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First Looks: The Locked One

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You know, I have read several comments through the years that Kyle wanted Kim on the show and said that she wouldn't do the show without her. After watching the last few episodes, I think the opposite may be true.

I don't know how anyone watching, esp. five seasons in, can come to any conclusion other than Bravo wanted to cast the Richards sisters - together, and still do. Kim has slurred her way through five seasons, missed a lot of filming appt.'s, and been a pain in the ass to everyone, and they still haven't fired her (yet). Why? Because they love the drama her relationship with Kyle brings to the show. I think it's clear they both have deep-seeded anger and jealousy issues with each other, so to me, if one were dropped from the show, the other would be fine with that and carry on.

  • Love 8

LOL! I don't know whether to laugh or...laugh! Hee, Eileen, a beast?! Too funny. And the Academy Award goes to...Kim Richards! Certainly not to Kyle, who dissolves into cry-screaming again. Bwahhaha.

Thanks Zoeysmom, for posting this as I did miss it on tv. I can't wait to go to the First Looks thread and read y'alls posts.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 4

Isn't this Brandi's MO? When some of the shit being slung by another may land on her doesn't she stay quiet? I may not remember accurately but I thought she was on the quiet side at the dinner table in Puerto Rico when the shit storm started there too. Someone please help me remember.


I think most of Brandi's courage is obtained through alcohol.  Otherwise, she's too cowardly to confront people.  I think she was sober at Lisa's party, which kept her quiet and self-ostracized.  At this luncheon, maybe she hadn't consumed enough wine.  She would have nothing to gain from inserting herself into this disaster.  But if she was drunk enough, she probably would have tried.


Some thoughts on the First Look for the  upcoming episode:  


Kim:  First of all, yes, she is sick. Possibly evil and full of hatred. Some of her bahavior could be the effects of her illness itself. Whatever the reason, She should NOT be on this show. She should be under treatment away from cameras.  Having said that, sobriety/addiction/alcoholism is such a private personal issue, no one has the right to discuss it unless asked to. 


Lisa Rinna:  Lisar doesn't have a lot of work offers coming her way lately. She wants to be asked back next season to ensure her income.  She, on her own, has no storyline per say. Her husband wants no part of the show. There is only so much they can show about her daughters. She can't have charity functions every week. What  does Lisar have to contribute to the show?  For the last few episodes I am seeing Lisar worming her way into  Kim and Kyle's storylines. That is her only relevancy at this point. She needs to make herself relevant in SOME way by becoming at least a part of the Kim/Kyle story. 


Why has  Lisar made it HER business to "help" Kim as she claims? Yes,  as her friend/coworker she has empathy for Kim, having seen first hand how devastating the effects can be. Yes, understandable she might want to give Kim some insight and help her out. But Lisar  has gone aboveboard being a buttinski.  Yes, she can/should try to help if she wants to,  but once SOMEONE TELLS YOU IN NO UNCERTAIN WORDS to mind your own business, She should leave Kim alone. 


To my knowledge Kim herself has NEVER sought Lisar's help or advice. This is all Lisar's doing. Why can she not let sleeping dogs lie? At least the last 3 episodes LIsar has been bringing up Kim's name/addiction/sobriety constantly. WHY? Don't you have anything else to talk about? If KIm herself wants to discuss her illness, that's her prerogative. But  This is a personal/medical issue. Where is Kim's right to privacy? Why does Lisar  think she can discuss Kim's addiction  whenever she wants?  MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS Lisar. 


I understand why Kim would be sick of her addiction being the topic of conversation as often as it is.  I would be too. Ladies, you are in Amsterdam, for heaven's sakes. Talk about the sites, points of interest, history, people,weather, culture..........  You ladies are in a nice restaurant having drinks and dinner.......  Why bring these depressing and controversial topics at the dinner table? If  it was me(thank Goodness it isn't), I would be FURIOUS  if my friends/coworkers decided to make my addiction topic of their conversation.


7 women at the table, some of them intelligent ....... not one of them thought to say...."hey, nothing good is going to come out of this line of conversation"? 


Notice how quickly Lisar coiled and struck back when the topic turned to her and her husband? She didn't  like it one bit! Enough to make her almost grab Kim's throat,  smash glasses, throw drinks ...... Hey, Lisar, don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot, eh? Hypocrite.


I'm torn about this whole thing.  I think people are letting their dislike/hatred for Kim prevent them from being irritated that Lisa grabbed Kim's face, threw wine at her, then shattered a glass in everyone's face.  I look at it this way:  Would there have been any justification for Brandi wine-tossing Eileen?  Is there anything Eileen could have said, no matter how nasty or cruel, that would have made them cheer when Brandi threw that wine?  It's wrong no matter the circumstances.


I don't know why Lisa persists with Kim.  I think she's part shit-stirring, and part erroneously thinking her closeness to Kyle makes her close to Kim.  I don't think Lisa is motivated by cruelty or is bad-intentioned.  But it's strange to me how Lisa and Eileen have inserted themselves into this.  Don't poke the crazy.  Have they ever seen this show?  They have Kyle, Kim, and Lisa V. telling them to stay out of it.  I'm starting to think they're being directed to do this (and shame of them if true) or they're seeking story relevance.  I'm sure it's tempting to involve yourself in this when you're the one who looks sane and right in the process.  I just don't see what they have to gain.


I could be wrong but I don't believe either Brandi or Kim have ever met Harry.  For Kim to bring up some Harry rumor is wrong on every level.  Last year-before filming began HH was on WWHL, he was fine, fine, fine.  He talked about his role as Jim Cutler and the hate mail he got and his career in Hollywood-as Lisa said it was their audition.  During filming I believe he was spending some time filming both "Mad Men" and "Rush".  What is true whether Harry had an affair or Harry hasn't been servicing Lisa it is rally none of Kim Richards' business. 


