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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Kate is a stank bitch and Theresa needs to remember that she's a partner is this business.


Abifail is a rabies infected animal and I wish someone would shove a brillo pad down her throat. I'm so sick of watching this scum run around town obsessing over Chad. TAKE CARE OF YOUR PLOT POINT BABY YOU BITCH. Marlena should have stabbed the wildebeest in self defense when she showed up to her home and harassed her about a patient.  How fucking dare she talk to her about Sami. Once again acting like a poor mother. 


I wonder how long that poor demon baby has been in Jen's house suffering because his worthless mother couldn't be bothered to care for him. Child protective services needs to be called.


I hope show doesn't expect me to feel sorry for Belle now that Shawn finally wised up and filed for divorce. 

  • Love 7

Why are Theresa and Nicole allowing Kate to make all the decisions?  Aren't they equal partners?  I love Kate but she's in serious need of being taken down a notch.  I have no idea why she's being so harsh, but am going to fanwank it's because she misses Sami so she's unconsciously goading Theresa into acting more Sami-like. 


Jen Lilley really has Theresa's self-doubt down pat.  I've never had someone as forceful as Kate tell me that I suck, but you can bet I'd be in a puddle of self-pity just like Theresa were it to ever happen!  Even on days where you've had lots of affirmation (sales, compliments, what have you), there is always the deep-down, nagging belief that you're really no good.  Anyway, I'm looking forward to the runway and this story but there's no way Theresa would be sewing her own collection.  That shit only happens on Project Runway. 


Marlena should have told Abigail to take a long walk off a short pier. She had no business discussing Chad with her, nor should she have disclosed anything about Sami to her.  Does Marlena really not remember how Abigail went after Austin and EJ all the while pretending to be friends with Carrie and Sami?  Does she not realize how manipulative and selfish Abigail is?  Dumbass.  But besides all that, I've really had quite enough of the weird-looking Kate Mansi.  Take a damn vacation, please, or better yet, take your career ambitions somewhere else.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 13

Oh Marlena. Seriously, telling all of Sami's business to the woman who had an affair with her husband? Nice. Who writes this? First Abigail barging into your home telling you to forget about patient confidentiality. And you tell her about EJ's letter. My mouth was open in disbelief through that entire scene. You are also going to keep your adult daughter from being with Chad; Who has cheated on "the love of her life " twice? Not happening.

Kate, chill out! I understand you are stressed and what not but geez take a pill! Badgering and bullying Theresa isn't helping anyone. She's just being so over the top. I can't wait to see this launch though.

Belle, I am completely loving this zero f***s given attitude you've had since you've came back but what exactly did you expect Shawn to do while you are in Salem and he's in Maine? You all permanently separated but no divorce I guess. I enjoy this Belle but it's not as if you've been crying at home thinking about Shawn and your marriage. Nice try though. Lol.

Of course Thomas gets sick now. On to the next plot point with the baby.

Rafe and Hope's scene were more natural today. No forced " going to fall in love soon" anvil hanging over today. I liked them. And I guess Lani will now be involved in this story? What exactly are they doing with her? I saw Sal Stowers in AMC and was excited to see her but she hasn't really gotten anything to do since she came on.

  • Love 4

Kate is a hideous monster. She deserves the complete creeps/freaks she hooks up with in the male department.

I must have missed something because it wasn't long ago that she seemed to like Theresa's designs. I must have missed something.

Is this Kate's way of dealing with Will's death? She is awful.

  • Love 2

Marlena needs something to do and I mean really bad.

I get she is the matriarch now of Days but just because she is doesn't mean she should be a drip! Sitting around that penthouse of hers doing absolutely nothing but worry about "Where's Sami" is boring as fuck.

Alice Horton was 100x interesting than this back in the 80s when she was in her 60s.

I almost wish they gave Marlena the breast cancer instead of Adrienne or give her Lymphoma. Have Deidre be in a solid storyline where it not only effects Marlena but also impacts John, her children and even her ex Roman. Deidre is still a good actress IMO and still with the writing change shes still being written into a corner.


