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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Please let Miss Rapey be dead since castle is on top of a mountain. Let her fall in the ocean that have jagged rocks poking out of it. Bitch just needs to die.


I see why they failed Clint/Mandrake/Kristen are the 3 Stooges, fucking dumb as hell. They sat there and let their victims gain the upper hand because they never mean what they say and waste time in trying to kill anyone, they just threaten and talk and obvious the victims don't take them seriously since Mel kept talking Clint's ear off and is Mandrake fucking weak or what. Theresa is still suppose to be loopy from the tranquilizers and Mandrake is tall and obviously more stronger than him yet she's able to turn the needle around in his hands and stick him with it. 


Can we also talk about criminals being unable to hold onto their own guns. How many times did we see guns just drop and fly around the room. Absolutely ridiculous. 


So much for that conversation between Sonny and Sneasel, he's back to obsessing over Sparkles. I think Sneasel just likes Sparkles, he isn't worried about Sonny going back to him it's Sneasel who'll probably wants to go back for some more of that sparkly dick. He's gonna drive Sonny away because he can't stop. 


How about Grandpa Narita do us all a favor and kick all their asses who were in the park. Justin, Sparkles, & Yawn, just Jet Li their asses.

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 2

I don't understand why Justin and Victor like Paul so much..They don't even know him..Unless they dislike Will so much that anybody is better than Will...I do think that the marriage needs to end between Wilson..Will is too obsessed with Paul..It is sickening..I want Will to lose everything...He deserves to suffer...Sonny keeps giving him chance after chance, but, he focuses too much on Paul and not enough on Sonny, his marriage and Ari...He is too selfish and cold now...They have totally made him so unlikable....I wanted Lumi's son to be lucky at love, unlike his parents....He had a good man in Sonny and he threw it all away for his pathetic career as a gossip monger...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

I liked Theresa getting the upper hand with Mandrake, but it annoys me to no end that Melanie was the one to tell Theresa Kristopher is her baby (shades of Rafe telling Sami Sydney was her baby).  Since JL/Theresa didn't get to have any real part in this SL until the end, please let her rename her baby with the name she wants him to have.


Unbelievable, Kristen and her dumbass henchmen are actually dumber than Brady.

  • Love 4


I don't understand why Justin and Victor like Paul so much..They don't even know him..Unless they dislike Will so much that anybody is better than Will..


There's no reason to not like him, unlike Will who has cheated and hurt Sonny. Will who is doing tabloid articles and having Sonny plastered on papers. Will who even did tabloid journalism on his own family, mother, EJ, Abby. 


Paul they do know of his public life, the charity work, he was a role model, helping others. They don't personally know of him, but they know he regrets not coming out and losing Sonny and they know he loves Sonny. That should be enough for them at this point compared to Will.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 5

Nevertheless, I find the parents in Salem are too involved in their children's romantic lives and sex lives....Justin has his own marriage problems to deal with..I just find it weird that nobody is considering Arianna in all of this and that includes that idiot Will...She will lose the most if Wilson separates...

  • Love 3

Nevertheless, I find the parents in Salem are too involved in their children's romantic lives and sex lives....Justin has his own marriage problems to deal with..I just find it weird that nobody is considering Arianna in all of this and that includes that idiot Will...She will lose the most if Wilson separates...


I'm sorry but staying together for Ari's sake alone would be the worst thing Will and Sonny could do, in my opinion. Every night having to listen to the bickering and fighting and distrust and Will's crazy schemes- my head would explode, imagine a child's.

  • Love 4

I am not saying that they should stay together just for her..I just find it weird that Victor and Justin are pushing Sparkle to be with Sonny..Neither one have mentioned her at all...I could see Victor not caring about her because he probably does not think of her as being a part of his family...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

I think a lot of the parents being too meddling in their kids' sex lives is a result of poor writing. The writers seem incapable of making smooth and believable transitions and progression in the lives of the characters so they use clumsy plot devices to move things along.  If Justin found out where Paul was by virtue of being a Kiriakis, couldn't he have just gotten his number and called him? 

  • Love 3

How about the parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc let the kids make their own decisions? I'm looking at you Sonny's mother, Victor, raccoon Jen, Naggie, Eve. Justin seems to be the only parent with any sense of boundaries. He also seems to be one of the few people who isn't a raging hypocrite. 

