybe should not confide in Dario. Just sayin'.

Why the rush to get married? Kate doesn't need the money. Doesn't need the surname. Been there and done that before. She's done Italian, she's done Greek. I thought the mutual pre-nup was a good idea.

Mama Hernandez actually seems rather normal and semi well-adjusted for a soap character. Maybe someone should introduce her to Anne. Both are the show's most unconventional women. But perhaps she does have a skeleton or two or three (like the other Salemites) in her modest home's closet.

  • Love 4

With all the doppelganger talk upthread, I'd like to add another candidate for replication: Joey.  I wish that this Joey was a piss-poor imposter and the real Joey was an intelligent, non-murdering-and-robbing son who's been held against his will by one of Steve's spy enemies.  Kayla and Steve not knowing that their son was replaced by an soulless dolt with zero charm and thug tendencies could just be hand-waved as far as I'm concerned.  I dislike the character of Joey that much.

boes, I agree about Deimos.  He'd have to be a whole lot worse to be equal to Victor in the ruthless douche department.  Also, I love Deimos and Nicole together and think AZ and VI have great chemistry.

The CDC story must have been cut to shreds.  Was Lucas mentioned at all?  I don't understand why this long-time, interesting character doesn't get any love from this or the previous two writing regimes.  Hopefully after the next changeover he will finally get some attention again.  Lucas and Anne together could be a lot of fun; Lucas, Anne and Theresa as conspirators would be great.  If there is one thing this show has gotten right, it's the friendship between Anne and Theresa.  It is a wonderful combination of believable writing and terrific acting by MSL and JL.  Those two make the show whenever they're on.

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I really enjoyed Thursday's show.  Not sure why, except that it seemed more "old school" soap.  A lot more interaction between generations and not all sex or subterfuge. There was a good balance to the show.  Still wish they would invest in better lighting.  I know it was a rainy day, but, zheesh - the scenes are literally soooo dark!  Maybe it was really rainy night??  I honestly can't tell anymore.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, boes said:

  So maybe I need to adjust my standards to Show's gutter crawl and give the Maggie thing a pass at some point.  It's hard to be outraged about some awful stuff and cheer on others, when the crap is equally bad.   And there is no way that I see Victor as more worthy than Deimos with what he did to him.

I cannot stress enough how important it's been to me to lower my standards for this show. In many ways, I've practically done away with any standards and expectations and have embraced this show for the complete mess that it is. I will always miss the Days that hooked me as a child and, along with the Bronte sisters, gave me  really skewed ideas about love and romance, though.

So I guess I'm back to hating Kate. It's definitely to LK's credit that I've bounced back and forth with her character over the years. But ever since Clyde, I haven't been able to get past the desperate way that she's been written. I've used lots of adjectives to describe Kate, but pathetic never used to be one of them, now it's become the only one that really fits.

And while I'm liking the possibility of Nicole and Deimos, I have some reservations. If it plays out that she does actually fall for him, the feelings had better damned well be mutual. Not because she reminds him of a dead woman, either. but because someone finally realizes the absolute awesomeness that is Nicole Freaking Walker and accepts it without making her prove her worthiness. And, you know, because AZ and VI look striking together. I still like Dario though, at least in regards to Nicole. I like the way he treats her like he's not doing her a favor by talking to her, or that he'll stop being her friend if she doesn't toe the line. And there's certainly a lot of pretty in that couple, too. I don't want to see Kate and Nicole fight for Dario, I want to see Deimos and Dario fight for Nicole.

Edited by shesajar
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18 hours ago, Rick Kitchen said:

What was going on with that loud guitar music at the beginning of the episode?

Deimos wants carte blanche for all crimes?  I wonder if Abe will go along with that.

I guess the hospital was impressed with Adriana's poultice making.

What was that VI was playing?  It was pretty.

Irizarry was playing Eric Satie's "Gymnopedie #1." Apparently, prison piano lesson repertoire ran to early 20thC French composers--first, Debussy's "Claire de Lune," then Satie.

  • Love 5

I just don't know if I could ever take Nicole and Deimos seriously if they got together. Deimos was in love with a woman who looks just like her and ended up spending decades in prison after being accused of killing her. I don't see how that can ever not be..weird. And while Nicole has been a horrible person at times, I think Deimos is a bit too evil even for her. A non--pathetic and desperate version of Kate would be better suited for him.