But a storyline that can a least make me wake up that Marlena is a worthy watch still. It's Marlena! Marlena shouldn't be sooo drying.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

They have Marlena out here interacting with that girl. I would rather see her and Jawn be boring together than see her talking to Abifail.

It's like most of the cast exists to prop Abifail. Everyone has selective amnesia over most of the stuff she's done.  Clearly the execs have lost their mind. 

  • Love 8

It's like most of the cast exists to prop Abifail. Everyone has selective amnesia over most of the stuff she's done.  Clearly the execs have lost their mind. 


I missed the first part of DOOL today, but when I saw Abifail at Marlena's place, I just wanted Marlena to tell her, "You used to work at the hospital (does she still have that job??). There's this little thing called HIPAA so I can't tell you anything." What does KM have on the writers and execs backstage that we don't know about???  

Edited by Lisa418722
  • Love 6

What does KM have on the writers and execs backstage that we don't know about???

I guess one of the positives of the writing change shes not on 5 days a week like she was last year and some of this year. Had TomSell still been in play she probably would had hit the 170 episode mark by now. She was their muse.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Why are Theresa and Nicole allowing Kate to make all the decisions?  Aren't they equal partners?  I love Kate but she's in serious need of being taken down a notch.  I have no idea why she's being so harsh, but am going to fanwank it's because she misses Sami so she's unconsciously goading Theresa into acting more Sami-like. 


Jen Lilley really has Theresa's self-doubt down pat.  I've never had someone as forceful as Kate tell me that I suck, but you can bet I'd be in a puddle of self-pity just like Theresa were it to ever happen!  Even on days where you've had lots of affirmation (sales, compliments, what have you), there is always the deep-down, nagging belief that you're really no good.  Anyway, I'm looking forward to the runway and this story but there's no way Theresa would be sewing her own collection.  That shit only happens on Project Runway. 


Marlena should have told Abigail to take a long walk off a short pier. She had no business discussing Chad with her, nor should she have disclosed anything about Sami to her.  Does Marlena really not remember how Abigail went after Austin and EJ all the while pretending to be friends with Carrie and Sami?  Does she not realize how manipulative and selfish Abigail is?  Dumbass.  But besides all that, I've really had quite enough of the weird-looking Kate Mansi.  Take a damn vacation, please, or better yet, take your career ambitions somewhere else.

Marlena seems to have forgotten failure went after both Sami and Carrie's men and now it is time for her to go after Belle's.

  • Love 5

I dunno about anyone else, but Theory here.

Stefano was feeling "innocent" or "gulity" with Andre today. It was very not-Stefano, like he was tearing up. Lett's just say he was responsible or played some part for Bo being held captive and developing a incurable tumor. I mean Stefano is Stefano, but Lexie died of a brain tumor as well. Something might have made him soft. He hasn't had a reaction to Bo dying yet like he would in the past. And while Bo was a Brady/Kiriakis and hated him, would had wanted Bo to die like that?

Not giving Stefano an excuse if hes behind it but I found it interesting he was questioning if his time was coming soon. Like someone is waiting to retaliate against him soon than later.


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He's already stated his interest to Abby and has taken Belle out. Once he starts dating her Abby will be all over him like stink on shit. Nothing turns her on like a guy being not interested / attached.

Marlena seems to have forgotten failure went after both Sami and Carrie's men and now it is time for her to go after Belle's.

It is pathological isn't it? Next she'll be following John around and shoving him into supply closets. Haha

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 7

He's already stated his interest to Abby and has taken Belle out. Once he starts dating her Abby will be all over him like stink on shit. Nothing turns her on like a guy being not interested / attached.

It is pathological isn't it? Next she'll be following John around and shoving him into supply closets. Haha

If all else fails, Andre is available......and a Dimera.