  • Love 4

I still find it weird that Justin even went to San Francisco to talk to Sparkle..He should be speaking to his son and not Sparkle....I  still find it astounding how the show seems to hate Will and are doing everything to make him so detestable and despicable..He gets worst everyday...The levels at which the show has gone to assassinate Will's character - in order to push their Paul/Sonny agenda - has been astounding. The real Will is nothing like this. there's no denying the writers intend to make Will as unlikable as possible to push their agenda. 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 3

According to Ken Corday, Will and Theresa are the new Sami.  Apparently it takes more than one character to be the new Sami, or Ken Corday can't keep his lies straight, or both.  Original Sami was built over 22 years on the show.  What being the new Sami entails is all of Salem telling you how horrible you are, acting completely OOC from what you have previously been, not having a part in your own SL, and getting blamed for things you didn't do.  Have I mentioned lately that Ken Corday is an idiot and incompetent hack because I believe that cannot be said enough.

  • Love 4

Who taught Clint how to hold a gun?  He points it at somebody right in front of him as if that person is clear on the other side of the room. At least Kristen knows to hold it with two hands.


Dr. Mandrake, this is Theresa you're talking to.  Of course she's drug resistant.  She's built up an immunity to everything.


Of course Ciara wants to be an umpire, she wants to be in charge.


And of course Will lied that he is going to stop trying to control everything.

Does Sonny's family actually know that Sparkle Paul loves him? They might have heard Sparkle Paul say so, but that would seem to be the limit of their knowledge of him. No one except Adrienne knew of their relationship before, I think.


Well Justin does, which had me wondering how he knows.

  • Love 4

I'm sorry but staying together for Ari's sake alone would be the worst thing Will and Sonny could do, in my opinion. Every night having to listen to the bickering and fighting and distrust and Will's crazy schemes- my head would explode, imagine a child's.


Besides, nobody else in Salem - or any soap town ever - stayed together for the sake of the children longer than a commercial break or two.  And Ari better get used to revolving door stepparents - this IS Salem, and her daddy IS Sneasel.

Plus, she probably thinks the baby sitter is her real parent by this point.

  • Love 4

Besides, nobody else in Salem - or any soap town ever - stayed together for the sake of the children longer than a commercial break or two.  And Ari better get used to revolving door stepparents - this IS Salem, and her daddy IS Sneasel.

Plus, she probably thinks the baby sitter is her real parent by this point.


Another reason why I rolled my eyes at Rafe being all "Ari is affected-" the child is either taking a nap or with a sitter- Ari is such an afterthought to the writers, its no wonder no one has considered how it would affect her but Rafe, the other afterthought to the writers


Well Justin does, which had me wondering how he knows.


According to Justin, he's heard the story from Sonny, as did Adrienne. Which makes sense, if the breakup broke Sonny as much as Adrienne and Sonny have said it did. What I don't understand is how Paul didn't recognize Adrienne but knew Justin from family photos. These writers, man.....All that being said, for two people in a closeted relationship, they sure weren't doing much to hide it- sneaking away to Italy Paulson, seriously?

Edited by chassiecrane
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I actually choked up a wee bit (as did the actor playing Brady) as Kristin began to hear herself saying goodbye to him.  She was clearly torn up about him dying and yes, sitting on his lap was a bit dramatic and icky, but have you ever seen someone grieving?  That's what it looks like.


That's kind of my point, actually. Grief does not look like that. (And neither does mental illness, but I digress.) At no point have I watched Kristen and thought that her feelings, motives and reactions resembled anything I've ever seen in life. Just because something makes us uncomfortable doesn't mean it's truthful or honest.


I think Kristen probably produces iocane powder out of her pineal gland, or her spinnerets, or something.


So if Sonny's parents both know how unhealthy his relationship with Sparkle Paul was, why do they think he's an option at all?

Edited by Sandman
  • Love 3

side piece wants chad because she thinks she does not want her.

