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First Looks: The Locked One

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I think Kyle said it best-they don't do well being in each others' lives daily.  I do think they love each other but I think over the years their interests have not stayed the same.  I don't see Kyle being jealous and I don't see Kim admitting to any jealousy. I do think Kyle would do anything for Kim's kids and I think Kim loves the idea of being an aunt-an aunt who can tweet really mushy Happy Birthday messages.  Sometimes a woman goes with her spouses interests and siblings take a back seat.

I think your right the kids have grown up, their lives have changed.  What ties that once bound them together has begun to loosen.  It doesn't mean they don't love each other, it's just the ebb and flow of life.  I had forgotten Kyle said that and I can relate to that. 

  • Love 4

Lisa R isn't being battered by Kim. She's not scared to leave lest she lose Kim's love or be beaten. She keeps doing the same things that keep getting the same response. Eventually, I'd think people would start to lose patience hearing the sob stories. I don't see Lisa at as a victim of any crime. She's been the "victim" of "Kim's attacks"...yet, not to the point of a judge agreeing to that terminology. Lisa R is the one who has started to show physical threat.

I guarantee if Lisa R had been successful in hurting Kim and Kim filed charges, the judge isn't going to see Lisa R as a victim who was defending herself. It's the other way around. The judge wouldn't blame a woman who got glass in her eye and bruises on her neck because she yelled at the woman.

Let's not forget the RHOA reunion.

(And, as far as my example goes where both people broke the law...you don't get excused to take the law into your own hands. If someone steals from you, you don't get to go back to their house and beat them up later. That's still illegal).

Edited by Betweenyouandme
  • Love 8

Good Question Re: "Timeline" & How About The Photo From The Trip To Barcelona??!



1 October 2014 10616778_1470370549917078_470457569_n.jp



5 months ago

@kimrichards11 sent this to me from Barcelona saying she missed me with a❤. It's always nice to know you're missed by loved ones... #friends #love #heart #life #rhobh #Barcelona #family @kylerichards18 @yolondafoster @brandiglanville @lisavanderpump




Wow good drugs since they are in Amsterdam-was it Monty or Kim that was that far off?  Maybe both?

  • Love 2

Harry IS part of the story.  He became part of the story, and completely fair game, when his wife accepted this job. 


And when he showed up at her birthday party - no matter how cute he was. And when they invited us to their movie rehearsal, or when he played the guitar, gave Lisa flower arranging tips, or when she told us he was king and how even though they've been married 17 years, they still work hard and sometimes you just have to bring on the lingerie and the porn.  I'd also count his appearance on WWHL to discuss the show and their marriage.  Even the divorce ultimatum (wtf?) he issued, according to Lisa regarding her joining the cast should be fodder.  Oh yeah, he's part of the story for sure. 


If Lisa is still around when Mad Men wraps it's final season this fall, I see him even more involved. Has it ever been determined that the husbands get paid for their 'roles'?


Kim bringing Harry into the argument at that dinner was absolutely wrong and misplaced and twisted and just plain ugly.  But Harry is in it.  Unless he decides not to be.  Kind of late for this season but there's always next.

  • Love 6

I've read in a couple places that Eileen and LisaR have 'words'.  Anyone else read that?


I need to know a paycheck is coming in regularly.  As an actor, you're only as good as your last gig.  If you don't invest well while making money, you're looking at an unpredictable future.  The cost of living, taxes, the price of treatments to stay fit in L.A. or any major acting market...no thank you.  But thank god there are people who love the business or I wouldn't be watching the "Jaws" marathon right nor conversing with you about this red hot reality show mess.

I read in the Bravo description Eileen felt Lisar had not supported her during the Kim friction.

  • Love 3

Lisa R isn't being battered by Kim. She's not scared to leave lest she lose Kim's love or be beaten. She keeps doing the same things that keep getting the same response. Eventually, I'd think people would start to lose patience hearing the sob stories. I don't see Lisa at as a victim of any crime. She's been the "victim" of "Kim's attacks"...yet, not to the point of a judge agreeing to that terminology. Lisa R is the one who has started to show physical threat.

I guarantee if Lisa R had been successful in hurting Kim and Kim filed charges, the judge isn't going to see Lisa R as a victim who was defending herself. It's the other way around. The judge wouldn't blame a woman who got glass in her eye and bruises on her neck because she yelled at the woman.

Let's not forget the RHOA reunion.

(And, as far as my example goes where both people broke the law...you don't get excused to take the law into your own hands. If someone steals from you, you don't get to go back to their house and beat them up later. That's still illegal).

Could be why Lisar after the reunion kept saying she wasn't thrown in jail.

  • Love 5

Hmm. Let me go find a thief. I'll leave my wallet. She steals it. I get mad and offended. The thief doesn't applogize. So, I go and leave my wallet. She steals. OMG what a nasty witch. She didn't even apologize yet. I go and leave my wallet a third time. She steals it. Ughhhh. My life is being ruined. That money was for my husband! How dare she touch his present money! I go to the thief. She steals my wallet. So, I throw my wine in her face. There's no excuse. She's trash. I go to the thief. She steals my wallet. I punch her nose and go to jail. So? It was her fault. She stole. There's no excuse. She deserved it. That money was for my child. And, the judge asks, well, if it's true she stole your money, why did you keep going back instead of handling the problem the first time? Because we have no proof she stole, but we've got you coming over to her place every day unasked and then assaulting this woman.


Sorry I missed this the first time.  Well done.

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IMO, Harry may have participated in a few scenes but whatever Kim was talking about was obviously not something that had been filmed.  That's the difference, because Kim got high on camera and basically on the job, while on the clock.  Not only that but unless she was witness to HH doing something, like the other women, especially Lisa R, had to witness Kim doing something, it's not the same.  She's not comparing apples to apples, here.  If HH had done something during one of his scenes -or- Lisa R had talked about it on camera, then I could see the comparison.  But Kim went for the jugular (emotionally and verbally).  Bringing up off-screen drama is always iffy, but I think it's even worse when it's done out of revenge, which is what that was about.  Kim was pissed and wanted to hurt Lisa and she did. 


Anyway, I need to save some of my ire for the actual show or I'll have nothing left to say!

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My example was to show that if you get a clue the first or second time and stay away from something you're choosing to be involved in, you have a better chance of coming out the victor and not letting things escalate. There's just a certain point where things become ridiculous. This isn't an ongoing domestic abuse situation. A judge would totally question why a person kept going to a known theif's house and getting their stuff stolen again and again and again before just hauling off and assaulting them later.

But, Kim hasn't stolen Lisa's property. Kim hasn't broken the law in regard to Lisa R. And, my made-up example wasn't to show that that the wallet-thief wasn't a perp. It was to highlight the ridiculousness of the situation.

If the wallet thing was too inaccurate since it's illegal, replace it with cookie. The woman kept eating your cookie again and again. Or, she made fun of your hair.

Well, no one has been to Kim's house this year so I guess I am at a loss why this is an example even remotely related to the show.  Sometimes I am not good at abstract analogies.  The ladies don't go to Kim-Kim comes into their space or a neutral space.