  • Love 7

I'm late to the party, and you all have done the heavy lifting already.


I loved today's show, mostly, but as you've all said - Marlena seriously didn't kick that twit down three flights of stairs and instead not only let her barge in, but then spilled all of Sami's - and Belle's, for that matter - secrets to this troglydyte who has hurt, betrayed, lied, to both Sami AND Carrie??  And, she breaks her doctor/patient confidentiality bond for HER?  And this is after Abigail practically slapped Marlena, demanding "What did you DO to Chad"?  

Too bad Marlena doesn't keep a woodchipper in the living room.


I love Kate, but she needs to be brought down a notch or ten.   I do enjoy Nicole being the voice of reason.  Best part of Show today, for me, was how firmly Ann was in Theresa's corner, and how downright wonderful she was with Theresa in the park.  Maybe Show is going to make Ann more of a fully rounded character?  I"d love that.


I hope whatever is going on with Joe Moscolo, if anything, Show treats him with the respect he deserves for all the years he's given.  The man is such a trooper.  Soap work is not for the faint of heart these days, with the excellerated scheduling, the crazy filming, the out of sequence storytelling, so I admire pretty much everybody who works on them.  Especially the vets, like him, whose stamina may not be what it was.  

He's got good genes, though.  Did you all know his Mom lived to be a hundred, and his father to a hundred and seven, only dying 7 years ago, his mom only 5 after 80 years of marriage.  Imagine that.


Now, if only someone would drop a house on Abigail and leave him to Belle.  My feelings about Belle are changing.....I'm liking this smart ass, at least at times.

  • Love 10

Would so look forward to the day that Chad cheats on the princess, but how could he ever do that since he only has scenes with her.

This is the problem with pigeonholing a character. He could stay with Belle or (although they have a kinda bad history) there is Gabi. In fact, the Gabi angle could be interesting given their history and she is kinda dating Abby's brother.

  • Love 7

This is the problem with pigeonholing a character. He could stay with Belle or (although they have a kinda bad history) there is Gabi. In fact, the Gabi angle could be interesting given their history and she is kinda dating Abby's brother.

Stop it my mouth is watering.

Id like the Belle/Chad/Abi try better than a third round of Shawn/Belle/Phillip. I just want Shawn to be over Belle. Let them coparent because of Claire but they had puppy love romance.

  • Love 2


Marlena should have told Abigail to take a long walk off a short pier. She had no business discussing Chad with her, nor should she have disclosed anything about Sami to her.

Marlena should have reported what happened to her to the police. So since she failed to do that because she's covering for Sami and now Belle's also doing illegal bidding of Sami's. Why would Marlena not discuss Chad with someone who clearly sees he has a different personality since he met with her. What happened to Chad is all because of Andre and starts with Sami stealing the money.


Abby was completely right to ask Marlena what she did and what happened at that session since he became a Pod Chad after that. Now Marlena knows that Andre did something to Chad too. Just like Abby knows why Andre did something to Chad.

  • Love 4

I hope pod Chad reports Marlena to the ethics board. I'm so sick of these doctors violating doctor patient confidentiality to help that girl. 


Plus, when did Marlena get close to that wombat anyway?   She certainly wasn't impressed when the Little Darling literally pushed her way into her place, making her move so she didn't get shoved.  And then as she accused attacked her, demanding she tell her about Chad' session, with anyone else, Marlena would have kicked them out.  It's as if Abigail carries some sort of bacterial infection around with her that makes people become instant morons around her.  


And back at Horton Home Depot, Baby Plot Point was safe and snug in his crib, having had a decent day, either completely on his own, or with Jenn, when Mommie Dearest came in, carried him like a bag of dog poop she couldn't wait to put down, and then explained to Baby that Mommy was out trying to secure her share of Dimera Peen, Chad's feelings be damned.  Oh, and it's FOR THE BABY.  Cuz Baby won't be a happy Baby unless Mommy is scaling yet another Mt. Dimera.  