This is true, and I'm not personally going to speculate.  What may seem huge to Lisa R., could be very minor to the next person.  It is interesting to see how extreme Lisa's reaction was.  I can't imagine how Kyle would have been eviscerated if she responded this way to the many taunts that Mauricio cheated.

  • Love 10

Well, I guess I should thank you, Zoeysmom, for posting the links on the other thread. It's not your fault I opened them...

First thoughts, I loved seeing Amsterdam. I was only there for a week before heading to Wassenaar.

I cannot believe these women act like this in public. Talk about "Ugly Americans". They are so entitled. They feel the can say anything, display any emotion, brand anything as a weapon wherever they are. There are social expectations, ya know. Gawd, this was horrible!

That was my first thought -in the land of the very tolerant these Bozos took it way to far.  A very special thanks to Kim Richards, aging Disney child star for making the term ugly American appropriate for the occasion.  Hopefully, Yolanda can whip them into shape.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 6

I have yet to read y'all's posts. Thanks to Zoeysmom for posting the links to F/L since I missed it on the telly.

What a fun episode! Highly amusing and entertaining. I don't take any of these women seriously right now. They were told by production or Bravo execs to bring the drama and they didn't disappoint (except maybe Kyle and her waaaah waaaah crying). I am laughing my ass off; what an awesome peek into next week. I'm completely down with it. I'd rather watch an evening soap with OTT dramatics (as long as it doesn't turn dark like NJ or totally asinine like ATL) than watch another dull as dirt season of HWs. Oh I hope this is their new format.

  • Love 9

Lisa Rinna:  

For someone who claims to have dealt with and gone through addiction issues with family members, she isn't too bright, is she?  After the limo ride, when she presumably felt justified in bringing up Kim's addiction every chance she got, she has handled the Kim scenario all wrong. She wasn't even a friend of Kim's apparently, only Kyle's.  If it were me,  in the aftermath of the limo situation  I would have stayed AS FAR AWAY from Kim as I could. Bring it up with Kyle in private, if you must, express your concern, ask if Kyle needs any help, and go from there. What sane person knowingly inserts themselves in their friends' family's addiction issues? Even after they know the interference is not welcome? 

Did someone appoint Lisar an expert at handing addiction behaviors? The entire situation is laughable. Knowing Kim's propensity for volatile behavior(justified or not), I would have  kept Kim at a 10 mile distance. Work with her if your contract requires, minimum interaction, but don't force your well-intended(or not) "HELP"on the afflicted. Constantly goading them, bringing up their problems at the drop of a hat, only alienates the addicted more and makes them paranoid. 


Lisar had NO reason to continue her meddling. The ONLY reason for her to do so was to have a storyline front and center. And to assure her return to the show next season. Looks like she may have accomplished that Goal. Lisar,  Get OUT of Kim's business. She has told you she doesn't appreciate your meddling.



Thundering applause and standing ovation. 

  • Love 4

Since when is the rule not to poke the crazy? From Aviva to Theresa Giudice to Porsha to that crazy Brazilian in Miami whose name I forget..... the rule is you always poke the crazy. That is what the Housewives franchise is all about. That is what every season is predicated on by and large.


The thing is Kim is extra special crazy. So a normal conversation with her goes right to defcon five with poo flying like demented monkeys smelling Tamra Barney slithering by.


Just one thing. Always remember and never forget....nobody puts Baby Jane in a Corner



  • Love 15


Lisa Rinna:  

For someone who claims to have dealt with and gone through addiction issues with family members, she isn't too bright, is she?  After the limo ride, when she presumably felt justified in bringing up Kim's addiction every chance she got, she has handled the Kim scenario all wrong. She wasn't even a friend of Kim's apparently, only Kyle's.  If it were me,  in the aftermath of the limo situation  I would have stayed AS FAR AWAY from Kim as I could. Bring it up with Kyle in private, if you must, express your concern, ask if Kyle needs any help, and go from there. What sane person knowingly inserts themselves in their friends' family's addiction issues? Even after they know the interference is not welcome? 

Did someone appoint Lisar an expert at handing addiction behaviors? The entire situation is laughable. Knowing Kim's propensity for volatile behavior(justified or not), I would have  kept Kim at a 10 mile distance. Work with her if your contract requires, minimum interaction, but don't force your well-intended(or not) "HELP"on the afflicted. Constantly goading them, bringing up their problems at the drop of a hat, only alienates the addicted more and makes them paranoid. 


Lisar had NO reason to continue her meddling. The ONLY reason for her to do so was to have a storyline front and center. And to assure her return to the show next season. Looks like she may have accomplished that Goal. Lisar,  Get OUT of Kim's business. She has told you she doesn't appreciate your meddling.


This is well stated and well put and you don't need me to tell you that.  Don't mean to sound condescending -- especially when I feel so furious at myself for continuing to watch and get sucked into this STUPID show -- but, really, from Rinna's viewpoint I'm sure she doesn't feel obliged at this point to have to continue to understand Kim and see the world from Kim's viewpoint and Kim Kim Kim and what works for Kim or doesn't and then, oh yeah, have another dollop of Kim!


At some point, and I can see how Rinna got there pretty quickly, the active addict can really just go screw themselves and the gloves are off.  Kim is feeling attacked and paranoid?  So be it!  Get yourself clean and sober or get off my lawn.  For real. 


None of these dames, including her own sister at this point, should feel compelled to be on the look out for what's best for KIM RICHARDS.  


Off to do laundry ... Zooey's Mom -- Can I send you the therapy bill? LOL.  No, really, seriously, glad I'm getting this out of my system now because next Tuesday night, I dunno.  I don't go to vicarious Holland to have to put up with this crazy bitch. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 1

Since when is the rule not to poke the crazy? From Aviva to Theresa Giudice to Porsha to that crazy Brazilian in Miami whose name I forget..... the rule is you always poke the crazy. That is what the Housewives franchise is all about. That is what every season is predicated on by and large.