I do get that Lisar, in a normal world, would distance herself from Kim.  Unfortunately, they are required to travel together and film together.  A notable example this year was Eileen saying she would never invite Brandi back to her house after Poker Night.  I don't know how she feels about inviting Kim back but my guess would be no after Amsterdam.  So there may be some pretty serious boundaries being drawn.

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It doesn't matter what the husbands do on camera on the show.  They are part of the storyline of the "houseWIVES" so yes, fair game.  Harry doesn't get some kind of special pass, the others never have.


Lisa's portraying herself as blissfully, happily married.  If that's not true?  It will be found out, it always is on these shows. 

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

  Kim was on the attack and should have just said, I'm sorry to hear about your sister but, I'm fine and if I have a problem I have people in my life that I can't turn to who love me. Lisa, however, was totally out of control and that was some serious rage and that's not okay. There could have been a serious injury from her actions. Ramona was raked over the coals and she only threw a plastic glass.

I really do not think most here believe that Lisa's physical reaction was ok even if we understand how/why it happened.


If you assault someone because they said mean things, you aren't a victim in a court of law.

Correct but if Lisa showed the Judge the limo footage of Kim kicking aggressively she could say she was in fear and trying to protect herself from someone high on whatever! lol 


And when he showed up at her birthday party - no matter how cute he was. And when they invited us to their movie rehearsal, or when he played the guitar, gave Lisa flower arranging tips, or when she told us he was king and how even though they've been married 17 years, they still work hard and sometimes you just have to bring on the lingerie and the porn.  I'd also count his appearance on WWHL to discuss the show and their marriage.  Even the divorce ultimatum (wtf?) he issued, according to Lisa regarding her joining the cast should be fodder.  Oh yeah, he's part of the story for sure. 


If Lisa is still around when Mad Men wraps it's final season this fall, I see him even more involved. Has it ever been determined that the husbands get paid for their 'roles'?


Kim bringing Harry into the argument at that dinner was absolutely wrong and misplaced and twisted and just plain ugly.  But Harry is in it.  Unless he decides not to be.  Kind of late for this season but there's always next.

Then by the same token, Chad or any adult child, who has appeared on the show numerous times could be considered fair game. They are adults and they signs away their rights just as HH did.

It doesn't matter what the husbands do on camera on the show.  They are part of the storyline of the "houseWIVES" so yes, fair game.  Harry doesn't get some kind of special pass, the others never have.


Lisa's portraying herself as blissfully, happily married.  If that's not true?  It will be found out, it always is on these shows. 

So then, because Kim claims she is a good mother and she is on the show should then mean he is fair game?

  • Love 16

It doesn't matter what the husbands do on camera on the show.  They are part of the storyline of the "houseWIVES" so yes, fair game.  Harry doesn't get some kind of special pass, the others never have.


Lisa's portraying herself as blissfully, happily married.  If that's not true?  It will be found out, it always is on these shows. 


Yes and I didn't like when the other husbands were dragged through the mud, either.  Not Kelsey, not Russel, not Eddie, not Mauricio, not Ken, and not Harry.  This isn't Festivus.  Why air dirt about other people's families who have done nothing to you?  I guess I just don't like this aspect of the show -- the "I'm going to get as much dirt on you as possible and then tell everyone in the world" part.  It isn't fun for me.  I actually liked the conversation at the table before Kim was Kim.  It was nice to see them being vulnerable to each other and to the viewers and bonding from that. 


You know, I just thought of something.  Brandi's off camera drama (The String) was never mentioned on the show by the other ladies.  She brings up their off-camera drama.  Kim's off-camera drama (her son) was never mentioned on the show by the other ladies.  She brings up their off-camera drama.  BFFs 4Eva.

  • Love 10

It doesn't matter what the husbands do on camera on the show.  They are part of the storyline of the "houseWIVES" so yes, fair game.  Harry doesn't get some kind of special pass, the others never have.


Lisa's portraying herself as blissfully, happily married.  If that's not true?  It will be found out, it always is on these shows. 

I am hoping come Reunion time Kim cleans things up regarding Harry.  She has no relationship with Harry and it just seems that Kim has gotten caught up in a lot of negativity all of a sudden.  I keep thinking back to Kim's tagline about  being happy and even Kim at the sing along and "I love my life", and Kim being so excited over her daughter being married.  Something either happened -and I am looking at you Brandi to make Kim go down this hate filled path or Kim's proclamations of happiness are crap.  I think Kim may have overextended herself if her son, is in fact a stay at home adult suffering from mental illness, by reaching out to Monty and trying to force him into staying put at her house.  Add the killer dog and it just isn't a happy place. 


As to the husbands being fair game-why?  Unless someone has a relationship or knows the husband it is very tacky.  I remember Taylor being butt hurt because she knew David Foster during his marriage to Linda Thompson and he just treated Taylor like she didn't exist.  If Lisar confided in Kim then Kim used a confidence to win an advantage in an argument -if Kim is just spouting off based on rumors she will lose a lot of supporters.  I will not forgive Bravo if this goes through the Reunion and the Harry rumor isn't identified.

  • Love 9

Wow.  My thoughts, in no particular order.  


1.  As others have said, RUN, KYLE, KEEP RUNNING, NEVER STOP.   I hate to say Brandi is right about anything, but I do think Kim has deep-rooted antagonism towards Kyle, maybe even hatred.  I can't imagine talking to anyone ever the way Kim talks to Kyle, let alone anyone I have any positive feelings for at all.  For whatever reason (Big Kathy, codependency, protectiveness of the children), Kyle takes the abuse and keeps taking it.  I wish she would walk away.  I doubt she will.  Her life would be SO MUCH BETTER if she could leave both her sisters behind, but I think she is too needy and dramatic to step away from them.


2.  Kim is evil.  Ditto to everyone who said that.  I do think that Kim knows that her life is unraveling, she knows she is "off the wagon," she knows what happened last time she spiraled (among other things, I suspect she very nearly lost this job), and she is frantic about being exposed, and lashing out.  I flash back to what that old lady reported Kim said when Kingsley bit her  - that Kim begged her "don't tell anyone, they'll take away my show."  I think Kim is utterly ruined and broken (and awful) and terrified of losing this job and the little fragment of limelight that I think might be her true addiction.  She is absolutely full of herself for being "a star" again, she thinks no one has a right to question any of her behavior no matter how obvious, and she becomes absolutely vicious when she thinks she's attacked. (Huh.  Now I'm wondering if that has anything to do with Kingsley's behavior - dogs can pick up on their owner's emotions, and I wonder if Kingsley picked up on Kim's ambient hostility and fear and acted on it.)  i could write much more on Kim's pathology, but you all have covered a lot of it just so well, and I'm interested in one other thing...


3.  Finally, Brandi.  I also noticed that Brandi was very quietly trying to defuse Kim throughout - at first she was utterly silent, then she was whispering to her to stop, then she was trying gently to hold her back.  When it's gone too far for Brandi, you know it's gone too far.   I think Brandi started this season with a plan:  to recruit Kim to her side, and together to take down Kyle.  People have spoken about Brandi's deep rooted hatred (I think jealousy) of Kyle, and I do think that Brandi started the season intending to make Kyle her target, and used Kim to do it.  But now, she has found herself in a mess she can't get out of.  I think she realized sometime after poker night that Kim's problems were much, much worse than Brandi had realized; and that once she had publicly proclaimed herself Kim's only ally, and openly separated Kim from Kyle, she then found herself "stuck" with Kim, and it was much, much, MUCH different than her previous alliances with Adrienne or Lisa or Yolanda, who are intact people with intact lives, who were never emotionally dependent on Brandi, who never "needed" her in any real way.  She found herself having appointed herself the caretaker of Kim, someone who is completely broken, and not only that, she found that she herself had removed the only other support system that Kim had, Kyle, and had done so with great pride and vehemence - so now Brandi's stuck with her.