I can only wonder exactly what parenting books she's reading......and just imagine her quesitons at parenting class......She's really sort of a monster.

  • Love 10


I hope pod Chad reports Marlena to the ethics board. I'm so sick of these doctors violating doctor patient confidentiality to help that girl.

But it's ok for Marlena to cover up criminal activity of her daughter? Like trying to murder Chad in his coma or the reason why Chad is brainwashed is because of Sami and Marlena's lies for Sami. If they tried to get the money back or even get other daughter Belle to give the money back, Chad wouldn't be suffering now with brainwashing.


The person who should be reporting all this is Chad and to the police. Marlena telling Abby about the criminal acts that occurred in her office because of her daughter's crime to Marlena's patient  who trusted her is so beyond ethics board. Abby herself shouldn't be covering for Sami at this point, not when Chad's now paying for it.


There was no doctor-patient, since nothing actually occurred except Andre attacking them both. So Marlena shouldn't be covering for that with anyone, she and John should have went straight to the police and made it public knowledge but didn't and aren't because she's covering for Sami. Abby's just trying to save the guy who saved her.

Edited by Artsda

I can only wonder exactly what parenting books she's reading......and just imagine her quesitons at parenting class......She's really sort of a monster.


Do you think Abifail knows how to read?


I see what yall mean how Abby holds her baby. Kristen does a better job holding a baby and all those babies tend to be stole


I wish Kritter would come back (FOR ONE EPISODE ONLY) and take Baby Plot Point, never to be seen or heard from again. She'd definitely be a better mother than the current one he's stuck with. 

  • Love 4

I wish Kritter would come back (FOR ONE EPISODE ONLY) and take Baby Plot Point, never to be seen or heard from again. She'd definitely be a better mother than the current one he's stuck with.

Where is the great Bill Bell when you need him!

Thats what happened to teen mom Nina on YR. Rose Deville snatched her baby and sold her son to the blackmarket.

I actually felt sorry for Nina though.

  • Love 1



I don't see a problem with helping Sami get away with jacking the Dimeria money. For once Marena is being a good parent. She should encourage Sami to take ALL of the Dimera assets and property and neutralize Stefano and Andre permanently. Maybe give her a couple of vials of the drugs she used to put Stefano into a coma back in 2008. 

  • Love 4

I don't see a problem with helping Sami get away with jacking the Dimeria money. For once Marena is being a good parent. She should encourage Sami to take ALL of the Dimera assets and property and neutralize Stefano and Andre permanently. Maybe give her a couple of vials of the drugs she used to put Stefano into a coma back in 2008.

This would be sweet! I like Andre and Stefano sweating Sami. It's about time that somebody finally gets the upper hand on the Dimeras. I just wish that it wasn't done offscreen by AS.

  • Love 7

If all else fails, Andre is available......and a Dimera.

Ah but the key word there is 'available." Abs doesn't really get her kink on and go all stalker on their asses till they become 'unavailable.' 


But it's ok for Marlena to cover up criminal activity of her daughter? Like trying to murder Chad in his coma or the reason why Chad is brainwashed is because of Sami and Marlena's lies for Sami. If they tried to get the money back or even get other daughter Belle to give the money back, Chad wouldn't be suffering now with brainwashing.

Technically Sami didn't steal their money if EJ is still alive and had access to the account--it's his money too. Imagine the Feds showing up to arrest Sami on their private island in the sand and EJ, while sipping drinks and making sandcastles with the kids, turns around and says, "It was my retirement fund!"  


But looking at it from a bigger picture, no one involved is going to talk to the Feds because the "criminal activity" stems back to money that is either already stolen or blood money or dirty money or take your pick of mafia money terms.  None of it can really be reported to the authorities. 