The thing is Kim is extra special crazy. So a normal conversation with her goes right to defcon five with poo flying like demented monkeys smelling Tamra Barney slithering by.


Just one thing. Always remember and never forget....nobody puts Baby Jane in a Corner



Thanks for all this.  You are making me laugh.  I have come to HATE this program.  Totally.  

  • Love 4

Hell, TrooperYork, those bitches were all pouring it on. Kim might be a little cray cray, but she and LisaR are helluva good actresses. They both came out on top. I'm impressed and that was just fun. I watched those clips 3 times! Best scene of the season. And I'm totally on board if this is a new direction for the show -- the old format was headed for the tv graveyard. Bring it.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 8

Really?? Eileen is supposed to be shocked to see their behavior? Hasn't she seen a single one of the previous episodes before accepting 750,000 to be ON the show? What a Hypocrite.


She just cracks me up. Surely, one would expect even a semi-intelligent person to watch a few episodes of the show to gauge what they could be getting into, before deciding to be on it. But once you are on it, don't behave like you are "above" the shenanigans. No one forced you to take the job. Eileen appears to be a snob, giving the "I am above all this" vibe, looking down at the pigsty while standing in it, not wanting to get dirty. 


LOL Eileen. Why do you think Bravo is  paying you big bucks? Not to be the ivy on the background wall of the show. You are expected to bring the drama, which brings viewer eyeballs, which brings in $$. 


No one on any of these Housewives shows  is innocent. They all feed each other to the sharks routinely. Someone as savvy and experienced like Eileen couldn't possibly be that ignorant about this show. 


These women need to find something other than Kim to talk about. I LOL'd at the scene in the Amsterdam Hotel lobby where Eileen, Lisar and Lisav  were chatting and what was their topic of conversation?  Kim !!

I find Eileen and Vince interesting.  They have a quasi-laid back Malibu lifestyle.  I think whether it be a Camille, a Joyce or an Eileen these woman are pretty dignified and rely on their wits to solve their issues.  Camille obviously had much bigger issues than being called insecure, I doubt Joyce ever thought she would be the butt of racially insensitive comments from Brandi or get the mother of all gang up dinners (ironically none of those guests like Brandi any longer and are now dinner companions of Joyce and Michael) so Eileen thinking she could plow through by just being her and not really offending anyone seemed plausible and for great $$$$$$$$$$.


Initially it was Brandi screaming all Eileen has to talk about is me-that would be after challenging Eileen's expertise on her own show, throwing wine in her face, doing the finger banging comment and general drunkenness Brandi Glanville is famous for.  When Eileen succeeded in cut Brandi out we see the focus shifted to Kim.  Kim obviously was under the influence in Eileen's home, rude, insulting, dragged Brandi to her sister's event and created a stir and finally never bothered to apologize to Eileen for her behavior.  Eileen even gave Kim a second chance by inviting her to lunch to see if she could redirect the sister's anger.  No one at the lunch mentioned Kim's addiction.  Kim just got snotty.  Eileen tried one more time at her home for a table read and was meant with a stone wall and still no acknowledgment or apology for her rude behavior.  


I totally understand where you are coming from regarding the newbies should know what they are getting themselves into-I think there is a certain omnipotence that they all have thinking they can get in and out unscathed.  I do think Bravo is getting their money's worth this year with Eileen and Lisar-especially Eileen because she doesn't create the drama but somehow she has become a lightening rod for it both on and off the show with Brandi.  I think for the convenience of viewers they do have the women talk about each other to bring us up to speed.  Kim and Brandi should enjoy the limelight-next year they may just come back as a Camille or Adrienne.

  • Love 6



Lisa Rinna:  

For someone who claims to have dealt with and gone through addiction issues with family members, she isn't too bright, is she?  After the limo ride, when she presumably felt justified in bringing up Kim's addiction every chance she got, she has handled the Kim scenario all wrong. She wasn't even a friend of Kim's apparently, only Kyle's.  If it were me,  in the aftermath of the limo situation  I would have stayed AS FAR AWAY from Kim as I could. Bring it up with Kyle in private, if you must, express your concern, ask if Kyle needs any help, and go from there. What sane person knowingly inserts themselves in their friends' family's addiction issues? Even after they know the interference is not welcome? 

Did someone appoint Lisar an expert at handing addiction behaviors? The entire situation is laughable. Knowing Kim's propensity for volatile behavior(justified or not), I would have  kept Kim at a 10 mile distance. Work with her if your contract requires, minimum interaction, but don't force your well-intended(or not) "HELP"on the afflicted. Constantly goading them, bringing up their problems at the drop of a hat, only alienates the addicted more and makes them paranoid. 


Lisar had NO reason to continue her meddling. The ONLY reason for her to do so was to have a storyline front and center. And to assure her return to the show next season. Looks like she may have accomplished that Goal. Lisar,  Get OUT of Kim's business. She has told you she doesn't appreciate your meddling.


This is well stated and well put and you don't need me to tell you that.  Don't mean to sound condescending -- especially when I feel so furious at myself for continuing to watch and get sucked into this STUPID show -- but, really, from Rinna's viewpoint I'm sure she doesn't feel obliged at this point to have to continue to understand Kim and see the world from Kim's viewpoint and Kim Kim Kim and what works for Kim or doesn't and then, oh yeah, have another dollop of Kim!


At some point, and I can see how Rinna got there pretty quickly, the active addict can really just go screw themselves and the gloves are off.  Kim is feeling attacked and paranoid?  So be it!  Get yourself clean and sober or get off my lawn.  For real. 


None of these dames, including her own sister at this point, should feel compelled to be on the look out for what's best for KIM RICHARDS.  


Off to do laundry ... Zooey's Mom -- Can I send you the therapy bill? LOL.  No, really, seriously, glad I'm getting this out of my system now because next Tuesday night, I dunno.  I don't go to vicarious Holland to have to put up with this crazy bitch. 