You hit the nail right on the head! 


Kim left me in pure disgust how she treated Kyle at that dinner table how threw Kathy (who isn't mother of the year her damn self) and Brandi in her face!  Kyle even said once in one episode Kathy and Kim are more attached to the hip than she and Kim.  Makes me wonder if Kathy enables Kim addiction.  If I'm Kyle I would be done and Kim showed who's more important to her.  Putting up with Kim emotionally and financially and that's how Kim repays her with the ultimate diss.  I know some will say she can't give up on her sister, but no way, Kyle has done this for way too long and has done more than enough for Kim.  I can see why Kyle never takes Kim anywhere and she even puts her best girlfriends like Faye and Taylor above Kim even.  Kim is so nasty to people!  Season 1 of this show dealing with Kim/Kyle makes more sense now than it did then.  That was Kyle's breaking point in that limo in the finale.  She'd grown tired of Kim's diva way, being unappreciatve, mean-spirited and of course her substance abuse.  Too bad most of the audience made Kyle out into the villian and Kim got the sympathy card!  To me, I thought Kyle did right.  Kim needed to be told off and should had been cut off the money train!  Kyle should let Kathy put up with Kim from here on.  She needs to break Big Kathy's hold from the grave once and for all!


The only people in Kim's life I would be focused on are her children, particularly Chad.  Kim is an unhappy 50 year old buzzkill who wants to see everyone miserable as her.  One last point, Kyle also needs to distance herself because her own marriage.  I'm almost convinced Kim won't be satified until Kyle and Mauricio's ends in a divorce.  We all saw how Kim didn't defend Kyle's marriage when Brandi made the comment that Mauircio didn't want her.  Kim is just that sick in the head she'll be thrilled to see that marriage possibly fail so she can emotionally hold Kyle hostage.


As for Brandi, she had the Puerto Rico replay all over again!  She riled up Kim and Kim became her mouthpiece to attack the very people she can't stand herself..  Eileen said it best she's addicted to chaos!  I'm willing to bet Brandi was probably laughing inside at a job well done.  I do also agree that Brandi went into this season banking she too could villianize Kyle and have a season 2 rehash of their feud.  The common denominator in why Brandi wanted to attack Kyle is not cause of Kim but it's Lisa Vanderpump!  Brandi is bitter and pissed that Kyle was able to get back in good with Lisa V., where she could not!  Brandi will never be the apple of Lisa's eye again because how she came for Lisa's liveihood!  Kyle even said in her access hollywood interview that there needs to be a housewife code and one of them was the liveihood.  Once you mess with someone's liveihood and try to expose it, I don't care if that person does it the legal or illegal way getting their money/lifestyle, all bets are off!  You will never get back what you once had again.  Brandi seems to not be processing this well at all.  I remember she even tried making a big deal that Adrienne only owned 3% of Palms.  Brandi is jealous of any successful woman - Adrienne, LVP, and Kyle and her snide comments, especially how Kyle spends her money is telling!  Had she would stayed in good standing with these women instead of burning them one by one she probably could had gotten something out of it (ie maybe good word for future endeavors and connections to the right people in Hollywood).  What a dumby woman!

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 12

I am hoping come Reunion time Kim cleans things up regarding Harry.  She has no relationship with Harry and it just seems that Kim has gotten caught up in a lot of negativity all of a sudden.  I keep thinking back to Kim's tagline about  being happy and even Kim at the sing along and "I love my life", and Kim being so excited over her daughter being married.  Something either happened -and I am looking at you Brandi to make Kim go down this hate filled path or Kim's proclamations of happiness are crap.  I think Kim may have overextended herself if her son, is in fact a stay at home adult suffering from mental illness, by reaching out to Monty and trying to force him into staying put at her house.  Add the killer dog and it just isn't a happy place. 


As to the husbands being fair game-why?  Unless someone has a relationship or knows the husband it is very tacky.  I remember Taylor being butt hurt because she knew David Foster during his marriage to Linda Thompson and he just treated Taylor like she didn't exist.  If Lisar confided in Kim then Kim used a confidence to win an advantage in an argument -if Kim is just spouting off based on rumors she will lose a lot of supporters.  I will not forgive Bravo if this goes through the Reunion and the Harry rumor isn't identified.

Great post ZoeysM...I agree what happened to the light hearted fun Kim?  I believe it could be a combo of things hitting her at once and Brandi's negativity toward Kyle doesn't help.  What a shame that the reunion seemed to heighten the differences between the sisters.  If the big secret about Harry is something innocuous I hope it gets brought up to clear the air.  If heavy duty than I don't think it will come out. 

  • Love 3
Yolanda brought up the subject because she had been told by Brandi EVERYONE was talking about Bella being an alcoholic.  So maybe Kim should have not gotten so nasty.  All Kim proved herself to be is a far from sober, struggling recovery addict that is absolutely vicious and uncaring-she even went after her sister again-who has had little or nothing to do with the conversations Kim has been having with Lisar.



Thank you!  I thought I was the only one that noticed this! The producers probably pulled Yo to the side and get the ball rolling in the drama.  Yo is like Cynthia only difference Cynthia gives herself away even when she doesn't say anything, the rest of the women know it was her that gossiped or snitched. Yo in this moment delivered and went undeteched I don't even think the other women at the table had a clue what she was pulling with the sob story about Bella's DUI. 


LisaR - Her reaction (performance) was and always be a memorable HW image. I honestly believe that she's upped her drama quotient sufficiently to secure herself a spot on next season's RHOBH. I also think she borrowed a page from another housewife who made her bones in a similar fashion.

Am I the only one who who sees the similarity in these two events?




The Lisa R/Teresa G comparison, I agree.  Lisa R is a mix of Teresa and Camille!  One minute she's going on and on about Harry and his life and then the next she's nearly choking someone and a wine glass smash! 

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 2

Kim claims to be sober. LisaR feels she is not. As long as LisaR feels Kim is an addict, then she should not have conversations with her, much like what occurred in this First Look. If I felt Kim is a thief, I would not leave my purse laying around. I would treat Kim like the thief I think she is, regardless if she told me otherwise, especially if I had already been a target of her behavior.

My opinion all along has been that Kim needs to be held responsible for her nasty behavior. I just feel the way Kim has been approached, only serves to anger the beast within. She is very defensive and feels she is being attacked.

I hated Kim pointing her raggedy finger in Eileen's face, I would love to grab Kim's finger and force it back in her face and poke her eyes real hard with it. Kim and Kyle do that finger-pointing shit. It makes me wonder if their mother pointed her finger at them while telling them both to shut up. Whatever, that shit is annoying and disrespectful.