And Chad's not suffering or being brainwashed because of Sami or Marlena. Chad is knee deep in criminal life himself with a half brother who thinks nothing of tweaking his thought process because his mommy humped the big bad Dimera. He was born into this, and as evident by the extreme escape routes EJ and Sami had to take to leave the life behind, he's not getting out simply because the Princess wants him.  And that's yet again another bizarre and annoying plot point about Abifail.  She wants these Dimera men but she can't handle the lifestyle that comes with them. So she chases after them with practically her panties around her knees, ignorant of the fact they can not walk the straight and narrow.  

  • Love 4


Hope and Bo did something illegal for Shawn when he and Belle tried hiding Claire from Phillip who was thought to be the father. They were praised! Even Hope this year covered a crime up for Aiden when it came to Chase.

Marlena also shouldn't be holding moral compass crown to anyone on the show when shes slept with Jawn on the Titan table. Might not be an illegal criminal act but she committed adultery. Attempted to shoot EJ. Injected Stefano with drug to put him in a coma.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

People keep saying Sami *stole* the money but didn't EJ have legal access to it? Meaning he was legally able to give that money to anyone he wanted, including his wife? Even if he did steal some money I'm sure he set it up so it would be difficult, if not impossible, to prove in court that they money he gave Sami was stolen. I doubt a crime was even committed. Andre and Stefano are just mad because they only have like $10 mil in the bank instead of $500 mil. I love it though. Fuck em. 

  • Love 5

It would be funny if Stefano/Andre went into a court of law wanting to retrieve their money and file criminal charges against Sami. All of their money they generated was via criminal activity. So... For all intents and purposes...that money would be seen as blood money anyhow.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2


People keep saying Sami *stole* the money but didn't EJ have legal access to it? Meaning he was legally able to give that money to anyone he wanted, including his wife?

Knowing pin codes to access the money does not make it yours. In that case anyone who found out someones PIN number for their ATM card, could just clear out peoples account and it's legal. Which is what Sami did, she cleared out an account that wasn't hers with codes that were given to her.


They've already said over and over again Marlena, John, Belle saying she could be disbarred. They've all said what Sami did was illegal.



And Chad's not suffering or being brainwashed because of Sami or Marlena. Chad is knee deep in criminal life himself with a half brother who thinks nothing of tweaking his thought process because his mommy humped the big bad Dimera. He was born into this, and as evident by the extreme escape routes EJ and Sami had to take to leave the life behind, he's not getting out simply because the Princess wants him.

He wasn't born into anything, Chad didn't know he was a Dimera until a few years ago and wasn't raised in a criminal life. Andre did this to him because of Sami stealing the money, so this brainwashing does lead back to Sami. Also what's happening to Belle is because of Sami and her own choices. Marlena being chloroformed, all of it leads back to Sami's choices. She started this entire ball.


Also Chad missing out on his life he wants, his plans with Thomas/Abby, his own choices. Not having control of his own mind, that is suffering. It's no different than a fake Rafe planted in Rafe's spot, or a fake John or a fake Hope. They all lost control of their own minds and bodies, without their consent. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 2

Thrady continue to be adorable together so I guess that means their doomed--in Days' world at least :) I do like how Brady is firmly in Theresa's corner and I think Theresa is finally finding her backbone again.  I'm also enjoying Nicole's standing up to Kate and not letting her run roughshod all over her and Theresa and the fashion show.  I also appreciate that we have three very capable actresses in LK, AZ and JL and I hope the show runs with their Basic Black storyline.


I don't really like Belle--her entitled attitude when it comes to men and looking down on other women who aren't her bothers me deeply and feels too similar to Abby, especially when it comes to the serial cheating and blind acceptance of over the top compliments.  Belle's the most beautiful woman in Salem?  Phillip has seen Theresa, Gabi and Nicole right?   And Phillip's weird hairstyle and facial features just throw me off--this soap superstar just isn't cutting it. 