I feel like a carnival barker-or one of those guys that stands out in front of the peep shows trying to entice people in.  This First Look could qualify as pure RH porn.  It had it all.

  • Love 7

LOVED Eileen pointing out that Kim has YET to apologize for acting like such a revolting ass at her house and for telling her not to point her finger at her.  Go, Eileen!  


Someone needs to send the Teen Queen a copy of "You'll Never Eat  Lunch in this Town Again."  Stat.


I dunno -- The amount of pure venomous hatred Kim displayed in that scene tells me that she's lost beyond repair.  It was like watching her skin fall off to reveal all the envy,  animosity, poisonous lack of regard for the very people who have to put up with her in all kinds of Kim weather.  Zero self-awareness, zero self-respect and self-esteem, zero sense of occasion.


In my world, this is just really sick behavior.  This silly woman had had ample opportunity by that point to come up with a yarn for herself, dumb ass that she is, that would have made any further LisaR talking about her come back to bite LisaR's ass -- Instead, she just keeps doubling down and then, stunningly, expecting the majority of the other gals to take her side.  


Whoever gossiped about the Hamlins to Kim -- Brandi?, producers?, Hollywood scuttlebutt? -- was either delighted or horrified by her total lack of class and discretion. 


In what world of crazy, does this woman think anyone in the industry will hire her as an actress under these circumstances?  Not only is she uninsurable but she's going to go there if you call her out on her all too obvious for many years running addiction to substances that could very well kill her. 

IMO, that black eyed screaming ass was/is the real Kim Richards in all her glory for us to se, she has a very dark, dark, demented soul/core.


Really?? Eileen is supposed to be shocked to see their behavior? Hasn't she seen a single one of the previous episodes before accepting 750,000 to be ON the show? What a Hypocrite.


She just cracks me up. Surely, one would expect even a semi-intelligent person to watch a few episodes of the show to gauge what they could be getting into, before deciding to be on it. But once you are on it, don't behave like you are "above" the shenanigans. No one forced you to take the job. Eileen appears to be a snob, giving the "I am above all this" vibe, looking down at the pigsty while standing in it, not wanting to get dirty. 


LOL Eileen. Why do you think Bravo is  paying you big bucks? Not to be the ivy on the background wall of the show. You are expected to bring the drama, which brings viewer eyeballs, which brings in $$. 


No one on any of these Housewives shows  is innocent. They all feed each other to the sharks routinely. Someone as savvy and experienced like Eileen couldn't possibly be that ignorant about this show. 


These women need to find something other than Kim to talk about. I LOL'd at the scene in the Amsterdam Hotel lobby where Eileen, Lisar and Lisav  were chatting and what was their topic of conversation?  Kim !!


It is one thing to see it happen on a TV show, it is quite another, IMO, to witness it in person!

I think most of Brandi's courage is obtained through alcohol.  Otherwise, she's too cowardly to confront people.  I think she was sober at Lisa's party, which kept her quiet and self-ostracized.  At this luncheon, maybe she hadn't consumed enough wine.  She would have nothing to gain from inserting herself into this disaster.  But if she was drunk enough, she probably would have tried.



I'm torn about this whole thing.  I think people are letting their dislike/hatred for Kim prevent them from being irritated that Lisa grabbed Kim's face, threw wine at her, then shattered a glass in everyone's face.  I look at it this way:  Would there have been any justification for Brandi wine-tossing Eileen?  Is there anything Eileen could have said, no matter how nasty or cruel, that would have made them cheer when Brandi threw that wine?  It's wrong no matter the circumstances.


I don't know why Lisa persists with Kim.  I think she's part shit-stirring, and part erroneously thinking her closeness to Kyle makes her close to Kim.  I don't think Lisa is motivated by cruelty or is bad-intentioned.  But it's strange to me how Lisa and Eileen have inserted themselves into this.  Don't poke the crazy.  Have they ever seen this show?  They have Kyle, Kim, and Lisa V. telling them to stay out of it.  I'm starting to think they're being directed to do this (and shame of them if true) or they're seeking story relevance.  I'm sure it's tempting to involve yourself in this when you're the one who looks sane and right in the process.  I just don't see what they have to gain.



This is true, and I'm not personally going to speculate.  What may seem huge to Lisa R., could be very minor to the next person.  It is interesting to see how extreme Lisa's reaction was.  I can't imagine how Kyle would have been eviscerated if she responded this way to the many taunts that Mauricio cheated.

I think people understand/sympathize with what/how/why Lisa R reacted, not that throwing wine, breaking the wine glass or grabbing Kim's face when Kim shoved her face/head over the table at Lisa, was the correct way to respond.

  • Love 3


Really?? Eileen is supposed to be shocked to see their behavior? Hasn't she seen a single one of the previous episodes before accepting 750,000 to be ON the show? What a Hypocrite.


I think though there's a huge difference between watching it on TV and watching it up close and personal - especially when a crazy person is screaming in your face.


Plus, Eileen may have watched a few episodes but didn't see ones where fighting was going on. It is possible. Or she simply chose not to watch as to have no pre-conceived ideas going into filming.



These women need to find something other than Kim to talk about. I LOL'd at the scene in the Amsterdam Hotel lobby where Eileen, Lisar and Lisav  were chatting and what was their topic of conversation?  Kim !!


While I'm certainly tired of them talking about Kim, I do think in this case Lisa R was just trying to catch them up on what happened in the plane.



I think most of Brandi's courage is obtained through alcohol.  Otherwise, she's too cowardly to confront people.


Brandi is a classic bully straight up.

  • Love 9

I don't know how anyone watching, esp. five seasons in, can come to any conclusion other than Bravo wanted to cast the Richards sisters - together, and still do. Kim has slurred her way through five seasons, missed a lot of filming appt.'s, and been a pain in the ass to everyone, and they still haven't fired her (yet). Why? Because they love the drama her relationship with Kyle brings to the show. I think it's clear they both have deep-seeded anger and jealousy issues with each other, so to me, if one were dropped from the show, the other would be fine with that and carry on.