  • Love 8

I also can't believe the nerve of Kim to insult Eileen about her face and hair. Really bitch? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?  Eileen is five years older than you and looks 20 years younger. The fuck outta here.


Ugh!!!! Is it Tuesday yet?


I tickled when Kim tried to throw her little shade at Eileen.  She looked ridiculous!  She gets a D- minus for trying though.

  • Love 5

I feel like a carnival barker-or one of those guys that stands out in front of the peep shows trying to entice people in. This First Look could qualify as pure RH porn. It had it all.

I watched about 5 times. While Kim was wrong on so many levels, it was the best material she's had in the history of this show. It's good tv at it's finest! I can't lie.

Both Kyle and Kim agree that Kyle brought Kim onto the show but I am sure Bravo wanted both if possible. Kim explains the story at the 7:12 mark. http://forums.previously.tv/topic/17390-first-looks-upcoming-episodes/page-5

Bravo needs to rid Kim in order for Kyle to be set free. I'm so over the caretaker storyline and I want to see how Kyle fairs without Kim being a buzzkill. As for the video I'm pretty sure Kyle brought her onto the show because Kim was jobless and needed the money. Remember the limo ride, "My husband has taken care of like your his second effin' wife..." That's all I needed to know why Kim was ever on this show. Mauricio/Kyle was done with Kim mooching off them.

Wow good drugs since they are in Amsterdam-was it Monty or Kim that was that far off? Maybe both?

Is it me or do I feel Lisa V had one too many dime bags in that picture!!! LMFAO!!

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 5


Well, according to this article, but yeah, RADAR OL so...the accusation was about cheating and the fight continues back home.

This article sounds odd.

The fight happened at Adrienne's night club? Kim was shocked at Lisa's reaction? Lisa thinks Kim had a relapse in Amsterdam?

So they have another altercation at a night club that sounds exactly like the Amsterdam fight? It sounds fake.

The article is from November. Maybe who ever wrote it got all the facts jumbled up.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

Kyle looked ridiculous fleeing out the door.  Do grown up women actually do that?


AnnA, I actually have a very strong "fight or flight" response when things get too intense for me, and yes embarrassingly enough, I do run away like that!  It's kind of like feeling flooded and needing to get away.  Fortunately, my friends and family don't think I look ridiculous because we all have our quirks/flaws; no one's perfect as they say! :-)


Edited by IslandGirl
  • Love 7

Hmmm, maybe Lisa Rinna has a mental illness? Or she's menopausal? Or has a hernia? Or her husband cheated on her 10 years ago? Or Kim cheated on her 2nd husband and this was a trigger? Or it's all Kyles fault? Or maybe she accidentally threw it? Those are great excuses that seem to work for Brandi and Kim all the time with no problem, right?


Lisa paid dearly last season for daring to ask Kim about taking a sleeping pill in Paris 2 seasons ago. Kim forgets no slight, even if it was unintended.

Oh yes WireWrap, Kim is totally a Scorekeeper. And she keeps it all in an Excel spreadsheet she pays someone to maintain! Cannot stand her or Brandi...

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 7

I think people understand/sympathize with what/how/why Lisa R reacted, not that throwing wine, breaking the wine glass or grabbing Kim's face when Kim shoved her face/head over the table at Lisa, was the correct way to respond.

I know I do! When she was speaking about her sister's overdose Kim completely crapped on it. Kim had no heart or remorse. Then Kim kept wanting to talk about Harry and whatever deep dark secret she swear she knows. I understand Lisa's emotions well to why she snapped!

  • Love 14

Kim is a nasty piece of work. There is definitely more going on with her than just addiction. Addiction may explain some of her awful behavior (the lying, deflecting, etc.) but it in no way explains everything. I think she's got a personality disorder or a combination of several. She's showing some real antisocial tendencies and narcissism. She is a horrible human being. No wonder she and Brandi are friends. Those two are cut from the same cloth.


Exactly glowbug!  I've always thought Kim's categorized as what is called "Dual Diagnosis", which means she has both mental illness and substance abuse issues, just as you said.  And while I've never been a fan of Kyle's, she really needs to cut Kim loose unless she gets REAL ONGOING help with BOTH...

Edited by IslandGirl
  • Love 8

Some thoughts on the First Look for the  upcoming episode:  


Kim:  First of all, yes, she is sick. Possibly evil and full of hatred. Some of her bahavior could be the effects of her illness itself. Whatever the reason, She should NOT be on this show. She should be under treatment away from cameras.  Having said that, sobriety/addiction/alcoholism is such a private personal issue, no one has the right to discuss it unless asked to. 


Lisa Rinna:  Lisar doesn't have a lot of work offers coming her way lately. She wants to be asked back next season to ensure her income.  She, on her own, has no storyline per say. Her husband wants no part of the show. There is only so much they can show about her daughters. She can't have charity functions every week. What  does Lisar have to contribute to the show?  For the last few episodes I am seeing Lisar worming her way into  Kim and Kyle's storylines. That is her only relevancy at this point. She needs to make herself relevant in SOME way by becoming at least a part of the Kim/Kyle story. 


Why has  Lisar made it HER business to "help" Kim as she claims? Yes,  as her friend/coworker she has empathy for Kim, having seen first hand how devastating the effects can be. Yes, understandable she might want to give Kim some insight and help her out. But Lisar  has gone aboveboard being a buttinski.  Yes, she can/should try to help if she wants to,  but once SOMEONE TELLS YOU IN NO UNCERTAIN WORDS to mind your own business, She should leave Kim alone. 


To my knowledge Kim herself has NEVER sought Lisar's help or advice. This is all Lisar's doing. Why can she not let sleeping dogs lie? At least the last 3 episodes LIsar has been bringing up Kim's name/addiction/sobriety constantly. WHY? Don't you have anything else to talk about? If KIm herself wants to discuss her illness, that's her prerogative. But  This is a personal/medical issue. Where is Kim's right to privacy? Why does Lisar  think she can discuss Kim's addiction  whenever she wants?  MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS Lisar. 


I understand why Kim would be sick of her addiction being the topic of conversation as often as it is.  I would be too. Ladies, you are in Amsterdam, for heaven's sakes. Talk about the sites, points of interest, history, people,weather, culture..........  You ladies are in a nice restaurant having drinks and dinner.......  Why bring these depressing and controversial topics at the dinner table? If  it was me(thank Goodness it isn't), I would be FURIOUS  if my friends/coworkers decided to make my addiction topic of their conversation.


7 women at the table, some of them intelligent ....... not one of them thought to say...."hey, nothing good is going to come out of this line of conversation"? 


Notice how quickly Lisar coiled and struck back when the topic turned to her and her husband? She didn't  like it one bit! Enough to make her almost grab Kim's throat,  smash glasses, throw drinks ...... Hey, Lisar, don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? Hypocrite.


JJBJJBH, while I do agree with some of what you've written, here's what I can't get past: I have a lot of history with addicts (including dual diagnosis addicts) and not one of them minded talking about it when they were truly ready to change, or had changed.  To me, it's a huge red flag that Kim not only won't discuss it, but becomes enraged and spiteful when asked about it.  This almost always means: "I'm not open to being helped.  I've already gotten enough help.  I'm perfectly fine the way I am, and don't need anymore help."