Once again KM has a golden opportunity to act her face off and once again she fails to deliver.  Abby looked mildly annoyed that Thomas was sick as opposed to MR's Jen who sold the crap out of her scenes--I can take one look at her face and I can see the fear and worry there.  KM, not so much.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 9

The writers are doing a disservice to KM by giving Abifail a baby. She already can't act for shit and now she has to stand there and struggle to act like a mother, a worried one at that. She just isn't capable of portraying Abifail as someone who cares about another person. Once again MR has to do all of the work. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

Having to look at nu-Phillip's face must be punishment for all of the times I made fun of Abigail's face. (Abigail is nowhere near as bad-looking as this dude, so clearly someone in the universe decided I must pay!!!!!).


Why was he hired? Was he considered a really good actor on whatever show he was on previously?

Edited by bantering
  • Love 1

The writers are doing a disservice to KM by giving Abifail a baby. She already can't act for shit and now she has to stand there and struggle to act like a mother, a worried one at that. She just isn't capable of portraying Abifail as someone who cares about another person. Once again MR has to do all of the work.

This is why Abigail needs to be recasted with a stronger actress. Thats why I keep begging for Adrianne Leon. She would bring it next to Billy Flynn, ugh, that would be incredible! Anyone who has seen on her GH and YR knows she has the chops to deliver a scene next to a strong leading man she's paired with.

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What is wrong with holding the newborn baby like that? The baby technically should be in a carrier instead of them just carrying him in their arms everywhere, but there's nothing wrong with cradling a baby in your arms like that.  May be she should throw the baby over her shoulder like a purse. That obsessive hate for even breathing KM/Abigail gets is just ridiculous at this point.


They need to cut Phillips hair, they're trying to show old Phillip hair but it's not working.


Liked the balance of realism with Brady and Theresa just sitting at home watching Pitch Perfect 2. Steve and Kayla sitting at home watching football.  Both scenes were fun. It kind of balanced out the crazy when it would go from them to the scenes of Andre mind controlling Chad. 


Isn't Ava supposed to be looking sick? She looks great and is hanging out at a club.


Does Belle even want fight for her marriage like Claire said she should? Between the guy she cheated with, flirting with Chad and now on a date with Phillip. Wanting her marriage to work or fight for it, didn't seem like it was on top of her priority list.  


Surprised Victor was so quiet when he realized Belle was Phillip's date. The cheating wife of his grandson being the date of his son? Shouldn't he have issues with that since he's so disgusted by Theresa breathing air? 


Loved Daniel's voice over of needing the father's blood work up mixed with scenes of brainwashed Chad sitting on the sofa. Also loved Nicole today taking Kate down, Kate willing to ruin the company just to be evil to Theresa was eye rolling. Especially her defending the clown costume Gabi was wearing. Gabi should have told Kate to wear it.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 6


Look at how she's holding Plot Point Baby.

A genre built for women and this woman child holding that baby like that. SMH. I don't care if it is a dummy doll, point is, at least pretend the baby was your own. Would you hold your child like that?? Of course KM wouldn't. Act like you care. Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Loved the fake baby in the opening scene. Even TPTB must be starting to fear KM with a real baby.   And I think we can all deduce that she has not read any parenting books at this point because lethargy, lack of appetite, and a 102 fever in a newborn preemie is more than a wait on hold for the pediatrician. It's a get your ass to the ER with the baby moment. 


Totally lame though and a plot point for a plot point baby on pulling the parent's genetic records. Wouldn't testing the child itself for more common infant infections be more effective? 


Ava and Flynn? Finn? whatever his name is make the creepiest couple. Please get these two off my screen ASAP.


Knowing pin codes to access the money does not make it yours. In that case anyone who found out someones PIN number for their ATM card, could just clear out peoples account and it's legal. Which is what Sami did, she cleared out an account that wasn't hers with codes that were given to her.


They've already said over and over again Marlena, John, Belle saying she could be disbarred. They've all said what Sami did was illegal.