No she saw him happy with another woman. An attractive one with a self made career (Jordan) so she naturally wanted to get with him after bashing him all over town. Plus Ben/Ollie/Plastic Mannequin's lack of money and cache always bothered her but she found him acceptable for physical reasons until a guy with more of those attributes she prizes (being in a relationship, $, prestige) came into her periphery again.

  • Love 3

Why do you believe that it will end in 2016? are you saying this based on the Sony emails that were leaked?


The Sony emails, the ratings, and the people who are returning that have been placed on contract along with some of the posts on Twitter and Facebook.  It maybe nothing, but at one point Ken Corday was very dismissive of characters like Bo, Steve, Kayla, Justin, etc., and now they all have contracts.  The other theory I have is Sony and the Network have finally wised up and aren't listening to Ken Corday.  However, they are also bringing back Higley as a writer so it could still be the same old same old all over again.

  • Love 1

I hope that you are wrong and the show does not get cancelled...I hope that Higley does turn things around..The cast has been praising the writing alot on tweeter..I know that they are doing that to promote the show...Ken Corday is the cancer preventing the show from being good....He micromanages the writers and prevents them from achieving their vision..Past Writers have alluded to this..

Edited by Apprentice79
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I think there can be a point to Kristen when she's sparring with John and Marlena. There's a history you can mine there. 


It's when she's acting opposite Brady that I don't really get why she exists. Maybe you have to understand Brady and Kristen as a couple (does anyone? I didn't think so) to find her entertaining this go-round (imo). I can buy her obsession with him since she's completely wacko, but why he keeps giving her some benefit of the doubt each time only to find himself locked in a dungeon basement somewhere, I'll never understand. Do you know what's worse than watching stupid women? It's watching stupid men! The scene I found her most entertaining in was when Marlena showed the sex-tape in church -- not for the blasphemy, but probably because it was Kristen vs. Marlena rather than Kristen vs. Brady.  You have to find EM super-duper attractive (which I'm sure some do, but for me he's no James Scott PRE-ABIGAIL!!!!! notice the emphasis) to see the worth in Kristen and Brady talking to each other, I believe.

Edited by bantering
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Hello my beautiful peanuts! This is my fortnightly reminder of two things which are as follows: 1) If you look at your post and there is not one "real" character name in there maybe take pity on the poor soul who just got here and has no idea who you are talking about. 2) if the way someone posts chaps your hide make handy use of the ignore button and your problem will magically disappear! (PM for info on how to do that or check out the directions pinned at the top of the page.) and finally MWAH. I love you guys. Creativity thy name is DOOL posters. ;)

Have a bunny for your trouble and as always holler at me if you have questions or issues! (in southern speak that means PM me, no actual yelling required!)


  • Love 16

Well!  It looks like the Dimeras can forego any kind of big holiday celebration this year, doesn't it?  With their numbers so drastically reduced, I think Chad and Stefano won't need much more than a couple of Lean Cuisines and a bundt cake from the Entenmann's shelf at the local Piggly Wiggly. 

I did, though, expect to see Kristen do THIS when she went through the window - 


and not this - 


Bye Kristen!


But we will always remember the great love that she and Brady had, the love that unfortunately DID dare to speak its name.  In her case, to shriek it, actually.  They were such a lovely couple...


You can just tell that some couples are meant for each other in EVERY way, can't you?  Brady and Kristen just fit together like claw in glove...


Otherwise today seemed to be a lot of huffing and puffing and gasbags talking.  I love Justin usually, but he can also take several seats.  Sonny, Sneasel and Sparkle are all adults - or at least are supposed to be - and I don't think ANY of their parents should be doing or saying anything other than being supportive of their individual offspring.  Offering advice, or support, or whatever the hell Justin was doing today, to a guy he doesn't know was inappropriate.  Let 'em mess it up or not on their own and then just be there when they need them.  This insufferable interfering, even in the name of "love" annoys the hell out of me.  As it should those two nudniks, Sneasel and Sparkle.  


Sonny should run as far away from both of them, AND from all his and their families as soon as he can.  Let him take up with a chorus boy or twelve, kick back and have some fun and LOSE these losers.  


I'm hoping that Theresa actually gets to hold her baby tomorrow before Brady drops him on his head or Mel adorably trips and yukyukyuk accidentally launches the kid through that broken window with her adorable klutziness.  Cuz she's SO much like Lucille Ball, ya know?