If Kim were actually completely clean and healthy, she would absolutely be capable of having civil discussions about her addiction (either past, possible present, or potential future) without anger and vindictiveness.  Now I'm not saying Kim wasn't sober at the Amsterdam restaurant in the First Look scene, because it was the most clear-headed (albeit despicable) I've ever seen her.  But her behavior proves to me without a shadow of a doubt that she's not getting ongoing help with her mental illness and/or substance abuse.  If she were, she'd say, "Lisar, thanks for your concern but I'm fine.  I apologize to you for my behavior in the limo, and I'd appreciate it if you'd take my word that I'm doing well and stop bringing this up."  At which point I'd have to side-eye Lisar if she didn't stop (though I do think she would).

Edited by IslandGirl
  • Love 17

What bugs the shit out of me with these two (Brandi and Kim) is what I said above; they think they can get away with their bullshit. And they think they can because of the women they are doing it to. Which is why I'm kinda glad Lisa did go off. Brandi wouldn't dare say she'd kick the ass of one of the NJ or ATL HW. They'd take her up on her offer and then some. And I highly doubt that Kim would try to intimidate those HW either.

Brandi wouldnt be going on 4 seasons if she tried many of her antics on NJ or ATL. Thats why I love those two franchises they dont allow you to claim victimhood on them. You get caught being messy you pay price. Just ask Kenya and Danielle.

  • Love 4

You hit the nail right on the head! 


Kim left me in pure disgust how she treated Kyle at that dinner table how threw Kathy (who isn't mother of the year her damn self) and Brandi in her face!  Kyle even said once in one episode Kathy and Kim are more attached to the hip than she and Kim.  Makes me wonder if Kathy enables Kim addiction.  If I'm Kyle I would be done and Kim showed who's more important to her.  Putting up with Kim emotionally and financially and that's how Kim repays her with the ultimate diss.  I know some will say she can't give up on her sister, but no way, Kyle has done this for way too long and has done more than enough for Kim.  I can see why Kyle never takes Kim anywhere and she even puts her best girlfriends like Faye and Taylor above Kim even.  Kim is so nasty to people!  Season 1 of this show dealing with Kim/Kyle makes more sense now than it did then.  That was Kyle's breaking point in that limo in the finale.  She'd grown tired of Kim's diva way, being unappreciatve, mean-spirited and of course her substance abuse.  Too bad most of the audience made Kyle out into the villian and Kim got the sympathy card!  To me, I thought Kyle did right.  Kim needed to be told off and should had been cut off the money train!  Kyle should let Kathy put up with Kim from here on.  She needs to break Big Kathy's hold from the grave once and for all!


The only people in Kim's life I would be focused on are her children, particularly Chad.  Kim is an unhappy 50 year old buzzkill who wants to see everyone miserable as her.  One last point, Kyle also needs to distance herself because her own marriage.  I'm almost convinced Kim won't be satified until Kyle and Mauricio's ends in a divorce.  We all saw how Kim didn't defend Kyle's marriage when Brandi made the comment that Mauircio didn't want her.  Kim is just that sick in the head she'll be thrilled to see that marriage possibly fail so she can emotionally hold Kyle hostage.


As for Brandi, she had the Puerto Rico replay all over again!  She riled up Kim and Kim became her mouthpiece to attack the very people she can't stand herself..  Eileen said it best she's addicted to chaos!  I'm willing to bet Brandi was probably laughing inside at a job well done.  I do also agree that Brandi went into this season banking she too could villianize Kyle and have a season 2 rehash of their feud.  The common denominator in why Brandi wanted to attack Kyle is not cause of Kim but it's Lisa Vanderpump!  Brandi is bitter and pissed that Kyle was able to get back in good with Lisa V., where she could not!  Brandi will never be the apple of Lisa's eye again because how she came for Lisa's liveihood!  Kyle even said in her access hollywood interview that there needs to be a housewife code and one of them was the liveihood.  Once you mess with someone's liveihood and try to expose it, I don't care if that person does it the legal or illegal way getting their money/lifestyle, all bets are off!  You will never get back what you once had again.  Brandi seems to not be processing this well at all.  I remember she even tried making a big deal that Adrienne only owned 3% of Palms.  Brandi is jealous of any successful woman - Adrienne, LVP, and Kyle and her snide comments, especially how Kyle spends her money is telling!  Had she would stayed in good standing with these women instead of burning them one by one she probably could had gotten something out of it (ie maybe good word for future endeavors and connections to the right people in Hollywood).  What a dumby woman!

This is such a well done post regarding the life and times of the Richards girls.


Kathy has always been a force in Kyle's life and once Mauricio went off on his own there was a strain on the sisters' relationship.  To the three sisters collective credit, their children, the good, the naughty and the ill have always maintained a close relationship with each other and Kyle especially.  Maybe being cousins is easier than being siblings.


When I think of the limo scene this First Look is a rerun.  Kim at a party/dinner insulting the rest of the cast.  This time Kyle took the opportunity to leave and I appreciated the fact that in between Kim's unwarranted attacks to Lisar and Eileen, Kyle let her know she was indefensible. 


I agree about the marriage situation-I think both sisters are probably scratching their heads how 44 year old Mauricio, became such a powerhouse in the real estate world.  Rick Hilton for a number of years failed on his promise to make Mauricio a partner and it seems Mauricio seems to be able to grow a business beyond all even optimistic expectations.  Kim doesn't like the fact that first and foremost Mauricio is that devoted father to all four of Kyle's daughters.  I still think that a very lonely and vulnerable Kim felt a little too sorry for herself and during a couple of late night phone calls fell prey to Brandi and her contempt for Kyle, Eileen and Lisar.  (Lisar and Eileen are technically Kyle friends.) 


Brandi getting Kim riled up is the play she learned from Lisav-when Lisav was angry she unabashed, filterless Brandi on Adrienne.  I still don't think Lisav regrets it because she is angry to this day over the selling stories to the tabloid allegations. Interesting enough I do think Brandi's motivation is that when she was rolling with Lisa she was with the popular group it was her greed and desire to be seen as Lisa's equal that was eventually her demise.  I have read from Brandi she was desirous of being a partner in PUMP that is how far from reality Brandi strayed.  Brandi has tried to camp onto Lisav, success and mingled with one of Mauricio's agents and the jealousy from being the outsider has been her downfall.  So why not enlist Kim?  Kim shares much of the same jealousies.


By the time this season commenced filming Brandi and her new BFF Kim felt they had the tiger by the tail-Kim had a wedding, which would have been a weeks long storyline until they hurried it up and Brandi had Celebrity Apprentice which none of the other RH cared about as it would take them away from their families and business from four to six weeks (Lisar had already done it twice-old news to her).  Instead of big storylines for Brandi and Kim they learn Yolanda and Kyle will be on a yacht in Europe and Kyle will be able to do her private jet sequence.  Brandi fledgling Podcast was featured and it only exists because she is a RH.


I do think Kyle is wise to suggest the RH code-no one should be messing with another's livelihood ever.  To me, Lisa going after Mauricio was one of the lowest points of her tenure and to do it because someone did not defend her over the selling stories to the tabloids was unconscionable.  