But they all don't believe that EJ is alive. And clearly EJ's name is on the account.  Sami was savvy enough to make the transaction from the Dimera house so they'd have to trace the money to another account. Which is where Belle could get in trouble if her name is associated with it. On the other hand, I suppose EJ could just say he gave his sister-in-law a large monetary Christmas gift.  But it doesn't really matter anyways because none of them are going to contact the Feds and the Salem PD is too stupid to figure it out. 


He wasn't born into anything, Chad didn't know he was a Dimera until a few years ago and wasn't raised in a criminal life. Andre did this to him because of Sami stealing the money, so this brainwashing does lead back to Sami. Also what's happening to Belle is because of Sami and her own choices. Marlena being chloroformed, all of it leads back to Sami's choices. She started this entire ball.

Also Chad missing out on his life he wants, his plans with Thomas/Abby, his own choices. Not having control of his own mind, that is suffering. It's no different than a fake Rafe planted in Rafe's spot, or a fake John or a fake Hope. They all lost control of their own minds and bodies, without their consent.


He was born a Dimera! Stef didn't adopt him. It might have taken him years to find that out, but his blood is Dimera and in the mafia world, it's your blood lines that matter. Chad is always going to be asked to do illegal things or forced to do them. If it's not about Sami draining their liquid accounts it will be something else. Chad and Abifail would both be completely delusion to think they'd live a normal life raising Thomas. If anything, once Stef and Andre find out there's another heir they are going to be all over that kid.  If Abs wants a picket fence house with 2.5 kids in the suburbs she needs to find an available, non-Dimera man and quit sleeping with the mob!

  • Love 3

Kate needs to go on a play date with Sami and calm down. The writers need to get it together where Theresa is concerned . If they're going to put her with Nicole and Kate they can't have her out here crying and being self conscious every time Kate is mean to her. She needs to talk to Sami and learn how to deal with Kate.


LOL at the obviously fake Plot Point Baby. Of course Jen was the one to recognize that the baby needed to go to the hospital. Abifail can't even use the internet to research what might be wrong with her baby.


Belle has always been entitled and childish but I don't remember her being like this. She's so unappealing. She and Abby are probably going to become friends. Why didn't Victor call Belle a whore for cheating on Shawn again and call Phillip a whore for messing with a married woman?

  • Love 6

And so it begins. The 5 month retconned story of Thomas' paternity. ((((Eye roll)))) A baby is sick, better start genetic testing. Get real!

At least Jennifer can show emotion for her sick grandson. The poor child's incubator (calling her a mother doesn't just feel right) couldn't muster up any emotion. It seemed as if the baby being sick was more of a nuisance than a worrisome situation.

Kudos to Nicole for screwing Kate the way that Kate screwed Theresa. Karma! Now, let's see if Theresa can deliver and shut Kate's ex pedophile screwing ass up.

Oh poor Belle. She's SO devastated because her husband filed for divorce after she cheated on him AGAIN that she has to flirt with other men. Oh the horror! Belle is another one in the "Princess Entitlement Club". I'm sure she's met president Deveraux.

Way to go Claire. Tell your mother how it is! Somebody needed to.

Whatever Phillip.....whatever. Every time I see this guy I keep having visions of scissors.


Belle has always been entitled and childish but I don't remember her being like this. She's so unappealing. She and Abby are probably going to become friends. Why didn't Victor call Belle a whore for cheating on Shawn again and call Phillip a whore for messing with a married woman?

Good question. I guess Victor's memory is selective. Maybe he should start taking Caroline's miracle drug.

  • Love 5

And so it begins. The 5 month retconned story of Thomas' paternity. ((((Eye roll)))) A baby is sick, better start genetic testing. Get real!


This bugged me too and it's one of the reasons the soap genre is never taken seriously. In today's world, OB/GYN offices take the parent's medical/genetic history before the baby is even born so all Dr. Tan would have to do is pull that up on his Ipad. But not only that, the baby was just in the hospital where surely they would have tested it for all the genetic things hospitals do when babies are born. 

  • Love 5
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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