Edited by boes
  • Love 10

Please, please let Kristen be most sincerely dead.  She's insufferable.


And why is Chad being wasted on that big-faced asshole?  Abigail is useless, boring, hypocritical, smug, and totally fucking annoying.  And the actress is terrible.  They need to kill the character off and give Jennifer and JJ something else to do but obsess over Paige and Eve.


I'm very happy Days co-won Best Daytime Drama for two reasons.  One, hopefully it means there are no plans for cancellation because I've come to really love this soap in the couple of years I've been watching.  Two, it means GH and the evil regime that runs it didn't win.  Ahahahaha!


When Abifail went to the doctor wasn't she given a drug that made her unconscious? I know she's stupid but why didn't she find it suspicious that she needed to be knocked out in order for the doctor to examine her?


Wait.  I thought that whole scenario was Abigail's nightmare and none of that actually happened?  My memory generally sucks, but I could have sworn she told EJ she would see her own doctor and didn't trust him or his corp of MDs.  Hmmm.  If I wasn't so lazy I'd go look it up.

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Bad characters are indeed necessary, but they don't have to be cartoon villains or be completely irredeemable if they are meant to be anything but short-term evildoers like Clint and Dr. Mandrake. 


Kristen's biggest problem (besides the weird bobble-heading that ED does when she plays the character) is that she raped a priest and ripped a baby from a woman's womb, and she's shown no remorse for it.  That kind of stuff isn't entertaining to me, it's just disturbing.  As for Stefano, his reign as Salem's bad guy has gone on for too long, and he never pays for anything.  It's boring, IMO. 


It's time to bring on new bad guys and gals for sure.  They tried with Clyde, but the second they made him a child molester it killed any and all potential the character may have had.  Xander started out well then he took a nosedive with his roughing up of Serena.  I'd be pretty happy if the next bad person was not a rapist, a woman abuser, or deus ex machina doctor.

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. The real Will is nothing like this. there's no denying the writers intend to make Will as unlikable as possible to push their agenda. 

But at what point do we have to just admit that this is the real Will? I mean, I never accepted that Nick was who they turned him into, so I'm not judging! We saw what Will was capable of becoming a few years ago when he started working with EJ. It's dumb, I give you that, and there have been several moments that left me shaking my head at the things the writers have him do, but I can buy that Will's come to embrace his dark side. Of course, every one of us here could have come up with a better story to show how that happened, but I believe that it's always (well, at least since his late teens) been shown as a possibility.


It's time to bring on new bad guys and gals for sure.  They tried with Clyde, but the second they made him a child molester it killed any and all potential the character may have had.  Xander started out well then he took a nosedive with his roughing up of Serena.  I'd be pretty happy if the next bad person was not a rapist, a woman abuser, or deus ex machina doctor.

That really is a good point, but it comes down to likability to me. I hate that this show has me hand waving violence against women, but it often does. It's one of those things that I accept as not being weird/bad in the parallel universe that is Salem. Like meddling mothers and multiple returns from the dead...

I cant's stomach Clyde, but damn if I wasn't chuckling at his scenes with Will.  And Xander...my interest has totally waned, but it's not because of his treatment of Serena. Now, had he done the same to Theresa or Nicole, all bets would be off. 

  • Love 2

But at what point do we have to just admit that this is the real Will? I mean, I never accepted that Nick was who they turned him into, so I'm not judging! We saw what Will was capable of becoming a few years ago when he started working with EJ. It's dumb, I give you that, and there have been several moments that left me shaking my head at the things the writers have him do, but I can buy that Will's come to embrace his dark side. Of course, every one of us here could have come up with a better story to show how that happened, but I believe that it's always (well, at least since his late teens) been shown as a possibility.




THANK YOU! I feel like I live in bizarroworld sometimes, the way people insist that Will is so different now- like how? What Will has been lost? Who is this phantom Will everyone is mourning? Maybe they're mourning the actor and not the character, because this golden boy Will never existed. More importantly, Will is young and besides his coming out story and the fact that he shot EJ, he was pretty much a blank slate to paint whatever the writers want on it, the power of SORAS. Besides how much he obviously hated himself, what was so remarkable and good? IMO he stopped being a good guy when he attempted murder- after that point, he was always going to be dark grey at the very best in the DOOL writers eyes. The only sympathies Will had from me even when Massey played him was being Lumi's child and loving his daughter and siblings- things that are still true. Everything else- the desperation, self-hate, jealousy, mother-hate- all these have always been a part of his personality since being SORAS-ed.