  • Love 11

Now, out his illness before he's ready to announce that and I'd....well, still not throw a glass at you but I'd likely raise my voice a little. LOL

Exactly. I can't believe a basically sane woman would behave in this manner, especially in public, at an angry person suggesting her husband was unfaithful. I think it was acting. LisaR is a better actress than I gave her credit for. Throwing the glass was the scariest part. Now I think she must have tossed the contents toward Kim but through the glass straight down where it wouldn't hurt anyone. Maybe it was a fake glass. I can't believe she was so angry she would endanger other people. 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 5

Kyle fleeing from the restaurant like she is in a horror movie will never not be funny to me.


I have to say Brandi should wear jeans and fitted button-down/sweater combo more often. She looks good when she's wearing clothes that actually cover her body.


I was thinking the same thing. So often I look at Brandi and I'm confused because I know, objectively, she's a beautiful woman but she looks gross to me. Watching the first look, I kept thinking that she looked really gorgeous and realized it was the jeans and sweater combo. Beautiful women just don't have to try that hard and I think she looks great when she doesn't. 


Kyle - this is the part that I've watched over and over. I wish I could make it my screensaver. It's absolutely hilarious to me how she runs out of the restaurant like that. It's certainly fight or flight, but I've never seen someone employ flight quite like that. It seriously makes me laugh. Brava!

Edited by Otherkate
  • Love 3

Yeah what's up with the Squeaky Fromme hats? Charles Manson jet lag couture line?

Omg, that hat had me laughing. Lisa looked insane lol, Eileen's wasn't great but Lisa's looked to small for her head.

I was on the treadmill early this morning and the scene of Lisa and Eileen with those hats popped in my head. I forgot about it with all Kim craziness.

Then I saw your post, lol, glad I wasn't the only who noticed the bad ugly hat.

I did like that Lisa V stood up for Kyle, by telling Kim that Kyle does defend her.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

I wish someone would tell Kyle you should only let someone throw a certain number of stones at you before picking them all up, putting them together and building a wall to prevent them from doing it over, and over, and over, and...

I wonder why Kim has zero friends (Brandi doesn't count in my book). Could it be because substance abusers isolate? Or because she's a selfish, difficult person? Or E). All of the above?

Kyle may not be my cup of tea, but she certainly has many friends; just one more reason for Kim to hate her...

Someone posted earlier about Kim working harder/more as a child. Back then, most of the girls on TV and in movies had blonde hair, so I'm wondering if that's part of why brunette Kyle couldn't get as much work...

Edited by IslandGirl
  • Love 12

Kim's drug use is not a secret, she has put it on display every season since the show started! Kim can not now try to pull the privacy card now because someone calls her out on her awful behavior. It was Kim that started this whole "addiction" storyline because she got high!

Here is the video of all the original BH HWS on WW show. Kim talks about it, 7:12 mark.  


Thanks for posting this WireWrap, so fun to see now.  Boy oh boy, Camille couldn't leave fast enough at the end!


Oh, and don't forget, Kim doesn't use drugs, only alcohol <wink wink>.  I know when I spill my drink, I crawl around on the floor looking for it...


I love this!


Oh thanks EVS, but I can't take credit for it; I read something like it years ago, and paraphrased as best as my memory allowed! I love it too, and should write it in lipstick on my bathroom mirror... ;-)

Edited by IslandGirl
  • Love 5

I wonder why Kim has zero friends (Brandi doesn't count in my book).  Could it be because substance abusers isolate? Or because she's a selfish, difficult person? Or E). All of the above?  


Kyle may not be my cup of tea, but she certainly has many friends; just one more reason for Kim to hate her...

ITA about your post.  Another thing Kim may be chomping at the bit about is the pay differences between new cast members Eileen/Lisar and her. She may be thinking she's supplying the addiction story line and their getting $750,000 each while she's been there 5 years and getting $100,000. Added on to her sister angst / jealousy who knows if she somehow blames Kyle about her contract amount? Even though Kyle has nothing to do with Kim's Bravo contract. It may all add up to one angry year for Kim and she's decided to let her venom out on Eileen, Lisar and Kyle.

  • Love 4

I'm seriously wishing my life away by wanting it to be Tuesday so I can see more of this fiasco.

Kim and Brandi - There's not much more to be said about them.

Eileen - I applauded for Eileen when she looked straight at Kim and said "Oh no......you didn't" (apologize).

Way to go girl!

Lisa V and Yolanda - It will be interesting to see what they have to say.

Kyle - Obviously she came back after fleeing while dramatically tossing her hair but she really needs to grow up. Everything isn't all about you Kyle. Instead of exiting stage left....she should have stepped up and made an effort to stop the situation between her sister and her friend from devolving. That's what I would have done and I'd like to believe that most grown ups would have done the same.

LisaR - Her reaction (performance) was and always be a memorable HW image. I honestly believe that she's upped her drama quotient sufficiently to secure herself a spot on next season's RHOBH. I also think she borrowed a page from another housewife who made her bones in a similar fashion.

Am I the only one who who sees the similarity in these two events?




AnnA, I totally agree with most of your post, except for the part I bolded and italicized. The only way Kim would have allowed Kyle to stop the situation from further devolving is if Kyle enabled Kim.

  • Love 2

I just watched it again.  I can't wait!


So Lisa and Eileen arrive.  Lipsa:  Welcome to Holland!  "Kim Kim Kim Kim Kim and let's talk about KIM some more!"


Jeez lady, find a new topic. 

Considering the fact that Lisar had just had to deal with Kim's obnoxious bullshit on the plane I think it's only understandable that Kim would come up in conversation. Kim does this shit to herself by being an unpleasant person to be around. If Kim hadn't been such a bitch to Lisa on the plane, Lisa wouldn't have asked her what the hell her problem was. If Kim hadn't been so horrible on the plane, Lisa wouldn't have had anything to tell Eileen or LisaV. LisaR had just had yet another bad encounter with Kim so like any human being she feels inclined to discuss what she's just been through with the people that she hangs around with. This seems completely normal and natural to me. 


It doesn't have a thing to do with the other women supposedly not having interesting lives or not having anything to talk about other than Kim. In my opinion the claim that the women don't have anything interesting to talk about in their lives other than Kim is ridiculously absurd. A few episodes ago the claim was that the women could only talk about Brandi and Kim because they had nothing going on in their own lives and I haven't seen anything to indicate that the women's day to day lives aren't interesting. Each one of the women has a more interesting life than Kim or Brandi--at least that much is obvious IMHO. 


It doesn't matter what the husbands do on camera on the show.  They are part of the storyline of the "houseWIVES" so yes, fair game.  Harry doesn't get some kind of special pass, the others never have.


Lisa's portraying herself as blissfully, happily married.  If that's not true?  It will be found out, it always is on these shows. 

It's not about the idea that husbands deserve a pass necessarily. It depends on the situation. In this situation Kim has a problem with LisaR apologizing to her so what does she do? She goes for low blows even though it's completely unnecessary. All Kim needed to do was either accept Lisa's apology or say that she wanted to talk about it later in private. Two options that didn't include making implications about a man who has done absolutely nothing to earn Kim's wrath. Kim chose to be horrible and disrespectful to everyone at that table. She is the one who originally made the night unpleasant.