  • Love 2

Thanks, Pearl! I thought the first piece was Claire de Lune and was hoping for confirmation : ) As pretty as he plays piano, I can't get behind this guy. Where does Nicole go in her head when she's kissing him, I wonder -- a minute ago she was crying over Daniel. I know she has a plan and this was her big chance and all, but still. Nicole, I do love you but you confound me more often than not.

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Is Deimos playing Nicole? A couple of weeks ago she was visablly weirded out by him and almost immediately she flips and is now actin like he wants to screw him. He knows she was married to Victor and is cool with Maggie...he has to know she's conning him. 

The Belle/Shawn scenes seem like they were written five minutes before they were filmed. 

  • Love 1

Agreed. Not respecting Shawn for falling for Belle's BS. She's just playing all the boys...

I like the scenes with Chad and Ciara but don't want them as a couple or affair.

It was nice seeing rain in the show these last two days, but boy was it inconsistently filmed. Aiden and Hope seemed dry while someone drizzled water in front of the camera...

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

God this episode was so drying!  I expected so much more.   I really did. 

The only bright spot that came from this was Nicole is back to being scheming,  shady Nicole.   That's how I love her and that's in her character makeup.   I hate her crying a bit over Daniel's lame,  tired ass.   So the fact she coming in between Deimos/Kate is going to be a great joy especially since Nicole/Deimos have loads of chemistry. 

And that kiss between Aiden/Hope was like kissing cousins.   It was all him really  doing all the kissing but ew.   Funny how Aiden was so dry while it was raining and Hope was wetter than Niagara Falls.   

Edited by BlackMamba
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And once again, Show is interrupted for "breaking" news that could have been saved for the evening news.

Show is only on two days next week, correct?

oooohhhh, spoopy thunder.

Nice to see Joseph again, even if it was a hallucination.  Chad may want to consider seeing a psychologist, too.

Ciara really needs help.

Man, those Deimos and Nicole scenes were hot.

Are Rafe and Eduardo going to go off on an adventure together?

Jeez, Shawn, way to take advantage of a drunk woman.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I just don't know if I could ever take Nicole and Deimos seriously if they got together. Deimos was in love with a woman who looks just like her and ended up spending decades in prison after being accused of killing her. I don't see how that can ever not be..weird. And while Nicole has been a horrible person at times, I think Deimos is a bit too evil even for her. A non--pathetic and desperate version of Kate would be better suited for him.

It's very VC Andrews.

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While I'm not OK with what Deimos did to Maggie, I have no issues with him screwing over Victor.  Vic's turned into a repulsive man.  There were a few years where he was funny, but now he's back to being his hateful self.  Plus I love looking at Deimos and imagine he smells divine, like expensive cologne.  Vic probably smells of Ben-Gay.

I've decided I mostly hate this show though.  I have been enjoying Mama Hernandez and her comforting, caring personality with no strings attached (a true rarity on Days), JJ and Gabi, Marlena when she makes an occasional appearance, Chad by himself and Kayla and Steve (when they were together), but that's pretty much it.  I told my husband I'm sick of watching, but don't want to stop in the off chance this show improves and the stories get good.  Then I'd be lost if I wasn't keeping up with it.  At least it provides good background noise while I'm getting through the boring parts of my video game.

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 4

Ciara dreaming about Chad kissing her - miss.

Chad dreaming about Stefano - win.

Hope and Aiden - miss.

Poopy Faced Rafe is back - always a miss, always was, always will be.  

Mama Hernandez - win.

Philip - miss, but with uncontrollable laughter that this guy is considered to be HOT.  Like  a hot pocket left in the sun for three weeks, maybe.

Claire - tie.

Shawn - win.

Belle - miss.

Belle and Shawn - abomination.

Who's editing this show, anyway?  The local high school?

  • Love 8

Poor Claire. Moving out because your singing career is not taking off within 2 weeks. Uncle Philip telling you a bit about reality. And not getting your graduation gift car because you helped trash the judge's car. Sucks to be you. Moving in with Ciara is a most excellent idea. Ciara should not be living in the DiMera mansion. Giving Chad a kiss on the cheek was a bit inappropriate. Yes, she is a young girl, but she is Chad's employee.

Deimos should fast-forward himself 20 or so years and see himself in Victor. I do like a man with a piano, so.... wonder if Kate's fangs will make an appearance on Monday. Nicole's car *did* break down, or so she says and the bathrobe is just an innocent clothing item til hers dries. She is still the semi-grieving 'widow', so a new relationship four months after the dearly departed Daniel's demise is a bit soon.