  • Love 3

Well!  It looks like the Dimeras can forego any kind of big holiday celebration this year, doesn't it?  With their numbers so drastically reduced, I think Chad and Stefano won't need much more than a couple of Lean Cuisines and a bundt cake from the Entenmann's shelf at the local Piggly Wiggly. 


The death of Kritter is a devastating loss to the Dimeria family. I don't know how they will ever recover from this tragic loss.

  • Love 4

To be fair, at the time, I thought it was odd that Will went from supporting Sami (helping her, even) after she shot EJ to really enjoying himself while working for EJ. Then they flipped him back to a docile sort of non entity, and Nick's victim, so I can understand how it is difficult to buy the leap to the total jerk that he is now. The progression was definitely not linear!  I think Will really is a character they could have gone either way with, but the writing is so inconsistent that neither one would make a lot of sense. Still, I have no problem at all seeing this Will as something teen Will could have grown into.


Everything else- the desperation, self-hate, jealousy, mother-hate- all these have always been a part of his personality since being SORAS-ed.

How much more interesting would Will be if we were given a storyline in which he tried to work through all those issues? Seriously, Show...Will should be the easiest and most compelling character to write about!

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I feel this Will is different from CM's Will in that I don't think he was quite THIS stupid. He didn't come across as a 4 year old. Having said that, maybe CM"s acting was so much better perhaps that's why Will didn't seem like a four year old. 


I also don't think the continuity between this Will and even how Will was when he married Sonny (with GW in the role, rather than CM) has been that strong. But again, that could be because of the acting. Sami went through some kind of change from insecure, but sweet sister and daughter to a scheming hellion, but somehow the transition worked. I believe Nicole also went through some kind of transition, and I remember thinking why is Nicole turning "evil"?,  but she made the transition work too. 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 6

I want the catbunny.  It's mine all mine.


I agree that the writing and acting made a big difference with Sami and Nicole becoming the bad girls of Salem versus what the writers are trying to do with Will.  They've done the same thing with Theresa.  They had her show up in Salem, and declared her bad.  JL is a good actress who is doing the best she can with terrible writing.


Villains, bad guys, and grey characters are necessary, but Stefano and Kristen are played out.  Besides making Stefano so all knowing, powerful, and untouchable takes all the suspense out of the plot.  Any SL with Stefano ends the same way.  Stefano shows up in the last two minutes, and wins.


On AMC, Adam Chandler and Palmer Courtlandt did some very bad things, but they were entertaining, and they didn't always win.

Edited by TigerLynx
  • Love 6

To be fair, at the time, I thought it was odd that Will went from supporting Sami (helping her, even) after she shot EJ to really enjoying himself while working for EJ. Then they flipped him back to a docile sort of non entity, and Nick's victim, so I can understand how it is difficult to buy the leap to the total jerk that he is now. The progression was definitely not linear!  I think Will really is a character they could have gone either way with, but the writing is so inconsistent that neither one would make a lot of sense. Still, I have no problem at all seeing this Will as something teen Will could have grown into.

How much more interesting would Will be if we were given a storyline in which he tried to work through all those issues? Seriously, Show...Will should be the easiest and most compelling character to write about!

My problem with Evil Will is  that it is nonsensical. It is not linear and it is just Ken Corday's way of turning Will into Sami. The writing lacks depth and nuance. Will is the villain, Sparkle is the victim and Sonny is the dumb prize that they are both fighting over..It is like the Sami/Austin/Carrie triangle in the 90's except they have Carrie being the schemer, Sami the interloper being the victim of Carrie's schemes and Austin siding with Sami over Carrie...I have always believed that Sonny was supposed to cheat on Will with Sparkle, and at the last minute Ken Corday wanted a shocking twist and went with Will instead...The writers did not change course  and have Will react accordingly. I could understand Will's behavior if Sonny had cheated and embraced his dark side to keep his family together. That is what happened when he tried to kill EJ all those years ago, it was his way of keeping his family together. Will has always wanted a perfect family and Sonny is his rock. 