Harry IS part of the story.  He became part of the story, and completely fair game, when his wife accepted this job.  Lipsa talks about him on camera, (when she can stop talking about Kim for 5 seconds)  and he's been seen on camera.  "Cheating" seems tame to me, but it's fun to speculate!  Maybe they are swappers, or do 3 somes with guys, or the person(s) he cheated with are somehow scandalous?

One thing I really have to applaud, Kim has lightning fast reflexes!  I don't think a drop of that wine hit her, that that was heaved at her with force!

Bravo needs to force these overpaid women to find a new topic of conversation.  Are Eileen, Lipsa, Kyle, Lisa, and Brandi's lives really THAT boring?  The vast majority of time they are on screen, they are talking about Kim.  If the first 4 aren't talking about Kim, they are talking about Brandi.  Y A W N

At least next week won't be boring!  Lipsa makes a complete ass of herself, and now everyone is really going to wonder what's up with Harry.  Finally, a topic changer!



If Kim thinks that I'm more interested in her claims about Harry than I am in seeing her ass get told off and then kicked off of the show then her brain is even more addled than I previously thought. 


Whatever is going on with Lisa and Harry hasn't had a negative impact on the other women in the group. Kim's problems are up for discussion because they have a negative impact on the women in the group. The other women have seen Kim and have had to deal with her awful behavior because of their job on the show. Kim is claiming that Lisar is lying about her when there isn't anything to indicate that Lisa is lying and everything to indicate that Kim is the one who is lying about her issues as usual. 


A huge difference between Lisa and Kim in this situation is that Lisa is willing to accept responsibility and apologize whereas someone like Kim is unable to accept any responsibility for her role in everything that is going on. In Kim's world her behavior isn't in any way offensive and in Kim's world Lisa should have just been able to ignore Kim when she under the influence and acting offensive to multiple people. 


I've said it before in a past episode thread--if Kim wants to blame someone for why her addictions have become a topic of conversation this year then she needs to look in a mirror. LisaR could have kept silent during Poker Night and I would still know that Kim's ass was high during that car ride. I knew Kim was under the influence at Poker Night even before she confessed to Kyle in the bathroom. Kim confessed on camera--she outed herself. It's too ridiculous that she wants to dump it all on Lisa. I knew Kim was out of it at Kyle's mixer. It's like when Kim wanted to blame Kyle for outing her alcoholism in the limo as if viewers couldn't see plain as day that Kim seemed to have a problem. Kim also wanted to blame Brandi for calling her out at Game Night when it was obvious to me as a viewer that Kim was under the influence of something other than alcohol. I didn't need to hear Brandi's meth accusation in order to snap it all into focus.


I think it's Kim's fault that her addictions are being talked about this season and Kim's fault alone.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 24

ITA about your post.  Another thing Kim may be chomping at the bit about is the pay differences between new cast members Eileen/Lisar and her. She may be thinking she's supplying the addiction story line and their getting $750,000 each while she's been there 5 years and getting $100,000. Added on to her sister angst / jealousy who knows if she somehow blames Kyle about her contract amount? Even though Kyle has nothing to do with Kim's Bravo contract. It may all add up to one angry year for Kim and she's decided to let her venom out on Eileen, Lisar and Kyle.


Totally agree with your speculation REALITYTVSMACK1; makes a lot of sense.  I think Kyle is Kim's President Bush/President Obama where EVERYTHING gets blamed on one single, solitary individual! ;-)

  • Love 5

JJBJJBH, while I do agree with some of what you've written, here's what I can't get past: I have a lot of history with addicts (including dual diagnosis addicts) and not one of them minded talking about it when they were truly ready to change, or had changed.  To me, it's a huge red flag that Kim not only won't discuss it, but becomes enraged and spiteful when asked about it.  This almost always means: "I'm not open to being helped.  I've already gotten enough help.  I'm perfectly fine the way I am, and don't need anymore help."

If Kim were actually completely clean and healthy, she would absolutely be capable of having civil discussions about her addiction (either past, possible present, or potential future) without anger and vindictiveness.  Now I'm not saying Kim wasn't sober at the Amsterdam restaurant in the First Look scene, because it was the most clear-headed (albeit despicable) I've ever seen her.  But her behavior proves to me without a shadow of a doubt that she's not getting ongoing help with her mental illness and/or substance abuse.  If she were, she'd say, "Lisar, thanks for your concern but I'm fine.  I apologize to you for my behavior in the limo, and I'd appreciate it if you'd take my word that I'm doing well and stop bringing this up."  At which point I'd have to side-eye Lisar if she didn't stop (though I do think she would).

I think Kim already told Lisar that on the plane trip to Calvary. That she was sober and it was a one time slip and not to question her about her sobriety again.  Even Lisar said in the limo ride to Yolanda's husband's charity event (Yolanda and Kyle were there) that she would never bring this issue up to Kim again.  But it's a TV show...what can I say.

  • Love 3

Two more things.


I like how when Kim tried to tell Lisar that Lisa doesn't know about her relationship with Kyle that Lisar calmly agreed with her and said that she didn't but that Kim's behavior wasn't an appropriate way to treat anyone. Nice. (ETA: Contrast that with Brandi who practically declared herself to be an expert on the relationship between the two sisters, three if we count Brandi feeling like she's all close to Kathy too and knows the deal there.)


The second thing is when Lisa continues to be straightforward with Kim and flat out tells her that her behavior is "not okay" and that she shouldn't talk to people the way that she does. Kim's response? A sarcastic "Really?" When has Kim ever taken responsibility for her inappropriate behavior?


The idea of Kim listening and not being defensive or hostile during a one on one off camera intervention seems super unlikely to me and I feel like I'm being kind by putting it that way. The lunch with Eileen was yet another example on a long list of Kim being told things that she didn't want to hear. She was dismissive and rude even though Eileen was trying to be helpful and objective. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 18

Considering the fact that Lisar had just had to deal with Kim's obnoxious bullshit on the plane I think it's only understandable that Kim would come up in conversation. Kim does this shit to herself by being an unpleasant person to be around. If Kim hadn't been such a bitch to Lisa on the plane, Lisa wouldn't have asked her what the hell her problem was. If Kim hadn't been so horrible on the plane, Lisa wouldn't have had anything to tell Eileen or LisaV. LisaR had just had yet another bad encounter with Kim so like any human being she feels inclined to discuss what she's just been through with the people that she hangs around with. This seems completely normal and natural to me.

It doesn't have a thing to do with the other women supposedly not having interesting lives or not having anything to talk about other than Kim. In my opinion the claim that the women don't have anything interesting to talk about in their lives other than Kim is ridiculously absurd. A few episodes ago the claim was that the women could only talk about Brandi and Kim because they had nothing going on in their own lives and I haven't seen anything to indicate that the women's day to day lives aren't interesting. Each one of the women has a more interesting life than Kim or Brandi--at least that much is obvious IMHO.

It's not about the idea that husbands deserve a pass necessarily. It depends on the situation. In this situation Kim has a problem with LisaR apologizing to her so what does she do? She goes for low blows even though it's completely unnecessary. All Kim needed to do was either accept Lisa's apology or say that she wanted to talk about it later in private. Two options that didn't include making implications about a man who has done absolutely nothing to earn Kim's wrath. Kim chose to be horrible and disrespectful to everyone at that table. She is the one who originally made the night unpleasant.