I agree that Bravo wanted them both. I was trying to say that I didn't think Kyle wanted Kim on the show with her, given all her problems. Apparently though, Kyle got her on the show, so I was wrong about that.

  • Love 1

Lisar : "it's not ok to talk to anyone like that, Kim, it's just not ok" ........ 

As correct as you may be, Lisar, that was NOT the time to lecture Kim the nutcase about proper conduct. If you are sincere and really want your point to sink in,  let the moment pass, allow tempers to cool, speak with Kim at a LATER TIME, one-on-one,  in private. Also, Avoid that PARTICULAR tone of voice you used......   be diplomatic, non-confrontational, non-judgemental. That would be the mature respectful way to handle this.


However noble your intentions may be, Lisar, your methods are all wrong.  Chastising an addict in front of others only shames them and drives them further away.  You cannot FORCE help on anyone. You tried, Kim didn't bite,  Back off.


How shocked was Lisar's  face when Kim said "let's talk about your husband". She didn't expect that from Kim. At All.  Lisar went from zero to 100  in less than a second!! Kim seems to have touched a raw nerve with that remark....... If there was no element of truth in what Kim said(or was about to) about Harry Lisar would never have erupted the way she did. 

  • Love 6

Really?? Eileen is supposed to be shocked to see their behavior? Hasn't she seen a single one of the previous episodes before accepting 750,000 to be ON the show? What a Hypocrite.

She just cracks me up. Surely, one would expect even a semi-intelligent person to watch a few episodes of the show to gauge what they could be getting into, before deciding to be on it. But once you are on it, don't behave like you are "above" the shenanigans. No one forced you to take the job. Eileen appears to be a snob, giving the "I am above all this" vibe, looking down at the pigsty while standing in it, not wanting to get dirty.

LOL Eileen. Why do you think Bravo is paying you big bucks? Not to be the ivy on the background wall of the show. You are expected to bring the drama, which brings viewer eyeballs, which brings in $$.

No one on any of these Housewives shows is innocent. They all feed each other to the sharks routinely. Someone as savvy and experienced like Eileen couldn't possibly be that ignorant about this show.

These women need to find something other than Kim to talk about. I LOL'd at the scene in the Amsterdam Hotel lobby where Eileen, Lisar and Lisav were chatting and what was their topic of conversation? Kim !!

How does any of this make Eileen a hypocrite?

Nor have I seen Eileen once plead ignorance when it comes to being on the show or having to deal with a horrible person like Kim.

As far as the so-called snobbery from Eileen--when has she expressed the view that she's better than any of the other women?

Why shouldn't the other women be allowed to talk about a cast member who is causing major problems within the group?

After five years on a reality show Kim should be prepared for the fact that she and her behavior are going to be talked about just as the other women and their behavior will be talked about. Kim doesn't get special treatment from the other women in this regard just because she chooses to be messed up on drugs during filming.

Furthermore, I completely disagree with the idea that Harry Hamlin should be free game for Kim because Kim has been called out on being under the influence. Kim and Kim alone made her addiction struggles a topic of conversation. If Kim didn't want her drug/alcohol issues talked about on camera then Kim shouldn't have forced her cast members to deal with her substance issues on camera.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 23

I dunno -- the laundry is obviously waiting -- for me there comes a point where I start asking WHY am I investing in this shit?  If it's scripted, it's infuriating and unpleasant and doesn't even begin to come close to ANY kind of art.  If it's not scripted, it's just on me if I can't handle it.  If it's something in between, I'm back to why am I wasting my time?  In all three scenarios, I'm left feeling like an idiot. 


I have never signed a HWs petition because it would involve using my real name and I'm ashamed of admitting that I use this crack to get through my life but, at this point, if there were a petition around to get Kim Richards off this show, I would totally sign it--name, address, phone number, and astrological sign.  


Whatever Bravo is up to in continuing to make me have to endure her on this show, I don't even care.  I want her off, out and away. 

  • Love 14

I feel like a carnival barker-or one of those guys that stands out in front of the peep shows trying to entice people in.  This First Look could qualify as pure RH porn.  It had it all.



Very odd.  I did not post what is attributed to me.  Odd that a post I did not make was quoted as mine.  My quote did not inclue the chain because this site does not do that.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Agree, one can comment/speculate/criticize all one wants. But if you do it in her presence, don't expect her to just roll over and die. Why are people surprised that Kim stood up for herself? Wouldn't anyone? Is Kim supposed to pretend she isn't right there, listening to them? Is she not supposed to defend herself?  

Of course it doesn't mean that Kim or anyone "gets to dictate what the other ladies can talk about" ...... but hey, if you bring up my skeletons in an open forum being viewed by millions of people without my permission, after SPECIFICALLY being asked not to, don't be surprised if your skeletons are hung out to dry as well.  Good for the goose, gander etc. 

I am not condoning Kim or Lisar behaviors. 

Anyone can defend themselves but Kim does NOT defend herself. Kim dictates that the subject be dropped, saying, "enough" like everyone should shut up. To defend herself would mean that she is giving valid reasons for her behavior which she doesn't she goes on the attack by telling someone, Eileen, that she doesnt like her or her face. She doesn't defend herself instead she threatens to out a man's "secret." A man that has nothing to do with her nor has made any comment about her.


If Kim was "defending" herself I doubt that anyone would think that she was not entitled but that's not what she does IMO.

  • Love 12

I agree that Bravo wanted them both. I was trying to say that I didn't think Kyle wanted Kim on the show with her, given all her problems. Apparently though, Kyle got her on the show, so I was wrong about that.

I think it's possible Kyle was approached first, and she then suggested the casting of her sister, but I wouldn't take that to the bank. Kim, after all, was a child star, and I think that was a huge appeal for Bravo. But maybe more importantly to this discussion and their ongoing saga, I think both of them wanted the opportunity, and both of them, in their heart of hearts, didn't want the other cast.