Mama H can stay.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, boes said:

Philip - miss, but with uncontrollable laughter that this guy is considered to be HOT.  Like  a hot pocket left in the sun for three weeks, maybe.

JPL really does look terrible, and I just don't see why Philip even needs to be on the show.  Were the previous incarnations of this character more interesting?

  • Love 2

I missed the episode yesterday.  From reading comments it looks like I missed the Ciara kisses Chad dream, but also a Chad dreams of Stefano.  Glad I missed Ciara's dream. I may have to hunt down the episode to see Stefano though.  

For those of you who've stopped watching or are watching sporadically, if you see this post, you might want to tune in on Tuesday. That's all I'll say here. More details in the spoiler thread.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Kitty Redstone said:

JPL really does look terrible, and I just don't see why Philip even needs to be on the show.  Were the previous incarnations of this character more interesting?

Yes, Jay's Philip was the best. He was everything Victor's and Kate's son should be...I wanted him to go darker than he was..He was such a badass when he was messing with Shawn-Douglas over Belle. That fight that they had at the pub was awesome..Jay is the only Philip for me..He was actually the second actor to portray him and the most memorable and beloved by the fans....This impostor that is need of a good moisturizing cream is not Philip Robert Kiriakis....I loved  the sibling relationship between Philip, Billie and Lucas....I miss Billie and she was always at her best with her brothers Austin, Lucas and Philip...Will was named after her and she is Allie's godmother...I loved Philip with Chloe, Belle and Stefanie..I despised him with Melanie, the virgin bride...In fact, it was that stupid pairing that made Jay leave the show...Plus Ken Corday and Tomsell screwed him over...

Edited by Apprentice79
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I've been skipping so many shows, I don't really feel qualified to opine about the show in general, but it feels like such a mess!  Looks like they are going for Ava, take two, with Mama and Papa Hernandez and their threatening texts... good luck with that.  Sweet Claire has turned on a dime into a bitchy facsimile of her terrible mother.  I don't even know what faux-gothic mess they are trying for with Nicole/Deimos/Kate, although I didn't mind him playing the piano because at least he spent less time talking.  The Hanta virus appears to have passed without getting rid of any of our excess cast members, so what was the point?  And the less said about the Rafe/Aiden/Hope mess, the better.

I'm enjoying hottie Fynn's growing crush on Kayla, but with the screentime Steve and Kayla are getting lately, that's hardly here nor there.  So yeah... what a mess.

  • Love 5

Hope's man drama is getting pretty old. Definitely over that. I liked Aiden too. Now he sucks and Rafe is boring. Let's find Hope something else to do. Has graduation already happened? Did Ciara already move out? I don't hate her and Chad's scenes as friends. They are actually pretty nice. 

So rules send Claire screeching into her room about moving out.  Cool. All these surly teens don't need "understanding," they need a big smack in their mouth. That might help them. 

I love Gabi but not really getting her family's problem with JJ. Let's not forget she went to prison for MURDER. Don't think you all are in much of a position to judge. 

Still don't care about Summer. 

Glad to see Dario in scenes with Nicole. I actually like him with her. 

  • Love 7

It would have been very entertaining if Bo was also in the "rain" watching Rafe, who was watching Aiden kissing Hope.  Just because.  Enough with her man troubles.  

Am I the only one who finds Vincent Irizarry hot beyond hot?  I mean like, really, really hot? Just as hot as his Guiding Light days?   It must be because the show sucks and Stephen Nichols is hardly on.  

Thats really all I have to comment on; the show is a big ole mess.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Revlonred said:

It would have been very entertaining if Bo was also in the "rain" watching Rafe, who was watching Aiden kissing Hope.  Just because.  Enough with her man troubles.  

Am I the only one who finds Vincent Irizarry hot beyond hot?  I mean like, really, really hot? Just as hot as his Guiding Light days?   It must be because the show sucks and Stephen Nichols is hardly on.  

Thats really all I have to comment on; the show is a big ole mess.

Heck yes! He is such a handsome man.  This is the first time I've seen him on any show, and it's been a positive experience.  I feel bad for Maggie but nothing for Victor.  I'm tired of him calling everyone names and acting like he's above it all.  He was and still is a lousy criminal at his core.  (I did like humorous Victor for awhile there though.)

Edited by Polaris
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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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