If Kim thinks that I'm more interested in her claims about Harry than I am in seeing her ass get told off and then kicked off of the show then her brain is even more addled than I previously thought.

Whatever is going on with Lisa and Harry hasn't had a negative impact on the other women in the group. Kim's problems are up for discussion because they have a negative impact on the women in the group. The other women have seen Kim and have had to deal with her awful behavior because of their job on the show. Kim is claiming that Lisar is lying about her when there isn't anything to indicate that Lisa is lying and everything to indicate that Kim is the one who is lying about her issues as usual.

A huge difference between Lisa and Kim in this situation is that Lisa is willing to accept responsibility and apologize whereas someone like Kim is unable to accept any responsibility for her role in everything that is going on. In Kim's world her behavior isn't in any way offensive and in Kim's world Lisa should have just been able to ignore Kim when she under the influence and acting offensive to multiple people.

I've said it before in a past episode thread--if Kim wants to blame someone for why her addictions have become a topic of conversation this year then she needs to look in a mirror. LisaR could have kept silent during Poker Night and I would still know that Kim's ass was high during that car ride. I knew Kim was under the influence at Poker Night even before she confessed to Kyle in the bathroom. Kim confessed on camera--she outed herself. It's too ridiculous that she wants to dump it all on Lisa. I knew Kim was out of it at Kyle's mixer. It's like when Kim wanted to blame Kyle for outing her alcoholism in the limo as if viewers couldn't see plain as day that Kim seemed to have a problem. Kim also wanted to blame Brandi for calling her out at Game Night when it was obvious to me as a viewer that Kim was under the influence of something other than alcohol. I didn't need to hear Brandi's meth accusation in order to snap it all into focus.

I think it's Kim's fault that her addictions are being talked about this season and Kim's fault alone.

YESYESYES AVALEIGH! And until Kim is genuinely able to self-reflect, be presently self-aware, face HER OWN DEMONS while forgetting about everyone else's, and drop the perpetual victim mentality, it will be very difficult to maintain sobriety in the long run...

I think Kim already told Lisar that on the plane trip to Calvary. That she was sober and it was a one time slip and not to question her about her sobriety again. Even Lisar said in the limo ride to Yolanda's husband's charity event (Yolanda and Kyle were there) that she would never bring this issue up to Kim again. But it's a TV show...what can I say.

Not exactly sure what Kim did or didn't tell Lisar on the plane because I couldn't get past the anger and vitriol. When someone yells, or is enraged, it's hard to hear beyond that...

A wise person once said something like, "We begin to learn wisely when we are willing to see the world from other people's perspectives." While I'm not a huge Kyle fan, I do think she does this much better than Kim. I'd go so far as to say I can't ever recall having seen Kim do this, or even try...

  • Love 11
Even Lisar said in the limo ride to Yolanda's husband's charity event (Yolanda and Kyle were there) that she would never bring this issue up to Kim again.

It could have been put to bed I think if Kim hadn't decided to treat Lisar rudely and coldly at the airport and during the plane ride. Kim's behavior made it seem to Lisa that the issue wasn't closed so she felt the need to restate her side of the story--all the while apologizing and it still wasn't good enough to Kim so I can see why Lisa was frustrated and wanted to not only talk about what she was dealing with but express where she was coming from regarding Kim's situation in the first place.


When Lisa tells Kim that her behavior isn't okay, Kim's response is to make the bread dig. (I loved that all of the women seemed disgusted with Kim when she went there save possibly Brandi.) When Yolanda is playing moderator and she tries to explain where Lisa is coming from we get Kim making the dig about the husband. This wasn't a case of Kim being pushed and pushed to the brink until she finally decided to lash out at all of her mean and insensitive costars. Kim was feeling the heat from her behavior and so she wanted to deflect, pure and simple IMO. 


Yeah what's up with the Squeaky Fromme hats? Charles Manson jet lag couture line?


Omg, that hat had me laughing. Lisa looked insane lol, Eileen's wasn't great but Lisa's looked to small for her head.

I was on the treadmill early this morning and the scene of Lisa and Eileen with those hats popped in my head.


I thought I posted this but maybe not. The hats reminded me of American Horror Story: Coven. I wonder if this makes Lisa the Supreme? ;-)

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 10

I may be mistaken but wasn't Yolanda sitting on the floor of the G550 when Kim took Lisar to task over asking about Kim being mad at her?  So shouldn't some of the addiction talk blame be placed on Yolanda for bringing it up after Kim exploded on the plane?


I am sure Yolanda was appalled but her bringing up Bella's DUI was very strange topic for dinner conversation.  Maybe she should have brought it up during the sing along at the Fosters-Babyface could have come up with a little diddy.


                     Bella likes her wine

                     But not the $2000.oo fine


I am quite certain they could have had the entire Bella discussion in song. 

  • Love 4

On rewatch Kim is even more disgusting. Lisa fucking apologized. Just fucking say, "Game night was an outlier, if it scared you, I'll apologize, but i'm ok."

But NOOOOOOOOO. From there she engages with Lisa, tells Eileen she doesn't like her face, calls Kyle a bad sister. Then when Yolanda steps in to calm heads and again get Kim to understand she can just take Lisa's words as an apology by bringing up Harry's brothers and himself, Kim goes, "yes let's talk about the husband".

I promise I would have told Kim we can talk about her husband just as much as she wants to talk about her Cujo ass dog and her child.

And then I would have punched her.

Yes! Let me come sit by you and Persnickety. It would have been ON. Bring up my husband? Let's talk about your son, your attack dog, your ex husbands, yo mama, your pillow, and your dried up, cracking face.

Kim would have been the one fleeing when I was done with her. Brandi too, a few seasons ago when she used to pull that shit. These ladies are way too nice.

  • Love 15

Dealing with addicts, one thing I see over and over again, is they become the nastiest/meanest when they are actually temporarily not using, but desperately wanting their substance of choice.  In other words, their sobriety is unfortunately precarious at best.  While using, they often appear happy as clams.  And when they finally become more stable in their not-using, the nasty/mean/irritable personality traits begin to fade, as does their defensiveness and victimhood....

Edited by IslandGirl
  • Love 14

But thank god there are people who love the business or I wouldn't be watching the "Jaws" marathon right nor conversing with you about this red hot reality show mess.


Oh wow - I fell asleep watching Jaws 3 last night!  It was fun looking back on something that was so cutting edge in technology and is now looks ridiculously tacky. 

  • Love 3

Kim, nearly verbatim, threw out how Kathy has been a better sister to her over Kyle -- Brandi planted all that in her head just a couple episodes prior, and at the time Kim kinda hummed and hawed in quiet agreement. Now she's raking Kyle over the coals for not giving her the support that Kathy and even Brandi have.

Brandi has given Kim support. She's bolstered Kim up and sharpened her edges and used her as weapon and dagger to stab Kyle in the heart. Kim is brazenly the aggressor now with Kyle, and Brandi just quietly holds back in the background while Kim attacks Kyle.

Truth be told, I have zero investment in Kyle and I find her incessant crying in retaliation tedious at best. But I can't stand watching Brandi best Kyle this way. Last year she tried doing it with the rumors about Mauricio and this year it's with Kim. What will she try next -- Farrah?

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