Will was very happy when his parents fell in love, he schemed to get them together after Sami fell through the glass door and was mute...Lumi's love story was awesome, they went from bitter enemies to  slowly falling in love, their confusion at their growing feelings for each other was  a joy to behold. Bryan and Ali rocked their scenes during that time. Lumi finally getting together was his dream coming true. EJ was a threat to that and he had to be eliminated.  Hence the attempted murder of EJ and cover-up. The show could have used that piece of history to explore Will's psyche and his feelings of worthlessness. Sonny's affair with Sparkle could have pushed Will to the dark side doing whatever it takes to get rid of him.  His schemes should have horrified Lucas, Sami and Kate.  Will should have embodied the dark sides of his parents, just like Lexie did when she turned Evil.. Lexie was cold and efficient in her schemes to keep Zack at all costs. She had no problem hurting Hope her best friend, to achieve her goal in keeping her family intact. Lexie's turn to the dark side was telegraphed back in Aremid after she found out about being a Dimera. Kristen had warned her about that..There is no rhyme and reason for Will's behavior. Sonny has  not given him any reason to believe that he wants to end their marriage and be with Sparkle. He cheated on Sonny, so he should be focusing on Sonny and taking responsibility for his actions. Hurting Sparkle will only push Sonny further away...I am hoping this storyline with Clyde will knock some sense into his stupid head.....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

It does kind of come across as if Paul is supposed to be like Carrie, what with Will whining all the time about why people like him better. 


I think CM's Will did pass the buck onto Kate and Sami to get the dirty work done while he admonished them, but the care for Arianna always seemed genuine and it almost seemed like he didn't really know he was passing the buck (like it was more subtextual. People argued that Abigail didn't quite know what she was doing when she was EJ because of her naivete, but I feel as though CM's Will was more like that than Abigail. He had a smirk, but not the way Abigail does it with a certain knowingness).  


This version of Will flags his intentions so obviously (maybe the shifty eyes aren't helping when he decides on a plan) -- and I suppose it's the way this  Will seems to metaphorically  -- probably not using this correctly, but bear with me --  hang a sign that screams "I'm scheming!" that I find a bit jarring. I feel that part of his current personality doesn't seem Will-like. Even when CM's Will was scheming against (or for?) EJ, it seemed more subtle. He was trying to be bad, but it's not like everybody in his family really knew he was trying to be bad. I think they chalked it up to rebelling against his mother, but that was the extent of it. It's like Will is constantly letting  Marlena know that  "I am going to take Paul down!"  He did that to his mother a lot, but I can't recall him having that mind-set with anyone else. With everyone else, he seemed to treat them like the rest of us would. 


I also think CM's Will was capable of empathy or sympathy, even if he was also capable of being a bit shifty at times.  I suppose CM's Will was more multi-faceted? When Nick got shot, I think CM's Will showed sympathy for Nick's plight whereas I can't imagine GW's Will doing that in his current state. Everything with Will now is "Me, me, me". It's weird. 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 4

I feel, sadly, that the writers have written Kristin into a corner.  I absolutely want to see her return later this year, for the anniversary if possible, but it will be nearly impossible to make her remotely human or relatable again after all this shoddy writing.  I do believe it can be done, however...unlike with EJ.  I have no clue why they kept him alive.  His character is beyond repair or even usefulness going forward.



Did anyone see the DAYS cast on The Talk?  Hostess Sheryl went full-on fangirl on Deidre Hall saying the best moments were Marlena's possession and Lady in a Cage.  Hall looked uncomfortable and laughed.  Sheryl asked why Stefano wasn't standing with the cast....Joe is sick, right?  And was ED up there with them, or Lexie, Celeste or one of the Billies?


I couldn't help but notice that Lexie popped up a lot in the Emmy montage.

  • Love 1

Seriously, Show might want to realize that their heartthrob, Shawn Christian, is a terrible actor, just awful.  He equates straddling while walking with projecting manliness or something, furrowing his brow with being SMMAAAWWT, and displaying his wrinkly 50 year old flatassed bod as being sexay.  But most of all, the guy CANNOT ACT.  He's the Cameron Mathison of Days.  That is not good, folks, in ANY way.  