  • Love 2

Oh hay, this is where you all are. 


Hmmm, maybe Lisa Rinna has a mental illness? Or she's menopausal? Or has a hernia? Or her husband cheated on her 10 years ago? Or Kim cheated on her 2nd husband and this was a trigger? Or it's all Kyles fault? Or maybe she accidentally threw it? Those are great excuses that seem to work for Brandi and Kim all the time with no problem, right?


You go Lisa Rinna. I hope you smash every last piece of china in that restaurant.


No, no, no.  She took a pain pill that disagreed with her.  But shhhh... we can't talk about it.  For reasons. 


I heard a rumor she's 100% in pain.


I have 100% love for your post.



I'd give as good as I got.  


Fuck with mine, I'll fuck with yours.  




If I saw her on the street, I would do precisely what you advised not to do.


I would like nothing better than to poke the crazy that is Kim Richards.


My inner child is about age 10, so I figure that would put Kim and I on even playing field intellectually.


Then I could tell her something really insulting, like "Why don't you eat a piece of bread???" or "Why don't you blow up your lips some more???"


Fuckin' Kim.  I just want to shove her pill bottle up her ass and pull it out her throat.


And I'm nonviolent.  Seriously.  She brings out the beast (thank you, Kim!) in me.  


Will you be my belated Valentine? 






See, here’s the thing.  Lisa didn’t mention Kim’s “sobriety”.  She mentioned that she lost a sister to substance abuse and it’s a huge trigger for her and she is sorry that she overstepped because of that.  NO mention of Kim being a nasty-face, finger-flinging, pillow-pooping, slut-pig of an addict.

  • Love 24

I've watched it again ... I don't think that ANY of the women, with the exception of ED, are talented enough actresses to pull that off.  That, to me, wasn't Kim acting -- nor do I think Kyle was acting.  I think ED is just sick and tired of Kim and meant exactly what she said--that she simply doesn't like her or anything about her.  I think that Rinna was totally pissed off and I don't blame her.  


Never cool to lose it to such an extent that you feel the need to get physical and this was an error on Rinna's part -- along with throwing the glass of wine -- but really just totally nuts and in need of another Trooper York gif.  Let's not overlook Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte, Trooper!


I do think that YoYo getting the ball roling with yet another Bella Nirvana moment was meant to stir the pot.  I sure as hell don't feel the need to hear about that thing ever again.  


Here's how a person defends themselves -- I was messed up at the time and took a pill.  Shouldn't have done that.  I'm sorry I behaved so rudely.  In my mind, it wasn't a relapse but I can see how folks might think that.  It's a process, not an event ... and blah blah fucking blah, Princess Kim.  I mean really not that hard to do and all the world would have been like HURRAH or maybe not but, who knows?  She keeps upping the anty because she wants it ALL ways ... To use and abuse, to act like an aggressive asshole, and then to get away with.  


Come up with a story, dumb ass, if you want to keep on peddling your snake oil.  Hire some HW BS artist to come up with something for you if you don't have the limited wit to come up with it yourself but stop expecting your colleagues to get off the reality bus just because it suits you when you massively screw up and make them miserable. Especially, child, when you bring ZERO of interest to the telly. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 14

I'm torn about this whole thing.  I think people are letting their dislike/hatred for Kim prevent them from being irritated that Lisa grabbed Kim's face, threw wine at her, then shattered a glass in everyone's face.  I look at it this way:  Would there have been any justification for Brandi wine-tossing Eileen?


This is true.  But I think it's because Lisa was provoked, it's considered less dastardly, whereas Eileen wasn't provoking Brandi when Brandi threw the wine.   Next season or so, the tables will turn, as they do and Lisa's glass shattering display of bad behavior will be remembered less fondly. 


Unfortunately for Kim, her even worse display will never be considered anything other than indefensible.  

  • Love 4

As far as I'm concerned, what Kim was going to "share" about Harry could be anything from the mundane to the horrific.


Hell, I wouldn't put it past the bitch to out it if Harry, a la Farrah Fawcett, were fighting colon cancer or something equally devastating, to throw it out there to get her spiteful, 4th-grade-level revenge.


As for the "eat a piece of bread" comment?


Yeah, Kim, that shit was juvenile and shit-tastic when you threw it to Taylor as "go get your lips blown up."


Picking on physical characteristics like your lame ass does is because you're too illiterate to formulate an intelligent insult.


Yeah, you go, Lisa Rinna.  I don't know what the hell the secret is about Harry, but it's Harry's to tell.


Lucky for Kim that I'm not Lisa Rinna.


I'd have dragged Kim's adult son's drug problems right out there at the table, cameras running, and no turning back.


I'd give as good as I got.  


Fuck with mine, I'll fuck with yours.  



Oh Persnickety, if loving your post is wrong I don't wanna be right.

Telling LisaR to eat a piece of bread and then calling Eileen a beast was a gas, lol -- I frickin had flashbacks of "go blow up your lips some more" from season 1. I can't get enough of this First Look. Funniest thing I've seen on RHoBH in a long time.

  • Love 12

Girl code --   You don't hit another dame, unless you are a total see you next tuesday, about her marriage, the state of her marriage, who's straying and playing, or ANY of that ever unless you want to get punched in the nose.  In this day and age, it can go way way beyond adultery when it comes to "what's going on at your house" and strays into "your husband."  I mean way way beyond infidelity.  She's a total witch to have gone there.  


Kim was never able to sustain a marriage for more than a few years and has had, big surprise, no relationships we hear of that have lasted more than half an hour.  Back off in getting that shit storm started. 


That said, I do think that Rinna has been asked to rev up the outing of Kim -- I think Bravo wants her off, I just do, and I think that Kyle does too and that the total trainwreck we're seeing probably is the result of some form of provocation.  Whatever it is, I'm giggy with it.  