I completely disagree on his acting and his looks. I think he's one of the more natural actors on the show, but I think his characterization is as messy as his hair is greasy. 


Of course Dr Tan will find it..He is God...every woman wants him and every man wants to be like him..They even have the beautiful Xander feeling inferior to Dr. Tan..Give me a break, Xander can have any woman that he wants, even a man if he swung that way...lol..It is just like when the show keeps saying that Abigail is so beautiful....Please..Jennifer Lilley is the most beautiful woman in the younger set of Days actresses....She is stunning..She is even more stunning with her natural blonde hair...


I think Jen Lilley is far more striking with dark hair. She filled in as Maxie on GH, when Kirsten Storms was ill, and did nothing for me. It took me a while to realize it was the same actress playing Theresa. That said, I think Abigail is beautiful, too, but I'm with you on Lilley being the most beautiful of the younger actresses.


I don't get why Will is worried about Victor's opinion. That dude hates everybody. 


I think Will mistakenly thinks Sonny is as weak-willed and easily led as he is, so he's afraid Victor can talk Sonny out of his marriage to Will.



"Come to Hong Kong"- When the hell did Hong Kong move to Dubai?


Thank you, for this. It was driving me crazy, that Justin was suddenly in Dubai. Then I started second guessing my memory and wondered if he had been in Jakarta, instead, but that's where GH used to send Ned Ashton, when Kurth was not on the show. 


Are these the worst hostage takers or what. They just love to play "Move the hostage" moving Dumbass Brady, Toothy, & Theresa all over the place in that house of horrors. You think you would want to keep your hostages in one spot because constantly moving them could give them ways to find out how to outsmart the villains, then again we're dealing with Dumbass Brady & Toothy who giggles in every situation. Theresa was knocked out so can't blame her but I will blame her on not shooting Clint's face off.




Sneaseal saying he's objectionable writer LMAO, that was the joke of the day. Yea slamming Sami in an article to teach her a lesson isn't objectionable writing it's one sided and no journalist would hide the name of the mistress once they got the name, they would write it in there. Sleeping with his subject while writing the Sparkles story. I wonder what he's gonna do when writing an article on Mr. Rapey, tell Kate to do some digging and put her life in danger?


In re the "move the hostage" games, thank you! That was driving me crazy. What's worse was the damned ropes. If you have a frigging dungeon in your castle, you ought to have shackles, chains, or just some dang handcuffs.

Will said he was an objective writer, but now I am going to call him an objectionable writer forever and ever, or at least until an actor who can act fills the role, and writers who are less objectionable start writing it. 


No way do I think Chad was seeing side piece face while with Jordan. It was certainly never shown like we saw side piece thinking of Chad while with Ben.


It wasn't shown, but Chad did spend a lot of time trying to cause trouble for Ben, even when he was supposedly falling for (or in love with) Jordan. Since Jordan is Ben's sister, Chad's residual feelings for Abigail were really the only explanation. It's a very DiMera sort of thing, "If I can't have her, no one can, unless my father finds a doppelgänger for my romantic rival, in which case I'm fine with that doppelgänger raping her every night for six months."


I feel, sadly, that the writers have written Kristin into a corner.  I absolutely want to see her return later this year, for the anniversary if possible, but it will be nearly impossible to make her remotely human or relatable again after all this shoddy writing.  I do believe it can be done, however...unlike with EJ.  I have no clue why they kept him alive.  His character is beyond repair or even usefulness going forward.​



I agree. I love Eileen Davidson and have always felt that she breathes life into the show, but she has been wasted the past few years, and each return ruins the character a little bit more. I think Kristen has been ruined far more than EJ. His worst acts were against Sami, who gave as good as she got. Kristen raped Eric to ruin his reputation to…upset Marlena. Besides being creepy, disgusting and gross, it was also lame revenge by proxy. What even is that? Now has stolen a fetus, given birth to him, and has kidnapped the baby's bio mother, to steal her bone marrow and then kill her off? It's a cartoon.


Edited by General Days
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