  • Love 16

wings ... I'm sorry -- I did something totally weird with the quoting format ...Don't even know what I did ... and then couldn't fix it.  I do apologize.  It became a big old mess.   If I could fix it I would.  Mea maxima culpa.  Don't know what happened!


The quotation function button was wonky for me earlier but I thought it was because I was on my tablet.  Seems to be fine now.


ETA: While we're on the subject of quote format...if anybody needs help learning it, I'd be happy to teach ya.  It's the easiest thing and it helps us find the original posts if we need context from your quotation.

Just let me know.  I'm pretty much here, seems 24/7.  LOL

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 2

To me, I look at it like a scared, hissing cat in the corner. (Haha, joke that Kim's the real beast). But, while certainly anyone on the show has a right to keep talking about Kim's sobriety, it reaches a point where it's like, really? You've got a scared cat in the corner. A. Leave the room B ignore it C talk sweetly but keep a distance D go up to it boldly E Attack

Then, after you pick E, keep trying to scratch the cat back. Good luck.


Yes but Kim is not a cat, she is a full grown up woman with a driver's license, children, failed marriages in her past. I get your comparison but Kim is not an animal. If we're going to excuse her for acting on Instinct then all of these ladies get a pass on their bad behavior because it's their way, it's the way they act on instinct. If sitting with this group of women causes her to react this way then she needs to not interact in this group. She needs to leave this group far behind her for a more healthy environment where she doesn't constantly feel like she's being attacked. That would get rid of her anxiety, give the other ladies something else to talk about and stop me from going ape shit crazy screaming at my tv every time Kim's instincts kick into high gear.

  • Love 12

I think it's possible Kyle was approached first, and she then suggested the casting of her sister, but I wouldn't take that to the bank. Kim, after all, was a child star, and I think that was a huge appeal for Bravo. But maybe more importantly to this discussion and their ongoing saga, I think both of them wanted the opportunity, and both of them, in their heart of hearts, didn't want the other cast.

Both Kyle and Kim agree that Kyle brought Kim onto the show but I am sure Bravo wanted both if possible.  Kim explains the story at the 7:12 mark.  http://forums.previously.tv/topic/17390-first-looks-upcoming-episodes/page-5

 Kim is ratchet batshit insane. To the point where its not fun to make fun of her anymore (MMV). IMO she's not functional at all. I don't think Kim is just a run of the mill asshole, she is completely brain damaged at this point. Clearly Kim could not hold down a 9-5 job. I'm shocked she remembers to pay her bills (presumably). To me, she has always been incoherent and just kind of "there", but at this point I'm shocked that she's still allowed to be responsible for herself. Something is off there- be it early onset Alzheimer's or brain damage from alcohol/drug use.


Lisar- ridiculous, overly dramatic. I can't comprehend being so angry that I would throw something at another person. Physical violence/intimidation is an odd response. Enough,with this. This isn't the Bad Girl's Club. Take it down ten notches.



  • Love 8

My whole life long I have never taken a pill (I've taken lots) that disagreed me (lots there, too) so much that it turned me into a belligerent, narcissistic asshole.  So I think Kim needs to drop that "It disagreed with me" bit from her repertoire.  


I don't condone violence (well, maybe a little) but as I watched Lisa's face go from sad, to confused, to incredulous, to angry, to ragey, to Cut a bitch, I could totally understand how she snapped. "Going there" with HH and their marriage was low.  Kim hit below the belt.  Earrings are coming off.   


I want to be Eileen when I grow up.


Yeah, I just can't decide if this was her big moment audition for a meatier role on CSI lol.

  • Love 5

Kim told them to drop it.


They were obviously not dropping it.  So she decided to fight back (with WORDS) and make someone else uncomfortable for a while.


Lipsa was the one who got physical.  She could have seriously hurt someone.  How is that OK?  I mean, even if a 3 year old threw that kind of tantrum, provoked or not, what happened to "use your words?"

The only thing that would make me EVER stoop to getting violently physical with someone is if my life, or someone else's life or bodily harm was on the line.  Other than that?  I grew up a hell of a long time before I hit 51 years old.  Perhaps it's time for Lipsa to grow the fuck up.  Were she someone's child?  She'd be grounded.  There is no excuse for a grown woman to behave that way.

  • Love 6

Both Kyle and Kim agree that Kyle brought Kim onto the show but I am sure Bravo wanted both if possible.  Kim explains the story at the 7:12 mark.  http://forums.previously.tv/topic/17390-first-looks-upcoming-episodes/page-5

Yes, I saw that, and I know it's your belief; it's just not mine. And hearing them both attest to it doesn't convince me, either. It's not impossible for me to believe - after all, these two have an unhealthy, screwed-up relationship with one another, and often say conflicting things about and towards one another. But I think deep down, their issues of jealousy and anger trump their feelings of comeraderie and desire to do this together.

  • Love 3

I don't condone violence (well, maybe a little) but as I watched Lisa's face go from sad, to confused, to incredulous, to angry, to ragey, to Cut a bitch, I could totally understand how she snapped. "Going there" with HH and their marriage was low.  Kim hit below the belt.  

Did Kim actually reference their marriage?  I think even more heinous would be if Harry has something else going on.  In another post I mentioned how different he looks and acts.  What if he has early onset something and Kim was going to drop that bomb?  That could kill a career. 


I know a lot of you don't want to speculate about Harry but we've done it about Mauricio and Ken and probably all the rest of the husbands.  Kyle says in the Access Hollywood interview that whatever it is will be revealed.  That's how it sounded to me, anyway,

  • Love 5

I know a lot of you don't want to speculate about Harry but we've done it about Mauricio and Ken and probably all the rest of the husbands.  Kyle says in the Access Hollywood interview that whatever it is will be revealed.  That's how it sounded to me, anyway,

No she didn't. In fact, as I remember it, Billy Bush must have asked her the question a million times, in a million kind of ways, and she wouldn't say.

  • Love 3

Did Kim actually reference their marriage?  I think even more heinous would be if Harry has something else going on.  In another post I mentioned how different he looks and acts.  What if he has early onset something and Kim was going to drop that bomb?  That could kill a career. 


I know a lot of you don't want to speculate about Harry but we've done it about Mauricio and Ken and probably all the rest of the husbands.  Kyle says in the Access Hollywood interview that whatever it is will be revealed.  That's how it sounded to me, anyway,


I'm trying to remember what was said.  I think Kim said something about "what's going on in that house" or something to that effect.  But regardless, implying that there's a big, explosive secret with HH, is also implying something about their marriage, imo, in that it's not what Lisa and HH are portraying outwardly.  I don't know if she was implying cheating or illness or what.  Whatever it was, Lisa seemed to know exactly what Kim was talking about.   


I honestly don't care what his secret is, if it's anything at all.  I didn't care about the Mauricio rumors either.  I only really care if it's something that the HW are willing to get into themselves and it becomes a part of the SL.  I don't care for second, third, forth-hand accounts because there's to much filler and little truth.

  • Love 10

I don't care for any of the housewives, but I do watch the show to get a glimpse of the Beverly Hills lifestyle. This is the only Housewives show I watch.


Kim is a train wreck. Has been for several seasons. She does not contribute anything worthwhile to the show. Yes, we ALL want her gone. 

In spite of all of Kim's problems(or maybe BECAUSE of them?), Bravo keeps bringing her back. WHY? What is their incentive to keep her? She is such an unlikeable, hateful, hate-inducing character......they must be getting thousands of requests to fire her. Yet she is still here in season 5? SOMEONE higher-up thinks she is essential to the show and values whatever she has brought to the show so far. Bravo must like crazies.

She is who she is. She hasn't changed in 5 seasons and probably won't ever. She has no incentive to. As long as they keep employing her, not much we can do.

  • Love 6

Yes but Kim is not a cat, she is a full grown up woman with a driver's license, children, failed marriages in her past. I get your comparison but Kim is not an animal. If we're going to excuse her for acting on Instinct then all of these ladies get a pass on their bad behavior because it's their way, it's the way they act on instinct. If sitting with this group of women causes her to react this way then she needs to not interact in this group. She needs to leave this group far behind her for a more healthy environment where she doesn't constantly feel like she's being attacked. That would get rid of her anxiety, give the other ladies something else to talk about and stop me from going ape shit crazy screaming at my tv every time Kim's instincts kick into high gear.

I acknowledged that. My point is Kim isn't a cat. But, for all intents and purposes at this point, I think the other women need to respond to her as if she were running on instinct only. If you find every time you do A to a person you get B, you can blame the other person all you want but eventually it stops making sense to keep on doing it if you're getting an unacceptable response. That doesn't excuse the other person. It's using common sense.

Hmm. Let me go find a thief. I'll leave my wallet. She steals it. I get mad and offended. The thief doesn't applogize. So, I go and leave my wallet. She steals. OMG what a nasty witch. She didn't even apologize yet. I go and leave my wallet a third time. She steals it. Ughhhh. My life is being ruined. That money was for my husband! How dare she touch his present money! I go to the thief. She steals my wallet. So, I throw my wine in her face. There's no excuse. She's trash. I go to the thief. She steals my wallet. I punch her nose and go to jail. So? It was her fault. She stole. There's no excuse. She deserved it. That money was for my child. And, the judge asks, well, if it's true she stole your money, why did you keep going back instead of handling the problem the first time? Because we have no proof she stole, but we've got you coming over to her place every day unasked and then assaulting this woman.

  • Love 2


Kim told them to drop it.


They were obviously not dropping it.


Then why wasn't she shrieking at Yo who is in fact the one who brought up the general topic at the table? Also, Lisa WAS NOT QUESTIONING KIM'S SOBRIETY AT THAT TABLE. She was APOLOGIZING for sticking her nose where it didn't belong and EXPLAINING the reasons why it happened. For heavens sake, Lisa is the child? All Kim had to say was 'I understand your reasons, but I'm fine.' So simple.


Furthermore, Kim is fighting back against what exactly? Concern and worry. All of these women have been concerned about her. Shoot, I've read enough on these boards about past seasons to know plenty of people here have expressed concern and worry over Kim's sobriety. Not one of them has said something mean about Kim's sobriety (or lack thereof). No one said 'wow Kim is really weak because she can't seem to actually be sober.' or 'Kim is pathetic because she's not only a drunk but now taking pills.'


I will agree that Lisa should not have thrown the wine and more importantly should not have broken that glass. However, everyone ... every single one of us is capable of such actions. It's just that most of us haven't ever been pushed that far (both by Kim and let's face it Bravo). I told the story earlier about something my brother said to me and I hit him in the head. I've never ever been in a physical fight. I've never been since. But he set me off in a way I've never experienced before.

  • Love 11

In spite of all of Kim's problems(or maybe BECAUSE of them?), Bravo keeps bringing her back. WHY? What is their incentive to keep her? She is such an unlikeable, hateful, hate-inducing character......they must be getting thousands of requests to fire her. Yet she is still here in season 5?

For only one reason - the sisterly dynamics. They love the drama their relationship brings to the show. If she wasn't Kyle's sister, she would have been let go after rehab, or one season later, a la Taylor.

  • Love 3

Did Kim actually reference their marriage?  I think even more heinous would be if Harry has something else going on.  In another post I mentioned how different he looks and acts.  What if he has early onset something and Kim was going to drop that bomb?  That could kill a career. 


I know a lot of you don't want to speculate about Harry but we've done it about Mauricio and Ken and probably all the rest of the husbands.  Kyle says in the Access Hollywood interview that whatever it is will be revealed.  That's how it sounded to me, anyway,

I actually thought she hedged a bit. 

  • Love 1
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